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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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io the premises of 10, 9, 2, 4, Kivergreen. lion colt coming two. stripe down face, bt hip. 161-46 Fate RS WANTED TED . For State ict No. 1817, com- it Monday in Febru- cording to abilities. 0. Wm. Wellington, Head ER wanted for Feld- hool Dist. 190. -Sal- i to ordinance, T. Norton P, O. 166d4 prices, Call at 50 t oF Phone 87. tr. Op 4th Ave All work ve Dinos brag net rris, Prop. Phou s. Rates Reasonable tOTMAN enographer k, correspondence, folding and Con- 98, Imperial Bank 695, Fourth Avenue. lett 7 BIE, Medldine Hat. 1000 copies dallty, 900 otroulnted in city Cepies Vaneey. Advertiners in Daily get tot the Weekly country otroulatier npaxtracharge. Books open to ad vertivors. MEDICINE HAT NEWS vec 1917 vee AILY EDITION W. AL PL AND C, A. PL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE On Thursday Evening a Meeting was Addressed by Judg Barker. and A.W. Foley, Provincial Poultry Supt.--. Banquet was Tendered-Exhibitors Same Night On Thursday evening addresses Were delivered in the court room at the city hall by Judge Batker, and A. W. Foley, Provinclal- Poultry Supt. Mr. W. Worth, president of the Asso- elation, occupied the chair and the oom Was crowded to the door. Mr. Barker compared the poultry condl- tions which existed four or five years ago. with those of today. and claimed that today as godd birds were being raised in Alberta as could be produced in the East. His,advice to the novice in breeding was to begin slowly and Only Undertake to handle one breed, at a time and to breed for type. He also reminded the breeders that con- dition meant fully twenty-five points at i show and that therefore it was . poor business to exhibit fowl which had not been groomed for exhibition. He had been greatly pleased with the quality he had seen at the Medi Hat Show and the uti pecially would b hard to beat. any- where and anyone wishing to study the, points of such birds certifinty had a grand oDpoftunity to do so dw the last few days. Mr, Foley spoke of his firat visit to Medicine Hat six yearsago when he first came to the Province, and drew attention to the progress made in poultry raising a since that time, Statistics showed that this Pro- vince had made the great increase of any portioh of Canada in this respect in the year 1910-11, He attributed the credit for this grand showing to the splendid foundation for govern- ment assistance Iaid down by Hon. WF. Finlay during bis term as Min- ister of Agriculture. The government was each year doing better: by- the Shows and now was prepared to, pay all prizes up to 300 and two-thirds of any sum given over 500, This left little for the associations. make a show financial success. Poultry associations should consider themselves under obligation to. en- courage farmers to embark on the industry of poultry raising along pro- fitable Mnes, The speaker stated that he had visited all the Alberts Shows this winter and was in a position to state that as fing birds were to be found in this Province as anywhere in Canada, Medicine Hat was not a bit behind the other Alberta cities-in - this respect. He urged the local fan- clers to let the people know that they had eggs and stock to sell and ad- vised the use of the local papers for advertising papers. The public was Jooking for just such information. Phe meeting adjgurned shortly after nine o'clock to permit the exhibitors to attend the banquet tendered them by the association at the American Hotel, The menu was certainly a royal one and added another laurel to the high reputation which the cul- sane of this-hostelry already enjoys. The chatr was occupied by President s Addresses in reply to toasts were made during the evening by Hon, W. T. Finlay, H. L. Tweed, Pres- Barker, A. J, N. Perrill, Robt. Irwiti, M, Ross Wallace, Calgary; Walter Un; win. Roy 8. Grant and A. D. Grant, of. Walsh; J. A. Gray, Calgary; R. Johnston, Langdon; 1, H. Emmerson, Lethbridge; W, F. Reesor, Walsh; Joseph Thompson, Lethpgidgb; J. B. Rirle, Magrath; J. See Woolchester; J. R MII- MEDICINE HAT,. ALBERTA, CANADA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 27, 1912 gt; e A 20; Ve Gander ist Jas, Fleming, Medicine Hat; 2nd Jas. Fleming. - Goose ist, 2nd, 3rd ant 4th Jas. Fleming. PIGEONS, PHEASANTS AND PET Pair Panters ist J. B. Rirle; 2nd and 3rd J, B, Millican, Patr Tumblers Shortfaced ist and 2nd W.