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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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lt; SEPT. 2f. 1912 That little girl of yesterday is a young lady today her summer frocks are most becoming, it Is fe. Nothing but picture: can keep her as she is. Now really isn't it worth a picture? Make the Appointment Today. THE BARTLETT STUDIO, FOURTH AVENUE. Hardwood Floorin g in your house will give you a floor that will last a life- time. We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Birch Mooring at very little more cost to you than the common kind. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish, Ask. for S samples. The Gas Gity Lumber Co y OMce and Yard opp. Flour Mil y Phone 233. CANADIAN PACIFIC The Stampede FRONTIER pos CELEBRA- CALGARY ALBERTA SINGLE FARE For the Round Trip. Going dates August 21-Sept. 6. Final Return Limit Sept. 9. Apply to Local Agent for Tickets. Re -G. NeNEILLIE, Dist. Pasenger Agent, CANADIAN PACIFIC - Special Fares To TORONTO, ONT. And Return From Medicine Hat Via all rail route 60.80 Via lake and rail route 68.60 Dates of sale Aug. 22-28 Final return limit 30 days from date of is- sue. For further particulars apply to Local Agent. R. G. McNEILLIE Dist. Passenger Agent, Phone 201. Medifene Hat. W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consign e and forwarding a: as yygoing into the f Judgments thereby affected. Any OPERA OPERA HOUSE, Commencing FRI UST 33. This Company is COMING THE ROYAL LILLIPUTIAN Starring Pearl Carlyle, the Aus- the board of dirvctors in installing co. 12 boxes at the xrand stand. Those v desiring. privacy and absolute .com- Fruit-a-tives Cured Him rete 4 NIGHTS, DAY, AU coming dir- FEARED HE HAD CONSUMPTION Grand Stand fort can, by payin: extra, Uleulars will be urday g issue. fore eliminated by the pror outside men to act In this capactty, A Yong felt wart has been filled by on sale, rday, so that those anything he iven of this in Sat- For those driving horses there, pro- ring of hi fanger. of TaVorittem wilt be-there ject-te-now- oaricylum In the school tralian favorite, supported seats, There will also be by 80 clever ehildren.30. ) on and after 8a Every child an artist, Every Who desire to sty in their automo- artist cbttd. ites instead of aking boxes, or go- Indl Presenting the Comic Operas ing In the stand. will have the priv- notice, the BILLIE TAYLOR , THE egg, of doing 4 ls full view ef the FE races, and all other attractions in- GIRL In the SHRINE at the eee, a ate Fuller eke le of ect from a most successful Season at the Rogina Theatre, and i a treat not to be mi ed. Tickets om sale at Ping- le's Drug and Book Store. HUGH MCKENNA, koa. Sr. Srerumn, N.B. Jan, 17th. 1913. I wish to tell you of the great good Fruit-a-tives have done forme. For years, I was a martyr to Chronic Consti- Pation and Stomach Trouble./T was ly run down and my friends feared isa Goormpdce, 1 tried anmercus doctors and all kinds of medicines, but received no relief until advised to try Fruit-a-tives by Mr. McCready of St. Stephen, and am pleased to say that T now enjoy excellent health. 4 a-tives are the best medicine made, and I strongly advise my friends to nse them . vision has-been ade for the hay and feed almost as cheaply the city. Local Industries The manufacturers of machinery and the local invustries have taken up/large spaces on the ground. This will no doubt prove great attrac: tion to those interested in the var- lous branches of the work exhibited and it ts certain to be a great ad- vertigement for both the firms ex- hibiting their wares and for the city as well. Baby Show The baby show is this year going to prove one of the most popular at- tractions at the Fair and the entries are. coming in, in much larger num- The soctetyand-I-have-not-the-sHght success in this line and careful THE GLOBE Rear of Post Office on 422 Main St. Wardr travellers work, suit up on short notice. in merit in the dry process we have attained in the cleaning of Men's. and Ladies clothing. We are proud of our satisfaction that we give to our patrons by our artistic methods handling of all garments entrusted to us ING PRESSING CO. My 422 Main St. Phone 261 -Ladies Silk Dresses,. Waists, Gloves, Feath- ers, Ete., Gents