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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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2 usa pion - ige Five xs MEDICINE HAT NEWS shenitmewtinn, a. DAILY EDITION WAP. AND C. ALP. TELEGEAPHIC SERVICE 1988 copies dally. 900 chroulated tn city tey + Thureday, Advertisers In Daily got denetit of the Weekly country otroulation ratra charge. Books open to advertisers, alt ister : wssenger ee VOL..2 NO 16 lt; p,,, MEDICINESHAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1912 Equipped ; ch Magneto; i : : Garhuretor : i W DESTRUCTION THREATENS THE trie ye WORLD S GREATEST PAPER te ; : Be MILLS AT APPLETON, WIS. voscualnss D : AND 5 Thirty Miles of Factories Valued at Ten Million Dollars are in Grave Danger ec. ih Shea : through Immense Ice Jam on Fox River Workmen working Desperately bined Force * : Alienist: Declares Him In- with Dynamite in an Effort to cut Channel and Relieve Situation spansion for a E s curable and Highly Dan- Fag gan eas SRY a2 : elable, eco. . e gerous. (CW. A. P. Dispatch) 2 4 r . Appleton, Wis., . 18, Thirty. nea: 000, a 8 center, 1 . 3 . ey ot Je 8. Th, Wer ne ot bi core, To shes lt;r cit a tae valley rot Nedsah excepting Re: Maapaehieds: eu omments: ive release. rt paper in the. testin- and McNasha at the ui Is usy trying: ; Daketa Seiator Appeals to Senate to Pass without Amendments President Taft's thaw as follows: eaten chat afcthe ccuntty are Wasreen Eay-0t tan oytior of Giy tie Ui eat chenuel Op eheaie TN Wnt ee Signs multiply ofthe scope and threatened by ice which has complete-jer are in peril. city alone to cut a ehanne means the Treaty of Arhitratio n with England, and France With such Treaty be- formidable nature of tbe campaign in- ly choked the Fox River for the three Mills ranged along the shores of dynamiting of a canyon through the, AVENUE -tween all Nations, Persia and Tripoli Trouble would never have Been, stituted to, seciim the relase of Harry miles that the river flows about this the river are valued at about 20,000, bridges, dams and even factories. s K. Thaw from Matteawan, In thiacon- clty,- Appletom has plantes valued at 000, this valley being the greatest pa- : Se (W. A. P. Dispaten) fident expecta lt;hove coring ior essive Reyubli- Washington, Jan. 18 Senntor Me-)ties, Senator MeCumber sald, youl eer from other nations to carry on Po oS ae 2 n 1; Camber of North Dakota a ed to give to the cause such an Impetus that)an unjust war. influences-browglt i Baar the Senate today to apveiy rath, like treatles would soon be made with Senator McCumber quoted figures to Procs. Be ciate f R VER y until th prea fy President Taft's arbitration treat- all clyilzed nations. show that government appropriations 5 eee Te thie sn Own e E ranct ho With a treaty of this kind signed for the army and navy had increased liberation Ses a grave menace i vit H H rth D amendment. Hi ed that the by all great nations) sald Semmtr 230 per vem os x a se Haran siaenamt the treaty In no way usurped MeCumber, war with Tripoll would the Inerease of population was 41 per Vor L : 2 is thought like the constitutional rights of the Senato never have been heard of amd the cries eent, The slayet of Stdnord White is F e State will in- nor ald they compel arbitration of any/of Persia for justice and merey would England's war appropriation had to-day, in the opinion of ane of the 2 yw Wilson. than traditional question of Amertean pol- not-wow b it 115 per cent In'twenty years foremost of living alicnists, Dr Av- Settlers Heading for Peace ough the Ohio Jey each ns the Monroe doctrine or world. The time 1s coming when no he snld, while her population had been stin Fint, asinabie 937 nigtty- ax- Gannot Travel on River : : A ) arm adnilrers, Inimigretion. Ratification of the trea-great nation will he able to borrow Increasing 20 per cent, 5 e ent to tags Ne would Qwing to Ice Jams, rhs 2 to encour: Omission of some mi 1. ai 2. ey eee 3 fi TE Wolent saat GeGhigg Homicidal ect. Many Towns are Falling with Practically es Chie, es - tions which, -as-I-know and-as you Vet the at Thaw's release is Edmonton, Jan. 18 Voyagers using ese 4 sar iiss Snead-in icte or may know, exist i places not very secret w is eng sleigh trall to Grande Prairie rine No