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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Bik. Lote, Price and terms. 24, 22-23, 800, 1-8, 6 and 12. 1-2-3, 1600. 1-2, 6 and 12, 2, 1275, 1-2, 6 and 12. COUSINS SISSONS. Bik. Lots. Price and terms. 26, 16-24, 250 each, 1-3, 6 12. 2, 8-9, 825 palr, 1-3, 6 and 12, 20, 6-40, 400 each, 1-3, 6 12. ALTAWANA, Block 3, all, 600 each Block 12, all, 600 each, Blook 14, all, 450 eaoh, ROSEDALE TRACKAGE, Blk. Lots Price and terms. 5, 6, 2500, 900 caph, 6 and 12. 3, 18-19, 4000, 2-8, 6 and 12. 6, 188 ft, 4200, 2-8, and 12. List with us, we have buyers for your property. Donald Currie R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Penpe Attention to all orders, Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality. PHONE NO. 349, POPC DO SOOO FO 55550900R . M. CAWKER, Phm. B. . Druggist Com; stock of Toilet Articles Medi- Proprietary Dapeng of Physicians scriptions speculty, 204 Seuth Rv. St. Modern and sanitary ny, every Tespect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will cali for and return the goods. Prepare Yourself for Business. ENTER 4 THE SOUTHERN ALBERTA Gia SR sei ell 4 y Students may saa eet ad at any time. MEDICINS HAT DATLY NEWS. Thufeday, Bly 18th, 1912 OPERA-HOUSE Three Nights Tui, dy 8h THE EVER POrULAR COMEDIAN Tom Marks AND HIS EXCELLENT SUP- PORTING COMPANY ina repertonre of Comedies and Dramas OPENING COMEDY The Man from Canada 80 5 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS 5 Prices, 26 ,, 50c., 76c. Advance . it was for the man who would like to be good dreaser and look natty and smart the day We introduced our dry cleaning in Medicine Hat. There is noth- ing like it for keeping a man's wardrobe in good condition, Let us-be your valet-and-keep. your garments mended, cleaned, pressed and looking new: by bringing them to in your house will give a floor that will last a-tife- with Oak, Maple, and Birch flooring at very little more cost to you than the common kind. We handle the cele- For inside finish, Ask for + samples, The Gas Gity Lumber Co y Office: and Yard oyp. Flour Mill Phone 233, SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. THE GLOBE CLEAN. ING PRESSING Co. Rear of Post Oifice on Fourth Ave. Pjrond: different visioned be Grey and Carnarvon. time. We can supply you House Mover Phone 260. J. J. LAIT A MARTYR 10 HAY FEVER rult-a-tives Cured After 15 Years Sutferng Comnware CaNTRE, ONT., Novamexe 27th 1911. T was a masty? to Hay Paver foe probably fifteen years and I suffered terribly at times. I consulted many ns and took their treatment, tried every remedy I heard of as being good for Hay Fever but nothing hel en T heard of Fruit-a-tives and Aecided to try letel: So every sufferer from Hay Fever, I wish to say Try Fruit-a-tives. This cans Taare me when every other id AFTER SOUTH AFRICA NOW The e and Romantic Story of the Federation Of South uth Africa. A Smaller Peo le Must Have Failed The Mak- ings of a Nation, On May 31, 1912; was signed the Peace of Vereeninging, which closed the great Boer War, writes the Jo- hannesburg correspondent of the Daily Mail. Ten years ago. Only ten years. Little indeed in the life of a na- tion, but rowded years. Then there was desolation and despair, a ruin- ed land, and. an--embittered race. Today the Parliament of the Union: of. South Africa sits at Capetown, and thecleader of the enemy is the head of a goverament in the eda deviding part. A strange story. this tion i South Africa. Even now few histerians appreciate its To: mane, It was reached by a rough indeed from that of federa- Discontent, separation, disaster, vast schemings, . only dimly recognized save by .a few. master minds, the ics, racial outbursts, language iG ulties, suspicious, these the land knew, Looking back, one wonders times. how South Africa to dive through it all as she A smaller people must. have failed. The community which stood such a test must have in it the makings of a nation. - ies STILL MISUNDERSTOOD. - ; But after ten years South Africa is still misunderstood. You read in some of the English papers that British policy has been a failure, The assertion appears to be deman- ded