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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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2 Glasgow House Spring Dress RO 7 MEDICINE HAL DALLY NEWS ie Fabrics Andersons Scotch Ginghams. Crums English Prints. Irish Dimity, in White and Colored Bordered Voils Bordered Delainetts Bordered Muslins Bordered Silks White and Colored Marquisitte Fancy Ninons c SEE OUR NEW BLOUSES Buy Now Buy All You Can * We believe the best real estate investment-is in Medicine Hat 4 THEROYAL BANK OF ag Property. ree (Medicine Nat Dews Published by the. Medicluo Hat News Con Ltd, every lawful evening at Its office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alta. A. J. N. TERRILL, B ttor. PHORE: HONE: Ealtorial, Advertisiag Reportoriul, aud / Clrealation and News Dept Jeb Depts. 1g BING RING 2 2 DAILY SURSORIPTION RATES 1 y.mi, delivered. ..84.00 3 year by mail.. .... 3.00 months, d-Livered.. 2.00. tonths, by matt. i 1.00 3 months, by malik. vered....350 Addregees change as often as desired, but doth now and old ad reaser rat be xiven. WEEKLY NRWS. Pubhishe every Thursday tn sixteen or more pages, and egntains a rumms-y of the news of the week. ra local and district, o 1.60 T 1 year in advance.... 1.5 Monday, February 19th, 1912 SAVE THE ANTELOPE. ' A RE our beautiful little antelope to be- come extinct and pass into the oblivion which marked the passing of the lordl. buffalo? Indications point strongly in that direction and once again the News ur- ges that some action be taken by the lature to preserve to us those graceful and gentle little creatures. If the 2 viding an open season for them could be struck from the game laws and an imprison- ment penaity imposed ence, charge of shooting, much would be accomplished towards protecting them. . ae ne ta fee HANDLING CRIME. HERE was one murder on an ayerage T every 34 hours last year in New York City, or 257 murders in all. In 70 of the larger cities of the United States there were 1,250 murders in 1911, and, taking the country as a whole, there were in the neigh- borhood of 9,000 murders in the tweive months, In proportion to the population there were five many murders in the United States as in Italy, eight times as many as in Great Britain-and 15-times-as many as in Germany. Last year New. York secured one convic- tion in every nine murder trials; Chicago had the same percentage; i four, and San Francisco one in two. These percentages are contrasted with London s average of seven convictions out of eight) Our Special L - 235.00 each. Po) eae 75, 25 foot Lots, Central Park, for 12000.00. one-third cash, 6 and 12. Must be sold en-block. Lots'5 to 20, Block 20, Cousins-Sissons; One-third cash, 6 and Lots 1 to 20, Bloek 7, Cousins-Sissons. 210.00 each... One-third -cash, 6 and 12. Lots 25, 26 and 27, Block-20, High School Annex; i and 12. BROKERAGE, MAUL Sit Seiededecececaeteceededs. LEELA -W.- 0, JOY, Manager + I THE MERCHANTS BANK Capital and Reserve Funds . ... . OF CANADA Established 1864 sone ee ne ee ne oe SLU ASS STS We give special attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No delay in withdrawals. Two or more persons may open joint account,and either party can withdra w money. Our deposits have increased from 19,426,091 In 1901 to 68,494,580. Medicine Hat Branch fatatot - SAVINGS ste Spelonetoctodtodedode CANADA Incorpuratea 186 - - 110,000,000 This Branch conducts a special de- partment for Savings Accounts, in which deposits may be made with sums of 1.00 aid -upwafts. Interest pald haif yearly at highest Pourth Avenne, COSSOSLOREGSE drertrerererepeprcecrenited rent rater. : : : ssa os MEDICIVE HAT BRANCH , H. MeDunnough, Manager. 4 : tee undertook this work. Another phase, mittee found many. places OS eases. Not only is punishment for mur- der rare in the United States, but when it As inflicted it is long delayed. Of the mur- 'derers in 60 of the large cities in 1911 not one was executed in the vear that the crime was committed. In all the 70 cities under review there were only six murderers dealt within the same year that they committed their crime. These statistics sufficiently explain the movement that is now gaining headway in the United States, a movement for the re- form of-the-courts and the-overhauting: of the whole system of administering justice. Some critics insist. that