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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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REWARD ECZEMA SUFFERERS READ OUR GUARANTEE MEDICINE HaT DALLY NEWS ee Friday, February 28. 1912 : 0 rroees , 500.0 REWARD ECZEMA SUFFERERS READ BONA-FIDE OFFER BELL BALM in conjunction with BELL'S P.S. of A. 1 WHOM iT MAY CONCERN: Trin te to Striedaa to any . 2 Droperly. dingn: See'of the Bell isk. Fed securely packed to any address upon receip' B9f 4 sulphur bash id to healthful clean itv ny address, nec re NOTS A compre Portage Avenue Adjacent to Fator's Esplanade with small-house SHUSTER HOME Persia s Treasurer General Once More Back to States (W. A P. Dispatch) tity, that ae of taal Bell Rem Se caaaeatae vin Bat ee a from Bexema of oP. a Ae yeaslve BOOK of tof logiats, went free to all sufte Sloe by Dermatologists ta our CITY PROPERTY NORTH YUILL 3250 per lot, one block. 400 each, 200 lots, 485, block K,.50 ft, gas and water, CESTRAL PARK 900 Terms, bik. 6, 50 feet. 3690 Terms, bik. 11, 50 feet. 1900 Terms, bik. 3, 100 feet. 000 Terms, bik. 18, half bik. 850 Blk. 12, 50 feet. 850 Bik, 8, 100 feet. 600 Bik. 22, 50 feet. OLD TOWNSITE 81200 Bik, 88, 50 feet. 800 Bik, 82, 50 feet. 750 Bik. 80, 50 feet. Call in and we will gladly show them to you. tt home the rane i the back gay, revels am mt ai The Prise Sintra dy, Company , Bas ss00 to be forfeited abso oo or other germ ;dinease, De aur: by the world's aa. writibe and upon request. to Lady attendant 30 acres, two miles from the Post Office. Suitable for a Chicken ranch Only 125 per acre. A Snap. Is, of course, one which will bring the-greatest number of replies or answers. It Is a lgw that increased demand makes certain the quicker sale, The Waitt a4. ia the brief est kind of an Ad. that is ever written, and hence in its brev- ity there roust be wit-wisdom. The Want Ad. can only inter- est the reader on the desis of his interest, Each /eader is interested in each and all of the five easentials. to-every Want Ad. lt; These oagentials, tm the order of their import ance, are, first, the names of the article or thing advertis- ed; second the quality of the article or the kind of thing advertised; third the price of the article-or thing advertis ed; fourth, the address, (phone, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, the name of the advertiser, *f When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat ed in the Want Ad, the Lest results are obtained; but in proportion to the number of these essentials ommitted from the Ad., does the advert- eer curtail the results to his Ad. Each*Want took for them in LEE EEL EEE EEE EEE EEE EET Ee Pepe bb hp EEE EEE EEEEE ETE EET ES spoofed heb hehe + + + + + + a + + * + + + Las (CW. P. Cable) London, Feb, 23. The Waterloo Cup known as Dog's Derby, tested at -Alteay, Lancashire, - today and was Won by J. W. Fullerton s Tidetime which defeated Adver- in the final, Both Tidetime and Adversary are greyhound pup- ples whose smart performances during the three days coursing have been a feature of the meeting. Betting a both of them on the night of the draw was 1000 to 25, but although they were little fancled, they disposed of all. the favorites in early heats. Tidetime is a black dog puppy bred at Sheltfield, Ireland. The Wat- etloo Cup forva coursing contest in which 64 greyh6unds participate for a stake of 125 acii to which the Earl of Safton, pYesident of the British Na- tional Coursing Club adds a cup val- ued at 500.. ONTARIO WILL HAVE PORT AT MOOSE FACTORY ay (W. A. P. Dispatch) Totonto, Feb. 23. If Ontario does not get access to port in the Hud- son's Bay, she is not going to. sulk wbout it. Already, J. L. Englebert, chairman of the I.