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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Bik. Lots Price and terms. 39, 82-88, 800, 1-8, 6 and 12. 1275, 1-2, 6 and 12, COUSINS SISSONS. Bik Lots, Price and terms. BE-A6-24, 250 each, 1-3, 6 12. , 8-9, 826 pair, 1- 80, 36-40, 400 cach, 1-3, 6 12, 6 and 13, ALTAWANA, Biock 3, ali, 00 each Block 12, all, 600 each, Block 14, all, 450 each, ROSEDALE TRACKAGE, Price and terms, 2500, 900 cash; 8 mand 12. 4000, 1-8, 6 and 12. 6, 183 ft. 4200, 1-8, 6 and 12, LUst with us, we have buyers for your property. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. j terms. J..A. LANDRY Builder 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626. Box 831. See me if you want a home, Special attention given to the building of Modern Houses. Designs and preliminary plans supplied. HOUSES FOR SALE. Your patronage solicited. And our sivate will cali for CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING, Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs fention. See Us for Sereen Doors and Windows, BOX 3. lt; lt; lt; + BBAVE TEAMING r as stare of milking, MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS, WOMEN'S TOES Prospective Buyer Do you want to speculate in Real Estate in the best and fore you our very best. We to grind. Our a clean commission aoe WIT Jjoany subdivisions or any other Men's May Save Twink. truck. We buy and sell in the lg up the very best for you, have been successful. Do rich men save their immense for- tunes from their salaries or by business? No, indeed. They got a start that way but their New York Women Have immense fortunes were made by Deformed Feet. Snvesting a fewdoliars-and re- Deating the process again and ww York, again on a larger scale. ing to tose quer toes? That Do you want to sell your lots at -reasonable-market figure? soon find you a buyer. Then g0 to'the market again with Your profits and repeat the dose. This is the only way small capi- talists can be made into dig ones. By doing this you have chance to drop into a good thing sooner or later. Our double extra spec- jals today are: Riverdale, 185, good jdogs in a basket, else made the Jare too small. Riverside, 250, sueoia. (ed )WHY WOMEN. HAVE good. Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, PHONE 791, declared: Practically all the wompn in *New York have deformed feet, aoe the only reason for July 24 Are we go- Bee etre ae nee the sex would some day be toeless. originally eaused Then list it with us We wii /De. 1, J. Reis, vice-president of the Tne broken ache. instend: ot being Ilinois Association of Chiropodists, lt;upported, are thrust. still further asserted that shoes are responsible out of position. Women's shoes are for the bad condition ot most wo- simply impossible. - The pump is the WOMEN S FEET he added. The woman is balanced on her toes? ends, andher And yet the. hew toes are all crumpled up like Jittle startling assertion REFORMED. FEET. Taiamoal. And unfortunately it is con- firmed on solid local authority. The Chicago despatch was chown to one lof the impsl eminent surgeons con- nected with the Orthopedic Depart- One. reason for this change: is ment at the New York Hospital for the fact that women have gone the Ruptured and Crippled., This into business. Half-minute from Post Office. jj entleman, who did not wish his js on her fect all day behind ame to be used, nevertheless based the counter or in the factory is statements on a wide profes-/ must be comfortably shod. And onal knowledge and experiencd Ha she cannot wear the old worn- On FREAK Sarees SHOES WILL HAVE (0:60 jindeed, the womas he w A woman's shovs delled on the samc plan, ieee come to and we will of tight shoes, and. declared that if which is so rapidly increasing talk business, Submit your i cir f worse, df it i property at reasauanie or, womed did nct change their footgear us, is made worse, if it is not shoe-business inows-that- women larger than it was formerly, The woman who out slippers by means. of which the housewife used to comfort her aching feet. Thp business wear meat, new. cially deformed. se-cnly difference Jing Little Tootsies is et a mpn's ivot, like the rest oa rs sensitl: und well-shaped sperm and ve once ) CAV MN EXPERT estat ish cette Oda,employed by those who give a proper -:bport to the arch and low enough not to destroy bal He Also Asserts About All sce. should be mo- tead of curving aimless ; and arbitrarily as they do. I want to mpuke this clear a woman who refuses to buy shoes too small for her is