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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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1 4th, 1912, reet Railway ack Is asso. city building fe 1s m pretty enterprising easouably at stablishing a rill grow be- y eyery Buc- ion is that i lay from the rom Medicine Head Creek oad will also y deposits in osed Electric R. ie built it Hat s back fcate a steam ospectod. oposition be- chat It is ap- s born lucky ho Muniotpal uw By-law build, consider Don't be per-. CHEAP LUM- s cheap use the have it, and ev- uilder requires. ck of LUMBER, FIR FINISH, MAPLE, BIRCH ORINGS. agency for the gan Doors, -BEAETIEUL? D FIBRE, LATH POSTS, WIL POSTS -RD 7 Y CO.- BER PEOPLE PHONE 57 TEA size, well lighted, aodern conveniences. PLY TO Office. OAL MINING REGU- TIONS. ights of the Dominion. ba, Saskatche z wan and Territory, the Not more than 2,560: sed to one applicant a lease must b yplicant in p a lghfs applied rritory the sand must sections, or legal sub- tions, and in unsur- the tract appited for out by the applicant fon must be sccom- of 5 which will be re- ight upplied or are ut not otherwise. A paid on the merchant- mn. erating the mine shall nt with sworn returns the full quantity of ya mined and pay the . If the coal mining operated, such retarns ished at least once a include the coal min- but the lessee may be rchase whatever avail- hts thay be considered 1e working of the mine 10.00 an acre. formation application e to the Secretary of b-of-the Interior, Ot- y Agent or Sub-Agent, nds. . W. W. CORY, 1 said her -young man s work w. Thursday, Apri 4th, 1912. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Page 8 PRRREREEEEEEE EEE + The LEY US CONSIDER THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES TO BOTH THE COMPANY AND THE CITY IN BUILDING THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Remember that the Charter We are simply asking for the right to And-that-right, remember, may be discontinued at-any tim eb the cit LET US REGARD IT FROM THE COMPANY'S STANDPOINT FIRST: For this right we must stand the We must bear the cost of the We can not even use the line wi . . The money for the building If the line is unprofitable the loss is the company s. city has the right to take that part over at any time. At that instant the line will become Municipally owned and the Company's rights to it will be wiped out NoW LET US REGARD IT FROM THE CITY'S STANDPOINT: The city is asked for the privilege of running the line over a few streets to a terminal at the city market. THIS PRIVILEGE IS REVOCABLE For that right the City is not called upon For that right the city has the privilege For that Tight The installation of the line will mean an influx of people and capital from the outside. IT WILL MEAN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW INDUSTRIES IN OUR CITY THE LINE ALONE WILL MEAN A BIG INCREASE IN MEDICINE HAT S PAY ROLL. The building of this line will mean lower cost of living for Medicine It will mean the establishment of a summer resort at Elkwater Lake, The building of this line means another forward step in the progress of Medicine Hat. Its construction will be an undeniable proof of the enterprise of our citizens. Its operation means an increased pay. roll and an increased pay roll should be the.aim of every worthy citizen We believe that the big majority of the citizens are progressive and So Iei-i-i-t. Railway By-law rotintete MEDICINE HAT Oypress Hills through Dunmore to the City limits. business we will develop in the South Country. the City taking over that part-of the line within already gives us the right to build from the have a terminal in the city for the limits at the original -cost price. To repeat, we are asking for nothing more than the temporary right to enter the city. entire cost of constructing and equipimg-the line. t-of-way outside of the city limits. the city limits when completed until the city has approved of the cost of it. of this line has already been provided for. To build and equip the entire line will cost approximately three quarters of a million dollars. Tf the line is profitable the profits on that, part within the city will soon be taken from the Company because the ps AT ANY TIME. . to invest one cent of cash or cerdit. of taking over the line whenever they deem it a wise policy to do so. they will have the produce of the farms, such as m at, milk, eggs, etc., brought to the city daily. Hat. with the beautiful ride back and forth which can be enjoyed by every citizen of Medicine Hat. of Medicine Hat. , : that