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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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z 7 tot : oe MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. TTT watudays daly 80m, Ae orm plsmorone aeavon seeped easel SUNDAY SCHOOL: J ee, The Gl es H tally, It is the metheds of the star in the ae No Arrive, Leave Jascendant we should study, Get us know asgow ouse 20.20 2045. In, Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver the are t things whieh the Seott Lesson Il. Third Quarter, For 8.05 8.80 In. Ltd., Vancouver to Montreal. 446 jCovernment. has dene for Sas katchewan July 21, igte. Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. 20.00 toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor, )ind the new lights which have been thrown ONE OF THE INTERESTING FEATURES OF ; 2) Paut-Seatile Express, pon reciprocity. Nobody cares to hear THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. wnea you butte, consider Great Boost f THE GREAT MIDSUMMER SALE 4 00 Seaitle-St unl, Express catgary, Out a dead m in polities. The Saskat- QUALITY first. Don't be per ustrated 21.36 Prairie: peg to Calgarys howan electorate sang Bob, Roger's re- i s as Pidltle: Exe. Cal Wiel c ctorate sang Bob. Rog Text of the Lesson, Mark iv, 26-321 suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- i i NOW GOING ON IS sae craire eps career? to Wionlves. nic, His day ix run in the West. Tet ware aisscmemery Vereen 202 pen nyceun wea soccer tho lished in s1z519 1900 Pah gea GaaeIe the obsequies be peaceable. Gelden Text, Mate. vi, 10 Commen- DER Pecau it's cheap aso the 516 23,00 Local from Calgary, o AaryiRrepared Sr Rev: DM, PROCOR TS king the ulider reauites Under a seven 518-511 1 for Cranbrook. UITE . The portion selecred from Mark for 2 Sere Medicing Hat, Mak se0.st3 aie (ul. Rodieuay Landing: TITE a number of the members of the iogays ieeson given ua two pa A select stock or LUMBER, ndustrial City. 518 630 Local for Calgary. City Council are interested in the one of which. the mustard seed. Is.the pOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, ustries Locate B un 230 240 Soo, Ltd. St. Paul-Port. question of providing a swimming third tn the r gulur order tn Mutt xill-1 pexow, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH Sia ee . ww we id * M rested: ra hit, S00, Lid, Port-St, Paul pool of som description for the boys and Wille the gradu growit of the see ll AND FIR FLOORINGS. Ree. Bae : Royal Worcester Corsets Fc emtran ae ADE sonnet Medicine Hat. Passing see of Medicine Hat. At the time the trom Matthew concerning the learyn js We Rave: he-Hgasoy ike. the fis Just Beginning. - ; curling. rink proposition was con- . : 4 M ing rink proposition was under con. eo Saaessen tga Doors, Press says, sideration, there was some talk of making HSWity; and tares te the second. We THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL Medicine Hatt i . Medicine Mat Dews am arrangement whereby a large concreted wit be better able to summarize these ot got the cr ah j asin Wi i i parables after next CEMENT, Wi ATH That's right but Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every hasin would be included in the plans. The , WOOD FIBRE, Li '. S ate 2 Ae k. Concerning them itis anid, All a story... Medicine F lawful evening at Its otice, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Alta. (C8, however, fell through, as did a similiar yes9 things spake Jesus unto the mul- SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL ences os: 5 proposition in connection with the market le in parables, and without a par- LOW POSTS ALJ. N, TERBILL, Eateor, wtae : Sade 10. DH . all but promised th ae building. The News will be glad to. lend able spake Be not unto them. thus. aie wieeautance . (ONE: ig ONE: si . as lt;.. folditing Pa bexvill, 2 8 He spake os Advertising .ny assistance in its power to a proposition) Ee. nS eee o believe they were bh Repo ad oS Circulation and iy they went holus Regular price 3.75, selling at 2.2 COME WITH THE CROWD . which Sess si iv dable News Dept doh Dente si, possesses so many commend Peaeicige Hass as 13 RING . RING 2 TQ BEAVER pointed, Calgary - ; aaj2Ae SUBSCRIPTION nates i : BOARD Sein ee ; -ai, delivered....84.90 3 year by mall... . 3.00 THE Medicine-Hat Fire Depar : ale Peon en a The Glasgow House jr sivmige (mam yeu: ie T' sthtetie team at preset enjoy the a va : , delivered. . 1 8 months, by rad. ..7 6 ; vine: ; Ca: a 1 month; delivered... 