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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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eer 7 y MEDICINE HAT-DAILY WEWs . (Special te the News.) AMO US ( MEL Ottawa, Ont.; Feb; 6 The Canadian 4 Lumbermen s Association held its an- nual meeting in the capital today. rae Question at Stake is Posses- ey WILL ASK KING TO OPEN HIGHWAY) Proposal to Name Road Be- CANADIAN LUMBERMEN MEET Stomach Blood-and Liver Troubles Much sickness starts with weak stomach, and consequent poor, impoverished blood. pale-people lack WE AR rv Pe A 10 NS EXCURS Nearly all of the members will remain Our buying Is done direct from Buropeaw firms, thus saving you the jobbers profit. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Final retarn. lingt 3 months, For further information, apply to any C. P. B. AGENT, 2 A. DOBBIN; Tieket Agent Meticn Hat PHOnE 201 or to Calgary, Alta. Ti Feb, 14. tor, T, Daniel Frawley, salled on the steamship Cleveland today on a six months tour of the world. i YALENTINE S GOLF AT PINEHURST play here today in the eighth annual St. Valentine's golttouraament for St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 6. Atter num- crous postponememts the now famous Kiemnel Case, one of the most puzz - ing cases of recemt time, involving u question of double identity, was call- d for its third t al-telore the-Un- ited States District Court in this mers' Stata Bani of which George A. Kimmel was cashier when he disap- couver and New Westminster was a Suggestion thrown out at the annual banquet of the Vancouver Automo- bile Club, recently beld at Eburne, W. J. Kerr, president of the Cana- ign ftighway Assovieiob; bas been working with this end in view for Majesty, as it ismot ypb certain that the. King will pay a Visit to Canada ery, which is complete Ii WY KNOWN CoMFOsITION, having of ingredients in plein English on its bor Hle-wrapper, same being attested as correct under oath. De, Plerce s Pleesant Pellets regulate and lavigorate Stomach, Liver aod Bowels. MINISTER'S TRIAL POSTPONED R y, Dr. W. D. McFarland, which was to have commenced today, has been other: ises to be the best convention ever held by the organization. One of the OFFERI N G 2 3 O' - fa the city to take part in the:htg oon rich, red blood, Thei peed invigorating sion of 25,000 Insurance tween Vancouver and , iter all, a. man combo no stronger than bis stomach, Vancouver, Victoria and i roristion which ia wo begin lis ser- OD Missing Man's Life. Westminster King Ge- active, makes ich red blood and overcomes and drives EXCEP TE: Westminster, B. Gc. sions tomorrow. orge Avenue enthusias- ct ditese-producing bacteria and cures whole multi 3 ION AL ae eee SAVAGE STARTS ON WORLD TOUR coy. CLAIMS HE S ALIVE tically Received. Get rid of your Stomach Weakness and : ; ee as Ss (Special to News). Have Produced Ex-Convict New Westminster, B. es V ALUES IN Dales of Sale Feb. inthy Hib, San Fraace: Pek teeteneyw. fromAuburn Pen. whom) **t sMajcoty King Georse A guvietreer nad mien Crane oa tind 15th, 1912, Savage, the theatrical manager, sc- they is He. clalisy SORE Open. Wie? Conan You can t afford to accept any medivine of unknown DIAMON DS Going transit mit, 15 days. companied by hix general stage direc- a Highway ot acae. point Gitween Cap- feupestice tne ectestate ter Gloides Miedioal Drestte E gramme, members of the Wiscon- RG. MeNEILLER, pear CNet S Ausplelous ey eatey. tha eult (8 by the receiv Ame tmeelthougt no sormal ib- (Specia) to-the News) sin Botltmakers Association round- District Passenger Agent, conditions attended the beginning of Tn. Ackamsas City, Kas., Far. station bas yet ben