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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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b ath, 1912 better, last d cost les . BOARD rack, chip or ONVINCE our PURE LEADER rating. TORS AND LDERS IRE WITH YOU LACING OR A BUILDING TES FREE. to City Hall. mimininleleteiafefecfey nbs Taylor s asfer Hom to all orders. Sale. iverea, : NO. 349, foclnlnlninlnininfniol Mover OR SALE N CONSUMPTION nent Cenadian Citizen Viewed the War Consumption eee iS and children are ail- wn every-day by this smption end it is a Edward Gurney, ing in Muskoks- ly termed a classic on Muskoka Sanstorium, fngtitutions of like id Ta being coriqiu od in any well-manai own Proviooe, within ) hospitals in Muskoka nce, the death-rate from cen reduced twenty-five romsibilities of the sana- are limited only by the earty on and axtend the aon wo vary cheerfully being dono ad pent for the trustees of that from 12, whor: this institut up to the t haw ever make, nt day, focn refused hospital because unabie ze, Chairman of the ree, 84 Spadina Ave., or Bool wkocyadge Monday, March 4th, 1912 M p pias utmost three million Stetson Hats were sold last year. This is the best endorsement that could be given any American product, ani proud to offer for sale a new and splendid line of these Hats. Call in and look over our Spring showing. of this famous line. Turpin Bros. The Man s Store Where You Get the Blg Dollar's Worth CALENDAR OF SPORTS ves FOR THE WEEK f MONDAY Opening of eighth annual spring golf tournament at Pinehurst, N. C. Tournament for the national ama- teur pocket billiard championship op- ens in New York, Opening of automobile Denver and Des Moines. Eddie Murphy vs. Willle Ritchie, 10 rounds, at South Bend, Ind. TUESDAY Opening of horse show at Oklawn Park, Hot Springs, Ark. Clarence English ys. Wildcat Ferns, 15 rounds, at St. Joseph, Mo. WEDNESDAY Opening of annual bench show of Central Obfo Kennel Club, Columbus, Onio, Opening of annual show of Louls- ville Automobile Dealers Asseciation. THURSDAY Central States interscholastic bas- ketball championships at Evanston, m1 Opening of the Florida open golf championship tournament at Palm Beach. shows in RIDAY Annual mecting of the American Bowling Congress in Chicago. Opening of annual bench show of St, Louis (Mo.) Collie Club. SATURDAY Annual championship tournanient of Nationa: Bowling Associacion at Paterson, N. J. Intercollegiate swimming cham- pionahlpe at University .of Pennay:- vania, Annual indoor track and field gmnee of the Mohawk A.-C., Now York-City- Annual burgh A, A, Pittsburgh, Northwestern-Wisconsin dual door meet at Evanston, Ill. at Kansas City. at Alken, 8, C. Abe Attell vs. Tommy Murphy, rounds, at Sin Francisco, Bam. McVey rounds, at Sydney, Australia. BASEBALL NOTES, sign thp document. Ascording to.records the outfield this: Yea 312, Miller for the Het with .3: of the New York State League. Manager Bill Veblen has been given 0 President Ebbetts says that the mana, ence during the coming season. President Charles W. Chicago Cubs, threatens to write book entitled, The Life of and fancy gardener. + naam TO-MORROW MIGHT After thelrsmashing victory Saturday ;Bames at Houghton, Michigan and be able to put ft over the Intermed- Indoor games of the Pitts- in- Kansas-Missouri dual indi sr ineet Opening of annual polo tournament 20 vs, Jim Barry, 20 It le safd that pitcher Buck O'Brien of the Boston Red Sox, received a Doost of a thousand dollars over his contract of last year, but refuses to * Boston Nationals should have a good hitting Campbell: hit for 3 and Jackson tops Eddie Evers, brottrer- uf-the famous Johny Bivers of the Chicago Nationals has entered professional baseball and signed up with the Wilkes-Barre team ager will receive any official interfer- Murphy, of the a Poet Schulto, Mr. Schulto fs the celebrated fenee denter of the Cubs, real poet soso sto ete te aieetoets pee ePID OOP owrrrerer arse sorte Pe Pirr sree eens ceateates ISPORT NEWS uu S Port Arthur hes Practically Copped Elimination Series' SECOND GAME WITH PADDY McDONAGH S SASKATOON PETS WILL BE PLAYED TO-. aS eee AN TEAM Awe BEHIND ON POINTS. