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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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zi tb, paz ee D ROOM. mln m, and board. Ap- 13-3 ED y geldings, white on left thigh. for return to Co, -299ate. mare 5 yoars old, ling 3 years old, it shoulder, Re- ormation to H. B. Honeers, Medicine nd 703, 1346 ANTED ied room with ences. Apply to 1888 NEOUS 8 AND GENTS s, shoes, watches, vers, valises, sult ical instruments, t waggons, bug. cles. carpenter and furs, horse hers, bought and Harvard Tailoring avenue, opposite P. 0. box 368. st Prices Paid for 2eDee. AT HIDE, FUR The above have lection of Second city. We carry nd Bedding, new lothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, of winter goods. mertioned above rices. Call at 504 or Phone 687, tf CCOUNTANTS 1 CO., chartered auditors, (estab- s, city of Medicine icine Hat, Leth- on, C.A, resident Burns Block. s conducted any- niture sales con- onsult us, our ex- sposal free. Phone Co, 519 To- sgeatt CARDS. RIGHT Broker. arding agent, as- er of papers for nto the United er in B. R., Real - General Agent. E: ae it, B.A.Sc Engineer, ta Land Surveyor ur Railways, wage, Irrigation, Ete. Bank Buflding. Phone 420 Paperhanging. Stewart. osite Binnings) Estimates cheer cost of Papering eo 156. ERS exclusive privilege freshments at Ex- during Fair time, y the undersigned , 27th inst. The will be understood the tender, and provide hot meals and during the culars on applica ry. IASSARD, Secretary. ERS for the erection of of five strand wo- near Chin, one yn top, seven foot inches in ground, roperly braced at y between corners, ) price per mile for evlal will be furn- sary apparatus for digging post holes, tender not neces- Write C. F. Lunan Building, Calgary. 1odtt . ht to have his pic- sn t had a photo- tinny looking one at that he was A noon wedding, twaa a good one then, but reaily, ie family. there im as he looks ph r in your town, cr STUDIO, AVENUE, Speteteateateatectestedtoatoatectectastont BALL GAME TO-NIGHT Suffield and Hatters Clash at Local Ball Park at 6.30 FALL 1912 First-Shipment. of Fall Suits Just Opened up The patterns are ex- tra special and the style is all that the 20th Cen- tury people can make them, which means the best that Canada Pee duces. Also Slater and Walk- over Shoes for Fall, all marked off and in stock ready for businessy Turpin Bros. The Man s Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth AVIATOR PREPARES Thames River Route, (O-A P. Cable) LD Paris, France, July 26. Jean Louig Camille Conneau, of the course of the Senie. Beaumont i tends to fly to-England: tomorrow: the same machine, crossing. the En: lish channel from Boulogne and thi mounting the Thames from its :aou to London. - PLAN TO REVIVE LIVE Winnij culture Will Co-operate. sive plan to revive the live Yention will be held on July 20.6, Winnipeg. The Department of Agricu,ture actively co-operating in the tend the conference. import meat from as far away ment may: lend a hand towards restoration of the industry. Couldn t Prove She Woman Who Tried (C. A. P. Cable) Oxtord, Eng., July 26 Dr. Smith, the suffragette who was arr ity in the attempt to burn down Jat Numbam Park July 16 was charged by the police magistrate Hdentify her. Two women were seen in july 12 by the night watchman, ne of them, Helen Cragg, a daug he other escaped. Helen Cragg was committed tempting to: il of 1,000. cit FOR LONG FLIGHT Will Fly to London via'the Andre Bea- mont, whose proper name is Ensign the French navy, and who won the Paris- Rome Turin aviation rac , the Euro Will Likely Drift Into-Can- pean circult, flew across Paris today in a hydo-aeroplane. He started from . Juvisy-Sur-Orge to Bzons,follewing STOCK INDUSTRY Convention to Be Held in ipeg Dept. of Agri- Ottawa, Ont., July 26. With th object of formulating a comprehen - stock industry in Western Canada, a con- sibility of .an aerial collision. move ment and Hon. Martin Burrell is ae. H.R. Arkell, acting. liv cOnMMISSION to Winnipeg to It has been pointed out that the and infact does own consumption. The exports from Southern. Alberta were fairly heavy at one time but have now practical ceased and the West-tad-had to- New Zealand. On behalf of the De- partment of Agriculture Mr. Arkell will discuss with the farmers, end railway representatives at the con- ference, in whieh-the federal govern- ; SUFFRACETTE DISCHARGED) Was