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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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; 18tb, 191 Saturday, January 19th, 1911 I HANGERS, sH-ADJUSTORS EATHER STRIPS, ash of Windows. Tndows om. of doors. joulding, 1 im. . Felt combined, my snow, cold und it proof. 'Y C0. P.O. Box 29 Western Canada Circuit Formed Regina Set Dates forthe Different Meets Throughout the West. SESHOS met U.S. TROOPS ON WAY TO CHINA: Manilla, Jan,-18 The United States transport Logan left this afternoon at half past two with a battalion of the Fifteenth Infantry and other de- tachmrents on board, bound for China: The troops are to be employed in guarding a section of the Peking Rail- road Tang Sban to Lan Chow against possible attsick of either the We'are selling what-Is left of eur Winter Wear for inn in- eluding, four Coon Coats, one fur Itued coat, sheep lined: coats mitts, gloves, fur caps and col- Jars, felt boots, ete F AT ABSOLUTE COST When you consider the quality of these goods, this Is an oppor- tunity seldom offered. 2 Turpin Bros. q The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth FOR PEATHERWEIGHT TITLE lor Sale. Delivered. VE NO. 349. Pininicicieinininintnfed Hous - Mover FOR SALE AVATING Y TEAMING ETE WORK. hone. 260, i uy AUSTRALIANS BEATEN * (Special to News). their work of preparation for their 20-round fight to-take place: in this for the featherweight. champlonship. WULWAUKEE AUTOMOBILE SHOW * f * Bpecial to News) Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 13 Surpass- ing tn brilliance and-magnitude- all previous exhibitions of the kind in tits city; the fourth annuat-shoy. the .Milwaukes Automobile Dealet -Assoclation opens in the Auditorium, tonight and will:continue through the coming week. The display of- pleas- ure and commercial cars, tires and accessories will occupy 60,000 square feet of exhibition space. Practically all of the leading manufacturers have sent exhibits. QA P. Cabley 7 +Y London, Jan. 13. An exchange. ca- ble says that in the third test match which opened yesterday the M.C.C. eleven galped a commanding advant- age by dismissing the Australians for 133. Tho highest Australian scores in the first innings Were, Armstrong 23 and Rumper 24. Hobbs and Rhodes went in first for England, the former making 29 and the latter 20, when' stumps were drawn at the day's play or 49 runs for no wickets. (C. AP. Cable.) tondon, Jan, 18 In- Uwe Interna onal Amateur Association match yes-' terdasr England defeated Wales by 10 - Seals to nil. S JOWKNY DYMENT. DEAD Well-Known Horse Trainer Dies from Clot of Blood 892 730 707 2829 more good sport, the following play- Third Lanark 2, Raith Rovers 0. on Brain. BIRNIES : es ers in the officer's competition being Rangers 1, Cly e 2. pte Holt .. 217 152 189 558) scheduled to meet: Hopper vs. Benson, Falkirk 3, Queens Park 1. 3 (CW. A. P. Dispatoh) Campbell... . 123 123) Browm vs. Terrill and Alem 8: Celtic 2, Motherwell 0. 5 Barrie, Ont:--Jair,13. Johnny Dy eee - i. z tse as O'Hara: - Rughy as it, per is ri ment, horfe trainer, turf man and See ig tal ie ase Cheshire 8, Yorkshire 8. - Thockeyist, died here today as the re- Frood- sult of a clot of blood forming on the brain. He was taken ill on Saturday, As a turfmi of the Brookdale string, owned by his ancle, the late N. Dyment. On the ROYALS nm di death of that uncle he became part Ready 157 160. 186-512 SS sel 95 ot TET bola owner of the Stable and continued in Finlay 186 201 158515). concert, These coneerts will be Sharpe an trlner Gelder lt; gt; SS 168 388 ART ea ee ty toca talent in competion FILLING A WANT TODAYS MARKETS mirray eee 8 SE ce apvointed ec. ae. valennne i P08: night, the 1th of Febuary, The lovera 2 E BROWNE 00; BISPOSEE oF f FP G00D Winnipeg, Jan. 13 May wheat (010) rien SSF 998 9872) ttt treat the winners to sleigh ere aaa o . opened 100 3-4, closed 100 1-2; May eo ride, followed by an oyster supper. 