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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Northway Gar nents Our Spring Models have just arrived. The variety and quality of these Superior Garments has established their prestige and popularity. The fashionably dressed lady cannot afford is overlook a Nor et re aE le ml Be Suit, Coat or Skirt. FAREWELL ECZEMA A WELL KNOWN WHEAT. BUYER CURED. BY BELL BALM : in conjunction with Bell's PAS. of A. Read the following unsolicited testimonial: Biradhelair, Man. Nov. 26, 1911, ere always. tere, 0 scratch and scratch and: scrat fied freely, But Uie diseape dis fot trary. It became worse and worse. elo ail sorts Of alg, nad verted Som but iitiie success. Pizally, 1 put myself Jn he nunds of doctors and specialist, To make a long F wits Bell Bale and Bela P, S. and A. crumentalits of . friend. of mine, did worth living. Tens few applications, scales and cru 1 frightful itebinkend burning ceased thi iptrganing gnes rt ad gee thrweah Nit fours truly, a ze Tiignce) WM. WEATHERSTO: Geston has sin e ordered three lots of the remedies sent: to friends tive cure Bu Mr. Weathi ted. poiwith Bell's B.S. of A: isa posyive and perman- of bis and in each Baim in consunct ent cure for Eczema and all germ skit diss Write to-day for combined remed jes. 2 oe consulta Ripped to any address on receipt of y- Dermatolocista at our offices. gti b Tad attendant. Office open evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. THE BELL REMEDY COMPANY Offices: 710 to 712 Somerset Block (adjacent to Eaton's); WINNIPEG. Prairie Pride. Patent Flour: Is peculiar in that it has to meet the test of Experts every day and upon their approval depends its lasting reputation. he Medicine Hat willing Co y. T g Co'y., Limited POCSOSORCe ransfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING- easonable 864 Toronto Street. Neliable Medicine Hat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Coy Lid. every tavvfal evening at Its office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alta, A. JN, TERRILL, E tor, PHONE: ; HONE Editorial, Adverticing Beportorhd, and Cirenlation and News Dept. Job ts. 1g BINe GING 3 7 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION: RATES 1, Gelivered. ..84.00 J yoar dy mail... ... 3. months, d-lirered.. 200 onthe, by mati months, delivered.. 1:00 3 months, by mail. 1 month, delivered....86 Addrosacs ch nget as often as desired, but both wiw a) did ad reaser st be given. WEEKLY NEWS. Publishec every Thucaday in tixteem or more pages, acd contalus a rummany of the news of the week oe cal and district, months, in advance 76c 3 months, im advance. .50e 1 year in advance. so 1 Wednesday, March 6th, 191 AN AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT RESIDENT James Fleming headed : deputation which waited upon the Ci Council-on Monday. -evening. The jand-for them. Me 5 gentlemen in attendanee represented the tee cet pow out; for the Aust- yo rians stand third in the list with 4 yield- ng of 1902 former subjects of the Emperor of the Double Crown, while closely allied are the Galicians, of whom 686 became Can- adi jtural Society and they asked fi assistance from) the city to the amount of ten thousand dollars. Mayor Spencer and Alderman Howson are to be, congratulated matter under discussion. However, that is not what we started out to say, but rather that the oecasion recalled a similar one, only a very few years ago, when the Agricultural Society in response to a re- quest for a larger donation than usual was informed by certain members of the Coun- eit that this was not an agricultural d trict never would be. It seems only, the IUIND wai vealnr ASWE lavatories of the hotels are a great ience to the public and that until the va is ina position to furnish such places whic will be avcessible to all, it might not be un- wise to give the hotel men some little con- + sideration in the matter of which they complain. mer citizens of the ca, for no less than 5854 of these most desir- able acquisitio became sworn subjects to the King. Al- other day that this occurred, yet what 2 wonderful fertility of soil has been made ap- parent wWithina short space of time. From the country south of the Cypress Hills come tales of the ranchers