Burn Harcourt s Home. Ethel ed on July 23 on a charge of complic historic residence of Lewis Harcourt, eretary of State for the Colonies, day owing to failure of witnesses to rounds of Mr. Harcourt's residence Sir John Cragg, was arrested, while rial at the Assizes on change of nter the Nuncham jouse with the imtention of com pitting arson. She was released an Subscribe tow tor The Dally-Newstn San Francisco, another import A Good Game Assured. This evening at 6.30 o'clock the Hat ball fans will be treated to a sec- ond appearance of the Suftield team. They are coming back to annex the Hat's, scalps, something they failed to do on thelr last appearance here. However, they were then handicapped WESTMINISTER 18 AGAIN BUCKING OVER THE TRACES Will Not. Accept the Revis:- ed Lacrosse Schedule and Play in Vancouver Sat- urday. (W. A. P, Dispatony Vancouver, B.C., July 28. Westmin- ster has formally declared that this team will not play in Vancouver on Saturday as provided by the-amended ;schedule. The Royal City insist, how- ever, that. they will appear on their own grounds in Westminster, -as orig- inally scheduled, and claim not only the match, but 500 forfeit from Van- couver. Harry Gowan, president of the Association, has replied that the match must be played In Vancouver. Westminster is appealing to the La- crosse commissioners, three in num- ber, but Gowan says they have noth- ing to do with It. Baloon Elimination Races at Kansas Leese atp tele aeeee ele eoetoeoatnate re aorotontotion SPORT NEWS eat desteatestoctoctecds eee etostestetectectedtedteatontectoate teetectectetest Sealatocte Sete dtoe Ro deeded teatepatoatectocteateaten Spetecteatocteet Sete atoet sone by the absence of a couple of their men and they are sure of victory Won today by J. L. Dudgdale's six- tonight, However, the locals have a ear-old colt, Coastwise, by Rock By Pilgrimages to Vari- faculty of sticking, In thelr oar when least expected so that a good game i can be looked for. One thing that the local boys will look for is a good turn- out of fans to help them out. RECEPTIO: FOR GOULD (W, A. P. Dispateh.) Toronto, Ont, July 26 George Goulding, amateur walking champion, will be given a clvic reception on his return from Stockholm on Thursday or Friday of hext week. TEN ROUND BOUT (QW. A. P, Despatch) San Francisco, Cai, July 26. Fran- Kile Burns and Jack White, the Chica- go lightweight, signed yesterday for a ten round bout in Oakland Aug, 7. Fi JULY. 26 IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS Ryan at Minneapolis. This was the third meeting between the men, two at Sacramento, Cal. summer cup, w. +e Brooklyn . Camnitz and Warner, Washington j oats ing, at 9 to 2; pound, 7 to 1, hb eb bh beh be NATIONAL LEAGUE ittsburg .b ... Ruckermack asd Miller. AMERICAN LEAGUE 1804 Mysterious Billy Smith, first welterweight champion of the Cleveland 1 world, lost his title to Tommy Boston ... o Greg and O'Neill. Bedient, Collins and Carrigan. previous six-round affsirs having re- 1st Same salied f8) ty. Seaton: Philadelphia 2 as eer 1804 Gorge Dawson, the Austral ss cnet. and Krichell, ian welterweight, knocked out Dan- jchell- ant Mr ny Needham in the twenty-ninth )oyeomt round at San Francisco. st ee 1910 Jim Barry and Clifford Mor- pijtagelphia. 3 rigon fought G-roufid draw at Lords- Hamilton and Stephens. burg, N. M Houck, Brown and Egan. 1911 Monte Attell and Jimmy 1st game Reagan fought 20 rounds to. a draw Detrolt ... - 5 4 COASTWISE COPS APTURES LIVERPOOL SUMMER CUP OF 1,825, (W. A. P. Cable.) Liverpool, July 26 lt;The Liverpool 1,325, One mile and three furlongs, and ome of the most popular handicaps of the year, was nd Sagacity, 7 stone 4 pound eteri- R. Mill's Chilt 11, 88. was second and Ham- 7s, 5 pounds, 9 to.2, third. Atlantic stakes of 2,000 sover- eigns for three and four year olds, one mile and a quarter, was Won by Lord Derby's Stedfast, by Chgticer Be Sure. A. Murphy's Santair was second and Reid Walker's Adamite third. te ins in S- thing is in readiness for the start of tn the Rational elfmination: balloon races here tomorrow. The aviation field is in perfect condition, th gas mains working the ballast Iufd and the bal- - loons ready to be inflated. At least fifteen balloons are expected to make the start. Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Topeka, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Kansas City and Akron, O., are represented among the entries. The first balloon is scheduled to start at 5 o'clock tomortow afternoon. The remaining entries will be released at intervals of five minutes, in order to allow plenty.of fairway between the contestingbags and to avold the pos- The prevailing winds are trom tre south west, so that the bags are likely to descend anywhere between the start- ing point and the Canadian country to the north of the Great Lakes. The three leaders in the contest will be United Stat s in the International raco for the Jamies Gordon Bennett cur. which is to start from Stuttgart, Ger- many this fall. west no longer figures as a cattle: exporting country not produce meat cnough for its Sterrett, the former Princeton player, has hit for better than -300 since he joined the New York High- Jonders Thoney, Janvrin, Purtell, Knisht and McHale, of the Jersey City team, are former members of the. Boston given places as representativesof the Knoper, of the-Yachtsmen s Five Small Power Sontgen a Long Run, 14 into the Atlanti fourth of the venture far but to-morrow on the Gate N. J.) Yacht Club. Luego I., owned by George F. Fishm af the Ocean City (N. J Yacht Club, Wawanna, owned by'Fred K. Club, Philadelphia, Caroline, owned by Frank Dennis of the National Yacht Club, Brook. Red So: the Foughi Two of the to tag on that dat est- Tommy Ryan. the pouts, other in Boston, dis- to- the title, Minneapolis. pound: the ring in good condition. Joe Choyn: The weight the were used, and both men did coneld. and hter rounds, welterweights. Choynski awarded th for declared it should have been called very natrow margin. On the same RS Ryan-Smith Title Bout Was 7 By Gravy ) St important battles welterweight bout was staged between of the welterweight diyision ever con- tested were pulled jotf elghteen years ago today, Myst rious Billy Smith, the first fan to. Mold the welterweight championship of the world, lost his ly 26, 1894, to and Smith had previously minglad in two six-round me at Coney Island and the both resulting in draws. They were then matched for the bout taking place in was 142 and both scrappers entered ski was the referee. Four ounce gloves erable execution during the fwenty It was one of the hardest, toughest fights ever witnessed between decision and. the title to Ryan, but many of the sporting experts present draw. There s little doubt that Ryan had a shade the better of the argu- ment, but his victory was won by a day were highly useful to him 1 oe oe a nee ight champl h t 8 Years Ago Today Gentleman George Dawson, the Aus- tralian, and Danny Needham. Both were of neat-championship calibree. Needhami, a Pacitic Coast fighter, had fought Tommy Ryan at Minneapolis in 1891, and had gone down to defeat only after seventy-six slashing rounds est pugilists that ever lived, had made to America early in 1894. He. beat Billy Gallagher in forty-two rounds at the California Athletic Club, and the same organization arranged the bout between him and Needham: The man from the Antipodes was the victor, knocking out the American in twenty- nine rounds. Later Dawson and Tom- my Ryan were matched for a title bout at New Orleans, but Ryan, on the plea of illness, did not show up at the ap- pointed thme, They afterward met in ja six-round affair in Chicago, but Daw- ton failed to show his past form, and Ryan had all the best of It. After re Fitzsimmons and taught Freckled Philadelphia,. Pa., July 26. Five cruising power boats, the largest/st. Louis less than 10) feet in length, will Minneapolis Benz, Walsh and r AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Karger and Marshall, Olmstead and Owens. Minne and Curtis. 111 Ray Bronson kuocked ont Dubue and, Stanage. Eadie Webber in third round at V shan, .Sughes and Ainsmith. i i i 2nd game ada Winners Go To Ger- *sarolis Betrole at aa many. pe fwashington ... 77 Tiny Craft to . Works, Mullin and Coicher. (Special to the News) Johnston and Ainsmith, Kan as. City, Mo., July -26. Every- Race at. at Bermuda Chicago ... 64 New York 4 10 Warhop, Caldwell and Sweeney. 