-and-N.0- railway bas had surveys made for Moose river Estuary, and plans considered. for a tenninal at Moos Factory. These plans end surveys were made by Prof. Hillis, who took an expedi- r. tion to James Bay for the I. and N. ger Ebpey es Disease which is Prevalent in Germany Say News- papers. CW. AP. Cable) London, Feb. 23. The Standard s Berlin correspondent telegraphs: People intending Germany would do well to remember that the lt;disease, which newspapers here wit- tly cal Sponitis; is prevalent in American tourists. An American and a German friend were walking be- neath the walls of the fortress of Spaldan, They stood for a moment to look at the Julius Tower belonging, to the war office. They were prompt- ly arrested as spies and taken to the police station, where after some trou- ble; they were able to satisfy the auth- orties that they were harmless per- sons, The American sald he only Wanted to see the place where Ger- many kept her money, and, as one evening newspaper remarked, he is probably going to build in America a similar tower in which to keep his dollars. DIED EN FRANCE. London, Feb. -2 Jobn Torrauce Van Neck, formerly of Montreal, died at Cannes, France yesterday. . commission last sutimer. The dis- taxce from Toronto to Fort Nelson is d Mloose Factory tits TRUSTY SUICIES AGED PRISONER OF EDMONTON POLICE BARRICKS HANGED / HIMSELF. (W. P. Dispatch) dmonton, Feb.-23 Hang Nielson, a trusty, aged sixty, committed sui- racks today: between seven and eight this morning while the police were at breakfast, by hanging himself to a h-a-haiter. He jumped from the hayloft, breaking his neck. Niel- son was sent up from Entwhistle for a month ona charge of theft to Fort Saskatchewan, He tried to-kill him- self there and explained that the oth- making fun of him on-account of his age, Nielson was brought to the bar- Tacks here as a result. TRAVELLER DEAD (W, A. P, Dispatch.) Brandon, Feb, 28- The death took place here this morning of Sydney Blath, one of the*best known commer- cial travellers in Western Canada. The d ceased has for a number of Years travelled through the west for the Roch Supply Co. of Kansas City. FOOTBALL Football practice will be held every Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, com- mencing tomorrow on the Hargra Property, across the river. All young m n interested in the game, can't do better than come over for a Tittle practice, The football outlook is bright and now is the time to get in form, HOLLINGER-ANDERSON LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 264 Torente Sts Academy of Music, ANTI HOME RULE ; MEETING TUESDAY, ORATION BL DR ERMA Special to News. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. . 22 vania today observed cises were held this morning in where a Fol- lowing an annual custom inaugurated in 1826, the Unversity of Pennsyl- large MONCTON GAME WITH : CRESCENTS TO RE REPLAYED (W. AP. Dispatch.) Halifax, N.S., Feb. 23. The Mari- time Hockey Leigue has ordered the disputed Crescent-Moncton game to be played over at Moncton March 4th. NOTICE The annua meeting of the Coleridge Rifle Association will be held in Cole- tidge on Saturday, Merch gnd. at 13 e'elock. All those interested in rifle Shooting are cordially invited to at- tend. 18943 F. H. Wright, Captain James Sallows, Sec,-Treas. FOR SALE CARLOAD OF HORSES ranging from 1200-1600 Ms, mostly mares in foal, 6 years and va- der, well broken. May be seen at the stockyards, Apply to A.J. WALLACE, Royal Hotel. 9 OCLOCK Le Us Loan You the Money at PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Off Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. OUR PLAN Write, Phone-or- ait The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd, zest up to, cient years. ota;.2 im- Phone 649. Imperial ate ay it OFFICE 10 RENT Fine large Office inthe News Block, I 20 x 25 feet in size, well lighted, steam heated, modern conveniences, APPLY TO News Office. SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING xEGU- : LATIONS, (COAL mining rights of the Dominion. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. the. Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and in a por- tion of the Provinee-of British Colum- dig, be leased for a term of jen Fears at an annual rental 1 an acre, Not more than 2,560 acres will be leseed-to-one applicant Application fora lease must be crowd-Bathered to listen to an oratien by Pr sident Edwin A. Alderman of the University of Virginia, At the conclusion of the exercises a number of honorary degrees were conferred by the university. AY. MOC. AS PENNSYLYA 4Bpeciat to News). Bradford, Pa, Feb, 22 The Penn- sylvania Young Men s Christian sociation began its annual convention here today with delegates in attend- ance from all parts of the State. SENTENCE. FOR EMBEZZLEMENT W. AP. Cable) Paris, Feb, 23. The woman known as Sister ( rly Superior of the Order of St. Ann, a community fostered. by the French government after the separation law, and engaged for many years n an elaborate scheme of charitable work, was: sentenced-to- day on a charge of embezzlement and abuse of confidence to 18 months im- prisenment. Her sentence Was later su- spended and she was fined 200, on payment of which she will be released at at NEW PEG COURT (W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Feb.23 In the plans. which are about to be drafted for a ity hall, provision will be made fora municipal court in which all by- law. cases will be tried. A juvenile courtroom may also-be included. The city council will consider applying for Jegislation making it impossible for aliens to vote in municipal elections as at present done. The matter will be-considered at the next session of the council. At present five thousand aliens have a: vote, REVOLUTIONISTS ATTACK: (w. dP. Dispateb.) CapeHaitin; Hayti, Feb:-28. Itis rumored here that the revolutionists were repulsed leaving q number of wounded, Dr, Thozan of Cape Hay: ten has left for Dajabon with sur- eons and appliances. DUKE'S SON HURT (W. A. P. Dispatch.) AMERICAN BANNER Seed OATS grown from, MeKenzle s Seed, clean ald matured. No frost, 65e. -per-bushel, F.0.B, Walsh. LEWIS T. TROTTER. 188-10td. NOTICE Sealed tenders for one or more of the following buildings will be re- ceived at the offite.of C.P.R. Division Engineer, Calgary, up to noon, Feb- ruary 24th, 1913, for the erection and Western Lines Class A Station at following points: Webb, Seven Persons, Winnifred, Dunmore, Clive, Nevis, Lougheed. Aldersyde, Jaf- fray, Burmis and Galloway, also a Western Lines Standard No. 5 Stati Yahk, -Pians-and-specifications can be seen - Deputy Minister of-tae Winnipeg, Resident Engineer's offices at Cran- -prook-Aand Medicine-Hat,-and this-of- tice. 180d3wks Chiet Engineer's office, Rescued From-the-Fire 57 MEN S SUITS 23 BOY'S SUITS 138 MEN S PANTS The gbo re purehased at a great sacrifice by The Harvard Tall- oring Co. opposite Dreamland Theatre, who offer them at 25 cents. on the dollar, during the next few days and on Saturday next at 7.30 they have Instruct- ed Messrs. Brown and Co, Auctioneers: to-seli-the-remain- ing-lots by public auction also a large number of Boot and Shoes and other Goods. Salo on the.premises, 312 4th Avenue, Opposite Dreamland Theatre, Private Sales from 9 a.m, to 9 pam. lots eseaped damage ot the best quality 4 Namaka, N. E. BROOKS, , P, R. Division Engineer. FRG SALE made by the applicant in: person to jthe Agent er Sub-Agent of the dis- trict in which the cights applied for are situated. In-surveyed territory the iand must be described-by-sections;-or legal sub divisions of sections, and in unsur- veyed territory the tract appiled shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Each application must be accom- panied by a fee of 5 which will te re- funded if the rights applied or are not available, but not otherwise. A royalty shail be paid on the merchant- able output of the mine at the rate of five cents per ton. The person operating the mine shall furnish: the Agent with sworn returns accounting for the full quantity of royalty thereon. If the coal mining rights are being operated, such returns should be furnished at least once a. year. The lease will include the coat min: ing rights only; but the lessee-may be permitted to purchase whatever avail. able surface rights may be considered necessary for the working of the mine at the rate of 10.00 an acre. For full information application should be made to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ot- tawa, or to any Ageat or Sub-Agent of Dominion lands. : W. W. coRY, Interior. . B. Unautherized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Sept. 14-D-6m. SYNOPSIS OF C.NADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANZ Ler cop ke allemand . quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appll- Se ee into Eands Agency or- mney tor the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any Agency, on certain conditions, Duties. Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live ithin nine miles of his homestead on farm Of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead en+ try (including the time required to carn homestead patent) and cultivate his homestead right and aa tain pre-emption may en purchased homestead in certain dis- tviots. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house ae Moony, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B. Unaat publication of merchantable coal mined and pay the father, mother, 7 or sister, a intending hemesteader. Bias Mey NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day 26 words, three days .. 50 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words: at same rate. No ad accepted for ess than 26 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. HELE WANTED. ee SSS aa WANTED Neat tidy maid, one who can do plain cooking. A. E. Ros- siter, Princess Ave. 1923 Sa a WANTED An Gxperionced seam- stress, No apprentice need apply. Apply-room -11,-over-Royal Bowling. Alley, 186a6 WANTED A good short order sec- ond cook (woman). American Hotel, isdate ANEN AND WOMEN TO LEARR barber tradv, special summer rete on, joln sow end save money, particulars free. Moler System Col lege, G09 Centre St., Calgary. 204dtt FOR SALE- SEED WHEAT 500 bushels of seed wheat for sale at 1.00 per bush- Warranted clean and not frosted. Coleridge, 18606 (CHOICE STANDARD BRED White Leghora Pullet and 1 Cockerel, also barred rock ets. Box 808. 19046 FOR SALE +4 Registered Clyde Stal- Mons ranging in aye from two ported; 2 Canadian bred; 2 registered Clyde mares in foal; 50 head of heavy draft anid general purpose mares and geldings, some broke an broke; also 400 bushels seed wheat, 1000 bushels seed oats, 150 bushels white hullers seed barley. For furth- er particulars apply to A. B. Carle, Roseberg P. 0., via Medicine Hat, Bec. 31, twp. 9, range 6, Fh. 22-dtt OR SALE S room fully modern new house on Ottawa St. Immed- fate possession. Apply to J. A: Candy, 711 Ottawa St Phone 626, 19212 STRAYED NOTICE of Estray Animals irvine Strayed on the premises of Ja- cob Schnieder, Sr, Sec. 29, twp. 9, Tange 2, w. 4th M., one roan gelding (aged) branded on left shoulder. Feb, 22 w3t OFFICES FOR RENT QFFICKS-TO-RENT tm Imperial bank buliding, Several suites. All modern. conveniences, Apply News office. 154att HOUSES 0 TO RENT 9 roomed house; modern throughout; lot and cold water upstaifs and downstairs; fresh paint- ed and kalcimined inside and out Large garden, 75 ft. Apply box 1220 News office. 18946 ee BOOMS Tu RENT 7 '.0 RENT Furnished bedroom. Ap- ply 213 Braemar St. North side. (0 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, with stove. a7 MIT St SSCA FRROOMS TO RENT Nicely furnished rooms to rent at 129 Toronto St. 18646 QN NICELY FURNISHED BED- ROOM to rent All modern con- yenfences, with use of phone. Apply 627 Montreal St. 19043 front bedroom to let, suitable, for two gentlemen. Board if desired. Apply box 1127, News-office. 19003 LOST OL FOUND. , L 0ST One piece of one inch steel pipe, four feet 6 inches, painted and slightly bent at one end. Finder on leaving sam Preston s Planing Mill will be rewarded. 18943 dress box 233, post office, 19046 Sl Tela FOR ADDITION T6 NURSES HOME Sealed tenders will be received, ad- dressed to Mr. R- MI. Napier, Secretary Treasurer of the General Hospital, up 4th, 1912, for the erection of a brick addition to the Nurses Home in the City. of Medicine Hat, Alberta. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the architect. A certified check to the amount- 5 per cent, of the tender must accom- pany all tenders, The lowset or any tender not nec- easartly-accepted. (Signed) Wm/T. WILLIAMS, 1 Arbttect Medicine Hat. thorized this advertisement will net be paid for. Sept. 14-D-Gm Dated February 15, 1912. i nota ts gt; Fob. -16-8td dugted anywhere, to 12 o'clock -noon-of Monday, March AUCTIONEE FH. B. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctione rs, 519 Tor- onto St Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock, Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. H. B, Browne Co, 519 Toronto St. 182dtf MISCELLANBOUS: WE have splendid properties in and near Seattle to trade for ranch Jands, improved or unimproved, in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Delightful climate on the Pacific Coast. Get in ahead of the Panama Canal. Write. The Realty Traders, No, 334, Hxstings St. W., Vancouver, BO. 178100, WANTED Contracts, outfit break- ing, northeast. Apply Furrow, box 41 P, 0. 16satt (Plowing CONTRACTS WANTED Gasoline outfit, northwest Irvine. ApplyA. EB, Pritchard, Irvine P. 0. Feb. 22-w8t WANTED LADIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit anes, stoves, musical instrumenta, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f- thers, bought and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dredmland theatre. P, 0. box 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 88H, HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The, above have on hand tife best selection of Second Hand Tools: in the city. We carry Furnitare, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watehes, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a. nice new Hine of winter goods. We buy everything. mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South-Railway-St--or-Phone-587. + The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired Equal: to New. New and Secondhand Goods Bought and Sold Clothes-Call d for and Delivered. MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. X.- L. CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. has opened in the Pingle Block, Room 3, over drug store, Main St. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies work given special attention: Goods called for and delivered. Phone 363, G. Hopper, Prop. 176d1mo. NOTICE Citizens wishing public improve- ments in the way ot-sidewalks,eurb- and gutter, street grading, water, gas and electric extensions, and. sewers, should have their petitions for the same in the office of the City Engi- neer on or before February 23rd, 1912, sothat they may be considered by the Public Works Committee, and if ap- proved, embodied in the by-laws which are to-be submitted. (Signed) A. K. KRIMMER, City Engineer. LB AL. 18746 P. BUNDON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; terse 514, P.O. box 540, 63Dit- - BUSINESS CARDS. SINGER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent All classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. 1ERE--Spirella Corsets made to order. Guaranteed against breaking or rusting, Phone 594 or send card to box 72. Mrs. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 168dim Evening Appolatments. Rates Reasonable A. G. TROTMAN Public Stenographer Secretarial work, correspondence, Typewriting, Manifolding- and Con- veyancing. Offices, Imperial Bank Building, Phone 695. Fourth Avenue. E. Bartlett, B-A-Sc. Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta ee ere Industrial Spur Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Pians, Etc. Hiiris BI6ek; Medicine; Hat, Phone 464 Reynolds Stewart.-- 4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fally wirnished. on cost of Papering your rooms. Phone 156. Walk-Over Sho and Nettleton are In Stock. assortment of A neat little for our custom ft the vest p game laws of katchewan, Alt Columbia and er useful info1 sportsman. Th gladly mailed melits to any d THE CANADIA SPORT Winnip BOUT FO Sporting Editor Arrangements 2 ten round bout b and Decourse, tl WelEht, who put round bout with -Saskatoon a-short ter from Kelly ( manager, he state and box Rhoads week of March 11 to box Jack. Nut should be the be manly art ever g weights and thes along the Cro: for the mill. WhitlaA RESCUI Wek Notfotk, Feb. 2 wels that throughout Mass: Island gathered their twenty-secc ence, The object to bring the boy ner that will p: social uplift. To well known relig ucators have be addre-ses, The commenced. toda: a close with exe Congregational ing, When abont part ja a devotic INSPECTOR ow. AL Winnipeg, Feb today that Insp: the elty police 1 General Hoajital to have been pet but the patient made this mpo: hope is entertali ir, Been a 80d poliee force for formerly one of shots in the Nor Hie
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Image 310 (1912-02-23), from microfilm reel 310, (CU1738441). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.