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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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sesday, June 18, 1912. Tf , ail ITY first. Don't be per- 1 to buy CHEAP LUM- ecause it's cheap use the est. We have it, and ey- ng the Builder requires. elect stock of LUMBER, S; SASH, FER FINISH, H, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH FIR FLOORINGS. hare the agency for the rated Morgan Doors, E DOOR BEAUTIFUL NT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH CEDAR POSTS, WIL ee ee soafe-e 1 so 1 o- mS os oi fe es teste e ost sos fs - LOW POSTS . ; BEAVER 3 BOARD steel NEAY CO. HE LUMBER PEOPLE oe BOX 29. PHONE 57 z ES eno i RMALINE OR SMUT 50c....Quart 25c....Pint N T PAY MORE etoetreleet Peake So-eteatoe' gle s Drug and et sr eholodetediodect eee arte e re Segoe feet aeoate ate atonteete So ege tee eer Tuesday, June 18th, 1912 5 Oy Bey op eee dee costesteateatestest ae stocgeateatectecteateatectectoateatecteatoatectocteateatecgeetoateste ety The same cus ) with the on she teste ote tatie ote BeBe Tete ostpegoatpeteadeteocteeetenteeteteeste tes MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. tomers return day afte wondertul bargains they Page 3 Mitte te te tee eee OPO GGG OCOCCCCCCEA Meoefnete-steateateeteate oateaioete afoetesfectoateete-eteeee, AAA ee a eoate eeetente eegeatoetoatonteeestecteeteatentes 440, 000.0 Is Now in Full Swing r day, more than pleased are procuring. A sfoete Bo don't put ot and see 49. i i i i 3 5 3 i i 3 i + i i i Lae OA LS ITSON LEADER BUILDERS US FIGURE WITH YOU ORE PLACING YOUR TRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Mice Next to City Hall. OSSLEY BROS. iders and Contractors. 4th Ave,, Phone 434 P. O. Box 304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. E PHONE STABLE PHONE 68. AOR 7B. IE J. S. FOLLIS ontracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Specialty. and Heavy Horses fer sale at All Times. S. LYON JONTRACTS FOR EAVY TEAMING ADING AND EXCAVATING jravel and Sand for Sale, Phone No. 415, P. 0. Bex 81. -R.Simmonds PENTER anp CONTRACTOR EERE EEE REE Ere SCHOOL dotefoteteloteleintelotntelotatelotetelnteteleleleteinieint Hebicieieieieieicicinieieieleininiei s FORMS: Assessment Rolls Assessment Notices Tax Notices * Tax Reminders i Receipt Books Letter Paper Envelopes, etc., etc. + Mail Orders get prompt attention, THE NEWS MEDICINE HAT, - ALBERTA R. B. Taylor s r 0 Light and Heavy Draying. Proiupt Attention to all orders. Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality. Parcels Detirerea. oHONE NO. 349. Modern and sanitary in. every respect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed. * PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited, And our drivers wili cali for and return the goods. House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. i *Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 80 Cut Glass Vase, cut to 6.40 Military Brushes, Real Ebony, cut to 21 Jewel Gents Gold Watches, cut to 16.00 Ladies Gold Watches, cut to 14.00 Day and Night Field Glasses, cut to PLAN 10 PROTECT OCEAN VOYAGERS Promoters of International Storm Bureau Begin Work. PS TO SUPPLY Wireless to Both Sides of the Atlantic. by Professor said: the Atlantic will be as safe as a shor' which have but little anything except the most destructiv on receipt of the warning by 50 mile: or more escape a rough passage, whil the smaller steamers and sailing ship: sible destruction. According t FIFTY THOUSAND LAB FOR MANY lan, a medium lin ORERS NEEDED WESTERN ENTERPRISES shortage of labor in Western Canadi attend a meeting of the departmen Mr, Dennis said today that on the fi bee bb be gob ee For Taft Warren . Harding, bE EE 116 MONTREAL STREET beet NEWS OF WEATHER To Send Information By London, June 18. The first formal step in the campaign for the estab- lishment. of an International weather and storm bureau has been taken here Willis Moore, chief: of the United States weather bureau. In speaking of his plan, Professor Moore If the pisn 1s adopted, so. far as Sjstorms are concerned, the crossing ot street car journey. Great ocean liners, to fear from by making a detour, make escape pos- Head of Natural Resources Department of the c. P. R. Says Road Desires More Workmen. Montreal, June 18 There s a great Jac ording to J. S. Dennis, the head of the natural resources department of the C. P. R,, who is in Montreal to MEN SLATED TO MAKE NOMINAT For Roosevelt Wm. A. Pendergast For LaFollette Michael D, Olbrich, of Madison, Wis. For Cummins William 8. Kenyon, bh bet gales on Glass RO So testeste Soe eee Be Ae ONPG So heste ase dee ees eae eee et terete Sosteeteateate toate soge tea io ter tare will be established through the north Atlantic. All ships sailing in either direction westward