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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page Two - MEDIOINE HAL DAILY NEWS . Se ; aa i P - sce anew horse is, bought and he, too, goes THE DEATH DICE The Medicine Mat News tren tie same grna en . 13 SHoHOSS ( ; las Ww House Puuilehed by the Medicine Jiat News Co, Lid, every) It has not been the number of miles such MMT of a 0d, CIR st une Buil z go tavrfal evening at Ite ofice, Maln Street, Medicine Hat, Alte) y horse has gone, nor the number of beat- There ta shown in the Hobensollern / Your Walls A. do XN. TERRILL, Better. ings, nor starvations, but the continual museum gift of che emperit sis Enos : : a HONE: + nagging that limited his usefulness to pesag fing een Sania . ainealt ond Callingacot BOWL Fe 2 ble rah and aoe two years. What I mean by nagging is case in the seventeenth century. Thels 1/7 BEAVER BOARD News Dept Job Depts, ADY process that keeps a horse continually ae acini bed been, murdered. THEY look better, 7 eam r r 13 RING 8. RING JG uervous. Some people delight to keep a saspicion fell upon two soldiers, Ralph wear better, last me ase accor ume uhm sp Naver or ahow'ing hie mot ai cr ceg aa Logan on leu 1 wi, deliver iy le p.?? li i i isi ace 4 cateeees rectal eee occa a Seema ee ees pe B00: 178 ment by ma tegEt his lov bred horse. p them, Tins onecar preaecich, Wiliam a: Weks Pepe: IMPORTATION. DIRECT FROM X mongh,' deliveretinsae ae cate decided to cut ihe knot by means of BEAVER BOARD Addresses changed as often as desired, but both mow and Suna OUTTA the dice bos, The two solders abeuld does not crack, chip or old ad resses at be xiven. N and the loser / hed ea 5 ciety aeons toe wl crea na reat ee Publishec every Thursday in sixteen or more pages, ai / Edmonton Bulletin The Ottawa Citizen Dap wea sole BEAVER BOARD a onipine seein y NS Oe repress the following as having been Ph cececae ist sienna keeps out heat and cold, 2 ue 6 months, in advance 76. - 'months, in-advance, .f0 Written by a Scotsman who tried to make threw mixes, ther nighest le num 1/1 deadens sound, and re- Dress Goods, Fancy Ninons, Bordered a yearerushines, 866 1 a a good in Canada,-coudn t, and went back Sires at aa ans ba Enon se l Voiles, Underskirts. home: Ef he loses his heart to a Canadian prayed aloud: Almighty God. thou a Monday, Febr girl, hed must be prepared to make himself Kuowest am tnoocent Protest me, f Wee ae rt ene u i a ; ECONO: genera ly useful a the house and act aS Theo be arose to bis feet and co a i Newest Bty .. dressed by the aid of paddin; Bl tbem broke, The whole one E came right : GEE SPROTAL GAIN DUDE ee S CORBIN waiting in the February made 9 ft the cod ) ikea abopearngiow Gy ites toc eoh We heroes York to. A ONLY 3.00. + American Magazine, makes the follow-) fgure. ? Though this man lives in Scotland sollt* om showed one This. was. ae wade ing report and comment: it is doubtful if he is a Scot, for not many of ene The audience ot is reas ae 3.00 t ; os is a error to socep as a fact that) that race fail to make good in Canada. But im amazement. large combinations can produce any article at least he is eanny, ? for he put the sea be- God bas spoken. cried the prince, of utility at a less cost than the original ele- ween before he began to tell what he eee eee raiea. sitet, his we will sell discount of : New Curtain Materials, New Embroideries. You ean see ments of the combination could produce it. thought of Ci ; ae Watch for our Embroidery Special. - There is a fixed limit, varying with the num- thought ef the Canadian gift: a Bt ee window witl si pee os processes iuployed, perote ee Kingston Whig Two bills have Keen in- AN ALBATROSS IN FLIGHT. mer ied. lt; he cheapening of the product cannot go. troduced into the Canadian Commons, and . a : 4 . Extra lt;1 formerly employed natel enougan a aiming at the abolition of the election de- a Saheb i Slee Sree soun, a Spring Samy manufacturing plant to match the different posit. It ought t . It represe: An interesting application of photog- a mannfaching lai math the iene sr AR SURE a, Maepienenta sh aah cant Wanae mes FINLAY CO. - Chars ally gave each man an example how to do ,ants to be a sponsor. Aiea ralist ona voyage from British