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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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1660 copies dally, 990 clroulated in city copies Thinraigy. Advertisers in Daily rot benefit of-tht Weekly country otroulatier no ratra charge. Books open to advertisers, VOL. 2 NO 159 . GOVT. TO SEND 2ND /LABOUCHERE. 1S. DEAD EXPEDITION THROUGH HUDSON BAY STRAIT Before Port Can, be Chosen Says Railway Minister Navigation not as Thought U.S. Markets would have Presented Car Short- Noocceate Practical as'First age Claim Liberal Members. OW. A, P.-Dispateh.) Ottawa, Jan, 16, Practically the/toad on the Bay and that another ex whole of yesterday's asltting of the house was taken up with discussion of the Hudson's Bay Railway project. The debate was started by-J. A: M. Aikens, member for Brandon,- who moved for papers bearing on the pro- posals made by Milburn and Co., Eng- lish ship builders, to give a steamship service to the Bay and test the navi- gation of the strait, and was closed by Hon, Frank Cochrane with a brief peech which contained a couple of pedition will have to be sent through the strait before-a port can be chosen, The other was that the navigation .of the bay and strait was not as practi- eal as was thought probable. A line of boats may ply from the port chosen to the Nottaway River, thus giving connection with the N. T. R. and the Atlantic ports, This route would af- fect a saving of six hundred miles be- tween Great Britain and far western points: Mr.-Cochrane expressed the opinion that the line to the-Bay could be built in two or three years. The debate was taken part-in- by interesting anfounc ments. One was that the government has not yet decided on a term for the England May Have - General Election Revived as Result of Trouble in Cabinet Defeat Snd the Home Rule Talk is Being .--Governments Recent Bill. (CW, a -P. Cable) London, Jan. 16. Talk is reviving ing the ministers framing a measure in connection with a possible general) of home rule which shall be assepta election this year in consequence of ble to the Irish Nationalists. the admitted differences among the Insurance business-against the re- members of the cabinet. On the ques- currence ofa general election is in- tion of woman suffrage, together with Creasing at Lloyds pad today the rate, governmental defeats at recent by- jumped up to 31 3-2 compared with alections and the difficulties besett- 42-4-2 Zac cent Tast: ec week. AMLWAY ROUTE MAP JUST SSUED BY DEPARTMENT ARES. MANY REVISIONS frott CAIbec a Oe Sask. southerly to the international. boundary. Approved. Grand Trunk Pacific branch lines company revision of Cutknife branch between Battleford and the 4th Meri- dian. Approved with slight revision 0: bi gr C.N.R. evision. of Strathcona-Calgary Ine between Red Deer and Calgary. This was approved from Red Deer to the Bow River, the boundary. of Calgary.The entrance to the city must be arrang- ed with Calgary authorities. f cers Se Saeay is 180 By-Law Introduced at Last Night 's Council Meeting . Aldermen to Get 10 per-Meeting. Saskatchewan and Alberta Lands will be Largely Affected. Ottawa, Jan. 16. The following railway route maps have been const- dered by the Department of Rail ways: Extension of the Biggar Pass, Calgary branch, trom the fourth meri- dian westerly to the west line of township 92, range 17, west of the 4th meridian. This was. . approved. Grand Trunk Pacific lines. company. 0 it was ot necessary for any of the aldermen who- not want the Medicine Hat aldermen. will reckive 10 -per-tegulatsitting-for the year 1919 and Mayor Spencer will receive 31800 according to bylaw which was introduced at the council meating the last evening and read twice. - When the medting went into a com- mittee of the whole to consider the matter Ald. Brown stated that he cS the bylaw was brought up for third reading. Ald. Ainsley, in a, lengthy speech, gave his stond 2 the smatter--He tat said that wi was slected that he would give his eiatione doiec Plow Iaid over till the next meeting wher . Will be brought ap*to be read the third time, Ald. Brown