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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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in Shirts and ShOeS This Week S off All Summer Hats All our straw and linen hats have been reduced to clear out the whole The goods are fresh and the selection range. still complete. JUNE SALE OP- Barker Patten : We have set aside a range of 2.00 and 2.50 felt hats which are to be cleared at 1.00, PORTUNITIES H.S.IRELAN C.P R, MENS ; STORE SWOLLEN RIVER. ADDS BROWNISH Will Be Alright as Soon as Owing to the recent heavy rains the river is considerably swollen, and in consequence the residents of Medicine Hat have had to drink a liquid, which no doubt would be great acquisition to the making of mud ples, but ts not to say the least of it, the best drink- jing water. Inquiry at the City Ensi- neer's office this morning elicited the information that it was Impossible for the mud to be separated from the water at the filtering plant. The plant was intended to filter half a. midiion gallons of water a day and when one million gallons a day was pumped from the river what could they do? However, the water would be alright in a day or two, When the,river went down, was the cheering information. SURVEYING MONG-RATL LINE (Continued from page one) Above that were two side rails, which were faced steel or iron, then came the steel plate which bolts the main hor- izontal structure to the main verti- eal, The main horizontal is a six by eight, and on the top of that was a 30 Ib, standard steel rail. The height from the top of the rail to the ground surface was 3 feet, and the main hor- izontal was 23 inches below the low that to a bearing plate two feet Delow the main, horizontal, from that down was solidly filled in, so there was no chance of it slipping sideways. The side plates were also all bolted in. The car itself is a steel constru: Cc. P. BR. J. ; ave an adjusting position HUE 10 ITY Wi which takes off any excess welght on either side. It took approximately River Recedes a Little . EMPLOYMENT BUREAU HARRIS OLSON And General Employment Agency. If you require help or if looking for work phone 163 or call-at-offiee, 368 Main Street. Best connection in the West. E WHITE, General Manager for. Medicine Hat. Uon and absolutely rigid, Tt bas 18 inch wheels with chill flanges, and a steel axle which is solid and runs in journals with brasses, Just the same ag any ordinary car. The side guide wheels which run on the side rails spring. 300 Ibs before any pressure could be made on the side rails. There is also side cable arrangement for dumping electric, power could be utilized, and on a straight Hne they could run at a speed of forty miles an hour, although they never ran above fifteen, for the safety of the general public. Mr. Hervey could not say what the cost of the line would be until they had surveyed the route. The Mono-rail Co. has the sole pat- ent rights for the province of Alberta for the system. The first work they did was to lay a track near the stock- yards of P. Burns tear Calgary for demonstration purposes, which satis- fied those interested that the system was practical, The company have ob- tained land near the C. P, R. car hops at-Calgary, containing it is estimated, 5,000,000 tons of gravel, and are laying a line from this, a dis- tance of 3 1-2 miles to a point con- necting them to the C. P. R. The gra- vel is to be sold to the C. P. R, and the city of Calgary, and they have purchased a washing machine for the washing of gravel, and a crushing ma- chine for crushing the coarse stuff Messrs. Blake and Procter, financial agents, came to Medicine Hat some time ago, when they were successful in disposing of considerable stock. It was then suggested that it would be a good advertisement for the Company and a benefit to Medicine Hat If they ground. The main vertical came be- WOuld tay-a tine amd run cars to and from the Exhibition grounds during the Fair. this provided that they had sufficient moral support, and that they get a right of way from the council, power at cost, and the loan of the poles. LABOR. The Company agreed to do Dressed Pork . LOCAL MARKETS Supply and Demand Both Good Scarcity of Dairy Produce and Vegetables Grain Prices. The local markets were well at- tended this. week and the supply was good, although farmers had no difti- culty in disposing of their goods. There seems to be a general scarcity of eggs, and vegetables in the district, for buyers were not able to obtain them at any price. Hay is plentiful, but a good price can still be obtained for new hay. Prices all round are) high, the following being the average. Dairy Produce 206) 30 Butter... Vegetables Potatoes .... * Turnips, per pound . Cegeals 600 1 Oats... 22... Milch cows, av Beef for killing . Veal ... Dressed beef . 