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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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-- FAREWELL ECZEMA - BELL BALM In Conjunction With BELL'S P. cure f r Eczema-and all forma of Skin Erup- Positively th: tlon a swift and sure destroye Testimonials from of Eczema or by the use to-day. Comm e world's onty and absolute of all germ skin some of C ny other Skin Disease you posit LM, in carjunction with Bell for use, shipped upen receipt of price Note A comprehensive boo, on the treatment of hysiclans, sent free to Guaranteed Under Personal Supervision THE BELL REMEDY COMPANY Ul sufferers upon request. brought germiclde refreshes fles. Bel should shoukl oarry tas-a safc eign. Writ for bock. Price to i antiseptic. 4 invigorates, cle In every home, and every Offices 710 to 712 Somerset Block PORTAGE AVENUE of Bradstreet a and Dun s. czoma, the bath- P. . of Ay the universal skin tonic, agains for intwe bottle. 49 - REFERENCES: Any bank In Winniprs its discover: the torture your own home jonger? Order address, 3 ten and compiled by Write to-day. greatest nd pul Dermatologists J2 Our Offices traveller (Adjacent to Zaton s) WINNIP G, CANADA + sa : WINNIFRED + (From gt; GIVE THEM NOW Closed eyes can't see the white roses, you Cold hands can t hold them, know; Breath that is stilled cannot gather The odors that sweet from them * dlow, Death, with a, peace, beyond dreaming, Its children of Barth deth endow; Life is the time we can help them, So give them the flowers now. Here are the struggles and striving, Here are the cares and the tears Now is the time to be smoothing The frowns and the furrows and fears, What to closed eyes are kind sayings? What to hushed heart is deep vow? Naught can avail aft r parting, So give them the flowers now. Just a Kind word of a greeting, Just a warm grasp or a smile These are the flowers that will lighten The burdens of many a mile. Fete Eee TS Ln FEEEEEEEEEEEE Blooms ffom the happy heart's gar- den, Plucked in the spirit of love; Bicoms that are earthly reflections ---Of-flowora that blossom above. ard anot tell what a measure Of blessings such gifts WIT atte To dwell in the lives of the many, So-give them the flowers now. After the Journey is ove What is the use of them, how Can they carry, who must be carried? Oh, give them the flowers now Mrs, Wentworth and Mrs. C. AL Parker left on Wednesday evening. fot Carrington, N. Dak., after an extend- ed visit witn friends th Alberta: 3. J. Hinds of Bow Bells, N. Dak., was a Visitor to Winnifred Saturday. Mr. Hinds is a brother-in-law of G. J. Hansch and may make up his mind to locate in Winifred permanen y. In a letter received from the seed branch of the Department of Agricul- tune, the attention of the farmers is (is whether or not It has been dam- injury is aware that JOB ARTMENT THE NEWS PRINTING DEP- is now equipped. with all the most modern machinery and latest type faces with which to turn-out Your hext order for Job Printing be it large or small would be appreciat- ed by us and will receive , our careful tention. and. prompt at- -THE NEWS, LIMITED RRR ERRRPEEEEEEREEE HERR riiritrin catied-to-the necessity of having their seed tested With a-view to ascortain- aged by frost. This applies particular- ly to oats and barley in which frost often difficult to detect. Quite frequently plump -heayy oats have been seriously damaged for seed purposes. Oats are more likely to damage for seed purposes than: other grains, particularly if the frost cateh- es them at an early stage. A few de- grees of frost-im-the-milk-stage- often. being sufficient to ruin oats for seed. e tested free of charge at the Seed Laboratory, Cal which all communications should for sending samples may be had on application to the above adress. Jas Smith sold a herd of eight head of cattle to C.-K-Ehivtt-this week Walter: Smith made a trip to The Hat on Tuesday. Mary Sausser returned from Medi- cine Hat Hospital on Friday evening. Theo, Rapsen wag in The Hat on Monday to get the books of the Flow- ering Valley school audited. Ye editor wishes to acknowledge-a presemit from E. 0. Cuddington in the shape of a eaddy of genuine old time tobacco and we may be found at any time surrounded by a cloud of smoke, vantages to be gained by recipi The members of the Ladies Ald will please remember that the next meeting will be held in the church on Thursday, Jan. 25th. Mrs. J, W: Beath will serve lunch. Den t forget. the date and that the meeting opens jat t1o'clock, 2 Island on Monday to transact busi- ness for the