herds being nourished through the hard-winter-by tic became naturalized, a surprise which is 10 gt; HE Vancouver Sun has been making an analysis of the additions made to Canada's citieenshe last year. First in the list, Be a long lead, cor e for- nited States of Ameri- Both agreed that Canada was the DECAPITATIONS AND MURDERS ARE HURTING REPUBLIC 8 ING UP CANADA. CHINESE WHO HAD PIGTAILS CUT OFF ARE NOW BEING KILLED FOR 80 DOING, Build Your Walls and Ceilings of BEAVER BOARD ) HEY look better, wear better, last r, and cost less 77 Ee hier lath, plaster and (W. Ai P, Cable) een ee Pebing,. March 6 Parties of mutio- cers retumed here today intending to Ferme looting. They were arrested 8 shee ed, to the Canadian Dominion ba sae 5 oa bitty Sak in. tha Yang Tee Valley the town. Franch and Japanese troops Have been despatched by o special train from Pao Ting Fa to bring back their compatriots. The Nankiig delegates, BEAVER BOARD does-not-crack, chip or disintegrate, . gt; keeps out heat and cold, q tards fire. BEAVER BOARD is quicklyand i sere 4 BEAVER BOARD can be used in a thou Ku most as surprising is the nation which ana stands second on the list, inasmuch as 2865 Russians forsook the land of the Czar to be- come Canadians. Thus one finds in im- i mae onetrT te persons from what is commonly spoken of as the freest nation in the world and those from a land which, with all due respect, can hardly be called says the the republic will be Nanking but that their cabinet wil not be formed. ee an mi Hats wer year. Thi endorseme be given ai product, proud to of new and The Italians came ahead of the Galicians, inasmuch as 813:of King Humbert s swar- thy sons forsook sunny Fealy for the Dom- inion, and as illustrating the various climes from which the new land is gathering stal- wart adherents, adopted if one cares to say. so, but :good sons nevertheless, Sweden stands next to Italy with a total of 516, and the formerly allied kingdom of Norway gaye Canada 429 sturdy Nordskis. - With all attractions that a similar race and language haye to offer in Quebec, it is somewhat surprising that only 397 French somewhat lessened by the remembrance straw from the homesteaders great, stac wwest of this Dr. Duncan, from Bucky open up the rich though unsettled countr: west of the city and a great Germay, colon lation company, after due investigation has acquired over 21,000 acres of land-oul Land Company. the point as to whether or not th agricultural district, and its up to the to do all in its power to a + and ho tr: vhich is heing so rapidly round about us. ; the West. uzznIna Docs. pis-to ofall sage of such a by-law. On the oth the dog. Without going eons ve ROYA OF CANAD Incorpurated 1860 Total Assets over : 110,000,000 a We invite the accounts of firms, corporations. and individuals. * Medicine Hat Brane Posten tate Rosgestents I a Hii? RCHANTS BANK. OF CANADA Established 1864 THE ME. Capital and Reserve Fonds. We give special attentlo withdrawals. ve elec ve ee 811458878 n to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Two or more persons may open a joint nd either pary can withdraw money. is have imereased from 19/426,001 In 1901 to + Medicine Hat Branch show of the Central Ohio Kennel Club The exhibition opened this morning and will continue until In three classes, in this city. grey- an Kennel are to be seen at the wonuat bench: outside of New York city with the mereury below zero mark. wee master s interests... Only.a doj 's the upyoar called hi time to see her b side, make y and Mrs, law as is: proposed. 20: jasid Strike tells of 65 bushels of oats and 28 of pear to stand preeminent. The Germans flax off the breaking the O.P.R. has aw- wereeven fewer, arded the contract for its new branch to twenty-five miles out paying a price of 35) (nixed sorts an acre therefor to the Southern Alberta these now fully Canadians are vaiying numbers of Algeri- There isn t much doubt now regarding ans, Brazilians, Bucowinians, Chinese, an Egyptians, Cubans, Mexicans, Montene- grins, Persians, Seillians, Spaniards,-Swiss One-of the very best methods to accom P lish this result is to endorse the policy of unequal to it. the Agricultural Society in putting. the on Fall Fair upon a footing such as will cauge it to rank