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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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WEDICINE HAT DATLY NEWS. K-OF MONTREAL - NOW HARD T0-CRACK Visit of Raffles to New Westminster Now Would Awaken the City. Wyoming will make eight vessols of the deadnought type in the Atlantic Meet, These eight vessels carry a total of elghty gung of the 12-inch (ype, every one of which oan be fired slmultancously, ia ejther. the atar- * board or port broadside, The total displacement of the Atlantic Fleet dreadnougkts when the Arkansas and Wyoming are added will be 167,650 tous, To man these eight dread- DEVARTMENT OP EDU PUBLIC NOTICE By the Board of Trustees of the Med- fete Hat School District No. 76 of the Province ef Alberta Whereas eis Weemea expedient by the board of trustees of the Medicine Hat School District. No, of the Province of Alberta that the sum. ot OPERA HOUS Thr e Nights COMMENCING IIS. ly TMeetings*were -held at Gresham lege, Not, however, until 1660, did there meetings assume definite cor- borate form, and under the chairman- ship of Dr. Wilkins a committee of. forty was constituted for the purpose of promoting psychic; mathematical, L.COsT. ding lines which bob oh oh ob of + + + + oe * The Empress Shoe The Exclusive High-Grade Shoe for Women Se ee a areas 6.00 high Button Tans for 3.25 Kid Button Oxfords for ... These are all Made-in-Canada Shoes . Some lower grades in Women s Shoes and Shippers. at. 1.75, regular 2.25, experimental learning and philoso- phy, with initiation fees, annual sub- scriptions, and regutarty appointed meeting days, aud series of lectures, Sir Robert Moray was elected pres- ident and the membership of the so- tety was Ilinited to fitty-tive. Fel- lows of the Royal. College of Physi- Clans, and the professors of mathe- matics, physics and of natural philos- ophy at Oxford and Cambridge were ENN S WUAIBETOTS AE UUSOCTALE ernymerary members, In October of the following year King Charles, who erent interest tn the society, ap- PFOor stee lint Med for election as ordinary mem- ver and was duly elected, On July 15, 1662 the Royal Sdolety received te-charter:The original founder of he society, Theodore Haak, had died in the mean time, but his friend, Hen- ry Oldenburg, was still. living and ac- tively interested in the organization, He was properly honored by being un- animously elected the first secretary CHINAMAN ALARMS Janitor Touches Vault and Sounds New Alarm Sys- tem of Horn and Bells New Westminster, J:ly 18, Gentle- men of the Raffles perstimsion, it ts the Bank of Montreal here, in future, now that an up-to-date, Second-to-none, drill- has been installed in the Vault ii Connection witha com- bination fog horn and fire alarm, which gives notice of the onerations or-approach of burglars bold, says the Daily News, The effectiveness of the new ap- morning when the chinese Janitor em- Ployed in the bank started to sweep, out. Touching the vault In some way after noughts, THE POLICE * ra BENCHERS ASK FOR AN ALBERTA. To wrovide tor the purchase of Lots a pS to 20 Unclusivey Block i2, Plan 3M; Lots.1 to 40 (inclusive) Block ix to Ten Dist. Auands Titles Office, Lethbridge, July 18 That a court of appeals may be established in Al- waraton was demonstrated Saturday v 7Hh the tox ear i ha news beate, K. C., who returned yesterday, meeting of the Benchers there, during the fore part attending 48 officers and men will sixty seven (housand-one-hundred and twenty-five dollars, should be bor- rowed on the security of the said Dis- trict by the issue of debentures re- Payable to. the bearer in thirty equal consecutive annual instalments with interest at the rate of no more than eight per centum per annum, for the following. purposes namely: of Lot 12, Plan 1729M; Lots 11 to 30 (inclu. 