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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ytd, 2 February 2nd,-1912 WILL BEAR a i MURDERER 18 BE the Bonoobicter girl than were die United States to that place were ad- Sepaereetedtedeetededritetn dg ing to popular tradition, it ie . sure sign timt winter is practically over and there will be an early spring. three-othets, Who were with hin om the opted by the Washington Statp Fed- f aight whe met hetvdeath. peentton: r OPERA HOUSE Pb RE Eb eb One of Four Men Concerned : meres eee ae z 0 FORM PROV. ms mE ye 6 Nights Commencing Monday, a a Eo 2 ETTIE SEIS Fo. Chon o Py Mighty The Arizona State Federation of Attorney-General Mitchell gt; . gin of Candiesinas day, but most au- thorities-are agreed that this coclesi- astical festival was instituted by Pope Galuisiits i the year of 492 in commiemoration of the presentation of Christ in the teinple and of tha Virgin Mary. February denoted pw i- Ground Hog on Candlemas Day which Decides on the Fate of Winter, dhe ate iteate Soehe efotioay Oe This is Candiemas day; and s ; . the Un ted States. was organized in a 7 (Spectal to News) fication and io this month the Rom- (Special to the News.) land performed the ceremony of puri- Trenton, N.J.j, Feb. 2. Withia the he year 1831, Says they will be Employ- the people, When the i the The first local waion of printers -in ed besides u.L. Men. sOn Candlemas day, if the sun appear, 2ration of mext ten days the dig gates of : There'll be two winters in i fae *feturck-changed- this feast of Prosper- State prison will be opened for the Labor was organized ut a recent con- ae e (Dokadienes day, in popular paritaice, 2 0 wes called bys the Rowers, exit of George J, Kerr, ona of the ention in begennd Edmonton, Feb; 2. A special body mied- it Tetaitied the procession featur and associated the .occusion with the puri- fication of the Virgin. The featival is celebrated throuah- out the Christian world annar ly co February. 2,. and. derives its mami is mothing more nor less thas GTO ind thog day; ground-hog day * from the wranges of Hudson Bay to the pines of Caroling and from New England to California, According to the popular fable if Be'er- Arctomys Momax, the ; a groundhog, creeps out of his hole from the fact that im the Roman Ca- + between sunrise and high noon this tholic churches camiles are bipssed on day and wees its shadow outlined by this duy, and carried in. procession in eleven yours ago in connection with the mem in the tuilding (rades fn the four now connected with the le the death of Jennie Bosschieter, the Portland, Maine. quor Ucenie branch, is to be created And 7 mill girl, whose fate attracted coun- A hew sand promising union of jew- by the Alberta government. .Attoruey- try, wida attention. With the commiu- elry workers Fecently formed at General Mitchell states that a num- ution allowed for good dyhavior Kerr a meeting in ce, RT, ber of men now in the license branch year hare, Ontiry SSMS servants i would eventually be set apart for ver week from next Monday, on which to yatition the nent c this tal work, date be will be set at tiberty. Ho.will yermmnuation scbeti , atone lt; o st Tweedie, who rais d the question in four Pattersou men convicted atiout The eight-hour days is enfoyed ty all lor provinctal detectives, apart trom The Distingui ished Comedi which will actaa ' i Sim- fi ymcn concerned the hotise, based bin argument in fav- clrenlation and the anialiGi: URE Sis ame preeipel commpenea lied: of Sa. ee ee * ae ig es hia, treadona. , 2 CooPerative store has been es: lor of provincial service on the fall- ina condition mentak 1y scampers* back into its aperture mad jeon spoken of the infant Ciirist, SOS TENE tablished by the wmion men of Oska-/ure of the city and mounted police to 4 aa the- prabioms there tomains for six weeks mone. But) light to Lighten the Gentiles. The young sien canvicted with Kerr loosa, Iowa, and promiscs to --be alshed ght on recent) crimes in. the do have serious if he fails to see his shadow, accord- Z were Wilkiain A. Death, Walter Mec- success. x southern portion of the province. e 1. oire oO after they have : Allister and Andrew J. Camptell. On) The Atmalgamated Association of : behind them. floor, with feet ck and head up, pt arm bigh and though reach- Lat the same thne po side and try to nary weight. The pward on one side ward on the other 4 h thut may have ips, and in x few pear. fective exercine for mparting graceful: sometimes called on account of the arms -ar - thrown a sweeping circle. few Inches apart nm it e'ightly wits ard the right side, planted firmly om at the right -untit t hand touch the ut moving the feet head in the same body, so that the ove the head, and jown in the same iching the side of ps of the fingers of Oct. 18, 1900, the four were found iron Steel and Migs Workers of North ; : guilty of-munder in the second degree America ia to comvent in Chi for the Killing of the Bos ehicter-gitll ypay- ee Co Ure: esata sont tie cine wae Texas, oon to bei a Price. 