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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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feet fobsns oy ae DAILY NE consider st. Don't be por CHEAP LUM- it's cheap- use the fe hive it, aud ev- Builder requires. LUMBER, H, FIR FINISH, , MAPLE, BIRCH LOORINGS. he agency for the organ Doors, R BEAUTIFUL That little girl of yesterday is a young lady today her frocks are most becoming, it 1s te happiest time of her young Nothing but a picture can keep Now really isn't summer her as she is. it worth a picture? Make the Appointment Today. THE BARTLETT STUDIO, FOURTH AVENUE. if You Are Curious to see a transformation that will astonish you and one de- voutedly to be wished, send a suit of, clothin, coat or a tailored ladies suit to us and you will have it. is astonishing how our, method of dry cleaning. renovates your garments so that they look just like new when they are return- ed trom THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. ALINE SMUT .. Quart ..Pint AY MORE Drug and tore your fall CANADIAN PACIFIC CURTIS Stampede FRONTIER DAYS CELEBRA- CALGARY SEPT. d-T, 1912 SINGLE FARE For the Round Trip. Going dates August 81-Sept. 6. Final Return Limit Sept. 9. Apply to Local Agent for Tickets, R. G, MeNEILLIE, Dist. Pasenger Agent, Calgary. hieinivimivinininist LEADER a sar ILDERS 3URB WITH YoU PLACING. FOR A BUILDING ATES FREE. t to City Hall. eiriniciicieieisiet L, A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent. Medilcne Hat. Phone 201. EY BROS. Sa nd Contractors. v ., Phone 434 - Box 304. ates. Free. Prepared. Hardwood Flooring in your house will give you a floor that will last a lite- We can supply you with Oak, Maple, and Birch flooring at very little more cost to you than the common STABLE PHONE 2 728 S. FOLLIS cting Co. RONTO ST. Sand, Coal Gravel ng a Specialty. Y Horses for sale at Times, ND EXCAVATING Sand for Sale, Photie No. 418, 1. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish, Samples, he Gas Gity Lumber Co y Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill Phone 283, Ask for T. F. Reynolds immonds amp CONTRACTOR aptly attended to. 1 No. 335. PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples fn Wall Paper. Phone 690, 120 Eighth Ave, PEOPLE S gt; Btockholm, Aug..25, Pastor Russell ot London Tabernacle arrived from Finland this morning, He, addressed two large Swedish tions here and Icayes to-night for Copenhagen, Kiel, Brussels and London. We re- port one of his addresses, trom I. imothy ii, 6, 6: There is one God, and one Medistor between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a Ransom for all, to be testi. fied in due time. He said: w did His death influence God to the forgiveness of human sin? And why was the better sacrifice. of Jesus typified by the sacrifice of bulls and goats under tho Jewish Law Covenant? A right understanding, a correot und of these mat- ters is the very essence of true theo. logy, snd most helpful to us all. ie ine arrangement proposes that everything in accord with God must -be absolutely perfect. Both angels and men were created perfect, in God's image. And the Diving Law, in the interest of all, cuts off from fellowship and blessings all who deliberately go into sin, and fellow- ships only such as are perfect. Hence the sentence upon Father Adam for hhis disobedience cut him. off from Divine fellowship and favor under the sentence, Dying, thou shalt di (Genesis fi, 17) not, Going to eter- nal torment, thou shalt roast. True, Adam s children were never thus condemned, but born in sin and ghapen in iniquity (Psalm ii, 5), under the laws of heredi* they never were perfect, never were fully in the image of God, never wer , therefore, in harmony with God. but always shared Father-Adam s alienation and condenination. They were children of wrath (Ephesians -i -3) justly sharing their Father Adam s penalty of death, because imperfect not worthy of life under the Divine ar- Tangement. Whoever sees clearly these facts of Scripture must perceive that human- ity would have no hope of everlasting life except through Divine mercy forciveness. But some one will say, Why should there be ary necessity for the Logos to leave heavenly glory and be made flesh and then to die, the Just for the unjust, to make ossible our return to Divine favor? Vhy should not. God forgive the sins of Adam and his race even as we are directed to forgive those who trespass