Opposition---England and Japan a q ice: (om here; Soa. may well Sel cantaad oe iki abet trom dopn on, the PS - Watchi R ia Cl ly to P; signed. wonder if it would not be. better to e iY are finding it impossible to travel a et 9 divert some of the money which is ized, if Thaw is-get free and the 0 lthe smoky River according to aavlone BEE AUIS es sey ean Te G ure ce cr. S. ul QE se peeent sent to foregn minlone sel semeace of the court wl shou tha have reached Bamonton frm the vent Press Campaign - 9 9 to channels which would help to pre- the employment of every purchysable North West recently- Earlfer in the 3 pre See een A vent the ignorance and lack of moral resource of expert evidence, the fact season settlers were making a prac- 15 ee ee ie Sequel of Elopment to Winnipeg, followed by Shooting, teaching which exists. will constitute one of the worst seat- tice of turning from the hewn trail to CEES CSS: winfeinivininit 2. c Trial will Start in Two This poor girl, as she has told yon dals of the criminal law in the re- the ice of the Smokey River where the Peking, Jan, 18. The revolutionary partition 6f Chtina diplomatic Aired in Texas Court T: perjired herself to. save her father cent: history of the State. .. trail and river mget about thirty miles movement in Mongolia is making con- lt;ireles here it ls generally recognized Weeks, when he was charged with an natural offence against her. She was The popular impression will be deepened that money is potent to in- north of the thabasca, but: from Ed son week before last were forced to siderable progress. Aecording to can- sular despatches received here the that China has lost the power to keep the vast. territories which she holjs sway over. to blame, of course, but I think the retrace their way along the frozen : (W. ALP. Dispatch) nchurian town of a . fluence the processes on which punish- - er, was indicted at noon today by the County Grand Jury for the mur- der of A. . Boyce, Sr., here Saturday night. He took the indictment calm- ly: The case was then transferred. to Judge Swayne's district to permit a speedy trial, The State attorneys/de- clared it will start in two weeks. Following the statement given out by Snead s-attorneys that Mrs, Snead had been removed from the city, she was suddenly brought before the grand jury late yesterday and her evidence hushed up until: today. Dep- uty Sheriff Mossick went to Afting- ton Heights Sanitarium here yest nected with the hospital and the wo- man was produced. Mrs, Snead was taken to the court house in an au tomobile. She was on thevstand one hour and wore a heavy veil. She gave fer evidence in a calm voice and told the grand jury the details of her jopement-with-A. G--Royce,-Jr.-She said she still loved him and came back with her husband from Winni- peg because she pittled him, and want- ed to-help him over-some difficulties: She'declared Snead neglected her. The witness showed no evidence of un- sound mind while on the stand and declared she knew no reason why coming to the city, she fell victim to the scoundrel who gave evidenre for the Crown, Anderson, a former police constable; who, in the witness box this morning, admitted having had mor declared, was the father of the chi What. have you to consider this case, continued his Lordship, is whether this girl has onus Which the Iaw places upon her to. prove her innocence satisfied, This last remark referred to Robert jer Teli in. sutisfled the has been Charge*in Girl s Favor Thaw are to he tumel lose om society aiter nominal detention, what is the nse of law or asylams? ' STAR IN past Result of Articles in Mu. nicipal Campaign. streams join the waters of the Little Smokey and the result was a flood which covered the smooth Ice furth- er up the stream, making it unsafe for travel. . e,- The chief Wdvantage in using the river asa rofdway was the fact that. of very steep hills on the trail. When winter traffic first started on-the Bd- son trail, high cut stumps on the sec- fon that followed the valley of -the Smokey also had to be avolded and this could best. be done by taking the jee, These haye been removed, and th -only obstructions now in the way sotuetimes: without opposition: Mongolians of that region are firmed. The Russian guards who have form- ed a line around the. Russian