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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Strength LePAGE BROS. Royal Household Flour Nutrition At All Grocers FOR SALE BY Purity The highest standard of perfection MEDICINE HAT Schools to Sept.3; the Teachers Supt. Hay Has Made a Number of Changes in the Staff Expects Large Number of New Pupils to Apply. The city schools will open for the fall term on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Par- ents of children of school age will do well to have them report for ad- mission the morning of opening as Schoo accommodation will be limited in consideration of the large number f new pupils expected to apply. All pupils who were promoted to Grade VIII will report at Alexandra school. All beginners residing on north side of track will apply for admission at Montreal Street school. The following teachers will have charge of the grades respectively: At real. St..School Grade VII Principal Cuyler and ais: Curry; Grade Vi, Miss Cosens; Graac Miss Miller; Grades I1l. and IV., Mi McKenzie and Miss Patriquin; Grade IL, Miss McBean and Miss Coulson; Mrector of Household Science; Mr. make my life unpleasant or incon- Grade 1. Miss: Logan, Pasl Bailey, Director of Manual venient or even shorten it, I frankly Primary Miss Tompkins. At Cot- Traincng. tell you these latter considerations es vil not govern my actions in the Re-open tage School, Elm St., Grades I. and II. Toronto Street School Grade VII., Principal Peasiey; Grade VL, Miss Preston; Grade V., Miss Griffin; Grades III, and 1V., Miss Newmarch; Grade IL, Miss Kennedy; Grade 1., Miss Murray and Miss Jackson; Pri- mary,.Miss Best. Cottage Schools on Annex Grades V. Reld; Graiies Smith. Yo Alexandra School Principal La- zerta, B.A; Miss J. A. Fraser, BUA. Miss M. L.Rorke, M.A Miss E. Mc- Cracken, B.A; Miss Stepfiens, B.A; Mr. Chas. Weir. The following special teachers have been appointed: Miss A. Fulton, Director of Music; Miss T. H. Job, Miss Coursey, High School and Vi. Miss i. and IV., Miss PREMIER BORDEN HAD HEART-T0-HEART TALK (Continued from pag one) cupied to follow this question close- ly here. I regard the matter here as one for the British people alone to settle themselves and for the same reason I hold the people of Canada must settle for themsdives. Miss Barrett Nevertheless the agitation here has been very incon- venient -to-the present government. and has added materially to their difficalties, I think it real menace to their existence. Premier Borden What have I to do with: that Miss Barrett I am coming to that. I suggest it will-be a very great mistake for any government to ignore such an agitation and should like to impress on you that thi: agitation is going to stay. No gav- ermment can afford to ignore it. Your reply this morning will regu- give our friends in Canada. We shall Send some one out to conduct agitation there. * at his watch and revarke/ to take that as threa/t ALBERTA SHEE the fire. confider lt;e, any detz7is as to how the traffi: in Canad late very much the kind of advice we Cor inuing, 'e explained how the pro- definitely, consider whether we shall chi-- so far as election of provincial last fifteen years the Dominion Par- (At this poimt Mr. Be-avu looked liament had maintained a law under Am I which the provincial franchise plied to election of members of par- Miss Barrett We do sot want to Hiament. If therefore he was to re- threaten. Alludiz gt; to the great public reception awaitins Premier Borden on his return, she bused he would declare himself as repr sent - ing not only the men but the wimen of Canada. : Mrs. Tuckwell, who followed, thought Canada wanted more wonvn Overseers to frustrate agents of tis white slave traffic. Mrs. TuckweM went on to say that her experience travelling in Canada as agent of the British Women s Emigration Association was that the imen there were quite favorable to women havihg votes. Miss Sharpe, who followed, re- was in Canada was always wantiny her to go out and join him, but sh Preferred staying in the frvine instead of falling into v:nat mig?obe Premier Borden, x replyirg, allud- ed first to the white iave traflic and asked ihe ladies +4 send him in was carried on. veaces *zsolutely controlled the fran- islatures was concerned. -For the ap- AND LOCK marked that her own brother who/ SEIT the deputation syggested, he was an- nouncing change from the policy of fifteen years. It was obvious that buch a departure: would require more consideration then he could ive it in a few minutes that morning, Whether, he went on, we shall enact a general franchise Jaw for fed- eral affairs is a matter not yet tak en into consideration by the present adininistration and until it was sug gested that we required to the old practice it would be manifestly im possible for me to many any