against us? God's attitude towards sin. ve properly. is different. His work erfect. (Deuteronomy xxxii, 4.) fe created Adam in His own imag We sinners are not God's creation dizect, but have merely come into exisince under laws of heredity. Justice is All rights: Father Adam were forf a been abrogated. From the Divine standpoint of justice, our race is a dead one. More than this the great Supreme Ruler and Judge of the Uni- verse, having condemned us as unfit for eternal life and fellowship with Himself, could not justly set aside His own decree. God could not, therefore, justly, righteously, change His verdict, for that would imply that our sentence was an unjust one. The, Divine. Government refuses to be thus compromised, but instead has provided a salvation for humanity through Jesus death. The method adopted maintains the dignjty of the Divine Law to the full, and at the game time reveals the fact that our Creator is the very embodiment of sympathy and love qualities of His which never would have been 0 fully. appreciated by either angels or men unless God had permitted human sin. hhad provided the ity He did, and then provided the Redemption through the Logos Jesus. A mediator is one who stands be- tween two parties who are st vari- ance, for the purpose of bringing about reconciliation. The two parties mentioned in our text are not God and the Church, but God and the world mankind in general, Man sinned. God justly condemned. the inner. The Meiator s first work in reconciliation must be to offer,a sub- stitute to Justice for Adam's sin, Our ext tells us that the Man Christ Jesus did this very thing He gave Himeelf to be a Ransom-price for all mankind. He did this when He reached perfect manhood, at thirty of ge, when He consecrated ife to God even life to unto death. He finished this giving of Himself on Galyary when He cried, It is finish- ed. ohn xix, 90.) The perfect. spotless, unsontaminated lite of the fan Obrist Jesus, thus laid down a voluntary sacrifice, constitutes a Ransom-price for Adam and his race. The word Ransom in our text has a very meaning, namely, 9 corresponding price. Adam in was in- Ss very The Man Jesus, who gave corresponding price, was . He the penalty against Adam, entire race has shared. great transaction, accomplished nearly nineteen centuries ago, is not yet erally proclaimed, but will be tified to all in due time, our text declares. As yet oly the few, guided the Word and enlightened by the fol; ipirit, can appreciate is mat- ter, because its details have not yet been fully worked out. When all its mighty work ie seen, Praise shall all tongues employ. St. Paul declares that the calling selection-of the Church to become LEP ETe Eee eee + + POLITICS AND POLITICIANS - + bob eeee eee eed Colonel Roosevelt, is to speak at the Minnesota State Fait early in Sep- temebr. Arthur E. Reimer, the Socialist (Hebrews ix, finished will the real work of Media- tion and Atonement for the sin of the world take place. self, serves rangement by fulfilling the terms of hie sonrenan of sacrifice. , 5. or Servant, His memb rs-are sseociated. inthis star orator of Tammany Hall, declared himselfin favor of Roosevelt for President. PULPIT. THE WORLD'S NEED OF A MEDIATOR Why Savior and Redemp- tive Work Are Necessary for Salvation. the Bride of Christ and His Joint- heir in His Messianic Kingdom is a Mystery appreciated by few. The Mystery is that in the Great Jehovah's Plan this Elect Church, now in pro- cess of selection, is to constitute with Jesus her Redeemer the great Mediu. tor who, during the Millehnium, will mediate the New Covenant between and m in general. The foundation for all that Mediatorial work the all-essential basis of it Was effected by our Lord Jesus alove when He, as the Man Christ Jesus, favo Himself a Ransom-price tor all. fut the great work of reconciliation belongs to the future. and is to be shared in by the Bride class. Well did John the Baptist Jesus and say, Behold, the God which taketh away the sin of the world. (John i, 29,36.) In Jesus resided the Ransom-price, and not in His Church; in Jesus work, and not in our work; in Jesus sacrifice, and not in our sacrifice, was the potency for the cleansing away of Adam's sin and the setting aside of his death Penalty. Whatever share the Church Was granted in the great work of the world s reconciliation was by grace and not b sacrifice. Z The Redeemer has not yet. begun His work of Mediation between and men. He merely