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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDIOINY HAT DAILY NEWS PRIRES FOR GATECHISH. MUSIC AND DRAMA Monareh Theatre The Monarch Theatre offers a strong program for today. AN Tmp entitlet On the Stroke of Three will be en- Joyed by all who see it. The follow- AT ST. JOWN'S CHURCH Rev. J. W. Morrow Distributes Awards to Pupils Suc- cessful in the Open Com petition at Sabbath School. ing is a short synopsis of this. fib + At the erisis of a life Joe Perkins was grave problem. For- gery would aye the girl he loved, as well as her father, from ruin: Should he take the riakt? He had ted a fool- life in his earlier day Farmer White gave him a job and there was his confronted by MONEY OUR BIG AD thelr way clear to continue same dur- sh and viclous ing the ensuing year, The following a On Sunday morning in St. John's church the prizes awarded to the suc cessful competitors for Catechism - in opportunity to the, pupils SAVING OPPORTUNITIES IN THIS ISSUE make good Under new conditions. And Joe did make good. What was more to whom prizes were awarded for Cate- the Sabbath School were distributed chism during the: years as tested by by Rev, Mr. Morrow. an examination at the end of Decem- Although the day was none too fay- the point. Joe fell In love with Agnts, farmer White adughter, and Agnes AS USUAL WE COMMENCE STOCK:TAKING ON THE 25th INST AND DESIRE TO RE- DUCE OUR STOCK TOTHE LOWEST POSS. IBLE FIGURES SONSEQUENTLY WE OF- FER THE FOLLOWING INCOMPARABLE der, 1911, in which the answering was remarkably good, most of the first prize winters getting full marks and the Second prize winners from ninety to ninety-five per cent: Pirst Prine Dorthy Reynolds, Beatrice Russell, Frances Maltby, Gerald Rankin, Al- orable owing to the blustery weather, a good number of the members of the congregation, as. well as scholars of the Sabbath School, were present, and enjoyed the service very much, Rev. Mr. Morrow Parents and children, expressing tho fell in love with Joe. Then came the Farmer White went to town on business. Whif news reached Joe that there was a run on the local bank. All Farmer White's mofey was there, 12,000. Joe had been a addressed. hoth VALUES pleasure he had in doing so on such should he go back to hi 1000 eoplan day. 299 0. c.cples Thuraiax. son benedit of ta no eatre charge. op VOL. 2 NO. 157 FR surr GABES. fae aten that a prize obtained in open competition by their own unaided ef- forts, was much better than a Christ- mas gift) since they had earned the He also hoped that Stewart, Margaret -slalcolm, Malcolm, Jas, Williamson, May Qs- borne, Robert Malcolm, Edith Walker, Ruth Becker, Lilian Hamilton, drew Nelgon. Farmer White and his daughter? What would you have done? Go to the Monarch tonight and A Reliance drama The Stolen Play*-and Nestor-Come- the bank and sav: 25.60 SUIT CASES... 0... see what Joe did. former, 17.0 G5) onan 8503 12.50 CALF LEATHER LINED 8.00 Second Prize * Don Sissons, H. Crawford, Lisle Wyatt, Jean Sewell, Emerson Porter, Margaret Wyatt, Alice Sissons, Camp- bell Hargrave, Willie Yuill, Muriel Mc- Aten Agnew, Lyle, Ruth Georgie Campbell, and prizes obtained would bea great stim+ ulus to all scholars during the com- He also suggested-that the year just entered they should try and be as sticcessful as possible, and with that object in view should adopt certain- mottoes for during 1912. Let them each and all try to be: 1 Present in Sunday School each The Town Marshall the program. complete ing year. Winnipeg, Man., 10 A. G. Boyce, leading man tx the Sneed: cage here, will not be deported but will buy a ranch In Alberta. Mrs, Mrs. Sneed arrived home with her hus- band at Fort Worth yesterday. Laren, Ogiltr Howard Hargrave, Mon: Hawthorne, Mary Porter. Special prizes were Sissons, 3.50 KERATOL -*(Waterproot) 2.00 : FUR COLLARS AND.CAPS- their guidance gt; 6.00 TO 7.00 QUALITIES, PERSIAN LAMB, GERMAN OTTERS, HEAVY. for attendance during the year, name- ly, two Bibleg presented by Rey. C. A. Mitchell of Calgary, tor the best at tendance in St, John s Sunday School during.1911, awarded to Joe Osborne Sabbath. 