hinted. that be might have something-further to. easy at the next. menting. , be would be away for some Scie end didn t know, whether be had batter resign or not. However, be said that he had thought over the tiatter of Commission Govermment and tight change jis mind ami favor it and give his ted dollars per moct- ta belppary for thie COMmMtiSsIon- ers. Ald.Evans thongt that the matter of a salary off 2,000 for the mayor was not too much and made miotion that he be paid that sum. . The matter of what Mayor Milne was paid was-brought up. Aki. How- som said that he got 2,000 for last year wat-that for the two yearspre Astrakhan, Austria, Jan. 16. By the viows Tie bad received nothing. s breaking away of an ice floe, 109 What id Mr. Cousins and Mr-lrishermen have been driven out to Porster get? asked Ald, Brown. sea In the nelghborhand of the villag: REPURTED DROWNED Breaking of Ice Floe Drives Boat Out to Sea with all Hands. (W. A. P. Cable) eee court of justice on the Zell, NTS. Law: of Lieut. Gen. Sir Frederick Marshall-and was-married th co-respondent app ared in court, cso FO9- FISHERMEN ARE Hon, Frank Oliver, Dr. Clarke of Red. Deer, Mn. McKay of Prince Albert, Dr. Schaffner of Souris, J. G. Turriff of Bast Assiniboia, and Mr. McNutt of Saltcoats, All agreed as to the nec- essity of the construction of the line to the Bay. References were made to the car shortage in the West, the Lib- erals claiming that free access to the American markets would haye pre- vented the present blockade, while the Conservatives maintained that the Bhipment of products to the United States was tot as desirable as a good home and Britieh market. FOUR FARMERS CONVENTIONS TO. G0 10 OTTAWA DIRECTORS OF EXPERIMENTAL FARMS ARE TO ATTEND AT GATHERINGS: AT CAPITAL. eee gt; Ottawa, Jan: 16 Hon. Martin Bur- rell has invited a practical innovation in connection with the series of Do- minton farmers conventions which will be held in Ottawa next. month, which should prove exceedingly valu- able to the agricultural interests of the country. He has asfied every sup- erintendent of the thirteen experimen- tal farms throughout Canada to come to the capital and attend all four con- ventions which have been called to ideas Four conventions Which will be held from February 4th to 16th, are Fores- try, Livestock, Seed Growers and. Fruit Growers. A confer -ferintendents of. the farms will also be held for inter- change of ideas. DIVORCE IN HGH fence Offered. OW. AP. Cable) zondon, Jan. 16. Lieut. Col. Wil- lam Arnold Webster Lawson, second son of Baron Burnham, principal pi perty holder of the Daily Telegraph, Was granted today a decree of divorce rt son is the daughter in 1887, No defence was offered by co-respondent and neither she nor DEATH LAYS LOW FOUR Father Dettis, Senator Mc- Kay, Dr, McKeen, John Borthwick, and Thomas Shevlin of States. (W. ALP. Dispatch) Glace Bay, Jan. 16. Dr. R. H. A. McKeen, brother of Senator McKeen, jand well known in the Maritime Proy + finces, dled on Sunday. lt;7 W. A P. Dispatch) Montreal, Que., Jan. 16. One of the oldest and best known Anglican-cler- gymen in the Dominion, Rey. John Douglas Borthwick, died last night, faged eighty. He was the author of a history and geography of Canada (W, A. P. Digpateh.) Truro, N. S., Jan, 16. Senator Thos. MacKay died hore last night aged 7; years, -He was the sixth, oldest sen- ator in Canada, (W. A, P. Dispatch) Montregj, Jan. 16. Father N. Denis, for twenty-five years director of the Archbishop's Academy here, died last evening, CW, A. P. Dispatch.) Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. .16 Thom- as Honey Shevlin, president of the til the time of the 1906 general elee- revive inspiration. expefimental SOCIETY CIRCLES PROMINENT CANADIANS : /House, one of the oldest and most fam MEDICINE HAT NEWS Woll:known Editor of Truth*Passed Away this ae ae A BRILLIANT WRITER Most Fearless Parliament- arian and Courageous Journalist of His Day. Florence, Italy, Jam. 16. Henry Lax boucltere of The Trulth, London, died ut his villa bere this morning. Protably the most outspoken and fearless orator amd journalist this country has eyer seen has passed away with the death of Labby as he was known to all his admirers. Un- all Victim Civic Emplo; a Month Inc ven Many of the city employees, in fact the majority of them, will receive an Increase in salary this Year. The matter.of an increase Was brought up in the various reports of the commit- tees presented to the meeting, and each recommended that practically all the employees in the departments un- der their supervision sholild be grant- ed the boost. Bi The reports on the matter of salar- ies were considered bythe council in a committee of the whole-and finally passed in open council, SALARY INCREASES DAILY EDITIONS ) AP. AND CA , Prov Satu Lar irice PRICE, FIVE CENT 8s of the Council s Generosity Engineer Grimmer 'Gi- rease The Other Boosts. J.D, Shunk, market clerk, asked f an increase. Referred to market com- mittee, The report of the fire and market The Increases Engineer Grimmer . A, -R. Perry. trom H, Baker, from - 200. to 250 +143 to. 150 120 to 125 A. Crisall, from .. 80 to 5 Committees are yet tobe received. R. Parkins, from .. 70 to 75 It was also Mectded that when an: B. A. Stone, from - 45 to 50 assistant engineer is appointed in the Craft, (gas) Trom . 105 to. 115 summer months that the salary shall Unwon, from .. 70 to 80 not be more than 140, v W. Jackson, .. 115 to 125 Tributes were paid to the city en- A. Gravells, from 90 to. 100 gineer when the matter of an in- ; McCallum 90 crease asked by him, was brought up. Piper .. 85 He has been with the city two years G. V. Algar . 140 and the highest praisefor tis work - Grieves ... 105 was spoken on al sides by the alder- Shiftmen at power house 90 men, tion Harry Laljouchere Was a promin- figure in parliament end Gladatone in his prime had no statincher and more valued assistant than the one maz int parliament, who im spite of his great abilitics the late Queen Victoria fused to allow to sit in a calfinet because of his being am atheist. As member of parliament for Northamp- ton; Lebouchere first made his name, and again as the One man in the who dared stamd side by side with Charles Bragllaugh in his terrible fight with the dlitrch and with pam liament, his giggmtic influence over the people -was yuost apparent. Le- bouchere was : Me-long radical tat im spite of that*fact the faults of litt eral nrinisters ad mot deter him from sermely, Gael ies win they ALD. BROWN NAMED AS ACTING MAYOR re ness or Absence of Mayor Spencer. TRIBUTE 10 WATER (Supt. Cameron Paid High Tribute to Medicine Hat s Beverage. Alderman Brown was appointed act- erred. Labouchere s ae bel ing mayor at the sitting of the coun associated with Truth of which he Si last night. He will act for first quarter during any absence. or sickness of Mayor Spencer. Rev. A. E. Davis, Mr. Probly and Dr. Gershaw were named to serve on the fboard*of health with Dr Thomas, the Mayor and City Engineer. They serve one,two and three years respectfully. The Court of Revision will sit- on Feb. 26; a8 the assessment roll will was proprietor and editor. The most daring part of hhis-journaliss was in his legal pillory each week whbre' be held up to-condemmation the severe sentences tliat, were daily passpd py the magistrate end the judicial benth- hese series: of avbicles frequently brought him into trouble, and several fortunes Eabouchere Jost in libel suits where he spoke his mind respecting in stitutions and Gompamies that had the e Teady by the end of the month ac appearance of being skady. cording to the advise of the City: As- FAibouchere was one of-tifadistomats Messrs W Baker right hand men at the time of the Supt Cameron paid a tribute to the bitter home rule controversy- when iet s Water when in a letter to the c iGhemberixin spHt away from the Lib- Council in Fegand to the city supply- leral ranks and formed the Unionist img them with water for their cars Party. Labouchere was chosen aS the Wien the water im the river gets dir- lemissaty of peace to act between Par- tv. by saying that thie Company com nell and Chamberlain, but n spite of *ideret it the best water used om their Ihis efforts at bringing about xecon- tfanscontinental trains between