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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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y 24, 1918 MLELUULN, jf LAL desk NWS *pPHE particles of ; which are Tipbeds into the open. pores of the skin with the creamy fra; of Baby s Own Soap renew the life of the long. white, healthy skin and its use delights roung and old.Baby s Own is f skin help nature sale al Al ost everywhere. Ra ERT SOAPS LIMITED. MFRS.. MONTREAL. pure vegetable oil grant lather It assures a soft, ior 32 Dozen UFR 3C i urday and Me B.C. Gran. Sugar, reg. 1.60 .. .. .. .- White Star Baking Powder, reg. BOC cai sle' Leaf Baking Powder, Tee: 25. each. Spi Betas 15 Oranges, 5 doz. for... Wes 1.00 Swifts Jewel Lard, 315 pail . 3 . 2. 450. - Brunswick Sardines, reg. 10 ., 5 tins .. . 25e. x Polly Prim Clenser, reg. 10c., 3 tins .. .. .. 25e. a Fairbanks Scouring Soap, reg-1214e . .. 10 . Y Peanut Butter i in Jars Seated Royal ects) Lemon and Vanilla. Famous Brookfield Sausage per Ib Lol) BBe. Todhunters Soluble Cocoa per Ib .... .. .. 35 . z Faney Mixed Biscuits, per Ib -. .. -. .. .. 1 Water Ice Wafers, per Ib . Cae per Ib. ys and Girl s. Stockings, wt 35 fe 400. to. clear Bo ee Saar , WE GIVE COUPONS 3 CENT WITH EVERY TEN CENT PURCHASE WHICH ARE REDEEMABLE IN SILVER- WARE OR DISHES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AND INSPECT * SYSTEM EXPLAINED. RS toe bs avy Phone POP BUIL ith Every 5.00 Cash Order on Sat- Monkey Brand Scouring Bosp per cake . ot .. 5e. Peanut Butterin-bulk, per Ib a, GOO: DS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF orry ? ROSSITER S Princess Ave. E. Road Allowance PESTS OS TOOTS Oranges : EE: Coste dieaiete toate hoate tedtertoatoateay Monday Rene Seeteet 5 g ee ws - 25 . EQUAL TO -10 PER paceeste oboe STOCK AND HAVE a ae DERS estes Pe Le us figure on your requirements, Our yard fs the most moderns our stock the largest, best and most completes the lowest. We are, therefore, in the you good service. No order too large for us to handle or too small to Tecelve our best nttention. Ask to-have our representative. ur-prices low a est position to gt Western gt; Lumber *PHONE 167 ot Sp eteatects Canada Co., Ltd. BY Advert Pesieines AN ADVERTISEMENT IS YOUR CHEAPEST SALESMAN The chances are that If you go into almost any store in-a country town, at the present time, and tell the store- keeper that hig cheapest salesman s his advertisement in the local news- paper he will laugh at you. He will laugh because, he does not know what salesmanship means. It is the -nere showing of his goods to any custom- er that has the good luck to come in- to his store, according to his lights. He. does not realize that it is posst- ble for customers to be enticed 'o his store to actually demand g2 gt; s taat they never thought they wanted bs- fore, 3t-isa eomparatively eusy mattcr to sell a woman or man goods when you have them in your store and can lay the wares right in front of them. In such case much more than nine- tenths of the selling act has already been accomplished by the coming of your customer to'the store. Even then a salesman Who can get big results in the store Is classed as high-grade, and his salary, no matter how large, is considered a reasonable expenditure and, in many.-cases, cheaply. spent. To cause a customer to have a de- sire to come to your store, where no desire existed before, requires salesmanship of a high order. Such salesmanship without, in other builds your business and lays, in short. the foundation of your fortune. No retail business of modern times can make a great. success without such sales m anship without, in other words, the proper utilization of space jm your Iocal newspaper: Constder- ing the results this kind of salesman- ship obtains, it is the best and cheap- est you can buy. This efficient use of space in your Joca) newspaper- bas been called salesmanship on paper. If you fill the space with forceful matter that will create attention, cause conviction and bring restilts, you have an addi- tion to your sales force that may sure- ly be called the best promoter: on your staff, The results that are obtained from this salesmanship depend on the selling ability used, But no matter what results are obtained, the qual- fty of salesmanship necessary - is much greater than that required in- aide the store. The big mail-order houses r ckor that they must pay so much money for every inquiry they get. The amount of this sum s ascertained by dividing all the money spent on ad- Hing Hteratare: the number of letters received in an- swer-to-the-same. This refers to in- quiries only, Not every inquirer be- comes a customer. The securing of actual customers costs more. The money that has to be spent to get one new customer by those concerns jwould astonish the local retailer. It fs usually not less than the amount. spent on several weeks advertising per. The salesmansh p on paper that is nec- essary to do all this is the finest that can be got for money and it is con- sidered cheap at the enormous price paid for it because It is engaged in pbuilding up big mail order business with new material. The local retailer can apply