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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Flour Nutrition Purity The highest standard of perfection At All Grocers FOR SALE BY MEDICINE HAT LePAGE BROS. struggles with money and not with arms In the no battl sand men late revolution. there were in which more than a thou- were engaged and fighting was generally of a feeble character. Bartering usually took the ments, while their loyalty might have been retained had the Manchus been able or willing to provide a greater number of silver tacls The same means today It is gen: velleved would save China from her officials, who, with very few exceptions, are men who at one time Mapeuus. Among these officials those who are honest suffer from tho racial failing lack f moral courage and fear to accept the six-nations foan with the roquirement of for- eign control, and the others are working up the national opposition because they desire io supervisor over thelr system of squeezes. Meantime Japanese consuls in Southerg-Menchuria and Russian in Northern Manchuria and In the vast territories beyond the Cob Desert may impose thelr authority as they; will, and the Chinese officials in those border countries can obtain but poor advice and little support from the Cabinet in Peking, whose attention is concenfrated on maintaining its precarions political position. In Thibet, whose sacred city the British have shown their ability to Conditions Threatening the Disintregation of the Chinese Rather Tan Arms Present Con- ditions Would Cause Widespread Danger. (Special W. A. P. Cable.) Peking, August 31 Not only be- fencies, but also among the Chinese the world and provinces themselves ,- conditions Which threaten disintegration become ment. Republic Get More Serious Gonflicts Are a Matter of Money more and more serious as the leaders a of the Republican movement fail to reorgnize the government and delay in re-establishing central. authority Phe chaotic condition of China is at present such as would cause wide- spread dangers, international as well as domestic, if the country were not so favorably isolated fro mthe rest of of an exceedingly peaceful tempera- Their conflicts are primarily Penetrate with a few hundred men, many of the Chinese garrisons have been defeated and driven out, even from Lhasa itself, though the soldiers of the Lamas are little more than an M-armed rabble The deep-rooted prejudice against the foreigner and the fear of him Seems the greatest factor continuing China proper, which ar jealous of one another and sectionally un- friendly. The national government being afraid to contract a foreign Joan and afraid to impose taxes or eyen in some provinces to collect those instituted by the Manchus, is unable to purchas authority beyond the walls of the capital. Such order as exists is maintained locally and is hiefly to the peacefulness of the pebbles But there is, apparently, no organ- ized party-with-sec ssion or a counter A TALK ABOUT HARDWARE If you are thinking about pur- chasing Hardware don t forget that we can supply your needs at the right pric and that we can give you the benefit of a long ex- perience by offering you the best that can be procured. Chance to Win a Sewing Machin With every 1.00 purchase we are giving a key and the person holding the key that unlocks the machine takes the machine absolutely free. Anderson Plumbing Company 625 NORTH RAILWAY STREET cITY OF MEDICINE HAT A Publi Meeting will be held in the City Hall onWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th at8 p.m.. The Waterworks Bylaw to be submitted to the Ratepayers on September 5th will be fully discussed and all ratepayers are requested to attend. Ps NELSON SPENCER, Monday next being Labor Day and the Sports Gommittee of the Trade s and Labor Couneil having + expended time and money to guarantee an excellent programme of sports and entertainment, the citi- zens are requested to loyally support the efforts of the Committee by attending the sports to be held on this day. NELSON SPENCER, + Mayor. Tevolution n mind; nor ig there any foreign pressure on the nation ex- cept in the so-call d dependencies, oyer which the Chinese have held but nominal control for many years. Conditions in these dependencies at- fect only a few idealis great uncomprehending masses. Chinese NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Sanally Due to Orechaek and Worry, A Tonle Is Needed. Overwork and worry give rise to nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, lack