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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 6 MADIOONG Hat VALLY NBWS -ECZE Tuesday, February 20th, 1912 when th sd Feadings are made three MASON times each day at all the stations in the North American continent and re ported to headquarters, they are able OFFICES FOR RENT MA MORIAL OF WASHINGTON FFICKS-TO RENT in Imperial bank building, Alexandria, Va, Feb, 20. All ar- Several suites. Alb W00 copies dally i to form some really definite idea as to Tangements have been completed for modern conveniences. Apply News lt; what weather conditions would pre- the second annual convention of the Nom oftice, bade 200 copies Thureis vail for the next few days. George Washington Masonic National Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, a the benedt of te ih It we have not explained as we Memorial Association, which will be Fer Sale, Lost, Found, stc., ads under AUCTIONEERS noaxtra charg might, we hope we have aroused your held here tomgftow snd willbe at- these headings. ae . curiosity and we Mave at least given .tended by the grand masters oth- words, one a oe a HH. 3. BROWNE CO, Live Stock you the address. r representatives of the grand lodges words, three days and General Auctioneers, 619 Tor FAREWELL EBCZBMA Uhroughout the United States, The 26 words, etx days 41.00 Josto St Stock Salen every Friday VOL. 2, NO edject of the association is to build a Additional words at same rate. No (. warket Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch Watch Wright, the Jewelley, i Masonic temple here in memory of ad accepted for less than 25 cents, ak BELL BALM Jn Conjunction With BELL'S P. S. ot A. dows daily. The way the stock marked down people can t belp but buy. 186att Washington in which to keep the priceless Washington relice, now in Possession of Alexandria-Washington Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. HELE WANTED. member. Three sesaions will be held and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. H. B, Browne Co, 619 Toronto St, 182ate aaah het ane auesigts seins bor Benteee ane a ieoea oie Mrostiel Sri, +: ad we ees aeeBhsed sire testy yee ia germ akin asnsge sunaede owes. ge weer, east ee een OW tvedas WANTED For the new hospital at MISCRLLANKOUS Bites eseee, or angigieer rin Disecsy fou evilrly com by cred pa? a pttgvimaxe to-Momnt--Yeruon; Switt Current, Saak, a cook and orderly. State wages. Apply to Supt. 18646 SERVANT. WANTED at ot Hospital. WE have splendid properties in ana near Seattle to trade for ranch lands, improved or unimproved, in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, BELL S P.S. of once, Apply 205 Yuill St. 18843 Delightful climate on the Pacific Threatened Pe Waris cece, se om ik hag eee Empl Sitiecpele Ove Tein the bat ornate: stress, No apprentice need apply. ty Traders, tter F No, 34, Hastings St. W., Vancouver, afte: meee Talversal exit Tonle. avery home and every Apply room 11, over Royal Bowling po, poet curenviocon GEE WHA Geter RT EAS TY At Ow Otten Let Us Loan You the ogee eas GRE Ea ea ee ag g : WANTED A good short order sec- WANTED Contracts, outfit break London, Feb THE BELL REMEDY COMPANY Money at ona cook (woman). American northeast. Apply Furrow, throughout Gre micce 710 te 112 Saemerant Block. Adjacent to Maton s. 3; Hotel. : Asdatt box 741 P. 0, 166ate. pitatt PORTAGE AVESUS, WINKIPRO, MAN. Ss - Ss al a 5 TANEN AND WOMEN TO LARM WANTED LADIMs AND GENTS een barber trade, special summer cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, a th rate on, joln sow end save money, J weiry, guns, revolvers, valises, putt basal peer free. Cot stoves, musical instruments, ts PER OENT. particelere tee, Moke Gratem Cot e nD ; in other trades T Big S 0 BUX pestis Sree Z sles, harness, bicyeies, a. many of the iro wo big Snaps. stim. MAN WANTED aarriea oF singlo, tools, etc,, raw, hides and furs, horse eee 100-ft. Highland Street, to take charge of farm. Write hair, wool Pay Off Mortgages f.xthers, bought and 87 MEN S SUITS Bor 45, Medicine Hat 184dt/sola. ABpiy to the Harvard Tailoring Loan : a ee 2 GOOD BUYS 23 BOY'S SUITS of Deron Reel Pete FOR SALE Drecnlsed Gast Face Wee ec : inf : 2 IN RESIDENTIAL PROPER 138 MEN s PANTS SEE OUR PLAN Genp wanarceo pana ct wall Phone 208 The Best Priow Pua for i ALSO Terms, 50 ft. corner, Ceneral Park z wheat for sale at 1.00 per bush- M Above. z3Dit. A Fs Write, Phon. al Ws ited cl and not frosted. 