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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Baturday; March 2nd, 1912 a 4 b er, last te ee i es i a: Ds GREAT BOWLERS AT CHICAGO MEDICINE. HAT DAILY NEWS NEWS Eoseorossrresereseongsooresooe Se eee ete P9COH 4 sree esoeiosion Sodio se eio ete etoets rPd gt;oeed cb mH LING sr ost less 4 The Nettleton Jap Model Is the Business Man's Favorite with its comforta- ble, roomy fitting- qualities, its low, ENTS. We picture the Jap Model in a soft Glazed - Kid Blucher,- with a ecu heavy single sole of old- rial fashioned oak - tanned may leather. We have other WC models of the Nettleton Make, but recommend ; ees the Jap to the busy man for every day wear. ea Sole Agents Pesce ee Turpin Bros. The Man's Store Where You Get the Big Dollar's Wo) BRITISH FOOTBALL (C. AB. Cable) London, March 2. Following are re- sults of today's. footbali and rugby games: First division Aston Villa 5, Bury 2. , West Brom: Alb. O Rverton 0. Liverpool 1, Middlesborough 1. -ADER ng. t AND: RS. WITH YOU. ING YOUR A BUILDING FREE. City Hall. Sse opatl atc Manchceter U. 2, Notts C. 0. ieiciviniewwiny Neweastle U. 0, Sheffield W, 2. aylor s Oldham A. 0, Sunderland 00. Preston N. E. 0, Lottenham H. 1, Sheffield U. 1, Blackbum R: 1. S e r Woolwich A. 2, Manchester S. 0. Second: division Bureley 5, Fullham 1. Chelsea 6, Clapton 0. 0. Derby C. 1, Bradford 0. Gainsborough T. 5, Huddersfield T. 0. Grimsby T. 1, Birmingham 0. Leeds C. 0, Hull C. 0. Leicester F. 4, Blackpool 0. Noetinghamr F-2;-BristonC.-0: Stockport C. 1, Barnsley) 1. Wolverhampton W. 1, Glossop 1, R SALE eee ee te ie z Brighton Hove Alb. 7, Wat RT La Ge Soo Stoke ; Reading -0. EAMING Coventry C..4, Plymouth A. 1. s WORK. atom 1, Southampton 0, Norwich C. 1, Crystal Palace 1. 260, Nerthempton 1, New Brompton 2. Swindoa T. 0, Exeter C. 1. A I T Bristol B, 1, Brentford 3, L SCREET West Ham U. 3, Queens Park R. 0. ; ena SCOTTISH LEAGUB CONSUMPTION... G, A. P.-Cable.) as Airdrieonians 5, Ralth Rovers 1, Canadian Citizen Aberdeen 1, Hibernians 1, wed the Wat Celtic 2. Dundee 0. Falkirk 7, Third-Lanark 1, Leen ptios Hamilton 1, Hearts of Middiothian 1, a Parick Thistle 3,-Kilmarnack 1, shildres are. al Greenock-Morton-1,-Clrde-8- every. Gay. OF Queen's Park 0, Glasgow Rangers 0. ee Eee St, Mirren 1, Motherwell 0. Cambridge University best Westion Don by 8 goals to 6 in lacrosse today. The game Was well contested. RUGBY Arhiy 8, Navy 18. London Sco 16, Blackheath 0. Untted-Servises 8 Hosslyn-0 Kdward Gurney, nr Muskoka year termed a classic on r tuskoks Sanatoriuia,.. nstitucions of a like ant an e en market, Hutchinson, one of iporters of the Saskatoon team, Flight wing; Crawford, Tett wing. Cdl a Winnipeg, Mar, 2 Tonight at the PAudiiorinm Rink the Saskatoon and. Port Arthur hockey teams clash in the first game of the Blimination ser- fes for the the Stanley Cup. Both teams are ti the city, the Saskatoon team at the Stregis and the Lakeberd at the Queens. From the workouts they have had since thelr arrival to Cal Fins, who has seen them, expects fa fast and even game. Visiting fans of each side have wads jem and appear to be lying back for odds in the 8 last night took three boxes at the Waiker Theatro and entertained the Saskatoon bors. ; 0 and will be han- (Rivainasiae Contest to go East for Stanley Cup) SASKATOON AND PORT ARTHUR TEAMS MEET TO-NIGHT AT WIN- NIPEG A GOOD FAST GAME IS EXPECTED TO RESULT. A. B, Dispateb), dled by W. Kean, referee, and Bert Winnipeg officials. ed upon. These were decid- meeting-held this: morn- ht to. go East after ing by Messrs. Gordon and Simpson, the respective ery seat 8 sold out. The line-up: Port Arthur Rocheon, goal; Cam- eron, point; Campbell, cover; Walker, rover; Olenary, centre; McGregor; right wing; Wellington, left wing. Saskatoon Leach, goal; McDon- ough, point; Holden, cover; McIntosh, rover; Richardson, centre; Black, Dad Steward, the star centre of the Saskatoon team, Is still Indisposed, and it is doubtful whether he will be able to play even on Mond: TEN PIN KNIGHTS INVADE CHICAGO Large Gathering of Bowlers at American. aes now on. (Specta) to News). - Ghiengo,-Ht-Mar,2. The greatest aggregating of ten pin players in the history of the sport has assembled in Chicago to take part in the twelfth annual championship tournament: un- der