2 Be there on time, punctuality to, A Simple Treatment That Will Make Hair Grow Now Sold in Canada: Every up-to-date NUTRIA, AND Sraeeraegregeeatoegesteatreys. Gree SS Ss QUILTED LININGS FOR 4.50. Imperial Bank of Canada 3 Come with the lesson prepared. 4 Try tobe first-in class, in Cate- .Woman. shou'd DEPT some really EXTRAORDINARY. VALUES in- Gays during the year. Prizes were also awarded to Earl Bell, Olive Shields, James Burns, Alice mm and Ina Osborne, for good atteRlance during 1911 fecord, fifty But to.make these mottoes success- et in-their working out in the Sunday School would tequire the -sympathy, and cp-operation of the parents in the In conclusion he thanked those have radiant hair. There are thousands of women with harsh, faded, characterless hair, who do not try tu improve it. In England and Paris women take pflde in having beautiful hair. Every Canadian woman can have lustrous and luxuriant hair by using SALVIA, the Great American Sag Hair Tonic. Every reader of The News can have an attractive head of bair, in a few weeks by using SALVIA Pingle, the druggist, sells a large bottle for 50 cents, and guarantees it to banish dandruff, stop falling hair in ten days, or - 11,993,800 72,000,000 BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. R,. , WILKINSON, Manager. v Medicine Hat Branch. . Capital and Rest - Total Assets GENE SAVINGS B. cluding 12. 18. 20. 22. BROWN TWEED Smart Serviceable for DARK STRIPE: TWEEDS Strong. Well Cut for - FANCY WORSTEDS Newest Designs for FANCY, MOHAIR-CLOTH Swell Suits for SUITS FOR BEST WEAR Real Dandies for 5 fl FINEST G oops who had so kindly donated books as Sundays during the year. hoped that they wouht See Scottish Cuilers Will Hlawe. Bi Prog: ramme of port, t to Get Through and itching scalp MONARCH THEATRE (The Home of Good Pictures.) ease pao Pi Visiting oan will Ontario Curling Clu for Strathcona SALVIA isa beautiful, pleasant, non-sticky Hair Tonte. 3day s Program of Photoptays- 8.50 11.00 13.50 15.00 ne tainable-for- . f . This LIST includes the whole of our Stock of the: Imp. Drama Reliance Drama ..Nestor Comedy. On the Stroke of Three, The Stolen Play, The Town Marshall, CELEBRATED SEMI the Sole PICK 0 cw. a Tew, a eoaceta played on the. third rink inthe e visitors. will be tented x at the King Edward Hotel by the Mayor and corporation of the city of Tororito. On Thursday afternoon, Jan, 25, games will be played with six: out-of-town rinks on the Queen Rink and the visitors will be dined by the Queen City Club and play them Toronto, Jan. 12 The following programme has been received and the entertainment of the visiting Scottish inged by the To- On: the arrival of the C. P. R. train from Petersboro about 10.30 a. m. on Tuesday, Jan. 23, they will be met and escorted to the city hall where they will be welcomied by banatiee tonto Clubs. Admission 15 Doors Open at 7.30 Children 10c Matinee every Day 3.15 and 4.15. MENS UNDERWEAR Stanfield s Red Label, - Regular YY SUITS, for this district HEAVY CLOTH CAPS 1.50 qualities reduced to 90c. 1.00 Caps reduced to 75 .. This stock is very new, all be- in the evening. On Friday, Jan. in the afternoon Club, four rinks of the Scotsmen Will meet a number of Lakeview players and be entertained by them. On Sat- day,Jan.-27th, five rinks will play against Parkdale and West Toronto the mayor in the council chamber. A civic luncheon will be served at Mc- Conkey's Cafe at 1p. m. At 3 o'clock the visitors will meet six rinks of out-of-town curlers on the Granite Rink. They witt-dine with the- Gran Ite Club at 630 and-play that 3.00 suit-for 2.50. Stanfield s Blue Label, Regular 3.50 suit for 8.00. Men s Fleece Lined,, Reguiar CROSSLEY BROS. Builder Contractor, 7108 4tl AMLAND THEATRE (The ony Theatre in Medicine Hat Showing: LicensedFilms.) TO-NIGHT ing late repeats. . COMFORTERS 72 x 72, neat Colored Comfort- MEN S FUR COATS Only, China Dog, 52 in. long, Regular 25. 