nouncement on the situation, Th fore it resolves itself into this, that you must go to the ine provincial legistatures, or we shall have to be convinced that it is expedient to abolish a law which has been in force fifteen years, to disregard pro- Yincial enactments and establish general franchise. So far as the British situation is concerned, it is a question for the British people alone: I do not inter fere for the same reason. I would not expect to find anyone coming to Canada to interfere as far as your action at the present time is con- cerned. May I be permitted to make one remark? I think the women of Canada are sufficiently capable and intelligent to judge these matters for themselves. I would like to add, I shall be most happy to receive any deputation of women in Canada made for the bona fide purpose of laying before me their views. I de not want you to be led into linking too closely conditions in Canada with those here. I am not aware that the Jaw of Canada is at present unjust to any body of women. So far as the Dominion legislature is concerned we should be most eager to remove injustice if any exists. If you have any real representations regarding the homestead laws we shall be hap+ py to consider them. Regarding the position of Australia and New Zea- land T am not prepared to discuss that now. The responsibility for any action you may take will be yours and not ours. on the Canadian Premier, about militant methods. I do not know if that is intended to be a threat. Miss Barrett It is a mere state- ment of fact. Premier Forden Very well, my action in public life in the past, as I hope it will be in the future, is guided by what I think to be in the interests of the people as a whole and humanity generally. Any sug- gestion as to methods will not have the slightest effect on me. I am per- feetly ready to listen to reason. and argument and weigh them, with the utmost possible care, but if d,/ am tO be subjected to methods witch an least. These last few sentences, were spoken with some warm Miss Barrett I hope you will Gon sider the reasops we have given yon today. Premier Borden I am ready to consider them most carefully. I think the women of Canada will form their own judgment and will not be netuated by arguments of any kind addressed to them from elsewhere, owing what I do of them. Miss Barrett I was referring to aeons Sorat it Tex popared to give the utmost ecasideration to any arguments and saggestions. I was only led to say what I did by what you added, name- ly, That militant methods might be employed in Canada. The deputation then shock hands with Mr. Borden and withdrew. Five minutes after, he received the anti-suffragrettes consisting of Col. Leroy Lewis, Mrs. Maberly Bell and Mrs. Harry Wilson. This only oc- cupied ten minutes, the gallant col- onel acting as spokesman, who laughingly remarked that they were glad to find the windows unbroken after the visit of the previous call- ers. Haring read yesterday that a suffragist deputat was waiting on the Premier they thought it advis - able to call also, just to let him know the suffragists did not com prise the whole body of women in Britain. The league which the pre - turn to Canada and announce. what TO CELEBRATE TIN-PLATE ANNIVERSARY (Special to tie News) Blwood, Ind, Ave 2 vernon Thomas Mars iwll, former Vice President Charles V. Fairbanks and Daniel G. Reid, the New York multt- millionaire and on of the of the tin-plate industry in America are to be the ceniral figures of a gathering to be teil here early next month in celebrativ:: of the twentieth anniversary of the niusuration of the first American te piate plant. All (ree of the notivies named were Present in 1892 when the first tin- Plate plant was formally opened in this elty with an oration by William McKinley, aj that tme Governor of Ohio and later President of the Uni- ted States, FOR REPRESENTATIVE SLEMP S SEAT (Specal to the News) Bristol ,Va, Aug. 28. Republicans of the Ninth Virginia district rounded up here today to select gandidate for Congress to succeed Representa- tive Campbell Slem), who for sever- al years has had the distinction of being the only epublican member fthe Virginia d: tion in the na tional house of representatives. Mr. Slemp could have bad a renomination withopt gt; opposition, but a short time ago he decided that he would retire to private life to devote himself to his business interests, The indica- tions are that the nomination will go to L. P. Summers, an intimate friend and political associate of Congress- man Slemp. The Democrats have se- lected as their nominee Gen. Rufus A. Ayers of Big Stone Gap, a distin- Bulshed Confederate veteran and at one time attorney-general of Virginia. DUKE ENDS TORONTO VISIT (Special to the News) Toronto, Ont. Aug. 28. As the concluding feature of his three days