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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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F MEDICINE HAT- WILL: lt; SOME 110 HEROWN (Continued from page three) building operitions-begun for the biz 4,000-barre will of the biggest milling company uuder the Britigh flag the vie Flour. Mills Company, 7) nf nattire Is belig changed to ac- this big company. The plant will be situated in the so ern portion of the city, and a spur une of railway WIHT be run In to a ford transportation factiities. Two trains a day Will be required to meet thp requirements of this one big plant whe it is completed. The great cannery of Medicing Hat will yet be a su Owing to faulty, management Its success has been de layed, but it was Tecently bought up by-a new company in which sey ral Winnipeg espitalists are interested, and it will yet be operated under bet- ter auspices. Certaialy-it fs a splen- did plant, Money has not-been spared to give both the killing and preserving departments the Ir requires no prophet to fore- commodate ment tell the day is mot far distant when the market will demand that this great canning factory willbe In ation, full op Medicine Hat's Outlook Medicine Hat's industries have thus far been dealt with because It Is as an industrial elty that it will be known in the future: There will be cities in the west Which will be iustrious be- cause th railroads have made them so; others will be great because they have great commercial warehouses ; others again will be famous because they are legislative and judicial cen- tres; yet others will be known as ed- ueational entres, and many will be known as agricultural. centres but Medicine Hat's tame must d pend up- on ber industries. She has 2 unique destiny-in thisr-respect. From Medi- cine Hat the west will get brick and tile for its dwellings, iron and steel for its hardware requirements, stone- most perfect equip- which at present are reasonably low, will begin to climb, and Medicine Hat will have to come into her own. Se oho fe fe ob be oh be ob oe ty + STRAY: TOPICS FROM + + LITTLE OLD NEW YORK + a , + OF Sete be tei ob eb ob be ee - + New York, July 20. Everywhere throughout the -country the people Jare- thoroughly ar used by the econo- mic problems presented by the high cost of living and: legislators, be they members of Congress or merely aldermen are beginning to realize that they must; makesat least a pretense of trying to solve the pro- blem if they wish to retain the good will and support of their con- stituents. Nowhere is the tension due tothe high cost of living regter than in New York with its lions of people belonging to the or middle classes. It is quite clear to every one that something mmmust-be done, and done soon, to re- medy, the existing, conditions, but voncerning the ptoper remedy or re- fies Opinions are widely diverg- However, any which promises ever so. vaguely help toward reducing tht cost of living, is sure of public support. So Har, but little has been done in New York City in a general way to gr: pple with th great problem of the time. It is true, a few individuals cine Hat ts about 8.000, 11 has al- y complete change ront. He our mex. The batteries were: Birst Wwayg enjoyed av sveady, soul growth. stated most emphatically that the game, Bow Tstaxd;- Begman and Dutr-tas uever knoyn a panic ors prisoner wae bjs friend and he did Fortune. 5-9, Boyle and Long, see boom. Tt ix safe now to say thi 8 pot believe him to be suilty of evil /ond game, Fortun gud Fortune and population will rapidly. juere Wt intentions, As there was no other Boyle aud Long. Apy review of tho has started ob an era of Industrlalseridenco against the pr lt;oner the po- ame without mentioning the work prosperity that must be permanent 3 jeg authorities were loreed to lot done f 0 by their battery, flone as woaterp Canada contin flim gy Boyle and Long, would be an is. Ing up with people, As these mdus- : The other day Houdini, the man justice. All report that the Bow irs grow In number and eaten. there ori orgs wae lau at prisow sland bagsball clot ie lt;I -RUy a it be a ready aarket for both skilled ead doors und manasles, neh, of hosts 1s can bo found Witt Dring other businesses. to the BA e semsational exibition of his Snyplace. Hauger npired