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, March 4. Port Arthur) toon tonight will play at entirely revised lineup, Young Fowler, the us- goal tender of the Rovers will take Buck Leach s place in the nets. Baker will be brought in place of Mc- Intosh as cover and McDowall as sub- stitute for Barney Holden. Ie has not yet b en decided definitely. who will replace Black at right wing, but probably either Sim or Brebaut. In view of the heavy defeat of Saskatoon do not intend protesting Saturday's game on account of Port Arthur play- ing Gonges of Fort William. night go into to-night s game with ev- ery confidence of another win, and it is about a thousand to one tHey will pull out points abead on the ser- fes, Even at this there is a dou whether they will go on, to Ottawa as the team s billed to play exhibition with the poor financial support they recelved from their home town they may not make the Ottawa trip, they will take Houghton anyway. Saska- a 1899-Frontenac Nattowar BS 2 00H 1900 London Belleville 8-1 . 1901 St, George's Toronto Port GAME EXPECTED e etree ci os 1902 Peterboro Galt 4 6 1908 Paris Marlboros, Toronto 12 7 1904 Stratford Midiand .. . 1905 Victoria Harbor Beriin 1906 Peterboro Goderich 1811 3 6 M8 TOMORROW NIGHT x 1907 Berlin Collingwooa 127 INTERMEDIATES AND FIRE Wo 7 x WILL MEET JN BATTLE 1908 Midland-Collingwood .. .23 20 ears beet 1909 Lindsay Stratford .. ...12 ROYAL, 1910 Collingwood London 1911. Preston Midiand 12 10 1912 Preston Midiand .. .. .24 21 *Listowel-won through the disqual- ification of Waterloo, The Fish Eaters a picked team of players from the city will meet the Medicine Hat Intermediates in the local rink to-morrow night, in a battle royal. The game is likely to be the best of the year. The Inter- mediates will play the same line up ag they used ugainst Brooks. Their opponents, however, promise some- thing real good and lively and have no hesitation in saying that they will New York, Mar, 4 The unusually large number-of cue tournaments pull- ed off In the metropolis this winter, all of them successfvl from the view- point of public patronage, has promp- ted theNational Association of Ama- teur Billiard Players to undertake something new in the line of compe titioss onthe green table, The in- novation 1s announced as the first na- tional amateur pocket billiard cham- pfonship' tournament, which is sched- uled to begin here tonight and con- tinue for two weeks, Many of the foremost amateur pool-players in the country have accepted invitations to compete in the tournament, the win- ner of which is to r celve 500 tro- phy. jates. As the game is being played purely for the love of sport and in- cldently to help the Intermediates out financially, they having lost money on the Iast game, a good big crowd of fans is expected to turn out 0. H, A. INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIONS 1897 Berlin Frontenac -3-0 1898 *Ligtowel Waterlo - 4 10 SES ROOSEVELT GANDIDAT FOR REPUBLIGAN PARTY PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION Will Answer 0 the Popular Demand He Says, That the Party Needs a Leader and that He s the Man to Lead Them Would Sooner Stay at Home. Oyster Bay, N. ., March 4 Roose, How far this result might ba modi- velt' views: a the president poli ied ly. the-imterposition of the ma sce a chinery of polities, be was unable to tical situation gad his reasons for en- Se Le ralseean asst iri Iteting the campaign were outlined by. him today. As he trudged along the road from Oyster Bay to Sagumore Hill on his way home from church, the former president talked freely of his pro- spects and briefly stated that tis row say. not believe it, but he bad not wishes to enter the fight. 