stay in Toronto the Duke of Con- naught held. a review of the boy scouts at the Canadian National Ex- hibition this afternoon. Tonight his Royal Highness accompanied by the Drehess of Connaught and Princess Patricia, Ieave in a special train for the West. Their trip will last until October and will take them as far as the Pacific coast MEETING OF 1OWA FLORISTS DesMoines, Ia, Aug. 28. The 10th annual meeting of the Society of Iowa Florists began in this city today with ain attendance of members from many Parts of the State. INVESTIGATING CHARGES Ottawa, Ont, Aug. 28 The labor department is investigating the charges made against the G. T. P. in effect that the Railway Co. empluyer were being subjected to ill-treatme and that through lack of proper precaution being taken, a nutnber of them were drowned. pioneers MepIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Today s Snaps BROADWAY, Riverside, fecing river and city, Block 13, Lots 9 and 10, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, at 3775 pair ; terms, Block 19, Riverside, 25 (t, lots, 350 each BLOCK 1, Riverside, Lots 25 and 28, 800 pair, BLOCK 7, Riverside, Lots 15 and 16, 735 pair. CHARLES ST., Central Park Splendid large new house just finished, on 50 ft. lot. very convenience. 6,000; Good term CHARLES ST., Central Park 3 large new houses, 4500 each. Good terms. NORTH YUILL Block 16, 7 and.14; 750 each. lots HERALD Block 8, good view of river and city, lots 3 and 4, 5 and 6 ; 750 pair. HILL Block 28, opposite Block 18, Herald, 50 ft. for 525, A cheap buy. WANTED Brick layers, Elizabeth Street school, Victoria A and EUsabeth St. Lussler Ooi ction Company, Limited. ,. WANTED Lathers, plasterers jaug Laborers. 40-3t WANTED Four first-class penters at once. Apply Mold McLean, Redclltt. fe see ANTED Capable general bervant family of two. Apply 1017 Esplan ade. B8-te, WANTED General servant fof family of three. Apply L. Hewitt, 935 Montreal St. 38-tt WANTED Capable general ser- vant. Wages 25.00 per month. Ap- ply Mra Johnstone, cor. Barclay and West Allowance. 38-6t TWO good smart men wanted at atice. Good money to be made. Ap- ply in person Room 4, News build- ing. 88-6 NORTH YUILL Block 6, two new houses for 2800, One- third down; balance arranged TOWNSITE Block 80, lots 19 and 20; 5200 the pair. TOWNSITE Block 82, lot 36, 1150. GOOD BUYS in Cousins and Sissons, Yuills and Herald. RIVERDALE Good level lots at 185. Good terms. Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, Halt-minute from Post Office. PHONE 791. these headings. 25 words, one day .. 2 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. it will receive attention. TO RENE FURNISHED HOUSE to let for two months,- Apply Box-776, P. 0, 39-6t TENANT WANTED for vacar/. store on the corner of Montre,1 Street and 3rd Ave. Fine locatio, for any business. Reasonable -ent. Living Toomg, overhead. Imiediate posses- sion. Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. /4, MacBean Co Imperial Bank buil/ing. Toate Auction Sale of Farming Stock ON THURSDAY. atthe alt. Wer: of 16, 7, 2, west of the meridian, being south east - of Medicine Hat about 40 miles, Cows, (pig with young) a full completment of farming imple- ments, household furniture and effects. The whole of the gbove und- er instructions from the TRUSTS GUARANTEE CO. LTD., OF CALGARY TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE nUST Zoth. further particulars apply to B. BROWNE Co. Live Stock and General Auct- foneers. 519 Toronto St. Phone 703. WEEKLY AUCTION SALE THE MARKET SQUARE Ho. Box Fie WANTE ) TO BUY WANTED TO jUY Building lots in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give gt;cices, terms, etc., to P. Owners only need apply. - -B8-tf. right, as I mean business. One-third cash, balance 9 and 18 months, vend- or to pay commission. W. H. Steb- bings, 316 Hargrave St., Winnipeg, Man. 39-6t FOR SALE FOR SALE Automobile; this years model. A bargain, for somebody. Might take well located lot for part pay- ment. Phone 782. P.O. Box 3. 33-tf )FOR SALE Six hole range, uit boarding house, also a few household effects. Apply 239 Montreal St, corner Third Ave. 37-6t FOR SALE SOME HOUSEHOLD furniture. Also one furnished room to rent . Apply 109 Montreal. . 42-3 FOR SALE A FINE FIRST CLASS boarding house, central location; 12 steady boarders; furniture and busi- ness, Apply box 932 or 802 3rd Ave- on Ogilvie Mill job, Boarding camp jjon site. Canadian Stewart oy Led. 33-tf Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, * For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and Run less than 2,000 miles.) B50 WANTED 15 laborers, 3 per day, on pipe line work at Bow Island. Ap- ply International Supply Co. phone 163. 36-tt WANTED Salesiadies and sales- men at once. Apply Milne s Por- trait Studio. 