Suits, Felt and Panama Hats Dry Cleaned Particular attention paid to that will positively and cure Constipation, This extract more bile from ly and saturally. cleaning and the t tomobile owners who ha CLEAN. in order to help HUGH McKENNA, Fruit-e-tives is the only Seer ees give up more bile to move the regular HATS FALL FAIR BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER (Continued from page one) have generously intimated their in- tention of charging this nominal rate the society make medicine PFS than last year. Sronderta altogether in sympathy and to society are desirous bables. licenses fairs. Ww. CT. U. The splendid prizes offered in this competition are in themselves a great inducement. In previous years the public were not with this show, and mothers seemed to have some objection to entering their in- tots e pon a ban, 6 Sor a-90; telat fants, but now the feeling bas chang- xO: ty Fruits tree Linsioed Oa pats g, ana eversone 1s DeEtAGl 40 Took forward to it with enthusiasm. The of making 9) night. Bugle-and trumphet bands. in great annual event of this and it is to be hoped the mothers in the city will help them out by entering thelr In many larger citles baby shows are looked on by all class- es of society as the most interesting and entertaining features of the big In New York last year th re were no less than 1000 entries. In connection with the fair, the W. the Fourth Ave. obe fa bread ATTRACTIONS AT THE FALL FAIR NEXT WEEK ft is pleasing to note that that eub- Secretary Hassard, asked by the News what he thought the Fair thig year would be a8 compared with pre- vious years, said: The society have Kone to considerable expense in pre- paring for this fair, and 1, as secre- tary of the Agricural Society, can truthfully say that this fair will ex- ceed in magnificetice and number stofore seen In Medicine Hat this statement on the Indications that have come under my entries, the tone of the people, inquiries from outside points, the great attractions; accomodations Prepared by th ladies of the W. C. T. U., reduced transportation rates through the instrumentality of the. city counel and automobile owners, These are all Indications of great success, Everybody s trying to ald 1 base est doubt but that the fair is a guar- Anteed success, and will be a credit to the city and inde ee BOY SCOUT CAMP. A camp for all Boy Scouts will be held at the exhibitio neat week to which every Boy Scout is invited at no cost to the boys whatever. Every boy who wishes to attend must be present at the meeting to- morrow evening at No. 1 Troop headquarters at 7.30 an -have- his. name enrolled for this camp: Wireless telegraphy will be operat ed by the boys and if possible a complete phone system. Also rest tents for friends and parents, etc. Drills and exhibition work will be given and efforts will be made to make this a model camp in every particular, All boys must attend camp in complete unifotm. Two scoutmasters and officers of the local association will be in charge day and attendance. Subscribe now for the Daily News ter and executer of papers for United Comimissioner in B. R., Real Genersl Agent- BLACK SHINGLE STAIN PRESERVATIVE PAINT WOOD PRESERVATIVE PURE COAL TAR PITCH PURE REFINED TAR COAL TAR ALBERTA TAR DISTU LING: C0., Calgiry Alberts. MADE IN ALBERTA NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS AND ALL OTHER CLAIMANTS. AGAINST THE SIMPSON. NORTHAM COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the creditors of and all other persons claims against the Simpson- Northam Company, of the City of Medicine Hat, Alberta, of whose part: nership property. the Trusts and Guarantee Co. Ltd, has been ap- pointed receiver, are required on or before the 9th day of September, 1912 to deliver or send by post prepald to the Trusts arid Guarantee Company, Limited, Calgary, Alberta, thelr names and addresses, and the full particu- lars of their clatms in writing, a de- tafled statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, such particulars to be verified by Statutory Declara. tlon. After the said date the receiver will distribute the assets of the part- Calgary: nership and all creditors or other 1, A. DOBBIN, claimants not having filed their Ticket Agent. claims as aforesaid, will be excluded from sharing therein. Dated at Medicine Hat this 6th day of August, A. D. 1912, The Trusts and Guarantee Co. Limited Recetver for the Simpson-Northam Company, Calgary, Alberta. Davidson Will, Solicitors for the Recelver. 