Cotum- The i ber Peopk s Ready. the work he was employed for. I scareely bia to San Francisco. ever was away during the busy season, but - A large albatrom had been, fol SOLE AGENTS : ao) day ie 2 ern f contact with the ; Vancouver Province It is doubtful if ttter Se eee ccar ine poste 3 ace T 5 F - . force-and-working-with-them. e-were the tabolid form of foods will ever attain the stew among the watchers va bonrd e gt; Ft urptr Turn over anew Jeaf and use Vineland brother--mechanics. There came a day popularity of the original. A vest pocket bei aeitese a aghast E urp in wise es ve best. fu me to sell the business, edition of a sirloin steak is an anaemic imit- keeping tts wings extended witvout e The Man's ae an id so to a huge corporation in a dis- ation, devoid of the juciness and texture of SPpins them. As. thls ts a commen O T Got: the: Biz: tant city, with an unwatered capital of the real articl and also depreciates the Paneer Het with thee te ne ria three millions and a working force of two/value of shares in the artificial feeth trust. vird took advantage of alight winds WILL CONVINCE Bene ts thousand men. Under this method the and alr etirrents and was so able to Gaibeoalge . . . sO oe wi Ned B shop cost per unit of manufacture immedia- JUST A LITTLE FUN. ee non Bree in you that our PURE the price the lowest. tely rose from 7,42 to over 10,00. This i As the albatross sailed alongside the Z eee carried a loss of about one third of the pro- My daughter wants a piano. suip, about afteen feet away. we ont f LIME FRUIT JUICE : MON fit margin, for I had established the Well, face the music like a man. raul sonore Oe Ae routine is the Best. Opening of annu: Imp. Pints. 5 Louis Automobile SPECIAL 3 Imperial Jelly Powders and selling price and conditions were such, that Houston Post. him and bis fellow passenger. a eS oe h corporati ise i The photograph revealed, what no the corporation could not raise it. eye bad caught. tbe wings of the alba Imp, Quarts .... sak tie hampionship tou The reason of this inerease is not hard A soft-answer sometimes disarms. A tross, each some tve feet tong. raised 1 Glass dish for 350, dish for 25c. to find. The most potent is the loss of story is told of a landlord: on the north Beb sbore tts back. to tus tet ot OMY Pingle s Dra ag and Beach, Fla. esprit de corps the spirit of the working shore. A guest, seldom satisfied, came to 2 ,* 2 ni a eo teak Book Store : Finish wrestling foree. A man bred in Gouverneur, New him and said: Mr. Smith that was not more or.tess frequently the bird must fore 3 2.3 between Mahmout Spike Kelly vs rounds, at Toronto. stroke of this kind with s os . gt;, OMr de York, educated there as a mechanic, now the landlord s name Mr. Smith your oe ames hcagh the. eye cond vot working in watertown for a huge mono-jcoffee is rotten. The landlord shook him getect tne motion. and that the vamera Phi Cross vs. Cy pouty; Toasuciat worke hin asttby the-hand- Phe vett si thantk yet - ork-cl fontaght. All they care for is now much T haven t had any breakfast yet, and moment Boston Globe. Waddie Smith vs, wor ey can get out of us. lieve 'skip the coffee this time. Much obliged. ae . i rounds, at Syracus WwW. irei a nd Co. this is a universal feeling wherever large Boston Herald. e In oes I th a eateee pee HOTSON Leo Kelly vs. Hi STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST, PHONE o4. poses of ae are employed in one -0: Berity the sreens: sprecaiy escciet Ait K LEADER rounds, at Peoria, . usiness. t leads to a restricted output, aes ee TUBS for the spirit of the corps is lacking. It THIS DATE IN HISTORY a eos ation Sears copctists of CONTRACTORS: AND Oppning of annt Ieads to a less perfect. workmanship, for the 17g9 si, Ribert Peel, English stat tate age, for, TUAlesiot Milenm, ong BUILDERS. golf tournament at coerced teetpereas (Spirit of the corps is gone. It leads tol yom. Died Tal 79, 120. yee re Ou enerehiats:Bocputea. was BEFORD OLACING.- YOOR Saponl Wend 6 Seopodeee 2 strife and strikes for the spirit of the corps 4799 py J. Lik ile See lebrated English stone, mason Be. like Buen miter. 