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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page Two The pe Glasgow House Opportunity Seer If you have not taken advantage of the SPECIAL PRICES we are offering this month Pric es that are clearing our winter lines and saving you real money. Come in and See for Yourself. - Reduced Prices ali Through the Large Stock. - Mr, D. J. Downey having acquired an interest in our firm,-will take charge of the office duties.on the ist of February next. Mr. 8- -Paylor becomes genera manager, : - ters relating to the business up-to-the above date. Under the new arrangement we hope - to be favored with as full a share.of public patronage as in the past. H.W. Ireland Co. BROWN PEKOE regular 40 cents per pound, 4 pounds for one dollar. EXTRA CHOICE GOLDEN. PEKOE 50 cents per pound, 3 pounds for one dollar. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA lus Capital and Surp 105,000,000 Total Assets Over : Business Accounts carried on favorable terms. Savings Department in which Accounts may be opened with sums of 1.00 and upwards. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue, c i. Mamageedts x fai se ir. OF CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Special attention given to tho business of Ranchers and ; Farmers. Savings Bank Department at all branches. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH W,. 0. JOY, MANAGER. Piano Moving A Specialty oHORAYING. ie wERGHANTS an PHONE. HOLLINGER- ANDERSON Transfer Co. 364 Toronto Street, Published by the Medicine Hat News Con Lida every lawful evening at Its office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alta. A. J, N, TERRILL, Editor. HONE: PHONE: i Editorial, Advertiaing Reportorhil, and Cirewlation and News Dept Job Depts. 13 BING s. RING 2,43 DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-m, de 84.00 1 year by mail.. months, d1 6 months, by mail 3 months, del 1 month, del Addresses changed as often es desired, but both now and old ad reader rat be given. WEEKLY NRWS Published every Thursday in sixteen or more pages, and contains a Fumn-y of the news of the week Yocal and district, 6-months, in advance 76 3 months, in advance. 1 year tn advance.... 1.5 600 Monday, January 22nd, 1912 WHAT WE MUST RECOGNIZE, E are coming to realize that far- ming longer a robbing, but a re- compensing of the soil; that it costsas much to plant bad seed as good; that some- times cows are-pensioners- instead of pro- ducers; that bad highways are the heaviest road tax; that cheap. schools are the most expensive; that public health is national eapital; that juvenile delinqueney eomes less from depravity than from depriva- tion; that industrial accidents are not law- yers perquisites, but costs of production; that all idleness is not due to indolence; that social legislation is not an amicable avoeation, but an exacting profession; that municipal government should not be so skilfully designed to prevent bad men from doing harm, that it keeps honest and efficient men from doing good; that Medi- cine Hat must trust less .to a manifest destiny ? and more to a constructive pur- pose; that we are in need of further rail- way facilities and additional industries; that one of the surest-methods of building up the city is to encourage local capital to make home, instead of foreign inyest- ments; that the Martin-Phillip s by-law must carry by a big majority on Wednes- day if sve do not, wish to drive the capital out of the city to seek.investment else- where. : 207 THE TELEPHONE GIRL. e following as given by the Winona Republican-Herald, from.a man who knows /the woes of thd girls who are employed ds operators. in a telephone ex- change if not. by others: Amid the agitations oyer poor telephone ; service it occurs tous tket-or all import- ant feature of the game has been forgotten, viz:' The Telephone Girl. ? -We are all prone to criticize. She advises us that the line is busy. We get sore. She don t get our party at once. Again we roar. We roar if she dees and roar if she don t. How- ever consistent we may be in everything else,-w become unreasonable whenever we take down the receiver. Why in the me of common sense don t she arrange to have the other fellow ready to talk as soon as we call? Such gross neglect is inexcusable. Sometimes the wires are crossed and a multitude of voices drown ones-and the party to whom you wish to talk What does it matter if she did not cross them, she ought to climb the pole and ee that they are straightened out before she answers. What is she paid for any- way We ring. Why don t she answer at once? Seventeen plugs up and twenty- five ae down? What of that? Why in the blankety-blank can t she give us better service? We swear. Does she talk back? Oh, m0, in a sweet voice-shey says: Number please. neb55155000S O550505S00OE he is the very essence of patience. hold that if the mayor will only list hello girls in his matrimonial list, the demand Swill soon ex eed the supply- For patience Old Job was a man hard to beat though eovered with boils from his head to his feet. Now boils are blamed bad, we all have to own, but twas Ineky for Job. there was no telephone, for the Lord might have made him central some