of this median are to be required to. take a daily weather observation, which must be sent by wireless to the nearest ship in communication to the west, and relayed to the nearest American land station. The messages are then to be telegraphed td Washington, where the Weather bureau will make up a weather chart and a storm warning, which will be cabled to Europe. Ships to the eastward of the median WHI follow similar instructions, relgy- ing the messages until they redch either London or Paris. The weather chart and storm warnings made up by the Buropean station will be cabled to Washington, an dthe storm loca- tions from both American and Burope, as compiled, will be sent by wireless) to the nearest ships, which will be in duty bound to transmit them to the vessels in the vicinity of the storms- threatened areas. RUSSIAN PRINCESS DISGRACES FAMILY BY BLACKING BOOTS Garatzina has asked the Czar to or- der his daughter, Princess Maria, to desist from disgracing herself by do- ing ordinary housework in hotels and t e ment, therefor. daughter in one hotel took the posi- tion of bootblack and carried slop: As the princess is of age, the Czar) could: do nothing for the districted father. i le a e rigation works of the company in Al- berta the company wanted one thou- sang more men than It could get, and it wes.estimated that in railway and other work there was at the present time a demand for fifty thousand in excess of the supply. te r- LEELEEEELEEEE EE NG SPEECHES AT CHICAGO ++ cd former lieutenant governor of Ohio. t, Comptroller of New York City. of ts hehehe eee eel U. 8. Senator from Towa. We have without dou ers practically every point on face of the globe where revolution: in the federal building yesterday the examination of Leonid Menshi- st Petersburg, June 18. Pridce koff, a former chief in that service, volutionaries. THE BIG STOCK IS o dont put of buying any longe Diamonds Diamonds and more Diamonds ; the beautiful Diamond Rings, we are selling for 30.00, everyone p ever offered in this City CUT GLASS sure and visit our Cut Glass Department this evening. Store open every e Following are a Few of the Values We are Offering: 4 Piece Silver Tea Set, English make, 72.00, cut to for the past GOING FAST r it means dollars to you 8 bt the finest stock of Cut Glass in five days has been something vening this week. POLICE SECRETS Witness in New York Trial Gives Inner Workings of Wierd System. ALWAYS TWO SPIES IN NEW YORK Apparent ReayOl ee lenerio there oot eee sent to Siberia. Are Really Often Hired been heard of for By the Police. New York, June 18. Revelations of the amazing intricacies of the Rus sian secret police service, which cov th naries may gather to ptot, came fast Menshikoff is being examined in the suit brought by Alexander M. Evalenko, a New York business man, against Vladi of Paris and widely Sherlock Holmes of the Russian re- to this country two years ago he ac- cused Evalenko of, being a Russian spy. Evalenko sued Bourtzeff for hundred thousand dollars, alleging slander. Menshikoff, eallod as a witness, has revealed for the first time the inner workings of the Rus- sian secret police burean, The police, the former chief said. r s46 o wood, lined with velvet, with constantly employs at least two . es a New York, la Woropeen'oar ogles for eyes. spies in New Kk. ro) a Priala tuaie auamtes ictiegiony 'The cin his carriage, be: dad ia) ttle 7 : . stove, the smoke of which escaped spies pose as revolutionaries. But theltnrough a pipe in the top. This is revolutionaries retaliate by introduc- ni, oatimate of dogs and men: Dogs ing their own members into the sec- ret police in order to be forewarned of every contemplated action. Menshikofl was a to high rank. Hevhad access to the famous Black Book in which ate kept transcripts of reports from all made copies of many spies. He pages of this book. Why ber of the social party? Menshikoff was asked. Because I was betray d. band was a traitor, hired by the go at n Bourtzeff camey) one revolutionary serving in the secret police and. rose did* you enter the Russian secret, police when you were a mem- revolutionary I was arrested in 1886. Som man of our vernment of the czar. I wanted to discover the identity of this man, I succeeded in that purpose. But I re mained in the service so that Tmight Keep the revolutionists informed re- garding the spie3 sent to entrap them. In speaking of the methods of the Secret police, Menshikofi said there was at one time in Paris, posing as a revolutionary 9 man called Hart- ing Heckelman, who was really the agent provocateur of the secret police. He committed such acts as planting of dynamite in the homes of patriotic Russians, with the sult that the police unearthed it years, said the witness, and at the time he disappeared he was head of the Russian secret police in Paris. ECCENTRIC PRINCE WEARS TIN BOOTS AND. WOODEN MASK Dresden, June 18. Prince Putiatine, the eccentric Russian, has d pned his tin shaft boots, reaching to the knee, Move to Make Interchange are selling more Diamonds an we ever expected to, come in erfect stone. The greatest value ets 49.00 89.00 Mesh Bags, unbreakable links, cut-to ..