3 CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING sociation of Indian gt; Sfis dead. 2 oe ley, celebrated English jett we quarryand bencn to become ESTIMATES FREE. apolts, i SPECI A L VALU ES : ne betanist,. horn. Wied Now ris 166o. pecliversigond cn sogearbaprc esi Office Next to City Hall. + Dilee * s 1810 Guadeloupe captured by the British. Pounded Grass, wie eens ae nosed fofefefetntatetefafetet : sounds iat New ec 3 A LARGE PROBLEM. guEle ee rince of Wales spp Regent ee desmeo, arnt, ican 7: Billiard tags + Aa -for George of England.* architects and engiueers; Piato ao t Willie Hi IN-C YLO N T E A Tue E are problems continually pres- 1850 Henry Clay introduced in the senate Bon baa calles wrell/as studies cove eae 3 5 z sing, for solution, in i math si z pill to compromise the slavery ques- were soldiers, and few men in athens E Now ts the time to see about t ag tne ans e government of a count e Can- ion. failed to take their places 1o tbe pha- j 2lada, in the formative stage of national ex- 1903 Jabz B. Snowball appointed Lieut.- 2* 2 5.0 tue cuacies swine eeiterte Rae Geer ar eects BROWN PEKOE regular 40 cents per istence. In a country of such vast geo- Governor of New Brunswick. Hall in National Magazine. P : i THUR pound, 4 pounds for one dollar. graphical extent, with varying soil and. ot- 1911 Missouri State Capitol at Jefferson t aper ed: . heaual ? Botabhe 3 her conditions, there are bound to be con- City was burned. ale Ge EY Oh aconat acteaie tee ee haat ah - Curling Associatios EXTRA CHOICE ee PEKOE flicts of interests. This Se espeeay the RI weE eee tween Clay. and Jackson was at ite add Be ne ne ; Me ae : 50 cents per pound, 3 pounds case in the matter of tariff-adjustment. - THIS 18 MY 75th BIRTHDAY. jbelght it is related that 2 band pleased to bring and show ar ollngiata for one-dollar. Western Canada has been, and still is, mak- . setigrants trom Kentocky and ihe hr aE Sie ee mouth vs. Columbi : : ing demands for substantial reductions in Edward M. Galla det. Seen ok tos morte side of the Missouri and give you an estlinats aoe ea the tariff ranging from a partial lessening . waward Min Gaia ea savet aad.called thsle-sounty Clay and Se oe FRU to complete abolition. In the east, the ..ntiy retired from the presidency of Gal- at te ume time another lt ot emt REYNOLDS STEWART es ; larger demand is for retention of the pre- , 1, ace Coll the OE gas Seis te ts from Virginia md other south- , gt; * DENI AINE SE As i seni rate of tariff levy. This indicates that 414 oq lege, the famous institution for states pitched their tents on the 4th ave, opp. Binning s Store. eee 2 5 e education of deaf mutes at Washington, south side of the Big Muddy and called - gt; Estimates furnished on all kinds z eee i A there will have to be moderation practised, D.C. was born in. Hartford, Conn. Feb their county Jackson and the capita: * of Painting Paper seat ley Trotting Circu c as to both demands, And , the Govern- 7 i997 yy, Ores) Tene CDIU- Independence. And so t remains to hanging Seto : nt is confronted with the problem of so 227 . He was graduated from Trin- 'this day. Clay stood for berry and fotfolatnfoiaatnininiejatefofalatofal 4 Intercollegiate fe peop otto ppensae sone on Pi ty college in 1856, with the d if bache- dacknon tor independence. 7 P ; . adjusting the tariff as to meet, as far as lege in 1856, with the degree of bache- independence, Pennsylvania, at THERO ste : *- lor of sciences, received the degree of LL. 5 Intercollegiate 5 2, practicable, the demands of both; to devise ;, 4969 was similarly honord by. Yale U: The Cautious Tailor. bP ebrieeieeineieiniefteleteh ; Ye, Yale, at New. 3 , aS a middle way. We, cannot have tariffs, a city i SEO cad wleoreouetved archi UDI 7 stew, took bers, Ralpperton. ics - lt; SATU yin 1895, and also received an honor- ef Hackley. why can't you be patien R. B. Taylor s 18,7000,000 Annual indoor differential as to both, or different parts of with his old bill of yours? I'm going eae 110,000,000 ss z ; ary degree from Columbian University in r SAVINGS mec cum The a mont beer abr Gale wore meme oboe eeterceope.. tT TANSLEL ne SV EENE SS 22: serpeent oe Settee er ia SP oo Ee Eerie one the high- faculty of his father s institution for deaf Tats al gut Me. Beckles. re aut indoor : st sk vers. - . 