'So far as personal victory s con cerned, I dom't care, be said. ent. paign as am active candidate wes that men who ybare his political beliets 2 ieee ee that on a popular vote, he would be the choice of his party by big ma- colonel added, that he at lengtiy de termined to accept the leadership. April 18 will be a great day in Chic- ago, for on that date Manager Hank O'Day will-temthis Cincinnati -Reds + im battle against the Cubs. Hahk was born and-reared In the Windy City aud the fans wili be on hand to welcome Shilol s Gure STOPS COUGHS CURES COLDS, him. THE THREE BITTNERS Efta, Marguerite and Big Bill presenting The Walf, human Interest, Big Bill at the Star Theatre tonight. THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CEATS Carsello, the Indy gcordion soloist. supposed great many persons: would In 1904 his nomination was differ- He was desirous of somination pecausie heWished the people's seal of approval, but in taking up the fight this year, the was opposing his person- end response to these representations, the a rural sketch of All those. who. remember the dramatic play in the old) emigrant shed in 1888 will have an opportunity of seeing Mr. Bittner as, Don't miss seeing Misa Susie a EDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS THE SWINEHERD. A pig that is fed grain all his RICHARDSON OK. FOR CUP GAMES 3. (W. A. P. Dispatch). Toronto, Ont., March 1 Frank Nel- son, sporting editor of the Glove and chairman: of the fegistration commit- BABBLING BROOKE COMING 10 CANADA Countess of Warrick, Will Give Large Lecture Tour tee.of the Amatltir - Athletic Union say: There wil be no question of the cligibility of Dutchic Richand- son if the-Hockey lub desire to play. tin in the Align Cup scrics. He is in good ytanding with the Amateur Athletic Union of Camnds, and he has net played with amy Slub this scason. These comprise the Toyrisite creden- (als and one of them tacking in the case-of Ryan of Ottawa, who was barred although he plays tockey and football in inter-provinct: unions.'* recently that the ay- the fact that hogs need 9 lot of if you haven't milk hog at all unless it be in the dead of winter, and then: they don't Mike to do tt. WOZGAST GOING BAC Winnipeg, March 4 Freddie Welsh challenger for Ad Wolgast's. light weight title 1s in the elty and looking well, he states that the first good strong boy that meets Ad will prob- ably beat him, figuring that his re- cent illness will haye- Weakened bim fM. construction, there is a possibility. that Wolgast may be matched to box in Saskatoon, Bis Opponent being THE VALUABLE ANGORA. American Demand For Mohair Greatly Exceeds the Supply. In the mountainous regions of Asiat- ie Turkey is the ancient city of Ango- fa, celebrated for the long haired goats bred in that vicinity... Here Angoras, n a the most valuable of all. breeds of Young Kossich, goats, reaches its:perfertion. The fine ness of ts hair and the remarkable fact that many other animals in that region possess long. silky hair has been FRREE-BRie een sees net nae anes SH PS COMBINED peculiarity in the atmosphere. the alti- tudevor soll. The Palace Barber Shop. the King At the present time there are in the United States between 300,000 and 400.- Edward Shop and The Hub shop, have jl been combined into one, and are 000 Angoras of pure blood or high strain, and-yet the domestic product of now being conducted by Geo, . F ay- mohair does not equal the home de stead in the Hub-shap, Toronto Street. Five chairs have been put and mand by a large amount, Many dol- lars-worth of mohair i+ Imported an they are now ready to handle old customers and any new on nually into the United States. aud stile in, Texas alone there fs sufficient moun- tain land to raise not only all the mo- Lair now imported, but enous to port several million dotiars worth au unally, says Farm and anch There wre foue-pratits to the Anko the mohalr. the Increase, the fer i the land. they: free fram There ts a wide SUPPLIED LIQUOR Tv INDIANS. Roger Roseblay Was sent to Leth- bridge for six months this morning for supplying lquor to Indians. clizer He was/ rush and weeds. tried by Captain Parker and Mr. Hop- difference between the sheurins we per, migistrate. The arrest was un the shearing valine .of goats made Sy Corporal Green who found Some will sbear as much