of ambition and Jack of interest. in your work, weak back, indigestion and sometimes complete break- down of the nervous system. On every hand you find victims of this kind and often they do not know are your symptoms you need a tonic, and the only way to tone up the nerves is through the blood, Dr. /Williams Pink Pills are a direct nerve. because they enrich and the blood that the nerves are fed. Under their tonic influence. nervous- ness, with all its attendant evils, disappear, and the worried: sufferer again enjoys health and strength. Proof of the value of Dr. Williams Pink Pills in nervous troubles is given by Mrs. Lara Scheving, Lun- dar, Man, who says: I was at- tacked with nervous trouble whiol almost drove me to distraction. It would be almost impossible for words to describe my condition. The least thing would startle me and leave mo tremijing for an hour. I bad nery- ous headaches, and slept very badly at nights, some nights not at all. My appetite grew poor, and I was jreally a physical wreck. I hed been zs doctors and had taken many different any benefit. Then I read of a case similar cured by ithe use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and I sent for a dozen boxes fully believing it would take at least that many to cure Yeu can judge of my grati- ude, however;-when I found that alter using only half a dozen boxes Iwas again enjoying the best of health, and have since remained well and strong. I used the remainder of the pills among my children when they seemed out of sorts; and have found them at all times to be the very best of family medicines. You can get Dr. Williams; Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine 50 cents box or six boxes for 2. Kams Medicine Co. Brockville, Oat MISPLACED SWITCH CAUSED WRECK (W. A. P. Despatch) North Bay, Ont, Aug, 31. A mis- Placed switch at Mattawa threw a fast freight train on the Canadian Pa- cific onto a siding where t collided with a work train early today, Thom- as Duncan, conductor, and P. Wal- lace, a brakeman, are known to have been killed, and a cable man named Ellendill is reported dead. W.A. Graham, a brakeman, and Several laborers were ,serlously in- Jured. Subscribe now for The Dafly News, the place of fighting and some ofthe sur- coming week. or another also held office under the what to do for themselves. If these NEWS FORECAST FOR THE COMING WEEK. Washington, D. C August31 Like the three-ring circus, (bere pro- mises t6 be somethin doing every minute In the fleld of polities he Colonel Roosevelt will leave New York bright and early Monday morn- ing for a speech muking tour that will extend as far ax the Pacific coast and carry him jnto more than halt the States of the Union. After a short detour into New England, where he is scheduled for two Labor Day addressee, Ne-will strikeout for jthe west. Tuesday he is to speak at the Missouri third party conven- tion in St. Louis Wednesday will be devoted to a swing through Towa, with speeches in Keokuk, Oskaloosa, Ottumwa, Des Moines and other cities St. Paul and Minneapolis will have the third party standard bearer on Thursday and the remainder of the week will be divided between the Dakotas and Montana Governor Woodrow Wilson will make his first speech In New York city on Wednesday, when he attends a dollar dinner of the Workingmens Woodrow Wilson Club. Vermont's State election, the first of the year, will be held Tuesday Republican, Democratic and Progres- sive tickets are in the fleld. Con- gressman as well as State officers are to be elected, go the national sig- nificance will be apparent in the:re- turns, at least to those who still hold to the old tradition that the result of the September State elections indi- cates the way the general will go in the following November. Governor Johnson, of California, vice-presidential nominee of the Pro- gressive Party, will open his speech making campaign at Syracuse, N. ., on Thursday, when he will address the delegates to the State convention of the Progressive Party. Direct primary elections are to be held in California Tuesday for the selection of candidates for the super for court judges, members of the legislature and. representatives in Other events on the political cal- endar of the week will include the tion at Grand Rapids, for the com pletion of a State ticket; the Mon- tana State Republican convention at Great Falls, to select a complete State ticket, presidential electors and candidates for United States Senator and