4ive)-Biock--8;-Plam720M; tats-7 to IL (inclusive) Block 4, Plan 1138M; in the city of Medicine Hat, for which Is Feauired the sum of 21,495.00, To Provide for the extension of the plam- bing, and s wers, and installing drink- ing fountains in the Alexandra, Mon- treal, and Toronto Street Schools, 690.00; to provide for the cost of laying cement Walks at the Alexan- ara, and'Ehm Street Schools, 1,730.00; THE EVER POPULAR COMEDIAN AND HIS EXCREGENT PORTING in 4 repertonre 5 BI VAUDEVILLE AC Prices, 25c., 50c., 75c, Advance sale at Pingle's Drug Store with the dustpan he was using, the toh Oh be fe he ae oe Chink was startled to hear furious to provide for the purchase of gymnas- ium equipment for all the schools, of the week. and permanent executive officer of During the month of January, while These are real bargains and will, be Snapped Bliss society. EEE EE EEE up quickly, Until the great fire of London, the Coming from the songs over iy the Law Socloty'of Alberta wan in ses- 400.00; to provide for tho. building + society continued to hold its mect- Nec aria poem Mag ahd ycz sion in Calgary, the matter was fully of Cottage School on. Elm Street, ate. i ings tn Gresham college, But when, is cussed, anda strong resolutton 1,810.00; to provide for. the pur- RTS Specials all through-the-store, making for the ddor when the police Passed at that time asking the gov- base of equipment for Manual Train- after that conflagration, the premises of the Royal Society in Gr sham col- lege were requited for the municipal offices, it was Invited by Henry How- lard, sixth Duke, of Norfolk, to. estab- sh itself under his roof at Arundel House. .At the same time he present- ed the society with the valuabfe 1 brary collected by his grandfather, Thomas, A Isaac Newton was elected a member and thirty years later -he was elected president, an office which he held to arrived in a. body upoh the scene with drawn night sticks, some of them in various. states of dishabilie. Every- one: concerned was reliaved to find TO Se netere asking think to Oe tie: vanly intact dorse it tf they deemed it to be in the The vault has- been steel-lined interests of the province, throuthour to prevent suydine smash erat sitar won wan oe. the chet tna 'a hole tn: the wallei elivas done icctotes of the rasotitemoe the hee at the time of the far wt cet A and-after-a-iong-discus onal protection is. provided sion, it was decided to memorialize charging all the metal work around th provincial government to act on the vault with electric current con- the suggestion. Many: good ce tts tine of is desth:ta 1737 Under neeed Mirectly with Slspais. After 1. savaniced fukthe ster, of Education for authority to borrow : S 0 L thle Dresidincy if Teasc, Newton tae ee ee ee nl ZAC the. pr aeab Mimo fBore ard aix the dala sues ty cabernet ( Society moved to Crane-Court; where be night It is sent a teancns 2 Supreme Court fudkes ta.ghe province Of which all persone interested are cs - Hi-reniained-until-1780, -when-tt-remor jam ae TIOMERE the donna five of them-atways- forming, theHereby notified, and they are required e town, Bee ae tan cee ee Tae scass on the, saaiore econ) Court of Appeals to try. the cases in to govern themselves accordingly. eT hese eee ee nee, Ml cowertal socepe RGR tiog aan on which the decision of the sixth is ap- / (Signed) JAMES WILSON 1857, when the Royal Society remov- pealed. Owing to the increasing dut- Chairman, Jed to 8 present quarters at Burling- 06 Outside wall of the tanya tga of the Judges, there hias beth some Daed-at Medicine Hat this 12th day, ton House, Piccadilly. aging. Tig egeven tal touches the t * lately of imereasing the number ot July, 1913. Me hee it the gongs 0M six-to ten, and cach year appoint- . Instructions to Ratepayers. pag piste the vARLEATpe OI i cartain LevaBer Wie wilt aus In town and village districts a poll cleaning. Our system of dry. ring. the court of appeal for that year may be demanded y debenture cleaning is a boon to those who The--fongs-are-so-constructed that MS court of appeal 2 ay be d debenture snes 1 BiG-RATTLESNAKE they will ring thirty .hours-tnless:the ,, J Werer the Benchers decided that loan by twenty and ten ratepayers re- Wear light