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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Goods that . Store HAVE YOU NOTICED Our West Window Tt contains some seasonable lines of ODD TROUSERS SOFT SHIRTS, NECKWEAR and UNDERWEAR. C.P.R Men's * H. S. Ireland oo need and values that you cannot afford to miss. . ame up for y this An interesting hearing before Maxistrate K morning when J.T. Bell Sons, but- chers, brought a clalm against John Hargraves for impounding 16 head of his horses when proper notices had not been posted in the country, stating that the pound law was in force there, for not caring for them properly when in his charge, fpr enclosing them in a coral which was too small, with the result that some of his stock were in- fured, and tor overcharging for the bunch when he went to take them out. The claim was only a nominal one, and the action was. really a test case to see how Magistrate Kealy would case Ing the next ten days. Piano in our store. We don t have to Advertise our terms. -- We advertise GOURLAY PIANOS and people want them. on any terms. This Coupon, if not detached from the above advertise- ment. is good for One Dollar's worth of Sheet Music for every Dollar's worth of Music you purehase from us dur- Ora fall set of ten coupons is g004 for 10 on the purchase price of.any Piano or Player ara after August 10th, 1912, Not TG MGDICINE HAT MUSIC CO. Under the, Big Fiddle. KEEP THIS -CUT OUT THE WHOLE ADVT. decide in the matter. J.-MeKinney and his two sons, who are farmers in the Suffield district, gave evitence of seeing the bunch of horses on Herbert McKinney's crop, and of driving them to the pound. There was no coral built on Hargrave's Place at the time. They drove them into a pasture field, the fence of which Interesting Claim at Police Court J. T. Bell Claims Damages From Poundkeeper for Not Taking Pro per Care of Horses When Impounded. bridge und Wetaskiwin practically doubling the membership. Mr. Holman does not expect to re- sume inifisterial duties immediately, and has Qerefore not accepted uffers from other churches. He expects In the near future to take up his resi- dence In Calgary, but will be a fre- consisted of one strand of barb wire, quent visitor to his home town with posts threw rods apart. Hebe M The Baptist Church is itideed loath Kinney wag the only one of the three to see him go, but the people never- witnesses who bad seen the notice, theless join In wishing him the success Stating that (he pound law was in/that he merits in the future. force and that Hargraves was the (Signed) A CITIZEN. poundkeeper, Oue of the witnesses stated that there Ism between erg in the district. J.T. Bell gave evidence of going t Hargraye's place and seeing his horses. They looked as if they had not beet sufficiently fed Braves, and paid by stallions, three colts in qu stion only dein about eight months old. J. Black and Edward Ostelah gavi evidence of going to the pound to brin: the horses back to the range. stated that they they could not keep up with the bun at all, Was great antagon- the farmers and ranch- and watered, There wals he added, a claim made by Har- him for three As 4 matter of fact there was not a stallion In the bunch, the Both were in very poor condition, and two were so weak that fui In prowoting the various branches fof church life, th the case of Brace- MAKE MEDICINE HAT A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE 0 Editor News, City. In connection with the above phrase n there 8 one matter in which J think the clty is rather wrong, and that is the Poll Tax, I have lived in citl and towns in Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan and never heard of married men who were paying rent g Deing asked for poll tax, It seems to me that When a man pays rent, that he is really the person who is paying the taxes on that property, and that when he is asked for poll tax he is paying a double tax. It may be the law in Alberta that this tax can be collected, but it seems to me tliat the city coun- cil would do well to instruct their col- lector to not bother the householder, nh al ARE YOU SAVING THE COUPONS ? The Medicine Hat Muse Co. If not, you may get.any that you have missed at our store. Under the Big Fiddle. who has in most cases enough to pay when he pays his rent, 3 A REOENT ARRIVAL. July 26th, 1912, Medicine Hat, July 30. Medicine Hat News. COOLLY AND DEL (Continued from page one) Blood, Frank Mueller, or Whitey Jack, and Dago Frank Cirofici. Only Cirofici has been appreh nded. These gunmen, members of notorious Big Jack Selins gang, braced them- selves with liquor and then went out and shot Rogenthal for a