a les- son-from this- to himself. If. those mail order houses spend so much money to get one new customer, why da retailer not make an effort in the same direction? Why should he not adopt the same means of at- tractive salesmafiship on paper? If he can bring even one new customer week to his store with an expenditure that is many times below what mail order house has to pay for getting paying closer attention to this success- jfui-me' je can n- fluence more than one customer, and t woyld be poor local newspaper ad- yertising Indeed that could not do that, he Would be accomplishing far more than the mail order houses with their highly paid selling experts. And, as a business man, he could congral ulate himself on a good investment. He could say to himself that he had in his advertisement the cheapest salesman on his force. It 1s, of course, not always poss - ble to Teadily get this strong, con- vincing selling matter in your new: Zimmerman Co., Chicago. SQupplied by the C-E: ZIMMERMAN CO. Chicago the samo results, it is worth while the blood, which DUNDAS HENDERSON of the C. B Manager that have made successes for the big city department stores and national advertisers. Reduced facsimiles of several of these advertisements will be seen at the top of this column. The advertisements shown above have received many testimonials from experts, For instance, Wm. H. Ukers, President of the Gro ery and Allted Trades Press Association of America (a combination of the entire Ameri- can Grocery Trade Press) and editor of the Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, New York, writes: I consider your advertisements th best I have seen in long time. The Retailers Journal, Chicago, writes We believe the samples of your rtisements sent Us are the best we have ever seen. After expressions like these trom men who have spent long lives amongst the kind of advertising that has built fortunes for the shrewd us- ers ; the lecal merchant who neglects the opportunity-mow offered him to obtain some of these success making announcements 1s missing the chance of his Ufetime. The editor of this paper will be glad to supply further particulars of the syndicate whose specimen ads. adorn the top of this column and I advise early application as only one of these services will be supplied to each storekeeper in his own town. LA GRIPPE S VICTIMS. Left Weak, Miserable and Prey to Disease in Many Forms. One-of the most treacherous dis- eases afflicting the people of Canada during the winter months s la grippe, or influenza. It almost invariably ends with a complication of troubles. It tortures its victims with alternate fevers and chills, headaches and back- MOORE MURDER TRIAL MONDAY Chauffeur who Shot and Ailled Millionaire Club Man Up. (Special to News) in San Mateo-January-27, has been drawn and other chief witness for the defense. a divorce to either. Mrs. Moore was charged with many offenses and too Admiral Thomas 8. Phelps, retired, crose-complaint, Moore was called to hts home by- detective whom he had employed to watch his wife, who had continued to oceupy-their home in Hillsborough, a fashionable suburb of San Francisco, chine, later. of murder, especially as Moore in his dying statement admitted that he had fired the first shot. LONDON 1S CHANGING Continentalizing of Famous Old Town is Proceeding Apace. London, Feb. 24. The work of con- aches, It leaves him an easy prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, and even consumption. Indeed the deadly af- ter-effects of 1a grippe may leave the victim a chronic invalid. You can avoid la grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich and red by an occa- sional use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. It you have not done this and the dis- ease attacks you, you can banish its deadly. after-effects through the use of this same great blood-building, nerve-restoring medicine, Here is proof of the wonderful power of Dr. Williams Pink Pills over this trouble. ;, Emmanuel Laurin, StJerome,. Que., says: I was selzed with a se- vere attack of la grippe. I was ob- liged to stop work and r main in my bea for several weeks, and while 1 appeared to get over the first stages of the trouble, I did not regain my usual health, 1 suffered from head- aches, loss of appetite and extreme weakness, I did not sleep well at nights, and would arise In the morn- ing feeling tired and worn out. This continued for about two months dur- ing Which time I was taking treat- ment, but apparently without avail. Then I was advised to try Dr. Wil- ams Pink Pills, and I got a balf dozen boxes, By the time I had tak- en three boxes there was a decided improvement, and actually before I had completed the sixth box I wa: enjoying my old-time health. I was strong as ever, could sleep well and eat well, and no longer suffered from lassitude and headaches, I have prov- ed the value of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for the pernicious after-effects of la grippe, and can therefore re- commend them to other sufferers. Dr. Williams Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the trouble in they enrich, and red-and pure. These pills cure all troubles due