5. Bristol 134 188 177 489 - errr: ed- 100, closed 100; Ji Saeed pee 100, Send 10: EF Tee 145 169 121115 ,,MEFe will be m commitien MeGHE 54. grat of the weekly sales. beld Maf Onis opened 412-8, closed 41 Freeman 142 169 1504411 thote concert on February 13th ini the ow the Beeekst- Savane by HB. obertson 134 204 the Browne Co. yesterday proved to be 5-8, 2 May flax opened 195, closed 195 1-2. Winnipeg Cash Prices Wheat*No. 1 Nor.. 93 1-2; gt; 80 1-8; No. 5 Nor. 71 1- food Gi 1- Oate' No. 2 C.W., 37 1- Barley No. 3, 67; No. 4, 87; rejected 45; feed 44. American Markets Minneapolis, Jan, 13 May wheat sued 106 3-4, closed 107. wheat op- July--op- Sept. op- ened 94 7-8, cloned 94 7-1 ened 93 5-8, cloved 93 1-8. ardson, Mamson, R. W..Hamilton, Dr: strong, James Boyl - Owing to a mistake in the notices calling the meeting, a misunderst Ing as to the date of it arose, conse- Manitoba representatios were not present, The meeting de- elde to form the Western Canada fair circuit and presented the follow- ing as their route for 1912: quently -city-tomorrow-.The contest will be Knights of Besom ideal. Regina with a scor of 11-7. peg s Fink was also deftated Ii the tion in the of curlers, every train bringing In a second round. W. G..Vicers-of Qu - large number. Appelle putting - t-over-them with tidy score. A good start has been record, J, Morrison - G. Pingle Brewster .. 167 188 J. Robertson 168 217 J, Williamson... 218 SS (Ww. A Regina, Sask, Jan. -1 At a meet ng called to consider the formation of the Western Canada Racing. Cir- cult met here last night. The follow ing representatives were present: Edmonton D. R. Stewart, W. Parke, Battleford w, R, Merke. Moose Jaw Bud. Battle. Saskatoon R, N. Baldwin Regina Chas. Wilson, W. M. Calgary June 26-July 5. Moose Jaw July 8-10. Winnipeg Iuly 10-26. Brandon July 22-27, Regina July 29-August 3. Saskatoon August 5-10. Edmonton Aug. 12-17, rm- a Imperialists or Republican troops, P, Dispatch.) No women were allowed to accompany: it Lethbridge Aug. 19-23. The vatious fairs on the clrcult e-**Peditign. Will get out an accommodation form Jendon, Jami 12. The gravest re- and the dates-will be; advertised to- Ports ane to hdnd regarding the situ- gether. Purses will be paid for har- ation at Kan Kow according to mews ness races on the basis of fifty, twen- agencies . dispatch trom Tien Tain ty-five, fifteen and ten per cent; ran+ which reached this city. yesterday that ners, sixty, twenty-five and fifteen Imperial troops were acting with most per cent, Entry fees for both har- fiendish brutality. ness and running J. of actuat winnings will be deducted troops whom they frst tort om winners, It was-decided to em- suhsejuently skinned alive. ploy a joint starter for the harness) They also sliot a red cross assistant, races and a Joint starter and assis- 1 i, further reported that they were tant for:the running races, the cost to snooting without mercy every Chinese be defrayed. proportionately by Ch 14m they encountered without meet, It was further decided that cc. Imperial troops it is. stated two Or more horses might be entered cativety without discipline and from the same stable if owned by dif- Great: ciynore. Btake teed oye SS eee On OF Saag close on May 18th with the payment of two per*cent, when the horses must be named, three per cent to be paid on June 15th. It was also de- cided to havea meeting noxt fallin October so that the various exhibi- : . tion: companies could get together on Played today, attracting the u al the matter of dates before any dates big crowds and providing customary were set. : surprises, of these the outstanding BRITISH FOOTBALL (C, P. Cable) London, Jan. 16 The first round of Ybe Foothalt Association Chap sus Way the Big Event is Regina; Jan. 13. The