35-tf 'WVANTED Laborers by the Canad- fan Stewart Co, 30c per hour Apply. Ogilvie Mill site 24th, WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters) WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redclift Hotel. S1-tt WANTED Servant girl, 20 a month. Apply to Mrs. W. Hig- gins, P.O. box 772. 21stt SALESMEN are drawing 75,00 to 100.00 per week selling our oils, greases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity... Men with team preferred. Inland Oil Works Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Jul 30-dim 'ANTED *en and women to learn ; barber trade. Summer rate now. on. Situations guawnteed. Special rates to adies. Partiiulars and.cate- logue frie. Moler Cullege, 609 Cen- tre St, (algary. aosate WANv:ED MAID TO 90 gt;GENERAL hoase work, Mrs, R. J. Rice, cor, 6th Ave. and Esplanade 418 SERVANT .GIRL WANTEL APPLY to James Hargrave, Altawans. Med- icine Hat. 42-6 apply 1S ee i. Sah a Apply Barnett, Plaatensitys aes Au 22-3 m, pea foie one year against a tes At oftice in pestang. Main stroct, from 2 p. my. Office phone 594, At. 7 school Avenue, opposite cast Yat High Gchool in evening. phone 699; Mrs. Matthews. Y4NTED LADINS' AND GENTS: Saatott clothing, shoes, watches, Jowelry; guns, revolvers, valises, suit canes, fifiiture, Democrat wagons, bug- Sles, Barness, bicycles, carpenter tools, ete,, raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f..thers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 12 Fourth avenue; opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 358, Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 2eDiee. Ce TSB MEDICINY HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools fp the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jowelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods, We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 604 South Raflway St. or Phone 687, tf AUCTIONEERS HH. B. BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctionsers, 519 Tor onto St Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our 6x- perience at your disposal free. Phone 708. H. B. Browne Co, 619 To- Tonto St. sseaer E. Bartlett. Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Ratlways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc. Room 14, Imperial Bank Ballding. Medicine Hat Phone 420 W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- Sembler and executer of papers for shipments going into the United States, Commissioner in B. R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent. MEDICINE HAT. Painting and Paperhangin: Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fally ufrnished on cost of Pabering your rooms, Phone 156, SITUATIONS WANTED, YOUNG MAN OF GOOD EDUCATION requires employment. Has had good business training. References furnish- ed. Would travel for good company. 41-3 EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper wants position: Apply to P. 0. Bor 134, Medicine Hat. + 40-8t 7 Young indy desires po- go. 1 Mt getter Pot Mrs urns gc sen tn i per Tonto and Ottawa Sts. Price must be apply H. G., post office box 818. 30tf is, ae y- ROOMS WANTED, ANTED One or two furnished Appl yto P. 0. box 519, 36-t2 STRAYED REWARD The above will be payed for information that will lead to the recovery of one brown Gelding with white stripe on nose, years old, and welght about 1300 Ibs, Brand HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs., branded ) on left thigh. These horses were ) last seen at Pete Weiss on the 13th of May. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat. 16att SSTRAYED Two weeks ago from near Coleridge, two buckskin mares eight years old, one branded J, M. jon left shoulder, other badly cut on ankles and hind knee, Reward. Ap- rooms with board. Central location. NOTICE is hereby given to owners of property in the city limits to have all noxious weeds on their lands des- troyed by the Sist of August. taken after this law No. 175 of the City of Medicine Hat. Signed) H. BAKER, Aug. 24th, 1912. City Clerk 39-7 CANADIAN PACIFIC Stampede FRONTIER DAYS CELEBRA- TION CALGARY SEP. 2-7 192 Procla: ** Uale-Cvers for common expr Uata-Cuer we: can t wear without becon tic about them Try a pai TURPIN THE MEN Where you getthe Ladies a Gents T: We have a fine LADIES a: FALL Sst Come and judg Also see the lz ; See us about P.S. We will se the yard if WwoOl Phone 517. LAKE SUPERIOR um (Special to Honghton, Mich Seventeenth annual Lake Superior Mini here today and w the end of the we are to be held for mining methods, laws, workingmen safety appliances a . Between sessions 1 visit the various this vicinity. GEORGIA DE CONVE (Bpecial to Macon, Ga., Aug cratic State conve assembled here to results of the rece and to frame a par gates from every. c filled the auditoriu vention was called o'clock, this mornir LAW TO CURB (Special to Decatur, Ill, Au