the whole respon- sibility for a condition of affairs that has grown to a national disgrage rests with the judges themselves. They let. the lawyer run the courts, and in the matter of select- ing a jury, as the McNamara trial well, il- lustrated, would sit idly, by and permit months to be constimed. Soe . The eourts of appeal in many cases seem to suppose, that they exist for the sole pur- ose of finding technical flaws i ia -is-rarelyindeed, that no technical flaw can be found and the result is that most of the cases appealed are successful and new trials are ordered. Machine politics has set its mark not only on the police systems of the large American cities, but on the courts themselves, and the result is the ab- solute failure of justice as indicated by the Higures relating to murder. The prosect tion of the trusts is no such important work as the reform of the American judicial sys- tem, and there are signs that the people of the United States are becoming aroused to the necessity for drastic action. z SES AN EXCESS OF CHURCHES? Committee representing six of the Jargest Protestant denominations of church conditions in the west in connection with-the-home mission work of these de- nomiations. There are said to be 10,000 communities in the west which are absolu- tely without any church influences. It was largely to determine what should be done to reach such places that this commit- is now disclosed by the report that the ecom- which has 14 churches, 14 resident pastors and a 25,00( Y.M.C.A. building. ; Naturally, the eommittee was astounded at such lavish evidence of religious ferve and interest, but there seems to be a note of doubt as to whether quality has not been sacrificed to quantity in this and other like instances. And-yet such relative condit- ions are not uncommon throughout the en- tire country. Many a little village of 2,000 to 2,500 inhabitants has half a dozen or more - -aiguibe,tn-edvance 1 c -S month fo advanos cite opbonys Oven, When he'is confident that found it to be a small sized runabout auto- her that there was a lion loose on the beach United States has been investigating house the other day and stole an umbrella I unable to pay a minister a decent living selary,el-of them sacrificing the power they might be, if united, for the sake of the little shades of belief. It eertainly is a sign of progress that the church itself is beg ning to recognize the folly of such div: of interest and such diffusion of effort. HE PROVINCE is to assist farmers to. reover damages from railway . companies for stock killed on the tracks. A claims agent will be appoint- ed to act under instructions from the Minis- ter of Railways and on behalf of the farm- ers, Fhe man whose means are limited has a natural and understandable hesita- tion about challenging in court the legal skill and limitless resources. of a railway his case, the company by appealing to higher courts cah wear out alike his pati- ence and his purse, and in the end force him to accept their price of settlement. The Attorney-General indicated on Wednesday that when-a farmer is shown to have a good e the Government - will prosecute his laim against the railway com; . The departure is a new one, but it-should do good. It is doubtful if the Government will really have to fight many claims, if any. The knowledge that the government behind the farmer will likely bring the way company into a disposition to set- t Seater tas ; DMONTON sent down cleven rinks to the Calgary bonspiel rt time ago, yet there isn t one Calgary rink in at- tendance at the Edmonton spiel this week. Listens just like Calgary, doesn t it? UF PUBLIC OPINION. New York American Thousands of per- sous who gather along the Shrewsbury River to witness the annual ice boat and scooter races stared in amazement when something that appeared to be a rocket from the skies shot over the iee, passing the ice boats as if they were at a standstill. When the weird looking craft was brought to a stop at the north end of the course the crow 1 swarmed about the contrivance and Boston one in 0bile transformed into what may he cal- ee ed an autoscooter. The autoseooter was constructed by Fred Waters of Red Bank. 0: JUST A LITTLE FUN. Of course, said the man who was ng out of the window at the heavy pable of telling a lie. don t consider that much of a test. Could you devise a better one? Yes, I