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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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4th, 1912, store and com- llving apart - vill handte this, Apply 2agd12 iite r old, It. Price 3. NG Heavy win- , Barred Rock fing imported 4 Butt Orping- Address T. B. or phone 95, D WHEAT FOR ) days earlier clean and free on request. Bros., Bowell e . R-Ap. 18 Lots 18 and 3 new frame Il be sold en third down and wed to sult the o Win, Ansley, (3 Highland St, 21Tatt. 0 BUY Owner, one or hill, or in South nd terms. P. O. 22743 etting hens. Ad- ost office, 190dtt FOUND wher please des- iting to Box 1248 2286 a three-cornered ler please return at. 22843 ye in the post of- 1 please leave at 22803 ck change purse, bills and child's n. The latter is ke. Finder return ftice and get re- mate containing about couple of checks. on leaving at the 22603 neers, 519 Tor- es every Friday 1 o'clock. Ranch 2074 Thursday, April 4th, 1912. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. ALWAYS You-knew-the-old say- ing about Eastgr It id hardly-do to re peat it here ask your mother or your grand- mother what it is, Any- way, you iply must have something new on on that particular day. We would advise you to get your Spring Bon- net or Tie or better still your complete outfit from EE SES Turpin Bros. The Man's Stove Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth in our office, There are several Teaso values we always gi our knowledge of ers by our customers which would not be were they not treated fairly. few of which are listed below: 10 lots, block 8, Herald 265 each, Terms. Lot 7, block 2, Central Park, 50 ft 1100. Terms. 4 lots, block 28, H. 8. Annex 400 each. Ternts. LIST YOUR CITY PROPERTY WITH US, WE WILL SELL IT. OPEN ALL DAY TO-MORROW AS USUAL. 390 TORONTO STREET. 2 : AN EASY VICTORY s Tiehig , our method of doing business, ing and ever changing condi- tions; -making-owradvice invaluable to our custom - ers, and recommendations to friends of our custom- We offer you today many good investments, a We are THIE Farm Land Company FM GUNTHER LAND COMPANY PHONE 171. S oy eee Long Set s victory in the Lincoln- shire Handicap, the first of the legit - mate flat clasges of the season in England, was an easy one by four lengths. He is a alx-year-old bay. gelding, by Rabelais, out of Belle Per- due, oad Frang O Ne l was engaged month ago to ride him. The gelding ia owned by J. B. Joel (owner of the Derby winner Lanstar). Last year Long Set woh the Cambridgeshire handicap at 33 to I. In 1910 Mr. Joel bought him out of a selling race for 2500. In msiny of the double event ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, (Established OF LONDON, ENGLAND. (Established 2049,) The oldest and strongest accident com- pany in the world. Claims paid, over 30,000,000. Policies do not -diseriminate against Rail- way employees. Represented by W. C. Switzer. Medicine Hat, Alberta. eperprntrtes bets. made prior to the Lincolnshire Long Set and Rationally were tayen for the Lincoln handicap and Liver- pool Grand National at odds of 100 , A. Krauss. POPPED THE RAILWAY. PASSENGER'S z re LEOPPOTSSL SEED EETTTTESEIS IG GSITEIED . CITY OF MEDICINE HAT ened Soe ern Can, baseball magnates u + Calgary next Friday, nor is 4 there any prospect of modifi cation of thia elub s attitude yesterday at the abortive Medicine Hat meeting Eee eee eee BARNSLEY AND WEST BROMICH FOR ENGLISH CUP CW. AP, Cable) London Apr 3. Phe sent-tinat tes for the English Cup which result- ed in pointless draWa Saturday were replayed today. Swindon Town and Barnsley met at Nottitigham, no goal being scored in the first half. but in the second half Bariisley scored the winning goat over the southerners, and was qualified for the finals on April 20th, Blackburn Rovers and West Bromwich Albion played at Sheffield, no goal belmg scored and halt an hour's extra time was then ipiayed Shortly after the opening of the extra time West Bromwich scored the winning gogl. Blackburn did some warm work in Bromwich goal time after time in thrilling fashion. The