yet likely to : s what they're saying af the deform her feet, tecause nearly every Prospective Seller Chiropodists Convention out in Chi 1 offered her is utterly wrong eago. Dr. Emest Graft of New Xork lin shape. Voiced the mlarm- over the wearing Fiat-foot, thr painfut deformity mproper shoes. ENCREASING IN SIZE. of 2 big shoo store rebels against the medical ver- And somebody dict. This man carries in his stock both expensive and low priced foot that 98 per cent. of American wo- gear. That is (o say that both en are affected. with various ills of jthe feet through wearing. shoes that are-kis-eustomer Every one connected with the wealthy women and working women feet are growing large, he declared. which we sold most was No, 3. To- day it is No. 5. This is, the aver - age-woman's-foot is full-two--sizes RRP EEEEP EERE EER papell shoes which they wear. ing? he was asked. gn the-possi - Summer Man . ds the one who always looks neat and whose clothing doesn bag-at-the Iniees nor-gather in wrinkles, You can hare your suit cleaned and pressed at Such moderate price that-there fs no necessity of looking enough. maltreat their feet and the results. amake your bell look Uke new fine oneself to the fashionable quar- Lwhen it is . Goss pitt one perfect, undisordered pair of feet. If you are lucky you may find one Pair; Tam sure you will not dis- over more NEEDN'T GO BAREFOOT OR WEAR SANDALS. Do you think women should barefoot? was suggested. Or wear sandals? violent imovation is at all necessary, the doctor protest think of going barefoot on our snowy sidewalks, Absurd But. why should not women wear shoes ex- actly like those wori by ment 4 woman's foot and a man s foot, ate exactly the- lt;ame-shape,-unless, trd-do-pow really petieve theres comfortable. a likelihood of their toes disappear- The to s have. already began to disappear, he replied. They have been squeezed and crowded together for so. many - generations that they ate weaker and smaller to-day than ever betGre. But what's the use of isappearance? That is tHe future. y we 5 If we confine our attention to the The Popular present we shall find conditiows bad All you have to do is to go and walk oa Fifth avenue if ypu have any doubts as to the way women Any women knows the shape of her unconfined foot. What a difference there is between that and the ex- : Pensively shod result tripping down Slouchy and badly groomed. We /the Avenue But one need not con- - bathhouse see if you caa find dancers publicly assert that they al- play go or tennis, she cannot even up sensible shoes for still another reason. She eamot go in for ath- leties wearing narrow-toed boots a size too small for her. She cannot go for a long walk if her fect are cramped and pisichod So-she-makes: a virtue of necessity, and the broad, fashion. her feet a god deal they are apt. to spread. If she continues - to buy shoes which fit she must choose a larger size, or at least a broader My experience has-been that do this rather than go back to the discomfort of an ill- fitting shoe. SHOES MODELLED ON THE LINES OF THE FEET. While we-ar not yet selling sand- ra for a general wear they would eteal m this elim during the winter the shoe of to- closely on the lines of the natural foot. Except om dancing slip extreme Freiieh heel 1s Titile used. Tt has been found that the very low heel'does not give sufficient support to the arch of the foot. But we think that we have hit on a happy medium, between the high and the low. Mary Garden and other famous ways buy American shoes, as 90 others can compare with them. This is pretty good proof that the feet of the average American wo- manare in no danger of suffering trom her: foptgear- - * + the dollars in your pocket It ig'n recognized fact that the price Tew oi ig-very largely in- It will depend on how received for butter is-very largely porti ined reat measure determined by the care notes for patrons, cae - : and buttermakers, Sufficient copies have been issued to supply each crea- mery with a copy for each patron. Re- quests for supplies for this purpose should be sent to the Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioncr while individ- 5 of the Ual copies may be received from the a PRN umes ST patch eens of /Publications Branch of the Depart- House the Dairy Commi bulletin ment of Agriculture at Ottawa. This Mev er a alec store ads. given the cream from which it is made. This matter is recognized by the Department of Agriculture at Ot- tawa as being of vital importance to the Creamery patrons and buttermak- fers