teenth annual meet Auctioneer's Associ: days session here t ulating the practic and providing for in case any of the Iated will be dratte tion and submitted sent speaker represented comprised bly Alberta Clay Products Co. 40-8t Sea several hundred branches, Mrs. Ma- SINGLE FARE i el ly-remarked that the feature of 7 id Au 30 30 ke PERSONAL, For 2 ab Trip. the suffragist propegands which most riday, lt; Bee Gatig aatea aiguat Seen. j BENEDICT FAM AGENTS FOR distressed her. was the pernicious at 130 p.m. FURNISHED ROOMS WiTH BOARD MARRY Why remain alone? The ae ee eile dest 4 : literature they were distributing : , and bath, close in. Apply to 203 Main et Intreduction Club is a reliable, Apply to Local Agent for i Specel to The Baum Fire Proof Safes. fsrcce sou women wor tie sel the aucilonser announce a t * tn sp-t-ate modhin for placing tal APD to Lac pee question. It was their first and only large entry of Drivers, Saddle correspondence congenial, marriage- enth annual re-unic a te Horses and heavy Work Teams; able people. Strictly private; high- R. G, MeNEILLIE, Tamily, comprising ery really. several cows; Buggies, Demo- FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET IN ot People. area Dist. Pasenger Agent,. of Thomas Benedic aults an Vau t Doors Mr. Borden, in answering, travers- rat Wagons, Harness, etc. modern house. Apply 122 Toronto Ch facter. Seventh successful Calgary. ed. the wate grousd as wife: the pre. SPECIAL: See e qa-3 72 Literature and full informa- is A bob: e from England in: th (Over 25 years on the Market.) vious deputation and remarked that The remainder of the Medi- . are ORE NE MER SW ony ex Te, Tieket Agent. HO the tenting SEEe rain : the previous callers were certainly cine Hat Dairy Co. effects of. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, SUIT- Vancouver, B. C. S7-401 phone 301. Medlione Hat, j hatd stotay ab Gi Only Air Chamber Safe Mad very much in earnest and except for Horses, Milk Wagons, Demo- Hlaie for light housekeeping. Apply wean e the suggestion that they might em- rats, Harness, Bott an 1/327 Mill St, Medicine Hat. -41 3t MOREY 50,104 if ss : ton were in atte Several from distar Ploy militant methods, he had noth- ing to complain of. He was suro Canadian women were sufficiently in- telligent to care for this matter themselves, but any representations 4 teams heavy draft horses 1 new Webber Wagon and box; 2 sets heavy Harness, nearly new, and a large quantity of effects too numerous to men- tion. Entries for the sale will be ac- THE ROYAL STANDARD TYPEWRITER. The most reliable machine made. MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE MON- EY to loan on residential property. Apply to P. 0. box 857. 42-3, FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Close in. Gentlemen preferred. Apply 720 4th Ave. 42-3 House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING ACCIDENTA Minneapolis, Min: - - ALL STEEL FILING CABINETS AND OFFICE made to him would have his utmost HOUSES WANTED wonerya consideration Raymond Backus, FURNITURE : cepted up to 12 o'clock on day 18S AMBROSE Trained Nurse. HEAVY TEAMING Bachus, of the Bac . ANTED A 4 or 6 roomed bunga- : E: eee Ottawa, Ont. Avswat 26 at Bre- OFM WV Atm bath. Furnished, immea. em Braemar St. Phone 747. 25-12t/ GON Gp EME WORK. Bie Ob, was toot ve no exhibit a e Fair, rall a . tania this morning Mrs. L. Whitney, zi fately. No children. 35-tt a i We have no z bit at the Fair, but call at our Bala OC Nir, Bierast Molton ee Ter enteieg and farther: par: iy. io . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Phone 260. while hunting ne Show Rooms, 368 Toronto St., while inthe city and one of Ottawa's controilers, was kill. tleulars apply to LOST AND FOUND allay: Mion: yates W. 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered ed by lightning whish partially wreck- entered his neck ar J.J. LAIT EH. B. BROWNE Co. Sree accountants and auditors, (estab- ed the house. Live Steck and General Auct. OST BLACK SPANIEL (LONG iignea 1882), auditors, olty of Medicine 116 MONTREAL STREET een tock tall). Answer Roy. Reward pald rat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth. Get your coupon now for two Xmas, Photos at our booth at the Fair Milne s Portrait Studio. 42-2 Get your coupon 1 Photos at our boc Milne s Portrait St ee 42-4 on returning to 418 South Railway St. prigge, AH, Gibson, C.A., resident 1008e beat Syatem The News Job Any one detaining dog after this-no- psriner. Phone 198. Buras Block. Department has every factitty for sup- tice will be prosecuted. 41-3 276 2 Piving the most satisfactory. 519 Toronto St. MEDICINE HAT. It. ; 4 30g is
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Image 377 (1912-08-28), from microfilm reel 377, (CU1739487). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.