kame was very fast throughout. The Swindon-Barnsley game was play- ed before twenty thousand spectators, many of the Barnsley lads walking into Nottingham, The winning goal came after magnificent work just be- fore timewas called: FOOTBALL GAME FRIDAY. football match has. been arranged for Good Friday at 3 p.m. on the old baseball ground of the Alberta Clay Products Company, Ltd:, between teams of Medicine Hat Division, C.P. R, employecs of the C. B. of R. B. and visiting Lethbridge lodge, who are being entertained by the locat div- ision. It is expected that a good game will result as the majority of the players learned the-game in the Ola Country. oe ole ole be ole che oh dhe he che oie dere oe FOOTBALL NOTES. They have no Canadian Football As- sociation to worry them in Quebec, even if it did make a difference as it doesnot in Ontario: However, the soccer game is in a thoroughly flow ishing condition in the east. The EEE EEE EE EE; - oy WHAT PEG SAYS + Winnipeg, Apr. 3. Winni- 4 veg 1 not likely to be repre. 4 afe sented at the meoting of West 4 fal (al PORE e Pw LY When a Man Marries W HEN aman marries he.quickly discovers his need: of innumerable things he had never thought of before. And the butcher, the baker and the cabinet maker have a new home to supply. j The new husband and wife must buy things to which they had previously given little thought. A thousand marriages mean a thousand new homes. merchants. They say, How cduld it pay us to lae repeating the story of our goods or service? ee If they could reach every possible customer with one advertisement and if people didn t forget there might be no object in keeping ever- iastingly at it. But because every possible customer does not read every advertisement, you must repeat. And because these thousands of new homes are every day coming into ex- istence, continuous advertising. brings increased results, Advertisin tht here is a fact Sverlooked by many * Perhaps some people knew your goods or your store five or ten years ago. Since then new- generations have come into existence. The boy of to-day is the man who will sign the cheques to-morrow. To- day your advertisements are of small interest to him. To-morrow. he is your customer, if you solicit his trade Saree advortincg. Every day thousands of people dis- Tr Te ao inet tee thee ceed ol your kind of goods. a ou be there every day with our bid for their business? s Or will you leave the field to your competitors? is the key that opens the door of these new homes to your goods. Is Advertising on your key-ring? Advice regarding advertising problems is, available through Se ee ees the Canadian Press. Association, Room 508, Lumsden king, Fr iy andes as oltigiaion au yer task odo cre f alata captain, George Moriarty from third base position is the belief of the Tiger squad, Moriarty has not yet put. in an appearance at the training camp. BASEBALL NOTES. tures from President Navin and says the Detroit club mist accept the terms or lose his services. O'Leary is play- ing short field in the meantime. Third Baseman Morlarty also has failed to report because of a cut in salary. Two s conducted any- niture sales con- onsult us, our ex- posal free. H. B. Toronto St. 182det call the meeting in. Montreal the oth- er night probably the greatest and most enthusiastic ever held in Can- ada, The Occasiofi was the annual meeting of the P.Q.F.A:, the body Which has pulled soccer football in Natty Nattress, who stayed in Buf- falo to help George Smith get the halls a-rolling on the latter's new al- rere leys, has gone to Charlottesville, N.C., , eat NEOUS , that province from out of the dim, to help start the baseball a-binging /of the Detrolt-plichers hav RE A COLD IN ONE DAY - dark depths.of despair and made it a for Sam Lichtenhein's Royals. ed to accept less money than last year. tae SE eee eet rella Corsets made Shortstop Bush of the Tigers is a ) That elther Louden or Westersell, fails to cure. B. W. GROVE'S signa game at once flourishing and alive prpnoed: jseeinat with future possibilities. Phone 594 or real handout. He has refused over-recruits will oust the Mrs. Jean Mat- Main St. 402d1mo tlamen s cast-off old gold; silver, , and all kinds of Best prices paid. Pressing Co., rear . 