provided. the basis of that reconciliation in His death at Calvary. The merit of His sacrifice is in Jehovah's handi is not yet appropriated for the sins of the world. The world s sins are not yet forgiven. Hence God still treats the world. as sinners, aliens, foreign- rs, enemies through evil works. Everything is in readiness for the forgiveness of the sjns of the world; but the Redeemer waits until He shall have accomplished another feature of the Divine Program, name- ly, the selection of the Church to be is Bride; or under another figure Y our merit, not by our of the Body of the Mediator, under the Redeemer's Headship. For Moses veril; said unto the fathers, A Prophet shall the Lord your, God raise up unto you from amongst your brethren like unto me Moses ; Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever He shall say unto you. And the per- son that will not obey that Prophet that Teacher , shall be destroyed from amongst the people. Acts iti, (22, 23. This antitypical Moses, Head and members, has been in process of de- velopment, or raising up, for now nearly nineteen centuries. God Taised up Jesus the very first, and is since raising up us also by Jesus. And through the First Resurrection shortly the entire Body, the Messiah of glory, will be changed, made partakers of the divine nature. Revelation xx, 6; II. Peter i The antitypical Moses will inaugu- rate the New Covenant with Israel arid the world, even as the typical Moses inaugurated the old Law Cove. nant with typical Israel at Mt. Sinai As the oli Covenant had sacrifices of bulls and goats and was inaugurated first by a sprinkling of the tables of the , representing a satisfaction e Justice, and secondly the sprinkling of all the people, repre- senting their reconciliation through the same sacrifice, so the antitypical Moses, the Mediator of the New or antitypical Covenant, must first pro- duce better sacrifices, the antitypi- eal, and then with the merit of these make satisfaction to Divine Justice and reconcile the people all who are willing of the whole world. When Moses slew the animals whose blood made effective: the typical Covenant which he mediated, that sacrificing was merely a preparatory work. The Law Covenant was not mediated in any sense of the word until the ani- mals were all slain and the blood wes sprinkled on the tables of the Law. in the antitype, Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant, must first, after the pattern of Moses, com- plete all His sacrificing before He begins the work of Mediation. First of all, as we have seen, He offered up Himself without. spot unto God, finishing that work at Calvary. Since then He has been accepting and offer- ing up as a part of His own sacrifice the members of the Church, as they come unto the Father through Him, pregenting their bodies to be living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God. (Romans xii, 1.) This sacrifice. ing of the flesh of Christ has been in Not un for nearly nineteen centurie: fot until these better sacrifices 23). shall have been All those who now ptesent their bodies to Jesns, desiring to share with Him in suffering for righteousness in this present time, have share with Him in His coming gory sud. Ringiom all Mieee sre in that they may ible language able ministets (ser- vants) of the New Covenant. They are servi though it with the precious blood. They are serving in calling those who ha ear to hear, in privilege - of suffering with Christ, that they msy also reign with Him: They serve the New Covenant in help- ing to build one another up in th most holy faith and in assisting one another in the narrow way of faith- fulness and self-snerifice even unto jeath, the New Covenant, ai- as not yet been sealed an. showing them the But specially these, each for him- e New Covenant ar- (Psalm Jesus was the first Minister, of this Covenant. All of The Progre: ve Party in New York State has selected for ts official em- blem a moosehead within a black square. W. Bourke Cockran, formerly the has William J. Bryan has promised to stump the State of Indiana this fall in Labor candidate for President, is only 35 years old. the Interest of the Democratic Na- tional an . the render ministry Ean f- clares. acelaimin, upon the to be members of the Body of Mes. siah, under Jess the Head members am Advocate. with Christ the Righteo humanity, who Message of this cept its term: living sacrifi footstep follor cause thes are childre: rath, and-by