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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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: er Girls Dress an Appaling urists, even the factory workers and sponsible for mashers. And the/ all the ers already existing in Rev. Dr. Amos D. Johnson, also cf ine Focatt Eee aurea extati man with a pretty bad obtlandish garment, sort of skirt. She had made it her- pear without a hobble skirt. adopt simpler-and less suggestive cos- Le PAGE BROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE Special School Opening Sale of Boys Ready-to-Wear Suits We have just placed in stock a large and well selected line of Boys Ready-to-wear Clothing, in- eluding all the best Ganadian makes. In all the new colorings in tweeds, and made in all the newest up-to-date models and styles. We have suits for the small boys of two years up to the young man grown and to introduce this department to the boys of Medicine Hat we have marked these suits at spec- ial prices for the school opening, and in addition to the low price we are going to give absolutely free to every boy purchasing a suit at 5.00 or over. A Watch Guarantee a Reliable Timeheeper Every boy likes a watch, so here is a chance for you to provide yourself with a good watch without it costing you one single cent and at the same time you secure one of our new snappy Fall suits. In case you should wish to purchase a suit at less than 5.00 we will allow you to make up the balance of the 5.00 from any other lines of dry goods-in our store. SALE STARTS TUESDAY MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK AND CONTINUES UNTIL es SCHOOL OPENING. 4 x LePAGE BROS. Phone 28. 388 Toronto St, Immodest Dressing Is Responsible For Pests In Shape of Mashers domestic servants. The exclusive styles are imitated more and more Problem, Declares Miss Margaret Luther. crudely and bolder, as you go lower iS in the scale, but the nucleus of fan- tastic fashion remains. Hundreds of THE MEN ARE Door girls strain every nerve to pro- ALL TO BLAME cure a shoddy imitation of the toll- ettes they see on Fifth avenue, They Many Women Give Up deny themselves proper food and Dearer housing, and if they can't get the What Should be money any other way, they get it in Than Life; Honor, a bad way. For Style. 1 do think men, or rather many men, admire immodest feminine And now it is the Rev. Dr. Walter dress, And yet I know many young T. Sumner, Chairman of the Chicago) girls while they may not change a. Vice Comupission, who declares that good man into a masher, manage to Smimodest. dressing by women is re- dra themselves the attention of Chicago, says: Pure minded-youths repntation once said to me, You are swayed by the brevity of skirts. don't hear many stories of good girls I am inclined to believe that there ar being accosted by men on the street, more mashers now than in pastlao yout You don't read much in the Years. One can only hold the immod- papers of such men being arrested est clothing responsible. on the complaint of girls? Why, no A fall batallion of other clerical - answered. Of course you don t, he gentlemen in Boston, Washington and added, A man knows pretty well the New York concur vigorously in the Kind of girl he can approach, He support of the Chicago preachers. idoks her over first, from her hair- But is it the immodest dress which ripbon to her shoe-backle* tempts man, or is it man who tempts woman to dress immodestly? Which MOVRer ee Fans: Danghters ts the supply and which the demand? wr Couy the mothers would realize creer, Baum tecuses Bre. DUt tnat every time their young daughters em enoci * i appear on the street in suggestive cos fee ane Nise Margaret 1 tumes, men are going to look them ex ae ef Gey ts cay ia ent Ve and size them up accordingly of the Florence Gridantoa: ions fe Lots of little girls of fifteen and six- this city, which cares for hundreds eM are approached by men . who A R would never notice them if they: were of unfortunate women every year. sultably dressed.. They make inform- Women Dress as Men Dictate by Thelr 4) akquaintances and 0 iv moving Preference, Picture shows amt then to the beach, T belleve that if men did not like ang pefore they know it they are in the effect af immodest dress women dreadful trouble: should not adopt it, declares the s0- cial worker. The woman who wears What I can t understand and nev- er could, is why respectable women, Fouge and hobble skirts -is usually r, nto Reet Bettae elitr the woman most seen in the