settlo- ment and railway station in Khailar for some weeks past, have permitted some of the Manchus to take refuge th re. Frequent reports reach Peking that the Mongollans have taken cities The attitude of the republicans In connec- tion with the loss of the provinces heretofore attachel to the Empire is delng watched with considerable Tn- terest by observers, In Russian: cir- cles it Is contended that there is dan- ger of a great modern army: being or- con- Fon Worth, Texas, Jan. 18.3, A. He demanded the Tight to Investigarsy ereuter ptemey stroukt petals se x se TaKE-Up UWS TAIT WHETS THCY s a, tee Amarill tank and was refused. The officer then bad bringing up. That is probably wholeso it pe instilled had left it. Ice jams had formed at Hailar by the revolutionaries and the (W. A P. Cable) ee te ee weatened to arrest every one con- also to blame for the-fact that, after ; a wr ere tike Various places where tributary DFoclamation of autonomy by the Shanghai, Jan, 18 Tang Shao Yt th ry in the hasSreceived a telegram from Peking: that as a result of today s discussions the imperial princes are unanimously in favor of the acceptance of repub- lican terms, The Mongolians raised some objections which, however, are thought to be surmountable. It is re- ported that the republicans: hope to ralse a loin in the United Stater security of the Wu Chang property. Five steamers with troops on board are lying at anchor above Shanghai. We BIG 5 Nanking, Jan. 18 The republican leaders entirely repudiate all the per- sons interested at Nanking for at- ay and asked for Mrs. Snead. The her. husband should Hill the eldsr 1m the first piace did she tntone Montreal, Jan. 18 Another Ubellon the hand made roads are the hills, guards told him she was not there. Boyce. conceal th b d *of the child? The action in the present municipal cam- which do not by any means present ganized by the republican government tempted assassination of Yuan Shi zB sue dead body might have been placed be- paign was entered yesterday when insurmountable difficulties. but doubts are. expressed by the mil- Kai.. hind the bath, padgr the em Prere ts tittie tikettnood Ora re 4 Presiden: Sun Sen p ally peti on in Kdmonton of the seenes tlons that the Russian statesmen real- telegraphed his sympathy to Yuan ant chan group of dangerous rock: -TRIRTY-BIGHT SAILORS ASTIN SHIP British Steamer Westow Hall went on Rocks off Coast ef Aberdeen Aberdeen, Scotland, * British steamer Wistow Hall was wrecked today on Bullers, of the Bu- ft the coast of Aberdeen. Thirty-eight of the crew were drowned. Thirty- two went down with the ship and five others clung to the wreck but only two succeeded in getting to shore, i a DI E Jan. 18, The j, Lifeboats Unable to Launch. The seas Wete fo huge-that twas Impossible to launch lifeboats. The lifeboat crew of the village of Bu- Jors tried several times to put out to sea but thelr boat was hurled to the shofe, Most of the drowned sailors were Lascars, The Wiston Hall was a boat of 3300 tons and was built in 1890. a ON MAY 19 path or various a fact, it was f centre of the bath put it there with th cealing it? think it was merely ga matter of chance that it was Upder the bath. You have heard that+iiany people used the bathroom and it is quite been moved by their feet, especially di she, withintent to conceal the. fehild, nesiect treatment? You must not allow sym- pathy to interfere with justice but you must be, satisfied that the Crown has made out that charge before you flo her uti Did she know that she was about to be. confined? must fall because there can be no onus upon anyone to provide against something lie or she does not know tg about to nappen. r places but, a5 -right near the Pould she have tention of con- 0 evidence of iy at all. 1 I consider there secretion of possible that the little body may have as the room was not well lighted. Intent to Conceal? The only question, therefore, is ate in St. An ainst the Montreal Star for 5,000 amages. This s the result of a series: of articles which appeared in the Montreal Star regarding the fam- ous 23 in which it was intimated that Mr, Gallery had hen a membe of that organization, and also that he had been censured by Judge Cannon in hig report on the civic investiga tion. Mr. Gallery also takes excep- tion