colored clothing. vault door is opened in the proper manner, ns this course would be uusatlstactory. spectively. we . Every demand for a poll should bel HE GLOBE CLEAN: No part of the protection system is and at length the conclusion was L c E Feached that permanent court of ap- delivered-to-the-Secretary of the Dis. ING: PRESSING co; exposed at any point. The gongs Peel Of three Judges should be ap- trict,.6r in hia absence to the Chait- f(Rear of Post Office oo Fourth Ave. themselves'are suspended onthe wall, man of the Board, within fifteen days above the vault door, but they are en- pointed, from the date of posting these notices. cased in heavy steel coverings, and ing and Domestic Science, 1,600.00: and to provide for the erecting, com: pleting and furnishing of a five room- a Public School on Lots 15 to 20, Plan 483M, Medicine Hat, 40,000.00. Therefore, notice is hereby given by the board of the safd District, that un- is a pOll of the ratepayers of the seid-District,tor-and-against the satt debenture loan, is demanded as pro- vided by the school ordinance, the sald board will apply to the Minister atest styles + EE eee te ote ote x Pee he eke ke fe ofr fe emmment to take stepa toward ustab- Ushment ofa court of appeals for Al- verta. The resoliition was forwarded Can t Find The Spot or stain on your clothing when it has been cleaned at the Globe Cleaning and Pressing Co's, Yeur suit of light-colored Snm- mer clothing lasts: you Just three times a8 long and always looks mew and natty by sending it here when it needs pressing and of Scient- corportition of the city of London will give magnificent banquet to the, members and guests in Guild Hall and the universities of Oxford and Cam- bridge will welcome them, Great Gal ists in London Today, (Special to the News) London, July 13 Hundreds of not- ed sclentists representing universities, . Tho Royal Society received its char- reo,fnetitutic re- ter of- incorporation, bearing. the-sig Search and sclentific societies in ali HatUFe Of Chartes-2t and-the- great parts of the civilized globe have ar- Seal of the realm, on July 15, 1662, I ASHI CASE Week to take part tn the celebration, Memorated next week. But the bin: mext week, of the 250th anniversary tory of the society dates really. back Sent to a Spokane Man From Macleod, Alberta, jof the foundation of the Royal Socie- to the year 1645. In that year Theo- ity, the most important scientific body. a-OFE aatey ot Several other matters were also tak- en up, one-of the principal being the) certified copy of the demand should . Several battleships of the United land titles office jbe forthwith forwarded tothe Depart- States navy have marriage clubs. ment of Education. Whenever a sailor gets married, his ernment will be once more memorial bel dadboo Una fellow-members of the-ctnb-are as- iterating their desire fora registry of- - Loose beat System The News Job ized on the matter, the benchers. re- Sured a certain sum, so that the cou- fico-tn-ofeh Judicial district, The. re- Department has ev fy facility for sup- Dl may be able to start. married lifo frotution hax the-tnantmous support of DIVINE the with a bank avcount, the benchers, their experience during: the past few months being that the congestion in the two registry offices from the Palantinate to England, be- lurope, nearly very one the civilized gan to organize weekly mectings or tions of the Orient, the United States divers sarthy persons inquisitive in nada, and the British possessions atural philosopiiy and others parte Ha all parts of the world will be rep- of human learning, and particularly resented at Jubilec celebration of what bas been callea'the New Phil- hich will vecinfs Monday and con- 08ephy, or experimental philosophy. Hinue until ThufSday of next week. One of Haak's scientific friends, Hen- called yesterday at the office of the International Revenue Inspector Jam- es Daniels to claimi a suitcase sent to him, in bond,from Macleod, Atberta: Acting Postoffice Inspector Charles Riddford and Inspectors