the sec- city and the retail section of the city Powers. Doubly. handoulfed and with ond game and gas) his decisions i 3 Ol et, he allowed him moptty arid imips: tial will experience expansion. Then real Ons on his leet, ; - estate prices, self pto be placed in wooden box proposition to TO STRENGTHEN WEAK NERVES The Blood Supply Must be Made Rich, Red and Pure. When you build up the blood you the cover of which was securely nail d down, Then the box contain ing the shackled wizzard was thrawo into the water of the harbor from tugboat. Scarcely a minute later Houdini appeared upon the surface lof the water, puffing, but showing mo ill effets from Iris submersion. iq stremgthen the ne:ves, because the Of course, he had managed to rid Sten 4 himseif in some way of the shackles e'Ves get. their (vod through the which held his arme and lege. blodd. You carne: reach the. nerves 7 with medicine ewept through the Seosse Hite 5 be? snd danger plood this is-a creat medical trath ons, borglax with a long erinatl tw people realim Nervous people Tombs, awaiting is trial oa. a SC, people. They aro nervous hiurge of buretary, also gare an. ex- Dause they are jule. The blood is Sion he oki, in , tHe, tod wats atk end some respects was even more vensa- NOUish the nel s tional than that by Houdini, Sin- Sroeteaciae ena poo oeikor slehanded and without the help of ): Wintiams' Pak Pills for Pale any confederates on the outside Wits 50 are g real ierve. tones Then son succeeded in escaping from the i heats i nourishing net jTombs, after he bad knocked down i i blood to the exhausted nerves, thus of the: gua: - and taken Way enabling them to ilo the work na- man s revolver. The prison at- try ee . Ithorities,beligviae, that Woes vin 2482 intended: thes should do. This rarities, epee is the simple secrot of the success (eee Ree sory ee of Dr. Williams Pink Pills in cur- ee cone tonne hea arct img: nerve troubles. As. to. their and wasted several hours before they Rotified the police. While the gail- keepers were searching for him, Wit- json, who had scaled the prisonj walD value in cases of tics, Mrs. Job Palmer, Fenelon Falls; Onti says: Ror-seven weeks I suffered untold : fi iatics. I tried every Jand gained tho street, made the thine to ease the pain, but Ye best of his opportunity. Tt is be- steadily grew wore. Tiniments had lieved that the daring fellow has by ths Hu poe are no more effect upon the trouble : : tlran water. Thea the doctor told hindselt Sud'the Dore. me to apply a hot iron to the af- Humor -and- Philosophy By DVACAN M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. NEVE neRiect av opportunity to Ve vuln m tniby. You can never tell who tls Keaudmother uy turo out ty lee the fellow who does, thongb be cant. way 0 Considered the superior of the fellow whe can 4 air nag pot want ip marry a man who Woks ike did, but sbe certatoly want the tan be marries to make good as dud did Many a mao has broken bis parse trying to get toto the matrimonial game. No kissing game worth playing bas more than two contestants, The man wh Is able to take care of himself ts usually able to extend bis activities to others, The handy man srho works around the house and doesn't break more than four of the storm windows when he puts them away isn't considered by local dealers worth recommending. Some women are a great deal more careful of thelr complexions than they are of thelr dogs or children, The girl that bas a nice crop of gingerenappy freckles when the flow- ers bloom in the spring can t see why posts should rave of the spring beau tes, As a general thing a -man fs willing to reconsiler it there are plenty of gentle persuaders bese ching him. . Hope. The miner tn his cabin Dines sparionly on crumbs And dreams as i is feasting Pree eeee eee oy part and did so morning ware and pottery for its dining rooms and Kitchens, flour and meat for its tables, chalk and crayons for scholls, glass for its bottling indus- tries, cigars for its clubs, and cement for-its pavements and skyscrapers. Coal at Medicine Hat. Everyone knows there is coal at Lethbridge. Everyone knows there ig coal at Estevan. But it is not so well known that all over the country between these two points Lathbridge on the west and Estavan on the east there is coal in great abundance, and easy to get al cine Hat, you will find it sticking rig out of the side of the river bank or ra- vine. There are many purposes for which coal is a necessity even in a natural gas city, It is a great satisfaction, therefore, to know that Medicine Hat Mein. ensured delivery of coal perpetual- ly at a price never to xceed 1.50 per ton, To-day it costs about 1.10. The Medicine Hat coal is lignite of 55 per- centage and upward carbon. There is a vein of it six feet seven inches thick, and already a tunnel has been Tun into the side of the hill about 700 feet. 