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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ry 1th, 1912. ann hlinr i RENT in Imperial bank al suites. All 5. Apply News. 1sdaee BERS Live Stock tloneers, 619 Tor- es every Friday 1 o'clock. Ranch conducted any ture sales con- onsult us, our ex- posal free. H. B, foronto St. 182dtt kinds of stock goods for sale at. with GL. Dun- St. Phone 268, fonesr, 17946 NEOUS Dfoperties in and trade for ranch unimproved, in an and Manitoba. on the Pacific dof the Panama ) Realty Traders, t. W., Vancouver, 118d1mo0. ts, outfit break- Apply Furrow, avenue, opposite P. 0. .box 701. at Prices Paid for 23D0f. HAT HIDE, FUR The above have slection of Second ) city. We carry and Bedding, new Slothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re- Bugsies,. Harness; of winter goods. mentioned above ices. Call at 504 or Phone 587. tf CLEANING. AND beg to announce ed a cleaning and ent opposite the h Ave. All work satistaction. New goods bought and is; Prop. Phoue Jan. 30. AND PRESSING din the Pingle r drug store, Main aranteed. Ladies l attention. Goods vered. Phono 353. 176dimo. F PARTNERSHIP existing between G Wright of Redclift, ss under. the firm Wright, was, on by mutual consent SMITHSON, WRIGHT ab. 9, 1912. 18104 mographer , correspondence, folding and Con- s, Imperial Bank 95. Fourth Avenue. tt, B-A-Sc. Engineer, erta Land Surveyor pur Railways, jewage, 3, Ete. cine Hat, Phone 484 Irrigation, Paperhanging, Stewart. posite Binnings) Estimates cheer- m cost of Papering ne 166, Woods. Thursday, February 15th, 1912 soe eater eeestr entrees ONE POP NI Ht or en W FARLAND BEAT MURPHY BEAT MURPHY Seeeeetetede SPORT NE W S tomes LEAGUE SCORES : Leehoescescoeendes feeds oateatectestoatects Ro etoctedonteateageae PEPSI IPO POG oO ey se a TO VIEW PANAMA CONSTRUCTION : - - CURLING BOWLING lt; iuc. 22 i -o-cms GALT CARS, Tourist and Roadster, FIVE MODELS 7 i public officials of both the United . gale States and Canada were included The Greatest Actual Automobile Winnipeg, Feb. 14. Of the unteaten rinks Cobb of Melitu, Man., went down to defeat jn the Dingwall 9 o'clock draw this moruing. Sparling, Minnedgsa Flavella, Lindsay; Braden, In a postponed game played last night the Royals took two out.of three battles from the Berniettes, Some excellent scores were made. The score: BIRNIES Phistles, and Finlay, Strethconas, Smith .. 190181 165 636 won their games and remain unbeaten. Holt . 140 143 176 459 Tha scores: Birnie . 149 138 140 427 Dingwall . Cooper .. 282 169 161 552 Samples of 20th Cen- Gourlay, Strathconas 10, Colth, Me- Frood 166 168 334 lita 3. ; tury Brand -Suits and SeGregecs Ghee sey 8) avsiia qa Tae Hight overcoats are jj, ; 710) i ROYALS ready for inspection Y Aummer, Keewatin 8, Blackbur Ready -- xe at tee Grynites 16. ole, Fs Se aes 11, Battell, Moose Boyd -- - lt;a) 195 186 Faw. 8: : : Calder 127 162 139 428 Now Neck naar s tiuslles 44, Baitloo, sio- 17 157 180 178615 ec pees 629 889 829 2847 Just opened up and new goods arriving daily. We are out for a record- breaking year and we have the goods to make this the largest year in Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the a Dollar's Worth Pick out your Suit now New Spring Shoes New Spring Hats GAME LAWS OF WESTERN CANADA A neat little booklet compiled for-our customers and made to fit. the vest pocket, containing 3 of Manitoba, Sas- Alberta and British katchew: Columbia and Ontario, also oth- er useful information to the sportsman, This booklet will be gladly mailed with our compli- ments to any desit fig same. THE CANADIAN ARMS SPORTING GOODS CO Winnipeg, Man. geeeneeees ttt + PLAYS AND PLAYERS t Feseeeseeeeeed Pimero is giving the fmishing touches to q new comedy. Robert McWade, sr., is to appear in a sketch called The Lifer. Lonise Gunning will make a tour of the coast in tA Balkan Princess. Cecil Raleigh's suctess, The Whip is to be produced in this ckuntry. The Lilac Domino, g Viemesa operenta, bas been acquired by Al H. Adrienne Augurde bas errived from Lomdoa to begin rehearsals of Rose: maid. Weber and Fields have decided to go on the roud after their New York season. Hattie Williams s to return to mu- sical comedy soon it new piece cal- Jed