representatives in Congress; Democrats primarie fn Louisiana S and-not the-+to-select candidates for supreme court jndges and BROADWAY, Rivetside, facing river and city, Block 13, Lots 9 and 10, 3 aud 4, 5 and 6, at 775 pair ; terms. Block 19, Riverside, 25 ft. lots, 360 each. BLOCK 1, Riverside, Lota 25 and 26, 8 0 pair. BLOCK 7, Riverside, Lots 15 pair. CHARLES ST, Central Park Splendid large new house Justtinished, on. 50 ft, lot. 6,000; CHARLES ST., Central Park B large new houses, 4500 each, Good NORTH YUILL Block 16, lots 7 and 14; HERALD Block 8, good view of river and city, lots 3 and 4, 5 and 6 ; 750 patr. HILD Block 28, opposit 18, Herald, 50 ft. for cheap buy. NORTH YUILL Block 6, two new houses for 2800. One- third down; balance arranged TOWNSITE Block 80, lots 19 and 20; 5200 the pair, TOWNSITE Block 82, lot: 36, 1150, GOOD BUYS in Cousins and Sissons, Yuilis and Herald. RIVERDALE Good level lots at 185. Good terms, Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from Post Office. PHONE 791, 750 each. Blcok 525. A OWNERS AUTOMOBILES Eliminate all possibility of tire trouble by having your hres led with Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sule, Loat, Four, etc., ads under these headings. 26 words, one day .... 25 26 words, three days ., 50 28 words, six daye- 181.00 Additional words at samp rate, No ad accepted for less than 25 cents, Cash must accompany the orde Phone youf ad to No. 18 Fi It will recetve attention, HELE WANTED. rANTED Brick iayers.- -Apply beth Street school, Victoria Ave, 1a Ellzabeth. St, Kussler-Constra- m Company, Limited, .. .. 87-12t WVANTED Capeble general servant family of two, Apply 1017 Esplan ade. 88-tf. (ANTED General servant for family of three. Appiy Lt Hewitt, 935 Montreal St. Ba-tt WANTED 15 Inborers, 3 per day, on pipe line work at Bow Island. Ap- Ply International Supply Co., phone 763, 36-tt sales- Por- 35-te WANTED Salesladies and men at once. Apply Milne s trait Studio. 'WVANTED Laborers by the Canad- fan Stewart Co, 30c per hour Apply Ogilvie Mill site 24-tt WANTED AT ONCE 60 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp on site, Ltd. 33-tf WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redelift Hotel. Si-tf WANTED Servant girl, 20 a month, Apply to Mrs, W. Hig- ging, P.O, box. 772. 2-tt MEN are drawing 75.00 to 100.00 per week selling our oils, Sreases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity. Men with team preferred. Inland Oil Works Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba, WANTED Men anid women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations gnaranteed. Special rates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 294ate WANTED GOOD SMART TIDY representatives In OOH ry eresn; primaries of all parties in New Hampshire for the selection of-cant didates for State offfficers and repre- sentatives in Congress; primaries in Nevada to nomiliate candidates for State officers and representatives in Congress, and State conventions of the new Progressive Party in Mis- souri, North Carolina, Towa, North Dakot, and several other Sta tes. / At a special election Tuesday the yoters of Ohio will pass judgment on the forty-two proposed amendments to the State constitution formulated by the constitutional convention held last spring. The list embodies near- ly all of the measures of reform now in. the public eye, including woman suffrage, the initiative, referendum and recall, direct primaries, the ex- tension of the civil service to all ap- amd it 18 through pointive state positions, regulation of the Issue and sale of corporation stock, the taxation of incomes, inheri- tances an dfranchises, the adoption of the Torrens system of land trans- fer, the abolition of capital punish ment, the reform of court procedure and the strict regulation of the liquor traffic. With Justice John W. Goff, presid ing, an extraordinary term of the Supreme Court is: to convene in New, York City on Tuesday- for a speedy and vigoroys prosecution of indict- ments which may be found as result-of the Rosenthal murder in- vestigation. THe Duke of Connaught, the Goy- ernor General, will cover the first section of the extensive itinerary and from there will preced to Calgary to attend the great Stampede cele- bration and carnival in that city. Conventions of the week: will be mumerous-and of an important char- acter. Among them will be the Bighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, in Washington D, ., the annual conference of the International