company th tinea ike ft the of men, although she may be perfect- -emselves up tebe eared de Jy virtuous, But she has a fine op- *reet Why do they wear the trade- : mark, when they haven't the trade? Siar ckicgetnone Tet S88 seems to me that it I could only Sex, and if her Wltra-fashionable cos- K them to the Night Court and tumes were not generally apprecia- SOW them at close range the poor ted she would be quick to abandon Features they are copying, they'd, am, Gaaie toons ocd bara thelr othe ; ir faces an n their ocntey oer ekirts. Why, I wouldn't be hired to importance fn the world of the aver- 2 even a willow plume for three age woman is stiaply appaling, Her Docks I've seen too many of them. Mfe seems to revolve around her Supposing it is as it certainly Watdrobe. And in so many, many ems, and immodest dress forms an cases she hae given up what shouid ttraction in the eyes of some men. be-dearer to hor than life, her honor, HOW can a jself-resp cting woman to the cause of dress. Of course, Want that type of man to like her? Sreat deal of oir work is done in How can she want him even to no- connection with the Night Court, and tice her, much less evince admiration? the common plea of the young girls If she stops to think, she will realize Drought there fs, I wanted more pret- that the qualities he 1s ascribing to ty clothes her are not noble or fine or in any Not long ago we had a case of WAY Worthy. In fact, if she knew two little girls, one fourteen and one Just What is in his mind regarding her sixteen, who came down from up the h Would probably be mortified and State to see New York. They were ashamed. horribly treated on the boat, but they But I don t belleve women can be were nothing but ignorant, innocent Ehildren. Yet one of them, the young. est, came into court wearing the most two narrow widths of calico sewed together in a d Miss Luther. The only way is to teach them what real beauty is. It's perfectly natural for them to want to look charming; as naturai as for flowers to be bright colored. We must begin with our schoolgirls and. show them that freakish fashions and a painted fuce are just plain ugly no matter what men may say to the con- trary. Self, she told me, just in preparation for Ber visit to the metropolis, b It the society women would only Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- Diving the most satiatactory. They are the criteria, they set Sdurds for ali those jower scale the, stenographers, operators, the mani- lee tea of Labour's index *num- bei 1911. DID DETROIT S FORMER CITY PA'S COLLECT TODAY S MARKETS. . Chicago, Aug. 26 Wheat today failed to hold an early advance, pre- dictions of fair and cool weather ANY BRIBE MONEY so:tvest cavcrie''s ocr move ment of the newly hurvested crop, couraged selling. Bullish fecling The Prosecuting Attorney Hopes to Get a Glimpse Into the Past. (W. A. P. Dispaten) Detroit, Mich., ig. 26. With the arraignment today in the case of soven aldermen and former council committee clerk Edward R. Schreiter self-confessed receiver or bribe money prosecuting attorney Shepperd hopes to be able to probe into the past doings of the city council and deter- mine if poss ble whether the so-call- ed councilmanic grafting has been a constant practice during the past de- cade. After the arraignment proceed- ings it is expected that the prelimin- ary examination of Ald. Louis Toss charged with bribe receiving, will be commenced. Detective Brennan, who declares he, while posing as a Wab- ash railroad official, bribed Tossy, probably will be the principal wi ness for the prosecution. make the export outlook foF milling LABOR UNREST 1 STILL ON INCREASE sz tions in Manitoba are improving and with fine week the great bulk of July Showed an Added Number to the Total of Disputes Prices Down. Industrial conditions were serious- ly disturbed by labor disputes during July, the number in existence in that month being considerably greater than the number existing during June. The number actually com- meneing, however, during July com- pares favorably with that of the pre- vious month. In alll forty-six dis- putes were reported to the Depart- ment, an increase of nine as com- pared with June and an increase of twenty-cight as compared with July, 1911. About 17,000 employees were affected by these disputes as compar- ed with 16,000 during June and that prevailed at the outset, resulted from the serlous outlook for growing wheat in Burope, especially in Great Britain, Frade and Russia. Opening prices wire unchanged to 1-4 and 