The Doll Girl,' Nora Bayes and Jack. Norworth hape acypired the dramatic rights to the novel, The Penny Panic. Marion Fairfax, author of Ibe Talk r, has started work on o new play dealing with the question of the idle rich. Philip Bartholomae, author of Over Night, bas two new plays ready for next season. One of them is called Little Miss Brown. Florence Nash, who made a hit ad the lisping girl in The Boys aii Company B, is to appear in new piayler-ny Wilttam-C. De Milte. Edger Selwyn, author of The tends to produce early next season. Theodore Burt Sayra and Cleveland Rogers have just completed a play of American Hife, which will be produced next season by John Cort. Frank Campaau, who won for him- self a reputation as Trampas im The (YVirginian, ' is now playing inj Kind. Ying with Margaret Illington. The Only Son is soon to pe reviv- ed with Thomas W. Ross as the star, Mary Ryan, Frederick Burton, and Lizzie Hudeon Collier will bp the cast. An-one-act comedy drama, entitled For Baby's Seke, has been discov+ ered among the manuscripts of (the inte Bartley Campbell, and will be put upon the stage. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the Sparling, Minnedosa 16, Seaforth 11. Ament, McLaren Jamieson, Thistles 8, Bradon, This- FOOT BALL among the passengers Who sailed for Panama today to view the progress of construction on the Jathmian canal. Two members of President Taft's c: inet, Secretary of th Interior Fisher and Postmaster General Hitchcock, were among those in the party. Can- ada was represented by the Hon. Clifford Sifton, Tormer Minister of the Interior and for many years a lead- Ing figure in public Ife in the Domin- fon, a TO SKATE FOR TITLE (Special to the News) Boston, Mass., Feb. 15 Nearly a Score of the fastest skaters in the Un- ited States and Camada reported in this city today to take part in the in- ternational speed skating champlon- ships, to be pulled off in the Boston Aren: MINNESOTA EDITORS IN SESSION (Spectal to the News) Forbes, Napinoa 16, Charles, Butte 10. Custice, Dauphin 10, Rich, Galtfats n. . Cassidy, Bigg, Elgin 15, Grady, Regina 14. Haig, Strathconas 8, DeGel, St. Paul 12. Williams, Assiniboises 12, Stirling, Saskatoon 6. Oldham, Duluth 10, 1B. Murdoch, Scotland 5. Tetley, Tea Keanie, Scotland 12, ore 5. Tuckett Fort William, Beulah 8 Fanton, ra- ser 12. McDonald 9, Hall 8. CW. A. P. Dispatet.) Winnipeg, Feb. 15. Flavelle, of Lindsay, Finlay of Strathconas, and Brandon of Thistles, kept up their winning streak this morning, the lat- ter two winning their games, while Flavelle will play this aftetnoon. These three rinks are the only ones remaining und r the open events. The Smith, Civics Crandall 13, Riddell, Wilson, Len- inild weather continued today and made curling good. No Scottish rinks played this gnorning. The score DINGWALL CUP Fisher, Assiniboines, 13; Kross, Brandon, 6, Gowler, Thistles, 11; Richardson, Neepawa, 9. CAMERON CUP MeMillan, Butter, 7; Ashby, Emer- son, 12. McPherson, Dawson, McKillop, Arcola. Debenham, Sintalut, 11; Armstrong, Swift Current, 6. defaulted to TETTLEY TEA Thataburn, Brampton, 10; PePher, Deloraine, 15. MacAulay, Southampton, Hams, Assiniboine, 9. Kenny, Strathconas, 6; Cameron, St Thomas, 1. Finlay, Strathconas,. 12; North Battleford, 7. Grady, Regina, 7; Creighton, Med- ieals, 11. McLAREN CUP Scott, Toronto, 5; Branden, This- tles, 12, McConaghy, Neepawa, 12; Gillespie, Moose Jaw, 11. PURITY FLOUR McLeod, Duluth, 10. 15; Wile Johnson, Walker, Carberry, 9; Deflel, St. Paul;-11,- Bmith, Civics, 10. Battle, Moose Jaw, 9; Way, Cart- wright, 12, PACKEY VICTOR Easily Put it Over Eddie Murphy in 10 Rounds Go. (W. A. P, Dispatah.) South Bend, Ind. Feb, 15. Packey McFarland successfully defended his claim against Eddie Murphy last night in ten round bout which went the limit, No decision is allowed by law; but McFarland tad the best 0 every round, flooring Murphy in th fourth, QUEBEC. GRAND MASTER: (W. AP. Dispatel.) Montreal, Feb, 15. Rev.. Frank ods of detection. Harriet playwright, ond Harvey J. O'Hifiginsy the writer, will assist him in the supply the technical meal Charters, Montreal, last night wes reelected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Quebec Free Masons. The The footer season being now upon us, practice will be held-on- Saturday afternoon on te Hargrave property across the river. Anyone interested in the gaine. will be made welcome. The outlook for football in the Hat this season is very promising, there is every reason to believe that a city league will be formed at an early date. The C. P. R. club is practically ready for the fray, and it behooves the Bankers, Sons of Scotland, Sons. of England and the City Club to en- d avor to arrange their respective teams as soon as possible: M.