to th justifying them he Hi appear in the 8 consecrated room. rece to. the holds or dress, of Commons, he said, when I see aman who is not able to make.a very eloquent snerch. but is doing: his best and puttin: convinced that time and thought have been given to the: preparation, of the speech, That man nd I make a mental note of his capa- bilities, and an anxions to give anoth-r opportunity to speak. Wh n the ministry service nplet- crlfivg aball have been . of this New Covenant in glory will begin. Ohrist, the Messiah, the Mediator in glory, as the Antitypical Melchisedek, will combine the office of King with His other Office of Priest, or Lnstruc- tor and Helper. The first work will be th tion of the blood of Atonement, Ransom-price for the sins of whole world.-As soon as thus sented on man s behalf, Divine tice will accept it. Forthwith the world will no longer be enemies of God, children of wrath, without God and without hope, but on the con- trary, the Ransom-price for their sins having been accepted, the of death against all will be and the whole world will be turned over to the control of the Mediator. He ing -mediated towards God, and having made satisfac on for h man sin through the rit. of Hi own sacrifice, will then pr ceed reconelle the world, During the six thousind years of the reign Of sin and death the world has become 80 alienated from thet the rity do not gt; earne desire reconciliation. This, however. is because of their weakness and ignorance, For thousand years the great Mediator will instruct them giving chastenings where necessary and. in. proportion to their spirit of wilfulness, and thus gradually: He will uplift them out of their ignor- ance, blindness and sin defilement out of the tomb and out of all the weaknesses of the dying condition back into the image of God, from which all-fell in Father Adam: The only exceptions to this rule will be that sich as wilfully, intelligently raject the Divine provision for their reoovery will be punished: wit lasting destruction. They will pe like brate beasts, as 8t. HL. Peter ii, 12.) The grand finale will be attained when every upplica- th: the pre- Fe to creature in heaven and in the earth nd under the enrth shall be heard praigo to Him that sitteth hrone, and unto the Lamb forever. Revelation v, 13. From the foregoing it will be seen that the world s salvation is to be a Restitution to human perfection an earthl Adam's disobedience tieed also that the Church has no part with the world in that Restitu- tion, nor in that Mediation for a thousand years. The Church. will be members of the Mediator who will confer the Restitution blessings and privileges on the non-elect. But the fact that the Church will not be numib red with mankind in the human Mediation which will take place during the Millennium, does not mean that the Church now has no sins, nor that those sins do not need tobe covered and cancelled. dos mean that the Church is not to get back the buman life and earthly. rights forfeited by restored under the Mediator's King- dom. Instead, the Chureh i glory, honor and immortality hea enly nature. As a reward for parti- cipation she shall be eternal glories. Eden lost through Father Tt will be no- It Adam and to be promised in: the suffer: ade f Christ sharer jn His What the Church needs and has is the Father Jesus Thousands, of with sin and desirous of recon- tion with God and who hear the pel Age and ac- esent their bodies and purpose to be rs of Jesus. But be, . their sacrifices could of the Father as was hence they need an it in the hands of It of His sacrifice, The SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson IX. Third Quarter, For Sevt. 1, 1912, THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ; Text of the Lesson, Mark vi, 14-29 Memory Verses, 27, 28 Golden Text Rev. ii, 10 (R. V.) Commentary Pre. pared by Rev. D. M, Stearns, This lesson is a look backward te the murder of Jon the Buptist and the cause of it Tidings of the mighty works dope by Jesus and Hix follow ere bad reached the ears of King Her 0d, and be was perplered and thougnt that Jobn must be risen from the Gead. Others sald, It ix Elijah. ane still others said, It In one of the vio propbets riser Agnlo. Herod said Joho have bebeaded, but wh i this of whom bear such things? (uke tx, 7-9. It is sald that be de sired to see Him. and when Just te fore. His erncitixion Pilate seut Bim to Herod, who war in Jerusalem that time, i In written that ne