3-8 higher, Sept. started at 94 1-4 to 94 3-8, a gain of 1-8 and i4 to 1-4 and 3-8, bur reacted to 94, Oats followed the changes in corn. Sept. started at a sade off at 2 1-2 and rallled to 32 5-8 and later de- clined to a2 1-2, A further setback in wheat came from-reports OF Improved conditions for threshing fn the Dakotas and Min nesota, The close was steady with Sept. 1-8 lower at 93 7-8. Liverpool, Aug. 26. John Rogers Company, Liverpool, cable today that although there was a better demand in the-Birkenhead market, there was no alteration in tiv situation. Quota- Uons were, States and Canadian pound. Winnipeg, Aug. 26. Sales again closed: higher and the reports of still more rain evidently putting the fin- were very. steady, both here-and on, Pthe American markets, and trading here was very quiet. Recelpts, 118 cars Inspected, 115 in sight. Oct, wheat opened 93 1-2, closed 93 1-2; Dee, 90 3-8, 90 1-4. Oct. oats opened and closed 35 3-4. Oct. flax opened 162, closed 160. Cash Prices *) Wheat, No. 3 Nor. 98 1-2; 4 Nor. 89 3-4; 5 Nor. 73 1-4; 6 Nor. 62 1-2. Oats, No. 2 CW 43 1-4; No. 3 CW 40; extra No. 1 feed 41 1-2; 1 feed 40 1-2; 2 feed, 36. Barley, No. 3,:5 Flax, No. NW 170, No: 1 Man., 168; Tejected 158; Cond. 210. American Markets Minneapolis, Aug. 26 Sept. wheat 91 1-2, 91; Dec. 92 1-4, 92; May 96 19,000 during July, 191). A ter- 58, 96 1-2. mination of the Garment Workers Chicago, Aug. Sept. wheat 94 strike occured in July, which caused hear: 3-8; Dec. 93 5-8, 93 1-2; May , 97 1. a . a resumption of operations by more than four thousand employees. after nearly two months of idleness. Few INAUGURATION OF GREAT of the disputes. commencing during CELEBRATION. July were individually of serious con- bus, O.. Aug. 26, Rounding sequence as factors in disturbing footer one hundred. years industrial conditions. eovilms the permanent capital of Ohio; PRICES TAKB Avis. i) ssoin s' there began in Columbus today a cele: DOWNWARD. MOVEMENT. bration in honor of the great forward After an almost, continuous ad- striaes that the century has witness- vance for the past twelve months the 44. During the entire week there will be-a succession of reunions, patriotic meetings, brilliant fetes and historical Pageants, all in honor of the centen- x dropped two points in July, standing at 134.8 as compared with 136.9. in June and 126.9 in July, : eek ntal anniversary. 4 AU ie Chel deere Ga ETH rho. formal ianugtiation oueihd were in fruits and vegetables, grafis and fodders, fish, animals and meat , increases being recorded in hides, leathers boots and shoes, metals, fuel lumber and furniture. Some two hundred and (fifty articles, selected: to represent Canadian production and consumption, are included in the cal- culation by which a cgmparison is made of wholesale prices at the pre- sent time with the average price pre- vailing during the decade 1890-1899. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS. During the month of July there were.108 fatal and 272 non-fatal ac- cidents recorded by the Department of Labour. This is an increase of 46 fatal and 23 non-fatal accidents com- pared with the record for June, and an increase of 19 fatal and 73 non- fatal accidents compared with July, Accidents recorded in which more than two workmen were kilted- were, one as the result of a falling derrick at Kenogami, Que, on July 1, by which seven men were killed; one by which four railway constrac- tion hands were killed by prema- ture explosion of dynamite on July celebration of the great /natsl'day, ymarking the passage. of/a century since the seat of the state:government was removed from Chillicothe to Col- umbus, began with a salute of one hundred guns, the ringing of bells and the screeching of countless fac- tory. whistles. Thesday was devoted chiefly to the reception of the many Prominent.persons invited to take part in the celebration. Features of th week will- include 8 reunion of descendants of Ohio Governors, military and civic par- ade, a centennial banquet, a reunion and parade of Grand Army Veterans, and historical exercises under the auspices of the Daughters of the Am- erican Revolution and other societies. Two evenings of the week will be devoted to an elaborate pageant en- titled, The Story of the State, show- ing in artistic magnificence and his- torical accuracy, scenes of the old northwest territory and Ohlo from the time of the Mound Builders, the seat of whose densest population was Obio down to the present day. gt; MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. steers