-C. Ay MEETING AT-HANNIBAL, (Specis to News). Hannibal Mo., Feb. 15 A number of religious workers of wide reputa- tion are on the programme for ad- dresses at theithirty-fifth annual con- vention of the Missouri Y. M. . A, which met here today with a large attendance. The proceedings will continue over Sunday. NEW TURBINE (W. A. P. Cable) London, Feb. 15. According Standard another step has poate in the perfection of the Turbine. This is a new reversible steam turbine ex- periments and demonstrations have already ben made with the new ma- chine by Wainwright of the Crown, who had a model 30 feet in length and 8 feet in bredth, reversed from full speed in one direction to full speed in another in a few seconds, ENGLISH POLO TEAM WON (OW. A. P, Dispatch.) San Mateo, Cal., Feb. 15. The Eng- lish Polo team drew first blood: in the tournament begun here yesterday, a the Wanderers 10 3-4 to 3.84. Wood, Elm Creek, 5; Johnson( Out- Lord Tweedmouth captained the W. Peters, assistant vice presi- look, 13. English and played 4 spectacular gent cf the C.P.R. with headquarters Champion, Civics, 11; Rice, Toron- game, scoring five goals out of the TMinsipeg. poo 0gh the ty to, 10. eleyen made by his teani- Ee eae safety by Lord Tweedmouth cost the English a penalty of 1 1-4. The Wanderers pared as the third team given a handicap of three goals. They scored two more but were penalized safety and a foul by Tobin. +The line-up follows: er, Lord Herbert, Lord Tweedmouth. Wanderers Paul Verdier, Geo. Cam ron, Orville Pratt, Cyril Tobin. tlon early today. collided with terrific Philadelphia, Feb. 15 Four stated memtership of the provine is now 7,821. and the San Mateo Polo Club. were 1-4 on two safeties by Cameron and a English Walter Dupoe, Lord Gow- 3 Trainmen Burned One Man Lay Wedged Under Engine and Begged Help while Flames Slowly 3 peaveloned Him: (W. A. P. Dispatch) trainmen were burned to death in fretght wreck on the Grand Trunk Railroad near North Yarmouth sta- Two freight trains impact, the wreckage igniting, and the three men in one of the locomotives were buried beneath the mass of wreckage. One 4 Killed and Engine on Truck of Fast Pennsylvania Express broke earth. 1t will take some considerable Causing Bad wreck.near Philadelphia. Minnesota Editorial association met at the Hotel Radisson this morning and was opened with ax address of weleome by Mayo Haynes and a re- sponsg. by S, Y. Gordon, president of the association. Tomorrow the edl- tors will listen to addresses by form- er Congressman James A. Tawney, B. H. Denu of Bemidji, and others of prominence. The sesa ons will end Friday. CHARLOTTETOWN ELECTIONS (CW. A. P. Dispaten gt; . Charlottetown, P, Bi'T., Feb. 15. The first eivic election by ballot in years resulted in tle election of Charles Lyon as maYor. Three water commissioners. elected were. S. W. Macdonald. SS ADVOCATESUNEFORM LAW (Special to the News ) Washington, D. Feb. 15. Feder- al regulation of welghts and measures in so far as it is necessary to secure uniformity in the laws throughout the colntry. will be urged by the confer ence of the State s dlers of weights and measures, which began at the a ia of Commerce and Labor jay Aid Will continue over tomor- row, As a result of the agitation on the subject the legislatures of 27 States already have taken action look- ing to uniform Itiws to govern weights and measures. ENGLISH FOOTBALL The following London, Feb, 1: games played today: Notts County 2, Bury 0. Bollon Wanderers 2, Bradford City, 0 The ameg should have been played on Feb. 3rd but were postponed ow- ing to Bury and Bradford playing in the second round of the cup. in tis privete car MCariand on big way ty the Court. Ro LINES CW. P. Dispatch.) 