sent to His pittsburgh, Pa,, Feb. 6. The trial of ed up in his clty today for What prom Issuer of Marriage Licenses ' men, The tournament will continue io. 1918. Is tha event of tds doi i teat : pees until Saturday and will be followed Pcared im July 1698, against a pro- Fat peat pines) one. ; 80, Postponed until next month at the re- fea oe the three days meeting is - minent Hfe imsumamce com; ot ly to iciate quest of the defence. McFarland, an 2 elaborate exhibition of dairy pro- 7 next week by the annual St. Valen- eiiwaich K raped al this ceremony; aged United Presbyterian minister, is ducts and machinery. , eee es ae ee DOE At a nce tcini Tie toad linking Vancouver to accused of causing the death of as sured for 25,000. At tha first trial : f Westminster is in the peculiar posi- former secretary, Hlsie D. Coe, . str SR Howuah's wnovecao and e vorUit tox 8)000 in fuvor of us Nentmumatr i ln the peatar posl-/ferier suartery. Mine D: Coe. y) Dr. Martells Female Pills Thateh retail Hquor store is now located at Plaintll was given, but the verdict ot the residents of Vancouver - Nineteen Years the Standard ie - Thatoher 8 iam 2S 312 South Rallway Street, three doors) W s reversel Iatet on by the court of) a ii BUTTERMAKE : eateries appeals anditije case remanded: for the Westaiinster road, and - to RS MEET Prescribed and: recommended for Cleaning and Pressing Work east of the Bank OF Montreal. 17242w: SPP te coed trial the the people of Westminster as the AT GREEN BAY Wwomen s ailments, a scientifically Guarantecd, . ee IUSY Vancouver toad. IR the piss of the Se . Prepared remedy of proven worth. ToD mr's otd st: Vek Saag) i FOR Tye. Kiemmel case has eon given canes Bekrey ae one Green a Wis. eae wi Gov- aaa naeke He ba ania Corner of Fourth Avenue mel GOES OW LIKE PAINT: LOOKS LIKE WALL wide, HObUGIER S00 acCOnn OE own as. (King G Avegnerl or Hoard Borento St. PAPER LVOU CORWAGH IT. ADERURUILINE sthings eatgame, which distingtiaied nn cctnad. coouciia of Derehby MI qU6s it 7 d add +it- I hinges upon the question whe- ae ee J to THE WESTERN PAINT CO., WINNIPEG MAN aid SOWN Vancouver, GrOugh Which /LOTOTe HO hehehe heret eter eter erer ere PO LeT eT eros z ther George A. Kimmel, the principal 7 . : * ae ; chiar ae te eo in realy ana OH en Oe om tore The Revelstoke Sawmill Co.,Ltd, Let Us See as is claimed by the plaintiff or alive, , Sicitieiler abe sey 3 ee eee eT ease eens police have fas is asserted by the insurance com- ores tut Cee sens + ca Coleat pany, which thas produced a man, Sh le evo) rt Ev hi h oncerned tn Your Plans ay, aie He, ale om cat eter en ores LVerything The 3 of worthless Drug Tea ae Y.) Penitentiary under the nume . of PADIS What government. qasistance a 3 : ng-the past vs and we wWill-tell you accurately Andrew J. White; of whom it is B0*e to be secured in order to cerry e : 3 to-day rem- 7 7 how Uttle lumber you can get 3 ac 4, the scheme to.completion, A number B Id R i 3 tS fo Speretaeeaed Fate SS iver b So wel oma els Builder Requires eines, cau 2 Se de z pS cause our lumber does not cut rent iG a 4 have volunteered to give 500 each as ee S ing of Physicians to waste. It i full length, fully George A. Kitamel was born i), contritution towards the paving of He + scriptions a specialty. 3 seasoned and free from saft. Niles, 3ich., ih Febheoars, 1600) Aer f,6 toad, and the Vancouver Autome- pea Pri io Bone eee oe 3 204 South Rv.8t. Phone 75. : E receiving es m eation in the publics : 3 ices on Several Lines of Lumber, suit- Soatetege pats. That kind of lumber o (bile Club has promised to raise the 9. 