100 ft., Block 9 River oe ee set ta eee Se. Catt or write H. Schmidek, Coleridge, /PHE MEDIOING HAT HIDE, FUR side, Only 840.00 WHOO'LL BE FIRST The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649, Imp rial Bank Building. 18646 STENOGRAPHER WISHES. WORK evenings, any kind of typewrit- AND JUNK CO. The above have on hana fff best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second-hand Clothing, - Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- DECISION IN ing work undertaken, manifolding, TWEEN lt;7 hand on the: clock-like fave of the Medicine Hat, Alta, copying work, ete. Fulti any en- .oq s nice tee ine ee ae VICTORY M 1 1 S lt; S barometer. ot ee fn ae Con a gagement after six p.m. Box 669 P.0. We buy Sentina noe OTHER eteorological Otation OUrvey rary corrections are to ve maae jertoneenn ' sc he retiatar Hf eee Tel sca pay des teat eee eae : when reading a barometer. The two , 2 aber neta South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf London, Feb. most important are for temperature 180 large. nuinber of, Boots . HOUSES TO RENT g i ee METEOROLQGICAL STATION in the tube, and as a result the pres- MO tittse orate ta all done with md Shoes and. other Goods, 3 : mittee of the Pi ESSAY sure tf the atmosphere on the sur- 1. iy of a book of tables. Sale on the premises, opposite (TO RENT 9 roomed house, modern 'THE GLOBE CLHANING AND Judgment in fe ' face of the mercury in the cistern eee Dreamland Theatre. aoe throughout; hot and cold water PRESSING CO. beg to announce Electric Railwa On the vening of Jan. 3ist and holds up just that helght of mercury We were shown next the thermome- oe from 9 am, to 9 Fie large Office in the News Block, Upstairs and downstairs; fresh paint- that they have opened a cleaning and f Deal in which Feb. ist, the science puptis of Alexan- dy. School accepted an invitation ex- fended by Mr. Hassard, our local weather man, and chaperoned by Mr. Lagerte, visited th Medicine Hat Me- in the tube as Will give the same pres- ters. These are instruments for de- sure per square inch at the bottom termining the temperature of the at- of the tube-as that exerted by the at- osphere, and also liquids into which mosphere on the outside. Hence as they can be submerged. The most in- from day to day the pressure of the teresting were the maximum, mini- ed and kalcimined inside and out Large garden, 75 ft. Apply box 1220 News office. 18946 20.x 25. feet in size, well lighted, steam heated, modern conveniences. APPLY TO. News Office. BOOMS-TU. RENT Dressing establishment opposite. the Fire Station on 4th Ave, All work. guaranteed to give satisfaction. New and second hand goods bought and was the other peal was refus ed to bear the the court belot a dry bulb thermometers. a 169, : (weak teorological station. Following is an atmosphere varies the height of the mum, wet an WILLIAMSON . Pes : / account of thelr visit as written by mercury column in the tube must un- The dry bulb is-a common thermom- PATERSON SUNOPSIS OF COAL MINING KEgU- 1 a phahaenig eater sake Winnipeg, Fe two of thelr number, Miss Alma Eddy der go corresponding changes in ter in which mercury is used. The , Z LATIONS. oly aemar St. No lt;. X: L. CLEANING AND PRESSING pale wan (SRE and Miss Lottie Nicholson: height. wet. bulb is similar, but the bulb. is 18003 that has been ft After our day s work at school we hurried over to the corner of Mon- is to be found the Medicine Hat Me- The cistern has a flexible leather bead aa aie a bie bottom, which can be moved up or Sbout it. wie ept saturat . r by means of a ish of water into which B ergy Is used up cistern i8 raised or lowered to a fix- t-dips. As heat or energy is used up Contractors. is d Repairs 1J'O RENT One furnished room on ground floor. 