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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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You were more than pleased with the BIG VALUES you secured at our MID-SUMMER SALE. Now We have a few odd lines to clear this week. Blouses, Dresses Children s Wear Embroidery to clear at HALF-PRICE. The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers rr reeerrrercoedeede ratratnegeatoeteete ete adeateatee age : ROYAL BANK: ; OF CANADA. Total Assets 0... ose... ce. tne 115,000,000 Special Attention Given to SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. oY MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue : : C. (incerporated 1869.) reeeeciotectetoeteeteetette Peeoeteateateageateateateato Imperial Bank of Canada ye Capital and Rest ./. -- 11,993,800 , Total Assets 71. 72000/006 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. s SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT:ALL BRANCHES. de Meditine Hat Branch. SOP OS OSSD THE MERCHANTS BANK. THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1864. 180 Branches in Canada. Capital. Paid- Up, - 6,000,000. Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts, W. 0. JOY; Mamiger: 9: 2) + Medicine Hat Branch POPC SSSSSSS gNOTIGE TO BUILDERS We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im- perial Bank Building: We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS. OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. POP eee Loses esse eee toes Prairie Pride a Patent Flour Has no superior and seldom an equal. Your dealer The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. C. P.R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Eftective June 2nd, 1912, No. Arrive. Leave. 1 20.20 2045 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver 2 8.05 8.80 Imp. Ltd., Vancouver to Montreal. 3 11.16 11.85 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. 4 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor. j13 21.50 22.15 Bt. Paul-Seattle Express, jaa 4.00 4.20 Seattle-St. Faul Express. 6 21.25 21.50 Prairle Exp., Winnipeg to Calgary. 62 5.23 6.60 Prairie Exp, Calgary to Winnipeg. s14-s17 6.08 Express from Kootenay Landing 812-519 19.00 Local from Cranbrook. 518 23.00 Local from Calgary, 518-511 10.80 Local for Cranbrook, 520-513 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. 515 630 Local for Calgary. n 2.30 2.40 Soo, Ltd, St. Paul-Port. 2 9.40 9.50 Soo, Ltd., Port.-8t. Paul. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. time at Dunmore shown. Medicine Hat News ; Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawful evening at its office, Main Streeu. Wedicine Hat, Alta. A. J. N, TERRILL, EAtor, Passing PHONE: HONE: Baltorial, Advertising iteportorhel, and Cireulation and News Dept Job Depts. 13 RING 3. RING 2 19 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y.a., delivered. ...34.90 months, slivered. months, delivered. 1 month, delivered. 3 year by mail... 00 6 months, by mall sf) 8 months, by maf. bot + 1.50 +. T6e old ad resser st be given. WEEALY NEWS, Publishe every Thursday n aixteen or more pages, and contains a eummany of the news of the week, local and district. months, I: advance Tse 3 months, in advance..f0e 1 year in advance.... 1.50 Friday, August 2nd, 1912, THERE have been several versions of Show it happened in Saskatchewan, but apparently no one has got to the core of the thing. Don t you think the Saskat- chewan story might have been different if Bob Edwards had published a few editions of the Eye-Opener for circulation as eam- paign stuff in the recent elections. The Eye-Opener was not in this game at all, and the results show that it was missed. Per- haps the influence of the Eye-Opener in the recent Alberta bye-elections pointed the way towards discr et silence in the Saskatchewan campaign. There was not even seen a forecast of the result. The Al- berta results kind of knocked the wind out of the Eye-Open a for an edition putting a satisfied and glad smile on the sphinx. we have not - seen the Eye-Opener since the sweep. Perk up, Edwards, there are many people who gan- not fore ast an election result any b tter than you can, as the morning of September 22nd, 1911, fully showed. Like Foster s weather forecasts, sometimes you hit it, sometimes you don t. 9 IT IS estimated that in the presidential election this fall in the United States the number of votes cast will exceed fifteen millions. Totals for the last six presiden- tial elections, so far as concerns the two great parties all other parties combined not greatly exceeding half a million:. Re- publican 1888, 5,444,337; 1892, 5.190,802; 1896, 7,035-638; 1900, 7,219,530; 1904, 7,628,- 834; 1908, 7,697-006. Democratic 1888, 5,- 540,050; 1892, 5,554,046; 1896, 6,467,94 1900, 6:358,071; 1904, 5,084,491; 1908. 