to bad blood, and if yourself today by taking this great m dicine, Sold by alt medicine deal- ers or by mail at 0.cents a box or six boxes for 2.50 trom The Dr. Wil- Hams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WOMEN'S EXHIBITION IN BERLIN Berlin, Feb, 24. Under the title of Woman-tn Home and Business, there was opened in Berlin today the first large exhipition of women s work ever held in Germany. The exhib - tton is held in the great salon at the paper space. You may not be able yourself to write It and you may not have any local person to whom you can turn, But that need not deter you. There are now on the market sult cases like yours. advertisements with copper-plate engravings, one for each BAST ALLOWANCE Seog Setectedeteateatecee td by authorities as equal to the best zoological gardens, where hundreds of attractive exhibits have been in- stalled to lilustrate the fact that wo- men have invaded permanently and successfully the fields of commerce, one or two syndicated advertising ser- manufactures, law, medicine, banking, yices that are designed especially to journalism, the chureh, politics and hair dr These services theatrical management, in addition to are supplied in a series of fifty-two the many humbler callings wherein accompaning women and girls have long competed The exhibition is under week inthe year, at prices Tanging/ the patronage of the Kaiserin and the Zz from one dollar per week up. Many active leadership ot -Prau--Hedwix Shilok. 3 Gure of the advertisements have been clase- Heyl, the well known society leader with men, and philanthropist. tyou are atling-you should start-to-cure to-day isa reality. tinentalizing London, especially in the matter of lighter forms of amuse- ment, is proceeding apace. Modern lfe in London with its restaurants, clubs and gay supper parties, s more full and is far less narrow than the North Dakota Man-Favored by North-West Democrats Many Would Like to See Governor Jno. Burke Nomin- ated to Carry their Banner in the Coming United States Presidential Fight. Fargo, N. D., Feb. Governor of North Dakota, and the San Francisco, Feb, 24 A lively an whom a majority of the Demo- puoiic interest ig manitested in the Crate of the Northwest would like to trial of Samuel R, Timothy, the Hills- see nominated for second place on the borouga chaulfour, who shot and kill- Presidential ticket this year, will cel- ed J. J, Moore, a millionaire clubman, brate his fifty-third birthday anni- Venire ersary tomorrow. The friends and prepara political supporters of Governor Burk tuna completed for beginning the trial believe that as a political potentiality in the superior court at Redwood City be is worth more extended study than next Monday, Mrs. Moore, widow of 1s mplied in the mere mention of his the slain man, is expected to be the Candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination. His career Several months before the tragedy the fleld of politics is so peculiar Moore had sued for divorce, charg- t be unique, In evidence of whfct ing cruelty and other things, but not statement it is but necessary to cite specifically accusing bis wife of mis- t e fact that he fs now serving his the people conduct. Mre, Moore filed a cross- t rd term as executive of a State complaint, asking for divorce on the WBich never before had elected a Dem- ground of cruelty. The court denied Fatic governor since its admission to tk Union, As his name indicates, much familiarity with servants and Burke ts of Irish descent. His father others, and serious couster-charges Was born in Ireland and arrived in were made, Timethy, the chauffour America when twenty-two years of who Is to be tried for murder, was *S . He emigrated to the West and one of the witnesses for Mrs. Moore, Settled.on a farm near the town of The divorce sult attracted unusual at- Sigourney, Iowa, where John Burke tention because of the name of Rear Was born February 25, 1859. The son the old school. spent his boyhood and youth on the was brought into the case in Moore s farm and the only education he re- Seip was by attendance at the dis- On the night let school during the short winter ght of January 27 last terms. At the age of twenty-five he entered the University of Towa and two years later left the institution as a-sraduate in law, The young lawyer peaation ? for a The husband lay in wait at the gate time in Des Moines, but in 1888 re- of the grotinds, and about 10.30 Tim- moved to northern Minnesota and a othy drove up in his employer's ma- Short time later crossed the border According to the statement line into North Dakota. He located Of Moore before he diec Mrs, Moore first in the town of St. John and lat- was in the automobile with the chauf- er in Polls. In the last-named place feur. Moore jumped from: his place the young lawyer was soon prosper- of-concealment and opened fire, Tim- ing in his. othy jumped from the car and took after his refuge before a tree and fired one found him a member of the State leg- shot, The shot struck Moore in the slature. His was a strong Republi- abodmen and he Gied a few. hours can district, but he ran on the Dem- The friends of Timothy be- ocratic ticket and was elected and was Meve that he nevor will be convicted re-elected for a second and third term. In 1886 Mr. Burke was an unsuc- condition is fairly satisfactory. not only stands the test, but always yields satisfactory results it is the FLOUR in which to place your: eonfidence ask your dealer for it. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited rofession and two years artival In North Dakote have any sound Tall, angular and little rough appearance, Governor Burke cannot be regarded as handsome, but he bas a pleasing personality and is very Governor Popular among his acquaintances. Be cause of his appearance and charac- teristics, he has been likened to Abra- ham Lincoln and the designation of Honest John has been applied to him by his admirers. Governor Burke is a Democrat of Like Governor Har- mon of Ohio he is one of the conser- vative type and has never been on very intimate terms with the more radical leaders of the Democrati par- ty. At the same time he has careful- Ty Kept himself within the fot of the Democratic party-and-it-1s- belfeved- - that no member of that party would reason for voting against him. His friends are of the opinion. that bis nomination for. sec ond place on the presidential ticket would be a shrewd political move that might resilt in wresting the vote of North Dakota amd other States of : strong Progressive Republican learn- ings from the Republican party in the election next November. John Burke, cessful candidate for Congress and a short tim later he. was. defeated ax a nominee for district Judge. he moved to Devils Lake, which city hag since been his home. He served as city attorney of Devils Lake and af- ter his retirement from that office built up a Iucrative law practice. He accepted his first nomination for gov- ernor in 1906 with great reluctance and only after the party leaders had declared to him that he was the only vice-/ man they could hope to elect. He won the race by a comfortable majori- ty and has been twice re-elected by gains which gave unmistakable evi dence of his growing popularity with In i898 STRATHOONA BETTER, London. Feb. 23, Lord Strathcona had a moderately good night and his 2 PV0O086SOGOCOOG OOF OG OD ODODODODODODOSSOODIDS Prairie Pride Patent Flour; life of London in the mid-Victorian or even the late Victorian period. The prevailing atmosphere of the cigarette and cognac, of chanson and dance, is mildly suggestive of Paris, Vienna, Berlin, or Munich and now the cabaret has arrived. It comes, not With the freedom of Montmartre, but in a Bohemianism on the surface and no harm beneath it It has already been announced that an American, Miss Flyd Ariston, will try this continental experiment by starting what Is to be called the The- atre cabaret at Cavalier Hall on Feb. 22, It now appears that a similar en- tentainment, to be called the moon- shine cabaret, will be opened on Tues- day ext at the Boudoir Theatre for the pleasure of artistic London. The managing director is Herr Richard Blondel, a -widely-known poet and singer from Vienna, As.a result of this action of the censor in banfshing Eden, Philpott s play, The Secret Woman, the the- atre-going public is manifesting the greatest nterest in the production of that play at a series of matinees at the Kingsway theatre. No charge will be made, and there has been an extra- ordinary rush to obtain the free seats, Pingle Has a Preparation That Will Grow Hair Abundantly. This isan age of new discoveries To grow hair after it has fallen out SALVIA, the Great Hair Tonic an Dressing, will positively create a ne growth of hair. If you want to have a beautifu head of hair, free from Dandruff, use SALVIA once a day and watch thi results, SALVIA is guaranteed to,stop fal Ing hair and restore ine hair to Iv natural color. The greatest Hat) Vigor known. SALVIA Js compounded by expert chemists, Watch your bair if it is falling out If you don t, you wi sooner er lat er be bald. SALVIA prevents baldness by fax tening the bair to the roots. Ladiea will find SALVIA just thx ing they are looking for. 1 makes the hair sofe and fluffy and r not aticky. A large bottle 60c. ieeinlnlieitininininivivininin. HEALS YHELONGS: STGPS COLCHS puice. ascents shetepepebereretebetepered: LOLOhOh OHO OO 04 Ik eters VELSTOME SAW LL OD. UD you. We will give you an accurate bill of the material required. Our stock is the largest and 2 3 If you intend building, let us figure it with ; best in the city, and our prices can t be beaten. + 5 Headquarters for Cement, Plaster, Doors, Fir Finish, and good straight dimension. Street. ; FOFOLOLOLOFOHO OTOL OL aT OLOLOHOLOES wHetese. COMMERCIAL PRINTING THE NEWS, LIMITED ToThSs Mr, Business Man are you aware that -THE-NEWws JOB- PRINTING DEP- ARTMENT is now equipped with all the most-modern machinery and latest type faces with which to turn out Commercial Printing. Your next order for Job Printing be it large or small would be appreciat- ed. by us and will receive our careful and prompt at- tention. Sash, : Phone 59Yard, North Railway
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Image 321 (1912-02-24), from microfilm reel 321, (CU1738428). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.