Cal- ciliation Chamberlain broke away from *FY and Winnipeg. his old: leader, Gladstone frequently On the matter re the concessions to fe for a position the Coll Storage Co. of Winnipeg, who are to take over the Packing Co. plant, the secretary-treasuter was in- . structed to write hate they were et: to* open negotiations with ity that the latter would be +0 consider them. The matt r of repairs to the Toron- to street well; as brought up ina Sommunication from the Duilling Co., was referred to the Gas committee. The application from SecrotaryWat- . Tins of Labouchere was a hitter opponent of rage and it is frequently said that his only reasoms for re- hmainifig in parliament so long were that-he nright vote against the -wo- man s siffmage Will that came up an- nally for discussion. s The greatest-cigarette stioker in the country, and the. dravest and most ken debater, journalism has lost one ofits Teading lights. ginect re the power plent which was to the effect that the-matter be re ferred to the consulting engineer was adopted. Messrs. Chapman and Wal- fied of the opin- ion of the city engineer which is to the effect that the power + plant is far from being in nosition yet to be taken over by the Couneil, CHINA CELEBRATES BIRTH OF DR. SEN Great Enthusiasm of Popu- Italian Stabs Compatriot in - Drinking Bout and Con- fesses when Azrested. Sydney, N.S. Jan. named Petruicao, 16. An Italian r sident in this city was stabbed on Sunday night by. Isases, a comyatriot, and died shortly afterwards, His assassin wag ar- Tested and capfessed to. the murder. The two then had been drinking to- gether and a quarrel ensued resulting in-a terrific encounter in Which kni- ves were freely. used. lace Campaign Against Manchus will be ,Prose- FAMOUS, HOTEL BURNED. cuted, 16. The-Revere Amoy, China, Jan. 16 By special proclamation yesterday was celebrat- ed as the anniversary of birthday of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, The population displayed grat enthusiasm in favor of the government. Troops are being paid and funds collected in order to ous hotels in New England, was part- ly destroyed by fire early today. Quick work-by emptoyees andtiremen-sav ed all the guests although there were maily narrow escapes. The loss is estimated at 100,000. of 10,000 Manehns hy- rebels the in the Shen 8 district Is cone -sf- him to resign, according to telegrams fo which Ald, Howson replied that of Gan Jasoeian. It 1s belleved that did not matter, and aed in they have all been drowned in the Shevlm Carpenter Lumber Co., died - prosecute-the-eampatyii against the thier EOE EE be of Manchus. . b, + - REBELS -MASSACRE + +: toooo aaxowes E/RDJAS IN THE HANDS - b Peking, Jan, 16. The Jan f+ -f Su Imperial army after tack OF REVOLUTIONARIES f fighth hi ded in 4 (epcans , + pushing s Bi elite a President Liberator is For- + sixty miles of Sian Fu. The cod to Resign His Posi- +f entire province of Shen Si ls tion. +f in a turmoil, Many towns +t) -b have heen looted and desert- + Buenos Ayres, Jan, 15 The Para- e ed. The reported massacres guay revolutionaries have captured oe + + today in Pasadena, Cal. He was sixty years-of -age. er img re'the 10 per meeting that Caspian Sea, Will: Preside During. Sick- - Jonly announcing abdication, but de- ef ot The Times, He adds that it is be- President Liberator Rojas and forced Chinese May Vote to Name President Edict will be Issued in Day or so Announcing the Baby - Emperor s Abdication Yuan Shi Kai will Likely Secure Honor. th (CW. A. P. Cable) London, Jan. 16. Within a few days ;purpose. , Owing to the extension-of . an edict will be issued at Pekin, not the arm(stice, the order despatching* transports to Chi Fu with Fevolution- ary troops has-been countermanded. A Shanghai despatch to the Post , says that a revolutionary naval ex- pedition landed at Shang Tung yes- terday morning and seized Chang Chow Fu. creeing the establishment of a re- public with the people to elect a pres ident, cays the Pekiii correspondent lieved that. the nation will regard the Tepublic as legitimately succeeding the monarchy by imperial will. It is confidently expected also that the republican leaders at Nanking will recognize - uan- Shi-Kai's-paramownt Speclal ta News). claims to the presidency as he alone Columbus, O., Jan. -16 The annual commands a powerful following of exhibition of the, Ohio State Poultry both Manchus nd Chin se together Association wag opened.) here today. with the devotion of the best of the and will be continued until the end of troops and confidence and- respect the week. 