the auspices of the American. Bowling Congress, which begms to- night at the International Amphithea- ter, te continue threc full weeks. From New York to San Francisco the alley men are swarming in, to com- pete. for the honors and cash prizes and to enroll themsclves as guests of the Chicago Bowling Tournament Company, host. for the championship tournament,- The company 1s headed by Charles A. Comiskey, owner of the frerics of post s-asom gam s were not NAH. TEAMS 10 PLAYIN STATES Four Teams Will Meet Bos- ton and New York Pro- tested Game to be Re- played. (W. AP. Dispateh.7 Montreal, March 2. The National) Hockey; Association . tonight decided) the terms offered by the New York) and Boston rink management for a satisfactory and President Quinn was empowered to go south end talk the matter over. He will ask that all four teams take part in the series in Stead of only three, The protested Ottawa-Wandercn gard will be played. It is necessary . to, Pldy it next Wednesday at the Arena here. The question of the new trophy of Woods, judge of play, both well kuown goog consis heven and Interesting Of any league adnan bowling was seen on the Royal Alleys Zest night. The event of the even Ing Vic Ready s scores of 214, 237-and-244, an average of 282: pins to the game. The Royals were high with 27885 pins, taking three straight fromthe Birnies with WiibE. The Giathers took two from the Blacks, but failed to come back in the third Ginthers holdi first place by the small margin of one game, with all the other teams close behind, The race s the most yet formed in Medicine Hat, and it ts as yet impossibl to pick the winner. Jack Robertson and Vic Ready, two of the star bowlers, Rave posted a purse of 50 for three came match. This has been accepted by Jack Mor- rigon and Rosgy, apd all lovers of 2004: bowling WiTHAYS thelr hearta gladdened when the contest comes off on Monday night next. Friday night a pieked team com- posed. of Messrs, Reddy, Jack Robert- son, Bristol, W, Seott, A. Robertson, defeated Jack Morrison's Rough Neck: in an. interesting series, the All Stars doing s0Me cood consis tent work, and piling up 2809 pins, which is the largest soore for a tive man team ever shot in the Hat. Had the picked team been tosether last night they would have won the high money at almost any bo2ling tourna- ment ever held, 9077 pins were the number collected, an averace of 205 pins to the man enclosed, Inclu eee ne Tull floating rear axle, the center control Further Investigation will conc A wonderful, silent, powerful and efficient motor, built in the Uni ite valves, flywheel, transmission, clutch in fact eve GAT: CARS, Tourist and Roadster, FIVE MODELS The Greatest Actual Automobile Value for the Money in Canada. The Reasons Why: In the chassis there tas been adopted a styic and a standard of construction that simply cannot weaken and that will-stand up under Bi it-and-dirt-proot aluminum Housing, yet so easly accessible that any 7 imgoediately reached by simply Tomoving ove of the quick detachable cating pistes. The motor ta trouble- lesa, speedy, powerful and always ready for the hardest work under any kind of conditions. mating danger in axle trouble and a great deal of tire trouble; ts three point suspension; the high tension magneto; the steering gear, absolutely automatic in ts take up for wear; ; the full equipment; and a number of found in imported high priced cars, and most not found at all'in Canadian cars of the same price. GALT a a High Class Car with a Medium Price. LET US SHOW YOU THE CAR, BETTER YET, GET A DEMONSTRATION, MEDICINE HAT AGENCY of other advanced usively prove that the Power Plant possible worl parte enloned enclosed features, many of which are only 438 Fifth fth Avenue the police will be as active in the the speed limit within the city limits as per city by-law already in force, aa the poundkeeper Is in catching loose dogs, there might be a few less ex- cited dogs rushing after traveling horses and causing runaways. I enclose my name, not for publi- cation lest spiteful people imegine that I bear the Alderman. malice, Ido not, for at least the present Trusting that you will find room for this in your next issue. Yours faithfully, A Lover of Dumb Animal: TO INSTRUCT AUSTRALIAN NAVY. (C. AP. Cable.) London, March 2 Today, six non- commissioned and