850 ic honor of holding the Provingial ed to asstime, had- The House of Fashionable Dressers Addreeadt antiaes ts tien ba dostred, but beta naw and: hampionship. The members leave on was tndeed well 2 old ad resser nat be given, Monday to attend the annual meet at Pin- shops, Bhe hagica rcs eT BEAEY NeW, cher Creek. They carry with them the best : Suiting amaneas oe ery Thursday tn sixteen or more pages, and wishes of the citizens, who are quite con- LOSSES S SSIS HOSTS S HSS SHE omelets mney ofthe ews cette weak dent that the boys will be equal to the See, FINLAY CO. oblate 8 months, tn advance Toe months, in advance. soe ' Sk of defending their title to the champ-/ ye hear (verse 24; Luke vill, 18), were cess ti that little, . i i vill retur 7 cith BSVer more needed than now, for false THE LUMBER PEOPLE tained THE J year tn advanee.... 1.50 1 Hionship ane vwill returi Jaden down with ( Qiere end teaching abound every P. 0, BOX: 82 NONE ee a . Saturday, July 20th, 1913. trophies, as us a qwhere. Our lesson E have to pay the pri ee OF CANADA. S SS SS Instantiy there w: Fs. apeyer M233 THE WATER QUESTION. THE other day the News advised owners the same. Sning ARS upNOUE rE Total Assets oer Bee ae ge 115,000,000 bs ; . of launches of the delights of a trip to,maay Sas GY nat 7. SAVINGS BANK DEP ARTMENT. HE City Co neil dees-nottake-kindl. down the river from Calgary. At end for special utne realities. were 5 z z MEDICINE Bie wuaNci Nive wp the ee icism of the water service the time we forgot to mention that it would ose A bak eee reallted git their i offered by the News. We wish the be wise to make arrangements beforehand MB fo rae They, Ded Fourth Arenas 2: C. H. McDunnough, Manager Council to understand that the News is with the Southern Alberta Land Company SPyet owe ant Sl thee said PPD oeeeoeeooeteed gt; leateateteetocteedsetoateesoetoets taking up this question with the single- for a team, in connection with the short tt will not be gradu FOR. SMUT rather, faithful t minded motive of accelerating the work of portage over the dam at tlle Bow river in- Se ests, for which no installing the new system. The outlay on take. sill, 11; 50c.... Quart them. But Medicin a improving the old plant has certainly amel-- xtx, 19, sernbe songs: ah iorated existing conditions and the service, growth 25c.,,.Pint ending fo her ow: F there is any desire on the part of the police to enforce the regulations pro- ada resources which dei tion, She would le: no longer, but wo DPPgegecroeteagecgeatreteateateets Tes on the hill Imperial Bank of Can a great infprovement on that of atl DON T PAY MORE last year, but if the statement of the Mayor Capital and Rest -............ 11,993,800 4. lis correct to the effect that th ne hibiting trespassing ow the boule- when they as herselt ; 2 e capacity of vards, all they have to do is to follow the one, Unto if f M Sst gaeteaspca ede eet sds Gs 2,000,006 + the present plant is such that there is a sur- trail of some of the delivery wagons, the syne fcteota erry ; Soc mt Ping le s Drug and ; Eee oe shee. rea eben i ae * plus of 750,000 gallons per day, how is it drivers of which never think of using the aS aipeeny more fully Seseribea to Book Store : : hustling ever stfice: that the lawn service hours are cut so short rear entrances from the lanes. Eph. ill and elsewhere is growing, dustries and is ge BR, G, WILKINSON, Manager. * land every garden in y SS SS What we maintain is that the Couneiton FE Sriectotectode Seeeteateateeteegoetotoetoetestedgs taking office should immediately have pro- RUSLIC OPINION, -eeded to evolve a satisfactory solution 6f t-inig the water problem that every energy. E MERCHANTS BANK : should have been concentrated upon this OF CANADA question, even, if necessary, to the exclus- THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTE achat which fe Hie Boker, the ole big Ogilvie mill is from all nations who are to sbare the 5 Tee eeuiae Lord there ars others, ph. tt, 19-22). ay eet of tas Goat penis the weed - ; find the buge: rolil employing a big ste take the scraps of which are coll cted- from the railway sh dries and mills and machine shops and and farm yards all Montreal Gazette:+Some people who have been swatting the fly all season com- plain that he seems to be as numerous as ever. A more effective means of com- bating him is to have no dirt, such as waste food, about. The fly is seldom seen where ion of street. grading and the construction of sidewalks, The Mayor characterizes the News edi- i tell whence tt cometh or whither it Established 1864. - 180 Branches In Canada. rue Mayor