I. 0. . . Lodge. Rourre his house and lot east of the hovel and will fit the property up in good shape. F J. R, Agar and Dan McDougald left on Monday for Edmonton where they will attend meeting of the United Farmers Association of Alberta. R. H. Paul made a business trip to Lethbridge on Saturday. Miss Edith Dennison visited with Miss Irene McLean thia week. Mrs, T. D. Fisher and Mrs. R. A Parker wete the guests of Mrs. C. A. Larson this week. : Mrs, J. 8, Fisher returned. on Wed- nesday from a business visit to: The Hat, e y Jim Fisher spent Sunday in Medi- cine Hat, EO, Cuddington visit to Michigan o: ports the weather conditions in the east-a great d al-worse than those of Alberta, A large party of young people gath ered at the Umber home on Friday evening and passed a pleasant time in dancing. A splendid lunch was serv- ed and all had a royal good time. The raging blizzard on Thursday of Jast week prevented the ratepayers attending the school meeting, and as result, the board were compelled to cal another for Saturday, Jan. 26th. . K. Elliott moved: his family out on the homestead this week and In again-a full fledged farmer. John Crawford, P, 0. Warner, Theo. Rapsen, Ben Reid and Gscar Daniel- son were business visitors at the Med- felnie Hat land office this week. John Dahl proved up his homestead this week, i Jobn Christopherson spent Wednes- Prairie Pride Patent Flour not only stands the test, but always yields satisfactory results it isthe FLO in which to place your confidence ask your at Milling Co y., Li PBOSCCOROR, day n Bow Island. lett on Wednesday for Hood River, fOresom; whene they will visit Mrs. Johnson's parents. Mr. E. Hobbs and Monday to start work store bulldini sons returned on their new Winnipeg, Jan. 15. Wihile in St. John, N. D., during a visit to that State investigating farmers . cond tions, said Roderick McKenzie, sec* retary of the Manitoba Grain Grow- fare today,- I-saw tarmers being paid 9 cents a bushel for barley in grain elevator there, A sample of that bar- nd Mrs, Jas. 8, Johnson and children) ley I brought to Brandon, and 1 was offered 40 cents a bus Binders cost 150 in St in Brand n. bitshels of barley buys a-farmer's wagon in Dakota. It takes 212 bushels in Mani- toba, Eight gallons of coal oil can be bought with a bushel of barley in Dakota, Manitoba: farmers must be satisfied with slightly more than one fourth the same quantity. A Dakote farmer can, with 600 bushels of bar- ley,-buy a Canadian plow, a Manito- ba farmer has to haul 1,700 bushels to get the same plow. The Manitoba farmer pays dearly for his loyalty, says Mr. McKenale: John ant CHERRY COULEY a Harold Shepherd returs ad- to his homestead on Friday and will spend the remainder of the winter there. H. F, Lurvey was busy helping Os- car Westlund to dig a well Tast week. Wien one Koos to a new, country, they should teke th ss as they fince them and not about the weather. Wm. MoManis with C. Foster, Andrew Anderson Wednesday enjoying the IMPORTANT The date of the Gun Qlub meeting is. altered from Wednesday, Jan. 24th to Tuesday, Jan. 23rd, at 8 p. m., in the City Hall. eee WANTED barge contracts for BREAKING PLOWING SEEDING from responstisie parties. State price and Jocation. Address Heary D. Room 610, Hotel Coeur d'Alene, Spokane, Wash, : 2 Sealed REPORTER. We want an energetic representative company of two of his brothers this in Medicine Hat to report on building Thay are looking for home- fe rt eae m of Cherry Coulee are finding up. thet it is well to properly close the . a house for the cayotes 2 usnight and winter, ones, Seheil returned. home from Burdetiz Inst week where she has been -visiting-for some Ume- The board of school trustees held their annual school meeting of Fri- day, Jan. 12th, and L. B, Losey was re-ele*-d as trustee. The ratepayers who have children: of school ag are. not much interested as there was on- ly one present and he being a tras- tee had to-be there. Fred Martinson iv staying F. Lurvey for the winter. Mrs. C. Foster, Mrs. C. A. Parker and daughter Edna, returned, from Bardns on Saturday where they were visiting friends and relatives. ae with E. TROIT 10 VOTE tance, gee eoeneeeoeoet (UN ETF QWNERSHIE Street Railway Trouble of Long Si ing may be. Decided to-morrow. (Special to News). Detroit, Mich., Jan. 22. A special election will be held in -Detroit to motrow to settle the street railway controversy, which bas been a burm- Pingre , during his term as mayor, inasgurated q campaign for three-cent fares some fifteen years ego. At tomorrow s election the voters dreaming of the time