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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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AND FOUND. lt; unoh of keys Owner, . ame. by calling at News ing for. this wi. soiate id's sweditew Goat, white, vith blue, and child s 4. y skirt partly worked. R. wiation Apply to ylor, 124 Braemar St, 90103 edicine Hat: . Saturday: ist, pock tbook Hiton of money- Produets-Co.- i over .. One bay) Years old, white face, ses, and big white spot ighs 1000 Ihe Lost 48 20 reward) Apply.ito irvine, Alta. / Saly 4 atw CELLANBOYS ADIES AND olothing, shoes, y, Tevolvers, vali , musical Tw, hides, and pd . ithers, to.the Harvard 1 urth avenue, * oppdslb heatre. P. 0. box eg, Medicine Hat, E. Gibson, C.A, Tr hone 198. Burns UCTIONEERS quare-gt 1 o'clock, ock sales conducted * gue furniture sales on- hate Consult us, our yas dnposeh Te eee trial Spur Rail plies, Sewage, ftistoms Broker. nd forwarding ax at executor of papers: for going into. the United mmissioner in B. R., Real ker and General Agent. TEDICINE HAT. sment Rolls sment Notices Jotices lt; ceminders a t Books Paper Opes, Steg etc, ea Barley 4m 4 rounds at Troy. Joe Gans-in 17 rounds at Be San Frans- * 4916 Jaok Johnson, knocked out Thursday, July 4th, 1912, TO-DAY BIL SCORES a a CORES . ostesteatetee Js P O RT N E Ww G (mare: SHTEY RENE POCOLOODOSSEDEDOAGOGODG HOOPS SESE IOS IO HEHEHE SOES PENSE ICU Esch ch that phate at Paxpin Brog 2 2 eam : Panama Hai Summ lines of light un derwear, silk Hose and fancy lisle thread Hose; a the greatest line of Turpin a Phe Man's Store Where You E. WALESS BELL + ESTATE AND oe Peaches Bik, 19, 3 Tots, 300 each: * CENTRAL PARK Bik. 21, 2 lots, 410 each. Ternis Bike 24, 4-lots, 400 each. Terms SBouses 4 to'5 rooms tor. ellents Who wor amake feat PI ator, - steril tft. First glance fora dairy com- 5 fo opposition, Very. easy Plenty of milk to be got Bee handsome profit. Reasons for selling out. . pea N Simmy Bhiott in 8 rounds at New York Mecoy kronket onr NII 1907 Tomniy- Burns denocked out Bilt Squires fh Australia in 1 round at o Cat 1907 Predaie Weeks knocked out Gqover Hayes in rounds at Cripple Greek, Col 1908 Packey McF isco. 1908 Packey MsFarland and ae die Welsh fought 25-round draw at Leos Angeles, 1908 Terry Mustain, defeated Jack Twin Sullivan in 12 rounds at Gold- Held, Nev. 1910 Jphnny Kilbane defeated Pat- sy Brannigan in 12 rounds at Akron, 0. Jim Jettrles, Winning ape eiett title J911 Ad Wolgast knocked but Moran, English, in 18 rownds at San Franscisco. - 1911 Joe Rivers defeated Joe Coster in 12) rounds, spong Los Angeles. 4911 Young Togo, Japanese, and Forbes, foughe 35-round draw at jester, Okla. Fi 1911 Knockout Brown outpoint Tommy, Ginty n 6 rounds gt Scranton, Pa, 7 UNIVERSITY TOPICS DISCUSSED (Special to the News) London, July 4 With Lord. Ray- Ielgh, chancellor of the University of Cambridge, presiding, the Congress of the Universities of the Empire this morning engaged in a discussion of university: entrance requirements and the mutual recognition of entrance tests. Viscount Haldane, chanceslor of ths Catrersity al and. whr recently succe ded Earl Loreburn as Lora High Chancellor of Great Britain ocoupled, the chalr at the afternoon session, When university extension - nd-tutoris? class work formed the principle subject of discussion. ea Hiins nd Carrigan. Musser, Johnson and Aingmith: Cleveland Detroit Buffalo... ... 2 Montreal - 2 Srtoud-and Mitchell, Ist-gamo Rochester ... ve 8 6 Offer: Taday 5 Specials: roronto ... BIG LEAGUE Tames and Carisch. Toney and Carisch. i AMERICAN LEAGUE iadaiptia ig Lapp. football or almost and it will be seen that for the big fel- ror at the thought lows Sse dangerous. Not only have there been bullfight. Plorida and Arkan no deaths, but no pugilist of heavy- next. tri welght championship calibre has ever Corbett-and Fitzsimmons met ih Ne- suffered a permanent injury. strange, but championship battles he-/ much fm the hole financially. The tween lightwelghts or featherweight Sullivan-Kilrain serap twenty-three hardly ever arouse any spirited de- years ago was pulled off only after nunefation, and. the bugs were ; . men mingle that the anvil chorus gets chased-all over-a- HEAVYWEIGHT BATTLES HAVE NEVER HAD FATAL RESULTS When-Johusgn and Jeffries