4 , tarned-Snipperton, but-ts-she-golog-+ 3. sums of 1.00 and upwards. Interest pald half yearly at highest 3 . miiiasion oe ne oe de a complete oe at Hartford Bees and in the be wort my wait In gold? How Tight ana Se sam of George curfent i ee ae 0 o or year organized: yasekge i a 6 Surent rates eepIcene i147 BRANCH solution; at the best it can only collect and tion ae the Beat and Dumb and Blind in eee Baled Way tor gage as amma trdoor-2: Ge Fourth Arenne. . H, MeDunnough, Manager. lt;3 collate facts, as to conditions; provide in- Washington, and developed-trom it Gal- In the Good Old Days, Parcels Delivered: bo: Petrie F QELS PEEL P PISS formation for. the BE, ote Government laudet College for the Deaf, founded in ey. SSeoceaiea baretioruaitway PHONE NO. 349. Opening of anni Upon w high, the Zemponel ality us resultiig 1864, which is still the only college for the te etiareh to keep: from spolling pet ; t lanta (Ga,) Autom ae J tre share - ; y i , + souOn TMsk Test. ny he discharge Of Geaf'in the world. He had, until recently, Sane? Lmaprcigectted Ge hdl ol Te iglita this responsibility demands both skill and ,00) presicdent-of-the Institution, and alsc sie went to bed. Geiyeston News, eo aE Ane ot SPREE REREEEEREEER EEE a igi ari zi r s eae THE MERCHANTS BANK roe it ut eet not be mateo professor af moral and poitial scimee (Mouse Mover cu ol : ro ae therein. In: 1886, at the invitation of the sgnatespeare was one a SAND FOR-SALE Navy,-at Annapolis Intercollegiate 6 fractions .to national unity, without the) 3; F CANADA destructive influence of a domestic tariff rte Gey eramient, Pe Gallaueee peer eras ee mene tabestr EXCAVATING vania vs. Princeto A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Winning power is one thing; suc- terest of deaf. ote adivwation By the number of stock quotations HEAVY TEAMING Te i the busi f Ranchers and cercising it is Peter- e pats - he furnished. New York Times. Bpeiiel: sibtiiteg gies0 eee ally ing it is another Peter- ' * o: (CONCRETE WORK. : ENGLISH me boro Hxaiminer. teat that man-tdie who-might-pe-+ a Ee Savings Bank Department s 0: - CONGRATULATIONS TO: better employed. Socrates. el Phone 260. Ww. aT MEDICINE HAT BRANCH W, 0. JOY, MANAGER. x T is a very common thing to see a man g Eivetpool,, Feb. Hehe iat driving a horse along the road at its Miss Maxine Elliott, well-known Ameri- BROKER DEAD awe LAIT Doses, riving 2 trade held very fi highest speed, kept up by a continuous can actress, 41 years old to-day. VeraliiiGs,Gask.- Feb. 6 ae, 116 MONTREAL STREET hemt market- twitiching of the .rein, or tapping of the John, Walter Smith, United States sen- sweeny, president of the -Vermitifow 7 gt; : strong and every Improving. State steers. making. fro cents per pound, was also firm, hog: 7 whip, or both, when he stops, he stops the ator from Maryland, 67 years old to-day. National Bank and well i: Da- PHONE HOLLINGER-ANDE RSON horse suddenly, and start with a full burst Alpheus W. Wilson, one. of the oldest; kota banker, died today of heart fall: of speed, Its not so much fast driving bishops of the MetHodist-Episeopal Ghurch re. His wife died at Tariaore, Okls., 666. Tra n sfer Cc oO. thet T wish to condemn as the manner in South, 78 years old teday. Hast Wscneeday, ana wae: buries here Patterson -Co. Funers Directorsend Embaimers gt; 7 mt ye ue Saturday, ers 13c, and ewes Saag mavie apid LIGHT and HEAVY g/which it is done. When you see-a horse / SimeonE. Baldwin, governor of Con- ig aan Flowers, Open day aud nlaht, Moun onta - ino: Moving easonable DRAYING driven as just-mentioned, you will notice neeticut-one-of the foremost legal authorit- FILES SURED: IN 6 TO 14 DAYS ut druggist will refund money if that it lasts about two years and is then ies in the United States, 72 years.old to- pazo. OINTMENT falls to cure any gt; Shiloh i for the roads; day. considere knecked out for roads; day. case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding o considered as 3 Pesttuding Piss te 6 to 11 deravbee. Subscribe NOW tor Ths Dalty News.) fy eTors cot A Specialty liable 864 Toronto Street.
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Image 188 (1912-02-05), from microfilm reel 188, (CU1738345). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.