10 to 12 Horses Good: farm horses, fetched from 150. to. 200; although many were bought at 250. A Hides Beef hides (green) .. Beet hides (dried) Calf Hides ... 8c 18 Ie Hay 12 to 15 per ton 10. New hay.. .. Old Hay ...*. RAIN MARKETS Grain prices at the Medicine Hat. Milling Co, today ari 40c 1.80 TODAY'S MARKETS Winnipeg, June 20. July wheat 108 8-8, 103 1-4; Octs 98 1-4, 98 1-4. July oats 1; 5-8, 44 1-2; Oct. closed 38; extra No. 1 feed July, closed 43 I Loans 3,000,000 City Property and Farm. Lands. Interest per cent, - Prompt Attention. NSURANCE C. A. KRAUSS Porter Block, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Phone 250. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS RIVERSIDE, Block 1, 11-14, 690.00 a pair. Block 7, lots 31-38, 600 a pr. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. Block 21, 50 feet, perfectly level only 1050, terms. Block 28, lots 11-12, 945 terms. COUSINS SISSONS Block 2, lots 3-4, 800 terms. Block 10, lots 25-26, 785 terms. NORTH YUILL Block C, 50 feet, fenced, with good shack, 1600 terms Block 7, lot 4, 875 terms, SOUTH YUILL. Mill St., 50 feet with shack, gas and water, 1050, terms. These are only a few of our good. buys. spect our list. Call in and in- Thursday, June 20th, 1912. Seeelotions at 1100.00 'a CHOICE CORNER DPS ho onto niootnsios McGregor Berr REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. In all Its Branches, Main Street. . HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX gt; One half block from High School, pair. Soesdeatesgesteatecteateetecteateateetoatoetoets eee A. M. WRIGHT JEWELLER Temporary Quarters Assiniboia Music Co. s Store Until our new store is built, on, Toronto St. i repair work and sales attended to as usual. A new stock of watches, Clocks, and Jewellery just received. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Sixth Avenue and Fewings Street. Snap for cash. GAS CITY REALTY Co. PHONE 695. 410 MAIN ST. + Agents for Accident and Sick. ness Insurance. AUSTRALIAS PARLIAMENT vo OPENS SESSION TODAY (C. A. P. Cable.) Melbourne, June 20 The Federal Parliament opened yesterday. The: roca cteetratedregeatregete ate ehepatecteatretectratecteatpeteady ve : STRUCK BY TRAIN. (W. AP. Dispatch.) injures Montreal, June 19. Struck in his to live. rig by a train while trying to drive phonse Dundurand an ex.member of the Nelton Hockey Club, was terribly yesterday and s not expected across the rallway track here, AL SUBSORIBR NOW for the Daily News. There are many ki ;00d, some-otherwis (3-4: July flax 208, 208. government programme has no refer- ence to tariff revision, The important refrigerator that will keep onions, fish, milk mat- BEAVER LUMBER CO. LIMITED SUCCESSORS TO The New Lumber Co., Limited (Corner South Railway and Factory Streets.) Cast Prices Wheat Nv- 4 Nor. 107 3-4, 2Nor. 105; 3 101 1-4 4 Nor. 90 1-2; 5 Nor. 76 1-2 6 Nor. 6: ; feed 56 Oats No. 2 CW 44; No. 3 CW, 42 3-4; extra No. 1 feed 43 3- No. 1 feed 42 3-4; No. 2 feed 40 3-4. Barley, No. 3, 57; No. 4, 56. lax, No. 1 NW, 209; No. 1 Manitoba, 205; rejected, 191. American Markets Minneapolis, June 20. July wheat, new measures are few, apart from the maternity grant:and extension of con- stitutional powers, Resolutions have been passed by Liberal caucus reaf- firming unanimously unabated confi- dence in the patty leaders, Alfred Da- kin Cook and Senator Miller. The Speakers who are said to have sug- sested-an anti-Dakin-movement are confined to an insignificant minority of Liberals State. h db 0 same foot cham- int or odor is one of the best. THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR is the only one which will do, this, and th is the only. ome which wi : nd therefore the best to Screen Doors and