Watson, Fla- - vin, Gafdner and Weller were in the ringing the alarm. (Special to the News) Washington, D. C., July 13. Accord- ing to present plans the new 26,000- In keeping with the imfartance of F . Oldenburg, also of German nation- Pre-event-to-be com rated the cej- ality, acted as secretary and keeper Pbration will be on an extensive scale) Ot 5 nd a highly interesting and elaborate Which were at first, held at the Bull program has been arranged. King Head tavern, in Cheapside, and also peerge, who, dike all his male, prede- at the lodgings of a Dr, Goddard in sgors othe throne of England, Wood street zi Hnee Charles II.,.was made a mem- ' Three years-Inter some of the mem- por of the Royal Society, is taking bers of these gatherings, who had re- nusual interest in the matter and moved thelr residence to Oxtord found- entertain his fellow members of gd a sister organization at the univer- Royal Society ahd its native and/sity, under the name of The Philoso- preien guests. The Lord Mayor and Society of Oxford. Close re- HE LARGEST RECORD IN EXISTENC fe the great singer, leaning on a 2 foot HIS MASTER'S VOICE rd, containing all his own songs. This record was made by the iner Gram-o-phone Company, Limited, of Montreal, and is intended a8 a present for his children. A duplicate of this Is being sent National Italian Museum at Rome. office at the time. 1 c the lid. Simultaneously seven men tried to get out of the door abreast, A sit-foot rattlesnake, which had not been fed Zor some time, was con- spituously resenting the shaking up it had recelved. * In the crush at the door the seven men got jammed and Flavin and Wat- son Were injured. QUICK DIVORCE Just-Two Hours Necessary In Alaska. airbanks,July 13 A-recort-tor-a quick divorce was established when the case of Albertina Kleinschmidt vs. Victor Kleinschmidt was filed with the clerk between 9 and 10 o'clock, at which time the defendant filed his answer, while before 11 o'clock the decree had issued. The plaintiff, in her complaint, stat- ed that she and d fendant had been married at Wallace, Idaho, in 1894, and that defendant hy wilfully deserted her at Katalla in 904. The defendant's answer admitted everything in the complaint, A. R. Hellig appeared for the plaintiff and G. B. Erwin for the defendant. Hunter A Wounded Deer Only Saved By His Hounds, Which Pulled Maddened Animal Off. ded deer seriously gored a hunter yes- terday in a canyon on Mount Tam- alpais and might have killed him but for the faithfulness of a pack of hounds which dragged the madened buck from their prostrate master, en- abling him to reach bis rifle and kill the deer, Willlam Wosser, a locomotive en- sincer of Sausalito, wounded the decr by long range shot, and pursued it Into' ravine: with his dogs. The deer doubled back afid gored Woser threo: times in the abdomen, Wosser was able to make his way out of the woods late yesterday, A new kind of graft has come to ight on some of the railroads, run- ning - from Chicago to. the Pacific coast. The porters have been sub- sthuting. different - brands jot Uquor and cigars for those furnished by the company and have been making a pro- fit on. the sales. -ail-big-cun battloship that ja destined: ton dreadnought Wyoming, the great to be the flagship of the United States Atlantic fleet, wiit-put-to-sea-to-un- dergo her Official: trials, Her sister ship, the Arkansas; has already had her preliminary trials, and, steaming over the Rockland, Me, coufse, av- eraged a speed of over 21 knots an hour, which exceeds by a knot the speed-called for in her builders con- tract--The naval experts who have followed the construction of the Wx oming believe that she also will more already locat stead of better. Little bank yoli,/ere we part Let me hug) you to my hear All the yeat' e clung to you, To a gay and r stive spot; growing Worse in- OFF On Vacation I've been fatthfal, you've been true. Lit le bank roll, in a day You and I will start away Tl-come-home,-but-you will not. of her contract, than fulfill all of the requirements Loose Leaf System The News Job The additton of the Arkansas and plying lent has every facility for sup- the most. satisfactory. 