with the other big exhibitions fa THIS DATE ae pueten ANY good arguments,.on both sides of the question, are being heard in connee-)- tion with the proposed by-law which y ; i which run at large. A Lover of Child- ren, has a Jetter in this issue of the Aug. 5, 1886. News, in which he endorses the position 1882 Servia: proclaimed a kingdom. taken by the Alde: vho favor the pas- hand, a heavily signed petition has been present ed he Council praying for clemency for 1911 into the merits or de- merits of the by-law, the News would like to relate a little incident which occurred re- cently at the residence of Mr. W, E. Evans, on Fourth Avenue. It appears that two- year old Jimmy, the son and heir, had been Z inne outer garments. The little chap awoke lwhile Mrs. Evans was busy with her house- hold duties elsewhere, and noiselessly slip- ping out of ed in his bare fet, mate for agg pon ewbenan the navy ad here gone out into the street only partly clad, the seemed not the remotest chance of his suc- consequences would haye been tragi al, eae hovering around the 20 cession, of othe Ri es he 5 . - head of the family. * ie e traces his the door. Jue had, a guardian on wateh iin age back for more than 800 years. ye open in his st interesting hereditary fiices in-the-kingdom, for hes Keeper ory that s all, but he had sufficient brains (or Holyrood Palace, and, in this capacity, the. i sof the pleasantest suites of r e old home of Seotland s Kings- The Duke s own estate, known as Hamilton alace, has afer been aeecribed, enpecialy Yr nC the wonders of its-black-marble s' irease. ate fa els oped. Though the holder of one of the proudest arti us titles in the realm the Duke of Hamilton is There s the story, gentl men You can Sopa ut 160,000 ae estates; amount: , y : Soa ese eat ot adhd Mr. cording to the will of the late Duke. cage eae But he never reached characterized by'some) to lay hold of the * : Jad s-diaper-and drag him gently- but firmiy rooms in th back to his room. Jimmy naturally re- sented this interception of his freedom and Tastead of petitioning the Couneil for logy, 57 years old to-day. a-reduotion-how- would it,work out if-they - Edward- Patrick Martney;- who hold office used less water in the whiskey? Joking of Registrar-of private bills in the Domin- e though, it must be admitted that the lion House of Commons, 61 years old to-day. that of all people who are unquestionably attached to theiraiative soil, the French ap- nd the Japanese who surrendered allegi ance to their Emperor number 306. Ro . entitled to call themselv: nd Turks. there is no reason to doubt she will prov: of Sweden. of RySwick. 202 THIS IS MY 50th BIRTHDAY. Duke of Hamilton. mier pier-of Scotland and the hol the only -sen-of the+ CONGRATULATIONS TO: T Hotel men complain that they are Prof, Francis B. Gummere, one of the being charged an excessive water rate. foremost American authorities on philo- The Lumber People. SOLE AGENTS. One Trial WILL CONVINCE you that our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE is the Best. Imp. Pints Imp. Quarts their quenes were killed on Friday but no further murders have taken place since that (day. It is believed that complete onder will soon be r stored if the mutinous soidiers who departed for various des- tinations do not retusn to this city. for they contributed 328, Pingle s Drag and Book Store manians who eame in were to the number of 278, the Belgians, Icelanders, Pols and Sy- ans all get into the-three figure class. The are mixed indeed, as among ed Chang Wang Tao this morning to which. place the Soldiers have been tratisported from Port Arthur ia lighters convoyed by four Japanese j cruisers They are expected to. react Dien Tsin at midnight. Anotherfve; tnundred troops have left Mukden - for Tien Tsim. Four of the delegates from Nanving to Yuen Shi Kei have returned here from Peking and will leave for Nan- ing, accompanied by reserves of Yuan i who will continue the nego- tiations at Nanking for the formation) of coalitian government. Peking, China, March 5: A mission- ary namel F. Day, belonging to the j Church of England sission, and at- tached to district of Fun Ting Fu-was. today by mutinecer Chinese soldiers, Mr. Day, Bishop Charles . Scott of North China diocese amd