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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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a Imperial Bank of Canada 3 Monday, January 16, 1913 NOTICE OUR BIG AD IN THIS ISSUE To Miicad ete Bargain Cie aj Held by their ir Tongues to an as well as a painful aspect, occurced on Saturuay afternoon at the corner of Toronto St. and Second, Ave; The wife of a well known north side resl dent was proceeding to her home, ac companied by her four-year-old son, dnd, as they tursied the corner, the fittte chap through some boyish freak, lala his tongue against the ir ag lamp. post; Naturally with the thermomter hovering around zero, there was. suf- ficient frost in the ron to cause the wee moist tongue to adhere firmly to +4 /it: Mr,-George Kalinin. Just at this juncture and found moth- ceived the Idea that by blowing his preath strongly on the pipe he could heat it sufficiently to release tire tt tle prisoner, ever, to perform this act of mercy, he put his own tongue a little too far out water with which to heat the pipe, but his words were unintelligible. Be- fore he could devise a method of ex- 34 plainihg his wishes, the heat from the two open mouths accomplished the desired result and both were: suddenly freed from thelr very painful position, STUCK Iron Lamp Post A Pain- ful Position. An Incident which had an amusing, er-and boy almost distracted. He con- In his eagerness, how- second he was in the same tas the boy. He tried to mother to get a kettle of hot prisoners VERY day-and-evers constantly Our terms are 0 let or-sell-it. Hert waiti onal jour of, we are having enquiries for all kinds of real estate. our property with us. It is the simp- id buyers for all kinds of property. always have a list of desirable renters and buyers for most kinds of houses, stores and other property a Tale. Call or plrome-amd-let-us-talk-tt over togethor. Ronts collected and property managed. We eS Re ee MONEY OPPORTUNITIES SUIT CASES. SAVING 3 * WATCH REP Railroad Wate the services of workman, We give the sax attention to every for repairs that highest grades watehen, your watoh ning property, let We amie wie SEWRLER AND 25.00 SURF OASES 366 Toronto St H. c. Pettet Co. PHONES Residence 320. Office 481. 6.50: cram LEATHER . : 3.50 KERATOL - (Waterproof) 2.00 : FUR COLLARS AND CAPS 6.00 TO 7.00 QUALITIES, S NUTRIA, Q PERSIAN LAMB, Capital and Rest lt; Total Assets A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, R. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. PPPS SP PISS -MONARCH THEATRE (The Home of Good Pictures.) 9 Tday s Program of Photoptiays- THE SIEGE OF CALAIS. An Incident in the Hundred Years War-in Two Reels, by the Pathe Company. The ee the eer Thanhouser Some: High Drama. . Admission 15 Doors Open at 7.30 Children 10c - Matinee every Day 3.15 and 4.15. DREAMLAND THEATRE TO-NIGHTAI An Orphat s Plight, ...: .. 8. A. Drama Quest of Gold, ....... A Vitagraph Drama Frappers 5.00 Bill, . An Edison Comedy + Priees 10e and 15c. Friees 1b 100 STAR THEATRE LICENSED FILMS AT THE OLD STAR. Spring Weather arrives and General Thaw Sets inp down and Hatters would imagine that spring lad -at last arrived. Through the night the piteous moaning. and sighing of the wind gave notice that the chinook bad at last arrived. On waking up and going... abroad Hebraing citizens discovered that they were perspiting and when-Pingle s thermometer was rearhed the reason of it all degrtes above and the snow thaw- ing. At midday the sum began to make its presence more apparent and Epworth league. CHINOOK AT LAST over City. With just q little more sun shining this was explained. Footy-three All the men, young and old, afer quested to-assembla this evening 8k in the basement of the, Methodist church to discuss plans for the com- petitive concert to be held on Fob. nd 19 under the auspices of tha SCOTT RANCH: AT TELS VICTIM. OF FLAMES BURNED TO THE GROUND DURING THE BLIZZARD ON TUESDAY MIGHT. Capt. Parker of the Mounted Police secured a report from his constable at Eagle Butte to-day to the effect, that-the Scott ranch, six miles from that place were completely destgoyed by fire, during Tuesday, night's bliz zard. + No one was injured. Aff occupants of the house soc: e the POULTRY ASSOCIATION MEETING Members of the Poultry Association are, reminded of the annual meeting 4 which takes place in th News office 4 termorsowt (Tuesday) evening. R. A. Walker is leaving to-morrow for Chicago to visit relatives there for couple of months Mrs. Walker is already there. Don't Miss The Siege of Calais at the Monarch Theatre tonight. 2000 feet of wonderful pictures. At the Star, at the Star, Mr, Hollworth r nders songs And the Ruggles music, sweet, At the Star. - Depot Drug es North Railway St. Opposite C. P. R. Station. Opened Jan. 12, 1912 , QUILTED LININGS FOR 4.50. a aa READY to NERS DEFT. oe be soun, SHUM ee a 12. 312.00 Some Seite or 8.50 15.00 Strong Well Cut for SI 1.00 18, FANCY ail e b. Newest Designs for 20.09 7ANcy MOHAME-cLomi: G15 gg ; 22. 