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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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gain. 5 long Sheep Lined Coats, reg- ular 1 8. 00 for 1 0.00. One Coon Coat Left at less Than Cost. oe Fur-lined Coats which we will close out at a bar- A tew Dog Coats left, regular 25.00. and. 29.50 for Mrs. A. M. Wright is in receipt of a San Jose Duily Mercury containing a photogravure of the Medicine Hut, Calgary and Eimouton excrsionists to California. In the group the fuss are readily discernible of Mrs. W. 5. Marshall, Mr; Elmer Wright, Mr. Ro- bette Mitchell, jr., und Mr. WIR Day; of this city. Mr. W. A. Craick, representing the fo Toronto Globe, is in the city today. He expressed himsol bigtily pleased ; SOCIAL AND PERSONAL F, J, Laweblin of Elk Water ts in fund M3 je returned trom C: last night, eli Medicine Hat gus. It is the. inten- tion of the Globe to shortly publish * Craick kaves today for several pointy: further west, but expects to spent a little time bere Ggain on His return journey to Toronto. Mr. W. T. Williams hes retikaod Yrom attending the annual mosting of the Provincial Architect's Aswelation in Calgary. Mr. Williams was elect: e member of both the Council und the Board of Examiners. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Burton ar Home from a trip to-New York and other astern points. Among the visitors in the city are . Slinum from Regina; -G, Buckley and J. , Reid, Suffield; 'T. Yulllt Lethbridge; L. Constable, Calgary; Dnnean Slater, Edmonton ;/A. J. -Me- Wy) Kenzie, and C, H, Pain of Calgary. Messrs, J. Delinks, G. Dickson and L. M. Mansfield, Bowell merchants, 4 tafe in the sity today on business. Alex Shaw of Plume Creek ranch, is in the city today. SESS SS SSO TSS Capital and Rest Total Assets .... POPPE HME 2 f mperial Bankof of Canada 4 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. BG. WILKINSON, Manager. Soooeoeseosse SPPPPORE SEHD politi SS J. G. Beatty of Walsh is in the city today. D. D. Donald of Suffield is in town today. 3 : : Me So-efesy os 0-0 oeseatrteatestoatoetectoeteige Ms so-foes e ee (The Home of Good Pictures.) F oday s Program of Photoplays: o. Rex Drama + Majestic Comedy Drama . Solax Comedy + Solax Educational Admission 15 Doors Open at 7.30 Children 10 Matinee every Day 3.15 and-4.15. CANADIAN MOONSHINERS A THROUGH THE RO A sent day. - Start to finish, Biss Portillo in illustrated. song. show as in the evening. Prices - Evenings at sharp 640 and a0, THE ROSE OF KENTUCKY rayed by the Kalem Company. MADAM PATTI TAYLOR . will sing ROB THE STRATEGY OF-ANNE? .. MONARCH TH Se Chasing the Rainbow, Gossip, A. Breesy Mornt Riding, Feats, Ory tbe ec eee eae DREAMLAND THEATRE TO-NIGHT great. Canadian feature port- nm up-to date. story of the pre- cOUNTEREEET noLiy A Lubin comedy and a roarr com rth RA aE) Two fall. Matinees every afternoon at 8.15 and 415 oe Same + tec and e Te and 10c, Prices STAR THEATRE Programme Dally Performance at 815 and 4.15, Admission .. 5 and 10 cenis - Evening Performance 8 and 9 Admission .. ...- 10 and-15 cents Se ? Soo Ms eS co 2 fo OR EXPERT OPTICAL WORK 80 TO B. F. SOUCH Phm. B. Expert, Optician and. Druggist. HOH eo weeks in North Dakota. fanch, came into town last night. Known as the Mower Troupe, were in- *Ebt at the Opera House. It is giv- advertantly carried past Redclift. by by the Crusaden Preceptory Kittgnt the C.P-R, yesterday evening and were Templars. ond Revel Arch pameeces. 8: E isos, boolileaper at, Birnie The adjoumed inguest on the body and. surprised as, most strangers do Bros. received a wire yesterday af- of the late Mr. J. J, MeMabon, C. at the many usce and adventages. of termoon to th efiect that his sister P. R. switchman, who died of injuries a Special Western, Edition. afr. this morning, accompanial ty A. B. Cooper. The News is today Glohmed that lem ts solved: when you eee oR Mr E- Poser has sort his hariiess: tunis W. McKenzie ly of Clairshotm, but now of Whitlow, T, B, Cavanaugh returned to the Mr, Fe ity last night after spending two oster is going to New York on a busines .trip end on his return here he will open up surprise store jof which there will be details later. A dance will take place on Friday F. Henson, foreman of Penland s A bunch of