as fifteen several Indians under the influence Pounds of mohair per Fear. but the of drink, Evidence was given that Roger had supplied flasks of whiskey to one of the Indian's wife. As the Indians are all going to reservations In the, spring the sentence was made a Uttle Ughter than it might have been otherwise, Rosebliy said that those who gave evidence all ll d. He had on- ly ever supplied whiskey to one wo- man, and that was because she was a relation of his, therefore he did all he could for her. GRAIN GROWERS. GALHER Washington, March 4 Grain dealers from Duluth to New Orleans and from Kansas Oity to New York are here t confer with officials of the de partment of agriculture om the recent rulings relating eo svlphuring of oats jad shipment of bot com. EN. Wane, of Delavan, Is. pre. sient of the Grain Dealers National Association; heads the, delegation which was selected it a meeting in St. Louis on Fab. 23rd. Valued chiefly for thelr feece. known to commerce as mohair, the Angora goat 5 also valuable for its meat, which is claimed to be equal to the finest mutton, and ts espe- cially valuable and useful for its browsing qualities in clearing up undergrowth and brush. The flesh of Angoras that have fed upon brush. heir. natural food, If is claimed. possesses a peculiarly gamy favor Righty prised by epicures. Pasha V., the Angora buck pictured. ts geen bye P. Balley Sons, average for the United States ig about two and one-half pounds. Some mo- hair brings as much as 0.60 per AT DREAMLAND TO/ The Punchers and. ready western. and will appeal to everyone. The Convicts s Heart. this picture will find the soft spot in your heart and make you feel sorry When it is over. Miss: Portillo will sing in her usual pleasing manner, then the show con- cludes with a real live Comedy as You IGHT Law 48 a rough full of emotion CB Per pound. and wigs. ing value of the Am ters had come to him, be Al Dreainlind. . Don't Aa to the prospects of the vidtory, had represented to him that ps ry about 1 per hend. but there ts. more Col, Roodevele expressed the opision sume the respouibility. It was: taj money fn an Angora shearing 1 per ee head than in TODAY'S MARKETS Winnipeg, Mar. 4. May wheat, o14, to josed 103 1-4; May. new, opened 101 8, closed 101 1-1; July opened 102 3-4, closed 102. disease, the goat eats a greater va- over the sheep, The Bull to Buy. Cash Prices 6 NOFSS Nor: g00d milkers.. .1f they are. Oats No 2 0.W extra No, feed 3 2 f od 34 1- ariey, rejected, 47; feed, American Market Minneapolis, 2: wheat , closed 108 1-8; July open- closed 108 1-4, Chicago; Sar. 4 May wheat open- ed 104, closed 103 3-8; July opened 98 3-8, closed 97 7-3; Sept, opened 95 1-4, closed 95 1-2. 40 3-4; No. 3 C.W. No: 1 feed Kansas Farmer. 46 Hogs of Grea mis princpat breeds ot boxe In-Great Tamworth, Bnffolk and Essex. the Iasi tions, and There are also xome been one of the original breeds. YO LET Comfortable bedroom in private family, sultable for gentle- imati-or- tady; three minutes' watk from station, Apply to box 1234 News office, city. 20043 Profit In Draft Horses. -that for light anim would do well to trend. WANTED Contracts, ing, northeast. box 741 P. O. oniy 15. outfit break- Apply Furrow, 200di0, pound, but the average is about 38 Mohair ranging from twelve inches to. twenty inches in length brings from 3 to 6.50 per pound and is used to make doll s hair Mohair under twelve inches in length fs sold according to fineness and lus- ter and ranges in price from 35 to 55 cents.