3 . Seemmoemoeretimnanopee Z saves you time and money both. schools 0 that city te entered the 71819 000 for the : able for Homesteaders Buildings. We will glad- 4 meee Let us see-your plans. e - individual donations ere expected, put ly figure the material you require and estimate n ao : the hulle of the money w 5+ the-cost of your building. t af WpigR Tie oe ree eae gaged in reat estate amd investments: 7 7m caste POOULTRY: The Gas Git in Omaha, and sll ister be siseieet by she eeenlcipetttes Se Call at our yard, N. Ry. Street, ot: OME 8: eis POU RY 2 Can be correctly fitted with Bye cashier of the Farmers State Bank es genefit froin the improvement to POPCPOPOLOPOHOLOLO+ OPER TeLOPOTOLS 240-101-0500 + 2 Glasses or Spectacles on short aa City, Kas. In Julys lenis stretch of highway. notice. I give 4 1898; -wikile tueing cashier of that Speatis ; ais For Sale Oye nates, ee ce Tear Lt, Rimmed dlotpparehs tearing. a SMMRE oe tls wbHCt at chen eee errdedrsrerren detesregreeedrarrtrtrsrae + Several trios of thoroughbred Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill Seat Soemlsatieneast ete) cmt ee Nothing will so quickly promote : Phone 233 Branch Yard at Bowell ing only the proper lenses to years, during wl time no trace of . coy ri s . Either Eng- good feel tween f UY YOUR LUMB - coe cei ee mae ee wt te nti sighs Do son cont eo oe me Wa Tye a tee j BEE TOUR IAN pRome ae some young cockerels. not delay if you even think you family astempted to wllect the 25- tence of g good road between these 3 x need glasses, but come where 000 for which Kimmel had insured a Western Ca nada Gee wm 7 woe A. J. N. TERRILL, 812 Bsplanade, or at News office AUDITORS (Bstablshed 1882) Shiloh s Gure you will get the most expert service and prices that are his lie a few months before his -dis- ing ii the State of New York under the name of Andrew J. White and seemed -to have quite a criminal rec- two thriving towns: At the present time commuitication between these we plan will mean this: Vancouver and Westminster are now twelve miles King Street and Road Allowance, Meditine Hat Bs PHONE 46). lt;p HEARS THELUNGS . iapriearance. two places is handicapped because of a 4 ae STOPS COUGHS Price. Scents right Phone 596. The insurance company, tay 0 means yn i real. mime eeueae sry, ty Aa de tad vod. rtatey oo Sel agmber Co., Ltd. + : 2 oo F.D. Martin ieee ene reo permanent; a road over which i will : part eed Pri Largest W. A. Henderson S 3 os Optemeilies and Optician. soner in Auburn Prisom; who claimed: at Beant Se ere Pee rats ee Oe select from. x ver Doty be ithe missing. Geonge A. Kim- lt; lt;. aie owest Prices. seats. Company gaat op x ant coora ee : ml, wir whom be hed g smasale ST te ofthe dey SEE US AND SAVE MONEY. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND SOREIEES ASERREL resemblance, The man bad teen. H- ume existence of such a road 09 : * z Winnipeg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat A. B. Gibson, C. A., Manager. MEDICINE HAT. AJ Business Subjects taught. Write or eallfor particulars ord, which began in 1904, when he was committe to the Erie County Prison. He served several sentances, the last, for larceny, at the Awburn apart, ut every year will see this distance shortened ty one mila at each end, once this road is built gt; In six years, or less, these two towns a ee ea ae ee i i Phone No, 198 Burns Block ala te prictically one hig city with MEER irerhededeseesede reretrerdrarertoe Pane Fenitentiary. For somie reason White) sney stream of trafic atratohing : We cater MONTREAL WITHESS CANADA S BEST You can as well afford to have was gent from Auburn to the Mattea- wwan hospital for: the Criminal insane, but he obtained bis release on a ha- over King George Avenue, from. Has- tings street, Land