by the exigencies of party war Hare. Ireland, cry some, must have self government because. self-govern - ment has succeeded. in South Africas) Those who disagr e do not question the analogy. It is easier to say that. self government has failed in Sonth Africa and must therefore fail in Ireland. Jt is a political short-cut. But it does not do jus- tice to this country. British policy in South Africa has not failed, It has put down afoun- dation solid enough to support - . nation. England has done her Sat well. The form of the superstruc- ture rests with South Africa. A bold experiment was. made. So far it has ty sults. The dominating feeling of the South African wno on May 31, 1912, looks back across the years to May 31, 1902, must be one of thankfulness. Thankfullness there must be for Dateh to safeguard ests will destroy the racial divis - election of which Englishmen play- (December, 1930. Wbout her husband's eyesight, say - glasses Without first seeing ;him. Can he see objects at a sie i wants yer to. cure is his fastidious eyesight yet and have asweet, healthy baby, and our a een will Gnd an atmosphere of friend)i - ness. THE DIVIDING, LINE. Of course, the dividing tine ip po- litics is still too langely one of race. Racially the Duteh are apt ta be nervous. It is not an unnatural feeling, perhaps. They lack the na- tional confidence of the Mnglish, who feel that nothing ean injure equality and their nationality. The anxiety of the Dutch to suleguard oqpality and protect their nationality often outweights their umediate political convictions, and ties them to a, party with whose social policy they are not in entire agreement: Timo will change this. As the years pass away the big parties will be more and more divided by ordinary po- litical principles. The Boer in the Trefisvaal hag often more political sympathy with he Britisher in the Transvaal than he had with Boer at the Cape. Common inter ion. Whether in the future we find free trade versus protection, or town against country, or interior opposed to coast, matters little, The important fact will be that the dividing line will not lie between Bngiand and Dutch. The day is not yet. But there sre signs of the dawn. On the tenth anniversary of the Peace there is reason to be very hopeful -of the future of South Africa. ROMANCE OF SILK. China was the home of the silk in- dustry, and for several tenturies kept the knowledge of how to weave silk from the cocoons i close secret, and the industry: waa frst introduced into Europe, some centuries ago by two Persian monks; who had resided for several years in China. The Italian merchants endeavored to create a mo- nopoly so far as Europe was con- cerned. But a native of Norwich, Eng- land, John Lombe, learned the secret. He returned to his native country and opened a mill at Derby. Finding their trade declining by reason af Lombe's competition, the Italians ae- jelded to wreak vengeance. They sent a Woman from. Italy to Derby, where she obtained employment at Lombe's mill, Having won his rienashtp; she tul- filled her territle mission by means of secretly administered poison. - Lombe died in great agony in 1722. The old mill at Derby was destroyed by fire in NO CURE FOR HIM. Tit-Bits. + A.woman consulted an oculist* ing she wanted a -very strong pair of glasses for him. I fear I recommend your cammot the osulist said. something about tance, or does he experience ficulty when reading? For instance, could he see that pigeon which is flying up above us? Rather the woman said. He d spot a pigeon on t wing qpicker than he'd see an aeroplane, especial ly if he'd got, a bet o1 s short- sightedness when he's seekin . work. He s. been lookin? jor a job ten years and never seen one to. suit The. oculist regretted that he couldn't deal with the case. MRS, WILKES? BLESSING Her Dearest Hopes Realized Health, Happiness - and Baby. Plattaburg, Miss. Lydia E. Pink- a ham s Vegetable Compound has proved very beneficial to me, for now I am well home is happy.