second day. the provinclal: bonsplel found the in the best condition and the weAther when the last is played- Cold weather of the day be- nor-general's cup competition is well fore had serously interfered with good on and interest is keen. Visitors to playing but. yesterday saw a change city are expressing thelr pleasure at for the best with the result that some the manner fn which the bonspiel is good games were played off. The being handled by the m grand coallenge is now in the sixt eng. L. Hold of Lanigan, stated to-night The only Winnipeg* representative, that in all his twenty. years curling, Haakie, did not reach this far, going down to defeit to J. B. Brisbane of every bonspiel in every province of Winni- the Dominion he has never seen a An exciting game was played. Inst es Right at the Royal eee caine sink mete gt; oe when the Birntes and Blacks met in contest, Frood, for the losing side, made the top score of the. even but through Cooper blowing a three- pin spare Birnies lost the odd game, the scores resulting as follows: BLACKS 188 161 201 159 950 721 687 2: Later Ginthers and Royals met, he attended every im- sulting in a win for the Royals bY onge the auspices of the Epworth portant nlesting in Canada in charge pices rae The foll wing are the seeie the young ladies of the church 143 (Special to the News) Chicago, TIL, Jan. 13 The sub-com- mittee on arrangements for the publican national convention, of which held its first. meeting today at Congress Hotel. Detatls were cussed pertaining to assignments of headquarters ahd arrangements made for individual rooms, and Stone Pay High Tribute to the Bowling Alley 178 667 the absence of Birnie whilst 197517 A close game was played between F. 179554 S. Pingle and Jotmeon, the former 218 winming-out by 12-10, - feature was the defeat of the lmgue champions, Newsastle United, by Der by County, + second division side by Of the first division sides Albion beat . Tot- tenham, Hotspur, Middleborough snd Sheffield Wedn-day drew, Manchester City beat Preston North End, end Bolton Waslerers beat Woolwich Ar- genal, Sheffield United were beaten by. Chelsea, and the Cup holders, Brad- being Managed Bigg r than tora, could only deal with Quem ta Park Rangers, 0 Southern league sess genes will bgp played off next week. jBiade in the Brewery Cup competition BS and some exciting times: are expected Croydon Common 2, Leicester The gover- L verpoal 1, Leytow 1. gt; Aston Villa-6; Walsall 0.. f Denby County 3, Newcastle U. 0. Crewe Alexandra 1, Blackpool 1 Blackburn Rovers 2 POPs feature not found in Galt . Tourist Pive Passenger . Fore Door Fully Equipped - Foil Floating Rear Axle We believe this is a any other Canadian- nifide-car, and on imported cars selling at high prices. doth.chassis and power plant? the Galt Roadster is Price in gives the greatest car value on the se eleeheeoateatoceasectoasesSi-cteseage ieteaie sie etree at CANADIAN MOTORS, LET US SHOW-YOU THE CAR: or 2 05 fos t e- eS ee ee Eye-sight Specialist 3 * Assiniboia Hotel Medicine Hat HOURS---1 to 5. . ja .Evenings by appointment. To avoid the wait of the later hours 4 : FIVE MODELS e aN WMO Even leaving aside the matter of full equipment, where can you find, at equal prices, cars which com- Ding so many high grades as Full Floating Rear Axles; Unit Power Plant, fully enclosed; Combined Force Feed and Gravity Olling System,-with t-positive and unfailing lubrication, and three-point Suspension for. market. to-day. eer etree oto The Galt Cars Made in Canada, to suit Canadian Conditions and needs, embodying features that make it reliable, eco nomical and exceptionally easy riding in fact, a high grade car at a medium price the Galt Tourist or, the Canadian s Best buy. : 2 nutshell the Galt car is a high-class-car with a medium price. A glance at our specifica- fiohs, pernsal of our catalogue and further