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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS, , April 6th, 1912, Listen you a farnishing goods tasty ae g 0 Se Soe Easter You will shine if we su ply you with your furnishings for the EASTER We are showing some nice Seatiaive designs in Neckwear, Hosiery, Hats and also Clothing and . Shoes that are up-to-the-mark in style and finish. You will have tHat well-dressed feeling in our Put your head into one of Our Hats. Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street: SOCIAL ANDI PERSONAL Winnipeg are vibitur with Mrs. J. A. Cameron of this city. Miss Cora Trimble and Miss Hazel Cartert are spending the holiday in Caigury. Mr. W. A. Buchanan, M.P., was in toma yehterday and leit for Leth) 4 bridge last night. Fred Wheatley of Brooks spent the holiday im town, Goo. Ress of Irvine came to town on the holida town. Owing-to so manp people being out of the city dor the holidays Miss Ca- Mies Camere ie Hvat of EOE Wil pwtros en il J. H. Doane has returned to town. . Fulton of Battle Creek, Sask,, L. H. Hill of Reyina and B, Dalbeck of Red ,Deer are visitors im town from a dintunce. Messrs, H. Bassct and Cox came in their ranch yesterday. H. A, Mounty ant A. R. Cline have retzirtied to town. Social and Personal on Fase Seven. Ss Shilohis Gure m ro HEALS THE 25 CENTS ust Be Sold The store and business in this city, known as the Emporium, This ie a money maker and will Stand the closest investigation, Lease can be transferred. For full particulars, apply Cc. J. HALL, Owner 894 Toronto Street. LUNGS Citizens gt; raoesettetioste tte te deci diedtritestetie dete laying qualities. ting.. Cockerels for e, A. J. N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE a PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS This is a breed of Poultry which meets every requirement. The utility bird of the century large, beautifully plumaged and unexcelled in Eggs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- The Moonshiner's Daughter . The Sheriff's Decision SEE ABOUT THESE EACH. CORNER, 1400. CHOICE BUY IN ALTAWANA. Dreamland Theatre (The Old Reliable) TO-NIGHT e Champion Saturday. Coie early. The Great Two Orphans on Monday. McGregor Berry f BURNS BLOCK, MAIN STREET. BLK. 11, CENTRAL PARK, 800 PAIR. - BLE. 22, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX, 500 BLK, 24, CENTRAL PARK, 100 FOOT 44 BLE, COUSINS SISSONS, 3375. ... Kalem Drama - 8. A. Western Com. Melles Comedy oors open 7.15. Performance 7.45. es eo Pe ah eeheedesteete: rte and wild-cat it to death. Siege aeoatoats 103 Ps 2s ae Lossoresoonosonoseooserroorooooosssesegeo pay R.C. Beaker, H. rey For Giti i VIPS S SPSS SHS SISOS Medicine Hat FINAL NOTICE ALL ACCOUNTS DUE THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO. NOT SETTLED BY APRIL. ssociation have opened Committee Rooms Upstairs in the Hutchinson Block, Toronto Street. All those opposed to the Electric Street Rail- way By-Law and the Real Estate Wild-catting in Build up Medicine Hat but don t boost boom : Committee Rooms open from 9 a.m. to10 p.m. W. Huckvale, A. C. Hawthorne, G, (: or, L. W. McBean, F. G. ore H. L. Tweed, Hutchins n, J. E, Howson, H. . Robertson, 4 mith, A.P. Burns, . Treland, W. Association. Pree feGre- - Morrow, W. bet, Pingle; . Burton, FL FL Fatt, John Meiklejohn, J. T Bell, James Cain, S. T. Faweett, 8. W. Arbuckle,.E- L. Becker. fTedawta s Bargains CENTRAL PARK Bik. 19, lots 1-14, 600. Cash. Bik. 18, lots 27-28, 600. Cash. Blk. 2, lot 18, 950. Terms. Bik. 9, lots 97-88, 3750. Terms, Bik. 28, lots 27-40, 500. Terms, Blk. 29, lots 19-20, 600. Cash. Corner. Snap. NORTH YUILL Blk. 6, lots 16-17, 580. Cash. Bik. 7, lot 4, 630. Terms. Bik. 18, lot 1, 600. Terms. Bik. 10, lot 14, 500. Terms. COUSINS SISSONS Bik, 2, lots 5-6, 675. Terms. Bik. 26, lots 1-15, 200 each. Terms. Bik. 1, lots 25-26, 700. Terms. the dened gp tre Wee aoaxtra charge. Book Here is the Chance of Your Lifetime to Getin onthe GROUND mes FLOOR KD luck we are able to make you this offer. 5 Back Such an opportunity may not again-occur. as long as you live. tebe 203 FENT ON SOUTH RAILWAY ST. WITIL A GOOD HOUSE FOR ONLY Deliberately V the Rail Bik. 10, lots 3-4, 700. Terms. 