to an alleged portrait of himself which appeared in the issue of the Star of last. Saturday in which he is supposed to appear with 23 brand- ed on his record. enacted here last -winfer when* hun- dreds of families outfitted in the city with sleighs, farming implements and household furniture to- make the trip to Grande Prairie by way of the Ath basca trail The movement to Grande Prairie this winter, while it will exceed that of last. year in the number of people making the journey, will be largely from Edson. The trail from that point north is much shorter than the trafl by Athabasca Landing and pre- vents no greater difficulties in the shape of hills, ly fear such an occurrence. There seems to be a desire on the part-of-th -Britishand Japanese gov- ernments to prevent any anti-Rus- sian-press campaign at-the present his congratulations on the Premier's escape from harm. *The associated press has every reason'to believe that President Sun and Tang Yi are com- pletly agreed on almost every point time in view of the possibility of a in the proceedings looking to. peace. ENGLISH fact that she had given birth to. to vide proper It not the charge BLOW UP ITALY S FAMOUS BAPTISTRY (W. A. P. Cable) Pisa, Italy, Jan. 18. An attempt was madeyesterdar-to-blow up. the famous Baptistry which was-begun In 1153 and not completed till 1278, The: lbuflding -which-is entirely of marbte, 1s opposite the famous cathedral and adjacent to the leaning tower. Two watchmen in making their AVIS UINNELL WEARS. WEDDING AWE IN CRAVE Boston, Jan. 18 District Attorney Linnell, for whose death Rev. Clarence Richeson was yesterday sentenced to iz Not in Politics. London, Jan, 18 England will tate the greatest labor crisis in its history in the event the announcement of bal- loting among the coal miners today declares in favor of a walkout. Made for Fear it Will be (W. A. P. Cable) 5 ing of uneasiness exists in big busi- Called American Miners eye ma led condftions of labo and industry in the country, Among ; 3 a ae rounds noticed. smoke coming from he electroc : Prisoner Will Not be Told of His Fate. Until His Re- Fe Beneath a*docr. An. tovestigation weading rlaw oa her tance ani enin The ballots were sent out .week the branches of union isbo tavelved es of a moval to Charleston Jail All Hope of Commuting TEN YEARS AND 20 tollowed.and a burning fuse wat M8-li was his opinion Rich a mactiea te2, Momay and nayeall boon retern Ste See oes are, tho winner Bs eae i 7 covered attached to a contrivance on ner some tim *dlto union headquarters, The counting , hosiery, workers, wool yung man Sentence Given Up. o LASHES FOR ROBBERY the door panels. Investigation show-lroast went eae summer, oF ator the vote is being done this morning combers and cotton workmen. useful Z ed-it was filled with gun powder which , ome ceremony .i4 at ts coficlusion the announce- A conference fg being held today : iw te S WITH VIOLENCE iis hed: been sonk aiin K rosina. erty Pane irl to believe that she lment will be male proclaiming. elth-)between committees of ship builders, each eee? 3 The watchmen turned on a stream of : ail of Governor ., that the miners have given in to strikers and the employers, which al- 1 eae ee u Foss is crowdet with letters regard. i old, is a Boston, Mass., Jan. s Death in 6d today by his counsel and-a few re- water which put out the burning fuse. ing the Richeson ca ad gard- the mine owners or that all of the 80 1s fraught with momentous pos- in the electric chair will e expiation Maining friends. Stiffest Sentence-ever Han- rhis avertea not ouly probable de- se and denounc- s59999 miners in the Island will be stbilities. Richi 1 not be told there is ing commutation. fon the ot Rey, Clarence Richesofi, murderer eee Nene he a rhcuaven 46 : 000 Out. it Vancouver struction of the Baptistry, but disaster Ris Ie eeecercee on a strike. . i: no hope 2 of his sweetheart, Avis Linnell. Hove Crartecton jail, ten days before May Court was Imposed. aoc petnedradand:-Jesniug, ele ( Speer ee Pa et Sg ie amuar stg ary s abamton i 5 u ce - sb rete. a ale Jan. 18. By a vote of oe Faget ert PV fice a cae a and near + ifi- ted Mine Workers of America refused sentence evgr handed out in the po- government s looked upon as sign ica der treat- + + cant, The admiralty