day. then he d had him a coming his w . Tis too,much, the old boy would have frantically cried, sworn a few times and laid down and died. Patience, we hold, is a gift most sublime, and a good thing ti any old time. But if anyone needs a large apply than the averiige person pr you and I, of all-hu- man beings under the hone girl must sure be the one. at the board frome morning a-plugging away with all her might, sa Hello, and number hour, doing quite all that really is not in a hurry at all. Then she tries to get in on the party this task often temps her the job to re Seventeen females talking at once girls on pianos-adoing-some stunts, ral- farmers discusisng the price of old h, and.the.Jids.all squalling in their sweet tle way, while the party she s after comes in 1 with a shout: Bor gosh sake, off, Medicine Nat News: Pray whom have we hear? What A telephone girl from that wicked old sphere? Come in faithful one; your trou- husband. ter, always takes his pay envelope un- made to help with the housewerk-and take low?? he asked. Wel conver Island, sun, tis thetelep- She sits till night, ing for hour after s in her power to favor a lobster who s rushing a call, yet lines Monday, January22nd,-1012 Monday. January 221 s Bets ev day, yet she never gets angry; it isn t her awy. But there s a hope in the future, so listen dear; stick by your receiver and be of i cheer. When you get three long rings at the pearly gate, we'll bet, the bon bons. yeu won't have to wait, St. Peter will say: bles are oe r, for our wires are ne er eros- sed on the beautiful shore, 30 gt; CANADIANS AS HUSBANDS. N OT long ago... - Irish journalist, in writing about--Canada, said-that,-as- a rule, Canadian husbands are surl: In reply to this charge A Britisher m Toronto, has-awritten a letter to Answers, claiming that the Canadian makes a good The average Canadian, says this wri- touched home to his wife. What Britis- her would do that? The Canadian is also more economical and quieter than the Old Countryman, and wherever he goes his wife and children go with him tl he is going on pleasure. . Altogeth r, this correspondent, evidently a Woman, thinks the Canadian makes a begger husband than the Britisher. ise But ave must not permit this kind of praise to make us vain. It is to be feared that a great many men'do not take their wives and children with them on their Sat urday afternoon pleasure trips, and that many fail to arrive home on pay day with their wages intact. Here, as elsewhere, husbands come in all. sorts and sizes, and rank as good, bad, and indifferent, but it is probably true that the native born hus- band is rather more tame than one who has been imported from Europe. The evidence of the woman whose letter we have quoted supports that of Mr. McMillan, of Rothe- say, who advised Old Countrymen not to marry Canadian girls, as they would be babies out in carriages. He would pro- bably jeer at the notion that it is a virtue in a husband to carry home his pay envelope untouched and hand it over, to his wife, or to have his family trailing along when -he gets an afternoon off. 0: JUST A LITTLE FUN. Governor Foss, of Massachusetts, tells state prison when he came across a priso- ner whose-features were familiar to him. What brought you here, my poor tek: You married me to a new woman a lit- He while ago, sir, . the prisoner replied with a grin. -Ah, I see, said the Parson; and she was domineering and extravagant, and she drove you to desperate courses, eh? No, said the prisoner, *my old woman turned up. Sasmnopdliten Magazine. v THIS DATE HISTORY.- January 22. 1720 Inaugiiration of the famous South Sea Bubble. 1774 -British parliament ingluded Michi- gan with Canada. 3 1788 Lord Byron, the famous poet, born, Died April 19, 1824, Eas ee 1827 Duke of Wellin -Comman- der-in-Chief of the British Army. 1890 Adam For epaugh, veteran circus manager, died in Philadelphia. Born in 1831. 1901 Queen Victoria died. + 24, 1819. 1906 Steamer Val wrecked Sa ae THIS IS MY 70th BIRTHDAY. Angus MacGillivary, f for many years one of the leaders in public affairs in Nova Scotia, January 22,.1842. After. completing his. education at St: Francis Xavier Uni- versity, he studied law and was called to the bar in 1874. Four years later he be- gai Wis public career as a member of the and served three -years. ater years he became a member of the Heeenive Couneil and of the Legislative Council and in 1902 he was appointed to the bench. Following his retirement from public life Mr. Mae Gillivary-bevame a lecturer on constitutio- nal history at St. Francis Xavier Univer- sity. ae CONGRATULATIONS TO: John A, Macdonald, editor of the Tor- onto Globe, 50 years old to-day. Maurice Henry. Hewlett, English. writer and critic years old to-day. Rev. Francis L.. Patton, president of Princetown Theological Seminary and for- mer President of Princeton University, Oh eut it out. All this, 2 then 69-ynArs old to-day. 5,000 damages instituted by Findley 'Y: that Mrs, McLeod was arrested and jicLeod was told that he need set go that King. George and Queen Mary of a well-known divine, who was visiting a 1 tt ++-cente per pound, Born May . Scotia, was born in Pictou County, Nova : legislative assembly of Nova Scotia, of. Swwhithr