625 Toronto St (COAL mining rights of the Dominion, in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and in a. 18843 CO. has opened in the Pingle Block, Room 3, over drug store, Main St Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies Work given special attention. Goods vany. for some: cil s decision cc not only to the a a 7 tion of the Province of British Colum- called ftor-and a one-333. er Canadian mu teorological Station. With much care ed point, and by a scale attached to n gna the wet a Given Prompt Attention. / bis, may. be leased for term of JRO0uS To RENT Nicely furnishea . Hopper, Prop. 176afimo. ston oticanteel tn pence i Maar epi e of te nbn terme il Cv, a8 2 SA creme EBON BSB s'agaca ar mefe auy aaco TOOMA O TE A 19 Teron SL eer se urai , 2 i : i . the wilation of his various instru- the reading of the mercury levels in Wrated. Aad for Elrel (eat ussama cies willbe Tnased to.cne applicant, 18606 NOTICE aeriipiis ken: ments, and first of all came the baro- the cistern and the tube indicates the takt heave aan: the Application for a lease must be cere : ; meters of which there were two kinds, air pressure. For greater accuracy Ing place or the drier ah made by the applicant in person to ROOM TO RENT Furnished, mod- Citizens wishing public improve- tye judicial comm the Cistern and the Aneroid. in reading a yernier scale is used in ore difference will be found e the Agent: or Sub-Agent of the dis- ern.conveniences. Apply 217 To- Sweeping chart The former consists of a small cis- tern of mercury in which stands: a tube, about one-quarter inch in diam- eter and nearly three feet long. The top of the-tube-is -sealed end. The open end dips nto the mercury of the cister. In making. the barometer the conjunction with the common scale, readings of the thermometers. To take On the night of our observations the this reading the reading of the dry barometer. registered 28.215 inches, bulb thermometer must be taken, and We were told that the average pres- also the difference in the readitigs of sure for Medicine Hat was 27.6 inches. the two. A table is then consulted in The aneroid barometer is not as ac- OTder to get the actual amount of curate as the cistern. There is no moisture in the atmosphere. Phone 261. trict in which the rights applied for are situated. In surveyed territory the :and must beidescrited by sections, or legal sub- ons. of sections, ur oe territory the tract apnea tae L08T One piece of one inch steel pipe, four feet .6 inches, painted shall be staked out by the applicant ieaelt: : and slightly bent at one end, Finder ronto St, 18743 LOST UL FOUND, ments in the way of: sidewalks, curb and gutter, street grading, water, gas and electric extensions, and-sewers, Should have their petitions for the same in the office of the City Engi- neer on or before February 23rd, 1912, so that they may be considered by the itself, Mayor Waugt Tam not su counsel in the ing: left for us s Each application must be accom- 7 Public Works Committee, and if ap- medicine. Th tube was filled with mereury liquid used with this one, and the The maximum thermometer is also panied by a fee.of 5 which will be re- ov. same ees 8 or proved, embodied in the by-laws which soled upon (th and then inverted in the cistern, with pressure against the flexible cover of a mercury thermometer. It is used funded if the rights applied for are Mill will be rewi a Bre fe heehee thea ate * the result that mercury dropped down an air-tight, circular metal box, from for taking the highest temperature not available, but not otherwise. A Poe a short distance from the closed nd which the air has partially been ex- which is reached during a certain Wardrobe royalty shall be paid on the merchant TENDERS (Signed) A. K. KRIMMER, Shaw referred s 18746 ch nipeg as the of the tube. This space which was tausted, 1s measured. The move- time, There is a constriction in the ae ae ee FOR ADDITION 10 KURSES HOME iS inated wees tee formerly: gecupi d by the mercury, ment of the sides of this box are mul- bore