office, showing to adopt the resolutior 2 nat oe GIRL PER int carat eo A.aND gy. etsy COUNTRY NEN Srisesccar oe mee eng eee oe + EXPECTED 80 + h into other Hlolence trom Mrs, May Richardson. : ee bas: ebitered a neasbor-of steam Mob are at resolutions, the, committee de- wi a view to replenishing the: coal/claring: It would hb e th lt; yaa CRIME OF UNNATURAL FATHER He entered a house, knocked a woman) Ottawa, Jai 18 It is un-.. DYilled. Into an Unexploded i re awa, + D supply of-the-British naval stations workers would unite on the pol: : art now tee soa ieee main a8). derstdod that the cabinet win Charge in C.N.R. Con- an over the world before a strike or-/as well as the industrial fea 10t '4 a 3) ie . rae 6 *f arrive at an early decision in struction Work. der could go into force which would The resolutions committee had re- e, 15: pay Case of Mother of Infant which Died Soon After Birth persras neGeNT WILL RESIGN omar 19 ie spplioation for - be March 1st, ported that it would be unconstitu- Jess in Batlf Room-- Deplorable-Condition in-Home. allowance ot the rta- (W.-A. P. Digpateh) Negotiations between the miners' tonal for the United Mine Workers 4 Government's Alberta and Port arthur, : ae Teheran, Jan. 18 Perslatent re- t OFT UF, Jan, 18 Two Finns. organtzation and the -employera-were to endorse any. political party . *. 3 pofts are current that the regent, Na- + erways Railway legisla-. + John Ranto and O. Henderson, killed broken off ten duys-ago when it was eel hier us-hearted Torbnto, Jan. 17 Mary Clayton bas In hts tharge to the jury Judge ii. my xfulk, has determined to. re- +f tlon which was argued before + + five others on the Canadian Northern declared Impossible for both sides to) FOR MUNICIPAL BETTERMENT peo b netguiity-of the death of Latchford sal . Be-hs: + a minister ee eagth some eonstruction work yesterday 14 miles come to an agreement. At that time 1 her child. She will be sent to the The girl has been singularly w 1 ime ago. e general im- Morth of Nipi; by drilli it announcement was made which ings of the government for several) pigon by drilling into anjan 1 (Special to News). of Presbyterian home. fortunate. Her history has been a deve, rhe government ta reported to 7f, Pression seems to be that the. -Hlunexploded charge. They were em- was repeated today that there. wai) Laneastor, Pa, Jun. 18 Mayora and caring in. addressing her after the ver- history of neglect. and shame dle- nave tried to induce the ex-prealdent f SoTemment will not disallow. ployed with Flatt and Nimmo, sub- comnlete: Barmony smons the mine other-officials of many of the third- ur readers dict the Judge sald: If the jury had graced in her father's house by herlof the National Assembly to accept *k the Province having through -f- contractors. owners and since their efforts tolctass cities of Penn ylvania were pre- : that has brought in a verdict of guilty, I would unnatural father and brought up with- * Premier Sifton been given an ae compromise had been rejected or. ig- ight up with- the regency, but he has declined. ental sent here today at the opening of a Bave Tet you go on suspended sen- out any of the advantages of moral *h undertaking that those who -f A card party given by, the Altar So- nored they would fight to a finish. conference called to discuss the com- tence. You have had a most unbappy training which more fortunate sitls the regular Tennis Da: ii *f had claims will receive a full f clety of St. Patrick's church will The trade s in close touch with mfssion form of government and oth- . Ufe and are not altogether to blame. have had. aa tate rare diovan uu tinesies z measure of justice. f hetd at the residence of Mra. Lalonde, tim organization and will do tts ut-ler probleme pertaining to the detter- Deplorable Conditions In view of the de 5 115 Ottawa St. Monday, Jan. 22. Every-/most to forestall developments, ac- a . lorable condi- t, 25th, a bh ment of conditions in the aller cit- tee, National ; . e le condi vext, January: 25) 15949 fe fe oe of fe fe ob ole fe of obs of fe of body welcome 16103 cording to officials yesterday. A feel- tes. eat 4 * eet F
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Image 95 (1912-01-18), from microfilm reel 95, (CU1738366). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.