price said to be 5,000, Terror stricken, Rose, Webber and Vallon spent the night in the public prosecutor's office, fearing that they would be murdered if they were taken to the Tombs prison. District Attorney Whitt his case against Lieutenant Becker is without a flaw, that the confessions taken separately dovetail, and that from the testimony of other witnesses the case against Becker cannot. be. broken down. Becker had pressed Rosenthal to the wall and Rosenthal threatened to make things public. Six weeks .be- fore the Killing, Rose says, Becker sent for him and eafd Rosenthal must be made away with. Rose says he went out-end-samx Big Jack Selig to make a deal for his gunmen. Selig was under indictment for carrying concealed weapons,- and the possibilities of a stay in'Sing Sing prison did not appeal. Consequently, Rose says, when he promised to see that. nothing happened when it came F. B, MeKINNON, H.C. COOP Vice-President President. JB J.J. RICHARDSON; Sec RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. McKinnon s Ltd. The Up-to-date BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Makers of Butter Nut and White Heather Bread. Registered Brands. This business's now under the supervision of Mr. J. B. Rich- ardson, farmerly of Winnipeg, who has had a large experience in the manufdeture of first-class Bread and Confectionary. One of the hest equipped Ice Cream Parlors in the West. On and after the 15th of August this business will be conducted on a Strictly Cash basis. to trial, there was no trouble gutting gunmen, am All the gunmen were instructed to Rose says he met Webber and Betker, and while they were talking it jover, Becker said to Webber: This Job. has got to be done, and Rose says they won't do it for him. Now, Brid- gie, you can get it done, everybody. Rose and Webber say they believed Becker would send them away, and had the power todo it. Then the mur- der plot unfolded itself quickly. Mon- day night came and with it-word for the gunmen to get together. Rose tola how he got the assasins together and how, after the killing, he went over to the Hotel Metropole to see, how the job was done. Rosenthal lay dead upon the side- walk with a tablecloth spread over him. Rose says he went: and tele- ON LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HosE, GRASS SHEARS, NOZZLES: WATERING CANS, IGE CREAM FREEZERS, LAWN SEATS, At specially REDUCED PRICES For the next TEN DAYS. HAMMOCKS AND E MARSHALL-MTCHEGL HARDWARE -CO;,-LTD. PHONE 26. Efok for the Label. TORONTO ST., The same Virtues-characterize every loaf of MOTHER'S BREAD SSS ES) TASSIE BROS. MEDICINE HAT, Phone 256, Phoned to Becker and was so unnery- ed by the shock, that he could only gasp, My God, this is horribi Becker, Rose says in-his c nfession, voice, you, Of the real murderers, Rose says, those poor devils did not know what they Were doing. They were full of booze. They had been told to kill, and they went out and did what they. were told to do, Webber and Vallon supplied many missing links not known by Rose. Real Estate These Two are Money Makers. ae 50 ft. in Rosedale next to city Property and close to Ogilvie Spur with good house and stable at only 1,900 cash or 2,000 terms. Oh, don't worry, I'll protect 84 ft, corner of sixth Ave, and Braemar St. an apartment house. 4909, One-third cash; sixand valve months, t wi B. F. SOUCH, Phu. B. Office at back of Drug Store 384 Toronto St. replied, over the -wire; in a-steaty uiter of The News, Rote. the resignation of the Rev. C, T, Holman from the First Baptist Church of the citys Throughout Ideal site for his language betrays the ear-marks of scholarship, unaffected, aid his thoughts penetrate beneath the surface of the theology depth of his ideas can best be gained by Dersonal contact with him. fy Othe has-served in-Bracebric ebody knew it, ker through Rose, were 126 a month. Lieut, Becker, pended, spent toombs. This is an awful plight for an in- Rocent man to find himself in, said Becker this morning. The three pris- oners, Rose, Webber and Vailon were still in-a state of terror today, though, locked ima room in the district attor- ney s office and guarded by a squad of: detectives.. Webber was hysterical and fr quently wept. fessi of Rose and the ar- ja-sensation in lice department jand officials and patrolmen alike won- dered: who would b next to be involy- Jed: in.disciosures of felations between the policemen. andy gamblers: That an investigation wil be ima t taken by ithe city into the police de- partment appears. tobe a foregone conclusion: District Attorney Whitman said: I am. yel pl ased with the progress we have mgde and I am not in a position to