'A spur line of railway is being run out to the mine this fall, part of the line being constructed and operat- ed by the city, and the balance by the owners of the mine. With 30,000,000 feet of natural gas daily, and a Dillion tons of coal with- in easy reach, Medicine Hat can defy the world on the question. of cheap power. Gas for manufacturing pur- DOses costs, per 1,000 feet, just.5 e. In Toronto it costs 70c. In Winnipeg it fosts- 1.20. There is no other place oa'the continent that makes even a its Medicine Hat as an industrial -city, has been sp ken of. But there are a sreat many other respects in whictt the city might be-considered. It is beautiful for situation, being located in the valley. of the great Saskatche- wan a magnificent river, with tower- ing banks on either side, If has a blue; its breezes balmy; its summer days warm and genial; its showers are refreshing; its winters moderat and invigorating. Medicine Hat has all the conveni- ences of the up-to-date, prosperous, progressive modern city. It has its own Waterworks and sewerage sy tems. Although gas 1s so cheap that in the streets it is cheaper to burn it than to put it out, Medicine Hat goes in, for. electricity too, and owns her own electrio developing plant. The elty has oyer fifteen miles of perman- * ent concrete sidewalks, as well as many miles of plank walks. Paykeare Prominent in different parte of the city, and are popular, not only tor Gieir convenient location, but also for their beauty. At the present moment several im- -Portant municipal improvements: are Under consideration, and in some cases have even been undertaken. A Rew Water. plant will cost 300,000 New sewers will cost 150,000, Side walksj7boulevards and grades will +? Coat: 85,000. The gas system Is to be improved to the extent of 70,000, and 375,000 is to be expended on industrial sites and spur lines. Altogether, con- Sidgrably- over 750,000 will be ex- ended in the near future. in thess municipal undertakings, The edu- cational and religious interests of the Population are well provided for, as churches and schools are numerois, and their great proportions and hand: Some structures at once attract the Anterest of the visitor to the city. and organizations made an attempt to remedy the situation by co-opera- tive efforts, but these sporadic and unsystematic attempts were to nar- rowly circumscribed and too trifling to accomplish much good except for a paltry few. Many suggestions have been made during the last few monthS, but the most promising of them all seems to be the latest plan of removing the restrictions, placed upon the ped. dling of victuals in pushcarts. To the poor residents of the lower Past side and of other-congested- trip-imposeible and the Hon Bu- di districts of the city the pusheart men have always been a great boon. The peddlars buy their stock at the lowest possible price and as they bave no rent to pay and require no storefixtures, ete., they can afford to ot athtette-events was run of undersell the regular store-keepers, who buy in larger quantities but of- ten suffer considerable loss by the spoiling of meats, vegetables and fruit-on their hands when business is slack. The peddlars arenot only lable: to sell their goods below the price charged in the stores, but they,do sell them cheaper and the poor people, buying in small quanti- ties banefit by it. It cannot be said, however, tnat the pusheart peddlars are an un- Imitigated blessing. Some of them are not Particularly scrupulous con- cerning the quality of their goods and the correctness of their scales able feature is. that they obstruct the- street traffic and thet they ma- terially add to the unsanitary con- dition of the streets in the congest- jed parts of the city. For these rea- sons the health authorities