Windows, etc, THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE -CO., LTD, Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat Present Da Advertisers of the Wee No extra chi vertisers. VOL. 2,1 By News thi Spea said that in July 1 Th y int place in going to practical A expendit and boil wi policy to CED Teddie s tee: Me Car Chicago, sitting the ed at 122 convention contests. Henry an attempt to bebe See etek beet 3 2 g De ( ; 111, 110 1-2: Sept. 104 1-8, 103 7-8; a Raa ie iene A.W. Wright has moved his jew- Ww Chicago, June 20- July wheat 106, stock to the Assinibola Music Proces 106; Sept. 109 1-2, 108; Dec, 105 1-2,)Store. Everything mew and up-to ' ae pte.) date. 29103 McKINNON S ing, ei tes eS ee ; a E - Sees er eee th BANK OF ENGLAND. ean cle Y 'AVING now taken over the business of a Selected Smaps p ..5,xetiowen ser to tan, hp aemerny teas an ine imi , rous patrol ari past seven years i The New Lumber Company, Limited, we ).cey on. aeix a encinua COUSINS SISSONS. In whieh he has conducted his bakery Dusiness and begs to sate TI 750 pr. lots 31-82, Block 1. ess Wi ye enrt on asa : 4s lt; shows the following changes. Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would be r are in a position to supply the builders REGEN Sckerves cseadoan 2 681,000; see Ber HO A a continsance of thelr esteemed patronage, with an assurance of gt; part y br 5 3 continuation of that serviee and quality which has i long. af Madicine Hat and district oth alee ie Giretilation, decreased, 2210.000; bul- 500 pr. lots 1-20, block 24 Se nian oe 'y while ways bee oF a di Ww 1 m te Hon, increased, 420,666; other se- ss D curities, increased, 1,451,000; other CENTER SEAEES F. B. McKINNON get int deposits, increased, 740,000; public 700 pr. lots 28-24, block 29. Watch for further Announcements E z line-of : rises bhock 29 gt; gt; eagle deposits, increased, 1,151,000; notes 800, 50 ft. lot 13, block 33. delive reserve, increased, 685,000; govern- 895 pr. lots 29-30, block 9. ment securities, decreased 171,000. 875 pr., lots 26-27, block 22. essary BU I LDING MA T ERIALS The Droportion of the bank's reserve 620, 50 ft: tot 9, lock 33. iutitd to Mability this week is 49.09 per cent. atheros eae M ee il 500 pr. lots 37-38, block 29. 4 Last week t was 49.67 percent. 335 aay Tots 33-36, lock 28. part o e pr., lots 14-15, bloc e o DIED At Medicine Hat Wednes- 550 pr. lots 29-80, block 29. WwW the Cs of the Highest Quality P22 ce 2.oes Boe Be eee alking is a Pleasure : Sonor, Mr. and -Mra.1, H- Pentland, OLD TOWNSITE. oo : Ayvem aged 4 years, months and 23 days. u in D R . + AN 1050, lot 36, block 80. ir eeds ushion x N ayia F a Funeral ice trom. fi i ) 16-17 : HOUSES We have materia in stock to build anything from a small cot- TirPhasutreal acest, auntie arver 2200, 100 se comers totd 46-27 . * Alber : : . ray vent tage to the most expensive residence. Our stock of Interior Finish cannes ye amen hues sited Ave, and. Bracmay, Shoe. Aver is complete, all mouldings being perfectly sanded and ready for stain- ae Ce oaeetac ute ke cas Bi s : s Fire ing. The Tasker Transfer Co. have re- YUILL SOUTH. s Moved thelr office to the ottiee of 1000, lots 14.18, block 18 on oP : . 2 Hatson Leader, OM Columbia Ave. SHELVES We have an excellent stock of White Pin Shelving, all widths st a te we wide 1050, fot 10, block 12 Conforms perfectly to the shape of the + Hight from 4 inches up. bottom of the - roce 0 P: Loose Leat System The News Job BR, F.Souch Phm.B. L po fonts + non , ; Department has every facility for sup- o Senos : * mong FENCES Make your garden more attractive by building a fence around it. plying the most satistactory. DRUG STURE, TORONTO BE: Needs no breaking in. stree . . aan wa, Our 1 1-8 inch square pickets make an exceedingly neat fence ve . J . enue Assures perfect comfort. plana FOUNDATIONS There s nothing better than our Portland Cement for this 1a: w track work MOTHER'S BREAD Rea (Sole Agents.) along Ww. STACEY, geri ae uN YOU WILL APPRECIATE fT, WwW I 4 2 along HONE. 499. : LOCAL MANAGER ; : . - Ireland Co. +- his A SSIE RROS. Phone 256, Look for the Label. an) stree ae Main Street, Phone 54. band
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Image 1063 (1912-06-20), from microfilm reel 1063, (CU1739152). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.