strolling players reed to apend the night in the Hat, INQUEST TONIGHT 4. died suddenly at tris how in received at Dunmore, will be held to- enfrew, Ont. He left fOr the cast /night at the City Hall 9 p.m. Tho high cost of living, This prob- NOTICE The Marshall Hardware Co., Limited, hay- ing sold their business, all . accounts are now payable to Messrs. Marshall Hunter, at their office jn the Assiniboia Hotel Block, formerly oceupied by Johnston .Co. Real Estate. RSHMLL HARDWARE CO, LTE yon them, BraemarStreet, Lots 3 to 10, Balmoral Street, Lots 12, 18, Ross Street, Lot 5, Block 7. We have a good lst of houses and it Is only'a pleasure te show Fi. C. 366 Toronto St. Phone 481. Real Estate Dealers. Central Park Block 6, Lots 9 and 10, each .- Block 8, Lots 18-and 14, each., Block 15, Lots 14 and 15, each . OLD TOWNSETE Block 82, Lot 8, Ottawa Street. Only . Bleck 88, Lat 8 Ottawa Streets Only North Yuilt cae Pettet Co. Loans and Insurance. 6 Nights Commencing Monday, Feb. 5. C hange of Play. Nightly. ; THE MARSHALL-MIICHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD. Wholesale and Retail. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Builders Supplies.: Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing a Specialty. . Phone 26, TorontoSt. Medicine Hat Geo. H. Summers ? The hn Comedian. . And : His Clever Company Honor Graduate Canadian Op- thalmie College, and graduate of three other advanced curses. Ten years experience, in con- stant practice. Byes tested free. Every lens absolutely guaran- teed to give satisfuction. : THE CPR MEN'S STORE SHOWS A WINDOW OF AT 3.75 THAT COMPRISE A RANGE OF 84.50 AND- 5.00- ALTES. 15 CLEVER ARTISTS Repertoire of High Class PLAYS Monday Night: N ABROAD + The Laughing Hit of Two Continents. City ANNUAL MEETING the BOARD OF TRADE will be held in the CITY HALL, THURSDAY, FEB- RUARY. Ist at 8 O'clock. of of Medicine Hat IT 18 WORTH WHILE 70 ; SETTINGS WATCH OUR WINDOWS. * A CARLOAD OF SCENERY AND EFFECTS es RESERVED SEATS ON SALE AT PINGLE S : DRUG STORE, FRIDAY, FEB. 2, Km meeting of the Ratepayers of the City will. be held in the City Hallon Wednesday, January 31st, at 8 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the Charter for the proposed Medicine. Hat Eleetri Railway -Company.. PRICES 50c and 1.00 The object is to see that the interests of the City are safeguarded regarding this charter. - Eyery Ratepayer kindly attend. NELSON SPENCER, geo Mayor. he may be favo A. M. SEWELLER. PST HSTETITS LOLOL Ready for Business A. M. Wright wil be found b in his old stand ready to attend to any.and all business with which WRIGHT TORONTO ST. O0SSSooorose eho oedoteeteateseety SE HOME RULE speaking at Glouc Tast night, peat: tttwere tn tretamt T-stroutt eter PoeeROoeoo e Goods Going Much Faster Than Expected: aig . Sale Cannot Last Longer than Three Days. 3 3 Every lis Cat to The Bone. : 3 : : : ae 3 CLOTHING C0. Beveridge s Old nd er + Toronto St. om ibe (C. A. P, Cable) London; Jan. -20, Lord Robert. Ce om of tho late Lord Salisbury, ule. feel justified in almost any violent un- Honstitutional course to oppose home e e YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY RS me atnete octets SEE OLE O OLN LILLIAN LEIP este WA D Woanesday, January 3 JEWELE RE-PAIRI We give a great of attention to important branch work. OUR UP TO D. EQUIPMENT place in a position to do pairs that other would have to be out of town, FIRST CLASS. W 4-T -REASONA PRICES. TRY U G. W. ELLI JEWELER AND OF inauer of Marriage Li ' Thatch P ude A es Z a Geaning Pressing Gaaran oO patil - Corner U Avenue 3 MA Toront Cae Deesegosooooes lish or American st some young cockere ASN. TE 812 Esplanade, or at SEER Pritt W. A. Hen Comp ies CHARTERED CCOU AUDITOR (Bstablshed Winutpeg, Lethbridge, k, EB, Gibson, Cs A. Phone No. 198 Somewhat Differe If you were to grow. teen years chances 4 know How. (Practi fect). We have been Public for SIXTEEN ty something fn the na THE BARTLETT (ever Binning s For Sale 5 B tage, South Linseed Oil Terms E CROSSLEY Builder 708 4th Ave., . Chas. J Funeral Dire Embet PaHlore at 200 Main St. Office 287 Mata Bt Open Day and Night.
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Image 166 (1912-01-31), from microfilm reel 166, (CU1738396). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.