when people will wilt-decide the fate of the Thompson- com to-a realization of the great aa: ly thnee-cent fare plan, which pro- vides for en extension of the present railway franchises until 1024 with eight tickets for quarter in the day time, six at night, end universal transfers, At the same time the vo- ters will pass upom a preposal for out-and-out municipal owoership of the street railways. - A.B, Kendall made a trip t0 BOW) ay Gcennaiga which closad today.l has been the most hotly fontested in the history of Detroit. The Bourd of Commerce is the Teeiifig propecent of the Thompson-Hally, ordinance. poands and dead walls throughout city have been covered with posters advertising the merits of the plan. Mayor Thompson and a corps of fifty assistants have toured the city daily making speeches for the onlinance. It is generally believed that the three-cent fare plan will be carried and the proposal for iunicipal ownership Gefeated:-The business men appear to be almost unit in Support to gatige, though 'a straw vote of the employees in many of the lange factorics indic- ates that the workingmen also favor the three-cent fare plan. The women fave taken o lively interest im the campaign, as the wom n taxpayers o hava a-vote at the election. pponents of the threetent fare ordinance are batiking on the require miecit of the constitution that, to car than three-fifths of the votes poiled. This means that the ordinance must have a majority of ot less than 10, 000 votes. STATEMENT ON WESTERN LINES (W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Jan, 20: Vice President George Bury of the Canadian Pacifle Railway returned at three o'clock this afternoon from Montreal. A state- ment on the Winnipeg terminals and details of newgwestern lines is ex- pected immediately, 422 Main St. My LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, BTC. DRY CLEAVED. ry, the measure must have not less Wardrobe and engineering work to tell us Where-machiners, equipment, supplies or mat rials may be sold, . This is a profitable side Iine good money to a hustler, ,Write immediately to-M. D. R.,, c-o Medicine Hat News. Let Us-Loan You th - ' Money at 5 PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Off Mortgages of Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649, Imperial Bank Building. Medieine Hat, Alta. A FEW SNAPS 425.00 50 ft. Central Park. 550.00 50 ft. Block 14 Herald. . 100000 50 ft. Blk. 13, Alta- wana. gt; 1900.00 -50 ft. Toronto St. 720,00 Choice building Lot near High School. 1825.00 4 Roomed House on 50 ft. lot 3 Blocks from these. f HOLLINGER AGENCY TU Be os sere eena ass 20 x 25 feet in sige, well lighted, steam heated, modern conveniences. APPLY TO . News Office. SYNOFSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY person who is the sole head of, a family, or any male over 18 years old, may hemustead quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency eee. district. Entry by proxy may made at any Agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, intending hemesteader. Duties. Six months residence-upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, In certain districts a, nomesteader in good standing may pre-empt quarter-section alongside his home- stead. Price 8.00 per acre. Duties. Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead en- try (including the time required-to eayn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. s z A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased. homestend in certain dis- tricts, Price 3.00 per acre. Duties Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty sores and erect house worth 300.00. x W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N, B. Unauthorwzea publication of this advertisement, will not be pald for. Sept. 14-D-6m. . Apply box 1009 News. son, daughter, brother vr sister, of NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc, ads undgr these headings, 25 words, one day .. .. 26 25 words, three days... 60 26 words, six days 1.00 AdditionalgWords at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 26. cents. 'Cagh must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention, HELP WANTED FEMALE. We2yTep a matt. Apply Mre. . G, Milne, 908 Barciay St, itoate WANTED AT ONCE A general sor- vant, Mrs, J. M. Cameron, 234 North Ry. St. IB9Ate SITUATIONS WANTED WORK WANTED Man and woman want work. Man is carpenter but willing todo any kind of work. Wo- man Would like housework by the hour. Apply to Mrs, Rylander, corn- er Esplanade and Fourt Ave. 16343 WANTED. Wantep tvo or three unfurnish- box 200H, News of- 2 168detf terms. Apply to fice, OOM, unfurnished, wanted for 1st Feb., by respectable young man. 16343 ROOMS TO RENT ROOM TO RENT All modern con- veniences. Apply 701 Street, TWO light housekeeping rooms on ground fioor. 