forty four petty of- ficers left Tilbury for Australla. to form the nucleus of crews instructors for the Australian navy, In the party were twenty-three wives and forty- two children, PEG PIONEER DEAD (iv A P Dispateh) Winnipeg, Mar. 2. Robert Tait, suppression of moiorists exceeding mals. feta fad, The Spring models showny Fads and Fashions (Special to News) New York, Mar, 2. There are many ndications that the coming sprirg season will see a revival of the taf- in the shops include a large variety of taffeta frocks and they seem to please. the fancy of the buyers. Wo- men, Who are compelled to use strict economy In matters of dress, will do well, however, to think twice before they invest in a taffeta frock, In the first place only the besi grades of taffeta look well, and last tnrough the season-and fine grade tafietas are not particularly inexpensive; in the sec- ond place taffeta, althoygh undoubt- edly a beautiful, material-when of good quality, is not sifitable for ev- ery kind of frock, as it lacks the soft and clinging quality which the pres- derstood, only to the practical cover. all cont-of wool for motor and- gen- eral utility service. More dressy mod- els in taffeta, satin and even certain woollens are often.on the mantle or- der, with much emphasized rounding away of fronts, x Perhaps the most interesting ot the new coats, though not the most prac- tical, are the all covering, ample, well tailored garments in white, white and biack or white and gray, which tigure prominently among the early impor- tations. It is hard to pick and choose from among these, as they are all equally charming. The smart white serge- coats are numerous and of many styles, but the best looking of them are rather se- vere of line and. tailoring and the Same rule applies to the other white woo..ens, cheviots, cords, ratines of light weight, sponge weaves, ete. Both the Soft serges and the hard twill, or cord serge, which is popular in Paris, are used for the white coats and white: braid-is cleverly used to trim some models, while others depend entirely upon cut and tailoring for their ea- chet. Buttons, too, are important and with the white coat clear crystal is ced, as are big pearl buttons; Chicago White Sox, who declares tat nothing will be left undone to con- tribute-to the entertainment of the visitors: Many of the visitors will not reach town for a weck or ten days, owing to: the fact that the first week of the tournament will be given over entirely to the Chicago bowlers. Beginning a week from today the visiting teams and individuau bowlers will haye their innings. The hottest kind of competition is looked for in all the events, *five-men, two-men and in- dividual. Milwaukee, St. Louis, Pitts- burgh Cincinnati, Louisville, Omaha, Kansas City, Indianapolis, Buffalo, Denver, Seattle, Los Angeles and nuim- erous other cities of the country are sending their best players. South Bend, Hammond, Oshkosh and num- erous smaller clties within a radius of 500 miles will have their men here, anxious to compare their skill with that of the big city players. The annual meeting of the Amert- can Bowling Congress, controlling or- ganization of the-game, will be held next Friday, and when the election of new officers comes uy a hot fight 1s looked for: Robert Bryson of-In- polis, president of the organiza tlon for several years, has declined to Tun again and a spirited fight is on for the place between Judge How- ard of Chicago, chairman of the exe- cutive committee and J; D. Wooster Lambert of St, Loui Tered by Some anonymous giver was not Miscussed at all statenients made by those at the mecting which like all N.H.A. gath- erings was secret one. The Guestion of a benefit game for Brace Ridpath was left over until, lother questions are settled. BROWN SIGNS FOR 2 YEARS. (W. A. P. Dtspateh) Chieaga, Ill, Mar. 2 Mordecat Brown, pitcher, signed a three. year contract with President Murphy of the Chicago National League baseball team late today. It had been reported that Brown would not return. to the Chicago tea * BISHOP DOANE 80 YEARS OLD Special to News. Albany since 1869, and one of the best known prelates of the. Protestant Episcopal church, celebrated his eigh- tleth birthday today. VANCOUVER BONDS. London, March2 On- the London stock exchange to-day 991,900 of 4 per cent, Vancouver