6,409,. 106. It will be seen that it was.when Bryan Was its candidate that the Democratic party polled its fullest vote. It will also be seen that during these years the Republican par- ty has almost uniformly increased its vote. But if Roosevelt cuts greatly into its vote this year, what chance will it have? THE Newark News says that automobiles haye raised the price of gasoline 40 per cent., of leather 72 per cent., of rubber 100 per cent., and of road repairs 500 per-cent. They have also increased the prices of sub- urban property and the expenses of the ad- ministration of justice. In fact, their gen- erall lifting power could not be greater if they were all balloons. : A FEW weeks ago our cotem, The Times, apologized to its readers for the non- ap) e of its brick-top contributions, and had something to say about a can. Somebody: seeing this reference, has jok- ingly hinted something about two cans. No offence meant. Just a plain joke. has it be sure you get it the next time oF you order FLOUR. *PHONE 666 Tasker Transfer Co. id LIGHT and HEAVY J Piano Moving ert DRAYING - h Speciaity liable 864 Toronto Street. Taxi Taxi Taxi ALBERTA TAX COMPANY AML Orders Promptly Atiended to, New Cars, Careful Drivers. Phone 666 Day. 211 Night. iat ei tg Se A WOMAN over in Washington swallow- ed a tadpole last August. while drink- ing well water, and it developed into a healthy frog that crawled and clawed and croaked. We have known other people who had a frog in their throat and they didn t get it by drinking well water either. ee ge LT MILWAUKEE physicians are going to place an anti-kissing bill before the next legislature. While they are about the work of reform they might as well abolish Hades. O re to die. The Duke TWO B. C. murde 33.00 Addresses changed as otten as degired, but bota naw aud/ customary to say a man s debts are all paid: funeral was delayed until a tax on the cof- MR. BORDEN is in London, indeed, a busy man, yet he found time to cut off the head of the Parks Superintendent thou- sands of miles away. o A VANCOUVER Chinaman awes sticeess-7 ful in suicide on the third try, therefore ling the old adage: three tim nd out 7 . tion engine: tulfi THE running of tr over ow streets wou't help the streets. ae PUBLIC OPINION, Needlessly Scared The Americans are wondering what they could do if a Japanese fleet were to present itself at the Pacific end of the Panama Can- al for the purpose of passing through and thus getting quickly at the task of bombard- ing New York If they have nothing more to worry about than that they are, indeed, a happy people. To imagine that a Japan- ese fleet, in case of war betweer Japan and jthe United States, would propose to enter the Atlantic at all is a pretty tall order. It is altogether likely that it would not even eross the Pacifie.. Why should it? It could pieck up the Philippines in its own waters. It could mop up Hawaii if that were jthought wise without getting anywhere near the American coast. Montreal Star. After the final earthy accounting it is This would not be true in Austria, where a fin was contributed to the treasury Toron- to Globe. With Canada importing its naval and mounted police recruits from the Old Coun- try there does not appear to be any burn- ing desire for the glories of war among) young Canadians. Vancouver Province. A doctor has counted five thousands germs on a raspberry. Everything is so jolly overcrowded nowadays. TorontoStar We appreciate humor, but dealing with so important a question, is this humor? If Detective Burns makes many more revelations of graft it will be impossible to keep him from receiving a nomination for governor. Toronto Mail Empire. eg The Misleading Artist. Deceptions fair Lurk everywhere. E The artist still believes That it is well... To deftly tell A story that deceives. The bathing suit That looked so cute With curves all smartly set, As drawn by him So light and-trim, Looks awful when it s wet sic ye es THIS DATE IN HISTORY August 2. : 1704 The English and Allies under the Duke of Marlborough defeated the French and Bavarians at Blenheim. 788 Thomas Gainsborough, famous Eng- lish portrait painter: died. Born in 1727. 1802 Bonaparte declared Consul of France for life. 1812 The Constitution sailed from Boston on her famous cruise. 1830 Abdication of King Charles X. France. 1864 Elegtric light first exhibited outside the Gaiety Theater, London. 