2b, 15. Sir William dian Northern's Hine, via Ottawu, will be completed the end of this year. Hawvesbhry- Montreal branch will e ready it December. of the men in the engine cab, Harry, Corliss of Island Pond, was alive when villagers reached the scene and was so wedged in by wreckage that he could not be oxtricated before the fire enveloped him. Corliss beg- ease his yfferings and was byphy- sicfaris, Grabbe, Chas, MacGregor and James the ged that something be given. him to * point suspension; the high tension the center control; the-full equipment found in imported high priced cars, and most not found at all in Canadian cars of the same price. Further investigation will conclusively prove that the GALT is a High Class Car with a Medium Price. LET US SHOW YOU THE CAR, BETTER YET, GET A DEMONSTRATION. MEDICINE HAT AGENCY -+ : 438 Fifth Avenue the--moxt ability. magneto; the steering and a number of o' advanced Value for the Money in. Canada. The Reasons Why: In the chassis there Las been adopted a style anda standard-of construction that: simply cannot sepomsaad teat will stand up under trying: in-motor car -depend A wonderful, silent, powerful and efficient motor, built in the Unit Power Plant type. Everything ts enclosed, including valves, flywheel, transmission, clutch in fact every. possible working in an air-tight, oll-tight and dirt-proof aluminum housing, yet so easily accessible that any trouble can be immediately reached by simply removing one of the quick detachable casing plates. The motor is trouble- less, speedy, powerful and always ready for the hardest work under any kind of conditions. rhe fuli floating rear axle, elimating danger in axle trouble and a great deal of tire trouble; tie three , absolutely automatic in its take up for wear; part is enclosed features, many of Which are only Vast Coal.Fields which will Superior Quality. A unigue way of mining coat is in vogne at Tofield, possiblp mowlhere else in Canada possesses the advan- tages that the miner has in this town, for be has not to borrow deep down in the earth, but can just shovel off the top of the earth and get at the fuel. To quarry coal is undoubtedly a unique occupation, and there are 100 to 160 men engaged in the quarrying operations. The coal lies so near to surface that it almost: lies at the grass roots and it has been found to be much cheaper and more satisiac- tory to remove the earth to fifteen or, twenty feet with steam shovels and then quarry, the coal mitch the same as stone is'inartied than to bre and sink shafts. In this extraordinary method of mining coal the heavy expense inci- dental to ordinary coal mining is eliminated. The miner has got to sink Gil timber shafts, and oytip them With expensive hoisting machin- ery, nor drive and timbbkr entries, sup- QUARRYING COAL AT TOIELD o toa white ash. It-barns -too-trsely- Take Hundreds of Years to Work are Right at Hand in pape ce coal is of coal area tributary to Tofield is ap- proximately 20,000 acres and the To field Coal Company own 1400 acres. The company after making drill teats om various parts of its property esti- malte that it has about 20,000,000 tons of coal im the surface of tha seam alone. Estinating the annual output of the mine under full develop- ment at 200,000 . tons a year it will take 100 years before this one. scam alone is exhausted. There are five coal mining com: panies operatirly at Toficld now. Pree Of thee are developing their porper- ties at q rapid rate. Two of the hom- panies did considerable development work last year end are shipping irom eight to tem carloads a day in addi- tion to supplying the 1 All the companies cre prepared to in- staf mew machinery in. the early spring and carry forward development work on a Targe scale this coming suinmer. The coal i good quality of lia especially adapted to dombatic under a forced draft for locomotive use, but. is very satisiactory for steam purposes when used in station ary plants. The municipality of To- field is planning to establish an elec Oe eee cannes fuel in order-to supply cheap electei- cal energy to man comeerns. The demand for the coal at the pre- lsent tina is far in excess of the sup- ply and the tine operators are per force being