from 13 1-4 to 14 3-4 cents per ishing touches to the British crop, the wheat crop will be down. Prices forced to dress differently, conciud- Nov. 29, when he was arrested in 23, near Maberly, Ont.; one at Kene- gamion July 28, by which four men were killed by the caving in of* a trench, two powder factory employees were killed as the result of an ex- Plosion in a factory at Winsor Mills, Que. on July 8. Two workmen were electrocuted as the result of a fy; falling pile-driver coming in contact with live wires at Meaford, Ont. on July 18. Eddyville, Ky., Aug. 26 Preparas- tions are being made at the state prisop here for the electrocution this week of Cal. Miracle, the Bell County murderer. Just one year ago today Miracle shot and killed Matthew Jones at his home near Pineville. A woman neighbor, who was attrac- ted to the scene by the screams of Mrs. Jones and her children, was shot and killed by Miracle in his attempt to escape. The murderer fled to the mountains and eluded capture uatil Birmingham, Ala. NEW BATTLESHIPS. CW. A. P. Cable.) ships provided for by the year's estimates, the Times says, shall be larger than the Tron Duke now building. They will be armed with 14-inch guns and will be pro- W Subscribe now for The Daily News. adoption throughout tie world have assembled in Geneva from many quarters of the globe to take part In the proceedings of the Ninoteenth International Peace; ADDI yto P. O. box 519. Congress, which had its formal open- ing today. For several months plans have been in progress to make the coining Congress more notable, if possible, than any that has been held in the Past, remain in Gene: London, Aug. 25. The new battle- meeting of current Union to be held here next month, SONS OF VETERANS MEET, St. Louis, M., Aug. 26. More than one thousand delegates have register- ed at the headquarters at the Planters r the thirty-first annual con- ention of the Sons of Veterans. The en ampment is the first-that the Organization has held west of the years. The formal opening will take Place tomorrow morning and in. the Se UCR RUADEMER)20'DUR: earuase the deiebeion wilt stiect memorial services at Jefferson Bar- racks. continue until Friday. The convention sessions will WORLD'S PEACE CONFERENCE. Geneva, Aug. 26. Advocates of the of principles of peace Many of the participants will to take part in the Interparliamentary the Joseph M. Gates has secured an op- tion on the dramatic rights of al the orks of Jacques Futrelle, the author vided with a xurved armored upper Who was lost in the wreck of the Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave, corner of Esplanade, Haltf-minute from Post Office. PHONE 791. SPECIAL OFFERS TODAY RIVERSIDE On Broadway facing river and city, beautiful residential or business lots In Block 13, lots 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 9 and 10. Price 775 per pair. Lots on Broadway are now 1,000 -.per pair close to this pro- perty. IN RIVERDALE a large num- ber-of tots have been sold and cleared off the market. We still have a few left in Block 3 at 185 each. . HERALD, Block 8 lots 3, 4, 5 and 6; good view of river and city. 750 per pair. CHARLES ST, Central Park, 2 houses for sale now build: ing. BLOCK 28, Hill division, oppos- ite Block 18 in the Herald, 50 feet for 525, terms. A cheap buy. COUSINS and SISSONS, lots in Blocks 4 4, 6, 25, 28 and 30, HERALD Corner, 39 and 40, 1200 the pair. Valuable corner very cheap. Usual terms. TOWNSITE Lot 36, Block 82, Braemar St., price 1150. FOURTH AYE. Block 96, 14, price 1260. SOUTH RAILWAY ST. Block 96, small souse, 1800. NORTH YUILL Block 9, lot 18, 50 tt., 86 Block 16, lots'19 and 20, 1800 lot pair. Block 16, lots 12 and 13, 1600 pair, Block 16, lots 7 and 14, 750 each. Block 8, lots 11 fo 15, 900 each. RIVER LOTS: in Altawana and Riverside. A LARGE number of for sale. ALL upon us. We have some good propositions. Houses Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under 25 words, six days .. 2 2.81.00 elgdditional words at same rate. No sd accepted for Jess than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and t will receive attention. To RENT FURNISHED HOUSE to let for two months. Apply Box 776, P.O. 39-6t (ANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street and 3rd Ave, Fine location for any business. Reasonable rent. Living Tooms overhead, Immediate posses- sion. Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co Imperial Bank building. 