of the tube just above the bulb. (The perbon operating the mine shail FOS NUR ie Tee being now a vacuum, there is no pres- tiplied and by delicate lever and a While ymercury is increasing in furnish the Agent with sworn returns oe GAL. eee ae sure on the top surface of the mercury chain. of gears are transmitted to a temperatnte, expanding and rising it) oo accounting for the full quantity of Sealed tenders will be-received, ad- o 2 flows freely through the constriction, LADIES SILK DRESSES meres Soak mined.and pay the dressed to Mr. BR. M. Napler, Secretary P. BUNDON, Barrister, aes core es 0) ereon. e coal mining Treasurer of the General Hospital, up Solicitor, Notary, Medioin chance The a SLEPSSIOOSGSS errr ores but when it brgins to cool and con- warsTs, GLOVES, ETC. rights are being operated, such returns joe ne : q 2. Hat, ree tract, the thread breaks, and the mer ev gt; cent be furnlened at least ones t 12 o'clock noon of Monday, March Aya Ottices: Prultt Block, Room 2: ae *g ONE PRICE J And Strictly, 2 cury which 1s above the constriction year. 4th, 1912, for the erection of a brick Telephone 674, P.O. box 640, 63Du YY iL -LePAGE-BROS. tar retains ts position, while that below DRY CLEANED. The lease will include the coal min- addition to the Nurses Home in the LENT, * . the constriction contracts into the ing rights only, but the lessee may be City of Medicine Hat, Alberta. USINE: 2 oe bulb, A scale 4a fixed. on: the tube, Panes Png hi pela ber Plans and specifications may be bs cov ioe AB and after reading has been taken a oe 3 for the working of the mine eem at the office of the architect. SEWING MACHINES and gentle tap will force the mercury back at the rate of 16.00 an acre. A certified check to the amount of Sheriock, Manning aaa ye : ) hr ded arg yee fete For full information application 5 per cent, of the tender must accom-lorgane for sale and tp tone, Ail In the minimum thermometer alco- Dicki whpmta: be aiade: to the: Hecretary ot pany alt tenders: Mind sis oS eee SEASON OF 1 n C ae i voor A Dickinson fie Deverment of ae anterior Ot err towest or any tender not nec- a SON OF A is-used and a-small glass index tawa, or to any Ageat or Sub-Agent Omice 381 Main Street, j XC 1 J i al of Dominion lands. essarily accepted. F : : js placed in the Mquid. As the alco- iy ae een 3e CONTIN hol contracts, due to surface tension Box 28 Phone 639, Paes Cy igre ES (Signed) Wm. T. . pirelia Corsets made t.drags the Index back with-It, keep- . BenUpaathorised pablication of parebiiett: to order. Guaranteed against Tired aching feet bring weariness of body and unstrang : q . B. Unaut publication, Medicine Hat: i SS ing It below its upper surface or men- this edvertisement will not be paid for. breaking or rusting. Phone 594 or Todt nerves, Men and women who are on thelr feet through the day tees. Buk when the alcohol xpaads : Sept 14-D-6m. Dated February 16, 1912, sand card to bax 18 Mine team: Mat, This 2 ought to wear a Shoe which relieves the delicate foot nerves. ft flows past the index, leaving it sta- 120 Ottawa St. fe ae Feb. 18-0t4 thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 168dim ulesis tionary. The minimum temperature ee ea Te ae ; Dr. Reid s Cushion Shoe. sagem mse at xr tn ste sue Wi een a : : ee ee als gt; E : S ndex, Like the maximum it can be 9m Conerete Walks and Walls. A Ny person Who fs the sole Head of Pursuant to section 92 of the Com- Yam Arpoistments, Rates Resssvaie a -fannfnetured-by-J.