-per-pound..... The. average..stiearn.. in Angora Is sheep shearing 1.50 per head, because the gont is lonier Uved, is much hardier, 1s not lable riety of feed, will come to the sheds at night and have many advantages her record. Keep. him jong enough to know whether or not bis heifers are keep. the Lig-t4y6-Norntdinistaad iin POM Breed the best of his ewn grade : fera to Glos, A erERT Mmnny oats. worth a fortune, go, to the shambles before their real worth is known. Britain are the Yorkshire. Berkabire. four of which are sald to be deriva- rieties of the Yorkabire. the. Old Baglish hog, which seems to have Whe demand for draft horwes exceeds and farmers ft conta. no mote to rane 250 bors thas one that will bring SI'ASCRIBE NOW for the Dally News, Here and in in Btates. MUCH TALKED ABOUT All Kinds of Adjectives, Descriptive and Other- wise Hurled at Her. PEPE REEE Fete + + WHAT HAS BEEN SAID OF + COUNTESS OF WARWICK * + She is the most beautiful * woman in England. She-is the best dressed *h woman in England. She is the most interest- ing woman in England. She is the most active woman in England. She is the most Versatile woman in England. She is the most strenuous social leader in England. She is the most maligned woman in England. She is the most independ- ent woman in England. She is the most ardent + - Sovialist ieee oe Fe Fede eke deed London, March 4. Lady Warwick the most tatked of woman in Eng- land, who Las the anamalous distinc- tion of. being a Countess of, enonious wealth and an enthusiastic Socialist at the same time, sailed Saturday on the Mauretania for New York to fill, lecture engagements in various lange cities of the United States,and Can- ada. Har arrangements call for 40) lectures in six weeks, opehing, jn Car- negie Hall, New York, on March 12. It is understood that she is tu neceive 1500 for cach lecture. 4Dhe- Ust of cities which the Countess..wil visit. during her Tecture tour sides New York, Philaielphia, Boston, Washington, Chicago ahd Pittsburg and several of the fee cities of Can- ada. The Countess has, prepared a repertoire of lectures, mostly. of a descriptive or reminiscent charactier, In Canada she will lecture on. Hor- ticultare as , Profession for Women. Although she has prepared. a. lecture on Why TI ama Socialist, she does. not intend to deliver it in America, unless (there should be a demand for it. fe fe he ofa cke fe be ob steeds boob bob ob beh betes FPLEEELEEE PED The Countess of Warwick fun tori Frances, Eclyn MaynardggigMest dau- ghter of Col, Maynand, who. was the son of Viscount Maynand, . She re- ceived an excellent education and when she made her debut in sociuty her wit and beauty cteated sensation. She had innumerable suitors and finally chose Lond Brooke, the hheir tio one of the most desirable titles in England, that of the earldom of -Warwick, the heritage-of the king-maker of the Warts of the Roses. Lord and Lady Brooke at once be- Saine the smartest members of the Princt of Wales set and acknowled- highest society. The role which Lady 7 player iat eonnen rion witht bringmg abont the publicity of the famous Baccarat Scandal in 1901, made her extremely unpoptlar with certain cliques and she was openly at tacked and anonymously malinged by jher-enetties. But she never flinched and tolily retaliated, delivering many: a telling blow. t was at that time that she received the sobriquet of Babbling Brooke, which clung td her for many jrars. In 1808, by the succession di her husband to the title), Lady Brooke be- caine Countess of Warwick. The change was not merely: ohe of (titl , but involved the placing of a tremen- opened 44, closed :3 5-8; fa A poor bull is an extraragance the ious load of responsibility, ipon tho E feed, May, open t Yt, astry herd cannot afford. Bey 2 00 shoulders of the erstwhily seviety bat ctosed 39 1-4. bull, The orice will not be prohibitive. orf Feaglessiu + May flax ofjened 184, Closed 183 1-4. He should have a good dam. Look toto ye and nefgetically she throw hefeclf into her task and and began by making careful study (the conditions existing among the mingling With the common people she tried to win their confidence and love and incidentally to learn from them HURDISHEARTENED (roraraonsenrne includes, -be; ged leaders of the younger circle in / villagars of her large estates. Freely Neeeioaegs PPP PO erred eee eee eed ist party im Ragland and ever sittce has been active at every partiamen- tary election in beball of the candi- dates of tha Iuhor party, many of whom owed their succtss to ber 6iil- Fant umd energetic efforts. CAUSE OF HIGH BUTTER PRICES New Zealand Has for Time Supplied