d like to know what Washington would have said if he had stood at the door of-e-restaurant-on-a stormy night and the waiter had hurried up to him with a fine new silk umbrella with an ivory handle and no name on it, and said: Isn t this yours, sir? But I cherry tree incident Miss Virginia Futrelle, daughter of her percocity when she was a child. Her father tells this story of her. One day when she was a little girl, Vir- ginia ran into the house and told her mot- near their home at Scituate. The mother. thinking to curb what might be a tendency to white lying, reproyed her. You go right upstairs and get down on your knees, she said, and tell God about that lion, and see what he says. . Presently Virginia came down. What did He say? asked the mother. Oh, said Virginia. He said it was all right. He-said He had often been fool- ed himself by that big dog of O Neil s. First. Omaha Man (in surprise) What Back already? Why, I thought you were going to-see-Europe I, but it seems that New York saw me first. Harduppe Is Wigwag honest? Borrowell Well, he came around to my ee borrowed from him. Philadelphia Re- cord: ae 20: ee THIS IS MY 56th BIRTHDAY Russell H. Chittenden. Dr. Russell H. Chittenden, director-of the Sheffield-seientifie School at Yate and one of the foremost American authorities on diet and kindred subjects, was born-in New Haven, Comn., February 18, 1856. After graduating from Yale in 1875 he spent three years in study at Heidelberg University. He was appointed to a pro- fessorship at Yale in 1882. den has served as president of the Ameri- can Society of Naturalists and the Ameri- can Physiological Society and has received honorory degrees from Yale University, the University of Toronto, the University e rather than to litigate Edmonton Bal: presnce-ot s gover equitine tamer tora second off etin- : I, I don t believe George Washing- Piece of-the-cornice-of-his-bed pertenice of my own Jaeques- Futrelle, the-author,is noted for the tnner room-and t went Dr, Chitten- DREAM FANTASIES Cause and Effect In the Visions That Come in Sleep. A DREAM S CURIOUS SEQUEL. it Explained the Meaning of the Oft Recurring Fancy That a Cat Was Glawing the Slumberer e Throat. Rapidity of the Dream Process. rel iat treatment by the surgeon's knife. -Some-time-afterward-it suddenly. oc- curred to me that since the removal of the dangerous growth 1 bad not once been troubled by the cat clawing 'dreim. Its significance now began to dawn on. me. 1 bad suffered no not even in- convenience; from the growth tn my throat. In fact 1 had not consciously Fl questionably the organic changes ac- companying t had given rise to'sensa- der in my throat an attempt to inter. pret ft, to explain it And. indeed. even In the dream. for all its fantastic imagery and symbolism, the seat of the trouble was indicated plainly enough as I could appreciate after the surgeon had completed his labors. An experience was reported by Al fred Maury, ne of the earliest sclen- tific investigators of the phenomena: living in Paris during the Terror and had been put on the proscribed list. After many exciting adventures he was captured, tried and sentenced to- execution. He saw himself dragged through the streets amide clamoring multitude and forced to mount the scaffold and bare his neck to the fatal biow. In that instant as the guillo- tine knife descended he awoke to find bad fallen and struck him op rhe neck. Testifying even more impressively to the twofold action of the dream proc- ess and to its rapidity 1s a dream ex- Jn this dream I was walking alone st night along country road. It was lined on both sides by trees which. ix learned from a man who presently joined me, were laden witb fruit. 1 picked some pears and ate them as we walked und talked. The road seemed to overlvok a broad valley in which saw a soli- tary light. My companion toid me that ft was in his home and invited me to pass the night with him. After a ur- ing walk we reached the house, a mall two room cabin. He retired into the outer. 