met-at and Dis- Thi it Joknvon ecord with that of any other sport, he Diff game is far from being It s It is only when the big (By Grayy ) no-menis-of redgpt origin... Back in Heno two yeira ago today, it. wan to 2896 Corbett and-Fitssimmons were the, accompaniment of a great shud- tched to fight in Texas, dering outory gusting. and Flynn for a battle today brought/ over the State, Gov. Culberson called the same: protests, and the proposed the Legislature im special session and Contest Was denounced 98 a disgrace Corbett and Fitz had to go.clsewhere to America and a horritying spec- to settle their differences. Promoter tacle. All of which may be true, and Stuart next chose Indian Territory as Yet It ts to be potnted out that no hea a battlefield, but he had no more than vyweight championship bout in pug- started his preparations when Con- Alstic history has. ever resulted fatal- gress handed him) solar plexus blow. where ther Was nq law on the statute books to prevent such an-aftair. In response to-n-wave.ot opposition-that spread he 80 brutal a spectacle nt git toe were Nothing doing. - Finally Next he tried Muxtou; but Mexi- cans held up thelr pes hore vada,butithe promoter was left very the principals boxers of lighter weight. The oppo-Jare not much more deMdly than a sition fo Heavyweight contests is by pink tea. 8-11 1 618 Blanding, Kubler and Easterly, Lake, Works and Stanage. INTERNATIONAL Viebahn, Taylor and Pierce. Wilhelm, Holmes and Blair. outfielders are. not ith the club and one of them is not Ukely to be of much use to him this man are the two players who are not ith the team. The tormer is at tthe Steele, Muellgg.yand Graham. 2nd gam: bedside of hia wife, who is serfousl ill while the latter has suffered from a nervous breakdown and has been sent b-ON THE FOURTH. . z + FIGHT CALENDAR ee Jack Johneon-vs. Jim Ftynm, a8 rounds, at Les Vegas, NM Ad Wolgast vs. Joe Rivers, sF 20 rounds, at Los Angeles. sh, Abe Attell vs. Tommy Mur * phy, 20 rounds, at San Fran- * cisco, + Clarence Ferns vs. Art Ma- + girl, 15 rounds, at Dowey, Okla, 5 *h Knockout Brown vs. Ed- th. die MoGoorty, 10raunds; at + Berton Hathor, Mich. ;, Johny Kilbane s..-Tommy + Dion, 12 rounds, at Cleveland, Ohio. air peccns io Joe Bayley, the Ushtwelght cham- pion of Canada is-a-lneky-boy. On Thursday night t Bassano he sprung from practically Nowhere and defeat ed Allan for the title. As soon as h S riyed in Victoria another surprise Was waiting for him. This was in the form of a purse containing one thou sand dollars in gold, which was given to him by his admiring friends, Joe 18 a very Ifkable chap and a B00d fellow. to get -along with.- He is 4 little gentlema, and his accomplish- ment of Thursday night is well worth What has been given him. He will worr'ed beer largely res- ponsible for his coltapse -during. the recent, Fortes with the Giants ' Hyatt, whorts, Hoffman's pladg,.made an error in the second game of the doittle head r at Cincinnatt that was Tespotisible for the Pirates def at, lay wand take a rest for 2 while before he takes part in matche: Joe attributes a great deal -of his Fecenit success to his trainer, wid ries around the title of Cyclone Bott. He says that Scott is. more Tugged thin he is and when they spar their Providence . Baltimore Jersey: Clty wee ves vee t Jones and Jacklitsdh. Mueller, Rudolphe and Bemis. Eattit and Schmidt, Walker, Danforth, Smith and Payne. 58) 12.20 Lee and Higgins. Wilson and Rondeau. NATIONAL LEAGUE hiladelphia to his home in Akron. f NEW YORK AMERICAN S 10, 000 STAR ACTS LIKE ; NATURAL BORN: HHT. TERY Pat Maloney, late of Brock: . Inthe outticta ne covers the grou) The compeyition ton, the Only Hilltoper to Shine Against Red Sox. New York, July .4 The on ray of Wreck of the Hilitop: crew and the on- ward march of the Red Sox is that White, Hess and Retridan. ist game Patrick Maloney, our 1912 extrava- Brooklyn ... - New York Rucker arid Muller. Marquard and Myers. 