202d1mo 3. and. furs, horse thers, bought and Harvard Tailoring avenue, opposite vers, valises, sui . fh di 5 di: i h by of professional gumes In England a of Medicine Hat are here teeta oe eee ee ly lt;did infinitely more to gettihg the - -0,-box 701. st Prices Paid for 23Dtt. tS HAT HIDE, FUR . The above have election of Second r eity: We-carry- PUBLIC NOTICE Se heetovteatetontrefont requested to attend Public Meetings to discuss the various By-laws tobe voted on on April 12th, to be held and Bedding, new Clothiig, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, e of winter goods, - ; mentioned above yrices, Call at 504 or Phone 587; tft - 3 CARDS. MACHINES and ning Pianos and id to rent All e. W. J. Fleming, ect. tt, B.A.Sc. Engineer; rta Land Surveyor ur Railways, ewage, Irrigation, , Ete. 1 Hat, Phone 484 Cleaning ng Co. ce, Fourth Avenue, reased and Repaired to New. and Goods Bought Sold or and Delivered, (ARRIS, Proprietor, for the Dally News, as follows : Monday, April 8th, at the : City Hall, 1? Tuesday, April 9th, at the Montreal St. School, Wednesday, April 10th, at -the City Halt Meetings to commence at ; 8 p.m. sharp. M.A. BROWN, Acting. Mayor B sretetetetecetednnoed retarted Sesto ateeteeoateatetecteateatefestoate Albert Friedman announced his in- tention of donating a perpetual trophy emblematic of the soccer champion- ship of the Province of Quebec. Mr. Friedman will also donate medals for the winners and the runners-up. It is not at all unlikely, indeed pro- able, says The Montreal Witness, that the season about to open will see games with both Toronto and Ham- flton: The match played here with vi : : 3 2, Me rote Toronto last fall fell, but little short game on a good footing here than the Corinthian: fixture. Toronto won, it will be remembered, by the odd goal in three, and, being the only team in (Canada which lowered tie Corinth - fan's colors, it spoke well for the Mon treal eleven, who, though*the score was against them, certainly had the best of the play. With Hamilton, Toronto and Montreal figuring in in- terelty games, spring and fall, soccer football would be siven footing in ie (on which Would place It far above the precarious position it hag ben in for the past few years. This will be Cy. Young's twenty- third year in baseball, but the vet- eran is not superstitious and has no fear of the 23 sign. ee Connie Mack released an infielder named Piper recently. Probably Connie did not want to pay tie piper. Shee The C. P. R. Men s store will be open until 10 p.m. We are able up to that hour to have your sult ready. if i Come and See SEMI-READY CLOTHES One quality, the best; one price throughout the Dominion. H.S. Ireland CP.R. MEN'S STORE Think What It Means to guarantee every one of the thousands of BUCKLEY hats sold each season and to insure every one against accident. Don t you think that means a-wonderful-faith-on Ht beg tthe: manus facturer? Could we make such a Proposition if we didn t know that we have We do know. We know the quality of the materials, fashioned in a modern English factory, by conscientious Union workmen We know the correctness of the American styles, covering the widest range of shapes We know the satisfaction the best hat-value in Canada? BUCKLEY HATS are giving their wearers. We might ask you to take our word for it. We ask you to see for yourself. you a new one. We had faith in BUCKLEY hats. So will yours. Others do. But we won't. Wear a BUCKLEY. If at any time within three months. it fails to give complete satisfaction, or is damaged by accident, take it to the dealer you bought it from, and he will promptly give At the Best Shops Buckley Sons, London, England - - The Waldron- Drouin Co., Limited, Montreal We're satisfied to leave the verdict to you. That faith has been justified. 3.00
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Image 546 (1912-04-04), from microfilm reel 546, (CU1738692). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.