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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. C. P. BR. PASSENGER SERVICE. MAGISTRATE KEALY S action in stop- Effective June Ind, 1912, ping the kissing of the Bible pract- INVEST WITH ME 2 Glasgow House jice in court is'a gommendable one. A No. Arrive. Leave, Biba : ie jad for every new 1 2020 2045 Imp, Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver Bible ot se. eupplics eyery ult is that every Tom obbering over the same 2 8.05 830 Imp. Ltd., Vancouver to Montreal. Witne 8 11.15 11.36 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. ick and Harry - 4 26.00 * 20.25; Toronto Exp. Vancouver to Tor. vpistle. . Repulsive when you think of it. D I in iS 33 a. ee pores. Your lips touehing the book make the oath AND BE LUCKY Wi pee bate me 4 00 420 Seattle-St. Paul Express. e bind : bit. ai consi I he N 0 rthway Coats 61 21,25 21.50 Pratrie Exp. Winulpeg to Calgary. 0 More binding than if you touch it with CENTRAL PARK QUALITY first. Don't be per 6 585 6.50. Pyairle Exp, Calgary to Winnipeg r hand, and contamination from any 514-517 6.05 Express from Kootenay Landing rms on the book are atly eliminated. 512-519 19.00 Local from Cranbrook oe a su 33.00 ass se ee 3 ,ERENCH SETTLERS from French Can- - .80 Local for Cranbrook 7 lonied ii 2k oS are ck- 590-813 8.00. Exaheoc ter Bi Kanata, Adian colonies in the States ae flock. 515 6.30 Local for Calgary. ing-into-Western Canada, and in the mean- uu 2.30 240 Soo, Ltd. St. Paul-Port. time Borden s ex-lieutenant, Henri Bou- a 940 9.60 S00, Ltd, Port-St. Paul. rassa, convinues to ery annexation. Nos.12 and-12 do not come into Medicine Hat. Passing eS qectite st Dunmore shown. P -ofder to stimulate the attendance of 1 the- Sunday school-a St. Louis church Medicine Mat Deus sive motion picture snow once nauk Seiiicked by ea ide To arouse the enthusiasm of the small Published by the Medicine Fi ey lamthl evening os trtunee nee pe ay od boys an oceasional-wild west film would be Corner, blk 23, lots 1-2-3, 1500 Terms, Corner, bik 24, lots 387 to 40, 1650. Terms. Bik 29, lots 1-3, 900, Terms, Blk 25, lots 7-8, 850. Terms, ROSEDALE PROPOSED TRACKAGE 100 ft, bik 8, 4000. Terms. 188 ft, bik 6, 4200 Terms. 50 feet on Main St, two blocks from railroad, 7600. Terms. 40 feot with shack on So Railway, 1800 cash. suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it s cheap ase the very best. We re it, and ev- erything the Builder requires, A select stock or- LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR. FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS, We have the agency for the Selobrated Morgan Doors, R- BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH and Suits First shipment of these well-known garments have arrived. We will be pleased to show you Fashion's latest. New Shirt Waists SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- i. bay . Exclusive lines in Dr. J: rx fine wool Shirt Bah EBAttor, affeetive- Vancouver Province. ce Ssbe atgad Gey ee Low resis ae Wictuine aege: TERRILL, Waists. EneyE: lt;HONE: o . Yuill for sale on easy terms, Make the Aps alee. atKortel, Advertisios 4 CHICAGO woman doctor says that We are still selling Altawana THE NEWEST SEE-THESE. sone at aD Stalin ont some day: women will fill men s shoes. fd have good burs inal 19 RING s. RING 2 7 ) The corn doctors will then go out of busi- ?* : Rasy SUBSORIPTION RATES. ness, Donald Cu rrie Y-ar, delivered....84.00 I year by mail... .33.00 ae ee months, dslivered. . 2,00 ots : The Glasgow House 3 months, delivered. 8 I 2 meee: CF een. yee PUBLIC OPINTON. Sa Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. 1 month, delivered....850 Addresses changed as often as destred, but dota ad 4 Think of It Old a4 reeade rat be given. ew salary of. 25,000 per annum should WEEKLY NEWS. prove adequate for Toronto s new solicitor. Published every Thursday in sixteen or more paged; aid But, ah there s the aldermen and the board contains a eumma-y of the news of the weak, eal aaa of control to buck up against. Think of Saeed tie F neato, ok bog hat Hamilton Spectator. 1 year in advance.... 