of Canada; consequently there i How much above par are THE DAILY NEWS PEEP EEE ee 3 + + 3 Stereo , health and feeding of the and follows the: subject througi CONCRETE WORK. ( *ring and delivering the cream, each section being dealt with Phone 260. standpoint of the man on the fob rath- er than of the official in an office. oD a a Ie et ot spent cot s Un TaFms aod in creameries are given Tis HONTEE. AL STREET jto show the advantages of separating ih days at the farms has, no doubt, Cc ARPEN TERS eo ates hae Wt Shara-vone tools Peteessight pean lt;reem for longer Shop back of C. Howley's estate office next Hull Block, Torom to street. . e et ie PHONE 561, 96t week. ;5 common in gathered cream butter, amd we can scarcely expect to have + Pacey ** CARE OF CREAM FOR BUTTER-MAKING ? nen SRDS AS Ree POPES RTI TS Dairy and Cold Storage series con- dy fluenced by its quality and: this if in cludes with summary of important you siudythe-buying op- yulletin is issued by authority of the making. It commences with the Hon. Martin Burrell, Minister of Ag- ricaltare. from the Katisas City Journai. a rick cream, properly cooling and hiz reay MBCh to do with the old cream flavor ti, this d eYect remedied so Iong as cream to is gathered Tess than three times each the time and you know that a facilitate conversation. * The bulletin which is No, 82 of the eamery owners VERY7ROMANTIC. The young girl was greatly excit- Of course, too, if a woman is on is modelled more and more , By the winter's first roar. . To her neighbor the ant, grasshopper of the fable. La Cigale ( The Grasshopper ) byEdouard Bisson, the first of The Daily News series of the world s greatest. pictures, was honorably placed in eh Salon exhibition at Paris. It is a beautiful painting, one of the best of its La Cigale is a story pi picture, Nearly everybody remembers La Fon- taine s fable of The Grasshopper and the Ant. American - rhyme it runs this way: Done 11 th geason came round A y rill umome eB And found herselt poor How spent you tne summer? Quoth she, looking shame At the borrowing dame. Night and day to each comer 1 sang, if you please. You sang I'm at ease; For it's plain at-a-glance; Now, madam, you must dance. Of meat oF of bread, Double weight on the pound Not. morsel she had; Ere the harvest is bound. So a-begging-sho went, The ant is a friend, For the loan of some wheat, (And here-ehe might mend) Which would serve her to eat Little iven to lend. La Cigale ? is Bisson s idealization of the agian counterpart of the The summery figure shivering in the wand i im- ity and necessity of labor. Photogravure 22x28 inches, - This Picture Never Sold Boe 2.90 Be fore sses the story of the nobili Well, he didn t have very much Oc. a1 and Six Cour ons- from the front page of The Daily News. These pictures annet be sent by loesn tf APTA Years ville, tage he car they pass o life has ce look his age five years 1 fund of infc -qneer tales story tsof t BY CA ACoprrtent, 1914. never ps deen tried t it will Gna port Land and they ai nemselves to crew and them nthe ma of devilment. Back in 4 characters try them were as a deck, but gol Most of those to work thetr 1 I was mate of New York, ley, one of the sea, but a man were carrying I scented -tm woodsmen ant Every one of t get-it the easi but mi seamen In th dubbers. Int We couldn't hi vad at sea, ar words-about 1 1can t help Mr, Morgan, skipper. If th this craft Fil d sixteen landiul as ever handle What a time harbor. Twer took all seven which ropes te tangled. We badn't shore began tc the jump ever. icked about ti of them hadn't they shipped. and when the on the deck th iained ab from the mi lazy. They 1 ever an-order grew Worse an among. thems breath whenev Through it willing. The gether, whien, afrald the diss Walking for heard a couple Who fs thi dandsmen, spr L aln t used slave, No, str, me the way th Look here, him. If 1 wa honest man he s started, Phe first. sp. a bully from o went ou to tel Af the old ma: c The next nj uing. There come and we was hustling a of the heavy overheard in th ing amidships over to him. Run up thi sail, I sald. dle for? The man sta forward, angr; proached. He start to answe Step lively tines. Quick n T'm darned That was t Bradiey s fist Morton crashe: away, but Mor had grappled w I started to tend the men s it was usel trhoming the ot (th seamen and Morten was si Cagtats is the
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Image 141 (1912-07-24), from microfilm reel 141, (CU1739217). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.