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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Wash-day Think of WASH-DAY as a day of SUNLIGHT. Forget all about old time trials and troubles look forward to wash-day as to other days. Other days, too, you need Sunlight just as you do on wash-day, for besides washing clothes easily and quickly Sunlight Soap keeps home sweet and clean. When in doubt think of the 5,000 Guarantee of Purity that rests upon every 5c. bar of Sunlight. i THE NAME LEVER ON SOAP IS A TAKGN UP DURING FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THIS YEAR Alberta and Saskatchewan Show a Decrease Over Last Year, While Manitoba and B. C. Show Increase. (Special to the News.) * Ottawa, Aug. 28 During the first) Saskatchewan for six months stood six months of 1912 the homestead) at 9,340 as . against 10,400 for first entries for the four western provinces half of 1911, while Alberta entried received by the officials of the imter- fell from 7,585 to 7,336. Nationality ior department numbered 19,591 as table shows that Americans headed against 18,509 for the same period in the list with 1,087 entries. Hnglish 1911. For Manitoba entries totalled homesteaders numbered 540, Scotch 1,710 as against 1,459 in 1911.. For 101; Irish 122, Russians 126, Nor- ritish Columbia they increased from wegians 146, while 204 Canadians 124 to 138. Both Saskatchewan and from Ontario and 95 from Quebec Alberta show decreases. Entries for took up land in west. Le PAGE BROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE Hundreds of School Boys Will start to school on Tuesday next wearing a new Suit of clothes bought at our great School Sale. Mothers are taking advantage of this great money saving opportunity to elothe their boys in one of our wear resisting School Suits. Boys Two-piece Suits well made and trimmed in brown and grey tweeds, bloomer or plain pants. Special prices for. school opening . - 3.00 to 6.00 a suit Boys Three-piece Suits made in all the latest styles and of good wear-resisting tweeds, bloomer or plain pants. Special prices for school opening AES MERE ee Boe SAP EMEC 4.50 to 9.00 a Suit Boys School Shoes in Boy Scout and other reliable - Canadian makes at 1.50 to 3.00 a pair Holeproof Hose for Boys, all sizes at 35 a pair or .....8 pairs for 1.00 CH. f who purchases a Suit at 5.00 and over will be presented with a watch guaranteed a ood reliable time keeper. If the suit is less than .00 the amount can he made up of other goods to make up the 5.00. Every boy 388 Toronto St. G. T. Will Run Two More Excursions on Sept. 4th and 6th, (W. A. PL Dispatch) Toronto, Aug. 28. A lange number of harvesters were sent west today by both the C. P. R. and . T. RB. on regulir trains, C. P. R. rtnning special. Since the last excursion Empress of Russia C. P. R. London, Aug. 29. At the launching of the Canadian Pacific steamer the Empress of Russia yesterday, the chairman of the building company said that the question of safety at sea had been much before the pub- ie of late. This mew vessel is so 7.000 FARM LABORERS LEAVE TORONTO FOR WEST NEW EMPRESS LAUNCHED Four Compartments Flooded. (C. A. P, Cable) jmany harvesters have left nightly on the regular trains. Today between 1,500 and 2,000 left for the harvest fields. On account of urgent appeal from the west for additional farm laborers, the Grand Trunk railway has decided to run two more farm laborer s exeursions on September 4th and 6th from all its stations in Eastern Canada. Liner Will Float With Her constructed that in the event of anything unforseen occuring she. woukl. float with any of her four compartments flooded instead of two compartments which has been the Board of Trade standard of safety. This was the first merchant ship launched in this condition Corinto Now in Charge of 1,000 American Troops. