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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Flynn and Johnson : Battle Tomorrow Noon For Honors? Little or No Money Being Waged on the Bout and Interest 1s Not Great The Negto May Lost O t, But . ear Johnson Rounds. Year Flynn Rounds S04 Sam MoVey, K0. 20- 49 rommy Burng KO, FIRST THINGS jAuton Mesmef the German who first propounded what was lopg ago called mesmerism, and bfe tirat book on the subject 146 years today; Although Mesmer has m referred to as a cbarlatan, and fertainly was a believer in astrology fand other revivals of Asiatic mildew man of great peholarly at- junments. He studied Mediciie un- Van Swieten, De Haen amid other em nent doctors of Vienna, took a de- Sree, and .was.engaged in active prac- tive for some time before taking up the tudy of TiagNettonr-and-stmitiaroccult Ditenomena. In Paris he created a Sreat sensation by demonstrations of tis powerto-heal disease by manipu- although of WhR modern hypnotism apd. sug- es are the outgrowths,--publisheil or stain.on your clothing when it his been cleaned at the Globe -4 Oleaning and Preasing Co's. ation and suggestion, and physician as a rogue he ed a great popular following and assed a fortune. The government finally appointed a eommission to in- vestigate Mesmer and bis system. The report admitted many of the facts claimed by Mesmer, but asserted that there was no's Sgent ag animal netism. S-, GREAT 4-MILE TUNNEL COMPBETED (Special to the N ws) a E Salt Lake City, Utah; July 2 In : FACTS ABOUT THE CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT the town of Shantslk Fork, about tif COnTEsTRNTE I HEON-OF-Chieaes,ant- In of Puetts mite ot-thi big cele Place and Time Las Vegas, N. M., Thursday, at 2 p. m. bration was held day to mark Bite-nt. Stake World s Heavyweight championship, completion of the two-million dollar Length of Fight Twenty-five rounds, in twenty-four foot ring. Strawberry irflgation: tunnel The Rules+Marquis of Qu tunnef js the-second largest of its Ed. V., Smith, . Kind in thetworld. It pierces th aol e a 5 ae 1d rock of one of the highest panic ea Yeens, NM. Sul 8. Visitors trom many parts of the country have the Wasatch mountains, 2,000 testibe ing throtighout the day to see the battle for the world's champion- jlow its crest, and is almost, Your en the presdiit holder of the'title, Jack Johnson, and Jim Flynn, It will-divert -an entire and interest in the contest extends to all classes, From:the itrawberry, from one ;val- sof the rivals the announcement has been-made-that oth t physical condition and ready for the struggle tomorrow r seeepenre Ed. Martin, K.0 2 1907 Geo, Gardnet, Marvin Hart, L. 20 1907 Dave Barry, K, foe Jeannette, W. 6 19; T ny Ross, W. F. 15 1907 Jack Johnson, K. 0, 10 1907 -BIN Squires, K.0. 1908 Jim Barry, L, 1908 Al Kaufman, K.-0. 1911 Tony Capont, K. 0. 1911 Al Kaufman, K, 0. 1911 Carl + Mor i 1911 Tony Capon , K. 0, Your suit of light colored Sum- mer clothing lasts you fust three tlmes-as long-and ulways*looxs new and natty. by sending it here when t needs pressing and cleaning. Our system. of dry ot? a aa 8 cleaning fs a bodn to those Who , Wear light colored vlothing. i Keep the money at home. THE /GLOBE OLEAN. 3 ING PRESSING co. f Rear of Post Oftiee on Fourth Ave . Get . 2 Leaf: : : x Burns, W. Ketchell, K,0. 12 Jeffries, KO. 15 Saettetetet Beep before city for Binders ., Indexes, Sheets, A Forms, ete: for: this wore ee ; lego. REMOVED, TO Dickinson Block. Next to Binning s MALCOLM CO. REAL ESTATE PHONE 713 * Wemake a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and Leather, Canvass- and Leather, Canvass ete., and can. and 711 Ottawa St. E Phone 620. Box 831 Job. Work Attended to. omer: ; Bas: ae Promoters of the mill expect a large attendance. They disposed-of ee - many tickets in advance and count upon the late arrivals-from a distance EINNISH BAYREUTH FESTIVAL and the eleventh-hour rush trom Las Vegas and vicinity to swell the crowd x (Specal to the News) at the'ringside to proportions that will leaye them something, after all ex- ri eee 2 pense: are paid