compelled to decline many orders. Tha completion of the To- field-Calgary branch. of the Grand Trunk Pacific thto Calgury early this, year will open up a much wider mar- Ket:to Tofield coal and the prospects are that even with the extensive de- velopments planned at the mines this year, and an. increase of several-fold Har the output, the demand will still be oven greater thats the supptp. Wharles E. Taylor, superintendent of, the Tofield Coal Company is sow in Germany purchasing from the Krupp factory stripping machine of special ign to be installed at. the mime in the carly spring. This machine, man- jafactured similarly for the purpose of stripping the earth from the deposits jof iron ore, will handle earth to the depth of forty feet. Sreaoloeteciotoniestncioctedgoetn port crumbling roofs and combat foul air, noxious gases, and water. . All that is done away with, and no a ci- dents result from cave-ins, premature explosions, and fire damp. When the earth is removed the coal is mined im the op with the fresh Kers and every: division football Sif stimulating the wor every: are results of first division 2: work progresses. It does not need pillars of coal to support the overly- ing strata of earth and rock pillars that have to be withdrawn later at the imminent peril to the life and limbs of the men, Operations. are conducted om the simplest plam, and the manner of working can be review: ed from the top of the earth with all implements ready at hand. Tofield's thistory only . dates back two years. It has only fyten khown as a mining centre alittle over one year and the town owes its existesice-to the gatural demand for a trade centre for the rich agricultural centre of Beaver SEE US AND King Street and Road eS PHONE PO errdereedretetestoate BUY YOUR LUMBER FROM Lumber Co., Ltd. Largest Stock. in the City to select from. Best Grade and Lowest Prices. Paeesosgontetoateetosioss *sasteate Segoe SAVE MONEY. Allowance, Medicine 461, f Peet Bes Take, which has been famous for a district in Westerh Canada. The town stands on Canada s great transconti- nental railway, the Grand Trunk Pa- cific, and the steel reached (Tofield late in September, 1909; therefore, the real historn of the town practically dates from that time. of the Grand Trunk at Tofield follows a shallow at an elevation of 2300) atove the seo. level. On the north isa broad ridge separating this depres- wor-from Beaver-Leke:- On the crest and southern slope of this ridga is lncated the townsite of Tofield, over- looking the lake on the north and the railway on- the south. Beginning half 4 mile south of the railway there is w broad, low tablphand, ami it is here that the coal deposit is found. There are several seams of varying depths and thicktesses and the whele supply is estimated to be very rich. The seam nearest. the top is the only nearest tha top is the only ome now eitg worked and it is stated to be sight to ten feet im thickness with a covering of CW. AP. Dinparca) per- fons were killed afid twenty-five oth- ers injured when nine cars of the eastbound Penneylvania Limited Ex- Pa,, four miles west of Huntington. The accident was caused by the truck ofthe second locomotive breaking. The train left Chicago last night and Was due in New York at 5.80 today. from fifteen to twentyrfive feet of Yime possibly hundreds of yeats Be- fore the whole field is cleared-up there will be quite a bustle going on around the puarry' for many a long ay to come. It is cotimeted that the seam now being worked will pro- duce an average of from 8,000 to 10,000 toos to the acre or epproxi- mately 200,000,000 tons. The proven score of years as one of the richest Montreal-TOromto if not the richest mixed farming aware that COMMERCIAL PRINTING Mr. Business Man are you JOB PRINTING DEP- THE NEWS ARTMENT is now owequipped with all the most modern machinery and latest type faces with which to turn out Commercial Printing. Your next order for Job Printing be it large or small would be appreciat- ed by us and will receive our careful and prompt at- tention: THE NEWS, LIMITED
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Image 259 (1912-02-15), from microfilm reel 259, (CU1738406). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.