1.50 The House of Fashionable Dressers CANADIAN Stam FINLAY- CO. J. A. LANDRY Nha ali THE LUMBER PEOPLE FRONTIER DAYS - British: medical man is said to have dis- Carpenter P.O. BOX'9, PHONE 57 bg Friday, August 23rd, 1912. Se vered a method of improving the condi. Builder . * -stien of the mentally defective by an injec- CALG FOULING THEIR OWN NEST. tion of extract of brain tissue, We are Phone a otewe ee a1. ine C 'G) Rd E D THE ait ntio f the N h t ti credibly informed that there is no founda- aun bean called to par era Sn United tion for the report that the Citizens Pro- See me if you want a home. ( S, e F ao Z Perfectly in Three Days States newspapers, which have reflected erat ne A si een enne exper: Special attention given to the SEPT adversely upon the Canadian West, and the ficial i a Nainte Coa oie eee ee PEN eer press, and even the Government officials en ee FOR 0 + SINGLE COLT Smet Metta) Dominion has periodically felt called upon The second wife tisually has the better . - ae Har the Rott PEt lt; to refute and condemn statements of this time while she lives, but the ex erate HOUSES YOR datx. Going dates Augi c, nature, which, if left uncontradicted, might j smb . ted: over the fi oe vite FS Saat have a tendency to injure th reputati of tombstone is erec' over the first wife s Apply to Local Ce ee eet su ne bueetion of) srave. Lethbridge News. THE NEAL INSTITUTE the prairie provinces, as the greatest grain- producing area of the world. Of course. EOE tw CC) consideration of the source from which the THIS DATE IN HISTORY ee tai CALGARY, ALTA. reflections emanated would have the effect . Ticket RG. M Dist. Pa feeeieeminieieieieirerppep ' DON'T PAY MORE R. B. Taylor s: Pingle s Drag and: : : 1, A. DOI of nullifying, to an extent, the harmfulness 1628 George Villic ke of Bueli oi h oe 1 leket Ai lof these sinster reports, as it is no secret Tm, nated by John Felton. VAY S P00. PONE 8s 8 Phone 201. that our neighbors to the south view with 1764 State of Franklin, afterward Tenn- Light and Heary alarm the. exodus of their farmers to our essee, was forined. Plane one Plane Yan s 2 OES SOPHO plains. While knowledge of this fact is an 1793 For the third time in thirty years * * Speelality, ee explanation of the attitude taken by the T B i LD E RS 2 American-papers, it is no palliation of the N gt; offence and we in the West feel that we have 4 grievance. However, if it is a griev- a 3 5 eae : E ance to be misrepresented and caluminated 1866 Treaty of peace between Austria 9000-00000000000006006 We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im- by a foreign country, what must be the and Prussia signed at Prague. perial Bank Building. .We will be pleased to re- term applied when the: Canadian town of 1883 Completion of the Northern Pacific E. M. CAWKE: eeive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AG- o/( Railroad to the Pacific coast. Phm. B. 3 ochrane, in Northern Ontario, hangs COUNTS at our up Town Offices. 3 across its streets streamers bearing such in- 1898 The United States and Canadian Dru. ggist ert, not inthe Dag eines ropcicteey Mae seFiptions as this: Joint High Commission met at Que- J. H. PRESTON PLANING- MILLS No rain; no grain; uncer- 1911 President Taft addressed the G. A. cines, ete. the British captured Pondicherry, Parcels Delirerea, the capital of French India. PHONE NO. 349. 1813 Perry s squadron sailed from San- dusky for Put-in-Bay. bee. es x : 7 + Physicians Pre- Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork tain and stunted crops; poor drink- R. national encampment at Roches- 2 Scan Phone Offices 760; wey 60. . oe mater 2 ae ee buikting ter. 308 dea ear OTSON 4 THE HIGHE gt; material or fuel. o . S AD POIN ododortodonieroetentogedodiote esletediedediertedeeatecteeteats Nice line of dope that, to hand out by.a i ; : ee THIS IS MY 52nd BIRTHDAY Canadian town regarding any district Wordoegentrdeatretertortedegonte lt;eegeeeetesrateetectooctecgoedate within the confines of the Dominion and + Herbert M. Wilson. WILLIAMSON in merit in the CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS process we have a at a time, too, when our larger minded men . ; . Pe us FIGURE WITH you peerrem sun THE ROY, A BANK are bending every effort towards -presery- bert M. See, etiet engineer of the SON CONTRACT Fon a worene preity eae 7 the Fathers of Confederation walertoer an Glasgow, Scotland, August 29,1860. vat Contractors. o ek ee OF mn eon eh OnEeCEra a itish x rth an early age he accompanied his parents to Shop Fittings and Repairs Tel an haa (incorpo: ) diieconea Hnking up Provinces of British North America and was educated at Oogpes Union ve Ae pene PERE RRP eit garments eniruste Total. Assets ...5605...0002 wee wes . P New York, and at the School of Mines of fe, fox Seren Doers e Special Attention Given to ; nee perhaps, a Re sere g period wig Columbia College. . For a year or two after wee THE GLOBE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. feeseae ce ont fhe est gd the West and t king up the profession of civil engineer- SON ses: ING PRES MEDICINE, ae CH Noves Whe a bibwe Ul-advise. afin eat the ing he was engaged in railway construction 181m PHONE Rear of Post Office Avenel oee oa West taken by the East than that indulged poe a . 