603 Toronto St. b 155att RENT Nice big warm furnished front room, very central, for one or two gentlemen. Apply 421 North Railway St, over store. d FOR RENT.Farnished room, mod- ern. Apply 128.Toronto St. 160att FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT In modern house. Apply 133 Ottawa St. or phone 546. 16243 Fun SALE. FOR SALE 13 hens and rooster; 10,00 To be taken) at-once. 949 SALE 80 records for Edison Phonograph. Nearly all 4 min- ute and in good condition. Price 15 for the Jot. Medicine-Hat Fire De- partment. 14aatt FoR SALE Good warm shack, 16x 22, to-be-moved from property. Apply to owner, 508 Roy Street. 15746 For SALE 1 dark bay stallion ris- ing three, also two or three brood foal. For further informa- tion apply box 62, Irvine P.O. 150d4 R SALE or will exchange for Medicine Hat real estate, general Store business, Emall tows, on main vators, one other general store. Stock about 4,000.00 Apply box 321, News office, 15846 FOR SALE Stock of Indies and gents clothing, furnishings, boots. and shoes, worth about 1500, to be Buyer can rent the premises. 340-per month. Horse, 5 years old, stylish driver, suitable for -Iedy; also harness. and Democrat wagon. Apply to The Harvard Tatloring Co., 312 4th Ave., opposite Dreamland. 132dim SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING REGU- LATIONS. (COAL mining rights of the Dominion, Application for a made by the applicant veyed territory the tract appiled for shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Each application must be asccom- panied by a fee of 8 which will be re- funded if the rights applied for are not available, but not otherwise. rovalty shall he paid on the merchant- able output of the mine at the rate of five cents per tom The person operating the mine shall turn the Agent with sworn returns accounting for the full quantity of merchantable coal mined and pay the royalty thereon. -If the coal mining rights are being operated, such returng should be furnished at least once x year. The lease will include-the-coaT min: ing rights only, but the lessee may be permitted to purchase-whatever-avail- able surface rights may be considered necessary for the working of the mine at the ratelof 10.00 an acte. -For fult iwtormation application should be made to the-B cret ry of the Department of the Interior, Ot- tawa, or to any Ageat or Sub-Agent of Dominion lands. W. W. vORY, Deputy Minister of tae Interior. Signs that attract. City Sign Werks Phone 475. 48Det, + B. Unauthorixed publicati this advertisem nt will not be'pald for, Sept. 14-D-Gm. pe ethostRcaa cereal S4LESMEN WANTED For - eales of furniture will recelve- our Rast Atiowance shit Wy D line C, P. R. Good district, three ele- sold in 10 days for 60.cents on the T 2 HELP WANTED. AN EN AND WOMEN TO LEARM barber trede, special summer rate on, join mow and save money, Particulars free. Moler System Col- loge, 609 Centre St. Calgary. 204dtt eat id most perfect gasoline light in the World. Cheapest and best light Imown to science. Exclusive terrl- tory, big profits, permanent business, MacLaren Co., Calgary, Alta, 159 Tus'Th, Sat, a3 gt;, SMART YOUNG MAN to drive delivery wagon. State age, exper- fence and wages, Permanent job to ssultable man. Apply by deel gt; to-box 1006 News office, 16248 ROOMS WANTED peered WANTED Two or threo .urnished rooms in modern house, suitable for Ught housekeeping. Apply to box 49;-XEws office. seats ee LUST Ou -FOURD, T.08T 1 gold ring, initials GBD, in Spencer Todd's storo Sat- cme night. Finder Kindly. phone Is2ats er prea ence T0ST Sliver keyless wateh inscrib. 5 ed Siege of Ladysmith, 113 days erful. between Toronto St. and Port- er s Mill, Return to elty police. Re. * - Re rard. 161d3. e STRAYED On to the R Premises of ristian Maser, 20, 9, 2, 4, Evergreen 8. D,,one bay stallion colt coming two years old, white stripe down face, branded T on right hip. Frank Cor- by, Const., Irvine, Alta, 16146 Seciceteel gt; aseey OFFICES FOR RENT QFFICES TO RENT in Imperial bank building. Several suites, All modern conveniences. Apply News ottive. is4aet AUCTIONEERS ie Hi: . BROWNE CO, Liye Stock and General Auctioncers; farm special attention, Goods of de- scription can be entered for ae wae ular weekly sales on the - Market Square. Cash advanced on goods con- signed for absolute sale. Apply H. B. Browne Co., 366 