- I-was an invalid from nervous pros- tration, indigestion female troubles, Only 20 Left. Your Last Chance to Secure One of the Greatest Paintings Of the Modern French School La Cigale ( The Grasshopper ) byEdouard Bisson the first of The Daily News,geries of the world s greatest pictures, was honorably placed in ihe Salon bition at Paris. It is a beautiful painting, one of the best ofits ind. La Cigale is a story picture, Nearly ev: erybody remembers La Fon- taine s fable of The Grasshopper and the Ant. Done into American rhyme it runs this way: ; How spent you tne summer? Quoth she, Jooking shame At the borrowing dame, Night and day to each comer I sang, if you please. You sang I'm at ease; For it s plain at a glance, Now, madam, you must dance, A grasshopper gay the summer away, And found herself poor By the winter's first roar. Of meat or of bread, -Not a morsel she had; So a-begging she went, To her neighbor the ant, For the loan of some wheat, Which Would serve her to eat Till the season came round- I will pay you, she saith, On an animal's faith, / Double weight on the pound Ere the harvest 1s bound. The ant is a friend, (And here she might mend) Little riven to lend. the grasshopper of the fable. The summery figure shivering in the wind i im-, presses the story of the uobility and necessity of labor. A eRe 22x28 inches. Fetes ee odetodetotedede tote s todte taco tote ecedededecedededete tote tunity to buy : Our Rug : terns. This si de our stock. Its thor hours of work usua We have a full : nSion, and ever HEADQUAR Ley Yard, North FE O--OFO-OHO-+0+ OO 10h 9-LOL ML OL Oto. OL Railway Pa CAPITAL 5,000,000 CLAIMS PATD 30,000,000 Established 1849, c uy MONTREAL STREET material progress, WILLIAMS O jtand inid wastes today breaking -RSON Contractors. - Shop Fittings and Repairs Given P A ae ATKUSON FISHER TRANSFER AND ... DRAYING. Orders Promptly Attended to. ity Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, LIGHT AND HEAVY DRATING, FRED McCLAIN Tenders for the exclusive privilege to sell meals and refreshments at Ex- hibition grounds, during Fair time, will be received by the undersigned up to noon Saturday, 27th inst. The Use of the Kitchen will be understood to. be included in the tender, and must be in use to provide hot meals for a week before and during the fair, Further particulars on applica- tion to the secretary. sarzt every trade record The output-of the mines mounts ever higher. Agriculture is advane - ing, and with the spread of educa- tion and the growing up of a new generation trained in modern meth- What is meeded tract more that much of the saerifices of Past will have been made in vain. clearly also. thankfulness that is the foundation of all thi Here and there jon and animosities may linger. all seriousness there is more terness left in England than there is in South Africa. Purposes- some may be flames on occasions. both sides are guilty. Yet as yon 3. HASBARD, tet-away from the politicians and Secretary.. go among. the common E People you plying the it ever put up, an effort to a white men. Without 2) the time South Africa may see that And there must be a deeper for social peace. For the old prejudices bit - For political of the newpapers inclined to fan the racial Extremists on Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, and I think it saved this baby s life, as I lost my first one. are when they come to look-ferward to ble of motherhood owing to some de- Fangement of the feminine system, often curable by the proper remedies. are now children because of the fact But in that Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- dential a My health has been very good ever praise your medicine to all mny friends. Mrs. Vanna WILKES, R. D. No. i, Plattsburg, Misa. The darkest days of husband and wife childless and lonely old age. Many a wife has found herself incapa- In many homes once childless there FL29E Dank seelal, advice, write to Departme This Picture Never Sold Less Than 2.50 Before. To Daily News Readers Readers t Ses No AER EDST ROT TO Cost Is C. and Six C igate is Bissen s-idealization of the human counterpart of the E a from the front page of The Daily News. 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Image 101 (1912-07-18), from microfilm reel 101, (CU1739221). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.