Investigation will conclusively prove the price of the Galt car Limited, GALT, OME ve Roadster Two Passenger Fore Door * Fally Equipped Newest Bosch Magneto; Stromberg Carburetor; two gas headlights and generator; two side oil Iamps and tail tamp; mohair top, with enve- r 2 ONT. 1 488 FIFTH AVENUE Swindon Towo 5, Sutton Junction 0. Northampton 1, Bristok City 0. Luton Town 2, Natts County 0. Southampton 0, Coventry C. 2. Sunderland 3, Plymouth A. 1. Lincoln C. Stockport C. 0. Oldbam A. 0, Hull Cf 1. West Brom A. 3, Tottenham H. 1. MiddlesLorough 9, Sheffield W. 0. Preston N. E. 0, Manchester C. 1. Birnringham 0, Bernsley 0. Clapton Orient 1, Everton 2. Watford 0, Wolverhampton nes S . Nottingham F. 0, Bradford 1. Brentford 0, Crystal Palace 0. - Botton W. 1, Woohwish A. 0. Bury 2, Millwall A. 1 Daflington 2, Brighton Hove Alb. 1: Chelsea: 1, Sheffield U- 0. Bristol R. 1, Portsmouth 2. Southport 0, Reading 2. West Ham U. 2, Gainsborough T. 1. nt. Re during which time h has played in splel better handled. The city is full There is every indi- that by to-morrow, last year s ll easily be beaten. continuation of the series in the offi- cer's competition brought out somal Jexcellent play. The game between Ag: new and Hutchinson resulted n ing 715. The Birnie-Collies game was awarded to the latter owing - to c Ss. Pingle-Hawthorne:game was defaulted. Qneens Park R. 0, Bradford C. 0 Fulham 2, Burnley 1. Scottioh league Dundee 4, Aberdeen 0: , Airdrie 1, Hibernians 0. Hamilton 4, Kilmarnock 0. i 1, St. Mirren 2. Toniglit there is promise of some Morton 3, Patrick 6. 1 TRoyal Navy 15, United Services 3. Guys Hospital 8; Blackheath 5. CONCERT COMPETITION 1358 es On Tuesday the oth of February, Gjoucester 1, Leicester 0. Cardifi 5, Bristol 4. WEEKLY SALES will hold a concert. On the following ohureh--parlors.. Monday evening 15th January at 8 p. me Every one in- terested-is invited . a splendid success. Many farmers Tthe sale aad they seemed to tbe of the opinion that it was filling long felt want. Horses, wwgots and harness in large numbers and quantity were quickly disposed of at good prices. A mice fat porker also fell iider the hammer Mr. Brown teing called upon to dis- p se of a nicely dressed hog. These sales will be hebd every week. THE RING Last year was a prosperous ont for the boxing game, but none of the titles changed hands. Tt looks us if Al Kubiak is in for a beating when he meats Carl Morris in Philadelphia this monkh. A. championship belt once owned by Bendigo, the champion of England, Re- the dis- Owner Joe Cantillon, of the Minnea polia Club, his made arrangements to local police hhad not succeeded in lo- cating Powers, messenger and driver who thas been missing since early yes- did not get away from the city. The the score be- Goode City-1, Glossop 0. hig business to deliver to various Davenport Albion 3, Devonport S. 3. thin issued The-search went on all tutgie mmi close watch was kept on took advantage of the chance to be at PEG EXPRESS DRIVER MISSING AND SO IS LARGE SUM OF MONEY GW. A. P. Diapateh) Winnipeg, Jan, 12. Up to noon the of the Casiadian Express Company, terday morning with a sum variously estimated at from one to thirty thous, and dollars, but they are confidest he comuriny claims he had not mord:than erable amount of express packages banks in the city. Mystery surrounds his disappearance, Om Wednesday night he was known to be drinking and on that night he quarrelled vio lently with his wife, Thursd y morn- ing he failed to. tarn in money he bad collected on Weimceday afternoon, bat this was not regarded as unusual. He was last. scen at the office wt the Un- Jon Depot yesterday forenoon, Ab 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon his ab- sence cased alarm and the police were asked to mike a search. A drag lot the North End bars having failed to locate Powers, a warrant