'The show-this year is one abroad, of the largest and most representative London, Jan. 16 The Chinese fin- in the history-of the association. There. fanctal position 1g better, than antici- ane several thousand birds or exhibi pated, Princes and ligt officfats are acing Wearly every variety of contributing -generousty to the patrio- chicken known to the fancier: tic fund, some of them transferring their entire estates, says a despatch. jo th Daily Mail. Ship Shu, the Emperor's guardian, has given his whole fortune to, that THIRTY ee ests HNHOLAND CAST Cargo of Herring Valued-at- 500,000- Threatened with Destruction Boats Ordered to Fleet's 8 Assistatice, but Wind and Snow Hamper -Work. cs OHIO STATE POULTRY SHOW Annual imeeting of the Poultry As- ane tonight in the News Office, (WA. PL Washington, D. C., Jan. 16 Thirty American fishing vessels witla car- go of frozen herring valued at 500,- 000, are imprison d in ice floes off the coast of New Foundland, and are threatened with destruction. In. re- sponse to an appeal from the collec tor of customs Jordon of Glouc ster, Mass., Assistant Secretary of the Trea- sury Bailly today ordered the cutters Androscoggin and Gresham to their assistance, The frozen herring fieet which two fof. the ablest revenue cutters on the coast have been asked to aisist out of the ice in the Bay of Islands was about to sail for home when cold and storm reached Newfoundland and clutched them, The schooner Wil- Mam F,. Morrissey has been driven Dispatch). moderate and:that the fleet: would get clear of the ice but today the north- east gale set in with thick snow and help became necessary. The Andros soggin ig on the main coast while Gresham which has been helping t ice-clad vessels in Nantucket and off Cape-Cod. will arrive in Bos ton today with. the schooner Titania in tow. (CW. A. P, Dispateh.) Curling, Nfd., Jan. 16 New Eng- land fishing vessels are I the ice at Bay of Islands and Boniie Bay aud it is believed Here that it is extreme ly untikely that they will be released before April unless there is an un- looked for change in Weather comat - tion Three of the auxiliary schoon- ashore at Table Point, the Helen G. ers attempted to foree a passage Wells is aBhore at St. Georges, Nfd., through the ice in the Bay of Islands and five Others are frozen in ice at and came nearly being rushed. They the Bay. of Islands and Bonne Bay. 11 were obliged to return to port, Blizzard Ends Session of the Quebec Legislature Fierce Blizzard Struck Ancient City Tangling Up Elec- tric. Wires and Call Out-- Fire Department. (W. ALP. Dispatch.) Quebec, Jan16 The fiercest bliz- no-abatement. The members of the zard which has struck Quebec in assembly were to have met but cross- many years was experienced today ed wires made trouble and general and it held up the town, knocked out the legislators and play d general havoc, The gale blew at the rate of 72 miles an hour shortly before seven o'clo. ening. This speed only lasted for about ten minutes when the Kale began to subside,-although th Storm ail raged with fury and all alarm was given. The firemen from all sections of the city hasteneded to the scene but the fire was a small one, It Happened in the Ubrary of the legislature and when the firemen arrived. the glectric-wire s6re the Patlament buildings were plung- ed. into darkness and the session of firsied, received here to-day from Amcunsfon, ; age the Paraguayan: capita The garrt PEP PETS son tn the city remained neutral during the night there was. Httle or the house had-to-be abandoned.
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Image 83 (1912-01-16), from microfilm reel 83, (CU1738382). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.