-F. Reesor, Walsh; 3rd Rus- sell A. Bailie, Medicine Hat. ir Tumblers; Longfaced ist Currie, Medicine Hat. Pair Barbs ist Jos. Thompson; ana J.B, Rirle. Pair Jacobins 1st Russell A. Balle, Pair Fantalls ist. J, R. Millfcan; 2nd Jos. Thompson; 8rd J. B. Rirle; 4th Russell A. Bailie. Pair Homers, Blue Chequ r ist Russell A, Bailie. Archangles 1st Jos. Thompson. Pair Pheasants, Silver ist James jeming, Modicine-Hat. Pair Pheasants, A. 0. V. ist James 1 Fleming, Medicine Hat. M. Grace were unfortunately unable to attend. In praising the success which had attended the Poultry Show many of the speakers took the occasion to pay warm tribute to Hon, W: T. Finlay's efforts in, behalt of the poultrymen, All of them promised to teturn to Medicine Hat next year andiall pro- phesfed that the number of entries would be doubled in 1913. The Following completes the list of prize. winners: * Geese Bremer or Eustien- ; Gander ist Johnston Bros. Goose ist Johnston. B Young Gander ist Jonnston Bros: Young Goose ist Johnston Bros, Geese Toulouse Gander tist Jolnston Bros.; 2nd B, Rirle; 3rd James Hole: Goose ist and 2nd J. B. Ririe; sra Johnston Bros.; 4th Jas. Hole. Young Gander ist Johnston Bros, 2nd Jas. Hol Young: Goose ist Johnston Bros.; nd Jas Hole Goese African Gander ist Johnston Bros. Goose Ist Johnston Bros. Young Gander ist Johnston Bros, Young Goose 1st Johnston Bros. Geese Chinese.-- Gander ist Johnston Bros. Goose ist Johnston Bros. Young Gander ist Johnston Bros. Young Goose ist Johnston Bros, Guinea Fowl ist Roy S. Grant Walsh; 2nd W. F. Reesor, Walsh. Dressed Poultry One Pair Fowls ist James Hole. One Pair Ducks ist Jas. Hole. One Goose ist James Hole. Eggs One Doz. Hens Eggs (tight) ist Percy Riches; 2nd W. A: Fraser, One Doz. Hens Eggs (dark) ist Jas, A, Johnston, Woolehester; 2nd Percy Riches; 3rd Roy S, Grant. NOTES OF THE SHOW Johnston Bros., of Langdon, were the biggest winners at the Show, : rying away 102 in prize money. Manager Davis of the Aiberta Foun- ary, kindly donated 3.00 to agsist in ehdetraying: expenses. Many inquiries were made concern- ing the adaptability of hollow brick for hen houses, T. Babington told the boys of the good turn done him by the prize he won from the Alberta Clay Products Company last fall, The inaterial should be much in demand next season, Hundreds of dollars worth of birds changed-hands during the Show, In the published list of prizes awar- ded creilit s not given to..W. Worth for-winning. first cock and first hen in the Rose Comb Brown Leghorns, LOOKING OVER CITY S SITES * rant Halt aa Rape Price of the O-P-R, and Manager - Black of. the Milling Co. Pay Visit to the City May. Locate their Mill Here, Prominent railway officials and fn- terested parties In the Ogilvie Mills arrived In the city to-day. Assistant General Manager Grant Hall, of the C.P.Rs Superintendent A, Price, of Calgary; Managef Black of the Ogil- vie Flour Mills and others arrived at: 2 o'clock and Mayor Spencer and seyeral aldermen took the visitors round the city In automebites, It Is understood they will be shown the sites for the prospective Ogilvie Flour Mills which may locate in Med- icine Hat in the near future, A gront deal of -secreey has been main- tained for the past few Weeks res- pecting the mill, but st is understood that negotiations are now almost complete. ; 5 With the mayor who greeted the distinguished visitors were Dr. Smyth, Superintendent - Cameron, Aldermen Brown and Evans, and Messrs L. Y. Bornle and W. Over. pack, F To the News both the Assistant General Manager and Superintendent state the nature theif business, the latter merely contenting himself by saying that he Was in the city on a tour of inspect- fon, gt; e' : ie Laieeel Will Not Fight China s War Unlikely to be Resumed while this Con- dition of Affairs Exists Prov. Govt. Posible. GAP, Cable) 97. Tha sensational Tuan Chi Juin, commander of tfie m- recorled and the citizens of The Hat Abdication and perial forces assigned to opposs the Peace is again announced tor early nortiward march of the revolution- Pr sentation by the master srinds con- arkes from Hamkow,. has sent secret Pekin, Jan. picture entitled trolling: China s political cinemato- graph The Imperial clan is not trplttmned with-e-declaration from messages to all the otoer northern commanders urging their co-operation Most of