charging him with the theft of 10,000 was his home at TAT Rupert street-but the police credit the story of Migs Powers Mthat she fas not seen him singe Wed- nesday evening. Up to an early hour this afternoon the police had obtained no trace of Powers, It developed this morning that on either last Saturday or Mon- day a package containing twelve thousand dollars was stollen frqm the Canadian Express Co. An investiga- tion was proceeding when Powers dls- appeared and officials of the company are inclined te connect the two epl- sodes, DIES OF COLD (CW. A. P. Dispateb.) Peterboro, Ont., Jan. 13. Alfred J. Cameron, Ontario fant surveyor, was overcome, by the cold here last night and died despite efforts to revive him, Little Rock, Jan. 13. Em route from Marianazk io Helena today stea- mer Nettie Johnson strick heavy ice in Lake Tanguille and sank in twenty- fiva feet of water. Two passengers were drowned are fourteen others res- was auctioned off for 43.35 in Lon- don recently. have his Millers do (heir sprisig train- ing at Hickman, Ky; cued. They werg badly Wroren and are AGW YUKON COMMISSIONER A. S ; Goodeve' and McKinnon of Dawson City are.Men- gt; tioned for the Post. Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 13. In the next few days there will be a new com- missioner forthe Yukon and the choice at present is said to lie be tween A. S. Goodeve, M.P., for Koo- tenay and James A. McKinnon of Dawson City, George Black, lawyer of Men's Wages. miners; is not available and it is Hikely that it will not be published until next week. There is little doubt that the two-thirds majority-favoring a strike will be obtained tut there is am increasing belief that comprom ioe will be armnged andthe inevit- able question of declining the. mini- mum wage scale problem deferred to some future time. One of the chief reasobs for believing that the strike will mot materislize is the fact that the dig strike in Wales seriously de- pleted the men s funds and the time is required to rehabilitate their re- sources, In the meantime th coal Winnipeg, Jan. 13. Manitota league was formed evening whei Sir Willam Whyte was fn a serious coimtition. (GW, A. P. Dispatch) Xancouver, being however q thind ap- plicant for the position. Mr: Good eve is British Columbia man, bav- ing been mayor of Rossland from 1889, till 1900 end was also connected jn the capacity of provincial secretary with the McHride government n 1902. o. cr ee tagland s big Coal - . Strike Postpon Fund In Meantime Operators may : CW. ALP, Cabley Toedou, Jen. 18 There was 0 owners benefitting (oy the eal chatige in the labor ituation last price of coal may . night. The resulk of a ballot of the *Hahtly raise tho wages. an ees friend, the Northern Messenger, deen for orite with the Canadian people. sives splendid value for the money, and contributes largely to a Sunday s0-well spant bring a week: ot- content. (40c.) a year, or for trial to NEW - subscribers for one year only 35 cents. by mentioning thig paper. John Dougall Son, Witness Office; Montreal. 4 SIR W. WHYTE PRESIDENT Million for Manitoba, League Formed at Banquet Held in Winnipeg Last Evening. s 4 sh Our good old Sunday atory-teller * hes forty years Annual subscription ts forty Genta, * Address, CW. A. P. Dispatch.) The Million Sor lin aud Sir William Whyte at q the advantages und nesds of the banquet at the Royal Alcxemdra thig vince and the danger from pany owned arms: elected president end officer from ey- pire nestgceaea et he ery municipality im the province qwett of the millions of elected on the gesieral committer. - In wince, the area teing greatly te course of the eveningr Premier Rabr ed by the extension of the Tho od acres it
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Image 73 (1912-01-13), from microfilm reel 73, (CU1738327). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.