2ng game Brooklyn . gence, has a 10,000. position at the bat and swings with the ready money movement of a natural born hitter. The out, but he looks like the goods, The young man steps in- to the ball and meets it in front of the plate, There is not the slightest pull Superior . Melvin and Stark. carnival week, which - has attracted thotisands of visitors, will conclude with 4 10,000 automobile race meet- ing, to start tomorrow and conclude er a fivi events will mabe tomorrow's pro- gramme, qhile Saturday will be giv- en-over Wholly to the 250-mile free- for-all contest, will pull down, With such crack Mulford, Whalon and Disbrow among the entries, a good competition is as- sured in the big event: ao Cleveland . Ps Oe Peters, Kuta, Branding and Hasty: London, July 3 Kent defeated Es- yew York . sex by 258 runs today in cricket matoh. Yorkshire the Australians compiled 299 runs, C. , MeCartney alone bat- ting well for 88. ;Yorkshite, on g0- ing in . 5 tar hive put together, 161 rans for the loss of three witkets. ew York . Kent, Knetser ana Ewing. lt; in his swing, and Frank Farrell stands an.excellent chante of getting his money's worth before the end of the Beason, Wiltse, Ames, 7 Helnrich and Sullivan. Melvin and Stark. - 2nd geme : le m world afire with his clubbing, but, for that matter, nobody did, He got one of the five safe hits and i Wasa beau- timul line single, disappointing although he more for speed than comfort or show. Hottman and Popham, He is elfght and wiry, and looks phy- scaly, weak, but aocording to Arthur Irwin, that 1s wherein he The New England League star, who bas been cracking thd ball at 2.427 clip, is all bone and muscle and has no weight to carry when he makes the spring nearly hag the loping shoulders, the wiry In his first Broadway ap- In stature Maloney was somewhat is built fools them. mm the plate. -Though not jarge ds Ty Cobb, Maloney gs and the other muscle arrange- hits needed in a fast running mach- jable to find Bedient wi ike vetetan, and-whi throwing arm wig not extended, bb): appeared able to Bhoot'the ball when*aifd where he pleased. Wolverton showed no favoritism and. framed-a pretty it up to the youngster,to make good. He-plac d him at the head of the bat ting order Fight off the reel. Many; an old timer has qiiatled at the res- ponsibility. of that position. Maloney was inclined to be patient and picked, out good balls, bit Bedient hd con- trol and the youngster was forced 40 hit each time. Though the Highlanders got away, in the lead, at no time did they look like a winner. They wi hits were needed, and the fact tha Boston aid more ris was due er being caught off first in the open- ing inning. In that found the Red Sox got two singles and a base-on balls in succession but failed to score. They got to Warhep. for. two runs In the foirth and after that the show was one-sided. The Hilltop machie ppears to be badly out of gear. Many of the men Were in new positions in their first game with the Red Sox and there was noticeable Jack of smoothness in their play. Unfortunately Chase was: injured before the game by being hit Hack, ag the piay- ers call him, s Some first baseman at that, He is also good hitter, but Ghase is much faster in the base paths. play first base. (Special to the to the News) Tacoma, Wash., July 4 Tacoma s The: os will be held ov- which the -winuer sh prize of 5,000. ag Hughos, fa thelr match yMathewson, Tescan, Crandall, Mey- ers and Wilson. Boston ... Philadelphia Chicago ... Washington .- Yingling, Ragenad, and. Miller. AMERICAN Woods and Cady, Piank and ae 6 6 5 6 9 wut . Krause and: Carisch, , Nixon and Case. A DOMINION CONTRIBUTION 5 (Ww. A. P. Diapatch.) Ottawa, July 4 Capt. R. J. Bird- whistle, secretary of the St. Johns Ambulance So lety, Teft for Reging, this afterfoon to render all, sistance to the sbMerers crour oycldne, It is unflerstood that. question: of (a. Dominion will be considered at a cabi cil to be held today, : C Connelt and Sweeney. Cashion and Ainsworth. St, Louls 26, 1, .. Detrolt .. ee. ne, wuases hawt e utterly un- .0 DFAactice rounds tt ts n0 ove al faire They go ati it - hammer and tongs nd very often Joe comes out a little the .worse for wear. Scott, however, 8 lot-lieavier, ani than Bayley-is. He Co. Trophy whs: continued. ing. Silver Spoons were- algo Roxborough winning the ist spoon with 24, and Wilkins 2nd. XDOTOUgH War in orm, Ta ing a possible at 25 targets, smash- ing them all in fine shape, the first time this hag been: done since the lub started. a Scores for the Cartridge Co, trophp: Roxborough -.. 0... ,. ce. Sse, 2A Wilkins... Meee baiae MoeXKellen oe : 17 Gleav s .. . . 