City Consolidated Were offered at 96. Attorney. London, March 2. Mrs, Emmeline shall, three leaders of last eveoing's window-smashina campaign by which the suffragettes succopded in terroriz- id in Euro being conquered by ing aang wa Province, within sapitals in Muskoka the death-rate fro reduced twenty-five Plymouth 13, Northampton 5. Old Merchant lors 18, Richmond 3. London Webster 13, London Hospital 5 Oxford University 13, Welsley 8. Headingly 14, Leleester 12. In the International Professional Football Association today Scotland beat Wales by one goal to nil. ADDMITTED THE COIN. London, March 2. Holcombe Ingle- by, Unionist M. P., for Kinga Lynn; sued Hon, Joseph Martin, M.P., for St Pancreas, for slander, alleging-that Ne bad reported a false charge that Ingle- by had corruptly treated olectors. Sir E, Clarke, caunsel for Martin said he had unfortunately used words which carried ai mputation and would bear the cost-of the action. This satisfied Ingleby and the cai sibilities of the sana- limited only by the ry on and extend the 1n we very cheerfully ip in the great aod in being done at fo the trate of ital for Consus , that from hen this institution 2 the present day, waa ever-been refused ypital beohuse unable Chairman of the sentenced ach to two months Prisomment, j The attorney for prosecution an- nuunced in the .court today-that the total damage done by, the suflragettes in their stone throwing manif stations Was estimated at 25,000, and on be- half of the government, be stated that (che tite has now arrived when the consideration which had been hitherto shown im comection with suffragettes raids coukt no longer be allowed. at suffragettes procedlings, was went today and Mrs, Pankhurst. and her compattions faced the public benches which were by sympathizers, filled with storvbesp- ers whose premises had suffered dam- Suffragettes Wreck Many London Houses 25,000 Damage Done by Flying Stones Time for Sym- pathy Has Now- Passed Announces Prosecuting 5.1 sigs ot-goot faith Ed..- Pankhurst, Mrs. Tykes and Mrs. Mar- The friendly avddience that ae eee tofore been present at the police court OF tial, as oi eas some uf them excesded 25, About 30 1 uh age. Sentences of three leaders was received. with. appluasa. During the campaign yestetday, y wrecked and the Graud Trunk Rail- severely from the-fiying stones: if On delivery of the sentence by the magistrate, Mrs. Pankhurst declared that-she intended to go further when she came out of prison and that suf- fragettes were prepared to go to. the fullest mit to show the government that women were going to secure a vote. Sentences ranging froma fort- night to two moths were pronounced om a number of the prsoners, but most of the women were committed, damage committed hy cases were dealt with today, the re: tniainder being remanded. For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. according to PICKED THA) the yesterday's issue thai at the last coun- fe cil meeting Alderman Ansley gave -of- the Canadian Pacific Rail- rotion of litroduction of a by-law to way at Chnting Cross were practically) muazte all dogs at larg -and that the GINTHERS A. Robertson .. . 203 201 202 608 A.B. Cooper .. . 170 179 105 454 Bristol .. 2. M0211 171595, Freeman . 7160158 134433 Ginther 162 119 145456 904 BLACKS Rossiter... ... 185 B, Brewster .. - 175 5, Morrison 192 W, Scott ..... .. 178 J. Robertson ., . 178 85S S62 S84 2604 ROYALS . Ready .. -. 237 244695 Calder... 163. 158-497 Boyd .. 160 T. Holt .. 169 J. Peard -. 201 938 930 921 2789 BIRNIES a Smith 5 5.- 177 180 503 Birnie .. 190 174--539 C. Cooper 5 174 170489 Frood 134 149 147 430 Scott 212 196485 903 867 2406 ROUGH NECKS Morrison .. 189 186 504 G. Pingle -. 5. 189' 201-572 Willfamson 160 1149476 Boyd .... 155 164 483 Johnston 140 Ready .. .. J.-Robertson . Bristol . Wy Set. - A. Robertson... 196 208. 7 168 173 508 188 210 18i 579 199170 199529 923 98 BET IS0T EERES EE TEESE + CORRESPONDENCE + tetereeseeeset Note While We welcome all Com- munications from our readers, we wish it to be thoroughly understood that we do not, necessarily subs- ribe to or endorse the opinions ex- pressed by our correspondents. All letters must be signed by the writer. not necessarily for publication but Medicine fiat, Mai The Editor The News. Dear Sir, I see in your columns of police were to shoo: all those not so. let the--venerable Alderman- go-ahead. 