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Corinto, Aug. 28. Commander Warren J. Terpune and a foree of two hundred American sailors and marines from th gunboat Annapolis and the collier Justine, now lying in Corinto harbor, today succeeded in forcing their way through the terri- tory controlled by the revolutionaries to Leon, the town midway between the Pacific coast and Lake Managua, where the Liberals rose in arms Aug- ust 19 and in the head of might mas- sacred the sleeping: soldiers of the garrison. The American force foumd the Lib- erals hostile to their advanee and it BIRTHS INCREASE; MATS DEL Montreal Shows a Pop tion Increase Last Year According to Statistics. (W. A. B. Dispatch) Montreal, Aug. 29. Montreal's birth rate last year was 37149 per 1,000 and death rate 21.19, which re- presents a gain in births of 1 per cent and a decrease in deaths of 1 per nent. 4 PEG SCHOOL BOARD TO. TRY WONDERS We Are Going to Do Many. Things, They-Sey- (W. A, P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Aug, 28.H We are going to teach the future mothers of this city how to cook, make their own Blouses and trim their own hats and we are going to teach the future bread winners to shoe horse, make dynamite, manufacture farniture and all other necessary and practfeal things that are in demand. This is in effect the edict of the Winnipeg School Board in its an- nouncement to the Winnipeg public today of the technical work outlined for the new school year, which starts on Tuesday next. TODAY S MARKETS. Winnipeg, Man.,. Aug. 29 On the wheat market today trading was more active in futures, the principal buyers being the exports, and prices were steady. Liverpool cables were 5-8 to 7-8 higher and firm tone on the Semi-failure of crops in the British Isles and northwestern Europe. Am- ericans were generaily higher at opening, continuing steady to higher during the entire session. Chicago, Ill, Aug. 29. Charters of vessel room here today to load more than a million bushels of wheat for Baffalo tended to give the cereal strength, although the final tone was + The market closed a shade to3-8 to 1-2 above Iast night. Corn finished 1-16 to 3-8 up. Oats varied from a shade off to 1-8 advance. Chicago, Ml, Aug. 29 Cattle re- celpts 140,000. Market strong a of shade to 5 higher. Beeves 585 to 1055; Texas steers 500 to 685; western an - steers 625 to 950; stockers and feed- irregularities, etc. ers-430 to Cows and heifers ae yom wnt special advice write to 275 to 815; calves to 1075. Lydia EB. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl- Me min, Sask., Aug. Reriy dential) Mass. Your letter will ccrmangeet pala seed (7 read and answered by a sunshine all yesterday attemoon but held in strict confiderce. little cutting done. A downpour of Tmae And eld tm rain this morning will put the cut- ting back another day. IEREEA, Chas. E. Bell of Brooks, died yes- SSE OO LANDING BLUE JACKETS became necessary for Cammander Sergeant's Mess, 21st Alberta Hus- Terpune to threaten to attack them before the Insurgents would allow the train bearing the American de- tachment to enter the town. Riot - ing has subsided and the Americans found the city resuming its moral ap- After ith the conferring wit Liberal leaders, Commander Terpune with; drew his force from the city, 1000 marines proceeding to Managua, the capital, and the remaindor of the de- tachment returning to Corinto. Corinto has been designated as a place of refuge for foreigners resid- ing-in the surrounding country. An armed force landed from the gunboat Amnapolis and is constantly patrol- ling the streets and a number of six-pound guns'have been taken from the warships and mounted on dat CONTRACT 18 PERS ies S (CW. AP. Dispatch) Aug. 29. The contract has been let for a lange new post- office public building at Lethbridge. Mason Brothers, Moose Jaw, h been awarddd the contract, which to- tals 826,000. , TEN YEAR OLD DROWNED. (W. P. Dispatch.) Montreal, Abg. 28. Sinuous, Ham- brough, ten years old, was drowned while of the mprth end quarries. The yo was unable to swim and got bey depth aot Mees WANTED IN) OTTAWA t Toronto, Aug. 28, Wanted in Otta- Wa on a charg 6f forgery, George Radbourn, a Cdfiadian Pacific em- Ployee, was arrdgted on Genva Ave. . WOMAN ESCAPES DREADFUL. OPERATION How She Was. Saved From E 4 i iG o 5 a a B lt; i iy : I E Pa iti i E j terday of typhoid. His friends in At- sop Nott has taken cha body. ory and alt members are cordially 11 hol, Idaho ,have been notified. Jes- Vited. rge of the dressed to Sergeant A.M, Stephenson, Secretary..Box 766. All communications to be a thing. this afternoon in ond TDYSPEPSIA MADE HIM MISERABLE Suffered Agony Until Fruit-a-iives Cured Him famous fruit medicine, Fruit-a-tives , To those now suffering with Indigestion, Dyspepsia of other Stomach of Mr. Stisting, (the known real estate operat festern Ontario, shows the way to a speedy and day at the Fair, but as yet no arrests have been made in connection. -The AUTOMOBILES Eliminate all possibility of tire trouble by having your tires filled: with Essenkay Enquire W. A. SPRINKELL Care of GINTHER LAND Co. Today s Snaps. BROADWAY, Riverside, facing fiver and city, Block 13, Lots Mand 10, 3 aud 4, 5 and 6, at 775 pair ; teruis. Block 19, Riverside, 25 ft. lots, 350 each LOCK 1, Hiverside,;Lots 25 and 26, 800. pair. BLOCK 7, Riverside Lots and 16, 735 pair. CHARLS*ST. Central Park Splendid large new. house just finisted, on 50 ft. lot. Every convenience. 