3 United States Geological Survey as a topo- in by the town of Cochrane. grapher and filled the positions of irr If, the legislatures of the West are c and-geographer before he c 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 REGISTE errors cren: WI ackbone, this same came chief engineer several years ago. Box 304, AUC N hr: aay a : : Imperial Bank ef Canada po shen ot eee Wilson is widely known for his lectures ry Estimates Free. Se BY e sSsions. Pefore- colleges and engineering societies - Modern ana sanitary in every ling nature at the fall session re COny Se ft respect and the machinery is H. B. BROW ; . irrigation, mine fires and rescue, swam ay Plans Prepared. Capital and Rest .... ... .. . 12,850,000 There are no thanks, either, coming to 00 7 eto and other subjects, He hasl 3s Wats: Beiseemmiece ee sols an tho Total Assets ... . . ... 78,750,000 the Toronto globe a pe Hane page Prom- 1,.en especially active in the movement to PHONE NO. 8. Horses, Gows, Bu A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. inence aecorded to the incident. abate the smoke nuisance in the large cities fae eee ne eNO STABLE FHOND ae aia SKYIN S BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BERANCHE o . of the country. St ee 5 402 728 Square a comple E. WILKINSON, Manager, IT is announced that no more cement side- 0 THE J. S FOLLIS ON MONDAY, A at2 o'clock at the Medicine Hat Branch. walks will be laid this year after TIONS TO: DOr dere ematods SH aercrdeefecte-dons ones now in course of laying are finished. Contraciing Co. iors, tear of Fear of frost is the reason given. Is there Charles D. Rose, a Canadian-born G tySale Stables set woh me a a North: Co. Heavy Teaming, Sand, Coal Gravel ON MONDAY, A Excavating a Specialty. at 3 o'clock at the fs itory, rear of 313 nd Meary Horves for sale st the whole of the i Ime Li horses, another one. Last year sidewalks were laid member of the British parliament, 65 years up nearly to the first of November. That o1q today. e eG Fi Bb was too late; but there are six weeks ahead Mog P i - nh us before there will be any injurious bishop of St. Boniface, Man., 57 years old OF GAMADA ine: frosts. Not a very good ad. for our town today. z i THE PIONEER BA a Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. ings a when we stop laying sidewalks at the end o . a eon ee Dairy Gon Established 1964. Hi ese a of August and blame it on the frost. How JUST A LITTLE FUN. FRED McCLAIN F S L YO N id eed Total Assets (Kor. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. about builders? PHONE 85, PROPRIETOR e Wont 3 of 16, 2, + A general Banking Busiaesy Transacted. Special ition to Set Sure Guess.. CONTRACTS FOR of Medicine Hat Saringy Acoswsts, 7 Hat Branch PREMIER SCOTT of Saskatchewan has Are those wom n suffragettes? ot HEAVY TEAMING cour, ee ae T 0. 30 , Seiten ft ate os followed the lead of Premier Sifton of Yes. H M ments, household Alberta and enlarged his cabinet. It is What do you suppose they are talking/ OUSE OVEL crsvre ann excavanne effects. ot : surprisifig how five ministers have been about so earnestly? ie i SAND FOR SALE Gravel and Sand for Sale. gr matructions f : able to carry on the voluminous work in It s one of two thi gs millinery . or Yall Street. Phone No. 416, qr f , *PHONE Tasker the past in connection with the rapidly politics. Detroit Free Press. RELY CoaenG P, O, Box 81. ines Case. - srowing province. Messrs. Langley and 0 - CONCRETE WORK. For further part 666 Transfer Coc ie me both cid members of the howe Two Kinds, Ss W.iR. Simmonds . B. BROV apid LIGHT and HEAVY. * ect Scott's health is greatly improved, Kindly return my lock of hair Phone 260. - CARPERTER ann ConTRACTOR Live Stock and Piano Moving lakspnable DRAYING and with the stance of the two new All right. Do you want the dark lock J J L A I TT . . Phone 703, E A Speciaity le 4 Horonte street, ministers, his burden will be somewhat re- or the one you gave me when you were ala . ate er eee 37-6t MEDICINI lieved. iblonde? Washington Herald. U6 MONTREAL STREET Sete ee epee p aa a Bubscribe now for i are a
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Image 343 (1912-08-23), from microfilm reel 343, (CU1739544). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.