-.......-. 5.25 Sees 31.40 4 Gents Watch Chains, cut to .....-.--. eee eee eee we 1.90 esse 3.50 2.00 Cuff Links, cut to ........--- 50c. aes 11.85 85.00 Gents Large Diamond Ring, Perfect Stone, cut to 49.50 BREN eater emieerrereltce 9.00 45.00 Perfect Diamond Rings, cut to 30.00 Ieee cela elves over 9.50. 4.00 Eight Day Clocks, cut to ..-.-..-.---++-+++- 1.90 1,577 SHIPS HAVE WIRELESS of Messages General. 286 COAST. STATIONS. Conference Asked to Draft Rules Based on Lessons Drawn From Titanic Disaster. New York, June 18. A cable from London to The New York Times says: An official statement regarding the work 6 the International . Wireless conference says that at the only sit- ting of the full conference yet held the announcement was made of the acceptance by the United. Kingdom and the British dominions and also by Italy and Japan of the principle that ships must accept messages from other ships whethor or not they use the same system of wireless telegra- this country, and our to be proud of. Be Poet Pe dosts eens padestetortoetonteatretentorte eeeateegoatetresonte ee tonte ete oe es aa ee SN eee eae APPEARS Lee ee PPL PLE LPL PLP Ie TE oS Hardwood Flooring in your house will give you a floor that will-last a life- time. We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Bireh flooring at very little more cost to you than the common kind. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish. Ask for samples. for it-has oecurred to hini, on ae- count of the mild weather, that the dog days may possibly tegin in April. In hig palace he keeps nearly a hun- dred dogs and is extremely fond of This principle has not hither- to been accepted by these countries except for messages of relating to cases of distress Its general applica- tion is now approved by practically phy, not he Gas a y T Lumber Co Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill Phone 282, drophobia, hence the tin Wellington boots, The Prince, though nearly 70, al- ways wears a blonde wig, and many colored shirts and cravats while the points of his high collars are at an angle with his nostrils, Against the spring dew or showers he employs au enormous umbrella of light greep silk, dotted with isinglass to enable him to Jook around. The winter was very cold, as everybody knows, and the prince ordered himself a face mask are good men, most men would make bad dogs. The prince s very fond of the thea: tre, but he hates tenors. As soon as a tenor commences to sing he pops enormous corks into his ears and turns his back to the stage, whether he sits in a box or in an orchestra chair, : Puzvled. Witlie Pop, what are ancestors? Father Well, I'm one of yours your grandad is another. Willie. But why is it that folks bra bout them? New York all countries, It has already been announced that the British Govern- ment intends, as a result of the Ti- tanic disaster, to ask the conference to consider what improyements can be made with a view to obtaining the best possible use of the wireless telegraph for saving life at sea and insuring security in navigation. Use of Wireless. It is expected that this matter, which is perhaps the most important which the conference will consider, will be discussed at the next full meeting. The rapid extension of the use of wireless telegfaphy is shown by the figures in a report presented to the conference by the German flelega tion, In the last four years the num- ber of ships, excluding warships, equipped with wirotess telegraphy in- creased from 52 to 926, During the same period the number of stations open for public correspondence in- creased from 14 to 155. The total number of ships sorts equipped with wireless graph is stated to be 1,577. The total number of coast stations is 286, of all tele. Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- LOOK AT THIS RIGHT RIEF ROTHERLY This is the Young People s Society at the Methodist church. Held every Tuesday at 8 o'clock. WILL YOU COME? Our Motto: Look up; Lift up. E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock, of Toilet Arteles Drng Sundries, Proprietary Medi- cines, ete. ing of Physicians , Pre- plying the most satisfactory. The kleptomaniac isn't the only Globe, person who takes things for granted. OEP OS OORT IT scriptions a specialty. 204 South Ry. St. Phone 75. SHORE
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Image 1038 (1912-06-18), from microfilm reel 1038, (CU1739141). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.