00 SUITS peste WEAR 17, 95, Tots FINEST GOODS Obtainable for This LIST includes the whole of our Stock .of the CELEBRATED SEMI-READY SUITS, i which we are the Sole AGENTS in this district and aiso the PICK of other. WELL KNOWN Manufacturers Stocks. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY. MENS UNDERWEAR Stanfleld s Red Label, Regular 8.00 suit for 2.50. Stanfleld s Blue Label, Regular Z gt; 3.50 sult for 3.00. Men's Fleece Lined; Regular . 5 suit for 75c. suit. BROWN TWEED. 15841 15841 HEAVY CLOTH CAPS 1.50 qualities reduced to 0c. 1.00 Caps reduced to 76c. This stock is very new, all be- ing late Tepeats, BED COMFORTERS A COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI. GOODS, PERFUMES, BRUSHES AND EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN AN UP-T0-DATE DRUG STORE. Doc- TOR S PRESCRIPTIONS qi BE THESHERRAHS Presenting King Guberboo in songs F Music and Dance, Mandolin and Guitar Playing. .. Pathe Tndian. YVitagraph Drama +, Labin Comedy e Legeng of Lake Desolation .. .. ..... .. The Clown and his Best Performance, A Rebellious Blesson, . Song The Trumpeter, By Mr. J. Hollwortlt DMISSION ---- 25 CENTS MITCHELL BROS. ee ANNOUNCEMENT WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE COMPLETED STOCK-TAKING AND ARE OPEN TO SUPPLY THE WANTS OF THE PUBLIC-FROM OUR-WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF HARD- WARE, THANKING YOU FOR PAST PATRONAGE AND HOP- ING TO BE FAVORED WITH YOUR TRADE IN FUTURE, Marshall - Mitchell Hardware Co. Don't Miss The Slege of Calais at the Monarch Theatre tonight. 2000 feet of wonderful pictures. . 158a1 And you are not disturbed, P At the Star. ENGLISH CATTLE an early rise is extremely probable, States and Canadian steers making from 13 3-4 to 14 3-4 cents per Ib., sheep were steady, lambs making 16 cents, wethers 12 1-2 to 13 cents, and ewes 12 1-4 to 11 3-4 cents per Ib. i a Liverpool, Jan. 15 Jphn Rogers Co.--Liverpool cable today that Sat- urday's cabled priccs were well main- tnin d in the Birkenhead market and At the: Star, at the Star, You get a comfortable seat, Prize Lists for the Poultry Show can be obtained at The News office. The entry list closes on January 19th, 187att FOR EXPERT OPTICAL WORK 60 TO B. F. SOUCH Phm. B. Expert Optician and Draggist. Honor Graduate Canadian Op- thalmic College,. and graduate of three other advanced courses. Ton years experience, In con- stant practice, Byos-tested free. Every lens absolutely. gaaran- teed to give satisfaction. GRADUATE DRUGGIST. GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION BY A Le SF f Only, Chlna Dog, 52 th. tons, gt; Regular 25. 18.50. +6 Only, Imitation Buffalo, very. warm and heavy, quilted lin- ing. Regular price 13.00, for 9.00. 278 -neat C mfort ers. Regular 2,75 for 2.15. es BOYS KNICKERS Good Tweeds and Worsteds, Splendid for school wear 27 to 32... Regular 90c.-to 1.25 + for 500, Pair, Se WE OFFER SOME of the Finest Shirt Values ever shown: These are fancy flannel, Suitable for work or dress, some with patent collars, some with neck-bands ant-collar separa All English flannels and el MEN'S ULSTERS 25.00. Semi-Ready 18.00. 70.00; 91500, Gomi: Ready os see AB Dusters, ely priced in the various lin from 2.25 to 2.75. We will clear out any shirt the range for 1.75 and 7.50 and 6.00 Coats to clear at 4.00, Shen Patt e TO OUR PATRONS 3 ts MAIN STREET. WE ARE PREPARING 0 MOVE INTO OUR NEW STORE IN THE CKER BLOCK : The greatest care has been used in selecting our New Stock and we will have everyinile the modern housewife requires : WATCH FOR OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. Hewitt Armstrong THE QUALITY GROCERS 'Phone 258 ere WILLIAM A. BARRISTER, ETC. Has Removed from 374 Toronto Street, to: BEGG The Becker Block MEDICINE HAT 12.00 Coats to clear at 8.50. had better look at the 35.50 Mackinaws, all Wool for 34.00. SAND MITTS AND GLOVE Lined Gauntlet Gloves worth 1.50 for 95c, Lined, short gloves, horse. hide and buckskin, worth 1.60 and 1.76 for 1.00. ap ENITTED IST Lined Leather worth 800. to 1.15, reduced to 65e. ined Gloves 50 Mackinaw - Pants for 2.00. * SWEATER COATS Vest and Collar Styles, Blue, Grey, Smoker, Tan, Green bodys with sultable collar . and cuff trimmings. 3.50 Sw for 2.15. 2.50 Sweaters Cardigan weave for 2.00. 4.00 to: 6.00 Coats reduced to 3.76. WOOL SOGKS. ery Woot or Cashmere Sock in our fixtures has been re- duced to 25e. Many of them are worth 35, to 50c. per pat SMOKING 6 only to clear out, 7.50 and 6.50 values for 4.25. 78 Cadigan weave pany piece of y want into a We-put in very good trimmings and an expert tallor guarantees the fit. JACKETS Consress style heavy felf*soles. Regular 2.50 for 1150, Light Cloth Shoes with ier Soles, Regular 2.26 for 1.50, C.P.R. MEN'S STORE H. S. IRELAND. Hartley Block, Corner Ottawa North her Ottawa North Railway. i : 12.50 OALF LEATHER LINED 20 8.00 AND GERMAN OTTERS, HEAVY : 3 : : tt a ? is the covt of a six mont nightaw Week, at the SOUTHERN 4 : RELI or call for part AN Businews Subjects BOSS 429597 Uj Phm. 1
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Image 80 (1912-01-15), from microfilm reel 80, (CU1738391). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.