the princes who opposed ab- ication are reported to have General Tuan s report. Coincident with this move comes ap- parently reliable information that the threads of the secret negotiations between Yuan Shi Kai's Cantonese Hieutenants and the Cantonese leaders week have been..skilfully. ga' and an agreement again reached The resumption ol hostilities seems: to have induced the Nanking politi- cians to accept the original pro- gramma for provisional government with Yuan Shi Kai at-its-bead- J Fred McLaughlin left the city lest night for Calgary. F. O'Neill and W. Cantobam of Dun- more are in the city on busin sa. Work on Medi By a majority of 100 the Martin- Piuinps bylaw which grants conces- sions from the city to the Martin- Phillips Manufacturing and Gas Re- pair Co, to locate in this city was carried yesterday. A good poll was responded nobly to the appeal for a greater Medicine Hat in the location of an industry which will do much for the welfare of the community here. At the last election Om to force the hand of the Manchus gen- January the by-law was submitted to the commanding ganernts thet theeral, Tian alsa telegraphed to the -the-peopie, imt onving to the act that; orthernermies will not fight and cabinet that his soldiers reftend Fikey Tasist Bion aldication. General, fight. to sufficient. prominence hed .not been giv ven to the importance of the bylaw at Nanking, which were sharply bro-/ ken by Sun Yat Sen s ultimatum last d EEE EE LEE ELE EEE eae NEWS FORECAST For THE COMING WEEK (Special to the News) Washington, D, , Jan. Preai-. dont Taft will spend the first...three days of the week ip his hom State. Monday night he will speak at the McKinley Day banquet of the Tipper- ance Clb in Cleveland and the fol- 10) he will visit Columbus to preside at the dedication of the new Federal bullding-in that city. He will speak in Akron Wednesday night, and return to Washington in time for the Supreme Court dinimer Friday even- ing. Two of the prominent presidentli aspirants, Senator La Follette of Wis- consin and Governor Wilson of New Jersey, have accepted invitations to st the annual dinner of the Per- fodical Publishers Association in Philadelphia Pridag. night. Milling interests throughout the country and a wide range of other in- dustries as well are vitally interested Wm. lin the hearing on the question. of sub- fitnitton or temmage to transit, whieh will be begun by the Interstate Com- merce Commission in Washington Monday. As result of privilezes ob- tained some time ago millers have deen able to bring in grain from pro- duclng regions, mill t into-flour, and ship the flour to market on the bal- ance of the through rate from farm to market, Following the. granting of this concessionrto milling interests other industries obtained the privilege: land various abuses, it is charged; th the-form of substitution of tonnage soon appeared. Commissioner Prouty of the Inter- State Commission Will begin a Hearing at Denver Thursday in the important case of the Southwestern Shippers Association asking a readjustment of southwestern freight rates from sea board points, The chief contention of the shippers is that owing to the prox- imity of the Southwestern States to the Gulf ports, and the low water Tate, the region ig entitled to a lower charge than is how. made, based on the long haul, across country by rail. Wetnesday fs the day fixed for the hearing in Inited States Circuit Court at Boston on the indictments against five defendants in. the United Shoe Machinery Company case, who are charged with conspiracy in vio- latign of the Sherman anti-trust law. Other ts that Wi figure more or less prominently in, the news of the week will include the welconie demonstration in Boston in honor of Cardinal O Connel , the bestowal of the pallium on Archbishop Prender- ast ot Philadelphia, the inauguration ot General Manuel Bonilla as presi- dent of Honduras, and the arrival in New York of General Sir Robert B: den-Powell, the hero of Mafeking. who is to make a tour of the United States anid Canada in the. interest of the Boy Scout movement, of which he 1800 vs. 1300 SALARY LIMIT THE STICKER IN ALBERTA BASEBALL + + It is very unlikely that Medicine Hat or Lethbridge ++ will have profesional ball this year. Calgary has lots of dough, Eanionton ditto and + for this reason they want to pay 1800. The two former places think that 1800 Is as igh as they can stdnd- + At