tai about grand jury proceedings, but statements made to me are startl- ing in the extreme and I am bound to say each of them seem to be amply corroborated. I hope to-clean up th whole affair. Hereford Marshall, go-between;-Liewt:-Brecker-and Fath Rose, now held in the tombs in tell all he knew on the witness stand and that his story would Prove more startling than any yet. told. Sullivan, he said, would not talk to cither the prisoner or Dist. PRET EEEe Teer ee * CORRESPONDENCE + Note Wwhile munications from our readers, we wish it to be thoroughly understood that we do not necessarily subs- eribe to or endorse the opinions ex- Pressed by our correspondents. All letters must be signed by the writer. not necessarily for publication but ign of good faith Ed. Te is witha sense of loss that-we his. eight ave been privileged to enjoy. wship of a man whose frank, honest nature endeared him, not only to his own people, but to all whom he met in the city. Were he to remain among us as a citizen, our disappointment at his res- ignation would be tempered by a know- ledge that we could still count.on his aggressiveness and keen insight inte+ community matters to weigh in the Scale of pub Holman is first a man, cieric. ity robs his pulpit of that far-off dig- nity which some people fondly picture as the deal justified by ecclesiastical Precedent. But though he may be ac- cussed, perhaps rightly, of a aloofness in his discourses, his utter openness and lack .of cant, adds the strength of his winning personality to and then a In fact, his all-evident gincer- kof he truths In which he deals. His preaching s not oratory, though His style is direct and ith which he deals, In. fact, the true During hig period of ministerial Onterto, Wetaskiwin ahd Mo Hat, and hag everywhers deen succes Speaking of Becker and his alleged connection with gambling, Rose said: Why of courst, I was Becker's col- Webber himself says that bis protection pay- ments for his gambling house to Bec- who has been sus- a quiet night in the Test-and-indictment of Becker created counsel for Jack Sullivan (Jacob Reices) the toni ai + 5 + OD oe ole oe ole obs of obs ole ode ole ade ob we weltome all Com- Dear Sir In your issue of 26th inst. the paragraph referring to tie-up of the G. T. P., states, No notice was giv- en, contractors, for higher wages: or changed conditions. The Industrial Worker, July. 25th, contains this tele- gram on page elghtr Prince Rupert, B. C., July 20, Industrial Worker. Strike on Grand Trunk Pacific con- striction called today. The men could for muckers, abolition of various later. the truth. G. HOPPER, last night. mer vacation, companied by Mrs. Terrill Arthur, wh re Mr. Terrill will re- present the Alberta and B. C. Press Association at the meeting of the Northern Ontario and Manitoba Press..conzention. They will then visit other eastern points. e stand the putrid conditions no long- er, Demands are a 9 hour day, 3.25 3.50 for drillers, etc., enforcement of sanitary regulations, grafts. Details A. 0, MORSE. Will be pleased if you give publicity to this, in order to let the public know Yours-tr-antielpation, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL C. E. McGoogan left for Winnipeg Mrs. W. B. Finlay leaves for Bantt tonight, where she will spend her sum- A. J. N. Terrill of The News, ac- and daughter, left this morning for Port STREET LIGHTS HURT SAYS BUSINESS MAN Letter Received Objecting to the Illuminating of the City Streets. Dear Editor, It is very nice to see our ojty after sun-set. Hundreds of beautiful electric tights of every shade in whatever direction you wish to look. But our city fathers are making a mistake in trying to light our city in this manner, as customers who pay for electric light find af - ter the streets and parks are light: ed that the service they geb in their places of business is of the old hand lamp kind. A CONSUMER. The above letter was received by The News today. The objection taken seems to be the illiimination of the city streets to what he claims to be the detriment of the business men. One local business man stated to The News that when the street lights were lit that the electric lights in L.s place of busi- ness were so poor that they were practically useless. He says that he oes not think that the streets shoukl be illuminated at the ox- penses of the consumers, unless there is; some celebration on, then ho says he is willing to sacrifice his light for the benefit of the siborss Vo EN A WEALTHY: VAG M. Poroski Sentenced To Two Months For Had 85 in his Possess- ion When Caught, Magistrate Kealy sentenced Mike Porojoski, an Hungarian, to . two months imprisonment