an- other missionary F. S. Hughes, were making q regniat tour of the mission ity of Pac Ting at Tien Owang Ying, Bishop Scott sent Day and- Hughes to, Tochin Chow to fetch letters. The two missionaries found the mutinous soldiers sacking the town, these com- manded missionaries carts and on the missionanic: attempting to recover them Mr, Day was killed, Mr. Hughes took reinge in the town hall, where HOTSON - LEADER The exhibit is an Allustration of the task of milation Canida has-before-her, but WITH YoU LET US FIGURE CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING f ESTIMATES FREE. OfGce Next to City Hall. PREP EEE R. B. Taylor s +Transfe and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders. Baled Hay for Sale. 1792 Assassination-of King Gustavus UT. 1814 Peace of Rastadt, restoring the Gen- eva frontier to the terms of the peace station in the , arriving 1821 Greece began her iecessful strugele e yoke. 1831 Gen. Philip H. Sheridan born. Died *PHONE NO. 349. 1900 Nearly 100 lives lost in an explosion in the Red Ash coal mine in West Vir ia. Four regiments of United States troops ordered to the Mexican border. House Move SAND FOR SALE- EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE-WORK. *Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 16 MONTREAL STREET A CLASSIC ON CO Word of a Prominent Canadian Citizen ws He Has Viewed the War Against Consumption or he stilt ALLIED PRINTING TRADES MEET (W. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Mar, 6 At the George the Board of Governors of the Allfed Printing Trades of the United States and Canada met here today. The local printing trades request for a new agreement in June will be Prince The Duke of Hamilton, who is the pre- nearly a score of titles in the English. and Seoteh pecrages, was born Mar. 6, 1862, and, suceeded his kinsman as thirteenth Duke in 1895. Whert he: was a young man he SUMPTION WARRANT FOR UNKNOWN. CW, A. P, Dispatcn.) Winnipeg; Man., March 5. A war: rant ie out for the unknown man who Mt David Fadder over the back of the head in the bar of the Ontario Hotel last January, iailicting injuries from ceeding to the Dukedom, but the death of These words of Mr. Edward Gurney, ta gathering in Muskoka a year be fittingly termed classip on NEW REGIME IN N spoken al ogo, may The records of the Muskoka kind, on oe catney ore ie very clear me mr, eer ead in being conquered Schtoront followed in any well-manage Tn our own Provinee, wit the time that the hospitals in Muskoka existance, the death-rate from pevtomption has been reduced. twenty-five Phe life seeing possibilities of the mna- re life savin ma Ganula are limited only by the red to carry on and extend the this reason wo very cheertully Suscial to News) Fredericton, N. B., Lemuel J. Tweedie, nor of New Brunswick since 1907, end- ed his Yerm of office today. wetteded By th Hon. Josiah Wood, ot Sackville, who has been a member of the Senate of Canada for more than fifteen yoars, Mar. 6. Hon. jeutenant-gover arondod. sanatoriuen, have been PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund monay if PAZO- OINTMENT tails to cure case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding of Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days, 60c. torium in means requis wok. For ask our readers to hel Bleeding or work that the Mankoka Free Hos tives tobe month of Aptil, not w eingle. R miesion to THE Balmoral House two blocks from the station. Room and board by day-or-week. Terms: Apply Mrs. Herbert Love, 908, Balmoral Street. J to make, that from when this insti fon refsaed has moderate, on Aotatt For all kings of job printing, try the News Job Department, ingly reosive contritations ton Braves, is taking stort Ball season start Trainer Doc'* of the ambulance tom Red Sox, ha with the Pravide and Buck O of the Haeup 3 own ticket on According to Chicago scribe, White Sox, ha: marvel in stri away with the tens with hook says itis a 0) the game for g California pr flattering offer Frank Mantel * One Round other boxing lt; openina with 6. SINGLE Sed Beatle, Was returns fn ban
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Image 375 (1912-03-06), from microfilm reel 375, (CU1738435). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.