39 CENTS ges Re labor Tempe, Which i: intmndad to moat. revolting ever committed. n Nave To er tro: abies par Fe pt ae Smee oe relia of tit cis. A CLASSIC ON CONSUMPTION ais oma geet Macca ged. con- National t Cutters Asso gt; siderably. und Hi Yefownte 6 lijyuor, ciation of America will hold its an- ey / nual convention at Philadelphia, Pa., sicko tp tie eiee, mallsvoP a 98 ns with Apel 27 rs The total namiben of organizes at Present holding comimissions issued by the Ainericas: Federation of Labor is Class PLAYS kar ik AN AMERICAN - ABROAD 150. Minutes of Solid Laughter. Office and Factory, Esplanade. Phone 100. GEPRAL BULDERS AND CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS SUP- PLIES, PLANING MILL, HEAVY TEAMING. ; Spring will soon be here. If you antlolpate erecting a house er building of any kind, let us give you a figure on the work. No matter how large or how small, w are here with the goods. We carry a full stock of builders supplies, lumber, lime, sand, gravel, cement, wall plaster, window and door frames, sash and doors, all kinds of mouldings,-etc., ete, MILL WORK A SPECIALTY WE ALSO DO PAINTING, DECORATING AND SIGN PAINT IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. GET OUR PRICES of the city at might. The next mora- ing the girl was found by the road- side and died from the shock of her maitreatmon. 1504, am increase over last year of All four of the youtig men belonged Tye tockout y ? in the British cotton ilies i Theso, words : Mr. Ed to epee forelte, in dee cade in the emUMELOl application at aterars on se avid Gurney, i on ana hase aL Names the employaes for 6 per cent: ad- cee tay Sorts Grol s ca ot safa them from severe punishment. nc iq wages. hie workers affected CODsUIM Re . he: ellorts, however, proved fatile- 1p tie lockout Haale 120,000 woengn: an te Greer ot cabo Tnaitatins of ko McAllister, Campbell and Death were A novel strike ms taken place im/ kind, on. this continent and in Euro Gich sentenced to thirty yeams im- switzerland where five of the show very clearly oat this mock dreds prisonment at hard labor. Kerr, whol i. ene Sui generals Gisease can be, and i . jin: have struck be- the treatment followed in any woll- was tried first and separately, was suse toes, do not Fogard their given only half of the term imposed cmuncration of 900 sufficient the time that: the hospiiale fp 3 WSE*S: have-boon in existence, the desth-rate from RESER NOW.ON SALE FOR upon Soe Siar e The Union Hall association, a hold- consumption bas bon reduood twenty: ia ai rR eetee HOM MTH terete During the years their incarma- ing company. for lwbor unions, has per den vost Fe Pany pe AN AMERICAN ABROAD AT PINGLE S Men, women, and chisdren are all oeing mowed down every day by this fell disease consumption and it is a mistake. 15 CLEVER-ARTISTS GORGEOUS BAGS SETTINGS i A CARLOAD OF SCENERY AND EFFECTS an-easy-exercise bought q building lot in Rucine, Wis., ae teeing Possibilities of the sana- ster, and the tend- . SAVE M oO NEY made to dhtain the release of the four in the bubtness-cealtee of. the. city. and- onium in Canada are limited only by the DRUG AND BOOK STORE. avariably to bend eo mies. The Court of Pardons, although intends to er et there a 2 ,000 labor work. For this reason wa very choorfully EATSEEH out of its plane ON FRESH EGGS, BUTTER, APPLES, ORANGES, POTATOES, 4 devoting much time to investigating temple. ask cur readers to help in the greab and from aide to side VEGETABLES, FRESH BEEF AND PORK. I handle the above the cireumstances-of the tragedy, hes The long cherished dream of the STOwinE work that le being done ap jer a few attempts * ines. In quantities and for eash ean give you a rock bottom never looked with favor i hanes Babe, - ica es two or three days 4 Ph upon. the pe- -A.ushis likit tavOr