- W. Bell. Montreal 3 De ee a tamily, or any male over 1 years panies Ordinance, of the North-West Ae G. TROTMAN qq aot gt; a - Just as interesting as these was the old, may hemuatead quarter section of: a i ee : Faun IKBS, used for determining the arailable Dominion land in Tecritoriee, the Marshall Hertmerel: Public Stenographer death an Js very restful to sensitive feet. Bullt he the shoe Is a soft flexible verpunt of sunshine received each day. Saskatchewan or Alberta. ae ape Co., Ltd., hereby gives notice of its ytenograp however. cushion, whieh by allowing the Shoe to conform to the shape of Tt t constructed of a siass sbere.ll Sead Qats for Sale scant mast appear 1m person atthe pees 55 samiy Ah Basintsns of eae swe, CORreaTnaeues, SST ete gt;the foot, permits free blood elreulation and protects the sensitive which revolves on an axis, pointing Oai 5S Soe ee dae ta ne aaa ee te ene Tie a eae a eas oa ; Seapets Bae tr nic iti: the epnere, 1e 20 Nushels of Regonerstog Ab ) 20reain conditions, by father, mother, are Co. L4d. Bullding.: Phong 69. Fourth Avenue. . evening, -Dr. Reed's Cushlon Shoes are stylish, made on fashionable 3 placed b.paper, on which the hours . Sacnee Onis: aimas ie mp, fin- Hon, daughter. Drother oF slater, of pearemes Wie : ae lasts with high or common sense heels in button or Ince all leather. of the day are marked. The sun's 64 from Seed House Inst oa Pee Nee residence waca Ware: Coy 144. Feb 19d4M. : B.A.Sc.- chee eh Dr. Reed s Cushion Shoe for Men 6.00 a pair, rays are focused on this paper, and 5 s basheL. Oats went over and cultivation of the land in each of, E Bartlett ASC. om in e when hot enough, the paper becomes 100 bushels to the acre. aero A en may live 5 af fous ser re 2, scorched, In this way as the sun tra- e miles homestead on NO T i Municipal Engineer, WOretrtDy 3 Dr. Reed s Cushion Shoo for Women 4:60 and 5.00 a pair. yels through the heavens, the actual Atarn ee ee ee . A Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor church gored . amount of bright sunshine received. father, mother, son, daughter, brother gesteq tendery for on or m ; Industrial Spur Railways, . sorbed 7 each day may be obtained, and the variety, m good strong grower. sister. tend ore of water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, jeason: x scale inserted tells just what hours eee ee a cerita, sieiiote 2 homesteader. he ee on zn Sas Pa Plans, Bte. i a E oe may a e lee +P. vision yne 484 beet jul SS LePAGE BROS, freee Lex comes naman so ISS Sata etl Ss Ree mam hy pram Pr mm mam Noone Pw oe 5 3) vastly -we examined a contrivance stead: Price) 2.00 per ere gtoal ox 7uaTy 24th, 1912, for the erection and - usual fr The Trading Co s Old Stand, 388 Toronto St 3, used for the measurement of rainfall, Preemption sie months in each ot completion of the following buildings: Painting and Paperhanging, nings, Dray erred Few, 2 which is V sset-having-a-known-area) six ae ar ge omestend 9: Sa sa nee Station at Stewart, the Ross Lo dectecintecteetedperireie Lotiodie Rododededtoes try (including the req following pyints: Webd;- Namiaka, At : i ath Se cs thin aaa eretuia and STAPLEFORD PROCTOR carn homestead patent) snd cultivate Seren Persons, Winnttred, Dunmore, (40) ATMs opposite Binnings) Davis, E measured. On account of the wind, CONTRACTORS OF Acres eater who bas exhausted CUve, Novis, Lougheed, Aldersydo, Jat- New. W, oie at ohne saying: Z snowfall caunot be measured in this : his homestead tight and cannot ob- fray, Burmis and Galloway, also a) fally ee ei Papering apart in HOLLINGER-ANDERSON way, But an agproximation 1s made. fain a oreeree ae ia Western Lines Standard No. 6 Station 7 ur rooms, Invites. : 1- pu at Yabk, : they m Transfer Co. J ccc se lowed et weather tore- FOF all kinds of Brick, tricis. Price 3.00 per acre. Dutiee pians and specifications can be seen given a Beasts, the stmonpherie preeure, the Stene, Cement Work and tires years, cultivate ais ater ea Sek rain tens Wcetee: sant 108) re, the hig it erect a house worth 300, if LIGHT d HEAVY ee ae cenperiinind of the day, the Plastering. . W. brook and Medicine Hat, and this of- i DRAYING wind rate, the dally -rainfall ame j- oe Deputy of the Mishuter pf the Interior: fice. i to self- 804 Toronto Streets sunshio felt we m- PHONE 539. BOX 394 N. B. Unauthorised publication of /1s0a3wks N, E. BROOKS, word, to hy emount ot: ee . this advertisement -will-net be pald for. Divison derstood in-some small measure how, GP. R Engineer, 1 the Saci Sept. 14-D-6m.
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Image 292 (1912-02-20), from microfilm reel 292, (CU1738447). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.