17 es 16 16 aaa 17 Total. scores for the evening: Shot ai. Broke Roxborough sh 75 60 Wilki 1 56 Craft . 15: 47 Elder BU ee 1 46 *Yulll . ae 6 37 McKellen ir - 50 8 Gleaves BO 82 MeKinnon * sees 50 28 Currey . aeaa +560 BL Baker lt; . . 50. 18 Kent . f fone 18 CRAGONOUR WINS EXETER STAKES thrown ball and Simmons had to -+ Newmarket, Eng., Julp 4. The Ex- eter stakes ot thirty sovereigns with 200 soverelgnsadded for two-year olds over the Exeter stakes course of six furloughs was won by Bower Is- may s Craganour by Desmounds ktteteenarenee * - oe oe. * * + * oe * * * + + + WT PURSE iF a ty. owing t to 0 the eee of the co he The petounning comfnercial and industrial. de- with its many natural resources, won the confi- dence of the people from far and near'and as a re- , Sult these people are'steadily buying Medicine Hat : city Property, while inreturn: the values property has ona risen and shall . city tinue to some mighty good buying.. We have a number of good listings that. we can weliver which are re below the. market. -These commonly called Snaps, STENNIS PLAYERS to return ft-he The num rous lawn tennis players to place the ball where the opponent In Medicine-Hat-will-tind-i the foI jamuot lowing remarks some interesting com- ment oh thelr faviorite. game. The Poplar conception of tennis is, that it ix a ladylike game and the courts-are still referred'to by some'as the dude's pastures, yet some of the world s grea- Gen tennis enthusiasts motto I serve. 3 Tennis sutters-in'public esteem be- cause it looks 0 easy. Like being premier of Alberta, Maypr of Medicine Hat, pretsident of 9 railroad, or editor of a paper, t seoms so simple that peo- pie regard it with mingled amusement and se rn. As a matter of fact tennis requires a8 niych skill; quickness-and daring as any other game on earth, Good tennis players are always of the finest intelligence ball should beistrick so Mat it setitly a little in front and to of the rival player. In this 3 across the net elght or ten. time fore elther player misses, 1 peated exchange tiever enthusiastic applause of the stand. nt atrike at-a-returyed Ball, racticabl sadgeaee sl le each team shoula bei 3: It the player is unable - to his racquet up a a returned ball, he may sa and represent, the highest development with his face if he wae mek is of the racd. . They are also usually, good looking and*as a class are pro- bably the most popular of alll man- ikind: gt; gt; Proficiency in tefinig 1s not to be the e the back of the head. Avoidance ote this bit of thoughtfulness optional. The serving should so strike. Tail aa-nst ambi hig mee sieves aa) will pro- attained: without study and effort and mote good team work and cement the following suggestions will be of friendship. assistance to the beginners in this fascinating sport: Do not return a Stornation; a 2 to 9 favorite. Cabaret, six to one was second and) Major third. Craganour won the stakes run at Ascot over a five furs ed second. The Princess. of Wales, staki 2.000 sovereigns, added to th a xebr of bounds, for this al as you can bat it Fielding your home A gentleman player ill nok tone ie balls to a iady player. He If the gentl man turns his face away Will wear out yout opponent in from the lady.often while playing the time and give you an advantage over ds, even injretallation of a smash. f icarning to return, learn the best wa allow yourself to drift irito habit of playing that 4) onts to overcome. your racquet, always - Stand Velind the bitele Iine: tn ing, unlegs you are 4 lady, ih whieh case Gtand wherever you please, and net. Tt ts polite recklessly, either ent that you do not lady should not feet hurt. She should Eustace Loder s Catnite, 100 to 7, Wa8 nto but it is not considered good ten- remember that it is regarded among NeW his to knock the ball more than fifty gentlemen as most iil-mantiered. to laugh at a lady to her face. SERIOUS CHARGE AGATNST REGINA HOESTEAD INSPECTOR Regine, Sask, July 4 Wm. Shields, inion homestead inspector, has gh brought to Regina charged with influence as homestead in- to intimidate electora in com mn of the election act. M ptreal, July 4. The Board of hi Control decided at meoting this
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Image 16 (1912-07-04), from microfilm reel 16, (CU1739162). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.