6,000; Good terms. ; CHARLES ST, Central Park 3 large new houses, 4500 , each, Good terms. NORTH YUILL Biock 16, lots 7 and 14; 750 each. HERALD Block 8, good view of river and city, lots 3 and 4, 5 and 6 ; 750 pair. HILL Block 28, opposite Block 18, Herald, 50 ft for 525. A cheap buy. NORTH YUILL Block 6, two new houses for 2800. 'One- third down; balance arranged TOWNSITE Block- 80, lots 19 and 20; 5200 the pair. TOWNSITE Block 82, lot 36, 31150. GOOD BUYS in Cousins and Sissons, Yuills and Herald. RIVERDALE Good level lots at 185. Good terms. Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from-Post Office. 15 NOTICE is hereby given to owners of property in the city limits to have all noxious weeds on their lands des- troyed by the 3ist of August. Proceedings will be taken after this date against all those with property harboring noxious weeds under Br- law No. 175 of the City of Medicine Hat. (Signed) H. BAKER, Aug. 24th, 1912. City Clerk 39-7t Painting and jing. Reynolds. Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Psper Estimates cheer. fully ufraished on cost of Papering Your rooms. Phone 156, T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples jn Wall Paper. 41-8 , 120 Eighth Ave, Phone 690, Jen. The thief must have opened the Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc. ads under these headings, 25 words, one day .. .. .26 26 words, three days 50 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at sam rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and It will receive attention. FOR BALE WR SALE Automobile, this years model. Run less than 2,000 miles, A bargain for somebody. Might take well located lot for part pay- ment. Phone 782. P.O. Box 8. 3-tf FOR SALE SOME HOUSEHOLD furniture. Also one furnished room to rent . Apply 109 Montreal. 42-3 FOR SALE A FINE FIRST CLASS Doarding house, central location; 12 steady boarders; furniture and busi- ness. Apply box 932 or 802 3rd Ave- nue, 42-6. FRESH FROM OUR GARDENS, ehoice sweet peas and astors, large bunch 260; also three large heads of finest celery, c. Delivered to any address in the city. T. E. Mills, 211 Yuill St. or phone 95. 43-3 FOR SALE TWO FRESH JERSEY cows. Apply to J. Malcolm Co., of- fice up Times stairway. 43-3 ROOMS TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS WIPH BOARD. St. 41-3 FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET IN modern house. Apply 122 Toronto Street. 41-3 FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, SUIT- able for light housekeeping. Apply 327 Mill St, Medicine Hat. 41 st FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Close in. Gentlemen preferred. Apply 720 4th Ave. 42-3 TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM TO Jet in modern house with private family, on the hill. Only Indies need apply. Teacher preferred. Phone 747. 43-3 WANTED TO RENT A SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS Wanted for light house keeping. Ap- ply to News office. 43-tf PUNISHED HOUSE and bath, close in. Apply to 203 Main TO KENT to Iet for two Tonths. Apaly Box 176, P. 0. 39-6t T NANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street and 3rd Ave, Jitter location for any business. Reasonable rent. Living Tooms overhead, Immediate posses- sion. Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G, G, MacBean Co. Imperial Bank building, Loate WANTED TO BOY sr yer penis eis WANTED TO BUY Bullding - lots in Old Survey, Heral or Gentral Park. Give prices, terms, tc,, to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. WANTED Snap from owners only, 80 feet in Hill or Herald between To- Tonto and Ottawa Sts, Price must be oF to pay commission, W. H. Steb- bings, 316 Hatgrave St, Winnipeg, Man. 39-6t SITUATIONS WANTED, YOUNG MAN OF GOOD EDUCATION requires employment. Has had good business training. References furnish- ed, Would travel for good company. 41-3 ANY PERSON WANTING STEADY, reliable young man for work, see Capt. Oake, Salvation Army, 43-1 x 5 years business experience. Apply H. G., post office box 18. 