at the police court this morning for Vagrancy. Accused, who when arrested had in his possession 87.26, baggage tran: fer tickets, railway tickets, and oth- er miscellaneous articles, pleaded guilty to begging on the street. SONS OF ENGLAND FUNERAL eral of the late Bro. A. Panting, on Wednesday . afternoon at 4 o'clock. Brothers will meet at the Eagles hall at 3.30 sharp. Z 0. A. RIMMER, Secretary. NOTICE A regular meeting. of Mizpah Ma- sonic Lodge No. 25, will be held in the Masonic Hall tonight at 7.30 p. m. A full attendance of members s re- quested. It E, E, Trider is giving fine porcelain dinner sets free to his customers, Third Ave. tf A NEW ONE be ready to shoot Rosenthal yw, the . . game had been shadowed and Omneetion with- lt;cocoreaid-this DRUNKS FINED. Neh day morning that Sullivan was A. Armstrong and H. Mantle able. A BIG CLASS. A class of 225. will be i into the Moose In addition to the usual line of stock and furniture to be offered on Friday by H, B. Browne Co., at auction, a le. Kalser s Old Timer 10c Cigar. Block 10, lots 1-2; 800. terms. Block 10, lots 39-40, 800, terms, Block 5, lots, 28-29, 1475, cash. . Block D, lots 5-6, 4000; terms. Block 1, lots 40-42, 2000, terms. Block 17, lots 39-40, 750, terms. ILL Block 27, lots 37 to 40, 1000, gt; tera: Block 21, lots 13 to 20, 400: pair, Blotk 28, lots 1 to 20, 600 pair. Block 29, lots 11-12, 525, terms. RIVERSIDE Block 15, lots 36 to 40, terms, ACREAGE 160 acres half within the 3-mile circle, 260 per acre, Terms. 80. acres; all within the 2 1-2 mile circle, 850 per acre. Terms. is Rl Fire,, Life; Accident, Hail and Plate Glass Insurance, 410 Main St. P. 0. Box 816, Phone 695, 1500, At. the police court this morning were fined for being drunk end uncap- jated at the City Hall THE MARYLAND -DAIRY will deliver to your home every morning the fresh- est of Milk and Cream. A trial is all we ask. A Few Big Snaps- 75 feet, Block M , adjoining C. N. R, depot site, 9500. 50 ft, Block 33, facing . W. C. A, alte, 2600, Herald Block 23, 1000. Centra Park 50 ft, water and gas, Block 16, 1000. 50 ft, Block 18, 800 cash. 50 ft, Block 4 (sewer, water and gas) 1300, High School Annex 50 ft. corner, Block 28, 1200. 50 ft, 50 ft, Block 20, 1100, North Yuill. 50 ft. lota, Block 18, 700 each. South Yuill 50 ft. lot, Blook 8, 1050; Rosedale 50 ft. lot, Block 7, 1200 cash; Riverside. 50 ft. lots, Block 14, 600. 60 ft, lots, Block 15, 560, 50 300 ft, Block C 1200, H.C. Pettet Co. 68 Toronto St. Phone 481, Houses If you are looking for a Home, see W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Builder. Phone 800. NOTICE of BAILIFF S SALE Notice is hereby given that the J ove ORSES land are requested to attend the fun- seized by me On of July; Medicine Hat. 1911, under powers contained ina Chattel Mortgage dated the 4th day of April, 1912, will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION on August Ist, 1912 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the hobo.was ar however ths - Hot Will Tal grax - E Ottawa, went Wilt 1 saction of January is able in poli cineles. The be arranged may decide t ernment may voting the i December to CITY STABLES, IN MEDICINE maT, Twe as follows; that is to say: s One team Black Gotiingea John Patt weight about 1550. R. Ki One Black Percheron Stal- Condi lion, registered No. 52772, : i peer Two braken One grey French Draft Stal- hospital this lion, registered No, 14873, named Montiego. HORSES ON VIEW AT CITy STABLES, JOHN BENSON, Bailiff. Dated the 24th day of July, 1912. l W. KYLE, Proprietor. 16a3t. good automobile will be put Wi for Coupons on all purchases at BE. E. Triders, Third Ave, Notice of tt GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands. Work called for and delivered. PHONE 486, tt. Removal Pea Nat Butter will be pleased to have are John Pat who Was bre Nest line, met caught betwee still -unconsel no other. pers tails as to bh occurred cann HEAD 01 GI So Says E of Cro victior New York, J . McLarer s Imperial Cheese Pimerito Cheese (eerie Prepared Mustard FREE DEMONSTRATION of above pro- ducts at our store every day this week. We nual graft coll in New York houses and ott amounted with 2,400,000 are rict Attorney statements wer rict A Rose, velf-accus Lieut. Chas.- B Strong Arm began his seco tion in the To This annual yie tection money, lice Department Becker and fro you call, trict Attorney E reason to susp was. furth ther words the bate systems of ion, each he ice officer. . Mr Plice officials v
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Image 179 (1912-07-30), from microfilm reel 179, (CU1739551). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.