6. Only, Imitation Buffalo, very fat lt;Victoria, and in. the evening. the visitors will be dined at the Victoria Club by the members of the Toronto Curling Club, and-play them five rinks in. the evening. On Wednesday, Jan. 24th there will be the test match with the Ontario Curling Association for the Strath- Nestor Droma see Comedy A Maisage from the West, . Get-Rich-Quick, 2 Tweedledum as oes Thanhouser Detective, . Ambrossis Drma ers. Regular 2,75 for 2.15. ec Hicks Cloth Wine and Firen Fire broke out. in -H Store, South Railway. Street at 2.50 this aftern xs spread to othor adj Hick s Store with clothing, gent s furnish tleally he 2 total loss. Wright's Jewellery destroyed. Howson s Wine and Li threatened, as 5 also ing om Raflway Street. The fire Is thought to ated from a stove In ti tallor shop over, Wrigh Immediately the plac rete oe fore it spread to the Wright's store, which of the firemen all of wh ng with might an he water. freezing th alights' fe giving a sreat Moose Jaw; received in two persons had perishe posure in.the south co ing the number reporte It is extremely difficult of the fatalities and the Jan, 13- BOYS KNICKERS Twoeds and Prices 16 and Iie. Prices Ibe 10 Matinge at 15 and 4.15. Evenings at 8.00 9.00 price 13.00, LAST EVENING S SOCIAL PRESIDENT F PRINCETO) The social of the All Welcome Bible class held in the parlors of Century chureh last evening was tairty welt attended in spite of the CW. A. P. Dispatch) Princeton, N. J., Jan. 12. Dr. John Grier Hibbon Stuart, logle, was today elected president of MEN S ULSTERS 25.00 Semt- Rend. Methodist professor. Uusters, Splendid for pencel wear 27 to 32. Regular 90 , to 1.25 for.50c. pair. , WE OFFER SOME of-the Finest:Shirt Values ever SSE STAR THEATRE TICENSED FILMS AT THE OLD STAR. weather. After a. spirit:d guessing contest on song representa s1 and vocal solos were rendered. An expression Of shock was.noticed on several faces when-a lunch, prepared for 75, peared on the scen with but 37. to He succeeds 00, 18.00 Semi-Ready Uus- ters 15.00. 16.00. Chesterfields-and sotor- Prindeton jUniveraity. Woodruff Wilson, who resigned the presttency titre tatt-ot-t908-to-make a Tun for governor of New Jersey JN ADDITION TO USUAL PICTURE PLAY Special.Engagement THE TWIN CITy QUINTETTE WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. DRY CLEANED. s SHEEP LINED gt; shown. These are fancy flannel, depend mainly through: the uncertain rathertntermttent comm the two victims one was: the other a man. On: th -cember a man named G. six miles south which is/22. miles south Burg. and- 10. miles rom was. last seen in a storm on that day, He was four a, Spek 100 feet from MICRDTS- TOF Work OF. drees, Same, With: patent col neck-band and collar. separa All English flannels and clos- ely priced in the various lines attack it, but all proved loyal sol- diera, and after a commendable )Slaught had been made the musical spirit again pervaded the place, all Joining in a number of-songs and- closing a-miost enjoyable evening with God Save the King. COATS. 7.50 and 6.00 Coats to clear at - MUSIC, MIRTH AND MYSTIFICATION. .. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURES. - DMISSION HEALS THELUNGS PRICE. 25 CENT STOPS CODCHS . 12.00 Coats to clear at 8.50. 5.50 Mackinaws, all Wool for 25 CENTS WILLIAM A. BEGG BARRISTER, ETC, Has Removed from374 Toronto Street, to: The Becker Block MAIN STREET. Mackinaw SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Jack Curran is back in the city for-a- short vist and is receiving warmweloome from many old friend Mig? Nora and . Mr. Webster Nib- very enjoyable card party at their home on Montreal street last night when cight tables of guests sat down to the whist tables. A. very in- teresting series of games was played, of the piize. being whilst Mer. the gentleman's W. B. MARSHALL. ANNOUNCEMENT (OUNCE THAT WE: HAVE COMPLETED STOCK-TAKING AND ARE OPEN TO SUPFLY THE WANTS OF, HOM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF HARD. THANKING YOU FOR PAST PATRONAGE AND HOP. ING TO BE FAVORED WITH YOUR TRADE IN FUTURE. Marshall - Mitchell . Hardware Co. SWEATER COATS Vest and-Collar Styles, Blue, Grey, Snfoker, Tain, Green bodys with suitable collar and cuff trimmings. 