25-3 city 35 a month, the Fair the great success that it ought, and will undoubtedly be. Judges The judges of the competitions will be all outside people. The reason for this will be apparent to all, as often- times the decisions of local judges are unjustly criticised, and for that matter a local judge may be a little swayed by intimate knowledge of those entering the competitions, and SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Years,Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham s Veg- - etable Compound. a Canadien women are continually writ- us such letters as the two following, Pee atbn tite etre Glanford Station, Ont. I have ta- ken Lydia E, Pinkham s Vegetable Com- fumy pound and never found any ipods 1 mere dreadfully for years untill began taking your medicine. I al- 80 recommend it for nervousness and in- digestion. Mrs. Henry CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont. eestereili, Ont. I heard your medicines highly praised, and a year ago I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods whieh were irregular and painful it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffer- ing and I would be s0 nervous some- times that I could not bear to see any one or hear any one speak. Little specks would float before my eyes and I was slways constipated. T eannot say too much for Lydia E, Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, for there are no medicines like them. I Bere cakes Ses. and I recommend them to all women. y pablish this teatimonial. Mere: Sr. good. The Daily News delivered in the Puaw J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario, Canada. C. T. U, are coming to the front and offering their aid in a most generous manner. To help in making the ex- hibition the great success it deserves to be, they are providing at their own expense a spacious rest tent and pure ice water free of charge to all visitors at the fair. The action is one which is greatly appreciated by both the society and general public, and one aehich is characteristic of the organ- ization, The committee, consisting of Mrs. Kent, Mrs. Pearson -and Mrs. Oland, were out to the grounds on Monday and chose the space on which to erect the rest tent. Secretary Hassard, who accompan- fed them was highly pleased with the enthusiasm and warmbeartedness of the committee and expressed himself as highly pleased with the idea as t showed an interest in the work of the Agricultural Society, which was heretofore. absent, and tendered the thanks of the-society to the W.C.T. for the Kindly aid so graciously of- fered. This will insure all those attend- ing the exhibition especially those in- terested in the Baby Show, a com- fortable resting place, where they can make themselves at home, and enjoy the sights and attractions free of that tired feeling hitherto exper- fenced by visitors to former fairs. The W. C. T. U. have come to the res- cue. They sure haye a live comnilt- tee: The Children s Garden A new departure this year is the awarding of prizes to children who have the neatest and best garden in the city. There are about 30 entries, and they will be judged today, The idea is to give the children an inter- est in this work and give them a chance of competing in a little exhibi- tion all of their own, The Supt. of Schools, Mr, Hay, is to be the judge, Mr. Hay is to be congratulated in suggesting and working ip enthusiasm amongst the children in this innovation, Jt will, no doubt, do,much to educate the children along the lines of agricul- ture. The society are desirous of tending. to Mr, Hay their compli- ments and thanks for his efforts in jUon will be made by Lisie Buxton of TENDERS. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POWER PLANT BUILDING (TENDERS will be received until Monday, August 26th, at 14 o'clock for the construction of power plant and pumping station in accord- ance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engi- meer, Medicine Hat. The lowest or any tender not neces essarlly accepted: A. K. GRIMMER, City Engineer, R. 8. LEA, Consulting Engineer. Medicine Hat, Alta, Aug. 15th, 1912, 31-6t NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS AND CREDITORS In the estate of Jacob Schnelder, late of Irvine, Alberta, farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims upon the estate of the late Jacob Schneider, who died on the 30th day of April, 1912, are required on or before the Bist August, 1912, to file with the un- deraigned, the solicitors for the exe- cutors of this will, a full statement of their claims and of any securities held by them, duly verified; and that af- ter that date the executors will dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been go filed. Dated this 26th day of July, 1912, DAVIDSON WILL, Solicitors, 19-8t Thurs Medicine Hat, Alta. IN THE MATTER OF THE GUAR- DIANSHIP OF RUSSEL DODD, AN INFANT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that after the publication of this Notice once a week for three consecutive weeks from the date hereof in the Medicine Hat Daily News, applica- Caristadt in the Province of: Alberta, farmer, for letters of guardianship of Russel Dodd, an infant, residing at Carlstadt, in the Province of Alberta. Dated at Medicine Hat, in the pro- vince of Alberta, this 8th day of Au- gust, AD. 1912. y LISLE BUXTON, Th. -w-A22 T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETc. Late of firm of Reynolds Stewart 120 Bighth Ave. 33'f E. Bartlett. Muntcipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyo: Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans, Ete. Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Phone 42 Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer trying to stimulate the knowledge of agriculture amongst the children, and fally ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms, Phone 156. If the blood is poor and filled with tha Poikome from diseased kidneys or inactive iver, the heart is not only starved but Poisoned as well. There are many con: ditions due to impure blood. B dropsy, tainting oh as le, nervous debility or the many conditions, ulcers, * fever-sores, white swellings, eto. Ali can be overcome and cured by Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical- Discovei This supplies pure blood by aiding digestion, increasing assimilation a) im tone to the whole circulatory system. Its heart tooic and a great deal more, baving an alterative action on the liver and kidneys, it helps to climinate the poisons from the blood. To enrich the blood and increase the ishonest dealer Discovery it and contains no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredi- eats plainly printed on wrapper. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Advi stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailin, for the French clath-bound book. Address sent free on receipt of ly. Send 50 one-cent stamps r. R.V. Pierce, Bulfalo, N.Y. SPECIALS IN GROCERIES THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY B. C. Granulated Sugar, 20 Ib. sacks. 1.35. B. C. Granulated Sugar, Special 6.75. Tea, Blue Ribbon. Reg. 40: Week End Special, 3 Ibs. for 1.00. Coffee, Finest Blend Mocha and Java. Reg. 50c... Week End Spe- cial 40 , Coffee, good and strong. Reg. 40c. per Ib.; Week End Special 30c. Baking Powder, 1 Ib, tins . Reg. 25c.; Week Bnd. Special 2 for 35c or 6 for 1.00. Baking Powder, 7 1b. tins. Reg. 1.00; Week End Special 85 . per cans Tomatoes, 3 Ib. cans best brand. Reg. 20c.; Week End Special 2 for: 36c. or 6 for 1.00, 5 Peas, Early June, 2 Ib. tins. Reg. 15c.; Week End Special 2 fdr 25c. Corn, best brand, 2 Ib, tins. Reg. 12 1-2c.; Week End Special 3 for Reg. 1.60; week End Specials 100 1b. sacks, Reg. 7.50; Week End 35e. Greengages Plums, 2 Ib. tins. Reg. 20c.; Week End Special 15c. or 7 for 1.00. Sheriff's Marmalade, 7 Ib. tins. Reg. 1.00; Week End Special 85c, a 7 tin. Strortits Marmatate; 2b Reg 50c: Week End Special 40c. per glass. Sheriff's Marmalade, 1 Ib. glass. Reg. 25c.; Week End Special 20c. a Jar. Bracknell s Club Sauce. Reg. 5c. per battle: Week End Special 5c. bottle, Brown Polson's Corn. Starch, best quality, per packet. Royal Household Tea, 3 Ib. tins. Reg. 1.25; Week End Special 1.00. Spices, Pickling Spices, White and Black Pepper, Cayenne, Pastry Spice, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Allspice. Reg. 10c.; Week End