wa exceedingly glad. for he was desirour to see Him of a long season. because he bad beard many things of Him and be hoped to have seen nome mira cle done by Him (Lake xxiii, 1. Her od s question, Who 1 of the greatest of all q find it In Jer. xxx. 21, tn connection witb Eis becoming surety for His peo ple; in fea. Ixilt, T. in connection with Bile coming in judgment: in Luke + 21, fn connection with His forgiving sins, and in Luke vil, 49, also: In Matt. xxi, 10, as He entered Jerusalem on the ass colt. Blessed Indeed nre all who know Him. not only ax Ixrael s Messiah and the great head of the chureh aud the King of kings and Lord of lords, but as thelr own per sonut Saviour, who became surety for them, bore their sins tn Hix. avn body and has asnured them of the fors ness of their sins. Apart from thi personal knowledxe of Him as the one who loved me and gave Himselt tor me (Gal. ii, 20), al else is ax nothing. The record goes on to tell ux why Herod had killed Jon. He bid taken Herodias, bis brother Philip's wife. t be his-wite,-and Jota nad tod nit that It was not lawful to do this Therefore Herodins bad an inward grudge against Joho and would bi killed him If she could (verse 19. mar. gin. But Herod, knowing John to be a Just and poly man, beard him sind ly and did many things and kept and saved him (verse 20, margin. Thus things went. on, Herod knowing and admiring the rizht, yet doing the wrong, and Herodias a nort of Jezebel to help him in the wrong. and the dovit controiling afl. What a pleture of Teal life It is, for the devil ds, stilt the god of this world, and the world Heth In the wicked one Now we have an account of one of the devil's supreme occasions Her od s birthday and a supper for bir Jords, high cap al chief estates of Galilee. It must have been a great gathering of the notable people of the land, to which multitudes would con sider ft an honor to be invited a kind ot Belsbazzar s feast on a smaller scale, but with the same spirit of im plety and disregard of God. Oh. how much there Is of it today and even among those who are called Chris. kept to be given by tans But the world is ever the nauie, world of mankind, to full Restitution. dvoeate of His footstep fol- 's sacrifice to the Church good her. imperfections, so that her seerifice may in God s sight ntable. imputation. of the merit of is sacrifice was made for el of Church at ones long ago when fagce d up on high, there to Adv The ciples in the the Pentecostal bless- ng as the evidence that Jesus as their dvocate had eared for them and mputed of His merit for them, so hat their sacrifices were acceptable Father. The same. principle true throughout this Gospel our The Speaker's Hints. Hints to future members of British Parliament were given by the Speak- mt, who di boys. at warned them especially against slop- ributed the prizes to the Framlingham College. He ess in thought, conduct, demeanor As Speaker of the House his heart into it, 1 am am glad to hear, Road Markers. On some of the Yorkshire moors white posts are to be seen along the narrow tracks which serve as roads. They are called d something like boundary posts in ap- nearanee, imagine that they really did denote a county or parish boundary, but such is not the case. When snow covers the ground and the paths are invisible these posts point out where ther lie and rom being los stoops and are A casual observer might 20 save the wayfarer ondon A Huge Boulder. Perhaps the largest boulder yet re- ported is one of sandstone, at Caith. ness, Scotland, which now contains quarry about 200 yards long. huge Scandinavia when the glacier completely filled the The mass was transpor from by the ice at a time orth. Sea, The Swedish American Republican League, for many years an Influential factor in Illinois politics, has decided to take no active part in the present campaign because of dissension In its membership, caused by the fromation of the third party. : Rey, Aaron S. Watkins, the Prohib- ition Party candidate for Vive-Presi- dent of the United States, formally notified of his nomination at will, be whether the angodly or the religious world, and all that is in the. world, the lust of the flesh and the Inst of the eyes and the pride of iife, is not of theFather, but is of the world. The friendship of the world Is enmity with God 1 Jobo il, 15-17; Jas. Iv, 4). There would no doubt be royul wine in abundance, according to the state of the king. and the eating and drink- ing would