values along this road will wer, to Columbia Lage S SPECIAL NOTICE On and after Feb. 15, all deliveries will be made strictly C, 0. D. p that cinss-of patrons hO Se TROPOLIFAN AND-NATIONAL- -f- a plano In your home as your Upon this White es My prices i Bd want (GOOD), not (CHEAP) Photos hbor. Mostpa - Upon releas: White wes taken es y vill fi wil make it worth yo hile to take ad- TE ee tate price. Tf you will compare he aed Behram te. cass ee where, howener, the , result of this dimiprovement. I know vantage of this system. . Any merchant glving credit is asking, his at a fair p Si ple buy on the easy payment el AER 40, ad: Gastemore 10 pay Kis boo a aid ea ; ee Sur work and prices with that of oth- StTONg and COUrAgeOUS + jay nowadays no matter how eo : 22 this will te the case becauso my Tong af Sone pay his eepers salary.Pay easlt that inee. 3 ore you will understand why thls 1s The Daily: Witness on trial ..81.00/. much. money they have. Yousk mic the sentity of Waite sith experience in the real estute business eS POTS 8 ae ee fe ee a the most Popular Studio in these parts Regular rate, three dollars. can have any piano we carry by Leae Some of the rele 1.05 taught me that there is nothing z i F s E making a small initial payment, lc. oy Reine, oe ee that will so quickly bring land to its Pee bal e Gauadlan Homestead ou lal se and he Walnnee To WoWthly Se hele mind efter hey a aeeayahaxg PTORTE Figure aa the existence of good F. G. LYNDS Whelossle czas stalments. Does it pay to dee , ae i abet re Paes. aoe fo Boek Bode doded 2 4 8 oftes 2 prive yourself of ninsle? ee Kien ee ; es hoetodegoiodoge - For Sale-5 Room Cot- homes neither edition has been taken dents of Niles, many1 of whom bed The Ladies of Medicine Hat 2, South Yuill, near resularly tof at least two years, that personally known Kimmel, were also May Now Have Beautiful tage, Sou iesasoe'lt aa beeen y Aivided in their views. While somete- air, Pingle the Druggist ; z aes ; fh hi ed Oil Mills. id ee lieved that White wus identical with th cle G i : si rs : Wonderfully Enlarged ioe othes vate action 1o Has the Artiole and Guar. , 2 Terms: Easy. ; doubt this gnd considered White antees it-to- ts a a and Improved saroteten: Refund Your Money. 2. a CROSSLEY BROS. Its circulation is being doubled, and s The proofs for White's identity with ; * 5 the most popular paper among Kinimel, which the insurance com- pingle, the druggist, backed up by i * Sige aoe Builder Contractor, chureh-going people. Its pany submitted at the first and sec- the manufacturers of SALVIA, the s 3 4th Ave., Phone 434 ee Gnd. ttials were not considered suf- Great Halr Grower, guarantees it to ny oo 3 708 WE 0) MAKE IT YOUR ly strong to cstatfish the'claims growgrow hair. CHOICE FOR 1912 of the defendant company. caper SALVIA destroys Dandruff in ten ae . eee ICE FOR however; -edlditional evidenor is said days. nba ee , x a At the above Whirlwind Campaign to have been procured. At the form- The roots of the hair are 80 nour- ey J. Jessop Nott mates 2 8 i encst importent witness shed and fed that a new crop of hair em Funeral Director Ang tell: your: ftends aboot this/ot- FOR Ss ALE of the pllintift was John Moore Swin-l springs up, to the amazement and de- Mr. Bustiess Maxi and Embalmer fer, They would also enjoy it Lmey,a-New Mexico.ranchman, who light of the user. The balr Is made r. ess. are you d Residence, 23 Te- Subseriptions sent in at these rates testified that he sew Kimmel illed soft and fluffy. Ltke all American Parlors sgnto Strest should either be accompanied by this : i wilderness dx Au preparations SALVIA is daintily per- aware that THE NEWS i . 