Special 3 for 25 , Black Pepper in Bulk. Reg. 40c. White Pepper in Bulk. Reg. 50c.; Week End Special 35c. Ib. Cowan's Cocoa, 1 1b. tins. Reg. G0c.; Week End Special 50c. tin. Cowan's Cocoa, 1-2 Ib. tin. Reg. 30c.; Week End Special B5c. tin. oCcoa, 1-2 Ib. bar. Reg, Week End Special 20 . Stephen's Mixed Pickles, Reg. 40c.; Week End Special 30c. C. B, Pickles, Mixed, Chow and Walnuts. Reg. 45c.; Week End Special 35c. New Potatoes, nice and dry; 1.00 per bushel. Extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Almond, Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple; Reg. 20 .; Special 3 for 25c. Extract, Lemon and Vanilla, 16 oz. bottle. Special 75c. per bottle, Valencia Raisins, Reg. 12 1-2 Currants (finest cleaned), for 55e. Molasses, Kitchen brand, 3 Ib, tins, Reg. 25c.; Week End Special 20c. Castile Soap, small cakes. Reg. 6 for 25c.; Week End Special 35 per Week End Special 25c. 1b. Reg. 1.00; Week End ; Week End Special 5 Ibs. for Sic. Reg. 12 1-2c.; Week End Special 5 Ib, dozen. Corn Starch, 1 Ib, packets. Reg. 10c.; Week End Special 3 for 25 . Apples, 3 Ib. tins. Reg. 20c.; Week End Special 15 or 7 for 1.00. Week End Special 40c. per gall n. Reg. 15c.; Week End Special 2 for. 25c. Reg. 1.00; Week End Special 75c. each. Week End Special 40c. each. Reg. 45c.; Week End Special 35c. Week End Special 2 for 35c. Rice (finest). Reg. 8c. 1b.; Week End Special 4 Ibs. for 25c, Reg. 3 for 25c.; Week End Special Apples, gallon can. Reg. 50 Macaroni, 1 1b. packets. Macaroni, 8 1b. boxes. Macaroni, 5 Ib. boxes. Reg. 65: Leard s Canned Chicken, Sultana Raisins. Reg. 20c Sardines, Brunswick Brand, for 25 . Sardines, Crossed Fish. Reg. 15: Week End Special 4 for 25c. Castile Soap, 2 1b. bars, Prepared Mustard. Corn Flakes. Raspberry Vinegar, Large bottle, per bottle. Lime Juice, large bottle, Reg. 50c.; Week End Special 40c bottle. Rubber Rings for Sealers: Reg. 10c, dozen; Week End Special 3 dozen for 25 . Lemons large new stock. Reg. 40c. dozen; Week End Special 35c. Oranges ,large and juicy. Reg. 50c.; Week End Special 40c. Week End Special 30c, Reg. 35 .; Week End Special 25c. Klenzine Animonia Powder. Reg. 15c.; Week End Special 2 for 25c, Chloride of Lime. Reg. 15c.; Week End Special 10c. Pickling Vinegar. Reg. 75c. gallon; Week End Special 50c, gallon, Rowat's Pickled Onions,slarge bottle. Reg. 40c.; Week End Special Oranges, large and juicy. Reg. 40c. Preserved Ginger, 1 Ib. jars. 80c. per bottle. Corn on Cob, 30 per dozen. Monk Glass Crystal, Jelly Powders, all flavors. Reg. 10 ; Week End Special 3 for 5c. or 96 . dozen. Reg. 25c.; Week End Special 20c. tin. Cocoanut, bulk. Reg. 30c.: Week End Special 26c. per Ib. Evaporated Apricots. Reg.25c.; Week End Special 2 Ib. for 35c Evaporated Peaches. Reg. 17 1-3 .; Week End Spectat-15 e-or Pineapple, 2 Ib. tins. for 1.00, Prunes. Reg. 2 Ib. for 25 .; case of 25 1b.6 Seeded Raisins. Reg. 12 1-2c.; Toilet Paper Oval Round and Square. Special 4 for 25c. McLaren s Jelly Powders, 3 for 25c. or 90c, dozen, with dishes free, GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY, C. 9. D, TERMS CASH. H. MORROW N-RAILWAY ST.: PHONE 177. 3; Week End Special Z for 25c. Preserving Pears, Bartlett, 40 1b, boxes; Week End Special 2.50. Pork and Beans, 1 1b. tins, Tomato Sauce and Plain. Reg. 3 for 25c. Reg. 40c.; Week End Special 25c. bar. Reg. 25c.; Week End Spevial 2 for 35c. Boot Blacking, Velvet Gloss. Reg. 25c.; Week End Special 2 for 35c. Reg. 10c.; Week End Special-3 for 25c. Sunlight and Lifebuoy Soap. Reg. 5c.; Week End Special 22 tor 1.00 Reg. 50c.; Week End Special 40c. tb Week End Special 10c per Ib. or 2.25 per Week End Special 10. per pk Dates, 1 Ib. pks. Reg. 12 1-2c.; Week End Special 10c. per pk. Reg. 3 for ; Week End Go to class bt WILL * propert * GOOD ie We wil PBS itis not gt; Impe PP ereodotoage ges PHONE 433 HO For Real TOWNSIT: Block 80, 50 ft., 12 Block 85, 50 ft., 1 100 ft, co RIVERSID Block 9 50 ft. corner, Block 9, 50 ft., 735 Block 13, 50 ft, 738 ALTAWAN. Block 4, 50 ft, 130 Good for today A number excellent place O00 040-4 It REIEL We carry of B Lumber Fir Finish Yard, North I FOP O+-0-F0-h0-4-
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Image 339 (1912-08-22), from microfilm reel 339, (CU1739528). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.