Anti-Saloon League Superintendents, in Toronto; . the twenty-sixth annual meeting of the United Typothetae of America, in Chicago; the Dominion Forestry con- vention,in Victoria, B. C; the fifth annual convention of the Atlantic lation, in Ont. New London, Conn. and the annu session of the British Association for the. Advancement of Science, in Dundee. NEW COMMANDER AT WEST POINT. West Point, N. Y. August 3: Col. C. P. Townsley, recently in com- mand of the Portland, M., artillery district, today assumed the duties of superintendent of the United States Military Acadethy, Col Townsley succeeds Major General Thomas H. Barry, who was recently assigned to the command of the eastern divisio with headquarters in New York. Subscribe now for the Dally News. Conservatory of Music EDWARD FISHER, Mus. Doc., Musical Director. REOPENS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd ATTENDANCE LAST SEASON 2,040 STUDENTS Faculty of 100 Specialists. CONSERVATORY RESIDENCE For Young Lady Students. is being greatly enlarged and will be ready for the opening. YEAR BOOK, 170 pages, mailed on ap- plication. House. Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 196. MONTREAL STREET E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyo: Industrial Spur Railways, Irrigation mapped out for his travels over the Water Supplies, Sewage, Canadian west He eee Plans, Etc. in Edmonton the first of the week Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. ledicine Hat Phone 426 Consignee and forwarding agent, as sembler and executer of papers-for shipments going into the United States, Commissioner in B, R., Real state Broker and General Agent MEDICINE HAT. your rooms, Phone 156, HB MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Secon? Hend Tools in the city, We carry Parniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks Watches, Jewelry, Hifles, Guns, Re volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods We buy everything meptioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. t Loose Leaf System The News Job Jewelry Store, Esplanade. ly Wright's opposite P.O. or 80: WANTED FIRST CLASS CARPEN- TER foreman, outside of town. Heavy truss roof work: Highest wages and Canadian Stewart Co. . Run less than, 2,000 miles. A bargain for somebody. Might take well lorated Jot tor part pay- ment, Phone 782. P.O. Box 3, 33-tf FOR SALE som HOUSBHOLD furniture, Alsa one furnished room to rent . Apply 109 Montreal, 42-3 FOR SALE A FINE FIRST CLASS ind POardiig house, central location; 12 steady boarders; furniture and busi- Apply box 932 or 802 ard Ave- 42-6. FRESH FROM -OUR GARDENS, choice sweet peas and ators, Taree bunch 250; also three large heads of finest celery, 25c Delivered to any addresa in the city, T. B. Mills, 211 Yuill St. or phone 95, 48-8 a ee FOR SALE TWoO FRESH JERSEY cows, Apply to J. Malcolm Co. of- fice up Times stairway. 3 et ROOMS TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD IN modern house, with use of bath. 482 Roy Street, 45-3 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Apply 222 Montreal St. M43 : FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT 607 Braemar St. 44-3 TO. RENT FURNISHED ROOM TO let in modern house with private family, on the hill, Only ladies need apply, Teacher preferred. Phone aT. 43-3 BOARD AND ROOK. WANTED TWO LADY BOARDERS. House modern. Apply 824 Braemar Street. 44-6 PERSONAL. YOUNG FOREIGN HORSE DEALER is anxious to find trace of lady nam- ed K- met at Medicine Hat Fair grounds on August 28th. and 29th. Carn C will be very grateful for any information sent to Langdon Fair before Sept. 4, or, if later, at address after business cards given: A. H. at R, (Sask.) MONEY TO LOAN Perfect For the Stor E are showit ly designed ially tailored 20t Brand models for of every height. guarantee perfect satisfaction even weigh 250 Ibs. or invite any big mi town or district to the test. TURPIN THE MEN'S MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE MON EY to loan on residential property. Apply to P. 0, Box 857. 45-6t To KENT TENANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street and 3rd Ave. ne location for aby business. + Reasonable rent Living Tooms Gyerhead. Immediate posses- sion. -R pairs and overhauling will. be: done, Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. Imperia Bank building. loatt Apply to Mrs, J. C. Hargrave. 