be according to every man's pleasure (Est 1, 7, 8). There wan some special dancing also, and the daughter of Herodias danced so well that the king sald ynto her with an oath, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me I will give it thee unto the half of my kingdom (verses 22, 23), Being instrneted by her, mother, she asked for the head of John the Baptist in a charger. The king's order must be obeyed, sind mmiediately the execu- Honer does his awfil work, atid. th erndge of the wicked Herodias ts gratified ax rhe obtains possession of the head of him she eo hated for dar- ing to rebuke her sin, Naboth's death at the bands of Jezebel or by ber command was somewhat on the anme line of things, as far as the death of the tnnocent and onoffending to pletine the wicked was concerned. Bat the great Murderer has been at work ever since he caused the death of Abel, and he is not through yet. Those who are willlng to do bie work cannot complain If some time thes *bare his doom in the Inke of fire pre pared for the devii and bis angels, It was a wretched birthday for Herod. and we saw at the beginning of our lesson that be could not forget bis part inthe murder of John, He bas Not forgotten It yet, for we conclude trom Loke xvi, 25, that memory plays very important part in the torment of the lost. Althongh it seemed hard for John to be thus taken of the earth, tt waa In reality a good day for him, for be bad the gain, the very far better of Phil. 1, 21, 28 and he bas been well and happy ever since, and the glory of the kingdom ati) awaits him, His disciples buried his body, but John was not at the burial. It has long been 2 comfort to me to co sider that if the Lord does not come while I llve and this mortal body shall some day be buried I will not be at the funeral, but absent from the body, Present with the Lord, Representative John W, Dwight, of the Phirtieth New York district, who has been the Republican whip of the House for several years, has decided that he will not again be a candidate for Congress The women are to vote this year for president In the States of Color- ado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, California his home-in-Ada,-O,-on-Sept 6 hington. The six States have a total of thirty- ight votes in tha Electoral College aie Can Y ouBeat This? Section Eleven, Township Thirteen, Range Three, for sale at ELEVEN DOLLARS. per Two dollars per acre down, balance term of Hight Interest at five per Must be sold within acre. Years. cent. thirty days. Write owner, A Je oO Milk River, ALBERTA SAFE AND - AGENTS FOR m Fire Proof Safes Vaults and Vault Doors (Over 25 years on the Market.) Only Air Chamber Safe Made. chemi. The Bau THE ROYAL STANDARD TYPEWRITER. The most reliable machine made. ALL STEEL FILING CABINETS AND OFFICE We have no exhibit at the Fair, but eall at our Show Rooms, 368 Toronto St., while in the city and we will be glad to show you our goods. - OFFICE: 368 TORONTO ST. vo AQLLLNGER AGENCY A Good Buy is Good Business GET BUSY TOWNSITE Block 85, 50 ft,, 1250, terms. Block-85,200 ft. corner, 3100, Block 86, 100 ft. corner, 4000, SEMI-BUSINESS (On Toronto St.) Block 51, 100 ft. corner, at only 100. per prices-and you will find this A REAL SNAP. NORTH YUILL Block 9, 60 ft, 900, terms, Block 7, 50 ft. corner, 1050. 42-4 Block 3, 62: Block 3, 50 ft. eorx COUSINS 4 Block 2, 50 Block 5, Block T, 56 ft, Block 11, 50 tt, Compare , terms, 150, terms. P. : aye. terms. 1050, terms. Block 8, 60 ft., 1350, terms. These prices will never be any lower but will soon be a heap higher. Who is going to make the'heap? You or the other fellow? Block 5, 60 Block 43, 50 1 x iS Costeatectectest : Saseete oeseee eee eet. Ceatateateet i ee Soho ote aofoateetrete 4 Western Canada Lumber Co.Ltd. LARGE STOCK OF Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Cedar. Cedar Doors; Fir, Flooring, areye s 4 2, 5 z ost Ms rte toot yo on oe e e 2 Finish, Fir and Maple, and Oak SOLE AGENTS FOR Paroid: Roofing, Neponset Water- ponset Roofing, Felt, joard requires no w a 0-4 te 2 seg e e tet 2 is re v So-atey 2 oS eo sees es af proof Paper, Ne B. and 8. Wall B further finish. SEE US BEFORE BUYING, YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. S oes e lt;, 00 2 s e o aS 34 aoe eet . so-ane Py PHONE 467 Bi BR 3 Pee OE
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Image 396 (1912-08-31), from microfilm reel 396, (CU1739434). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.