botty he-was Sees a eaker in 1883 WASN'T PINCHED Man who Sued NLR. 8.8 Co. for 5000 got in wrong Dispatch) Suthar- and today dismissed the acton for MeLeod against the Canadian North- ern Steamship Company, Limited. McLeod claimed that he was falsely arrested at Quebec, while bound for England *on the Royal Edward and was ejected with his Wife and children from the steamer and lost considerable time and money. He algo clalms that his good reputation was injured. Witnesses for the defence genied that McLeod was at ashore unless he desired to do so, NOT INTELLIGENT ANTICIPATION OF FUTURE EVENTS Pall Mall Gazette s Report King may Come Here a Romance. ( , A. P, Cable.) Jan. 22. The London, statement will go to-Canade-in 1914, and pos- sibly visit the United States is said here to be based on pure conjecture. Thus far the only foundation for the tory fs an article in the Pall-Mall Gazette on the contemplated Royal visits to COntinental countries and 'a which the writer suggested that King George might after going to France and Germany, determine to extend his travels to the Dominion across the At- Tantivin which case he would possibly visit the United States. The Pall-Mall Gazette, under its new management, is rapidly earning a reputation for romancing:and its sug- gestion of a Royal trans-Atlantic trip ligent anticipation of future events. PILES CURED1N 1AYS Your. druggist will refund money if PAZO: OINTMENT tails to cure any case.of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 500. ENGLISH CATTLE (W. A. P. Cable.) Liverpool, Jan. 22, John Rogers Company, Liverpool, today cable that trade was Very firm in the Birkenhead market and quotations which-were-for both States snd Canadians from 13 re mained unchanged. STEPMOTHER FACES CHARGE OF MURDER Little Girl 13 Years O14 was Found Dead in Attic Tied Girl Up. (Spectal to News). Oroville, Cal., Jan. 22 Much imter- BRITISH COLUMBIA Victoria, B.C, Jan. 22 The Brit. ish Columbia farmer will have his in- nings-in-the capital-thts week. Re- ginning today with a meeting of the British Columbla Fall Fair associa- tion annual sessions will be held dur- Ing this week by all of the organiza: tions In which the farmers are inter- ested, including the Provincial aisso- Get Ready : P57. P. Bee is not regarded in the light of- intel- For Winter ORDER YOUR STORM a SASH AND STO DOORS NOW a STORM SASH HANGERS. STORM SASH ADJUSTORS FELT WEATHER STRIPS. For upper sash of Windows. For sides of windows and doors. For bottom of doors. Width of moulding, 1 im... Wool- and Felt combined. Positively rain, snow, cold aod heal dust proof. All weather strips in 12 foot FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE . . Phone 57: One Trial WILL CONVIN you that our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE is the Best. Imp. Pints . - 40c. Imp. Quarts ..... 7c. Pingle s Drug and: oF Stone * : : : oa HOTSON LEADER gt; Decorating. - CONTRACTORS AND BUELDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING - YOUR ; CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. OMce Next to City Hall Now is the time to see about THAT ROOM YOU ARE: GOING TO HAVE red? Just phone 156 ani Rey- nolds. Stewart will be pleased to bring and show You their NEW SPRING WALL PAPER samples and give you an estimate on one or all the rooms of your house, REYNOLDS STEWART ; Opp. Binnings Sstore: Estimates furnished on ail kinds of Painting Paperhangiug R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Hes: Praying. ead esd Hoss Drasine, hae Fiend Delivered. PHONE NO. 349. - clations of datrymen, grain growers, pp etsininmiieteinieininininioieteted stock breeders, poultry rafsers and) - fruit growers. Present indications Polst to an unusually large attend ance, Licensed House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. -*Phone 260, J.J. LALT 116 MONTKEAL STREET CALGARY CUSTOMS (W. A. P. Dispatch) Calgary, Jan. 22,. Customs returns * for the Year show an Increase over last year of roughly 700,000, The figures are Ll follows: 1911 ,740,587.03, 1910 1,006,f55.33. 1909 624,204.84, 1908 426,431 1907 604,35 Shiloks Gure PRICE, 25 CENTS. STOPS COMGHS BESESTHELONcs Perey flo We are also selli balance of our winter wear at a y-low prices. we have left w last long at the 0 DON T DE Turpin B: The Man's Stone Wh Get the Big Dollar's JEWELE REPATIRI We give a great of attention to important branch work. OUR UP TO D EQUIPMENT plac: in.s position to de pairs that other would have to be out of town, FIRST CLASS W A;T REASONA PRICES, TRY U G. W. ELLI ELER AND OP Issuer of Marriage Li 30 1s the cout ot a six monthe'ec nights s Week,at the SOUTHERN ALB Sie MEDICINE HA baie pee oe Beoreroosooorse PE. M. CAW. Phm. B. Druggi: Comp tack of Toil Drug Sundties, Propriet cines, etc. Dispensing of Physic 8 specialty, Se For Sa Fors: Several trios of . thoi Partridge Rocks. Bit lish or American str some young cockerels A.J. N, TERI 812 Esplanade, or at Ni Ww. A. Henc Compa cuneate ACCOUNT AUDITORS ((Batablahed 18 Winnipeg, Lethbridge, 2 he B. albs0m, fA Pilon Noe 19g
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Image 116 (1912-01-22), from microfilm reel 116, (CU1738355). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.