and the.tighters given thelr share. Among the old timers, fissinecors July'2- Great yrepara- however, its the belief that the crowa will fall far short df that at the Jef- have been-comipleted for what fries-Johni at Reno two years ago, both numerically and-financially. ambitiously termed the Finnish As a bet ition th fight does much,To date very Bayreuth festival, which is. to be op- few dollars bave-been placed omthe-regult. tne are many persons who ued tomrrow at Nyslott, a pictures- fBink lt;well of Piynn s-prowess-as- tighter-and-a vastly number who wish e little town on the Kyrosund. The him all the good luck and success possible when he faces the champion in festival, which will continue four days mie, 28 Giadly lt; af oe 208 siietldle hast tonne ot he. l I have it up. Close minutes post office, HOUSES FOR SAU He squared circle, but there are comparatively tew. who thipic-well enoi will be held within the walls of the of his chances to back Sreoipiecae Site 3 7 a janclent historicat castle of Olofsborg. who are willing to bet.on the Pueblo man at the lib Odds: They re of the programme remember the odds offered on Jeffries two yea 1d. ato the result of Fan opera based onthe Finnish na- the fight, wien the sports who had had the ni maa pulle Fi tional epic. poem the Kalevala, and Orders Promptly Attended to, 4) down some: ney. They figure out that if big negro champion h Day -Address: Royal .. Bowling fe Alley. Phoue 18 eg ig entitled Aino, , after the well gong back dul tWo-years'absendp tggmithe ring, the contest tompr- frowianay-peeepouton ects acne Ren. . jowirFinnish singer Mile. Aino Acte FO for whom it has beem Jot Sut-its-nit-thinee-consldered? Jo looks the winter, and,- b-he himself says, he olight to score a knockouy/Iong before the Uniit of thg tient ho Will fill the titfe role. M. Erkki is reache: Melartin, th composer-ot the-opera; 23 will conduct personall: Parcels D liverea, HOW THE MEN COMPARE IPHONE NO gt; 249, Fire vesoniren WE GAWEKER-2 Johnson NOTED GELMAN TO VISIT US 5 feet 10 1-2 inches 6 feet 1-4 inch ; (Sp cial to the News 188 pounda - - ae : New York, July 2 Among the not- 10 2-Anches Seen. ed passengers on the I it inbhes 17 inches erika; due to reach New York tomior- 38 1-2 tiohes. row, is Hermann Paasche, first - vice presMent of the German reich 124-2 inches jeader of the national liber- al party. Dr. Paasche is making a world tour for the purpose- of study- ing systems of government and pub- 86.13 snchen, Ne questions of general importance. s 36 1-8 inches He 1s particularly-interested in legis- BF rayeicians . Fre- 9 15: inches +, Calt i 18 inches lation for the-abolition or restriction TA eta 38 este S Age 34 years OF We Tiquor traffic. He will visit ORAMPIONSHIP HEAVYWEIGHT BATTLES SINCE 1896 many of the principal cities of the Un- Sept. 7, 1892 James J. Corbett knocked out Joff 1. Sullivan and won 'e States and Canada, ttle in 21 rounds at New Orleans, the fight being the first championship LORD CURZON PRESIDES with gloves. BAGS Y : : : Jan. 25; 1894 James-T. Corbett- knocked out Charlie Mitchell: of: Eng - (Special to the News) land in rounds at Jacksonville, Fla, ie - r gt; tondin, July .8 berd Ceraba oF Sept: 7, 1894 James J. Corbett knocked out Peter Courtn y in 6 r unds Keilestin; cbandallor 3 tha Univer jsity of Oxford, presided. at. the ses at Orange, N. J. . Eistol BEES Pee eens T Dorbett fought 4-round draw - with-Tom Shar vine of this; ihe second day of tao * Gongress of the Universities of the Rey at-San Francisco. March 17, 1897 Bob Fitzsimmons knocked out. James J. Corbett and Empire, , During the day the congress roe Ge te Ae Piunda at Catsou, City; Nev: discussed the relation of universities to technical and professional. educa- June ; 1809 James J. Jeffries knocked out Bob Fitzsimmions in 11 14 inches 40 1-4 inches 42 1-2 Inches 12 1-2 inches left forearm Chest, at rest Full inspiration + Waist Thigh Phan. B. ruggist 4112 inches stock of Toilet Articles 9 o 9 hohe ar aden 23 1-2 inches ee Weare moving our Lumber Stocks to.our New Yards on Hast Allowance, near the Linseed-Oil Mill, where we have the