20tf er; ome gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs., branded .) on Ieft thigh. These horses were ) Pete Weiss on the 13th of May. R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat. 16ate MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE MON- EY to loan on residential property. Apply to P. 0. box 867. 42-3 NURSING 18S AMBROSE Trained Nurse. Braemar St. Phone 747. 35-12t CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. 4 HENDERSON CO, chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- HD Young iady desires po- last seen at LOST AND FOUND tail). Answer Roy. LOST-BLACK SPANIEL 4195 Reward paid Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth bridge. AE. Gibsen, C.A, repigent Partner. Phone 198. Burns. Block. om returning to 418 South Railway St. tice will be prosecuted. 41-3 Any one detaining dog after this no- aTbatt . CORSETIERRE HELP WANTED, WANTED Brick Tayers. etion Company, Limited. .. family of two. ade. WANTED General setvant family of three. 935 Montreal St. WANTED Capabie ply Mrs. Johnstone, and West Allowance. cor. ence. ing. 763. Apply Elizabeth Street school, Victoria Ave, and Elizabeth St. Lussier Constru- + 37-12 SWANTED Capable general servant Apply 1017 Esplan 38-tf. Apply L. Hewitt, 38-tt general ser- vant. Wages 25.00 per. month. Ap- Barclay 38-6t TWO good smart men wanted Good money to be made. Ap- ply in person Room 4, News build- 38-6t WANTED i5 laborers, 3 per day, on pipe line work at Bow Island. Ap- Ply International Supply Co., phone 36-tf SPIRELLA Corsets made to meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. m. to 5 p.m. Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side. of High School, in evening. House phone 699. Mrs. Matthews. nn Wa NTED LaDIES AND GENTS: cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, gt;, Guns, Tevolvers, valised, sult furnitune, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f.:thers, bought a sold. Apply to-the Harvard Tailoring Co. 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. O, box 358. for at MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO: The above have on hand the best selection of Second pusleginae coprperesbtones sales- and a nice new line of winter goods. men at once. Apply Milne s Por- We buy everything mentioned abo trait Studio. 35-tf fea o Au 22-3 m / WANTED Laborers by the Canad- san Stewart Co, 30c per hour Apply Ogilvie Mill site . 24-tt WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job Boarding camp on site. Canadian Stewart Co, Ltd. 33-tf sea See ee tee oe )WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redclift Hotel. S1-tt WANTED Servant girl, 320 a month. Apply to Mrs. W. Hig- gins. P.O, box 772. 21-tt SALESMEN are drawing 75.00 to 100.00 per week selling our oils, /STeases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity. Men with team preferred. Inland Oil logue free. Moler College, 6 9 Cen- tre St, Calgary. a9eate WANTED MAID TO DO GENERAL house work. Mrs. R. J. Rice, cor. Works Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. eee Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Jo 20-412) wedicine Hat Phone 420 Ware Men and women to learn barber trade, Summer on. Situations guaranteed. tpcan YW. E, WRIGHT Fates to ladies. Particulars and cata- Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- Sembler and executer of papers for Shipments going into the United States. Commissioner In B. R, Real Estate Broker and General Agent. 6th Ave, and Esplanade, 41-3 MEDICINE HAT. SERVANT GIRL WANTED APPLY Loose beat System The News Job to James Hargrave, Altawans, Med- Department has every facility tor sup- icine Hat. 42-6 plying the most satisfactory. Pe otuihi een 6 dey lt; shove Good Large Fiel Time Exc Phe afternoon progr presented to the patro ition yesterday was- tion the most attractiy ed in connection with Yair. There was abso Yor criticism and 0 pl spectators that the'rep carried home of the al sure should ensure a ance today. The hor closely contested and a of excitement, the pl: ties between heats we taining and the mu: the Hussars and the cwas of the highest cls The races started p o'clock and there we between the events. I tive were the measa1 that prince of starters that there was no tim form attraction sto be Intervals between: the and the juggling. dan in full swing while racing, an arrangemen the unqualified approv
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Image 385 (1912-08-29), from microfilm reel 385, (CU1739527). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.