Toronto St. Medicine Hat. Phone 481. See our - announcement elsewhere of auction sale, A SAN EN cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, puit eases, stoves, / musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hices and furs, horse hair, wool and fcrthers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co,, 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. b6x 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Pald tor the abov * -93Dte. THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR on hand (Be best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry and secon -tand Ciothing, locks, Watches, vewelry, Rifies, Guar, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Farnese, and nics new line.of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 604 South Railway St. or Phon 687, es GLOBE CLEANING AND PRESSING CU. beg to announce Store, 6 Uving rooms and barn, for t t they have opened a cleaning and Pressing establishment opposite the Fire Station on 4th Ave. All work Suaranteed to give satisfaction, New sold, Mark Harris, Prop. Phou 169, : . Fan. 30. FPLORTDA Learn about * Madison County First. Warm winters, cool summers. Lands similar to Ul- jgois, but better, cheaper, fer general farming, stock raising; fruit, vegeta- bles, School, churches, raifroads. Free booklet. Board of Trade, Madi son, Florida. 164d P. BUNDON, - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; jephone 674; P.O. box 540. 63Dte BUSINESS CARDS. CONNOR, Certified Maternity. Nurse. 1001 Bast Allowance. Box No, 745. 16146 Organs for sale and te rent All classes of ingurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. ie E. Bartlett Dominion and Alberta Land Serveyor And Municipal Engineer, Cope. OLIN, MANDOLIN, OUTFAR, JO, COMNET, TROMBONE, MISCELLANEOUS . AND JUNE-CO, The above have - Purniture,Stoves and Bedding,-new and- second hand goods- bought-and- 1800 copies dally, 900 etroulate fey Thureday. Advertinars Ddenedit af the Weekly country ne extracbarge. Books open io ad VOL. 2 NO. 165. The Linseed five tons of Oil Ca Each one'of which This is one of the is nof confined to J / being forwarded t NOT When Told of Federa Case Says Edmonton, Jan. 23. Thet thany vacant seats when th ture resumed its session afternoon following - the jolidays. The busines le Psion was immediately and the house spent most 0 ternoon in committee or the the rural municipalities bil mier Sifton did not make ference to th? refasal ef th ;eabinet- to disallow the. W legislation. presumably awa official confirmation before Harold Riley, member hen who had been severely with reference to the asses Calgary property by the CANAD/ Is the Prophesy of Guildhall on rec Patriotic Per London, Jan, 23, With fitual Earl Grey today re freedom-of the Sity of Lon Guildhat before a brilliant ded gathering which Inclu yeas Crey, Lay -Sybit-Grey ies Kirkpathick, Earl Mix Strathcona and Milner, Sir E G. Helfors,- Sir C. Lucas, Greenwood, Hon. W. 8. F w. Smithers, Dr, Parker; uer tarrison Watson, 2 fith and a host of city mag their Iadies, The quaint 1 in whieh: the new freemat Joined :to Pay hts Scot an Lot created considerable a Earl Grey followed by. swe know no gathering or c against the King s peace SirJames Dimedale, ch safd Earl Grey's life was biography-ef-a-true patriot * As governor-general of Domitlion of Canada he hs shown a far reaching and desire desire for future bt velopment, md in this he h carried the people of C: him, Dimsdale quoted newspapers eulogies fror Borden and the-C nadian ty applause greeted on-rising to reply, and. he atthe outset he took the, ag w token of the hearty d city-to-do-the. fullest hon power to the Canadian. pec 1 am not referring, h to recent political events and I am particularly de I should not be understood that there is the sHghtes between one Canadian: pit other. Seven years of inl tlonship have convinced 3 parties are equally loyal pire and Crown and this fa the growing belief of al without distinction of part in themselves and the thelrfature-and tn the cc that within them there I well as determination t inspiring roll of their 1 tiny, The day Ss coming adians. will be. ready: as Ing subjects of the cou sume the full statute of the responsibilities as wel vileges, of the empire. T acquire the fullest meas peridl citizenship is. gro of many most thoughttu I rejoice in this e sthening the selt r dult and no longer adole
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Image 122 (1912-01-22), from microfilm reel 122, (CU1738299). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.