beat Columbia. Shortage in Montreal Comm land, There is only Ong reason to be ag eribed to the persistently high cost of butter during the past three or four montlis, says a Montreal author- ity, and that is the shortage of sup- piles to meet the increased demand. caused by the severe drought in all the European countries,.as well as in Canada and the United States. This added to the fact that Austra gt; lia ang New Zealand ive not been shipping as fre ly to th English mar- ket this season, has cut off alk chance of any material reduction in values within the next two months or per- haps longer. Stocks were said to be down to between 15,000 and 20,000 packages in Montreal last week, local requirements calling for about 73000 packages per week. The fact of tlre matter is thikt the whole world is suffering from the high prices of the commodity in, question. The best creamery butter quotations in latest advices are: London 1s 2 3-48 per 1b.; Copenhagen 182d; Stock holm. 1s 2d; Parts 1s 6d, Berlin, 1s 3d; Brussels 1s 3d; Amsterdam, is 2 1-2d;)Milan 1s. Id; Vienna 1s 34; Montreal 1s.5d;. New. York 1s Australia 1s 24; New Zealand 1s: 2d, and Siberia is 3d. All these prices are considerably above those of a year ago. Should the district attorney bring an indict- ment against the butter dealers . in New York, itis thought, he will fina that pregetit high prices are to be at- tributed more to exceptional weather Conditions than, restraint of trade on the part of New York dealers. Short as she is in butter, England has been able to spare Canada a por- tion of her New Zealand imports Something: like 3400 packages arrived the other day in Montreal costing about 32 1-2 cents to t-4 cents laid down there, duty paid. +The British Columbia demand for butter has been supplied for some time entirely from New Zealand. The butter produced nthe province itself is hardly noticeable, -The -big-dairies in the vicinity of Vancouver have a market for more than they can pro- duce in milk and reas pay. intich better: the were converted into butter, There Is ne prospect of relief in this regard for'a month or so when California butter, coi es to come in, butter from the of Quebee but judging: going there-will-be to ship. west this Butter from the led creameries. of 1 provinces will, Later will come the world fanied ) Townships Dit of cheese Is every year. REAL ESTATE SALES Da heres rene ee UKNOX CHURCH The special music given by the church Giartette last night of Dr. B,, 34 Hopkin s. cofbiges Lard, 0 My Soul and fine ing by Mts. Marchant of the solo Come Cate Him, All Ye Tabor fromthe Messiah Special, watibie will be given Sunddy tventg, ANOTHER VICTIM. OF. THE * FLECTRIC CHAIR, 4 gt; burn. ML ae ee beginning today has hebn fixed as tie time for the electrocution in Auburn what reforms were needed t by founding various -techitical schools, horticultural and agricultural schools, schools for nooilework and domestic seienae, ete., for enon t scl-supporting. Het efforts her estates, -with,. .siewol-aaking.them were crowned with remarkable Saccess and adter q few years the Countess found it necessary to extend the scope of her schools and find additional markets ke note of thin forthe work produced by the War- wick women. The study of economics led the Countess to..that..of sockalism and soon she became the most enthu- siastic sockatist in England. She close- ly identified hersel with the Social- Prison, pf Edward Burnett, conVieted or murder-nt-Puakirk two years ago. Soon she caused considerable gossip, Burnett's victim was John Dougher , whom he shot and killed In .quar Governor Dix denied clemency in the, case For Eczema Use amild sooth is wash that instant- ly stops-the teh. We have sold many other remedies for skin trouble but none that we could. persongity recommend as we do 'D,D.-D. Prescription, if 1-bad Ecae- ma Ta use D. D, D, PRESCRIPTION Chas, 8. Pingle, Druggiat,
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Image 364 (1912-03-04), from microfilm reel 364, (CU1738422). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.