1 very much doubt that he will get his By-law passed. The other members of the council will not back him up in so unpopular a scheme. Jt appears that some bungry stray canine attempted to remove a piece of Alderman Ansiey s leg. He has my sincere sympathy and I hope that ere this the dog has been killed if necessary, With all due Tespect to the Alder- man, submit that the peer-antmat must have been mighty hungry. 1 further submit that if any horse with- in our city limits bite a inan all horses Welt, plexion blemished, did not teet-like eating at all. Some svel mown old timer ber tixe of. Manitoba, died today. He was over 70 years of age. He was one of the best known pione rs of the Win- nipeg district. THE WEARY SMILE THAT COVERS PAIN Women are Themselves to Blame for Much of Their Suff ering. Women are weak, yet under a smile they will try to hide pain and suffer- ing that eny man conld not bear pa- tlently, If women would only remem- ber that their frequent failures of health arise from feeble or. impure blood thelr lives, would -be smoother. and they would longer retain their natura charm When the blood fails then -besin those dragging bachaches ahd. head- 33 808 24141 -nes;-unrefreshing sleep-that-eeuses 5-1 dark-lines-tnder-the-eyes; dizziness; fits of depression; palpitation or rap- id fluttering of the heart; hot flashes. and indigestfon, Then the cheeks grow pale, the eyes dull and the com- Women should know that much of; this suffering is needless and can be promptly remedied. Purity and en- rich the-bleod through the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills and your suf- fering will vanish, Thousands of wo- mea know that Dr. Williams Pink Pills have brightened thelr lives by making the new, good blood of health, and so toning up all the vital organs into healthy, vigorous action. Here is an instance from among many: Miss Cora A. Cornell, St. Catharines, Ont, says: Ever since the age of fourteen I have suffered terribly with pains in my back, and severe head- aches, I was also much troubled with indigestion and had-to be-extremely careful as to my-diet, and sometimes two years ago the headaches became 0 bad that I had to give up my posi- ton, which was clerking-in a store, where, df-course, I was constantly on my feet. I took a position in an of- fice, where I could be seated most of e, but even then I suffered terribly most- of the tie As the medicine-Ihad been taking did not help me I finally decided to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. 1 got a supply, and soon felt: they. were helping me and I continued taking the pills for several months until I felt perfectly well, Although my doctor advised me not to go back to my old position, I decided to do so, and have not felt any fM1 effect. I never have bac seldom a headache, and all traces of the Indigestion have disappeared. I eannot-spenk-to-highty of-Dr WH-- Hams Pink-Pilis and-1-hope this Tet- ter will help someone who suffers as I used to. ra or by should be muzzled and any found by the pol ithont muzzles should shot, I Would also like to suggest that if Sold by all medicine deale: y-et 69-conts a hox or for 2.50 from the Dr. Williams Med- chased by women about to go to the nt Tashionable silhouette demands. For elegant costumes, -for afternoon wear it may. be used to advantage either alone om in combination with some other. material, but for plain tallored costumes it is entirely. un- suited. Apropos of summer possibilities and taffetas, the gay hued taffeta coatee worn with lingerie frdcks last sum- mer and even the summer before, has lineal descendants. With an adorable Ungerle frock of embroidered net and lace a French designer has provided a sort of belted Russian blouse in changeable taffeta of the lusclous watermelon pink tones. This coat blouse or tunic, or whatever ohe ti choose to call It, is sleeveless, cut a Uttle low and round in the neck, op- ens down the shoulders with rows of small buttons in an odd shade of Breen which harmonizes beeutifully ; and has Mitle embrold- ered imitation eyelets of green. There arms holes and the blouse tablier Which rounds up to the belt at each or tyory tone large buttons of tmita- tion ivory are effective. When the white coat has a touch of color in