3 jin an Oregon gust, , Phone 145, Monuments. advertisement or the paper in which lt; 0, fumed. It s hard to find an actress JOB PRINTING DEP- s You saw the annoyncoment must Pel 4+ g01990 cash, 7,600 acr in Since the last trlal the. plaintif's Who oes: not use SALVIA intiny ; n , eae en eae a aravlion: Pali Tree Bottom. brushery or - lewsers fave made every eort to Mily. z 5 ARTMENT is now equipped tae ATUR- ee OUGALL SON, Publish- oo grazing land, two creeks, establish the compl te record of the Ladies of society and influence use 1th all lt; Rta oe Block: . 500 cattle, 28 norsGy- Noes, over man known as Andrew J. White dy oer ders peo With all the most modern sy 4 20 miles fenced and all-improv- it is said that his whole life bistoty SAL is non-sticky prepare i TER, + scandain 60. cocshe SMA pat ments, In the American healthy ior the lust thirty years hasbeen n- ton iene the saute farorite, me machinery and latest type 10 ain Bt. : ; , Kenerous Dottie, 50c. 5 i - Portoes ne watein Ot on Blaylock prosperous colony. No veskigated by agents of the plaintift.) 2 ) DUNG, et Catharines, faces with which to turn out Opim Day and Night. Moutiments, LIMESTONE trade, no delay. Dave Colville Practically -all the volnmitious evi- dence, including the prison records, Canadian distributors. Commercial Printing, y 8s oa photographs, and other documents MISSIONARY CENTENNIAL TS 2 Chamal yin Aryvelles Station, which establish the prison record of oe Your next order for Job TAGE W.R.Simmonds WAN TED Mamantipes, Mexleo, Andrew J. Whe will agaitt be aub- Recta ae ms mitted at this trial and in addition pecial: 10 New: Printing be it large or ECTS Soetoatenossoegeainntostecgoatons CARPENTER awn CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No. 335- Best Prices paid per cord deliver- As agent will also sell 7,000 acres of Palm bottom brush or grass land, creek and wall wa- ter, 200 cattle and saddle horses to that there will be large amount of testimony to prove that White is really, ashe claims to be, identical with George A. Kimmel, who dis- Salem, Mass., Feb. 6.-A number of noted religious educators, divines and missionaries took part in a celebration held here today to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the ordination of small would ed by us and our careful and prompt at- be-appreciat- . ed at Medicine ced, and al im-* *?Peered. a 1808. Themother and) samuel Nott, Gordon Hall, Samuel A VATURAL 16 mee sen a a e sister of Kimmel will ye mot ith 2 f AT one ss GAS ASSOCIATION ' Hea provements at 2.00 an acre, Ome Stet mg Newell, Luther Rice and Adoniram teation. ft 1600 ac. lt;P, Principal witnesses forthe;com- Judson, who were the first forelgn 1 Pn . jpecial to News). will carry. 700 cattle. res fs tip top Orange Land. plainant find will positively deny the ielentity of White with Kimmel, nt. out by any Ameri- ly, The centennial ex- missionaries aL eras Columbus, O., Feb. 6. Delegaies us can.religious vn : from various parts of the State attend- ' THE A. P. BURNS G. T. Ingram they had done in former trials. Swin- ercisos were held in the Tabergacte THE NEWS IT : ed the annual meeting of the Ohio Na- ney, the New Mexico ranchtnam, who Church, where te five young men 5 1.00 Sn ae ene CONTRACTING CO. CHAMAL, Owner, 07th NO alencs, Stan, we ore gnined Febreary 6 18 ig (den Hotel today. J. M. Garard of this olty presided. Feb, 3,e-0-d 6td. attest to Kimmel's dotth, will be the star witness of the plaintifi s side. Subscribe NOW for Th Datly Nowa, Erameimimsrimnioniomononfonlonjonfonies i
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Image 197 (1912-02-06), from microfilm reel 197, (CU1738326). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.