1oatt WANTED TO BUY Se WANTED TO BUY Building lots in Old Survey; Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, ete., to P. 0. Box 610. Owners only need-apply. 38-tf, WANTED Snap trom owners only, 50 feet in Hill or Herald between To- ronto and Ottawa Sts, Price must be right, as I mean business. One-third cash, balance 9 and 18 months, vend- or to pay commission. W. H. Steb- dings, 316 Hargrave St, Winnipeg, Man. 39-6t FOR SALE FOR SALE Household furnishings. Apply, 417 Tordnto St. 39-3t JFOR SALE Cocks, hens, cockerels and pullets in R. C, brown Leghorns, also fancy Pigeons, Percy Riches, 99 Toronto St.) Medicine Hat. 38-3t, Au 29w2t RS. utomobile, this years model. Run less than 2,000 miles. A bargain for somebody. Might take well located lot for part pay- ment, Phone 782. P.O. Box 3. 83-tf JFOR SALE Six holo range, suit boarding house, also a few household effects. Apply 289 Montreal St, corner Third Ave. 37-6t ROOMS WANTED. ANTED One oor two furnished, rooms with board. Central location. 36-tf HOUSES WANTED WANTED Fully modern house to rent, six or seven rooms. South of track. Apply Box 677. 39-3t er WANTED A 4 or 6 roomed bunga- low with bath. Furnished. Immed- iately. No children. * 35-tt TEACHER WANTED (TEACHER WANTED For Bowell deck and furmel protection to re- Titanic. The manager expects to sist attacks from air craft. Produce four plays in three weeks i Produce four plays from these works. S.D., 1912, first or second class certificate; Protestant. Apply, stat- ing salary, 60 usually paid. A. E. + HELP WARTED. VANTED Brick layers. Apply Elizabeth Street school, Victoria Ave. and Elizabeth St, Lussier Constru- ction Company, Limited... .. 37-12t WANTHD Lathers, plasterers and Laborers. Apply Barnett, Plasterer. 40-3t WANTED Four first-class car- penters at once. Apply McLaughlin McLean, Redelitf. 40-3 bridge ISS AMBROSE Trained Nurse. 09 Braemar St. Phone 747, 35-12t CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Raa W. 4 HENDERSON CO, chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- lished 1883), auditors, city of Medicine lat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- A. EB. Gibsen, C.A, resident Phone-198, Burns Block, 276att YANTED A stenographer at once. Apply to Birnie Bros. 40-3 WANTED Mald for general house- work. Apply 128 Toronto St. 39-3 WANTED Carpenters good ones. highest prices to good men. Apply to J. A. Landry, 711 Ottawa St. 38-3t WANTED Capable general servant family of two. Apply 1017 Esplan ade. 88-tf. WANTED General servant for family of three. Apply 1, Hewitt, 985 Montreal St. 88-tf WWANTED Capable general ser- vant. Wages 25.00 per month. Ap- ply Mra. Johnstone, cor. Barclay. and West Allowance. 38-6 TEAMSTER WANTED Apply to Redclift Hotel livery. 38-8t TWO good smart men wanted at once. Good money to be made, Ap ply in person Room 4, News build- ing. 38-6t 15 laborers, 3 per day, on pipe line work at Bow Island. Ap- Ply International Supply Co, phone 763, : 36-tf WWANTED Salesladies and men at once. Apply Milne's trait Studio, WANTED Laborers by the Canad- jan Stewart Co, 30c per, hour Apply Ogilvie Mill site 24-tt WANTED AT ONCE 650 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill Job. Boarding camp on site. Canadian Stewart Co, Ltd. 88-tt SSPIRELLA Corsets made to meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office, in Pingle block, Main strest, from 2 p, m.to5 p.m. Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east wide of High School,: in eventug. House phone 699. . Mrs. Matthews, Au 22-3 m, E. Bartlett. Municipal Engineer, e Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor - Industrial Spur Ratlways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Ete, Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Modicine Hat Phone 420 Ladies a: Gents Ta We have a fine r LADIES an FALL SU month, Apply to Mrs. W. Hig- gins. P.O, box 772. 21-tt SALESMEN are arfwing 75.00 to 100.00 per week selling our oils, greases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity. Men. with team preferred. Inland Oil Works Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Jul 30-d1m WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations: guaranteed. Special rates to Indies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 2odatt SITUATIONS WANTED. Indy bookkeeper Apply to P. 0. Box 40-3t Yat tome tady desires po- 5 years business experience. Apply H. G., post office box 818. 30tf EXPERIENCED wants position. 34, Medicine Hat, ERIENCED lady stenographer Wants position as general office as- sistant- Apply post-vftice-box 443, city. 39-38 STRAYED IWANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redelitt Hotel. 