its lining, collar, ete., the color Is, perhaps, echoed in the -but tons,-and handsome plain buttons of enamel and of crystal are to be had in all colors. Reversible materials, white on one side and colored on the other, are shown in light weight and are used with the reverse side showing in big soft collars and cuffs and in some ases used for button coverings. Black and-white checkedy woollens are always in demand for spring suit rvice coats and whether in paid, chicken foot check or black check, they have a certain quality of freshness and smartness if well made. Diagonals and strizes in white and black and white with grey are also numerous among the suitings and coatings. and) naturally one finds them among the ready made coats, the tailor to relieve th wide. A double row of green buttons and embroidered button holes trims the front of the blouse down to the bust Tine, though the blouse fastens in- Visibly under the left arm. A-nar- row folded girdle is of the silk with a lttle shirred and corded ornament of the gilk for finish; and the tablier falls well below the hips. Such a any sheer white frock and something on the general lines but less handsome might be very attractive, . There are, too, little taffeta boleros, usually draped, corded and shirred so that they really take the place of bod- fees. accompanying frocks of sheer lingerie material, and sometimes one beautiful new serges with reverse side of white up delightfully: both for suits light weight wraps. Dark blue fs; as usual, favored by blouse could be worn effectively over the coat-donlgners and, althe shows dust and spots too readily a be as, serviceable for motoring and hard wear as the mixed tweeds or neu- tral hued woollens, t is admirable for a general utility coat that is to. be. . worn on the street, in the carriage or. for casual trayel or motoring. While wide girdlelike belts are fash- fonable, there is something chile and sees a draped Bodice of the taffeta with no pretence of bolero about it in company with sheer skirt . and sleeves or undersieeves and collar or fichu, Such a model had a skirt of fin- est white cottom.crepe with a bordure design in corm eolor, the berdure be- ing in one broad band and a narrower. band, with a five inch strip of the white betweeny The bordure was the fonly trimming on the softly fulled skirt, The bodice was a little bolero Tor Corn color taffeta over a high gir- dle of the taffeta and under sleeves and tucks werg-of tulle. A big black velvet rose was thrust Into the gir- dle top. Although light welght coats are fot quite seasonable in the northern l- mate just now, many of them are pur- South. The majority of these coats are made much lke those of the win- ter, but with slightly mone skirt width toward the bottom and, of course, in light weight materials, - The line Is usually straight Instead of narrowing. smart about.the-narrow belt which the former lacks, Black patent Ieath- er belts, one and a half inches in width are popular. These are decor- ated with buckle to match, or one of antique silver. - Plain stitched cloth belts to matcli the sult-are also worm, Sometimes these are trimmed with tiny -white-buttons arranged in- de- sign at the back, a i Narrow eatin-belts are in great demand, Some are made of contrast- tng color from That use in the drens: Suede and feather belts are made in all widths desired and n every. color The-bratelet 1s to regain the favor which it ofee held, A very besutifal armlet now being worn consists of a plain band of dull silver inset at in- tervals with large val. opals. Florence Fairbanks, Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for women s- ailments, a sclentifiea ty toward. the bottom and, perhaps for ers are seen leas often than upon the winter coats. Thfs applies, be it un icine Co., Brockville, Ont prepared -remedy of proven worth. 1x boxes that feason, the rounded front corn- The. reault from thelr use is quick ana permanent. For sale at al drug stores. 0.0.4.-10m0 Dr.MartellsFemalePills a b re he-very narrowest-of-embrotiered The stripe itself, it the -coat ts of Ines in green-around the ueck; the stripedmateriat, ts cleyerly uset-by
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Image 358 (1912-03-02), from microfilm reel 358, (CU1738413). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.