2.50 Sweaters Cadigan weave for 2.15. 2.50 Sweaters Cardigan weave for 2.00. 4-00-to 6.00 Coats reduced to MITCHELL. BROS. lock ga MEDICINE HAT WE BEG. TO AN the lady winner Miss Margaret Stewart Saunders captured Hl nonor Followitig the dainty lunch was, supplied apd i rendered by several of the ladies and gentlemen present. . HANDS FROZEN LOOSELY SOOTEOO TO OUR PATRON Tae ft oUR NEW STORE IN THE BECKEK BLOCK . NEXT WEEK. The'greatest care has been used in selecting our New Stock and we will have Srerrtas. the modern housewife requires : THE PUBLIC WOOL SOCKS. in our fixtures has been te- Many Of them to 50c. per Spoons duced to 25c. are worth es et 12. Telegraph- Dawson, Y. T , Jan. Operator McMillan of Yukon Cross- Ing, was thrown from his sleigh while he was driving his dogs on the Yukon River and was rendered unconscious. When he came to his hands were se- lt; Ms so SMOKING JACKETS 6 only tovclear out, 7, 6.50 values for 4.25. 2 *. lt; gt; 2 s Ms e 0-4 v rely frozen, The stage is rushing cs 0-4 from 2.25 to 2.75: We will-clear out any shirt in the range for 1.75 and you had better look at the goods. MITTS AND GLOVES Lined Gauntlet Gloves worth 1.50 for 95e, - Lined, short gloves, horse hide and buckskin, worth 1.50 and 1.75 for 1.00. ENITTED WRIST Lined Leather Gloves, worth 85 . to 1.15, reduced to Gse. 8.00 and 8.50 Fur Lined Gloves Fedticed to 20 a pair. DURING JANUARY We will make up, any piece of cloth you muy want Tuto a sult for 15.u0 We put In very good trimmings and an Eavert tallor-guarantess the Ait, when found he had in h a cheque for 675 and and In an inside pocket will which be had carrl leaving his property to eeased was a native of and had almost Camas of the Otlier case aro the victim, Mrs. Wilson + with her. hiisband, a about quarter Wood Mountain. husband was absent fro that the house took fire her esoape and in an atte neighbor's house, lost when found was frozen (W. A, P. Dispa Boston, Jan, 13. The fast, em route from Boste Maine, of the Bastern. St was In a collision: with Rome, Jan. 12 A seve HEAVY FELT BOOTS Congress style heavy felt soles. Regular 2.50 for 1.60. tion o curred today in. when seven Tufkish gun Light Cloth Shoes with Leather the patient to White Horse, 150 miles distant, while Superintendent Wheel- er of the White Pass service and a doctor are hurrying out with a spee- WATCH FOR OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT ete 11. Alumnt niversity of The new year s booming bright In the horse line as Mr, Cargill is sell- ing some of his new importation: Columbia, 8. and other friends of the 2 cS C.P.R. MEN S ST / South Carolina gathered in force to- i Sonadate Day. The primetpal Seale er at the exerclues beld fn the uni- ldy automobile to meet the stage. SIR CHARLES BETTER heautiful brown Clyde horse. Prince (Imp.) has been sold Thompson, Alta. Lacklan, Andrew Giffen or H. S. IRELAND. Hewitt Armstrong Hartley Block, Corner Ottawa North Railway. versity chapel this afternoon was Dr. Mr. Giffen is to be congratulated on (ls G00d chol e of horses and hiv 2n- 2 ae bureau of: the Federal depart- terprise in buying such a good quality ment of agriculture. Brees report from Berley Heath aye that Sir Charles Tupper is slightly better. London, THE QUALITY GROCEERS Phone 258 Deertecraerteectndeateceee deeretedestnted director of he pubic Sectetedetes 1, W. Page, os OOOO POM oho io dedodontedty armed yacht were destr jan warships, the divisi cruisers) Which tas been coast of; the Red Sea Turkish wi yeving: contraband goods Vessels ani of Arabia, encountered t Turkish guitboats. and a e fire. Th Turks rep feeble: srmament--succur
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Image 70 (1912-01-12), from microfilm reel 70, (CU1738377). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.