char s the Ne i niin 7 . ada and they reduc capita, Bald Up, 6,000,000, torial on the subject as malicious and in- gt;solute eleanliness prevails. Ee growth of Che mustard seed nto hot blast and rollin ketable round fron is one of the remark which Medicitie Hat Total Assets (Nov. 30th. 1911) over 51,000,000. jurious to the city. Woe the day that. the : eee oe : a great tree, sheltering the birds of A general Banking Business Transacted. . Speelal attention to +- press of Medicine Hat and the citizens of erate. Meee: Press EGO IMS JOY iat tho air in its hranches or under its Savings Accounts, Medicine Hat have to deal in subterfuge to Soe eow OF, USE amaiiaw, sete, SOc aDctbee 3 : 5 i ' i Phat an herb should - to be proud. It is 2 We Os) 40 , Manager 3-4). 3-1-8. --1 Medicine. Hat. Branch attain any object. Let us be frank and weather such as we have been ha ng. See een ees ooeatting ont tee plant Ulead above-board. No manufacturer seeing our /B great wizard of applied science claims ( the reguiar course of things, and life and resources Nevdly-rivex ean assume for a moment that at his invention is practicable. In twen- these birds in the branches causo us HOTSON Shi: Hat: abjecnot our present embarrasnient is anything but ty years. he says, the. wealthier residents Seana ist i ee patable of the 2 LEADER H)question. when talk compare We are not lacking a visible of all countries in which there are hot to Govil (verses 4, 15). If ina dis- . not call NOTI CE TO BU LD ERS supply as in the case of Regina or Moose spells will have this installation as much course the speaker uses figure ana a saa nurssaring ort s : Jaw. Tt is simply a matter of quick devel- 2 Patt of the household system as electric Sens Tet former explanstion BUILDERS capital is involved, - opment outgrowing the facilities for supply. ight, running water and drainage. stands. The socalled church has grown js) LET US FIGURE WITH YOU seco mgr essen me d ffice in Suite I. the bn se We are lense know that a bylaw call? ee ee ee to be a vast NE ek cae Peon EEACING o YOUR cent jee eat mak g an ice in Sui aul - she pas 0 S ae from what the Lord LDING dollars difference o We 2 eo Hau We will ie le pod ee ing for the expenditure of 300,000 on the THIS DATE IN HISTORY and If in the first twelve disciples there ESTIMATES FREE. Y Along list of such : a aE 2 Pen Te: 7 ; oduced at last night was one of whom our Lord sald, One Ofice: Next to City Hall operation or under ceive ANY ORDERS or. PAYMENTS OF AC Water systom was introduced at last nigh? s) 661 Pierre ather of /ryeu eine Hat eoufd SNe ; ing of the-Couneit-and-ye-aganr-urge ae joine d Tberville; father Sa Medicine Hat. coul : i eae the Cotneil to bend every effort to hasten the colony of Louisiana, born in Bet fount bat eat to toe se ed - shall be sald of th forward the installation of the new system. Montreal: Died in Hayana, July 9, Christians there may be many-who for mentiee ie A 1706. some reason other than the right one Company employing Sapeal ea Se a have taken refuge In the church. the Alberta Foundry 1834 Revy. Guy I. Chabrat consecrated taking Toying upward: - CENTRALIZE OUR INDUSTRIES bishop coadjutor of the Romait Cath- oe SET ent lsevontng it alt the CROSSLEY BROS. Shea: irs bidet J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS oe Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Spgcial Millwork 3 - Se age : lic di f Bardstown, Ky. whole was leavened, is it not very a 5 mills and thie Medic Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. R. Warren Overpack has disposed of 1871 British Columbia entered the Canad- Sat Sant oe ian and in our dey Builders and Contractors. Billie Companys rhe ahs . a Mills Company is a Moterediostestogesteneteontesty steatectetesteateetonfeateetectoateegs his interests in the Alberta Clay jan federation. aa never before? Vrom the passover 798 4th Ave. Phone 434 Saha Swhleik haw bed Products Company and the Board 1gg90 Gen. Manuel Gonzales elected presi- story of Bx xi where Sey bers ee af 5 some years in Med eGrerecoogdoorerooucvcvoacacuce wal hold a eee in Medicine Hat short- dent of Mexico. : Liters ta no place tz the ible where- P.O. Box 304, - pieter conser eeet a y-. The control of the old company and of 4993 P Leo XIIL, died. Born March eaven means anything good. It eae . : i started, are the plant Quality is the Magnet That Attracts Trade. the new organization, which is to take over 2 Bao. 2 2 rays something: eter ontege oe ee Estimates Free. fat Zorn aa ; pe a 2 the fireproofing, ete., end of the business, is 7 ier Ne SIE GB SA 