00 American Newspapers Are Over a Century Old According to figures compiled from the best available sources for this de- partment, there are exactly half a hundred daily newspapers in the Unit ed States and Canada that have Ppass- ed the century mark in their existence. Today the newspapers of the continent Will extend felicitations to the St. Louls Republic, the ploneer newspaper West of the Mississippi, on the occa- sion of its 104th birthday. The Re- public issued its first number on the thirteenth of July, 1808, although the daily edition was not launciied until 1885, Th R public s frisky morning contemporary, -the--Globe-Democrat, celebrates its sixtieth anniversary this year. Of the half a hundred centenarians among North American newspapers, only three are im Canada. The Que- oldest Dominion daily now in exist- ence, The Montreal Gazette was es- tablished fourteen years later, and the Montreal Herala celebrated its centennial last year. The Arcadian Recorfler, of Halifax, will enter the century-old rank next year, The only daily newspaper in the West Indies that can boast a life of over a hun- dred years is the Chronicle and Ga- zette, published at St. George, Gren- ada, which was launched in 1784. Connecticut has Tour dally newspap- ers over a century old the Bridge- port Farmer, founded in 1790; the Hartford Courant, in 1764 wich Bulletin, in 1796, Haven Journal and Courier, in 1766. Massachusetts daily neWspapers cen- tenarlans are the Pittsticld Eagle, datz 1798; and the New Bedford Mercui 1807. Maine adds two to the Mf ing from 1789; the Haverhill rane 8. Advertiser, 1785. New Hampshire's contribution to the list Is the Ports- mouth Chronicle and Gazette, 1756, and the Keene-Sentinel, 1799. Ver mont adds to the record the Rutland Herald, founded in 1794. New York has five venerable daily papers in the New York Commercial, 1795; the New York Globe and Commercial Adver- tiser, 1797; the. New York Evening Post, 1801; the Utica Herald and Dis- patch, 1793, and the Hudson Gazette and.Register, 1785. The Troy North- ern Budget, founded in 1797, is among the Oldest of Simday papers. Pehn- sylvania leads all- the States jn thet number of journalistic centenarians, including the Philadelphia North Am- eriean, 1771; the Pittsburgh Gazette Times, 1786; the Carlisle Herald, 1800: the Chambersburg Franklin Reposi- mtn gencer, 1804; the Lancaster Intelll- Kencer, 1794; the Norristown Herald, 1799; the Norristown Register, 1802; the Washington Reporter, 1808; the the Williamsport Gazett -and Bulle- tin, 1801; and the York Gazette, 1795. New Jersey s list includes the Eliza- bets Sournal, 1779; the Newark Star, 3 the New Brunswick Times, 1792, and the Trenton State Gazette, 1792, Tho Cineinnat Commercial Tri- bune, founded-in 1794, 1s Ohio's old est daily paper, other venerable sheets including the- Marietta Register-Lead- er, 1801, and the Columbus State Jour- nal, 1811. Southern newspapers that have passed the contury mark are the Baltimore ean, 1773; the Alex- andria, Va.,-Gagette, 1784; the Lynch- burg, We, News, 1808; the Charles- ., News and Courier, 1732, and ithe ta, Ga., Chronicle, 178: Weat t (incinnat , the oldest news. the Portland Eastern Argus, 1803,cand the Advertiser, now the Express and ager new published is the Vincenn Ind:, Sun, dating from 1804, We can supply you with the latest improved Loose Leaf Systems at Eastey Prices. Get our prices Keep the money at home. before sending out of. the city for these goods. We carry a Binders , fill stock of Indexes, . Ledger Sheets, Account Forms, ete. for this work. We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and TF: and Leather, and ean make to orders sther, Canvass Canvass. ete., them any size
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Image 76 (1912-07-15), from microfilm reel 76, (CU1739210). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.