1 bad not been when, ii my dreams, w: by the nolse of somebody the thought instantly dashed into my mind that my host. was making off with my money. leaped up shout- been aware of ts presence But un- . Your Walls ) . and Ceilings of BEAVER BOARD HEY look better, F wear better, last WA longer, and cost less ) than lath, plaster and wall-paper, BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO. The Lumber People. SOLE AGENTS. WILL CONVINCE you that -our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE Decorating, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. Now is the time to see about THAF. ROOM YOU ARE GOING. TO HAVE Papered Just phone 156 and Rey- nolds Stewart will be pleased to bring and show Walk-Over Sho: and Nettleton ute hr-Steck. assortment of Mor Annual tourna Bowling Associatic Opening of aufor aha, Minneapolis 4 Jimmy Howard rounds, at Pittsbu TUE Biennial congre Trotting Associat Meeting of th Great Western Cl Opening of Floi pionship golf, Beach. Eastern speed ships at Syracuse Annual bench minster Kennel York. Opening of au Baltimore and Bi International opens in New You Leach Cross vi gan, 10 rounds,s Kid Burns vs rounds, at New WED Schedule: meet tional League, at Schedule mee League, at Fort Contests for th ships of the Un Boston, Annual midw: tennis tournamen N.C Annual indoor Then 1 veritably awoke and as I did- 20 distinctly beard on. the pavement below my window tle sound of bur Fled footfalls and a voice crying ex- citedly, Stop. stop At once it was cleat that these two words, penetrat- ing to my sleeping consciousness, had provided the necessary stimulus to set up a dream process which. in the frac- tion of a second. had interpreted them as best it could and bad presented the results of its interpretation in the form Lof-a.curious little narrative of noctur- nal adventure. e Dreams may be produced by the use of artificial irritantx. One.sleeper. whose nose was lightly tickled with feather, bad a horrible dream of a mask of pitch being alternately ap- pited-to-and-drawn viotentty trom his face. Another, at whose feet hot Second Omaha man (cheerfully) So-did water bag wasplored, dreamed-that Me was walking over bot lava. In a7 second experiment of the same sort + the accidental slipping of the cover from the hot water bag led to an elab- orate dream of capture and torture by Rocky mountain bandits who insisted that the dreamer knew how to convert copper into gold and held bis naked -fest tn a fire Tiorder to compel him to comisinnieate his valuable secret. Simi- larly the application of a slight degree of heat to the feet of m patient with paralyzed timbs was followed by a Gream of being transformed nto a bear and tanght to dance by being placed on red hot tron plates. WALL iplae and giye you an estimate -on- one/or all-the-rooms of your house, REYNOLDS STEWART 4th ave, opp. Binning s st Estimates furnished om all bisa of Painting Paperhanging R. B. Tayior s Transfe Light and Heavy Dri pertiae Pitta Hay for Sale. Parcels Deliverea. House Mover SAND FOR SALE Annual auntetis ctu, Ne Opening of at Louiseille and T tourr State Checker 4 Vinita, Hugo Kelly vs 40 rounds, at K Jack Roberts 8 rounds, at Ker THI Annual South ship cross-count D.C. Sonthern Calif championships a AA U. 220-9 plonships at PI Indoor track a NY, Annual tourn: State Chess A efty. Opening of an n Concord, N, Frank, Kiaus 20 rounds, at's Freddie Wels rounds, at Sun Billy Papke rounds, at Sacr Abe Attell vs rounds, at Vern Life without laughing i 0 dreary blank. Thackeray. See Wright's windows for Saturday. Some big snaps in diamonds. 6,000 worth of diamonds set Jewelry -soing at less than factory prices, a86dtt PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. of Pennsylvania and the University of Bir- churches, all of them struggling, all of thera mingham, England. Ncaus THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 26 CENTS conts per pound: -- .-. EXCAVATING Siete aati HEAVY TEAMING Brown, 10 oun 3 C : : CONCRETE WORK. I Indoor speed 260. of the middle 1 phihe J 2 Indoor meet A I T Association st cole Je ae M6 MONTERAL SxRERT a rounds, aC New a SA re .600- Liverpool, Feb, 17--John Rogers pie ip ee and Company, Liverpool enable to-day uahip e a that there were very few Cattle for fl and tedtiag tot sale in the Birkenhead market and so toe these were readily sold at slightly ont higher prices than those last quoted. Stet ton Tndications denote a better trade, best fag oF from now onward. States and Can- gee Orcaine of adian st er making from 14 to 16 1-2 lation, s
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Image 282 (1912-02-19), from microfilm reel 282, (CU1738389). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.