1873 Large section of Portland, Ore., de- * stroyed by fire. 1911 The United States signed treaties of arbitration with Great Britain and France. . BS ee THIS 18 MY 64th BIRTHDAY . of Ben. F. Caldwell Ben F. Caldwell, who has been a conspic- uous leader in Democratic politics in li- nois for many years, was born in Greene County, that State, August 2, 1848. In early life he removed to Springfield, where he be- gan his public career more than thirty years ago as a member of the county board of su; perisors. After serying several terms in each branch of the Illinois legislature Mr. Caldwell was elected to Congress in 1898. He served four terms in Congress and vol- untarily retired when renomination without opposition was assured. In the Illinois pri- maries last spring he was a candidate for the Democratie nomination for governor, but was defeated by former Mayor Dunne of Ciheago. c0. CONGRATULATIONS To: Princess Ingeborg: sister-in-law of King Gustaf and one of the most popular mem- bers of the Swedish royal family, 34 years of Connaught 1 ng refused to com- mit their sentence. -The Covernor-Gener- al s action is backing up the Judges in their decisions is commendable. old today. William Watson, who startled English sogiety with his poem of The Woman With CENTRAL PARK. Bik. Lots. Price and terms. , 800, 1-8, 6 and 12. 1600. 1-2, 6 and 12. S and 12, COUSENS SISSONS. Bik. Lots, Price and- terms, 26, 16-24, 250 each, 1-3, 6 12, 2, 8-9, 825 pair, 1-3, 6 and 12. 20, 86-40, 400 each, 1:3, G 12. ALTAWANA, Block 3, all, 600 each Block 12, all, 600 each. Block 14, all, 450 each, Price and terms. 2600, 900 cash, 6 and 12, 18-19, 4000, 1-3, 6 and 12. 6, 188 ft, 4200, 1-3, 6 and 12. Ust with us, we have buyers for your property. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. Bik, Lots. 5, J. A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626. Box 831, See me if you want 2 home, Special attention given to the building of Modern Houses. Designs and preliminary plans supplied. HOUSES FUE SALE riieieieeieieielleiiefeieining R. B. Taylor s Transfe Light and H Prompt Attention to ail erders, Piano Moving with Piano Van 2 Speciality. Parcels Delirerea, PHONE NO, 349, Eee eeeieinieiafe E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Com stock of Toilet Astle h i Medi- eee wins scriptions a speculty) 204 South Rv. St. Phone 75. Steam Laundry the best that money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8, Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will call for and return the goods. CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale, - LIGHT ANS HEAVY. DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN (ONE 85. PROPRIETOR WILLIAMSON PATERSON E Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Attention. Given Attent See Us for Screen Doors and Windows. BOX 353. * 188-10, PHONE 712 House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260, When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't -be per suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use the very best. We have It, aiid y erything the Builder requires. KX Wiest stock or LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND-FER-FLOORINGS, We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL y WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- Low Posrs 2 ne am, mr BOARD FINLAY CO. f THE LUMBER PEOPLE PHONE. 57 P. 0. BOX 29, FORMALING 9 FOR SMUT - +. Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store: : BEE ree rt H. B. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall CROSSLEY BROS. SSS SSeS 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. Box 304, Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO, 868, 2 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Exeavating a Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses fer sale wp All Times. F.S. LYON. GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yulll Street. Phone No. 41) P. 0. Box 81. * ipsa ny W.R.Simmonds . CARPENTER axp CONTRACTOR J.J. LAIT the Serpent s Tongue, ? 54 years old today. 116 MONTREAL STREET Repairs promptly attended to. *Phone No. 335. Toledo, Aug. 1. most unusual mur these days of scar is a temporary tho rock salt, No one to see meat, potat modities go up in article considered outside of water a) would be a uniqu though no change price so far, the m advance unless the ea soon. There has been epeak of in Tole Dealers have triec cure a supply an hopeful response t ers Is the annotn Salers that there from New York st week, In the mes mer is having all ting along on the s or by making the variety serve as a It Intensifies Cold It ts not general salt enters largely of ice cream. It to hasten m fy the cold. It is ufacturer, perhaps the most-from th wholesalers forme portion of their s from Michigan, that supplied this EF 10 Tea 12 Sets of S and G 14 Coal Bo: 1 Heavy I 18-barrel 114-barrel 4Plows, . 3 Wheel Sc 1 Filling-it 1 Wagon L 2 pair Sleig 1 new 5-to Hois Winches, 1 Capsole-+ Shovels, P: Mortar Bo Lanterns, Blacksmitl Oak Roller cont Also.a full and Builders Plas Felt LP Two show: and 7 p.m.
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Image 199 (1912-08-02), from microfilm reel 199, (CU1739548). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.