a meeting held In Calg- +h ary recently this matter was +f discussed, Ex-League Pre- + sident Jas, Fleming, who -/ knows as much about ball as ++ any of the moguis stated - the Hat's position. - The Cal- +f gary people , Stuck Gut for 1800 and ao +f the matter practically ended. feeling ( flush -/ ELECTRIC LINE PRICE, FIVE CENT CITY, DUNMORE AND ELKWATER City Councit-at Special Session This Morning Endorsed Billof . Road to Start from Fourth Ave. and Make Circuit---A In the vary car future there will Probably be an electric railwey run- ning from Fourth avenue out of the city, making q, cireuit foute of Medi- cine Hat, Dunmore- and Elkwatpr. Providing that no objections gre nais- ed on the part of citizens a bill will Be introduced in the legislature at Edmonton for the purpose: fi em powering: the Medicine Hat -Etectric Railway Co. to start on th Tine, he matter was first made known this. morning at a special meeting of the city council at which there were pres nt. the Mayor, Aldermen Doty, Brown, Robertson and Evans, end W. A. Begg, W. Overpack, J. J. Ma- ally, A. K. Grimmer end AW. F. Krapiel. After short discussion the follow- ing motion, moved by Alderpian Doty and secooded by Alderman Eivans was carried: That the city council of the city of Medicine Hat duly convened and assembled do hereby approve the act to incorporate the Medicine Hat Electric Railway Co., which has been presented to it, in so far as the same is signified by the imitials of Mayor Spencer opposite the respective Paragraph thereof; amd that the may- or and secretary-treggurer thereof are hereby authorized to executa a certi- Seite. to:this effect over-the corporate seal of the city. The whole matter of the passage of the bill or its ratification will b left in the bands of local citizens, and tha council invite all those who have any objections to raise against the incor- poration to communicate on Monday to the Mayor or te any members of the council and. state their objections. His worship and. City Solicitor Ma- hafly have been appointed a commit- tee to go to-Etimonton to see the / Deputation Will Go to Edmonton when Matter of Incorporating Co. Will Come Up passage of the bill through the pro- vincial house. A depytation of citi zens who may object to the bill cax wait on tha mayor or if they think it lt; necessary they may go to Edmonton with the city s representatives. The construction of the in the city, if consummated, pan gol necessarily estublishing a local ser- vice, will provide moans of transit through portions of the city. The Hinegwill take-in a big area and a Jarge sum of money, more than cam at present be established will be spent, om the wot, zi FIRE AT POST OFFICE There was a slight fire in the lobby of the post office this morning due to the careleasness of some smoker who: threw a match behind one of the rad- jators.- Some paper catght fire and was blazing fiercely when discovered OVER TRADE RELATIONS Hon. G. E. Forster-Amnoune sed in House that Representatives of Australia and West Indies will meet to Discuss-Extension- of Trade Ames proueht Mat- ter up: Ottawa, Jan. 27 The feature of masterly speech-H. B. Ames, St. An- ably be held between representatives yesterday in the House of Commons was the nnnouncement ot the govern- ment policy with reference to the ex- tensfon of trade relations. In a toine, advocated the consummation of-a trade agreement with Australia. Hon. . B. Foster informed the house that negotiationg were in progress and that . conference would prob- of the tvo countries at an early date He also stoted that the arrangements were being made to meet the deloga- tion from the West Indies -on.Marck 27th. STRONGLY OBJECTS TO BEING CRUCIFIED Fanatical Followers of Sa- viour wish to Test his Resurrectionary Abilities Trade Will Ask for - Standard Loaf and Labor Council -will Ask that By-law be ---Passed-to-Enforce-this Also deal with the fair Lods, Russlan Poland, Jan. 27- - Wage Clause for New I idustries. The timely arrival of the police to- day prevented a band of fanatical women from rucifying a man whom they had adopted as their Saviour. A new sect recently was formed by The Medicine Hat Trades and Labor Connell wants a standard trond loat in the city. This matter was brought up at their meeting last night and women of-the Moravian comanmtty: Ob ye ee aa oy gine They selected a man named Kowalski whom they worshipped -as thelr savi- our. Theyctrged