and the police have held the pusheart men under rather severe restrictions. fany times the Board of Aldermen has been petitioned to remove some jot the restrictions, but the board x plowed any inclination to izrant these requests. Now, , how- ever, there is so strong a sentiment in favor of the pushcart peddlars that the places for the use of the Pusheart peddlars and for removing at least some of the restrictions (heretofore ir force. The vacation schools in this city have been opened with an enrollment of 26.637. pupils, an increase-over last summer of fully 25 per eent. 7 fhese-racation-schools; which teh one high school in Mahhattan and one in Brooklyn, are of great value and are becoming more popular every year. The subjects of instruc- tion in the yacation schools are of a practical nature and imelude Vene- knitting and enochet work, nursing, advanced sewing and dress making, elementary sewing, millinery, em- ed kindergarten work. and measures, An equally objection: broidering, kindergarten and advane- z after morning, but my leg had be- + DOONDALE of SOR 50 numb with the pain that . r could: hardly feel the heat of the liron. I mever expected to be able) oh ole ob ole ole ole ole ote oe oie oe ote oe fe alk again my leg was'so drawn The announcement that the Hon. P- I had tried so many things C. R. Mitchel would visit us on ;tat I had given up hope, yet at Dominion Day drew a iange crowd. the urging of my brother I decided en spite of the-rain, several hundred t ty Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. gatltered to listen to the Hon. ges- T my surprise in two weeks I leleman and to shake hands with S able to, stand on my feet with him. When the party arrived at DUt little pain, and. soon after I Bow Island it imeluded the Hon W4S able to walk abbut again. 1 W. A There, however, COMtinued taking the Pills for about Buchanan. ss the rain and the reads rendered the tW . Months, but some time before ontinued their use my. leg had jcuanai retitrned to. Lethbridge. /become mormal again, and the agony When the autos reached Seven Per- Of the: trouble had disappeared, and sons conditions seemed some better. 1 have not since had a twinge of taal a gt; coe ae ake eas it, Words fail to express my grati- Doondale was reached. The full list tUde for what the Pills did for me gar -and I must strongly dend, itty? Hut a F i 5 g i ge i a i f i i Situations Wanted, Help Wauted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete, ads und r these headings, 25 words, one day .. . 26 words, three days 25. words, aix days Additional words at same rate, J ad accepted for less than 26 conta Cash must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No. 18 ring and It will receive attention. HELE WANTED, WANTED Capable general i ne who can cook, wo in fam Highest wages pald. Apply 1017 Rs. vianade In evening. 9a8t WANTED Day bell boyy Appig As sinibola Hotel. ate enn MOREL MRS 52 gt; WANTED Pantry girl, Apply sto Cosmopolitan Hotel. sate WANSTED General servaint. to Mrs. Jas, Mitchell,-805 Ei ve ade, ee Ww NTED A maid for general house work. 30 2 month. None but 8 - perienced need apply, Mrs, ROR Stoner, Redcliff. 7 WASTED Halt dozen firsts oli carpenters, Good men only apply. W. H. Rosenwarne, Mont St. salt BELL Boy WANTED Assinbota Ho- tel. Sate. WANTED Driver for grocery: wag- on. Apply H. Morrow, N. Ry. St. vate WANTED By the Canadian Stew- art Co., a responsible party to Bin boarding camp: on Ogilvie Mill's alte, a WANTED Woman to clean office daily, Apply Alberta Clay. Pro- dtets. Company. adit Applications made at, the above ne 787. Tate WaANTED- Small team outfits for itch work. Haye 2000 miles-gp let, Sizes of ditches from 3 to 78 toot bottom. Janse, MeDonneil Co, Bassano, Alta, 2e7att WA4NTED Men and women to learn barber trade, Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logus free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre Bt, Catgary aosate SITUATIONS WANTED, SITUATION WANTED Young lady desires position of trust, office. mr ; Watche Cust-oft ol Tevolvers, valites, witli turniture, rat Waggons,. bug- gies, Dag bicycles . carpenter, tool, ete. raw hides and: fats, horse haf, lWool and f. thers, bought and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Go, 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatr P.O. box 858. Phone 295. Tho Best Prices Pad for tho abovi 28Dit. THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on baud the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city, We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watehes, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re volvers,, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, anda ulce new lne of winter goods. We buy everything mertioned. above and pay the beat prices. Call at 604 Railway St. of Phone 587. tt CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estad- 1882), audttors, city of Medicine Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- A.B. Gibson, CA, resident jartner. Phone 198. Burns Block. a7batt SS avcriONEERS SS a H- 3. BROWNE CG, Live Stock and General Auctioncers, 619 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock Rancb and farm stock sales conducted asy- where, -Hotse furniture giles con- duigted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal tree. Phone 708. HEB, Browne Co, 519 To- ronto St. foie esate BUSENESS CARDS. W.'E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. 7 Consignee and forwarding agent, as- Sembler and executer of papers for. shipments going into. the United Estate Broker and General Agent. gt; MEDICINE HAT. E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, lier in the day and now the pall tem to all sufferers from sciatics. game betwotn Lucky Strike and , The every day mission of Dr. Wil- Doondale was called. Mr. Mitchell liams Pink Pills is to cure cases started the game and threw the like the above, and they will not first ball and the umpire called 'sappoint if givena fair trial. Sola) strike one. This was a very fine PY all medicine dealers or by mail exhibition of baseball, though not at 50 cents a box or six boxes for so good as these teams usually put 92-50 from) The Dr. Williams Medi ie 2 ths ceaee tg /cine Co., Brockville, Unt. j . : three in favor of the visitors speaiks well. The event of the day TODAY S MARKETS. Chicago, IL, July 20. Wheat was now ealled, and the Hon. Mit- chell gave us a short: talk about jthe business interests of the com- Prices weakened today on account of munity. He showed that he had am official statement that the clos- learefully studied the questions and ing of the Dardanelles would be de- jthat he is g oosest touch with our ferred. Predictions of liberal worlds needs. Jn fact his remarks were Shipments tended to imcrease bear more apropos: sentiment. Continued cool weather Harvey Mackenzie waked up one it Minnesota and the Dakota acted morning r cently and found his left als0 adversely to the bull side. The eye blind. There was no visible Peming was t to 4 cent cause. The latest reports suggest SePtember started at - 943 to 938 jonly tha slightest improvement. cent, a Toss of to 4 cent, and Mrs. Sullivan reports that declined to 932. is but little - improvement -in the Rim in sections where oats condition of Mr. Sullivan, It was'beimg harvested made that cereal hoped that the hospital environment 7 - Shorts covered. and there was would hasten the return of strength vite generel buying through com- but beyond a continuation of the Mission houses. September started strengthening of his hands there is *, Shade to ta 4 cent higher at no change. 334 to 333 cent and seemed inclin- The crops jhere are altogether en- *d to Keep within that range. couraging. The only poor crops are , tr there. Was, a rally owing the late oats, AH doubt'us to our gt; talk of exports via Galveston. Closing figures however, were heavy being in the fall wheat belt is now jdispelied. Tt is now well filed and fn gray gee yee Sata emt * begintiing to ripen, Winnipeg, Man., July 20. July Baseball seems to be the topic PD wheat opened 107 1-2, closed 106 7-8; now, Our team went out to Bow october 94 1-4, 93 July. Oats Island and played a double header Feed, Juiz yesterday; They were badly handi- * 2 capped in b ing deprived of three of their infield on the ve of the game. lindness kept Mackenzie off tho first sack and. Pugh and Whitney felt that a sad duty called jthem elsewher . This loss was gri- It till the substitutes got ux thelr new places on) the ficld. In fact it proved fatal. In the first three innings Bow Is- Jand scored five runs. They were unable to score any more in