2-1 Retance Chev. 4h is vi, 2. Ih Lev. Plans Prepared. ia itera Glass G Prairie Pride 4 practically in the hands of the same men, as urHIS IS MY 68rd BIRTHDAY xxiii, 15-18, where the church is typl- Medicine Hat Steel is generally known. The matter of the lo- et re Sana of aera that eation of the-ew building will be-settted Talcott Williams. the Spirit foresaw would be in those OFFICE PHONE STABLE-PH0 at this meeting, which has been called, and Taleott Williams, director of the new *ttruits, but it was met by the sacri- NO. 868, 402 728 e ams, the News would urge upon the council to fice of the next verse. In Amos fy, 5, eee e A z School of Journalism at Columbia Univer- they were told that offering with THE 5 1S lea within eile yor 0 DAYS the 5 orks erect- sity endowed by the late Joseph Pulitzer, leaven was just like them and thelr 8 J. S. FOLLIS As we understand the situation, the C. P. 28 born July 20, 1849, in Abeih, Turkey, Quickly for her visitors she took threo Contracting Co. ee sare 4 i quickly for her visitors she took three The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited R. does not wish the company to locate out where his father was stationed as.a mission- messures-of-mesl-bat we are.mure that 19q renesro gx, 208 8080 + en / 01 the Dunmore hill, the ratepayers do not Py, illips- had no time to use leaven (Gen. ary. He prepared for college at Phillips- Our Lord taught the dis Heary Teaming, Sand, Coal Grarel want to see our industries scattered all over. jthe country and the Board, as at present Sas the great mill of- Company. All: industries any one make the fortune :of western Canada, B takes her successes industry lcated she other and instead of pbig. mill: she yeary of hearing ompany goes broke, bts each work out i y quiet, steady pro tent Flour Has achieved suecess along this line and is creating an ever incr asing demand, ip teres Andover, and was graduated from Amherst gies to beware of the leaven, or fi Rearatiag o ae: College in 1873. He began his newspaper tesching of Pharisees and Sadducees rien ang Haare one sie eareer soon after his graduation from col- Matt. xvi, 6, 12), and the Spirit by - -eenstituted, is anxious to locate the new + Paul said, Let us keep the feast with All Tim bor under excepti - PHONE- Jant as close to the present-works-as pos- /ege on the New York a contintted 49 unleavened bread of sincerity and fpich: togur ca wo -am Bil sible : with that paper until 1877, when he became truth Gor. v, 8). This ago of the here there is reaso 5 666 7 ransf er Co. : Who then, might we ask, is interested in ae pygshington See in, cabo the cure wl th Kingdom S Tadeetcial Futur A - haying this big pla rated three or fo ork Sun. Hor two years ne UOT postponed, is marvelously set Seat Piano Moving eee HIGH and HEAT male keer eer ene a be anne ote ial writer on the Springfield Republican, these parables by Him who knew all CONTRACTS FOR baustiial. Tt base? A Sect NS ee rt thc Cee Ne aon TTT Pehne See ie wich vowton bel py Mapai FemalePs ZZATE TEAMING verre hilad lphia Press, in w s 2 secret of - oe continued until his recent appointment. as Dr. Martells Female Pills GRADING AND EXCAVATING THE POST-MORTEM director of the School of Journalism. Nineteen Years the Standard Gravel and Sand for Sale, ells below Medicir ( pexhaustible as the Prescribed and recommended ft pA ee : rescribed and re or yattt Street. Phone No. 41, It the world cities ha ? number of the Conservative heelers LATIONS TO: women s ailments, a scientifically P. 0, Box BL. nd industries contin Paxil Taxit Taxis A iintvcd in tne nce Sakecn CONGRATU Dreparedsemedr of aroven wort O RSE et cr mere om ewan elections have been. placed Duke of rof aygreat do 7 revue fen eee a ieee be gana. ine Hat's supply 0 ALBERTA TAXI COMPANY jaunder arrest and an investigation a soattay W ne Cae oY ot 8 oe SS mm Seek scdstous W.R.Simmonds jff e ion Cun mane 2 All Orders Promptly Attended to. New Cars fal D 0 the methods employed by the. Hon. day. : ors CARPENTER axp CONTRACTOR ak the bas a c Robert Rogers is on tha tapis But George id world s 2s tant: System The News Job Repairs promptly attended to, 8 Worl Day. 2 ' e bs ge Haekenschmidt, former world s promptly to. forks of nature 7 Epes jay. 211 Night. J Why? In the West's bright lexicon, fail- wrestling champion, 35 Years old today. eae ths aan atbainer: for aul Pome to 335 1 UlereapoUts this a i
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Image 113 (1912-07-20), from microfilm reel 113, (CU1739220). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.