31-tt W. E. WRIG HT Aino woe te It Custonis Broker. : WANTED Servant girl, 20. 8) consignee and forwatdiig-agetit, as- + See us about sembler and executer of papers for shipments going into the United States. Commissioner in B. R, Real Estate Broker and General Agent. MEDICINE HAT. Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart... P.S. We will sel the yard if you WOR Phone. 517. 1 (4th Avenue opposite. Binnings) SEES PE ey New Wall Fiper Retinaiee ehoor- + : fally ufrnished. on cost of Papering a Your rooms, Phone 156, o ware ae - T. F. Reynolds tebe tess PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave. Phone 690. was-a good attends and visitors, Tea w o'clock, Mrs. McLaus der of ladies assist 2, p.m. Gentlemen Oakes vs. Loughlin, 1 lin out of town. Court 2 Gaskell v Gaskell, 6-1, 6-0. fis Court 1 Everard by Everard, 6-0, 6-0 Boston Tournamet Court 3 Morrow vs, Bryenton and M played owing to B NOTICE is hereby given to owners of property in the city limits to have all noxious weeds on their lands des- troyed by the 3ist of August. * REWARD The above will be payed for information that will lead to the recovery of one brown gelding with white stripe on nose, 5 years old, and weight about 1300 Ibs, Brand HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding. weighing about 1300 Ibs., branded ) on left thigh. These horses were ) tast seen at Pete Weiss on the 13th of May, R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat. i6att YED Two weeks ago from near Coleridge, two buckskin mares eight years old, one branded J, M. on left shoulder, other badly cut on. ankles and hind knee. Reward. Ap- ply Alberta Clay Products Co. 40-3t PERSONAL. JM4RRY Why remain alone? The Ideal Intreduction Club is a reliable, up-to-date medium for placing in correspondence congenial, marriage- able people. Strictly private; high- est character. Seventh . successful year. Literature and full informa- tion, 10c. Mrs, Wilson, Box 1776, Vancouver, B.C. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Private money to loan on residential property. Ap- ply to P, 0. Box 857. 39-8 AUCTIONEERS , B. BROWNE CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto Bt. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. Phone 103, H. B, Browne Co, 519 To Tonto St. rs2att Pentland, Secretary, Bowell, Alta, Sitt Subscribe now for the Daily News. Proceedings will be taken after this date against all those with property harboring noxious weeds under By- law No. 175 of the City of Medicine Hat. town. Court 4 Graham 1-2 15, vs, Smith ai 330, won by Graham i 5-4, 5-4, 3 p.m Oakes an , Smith and Graham, inson out of town. Court 4 Ladies (Signed) H. BAKER, Aug. 24th, 1912, City Clerk 39-7t 37-6t Bathing at Banff pee SP Ree CANADIAN ROCKY MOUNTAINS Banff Springs Hotel offers the FINEST BATHING FACILITIES IN AMERICA New Hot Sul phurwWater Srienaine pool 28 by sof feah Water Swimming pol, 120 fe diameter. rtete Turkish: Romian buthe in charge ne unde cg some Toone, Bani haw long ben Enown fo the healing properties of es For information rexarding hotel oF Information regar rates, etc, write oF MAY END TROUBLE. CW. A. P. Dispateh.) Chicago, Aug. 26. Settlement of the wage controversy between the street car company and their union employees was expected to be reach- ed today when the Union leaders and officials of the company had another conference with Mayor Harrison. It was the eighth conference called by the Mayor to avert a general strike and bring about peace. JUDGES ALL REFUSE. Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 25. All of the twelve Superior Court Judges of Los Angeles county have refused to preside Clarence 8. Darrow, the Chicago lawyer charged with jury bribing in his handling of the McNamara trial. at the second trial of Mre. Everard and. Miss Mitchell and Mrs. Everard and Ms Open Singles J. Mr. Piper; a good g: erard, 6-2, 6+ Mr. Brown and Mi McLaughlin and Mi won by 7-2. Miss Parker vs 3 by Miss Parker, 7-5, Mr. Piper and X Morrow and Mise K by 12-10, 8-6. Handicap Mr. Oal Pherson vs. Mr. Gr McLean, won 5-4; O and Miss Cooper vs Miss Walker, won Miss Wain vs Turn won 6-3. Open Doubles J, Miss Mayne vs. N, Soans, won by. firs CRICK (C. A. P. London, Aug. 26. rential rains, every match was abandon and no match can t
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Image 361 (1912-08-26), from microfilm reel 361, (CU1739424). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.