best ass sorted stock of LUMBER, WINDOWS, SASH, DOGRS, AND MOULDINGS in the largest and most modern sheds in the city. +. We can give you Dry Lumber at all- times, and we be Pleased to have you call and inspect both our stocks and shers for * Wwe know we can suit you with both Quality and Service. Our Specialties are: te Fir Casing and Base . Fir Mouldings Fir Doors Oak Front Doors ; + Maple Flooring i ex We also handle the celebrated Canada Brand Portland Ce: ment; Peerless Brand Wood Fibre Plaster; and Beaver Board, oundis-and ditte-at-to amt NY 3 Itien; of univertity. + E; Noy. , 4899 Jame J. Jettries won devision over Tim Sharkey after foccherg abd te pecilan oe teu eee with an order. We deliver any place in the city. a z ney Island, N.Y. *. .. iversities In the Hast in regard to feffries Knocked out Jack : Finnegan in 1 round their influence on charactet and mor- al ideals. : TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SYSTEM IN FRANC seuccsst THE C. LEAN LUMBER CO.4 fierce battle of 25 rounds pril 6, 1900 James J. fat Detroit. May-11,-1900 James J. Jeffries knocked rounds at: Coney Island, N. . ) Sept. 4 , 499i James J. Jeffries defeated Hank Griffin in 4 rounds at Los Angeles, Cal, oS Sept, 24, 1901 James J, Jeffries kntocked Los Angeles, Cal. Nov. 15, 1901 James J, Jeffries kn San Francisco. gt; 5 July 26,4902 James J. Jeffries knocked out Bob Fitesimmions in. 8 rounds at San Brancigco. Avg. 14, 1903 James J. Feffries knockedout James J. Corbett in 10 3 Our Prices Guaranteed the Lowest. out James; Corbell ti 23 Joe Kennedy in 3 rounds Sa Ruglin ij 8 at Officialtife, is experiencing its. first Seg eS ee taste ofthe new system of computing : Phone 772 and 17. f NOTE We will keep our old office open for fhe conyenience of our gus-. time, counting from 0 to 24, the change having come into effect on July Ist. : tomers, and your orders will be as carefully looked after from the old office as from the new one. 2 s po Be The twenty-four hour system now ap- piles to all the work of the Post Office D n nd also to the Govern- ent railways, the latierTevin ed their timetables to conform to paras: e-new-system. e Loetoctecte teste ede ctececrecpectectectecteetectest HOLLINGER- AGENCY ce'avith offer of Champion Jettri a, - 23,,1906 Tommy Burns nocked out Jim Flynn in 15: rounds at es. er ae Nov. 28,-1906Tommy Burns fought-20-round draw with Philadelphia Tack O'Brien at Los Angeles. a 1007-Tommy Burns won decision over O Brien in 0 rounds at-Los AngeTes: Tyly 4/190 Tonimy Burns tefiocked out Bill Squires.ot Australla Ind Tiyeet iied there ' round at Colma, Cal. 2 bikie occupied by, several persons,.the last Dee SAG, Tomtiy Borks knocked out Guunet Mofriof Musianatd 10 ownersgoing into edeeiptey, with founds. gt London, England. i - the result that the ptoperty was or- Feb. 10, 1908 Tommy Barns knocked out Jack Palmer in 4:yourids at derea sold to satisfy the creditors. Yee - ae ag Pai March, 17, 1908 Tom: BANQUET FOR CANADIAN * ms Bi z i London, Ju Publi, Fe at oe x April 18, 1908 Tommy Bums kefiocked out Jowey South tn romds at and the British We ed to receive Paris. 4 morrow night, TAFTS OLD HOME UNDER HAMMER (Special to the News) Cincinnati, July 3 The old home of President Taft was offered for ale at auction today. Since the Pre 384 Main St. i a Philadelphia Jack Fauocked out Jem Roche int roupa at Aug: 24).1904 Tommy Bary. nocked out Bil Squires in 13 rounds at Sydney. Ps 2p. 1908 T mmy Burng dnocked out Bill Lang in 6 yownds-at Mel- bourne. E Dec, 26, 1908 Jagk Johnson defeated Tommy Burns in 14.rounds and Won ttle at Sydney, police stopping the fight, - 3 Oct.16, 190--Jack Johnson, knoeked- out. Stanley Hetveher tt 12 rounds A quet 2 Bonor erME, + 100-tt. corner, Bik, 54, Townsite, ater Beton Bet : es i z , IN.-4D LOOK OVER OUR LIST BEFORE: YOU. BY. ae ee ee vt Tames J. Settries, retired ie re an bat vr Oe ae 7g See heavyweight champion,.in 15 rounds at Reno, Nev, Cts 2 : 4 : : x
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Image 6 (1912-07-03), from microfilm reel 6, (CU1739206). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.