the first game and only twice in the there are 37 7-8, 37 3-4, July Flax closed 174 1-2; October 167. Cash Prices. No, 1 nor. closed 106 1-2; No. 2 nor. 103 1-2; No. 3 nor. 98 1-2; No. 4 nor. 84; No. 5 nor, 70 1-2; No. 6 nor. 5 Extra No. 1 Feed, 37 1-2; Flax No.1. N. W. ; No. 1 Manitoba 172 1-2 Tejected 261 1-2, Minneapolis, Minn., July 20 July Wheat opened 105 1-2; closed 104 3-4; Sept. 95 5-8, 94 4-8; December 965-8, 95 1-2, lower. . How thoroughly the members of sedond. The score on the first game the Black Hand terrorize the Ital- was 5 3 in favpr of Bow Island, dans in this part of the country is and in the. second game 3 2 in fa- clearly shown by a case which came vor of the visitors. And although tothe notice of the authorities the this may be considered satisfactory, jother day. An Italian living in namely, to drive fifty miles and Plainfield; N.J,, some time ago-re- break even with Bow Island, yet it ceived a letter from the Black Hantl was not all the boys had hoped threatening him with death should for, mor all they would under or- he fail to pay a ransom pf 500. dinary circumstances have accom- Upon the: advice of his friends tho Plished. An effort is being made to jrecipient of the letter informed the jhave Bow Island visit us at ap police. A decoy letter was posted jearly date and play off the tie. We and the maz, who called for the nderstand this is the second time Jetter was promptly arr sted. When Bow Island -had their colors lower- the prisoner was confronted withj ed this season and the first time on the informant, the latter identified their own grounds. A review of the rims, But, after the prisoner had game shows that Armstrong is the made a recrot sign. to the infor- best run-getter for Bow Island and Chicago, July 20. July wheat open- 4-97 3-4, closed 7; Sept. 94 3-8; 93 1-4; December 97,96. * Liverpool, England, July 20. Close, wheat spot steagy; No. 2 Red West- ern wheat, 8 8. 6 d.;No, 2 Manitoba, not quoted; No. 3 Manitoba, 7 8., 11 d.; futures easy; Oct. 7 s., B5 -8 d.; Dec. 7815-8 d. Liverpool, July 20. John Rogers and Co., Liverpool, cable today that owing to regular supplies of Irish stock qoming into the Birkenhead market, there has been a gradual decline in prices and quotations and show a reduction jon those last cabled, States and Canadians mak- ing from 14 to 12: ts rachers tons 195 ob gga, and fed Good Tdea, *Kitty is such a nice little girl I never noticed anything remark. Ble about her, though. Why, she believes everything I toll her. Great, man There is your oni . Marry her at once. Garden Wise, Seems to me that we haven't had crop of garden jokes thiy Beel as if you have missed sone thing, do you Yes; they aro the signs I gow my sunflower seeds by. em fe i Possible Excuse, Ho certainly has no manners. What is tho matter with bim?* He comes to the table in summer in his shirt sleeves. Maybe he has no fur overcoat. Marie's Birthday, Marlo fs go ing to have a birthday party. Really? How old will she be? She was twem ty-one last year. I seo. After twenty they ak ways use the mb pus sign Comforting. I feel like an accident Don't worry over It Worty? What do you mean?* I guess that you are merely fling incident to Progressive, Z How i Ann getting alone? Nicely. Prosperous, .euppose? Quite 90, She is on ber second all mony now. Query, Today is my birthday. Indeed Congratulations. How many years do you count off today? MUTUAL. A well-known judge was standing at the door of a ballroom, when a very beautiful woman passed him. What a lovely woman, whisper- ed the judge, but so londly that the lady overheard his remark. Torning her head, she recognised the speaker. And what a good judge sire said, with a smile. For all kinds of job printing. try mant, the lattcr immedjately madg that Miller and Jackson did best for x pound. the News Job Department. or clerical Work. Have fair knowledge of stenography and bookkeeping. Ap- ply to 1327 News office. gat POSITION required as help or house keeper. Experienced. Country preferred. Apply to box 1326 News office. Sast EXPERT STENOGRAPHER, 6 years experience in law office, wishes position, Please state ealary, Box 1320, Newssoffice. Bast. Le4y seeks engagement as compan- fon help or housekeeper, Don't ob- ject to going to coast. Apply box 1319, Medicine Hat News. 4act FOR SALE FFOR SALE Five roomed cottage in High: School Annex. Gas and wa- ter. Phone 507. gast JFOR SALE A Souvenir Cooking Stove for coal or wood, with gas fittings. In good condition. Apply 747 Princess Ave, Phone 769. 