him to allow him- self to be crucified so as to enable them to prove the truth of their ten- ents by his resurrection. Kowalskt's faith, however, failed and he stren j uously opposed the carrying out of the suggestion to crucify him. Ui- timately thirty took -his house by storm and were. about to nail him on a cross When the police appeared and put a stop to the sacrifice, B. T. Chapman of the Petrie Manu- facturing Co. of Calgary is in the J.B. Downey E Se poke obs ohe fe se fe ole ole fe oho of fe ofe of city on business. of Gros entre ar- rived in the city today. - MARTIN-PHILLIPS Y-LAW CARRIED Industry wili- be Rushed now that Burgesses have by there was not a two-thirds majority Big Majority, Endorsed the City Council s Action i Granting Voticeastons to New Repair and: Manufacturing PI Plant. carried by nearly a five to one maj- determined women which was necessary for the location rity, which sufficed for the purpose of the industry. It was regretted at of establishing the industry here. the time that the bylaw had not'been Polling started at 9 o'clock in the curried with q handsome. majority, moritig and the last vote-was rew and several prominent citizens cou- orded at 5 in the evening when the vened for the purpose of-making cet voting closed down. The result of the tein amendments to the law with polis in Wards 1 and 2 gave 104 for view of putting it once more: to the the bylaw and 19 against: in Wards 3 vote, - The .result was what soight ana 4 97 for and-13-ageinst AR frave teuittpected, and whem the ad- Perry, city. setretary-treasurer acted vantages accruing to the-losation of a, returning. officer, with T. C itry were put belore the peo- Blatchford deputy teturning officer, at ple they turmed out in good numbers ii. ity kall booth,and J -elfixed thelr vote to the bylaw. Teeny Olliciating at the Court House Though the-pol-was not as large a5 wiere Wards 3and 4 were recorded. might be hoped yet the by-law was s- cussion. As q resuit-a communicatioy will-be-Sent to the City Council ask- ing that a bylaw be passed to force bakers to make a standant loaf. Wages paid to new industries open- ing up in the city which con cessions are granted by the city were also discussed and the Council will be asked to ii claus , oF to tate amount of salaries in cach agreement made in future. portant thatters dealt with by the Council. Jas. Thomson was im the chair. A communication was read from the Lethbridge Council re the fortnightly bill at present before the legislature. They had a patition signed by one hundred imerchants- endorsing the Bill. The president and secretary will drew up resolution endorsing it, The Machinists? union sent, -com- municution. askidg that. a fesdlution be passed and sent to the Fedaral government to the effect that-md fur- ther grants of money be made to the G.T-P. till such time as tey The committee. appointed at the Jast meating to Jook into the Calgary Labor paper report unfavorably, and their repott was adopted. : The auditors report was raeived and filed. Mean Co he Jan, 91. Sir Raward A. Holden M.P., chairman of the Lon. don City and Midland Bank, who regarded as ona of England's fore- most financiers made pointed neference to the Biitish attitude towarde Ger many in speech today, smany's financiers and business he said, are gqual'to any in the world, They are assisting in the development of other countries in a most woaderie way:- Ontsite be own country, Germany has Httle tem ritory to call her own, Other coup sriea- are ition inter- German War Would llapse of Financial World So Says English M. .P,and Bank Official in- speaking - bees 3 the Attitude Towards Germany and the Little Consideration that is Shown Her. (CA. P. Cable) - ests abroad but-it-Genmany ies any move in the same direction she mediately surrounded by diffi- Such a condition must ultimately lead to the breaking of her bonds. Speaking for myself, I think noting - conld happen that would be morp for the benefit of fimance throughout the whole workl, than that consideration be shows here, We do not desire war, we do not desire to see Germany's fim 1 atroa tions ertpptet But ns sure as war takes place it will mean Aidaster to and the collapse of the fimancial system of the whole wor,d.
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Image 145 (1912-01-27), from microfilm reel 145, (CU1738343). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.