2 at Dawson, one of the faitest and squar- nd ithe great record in Australia. and came 7 a-Deer itiring from the ring he- handled Babs Bob many tricks of the trade that Kamieson, Stroud and Hightower: Baltimore 3. ESB 4 Montreal . Demott, Danforth, Walker and Ber- gen. Smith, Carrill and Manden. CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL. ist game Grand Forks ... Winnipeg... Wilson and Bowers. - Healy and Jones. we ee oe Winnipeg : Meyers and Bowers. Hirsch and Herty. Duluth . Superior ... Stark apd. Harhecave. Rhoades and Beney. WESTERN CANADA wo ae ae Calgary 12 Standridge and Roach. Manning and Bliss. ROSEWORTHY WINS LANCASHIRE STAKES Liverpool, July 26. The great Lancashire. Breeders Produce Stakes of 2,000 sovereigns for two-year olds, five furlongs, was won here today by A. F. Bessett's Rose- worthy 2 to 1. P. Chokmondey s olics was held lof German and Austrian priests find laymen who refused to sccept the CATHOLICS CELEBRATE FEAST OST. ANNE Many Today Keep Event ous Shrines. SHRIME IN QUEBEC 1S CONSIDERED GREATEST Gideons of Old Storm At- lanta City Like They Did Jericho, Today will be observed by Catholics the world over as the sol mn feast of St, Anne, the mother of the Blessed irgin, and thousands of the sick, the lame and the halt will seek relief at the various shrines where are display- ed sacred relies of the mother of the Mother of Mercies. The. pilgrimages to the more important places of heal- ing attract people from all over the continent and occupy many days. Bu- rope has sevoral noted shrines, while on this continent the most famous is the Church of St. Anne de Beaupro, near Quebec. Other places of pious Dilgfimage in America include the Chureh of St. Jean Baptists, in New York; St. Anne's, Port Richmond, near Philadelphia; St. Anne s Church in San Francisco; St, Anne s Church in Chicago; the shrine of St. Anne, Ilt., and St, Anne, Manitoba, as well as many others. Most of those places Possess particles of the bones of St. Anne, and annually, on the feast day of the saint, the relic is brought forth that those who are ill or lame may look, embrace, and go forth with a greater faith in the divine power to relieve human suffering. Millions of miraculous cures have been reported at these shrines, although on this con- tinent the greatest reputation for .ef- feeting cures is enjoyed by the Shrine of Ste, Ante de Beaupre,tnQuebec- The wpectacle to be witnessed there of multitudes flockitg to the famous jehurch to good saint is pathetic and. touching, leven to the hardened materialist. The 3 faith that can move mountains of spi ftual, mental and physical distress is displayed by the afflicted at cred spots, and it is this, more than any expectation of; the supernatural, i that makes'mere onlookers bow their heads in reverence. Auto-suggestion id the explanation offered by the scien- tists of: the cures annually effected at the shrines, Be this-as it may The first mpeting af Old Cath- at Vienna forty- one years ago today. Old Catholics was the mame assumed by a. body dogma of papal i consequence of its definition, formed themselves inta a separate body, abandoning the Roman church. It was essentially a university move- had left Rome to avoid voting af- terward submitted. In 1871 Dr. Dollinger set. forth his reasons for withholding his assent to the doc- trine as a Christian, a theologian, an historical student, and a citi- zen. Dollinger was immediately ex- communicated. The Vienna moctinet was opened on July 26, 1871, and was followed in September by congress at Munich, when it was resolved to seek reunion with the Greek Catholics. Congregations of Old Catholics now exist in Austrai, 1Gs France, and a few in America, their numbers are dwindling. Yielding to the demand of fifty hello girls of Springfield, Mo., the Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company recently granted-am in- crease of pay and a monthly holi - day. Better working conditions were also assured to the operators. but The A. F. of L. uilding trades department is now recruited to its Albion, 9 to 2, was sepopd, and the Duke of Westminster's * You can/biy, a Tas Ves Harness, in captur full ete. 902. ee: at McKenzie s fall strength of eligible ongamiz: You can buy a good Heavy 1 1-2 in, Harness, complete with breechings joi and collars, for 39,50 at Mc farness Shop. sissippi, enemies. in wood. Property QUICKLY list it with us Soeheete- feo ett ger question. fifty-one-years vy tive serv: was promoted to the rank of -ma- thus achieving the ambition of 14d6t a military title. 