party; the- creation ' '-Friea-fime'sta iment for the trustees of z pees veers you can save moneys Phone 168 for prites-and par- tition p teented in Sahalf of GA Tat' ce Ani tunis, compe the oskoks Frey Hoya for Consempe 5 soners. sash. tives 0, that from ally for the waist REMEMBER prices are quoted for cash om delivery. Count ing with mire and providing month of April, 1902, when this inatitution gt; stretch the flesh che line from the st, while rounding ah curves, It is understood that as soon as the labor govertiment with a powerful was first opened, up to tho t day, Kerr is released the appli ation of his financial-arm, is ahout to be realized, not a single patient has ever been refused associates for pardons willbe renew- Resolutions favoring the construc- mission to this hospital because unable fed, and will be fortified with the ax- tio of a/natiopal Tabor temple at ahr w, 3: Gage, Chairman of the unent that: notwithstanding his W: Washington, D.C., and the removal of Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Ave., oF Tpitce ecntence; Meer wan nockees indectationel WRGMGURr tert ty Oh aan ail Mkewticgs e ews: or JO rinti in of the essault and murder of trade and labor omga 6 cantril a your. silver dollars, phone Lyndsand on a few weeks supplies you - will have: enough to. pay your gas bill, F. G. LYNDS, 285mm, inca tae wit Seoprvereesenpecesestecoee curned inward, ex- ., is another simple aa line under the arm z CP SSSSERORE Soeseeteete tie ete ate etotte te PEL EEE EEL OLE STS S TET TS so eteetp aloes ee Se arte Si ot ; SESSSEBSIIISE Se erostrtraateadreecoste eos terted SEREEEESS ES: be decectocte drepecirstestoctoatoe ees eos t. but by. constant d in getting rid of flesh firmer, and in 3 same time, They me and when taken fndow, - that the fr as the breathing ; per, they constiinte P quickest ways to yysical lnsbractors This year. the WEEKLY NEW in a position to of: er its patrons some- thing abovethe ordinary i in. the ey. of. es to do her reduc- me syort or game mam teachers. are tennie Cor sie win clube Nave. ean jose who- expect el of time to this arranging to ply. week. The girls jon of the court lly the pastime it the home of Gi, whieh ocial axpect to the vVanee you can secure the Weekly News for one year and ndkerchjet, so. that red cge Is wasted. square of give the correct opening down the. epechully sulted 10 of either silk, all- iin white lawn, and with a binding of de removable. Oue er look aa if made wt) ast atwer wait. little house jacket the lines of a sailor ss-barced and beu- Say eo ty ly, gath- to form se bed Saisbed U the ogee nine inch squares , hemming the nee aoe is ae four pols the daame delicate fuses to finish the sepepeseeeseues Seeeseeeaees pegesseesee ses seeee 5 Compiled by: J. S,. Hodgins, V.S., honorary graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- 24 lege, and T. H. Haskett, secretary of the Vet rinary Science Company. : : *- The book contains over four hundred pages and deals exhaustively with the anatomy diseases and treatment of domestic animals, also containing a full description of tiedi- cines and receipts. The book is now in its twentieth edition and is sold in the regular 3 way for 1.50. No farmer or stockman should be without it The- supply is: ttmited and will doubtless be sold out early in the coming month. : : ; + : Se GET YOUR APPLICATION FOR A*COPY IN EARLY REMEMBER - - - 2.00 edpdpdpdeeetrseivtotode ee Ree ey 3 fee . S333 POP ood oo Gos Co Created Seep goeea faking. it 's bed rightly made, pt that will stay the bed le opened scupation, It ts follow the example Who had her lower : i around tie alate bo neinkle aight t the average bed aught scork the mild be taugiut- any an affair, will calm- * clorbes in together bed. and lower sheets, i are thrust ia with ' ads. When the bed mntter of courye ap, wink the lower cucked buck into j into folde at every instead it had been oth when the bed ed veell under the - 4a well ao wt end : all the upper bed ced wmootitly. inside E tie under sheet pull vat when tbe nd the q ona Keep 1c in place, jere two thin wing. d, the lower aheat aid the lower nak. n that they are aah ve : springs. / seaveeereaetececeenee oy ets Fr is 0 5 i 9 Q e a Q ia i a 0 3 - a lt; lt; 3 2 9 iQ iQ Wl A 3 5 eS o 2 8
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Image 179 (1912-02-02), from microfilm reel 179, (CU1738386). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.