44-tf WANTED GIRL ABOUT 15 WHO wants to go to school and work mornings and evenings in exchange for room and board. Apply 601 Mont- real. St, 45-3t WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Good wages. Must be able to cook. to Mrs. L. R. Birnie, 611 Montreal St. 45-3t SERVANT GIRL WANTED APPLY to James Hargrave, Altawana, Med- icine Hat. 42-6 WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 123 Toronto St. 44tf GENERAL SERVANT WANTED Apply to Mrs. James Hargrave. 44-tf WANTED SPERIENCED WAIT- Fess. Apply to Cosmopolitan Hotel. 44-3t SITUATIONS WANTED. see ae LS ae TANTED Young indy desires po- sition. 6 years business experience. Apply H. G,, post office box 818. 30tf WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG lady to care for children during after- noons, Apply to P. 0. Box 411. 45-1 DRESSMAKING: WILLING TO GO out by the day. Apply 507 Braemar st. 45-3t WANTED TO'BUY WANTED TO BUY Building lots in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. See RBH, WANTED GOOD SECOND HAND bicycle. Apply at the Bartlett LOST AND FOUND eae LOST AT EXHIBITION GROUNDS on Thursday, diamond ring, small size, Return to Mr, Turpin, 627 Main St. Reward given. 45-tf WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED Modern, for few months. Careful ten- ants, No children. Can give refer- ences, Phone 536. 44-3 A SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS Department has every facility for sup- Diving the most satiatactory. Apply after 6 o'clock ) W4NTED LADIES' AND GENTS* wanted for light house keeping. Ap- Ply to News office, AB-tt board. No other need apply. Write Z Box 1345, News office. 45-3t STRAYED GENERAL SERVANT WANTED 50 REWARD The above will be payed for information that will lead to the recovery of one brown gelding with white stripe on nose, years old, and weight about 1300 Iba, Brand HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1800 Ibs., branded ) on left thigh. These horses were ) last seen at Pete Weiss on the 13th of May. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat. sate NURSING ISS AMBROSE Trained Nurse. 09 Braemar St. Phone 747. 35-12t CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A, resident partner. Phone. 198, Burns Block. 2Tbatt CORSETIERRE GPIRELLA Corsets made to mess- jure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. m. to 5 p.m. Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, in evening. House phone 699. Mra, Matthews, Au 22-3 m AUCTIONEERS H- 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch - and farm stock sales conducted any-, where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- Derlence at your disposal free. Phone 103, H. B. Browne Co, 619 To ronto St. 1s2ata STOCK AND FURNITURE SALE A Specialty. Prices right. Call or writ 0 n St Medicine Hat, G, L, Satterlee. 44-8 cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, etc., raw nides and furs, horse hair, wool and f ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 312 Forth avenue, opposite Dreamiand theatre. P, 0, bex 358 Phone 296. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 28Dte. A small want ad in The Daily News Classified Column will bring results, 4. Where you get the Big D STANAGE LEAL KILLING PIL Clark Griffith ought to his catching staff, for th Witiiams bave turned who tried to stea men other set of wind-paddist erican League, namely, 7 pegged out 38 athletes to burglarize, Ainsmith ams 10. The backst flagged the greatest nun ers-bent on purloining s age of the Tigers, who 1 44 mon. Washington Henry, 2 24; Williams 10 total 7 St, Louis, Stephens, 27; Ketter 8; Criger. 1- New York, Sweeney, 3: Sterrett, 1; Fisher, 1; total 63. Chicago Block, 28; K livan, 11 total 62. Athletics Thomas, 25 Lapp, 17; total 61. Cleveland, Easterly, 34 Adams, 11; Livingston, Detroit Stanage, 44; McGuire, 1 total 56. Boston Carrigan, 20; 18; Thomas; 5; Cady, 4 The Ottawa team has League pennant spiked season closes on. Labo there is not one chan the Senators being ove ball has ousted lcrose wa, and the club has money-maker. NOTICE is hereby giv of property. in the city all noxious weeds on th troyed by the Sist of Al Proceedings will be ta date against all those * harboring noxtous weet law No. 175 of the Cit; Hat. Z (Signed) H. B. Aug. 24th, 1912. dies and Gents Tailc We have a fine rang LADIES and ( FALL SUIT Come and judge fo Also see the latest See us about yor P.8 We will sell yo the yard if you w WORT Phone 517.
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Image 397 (1912-08-31), from microfilm reel 397, (CU1739431). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.