390 Toronto Bt. Senator Percy was a representative of Wall street rather than of Mis- that Vardaman's political State were grafters and wore silk socks, and many other things. however, was is home time at Winona and later at Green- Journalism made a greater appeal to him than the law, and ha) was the editor newsphpers. of gentleman, The great isaue, what Vardamal and his supporters refer to as the'nig- The repeal of tho fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to the United States constitution, granting the right of suffrage to ment, for the German bishops who negroes, was the real basis of the Vardaman campaign. He was hailed as the Great White Leader, and that phrase was the slogan of the political battle that resulted in the election of Vardaman to the Senate- James K. Vardaman was born i ago /today in Jack- son county, Texas. His father was a native of Mississippi and when James K, was seven returned to that State Maj. Vardeman s cation was obtained in the schools and in a law office at Car- rollton, Miss. Admitted to the bar several country In 1896 he founded the Greenwood Commonwealth, and con tinued as its editor until the be ginning of his Governorship. politically active, ber of the campaign for Meanwhile he and was a mem- Mississippi Legislature several terms, acting aa Speaker of the House in 1894, When the Bpan ish war broke out he was made Vardamah, Mississippi's Great White Leader, As 51 Today . t i 1 7 1 and a-sclentific study of hypnotism or peat Faced sto the coradialen of Ss Leuerle 2 6 2 stgeestion has shown that it has re- Had Many Good Laws Made to Help the Nogroos i inHis The start will be from the Race , Laudermilk and Schlie., metkahie.. curative powers. the State and They Helped Him Out. 3 Hixon and Clarke. fact remains that enough compelling) .4 vs steeee eee b ae a 30a, tho) 5A faith is engendered in thousands of * alah beeen 3 ab INTERNATIONAL pathetically warped bodies to permit Like hirsute exigh t, like-- a Maj. Vaxdaman s first attempt and the raco is undet the joint - drag themselves to the altar Great White Leader, James K, become Governor of Mississippi, da ang piece of the Yachtemen's Clb of Newark . 3 10 2 and to-go away with the certainty that). ao ill gt; soon a down 1899, was unsuccessful, but he stay- Piladelphia and the Royal Bermud Rechester 38.0 ihe Virgin has (itun exe halls of the American Senate ta im the race and in 1908 was Yacht b. McGinnity and Higgins pity on them. At some of the shrines araphrase Tngersoll s plumbed BOminated and elected. He 'acht Club, Wilhelm, -Holmes and Blalr. there are thousands of crutches left P Pecame a national and ever The quintet of racers which will) Jy ams Homes ; behind by the paralytic and the erlp- speech throw his shining e al figure by reason of his be off with. the starting gun to- 0 Poi, 4 11 2 Dled who have had no further use for deatusiation gf the pratt morrow are: - such aids to locomotior ing wit s Buffalo i. cco wes vee oe 6 0 of dealing with the colored Dream, Oharles/I. La- Mason aid EID a eggs honor and the defenders of the one tgen;- of the Yachtsmenjs Chubs Beebe and McCallister. the political struggle that re- Wiation of his State. He Philadelphia. gna game sulted in choosing Major, Vardaman Tie megro, must be content witht jRethemnels poms: ty Same. Jersey City . ti 13 1 : as a United Stgtes Senator from * distinctly recognized eee posi: lore W. . Smith, je Ocean Duttalo ... - 9,14 1 e Mi z that tion im the social economy. FEEL EEE EEE EEE E Mississioyi. Tt was alleged ae ee negro race, making them more crim imal every day. Despite this stand, Maj. Vardamad had many negro supporters -when he. bagan his campaign for te Unit- - ed. States Senate. Opposing the suffrage and education for the bhacks as Governor he took a determined stand in the matter'of the protec tion of their lives. When tynch- times. The world will await with interest the entrance of the Great White Leader into the Senatorial . arena at Washington, with -the: pectation that the career of fork (Millman will, be repented. edu- raral of the public service commission of ne Hon. A, BL Morrine was chair- a couple of months and general pow- ers of inquiry into parliament affairs Will be vested im Public: service com- mission, R. S, Lake, of of the eommission- ers, will probably 6 ppointed to the Imperial trade re to take the place of Hon, Boater, who Heienarind time to to thes body on its emplre-wide mission ot the was You can buy 1 fhoh Pio Manitia. to Rope for 12 1-2 per McKer gt; seanit prarness BESTE eae Sie
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Image 152 (1912-07-26), from microfilm reel 152, (CU1739208). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.