6-6t. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHEAP 5 passenger, touring, in first-class condition, 30 horse power, fully equipped. Apply P. 0. box 597. tf, OFFICES TO RENT. seas me Te EA FFICE TO RENT on ground floor Imperial Bank building. Apply P. 0. box 10, City, tf ROOMS 10 RENT, 0 RENT Modernly furnished rooms with bath and board. Ap- 5d6t ply to 203 Main St. 0 RENT Furnished rooms to rent, Parlor, bed-sitting room, modern conveniencts, suitable for two-gentle- nen, Apply 426 Toronto St. 274tt STRAYED SSTRAYED South from Medicine Hat a red cow with rope around horns, No-brand. Reward for return to Black Homestead, Dunmore Hill. ,0. A.-Rhinard, Medicine Hat, 943t STRAYED Two bay geldings, white faces branded on left thigh. Reward of 25.00 for return to Redelift Clay Products Co. 299d. WANTED. (male) want a nicely furnished, comfortable room, fairly near 8. Raflway and Mill St... No board ex- cept perhaps breakfast. Box 818. 743 ANTED Small furnished cottage for several months, from Sept. No children. Apply to box 1312 News of- fice. 1dtt ee Subscribe NOW for The Daily News. Feetteeeee Eo Rance eee a we lane, Ete. ae Room 14, Iniperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Phone 420 A REAL SNAP Lots 15 and.16, Block 22, and 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, gt; Block-23 Kensington ONLY 110.00 CASH. or 125; half ash; balance 6 months. We will sell any number or take 100 each, if all sold at once. Apply Earl Stambaugh North Edmonton, Alta. TENDERS Tenders for the exclusive privilege to sell meals and refreshments at Ex- hibition grounds, during Fair time, will be recelved by the undersigned up to noon Saturday, 27th inst. The use of the kitchen will be understood to be included in the tender, and must be in use to provide hot meals for a week before and during the fair. Further particulars on applica- tion to the secretary. H, HASSARD, sdizt Secretary. ee + MAKING ONE + DOLLAR DO THE + WORK OF TWO store ada, THE z DAILY NEWS EEEEEE EEE EEE Save all the threads that you puil out when preparing a hemstitch, and use them to mend tablecloths, nap. kins, ete. This 1s far better than us- ing thread, . For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. *Your dollars vary in value according as they vary in purchasing power. : - The man or woman who studies advertising 1s able, frequently, to makegone dol lar do the usual work of two. The experienced reader of Mavertisements will make a dollar command a premium, that 1s, make it buy-tore than the dollar of non-reader of advertise- ments. egEON much, above par are dollars in your pock fhe 40 pocket It will depend on how close- ly you study the buying op- portunities outlined in the States, Commissioner in B, R., Real * New. Our new I here, the y most up-to in gentler can be seer We sell The Slat Be DEATH KN FIGHT RINGIR House Passed Forbidding portatio) to GREAT LOSS Many Bouts Bown Gooc Photo (WwW. A PL Washibgton, Ink moving pictures thing of. the pas States when the hb ate bill prohibitin of sueh: moving pic the various states or from foreign fines.for violatior law, are fixed by President, said t sympathy with th ewpected to affix hi measure.: Southern gress were especial the proposed law t ing-stirred up by the Jeffries-Johnsor in the section of tt KILLING Rumpus of I Means No G Today. yan OWASP Vancouver, July morning paper of nounced at O'clock there would be no day. The reason Westminster executi team. The whole ious for any more Columbia this year. out of last Saturday minster when the 1s Were robbed by. Jo couver referee, an him. At 11 o'clock the Hy declared off. ag through with er and that he bis team against th enkler, Vancouver croase commission inster s action. wa niike and that th festminster in lacrc Jones offered tote st men but Westn Jay even then. BLAMES VANCOL WW. AP. 0 Vancouver, B, C. n Wells Gray, + estmigster, announ: hat there would b flamed certain Vanc Infair comment on t
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Image 115 (1912-07-20), from microfilm reel 115, (CU1739166). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.