they will vote for this By-law. ininininini HIRED 10 BEAT A WIFC-BEATER attie Woman Takes Un- usual Method of Getting Revenge on Husband. Seattle, April 3 The- following ad- vertisement appeared in the help wanted column of an afternoon pap- er yesterday. Wanted A man to thrash a wife- beater. on dollars reward. Easy work. Mr gt; R. B. Gillies, 116 Nob Hill avenue. Eight men aplied for the job soon after the paper was on the street. The first aplicant was a little fellow, and Mrs. Gillies sent him away. The se- cond, a big, husky youth, said it would be a asure to do the work for 5. Mrs. Guflfes engaged him at once, and gave him instructions. Her husband must not be permanently disfigured or disabled, but must be slapped,-cho-. ked, knocked down and rolled-on the floor. When Robert, Bent Gillies, for- merly a Waterfront broker, returned home late in the afterfoon, Mrs. Gil- lies and ber beater were waiting for him. x Mrs. Gillies, telling the story today: excellent that she compelled him to ake the full 10 fee. Gillies could not be seen today. He is 53 years old, and his wife's age is the same. They have been married ten years. Both Seattle. Before les bad complained chief of police and prosecuting at- torney, without satisfactory results, she says. . Portage La Prairie, Man., April 3 James Gardiner Fairburn, a well known Gitizen died early this morn- ing. He bad been in poor health for some Unie. 2 e Board of Management of Knox-chyrch. He leaves a widow and eight children, they are George Palmer, Portage; Mrs. Wm. Orr, Portage; Mrs. Steve Garland, Portage; R. J. Fairbairn, Wetaskiw G. M. Fairbairh, Sas- katoon: and D. W A species of bird found in British Guinia is provided with claws at the ends of the wings to aid in climbing, trees while young, but which drop off when a bird becomes old enough to thy. 2 The last Tennis Dance of the season) will te held in the Opera House on) Haster Monday: 22383 i Greaiest Optical Sale ww oe Ever Offered el /// REMEMBER Das We have en lt;aged this well- ese ANE Aw i 7 ed known venient Seed Se to conduct this sale. oad a ; ?7 se - For3Days * Only, We Sell Our 5 Gold- oe q filled Spectacles and Eye- ya ; 3 re 2.00 Satisfaction and Accuracy Guaranteed or Moneyrei ata i the NATIONAL OPTICAL CO., of TORONTO, ONT., especially to conduct this great fe We have engaged the leading and expert REFRACTIONIST of give perfect satisfaction in every respect. ALL sale, in order to advertise our Optical Department-to the public. We have every confidence in our abil. EYES EXAMINED FREE. You only pay for what you purchase, and only keep it if satisfactory, otherwise return the article and receive your money back. We invite all persons with eyesight trouble to consult us and have their eyes skilfully examined- PREE of charge. Enormous reductions in prices. Your only opportunity to have your eyes examined FREE by this skilful and well known optician, who has a widespread experience in TESTING and FITTING EYES, and secure a pair of perfect fitting glasses at a low price. Special and preseription lenses at lowest price. REGULAR PRICES AF- TER THIS DATE. 7 IF YOU ARE TROUBLED WITH HEADACHE CONSULT US 5S: PECIAL-SALE ENDS MONDAY, APRIL 8th. From University of Toronto. WHAT THE MAYOR OF TORONTO SAYS Ex-Chief of Police, Sault-Ste.-Marie. Ss BREE EERE ERE EEE EER Pre The National Upucal 06, Toromt- 7 Dear Sir Replying to your enquiry re the glasses you fitted This is to corily, that the bearer of this letter, Sault Ste. Marie, Oat Mr Hopkins, of the National Optical Co., of this This Is to certify that I have-een fitted with glasses by. the for me, let me say that they uae een eee Barter Mars eet J reed : Mir. section ae seare have not been experigocing the sare com city, is personally known to me and that I regard sional Optica Co, of Toronto, and can say shat they have given him as highly trustworthy. me entire satisfaction In every respect, I believe any person wish- es a number of years, i have not been experiencing the same com- sfort that I should. Since wearing the pair with which you supplied , ing to consult these people: will recelve perfect satisfaction. (Signed) G. R. GEARY, 8igned) J. J. DOWNEY, Ex-Chlet of Police. Mayor of Toronto. me I freely admit that never bad such ease and such clearness of vision as I have at present. Street Yours sincerely, J. T. BURTEGENANS, Pha.B., B.A., Demonstrator, University of Toronto. Pingle s Drug Stor rt
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Image 544 (1912-04-04), from microfilm reel 544, (CU1738698). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.