1 corner on Highland St., 790. Terms. TOWNSITE Bik. 82, lot 20, 1050. Blk. 99, lot 2, 735. Terms. Blk 96, lot 14, 1000. Terms. Bik. 82, lot 5, 890. Terms. Bik, 52, lots 16-17, Hssojeach, Terms HAMILTON HEMEON Terms. Means to. Kamloops, B.C., / that form of indust the French. syndica ed is now being ad of the leaders in tt W. W. strikers alo Canadian Northern, are explaining to th they gather about successful campaign conducted in the c and in the tunnels a the pumps than outs strike camps. They CoRtty machinery o is fully Tithe han and that it Is the e world to see that bolts disappear my Some nuts rattle off Service and Quality Every Indication points to exceptional activity in the buil line this spring, and whatever Is wanted in reliable TOOLS, laine supply from our well assorted lines of HIGH. GRADE TOOLS. FOR SPRING CLEANING DAY We Offer as Follows: Hammers, 25 to 1.50. Saw, 1.75 to 2.50, Shovels, 1.98, Spades, 1.00. Rakes, 40e to 5c, Cathars Breet 0 to 4.00. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO, LTD. Phone 26, poeere sii Medicine Hat AML ESTATE GOTATE BARGAINS e LET US SHOW You WESTOVER USINESS SITES tliprier, North Ry and Ot- tawa at a bargain. CENTRAL PARK Lots 3-4, bik. 22 750. Terms.- Lots 9 and 10, blk. 8 840 cash. Lots 1-2, bik. 11 785. Terms. Lots 33-36, blk. 20 900. Terms Lots 35-36, bile. 11 - 800. Terms HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lots 25-26, blk. 21 840 cash. OLD TOWNSITE Lot 27, bik..82 1000. Terms. k nly. BENDING , bik. 3 160 Gach. Snap. SOMETHING NEW Try a Loaf Look for the Label TASSIE BROS. Phone 256 Afternoon 5c 10c. Monarch Theatre Her Ladyship s Page ........ The Mystery at Grange Music by the Monarch Orchestra. Thanhouser Drama Evening 10c 15 EACH ON? WHAT WE OFFER NOW. WE ARE HERE N monee: TO EXUHANGE TH TRY US FOR RESULTS. aya The Halfbreed s Daughter . - Aunt Jane's Legacy .... Afternoon 10c:and 5c. Youth vs. Old Age. Small Trades in Malocca. Lubin Comedy Evening 15c and 10c. Vit ec 2, Accident Insurance Co. 3 Oceatt Steamship Tickets, 500: ARE You A.G. TROTMAN f CO. Ground Floor Imperial Bank Bldg. 4th Are. PHONE.695.- PARK YESTERDAY WE SOLD A LARGE NUMBER OF LOTS TO THREE OF THE MOST CONSERVATIVE BUYERS IN MEDICINE SHAT Flood Conditic . Improved- ing Water Memphis, Tenn., conditions in the showed some impro ing when the sun * couragement to tho work of the rescue dreds. driven from t high water. All le LAST VERY LONG . Z OUR OAR IS AT YOUR SERVICE. seven-tenths of a fc Wistricts the levees WE HAVE A CHOICE SUB-DIVISIO FOR SALE 4 and 5, bik, 12, East Rd. Allowance. 900 Lot 17, bik, T. 2600 100 ft. corner, blk 5, on London, April servers says editori: Indications are ready to take her p1 Everybody EVERYBODY IS BUYING IN ALTAWANA. RIVER eons JUs' Apes BLCUr. WEST OF on Columbia Ave. oldest daughter in t duly noting Mr. Be of the-naval-prograr rec ritly published 500 EACH ALL-INSIDE THE 3 ILE CIRCLE, 945 FEE BUY IN MEDICINE HAT, THIS fade ey Would you not like nice home on the bank of the Saska an, less than ONE-HALF MILE from the POST Orricer THATS ESE LOTS FOR YOUR AND WE NOW LEAVE THESE PRICES WILL ADVANCE. TO 8760 SEVEN DAYS, THEY ARE WORTH MORE THAN THAT NOW, AGAIN WE REPEAT, 8500.00 IT TO YOU TO GET IN, 2s BUL WE HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DELIV, ABOVE PRICES FOR SEVEN: DAYS (3500) te AMINE MONEY FOR YOU WHILE YOU SLEEP. Perry, Sewell Perry te - Realty, Customs and Finuncial Broke, de Agents for Great West Life Assurance Co, ara ee Railway Hutehinson Block. Phone 126. Sooooeeoooese POSS eed CENTRAL PARK 500 Pr. Biks 29 and 27- Snap. 650 Pr. Corner, bik 29. Snap 31100 Pr i00 ft, blk 33. Snap. 3750 for 37 ft, bik. 5, 850-Pr. Bik.-11, 750 60 ft. x 200, bik. 38. Level HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 650 Pr Bik. 31. 735 Pr. Blk. 29, lots 1-9. Best buy in H.'S. Annex. 900 Pr Bik. 28 TORONTO ST. N. 1500 Lot 6, bik. 26. 5500 Lot 24, bik. 12. modern house, COUSINS SISSONS 210 each S. bik. 28. 500 Pr N. bik 24. 3700 Pr Bik. 19. 700 Pr. Blk. 20. 500 Pr Blk. 29. 400 Pr Blk. 26. 3735 Pr. Bik. 10 B. F. SOUCH Drug Store - Toronto St. Large H.W. treiand Co. Chronicle, we ciples it foreshadows its effect fs Sur ary and its scheme Fight spirit of Imper ier Borden wili do le himself and his pat does not make this principles,. whether ripe far an imperial remains to be sect conferences between Including the following . CHRISTIE S ZEPHYR CREAM SODAS. CHRISTIE'S GRAHAM WAFERS. CHRISTIE'S RECEPTION WAFERS. , CHRISTIE'S. SODAS IN LARGE BOXES. MeCORMICK S JERSEY CREAM SODAS. MOONEY S PERFECTION-SODASs --- gt; WESTON S FANCY BISCUITS. CARR S FANCY BISCUITS. , STEWARD TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 64.
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Image 555 (1912-04-06), from microfilm reel 555, (CU1738697). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.