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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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y 27th, 1912 2 eate 00 os e Se-etoe ee d cost less aster and Saturday, January 27th, 1912 PHP ee wn LE Ss PO RT FNEWS PING oH IL, GRAND CHALLENGE CUPS Ba a a i ss ea te te te te te tae Doers COUlL w games. The scores: Ginthers andthe Royals * inners ii ast night's bowllis - BIRNIES or - 191 175 160 526 mined te Two More Events of Gurling Bonspeil have been De- Suit . Holt . lt; 125 179 164 468; ; 5 cided atfer Some Close Games Consolation Now cnapman 444 125 120389 : BOARD Being Played. . Cooper 216 157 139-812 nd easily put 7) To get a Fur Lined Coat e ae y Frog) -. +. ss) 198 165 208 p1 one handy 7 GoofGot : Fred Pingle's rink captured the big solation and this afternoon the play i RE cca conga 5 Fie f end of the T. L. curling competition a Eieveph er start und finish Upon pers . BOARD nae A es after one of the closest games of the Ol ar, Saat iat ad Bristol .. .. 166 190 i91 s40 din a thou tb gt; spiel, defeating Burnett of Maple sontice oy the astieta Chak ajourned Freeman 4 6 ie every home. Creek by one point. At the end of the be held at the rink at 8 o'clock. Caper: eat ; a han Cost 1th end they stood 11 all and Pingle The results of the Consolation : Ghote * cs : in aoe 3 got the shot on the last end. games played: eon 70 16R ee VER We are also selling the: ) coon of Sapte Crook will carry the Holt defeated Hawthorne and Brown Necs ann eek chile, aD balance of our Men s rand: Challenge trophy home with defeated Bray tn the first round. In Bak p 4 . him by-defeating e second Brown defeated O'Hara * x - winter wear at absufd- /rour games were played in the Con- and Hutchinson trimmed Allan. a 200 7s ly low prices, What 148 132 188 413 ; lt; 183 163 168449) we have left will not j FR TRUE, Ih aye setae last long at the prices. a Res wae aes 80 DON T DELAY BLACKS J. Morrison .. 141 214 189-494 PONITS-HANTIBL ES go zs GENTS. Brewster .. .. 124 157 188-416 Rossiter . .. -. 139 156 174469 i J. Robertson 187 214 262-803 Trial ONVINCE our PURE 3 ington -team-have signed-up smi Clark Griffith figures to have the complete outfit in Hine by Feb. 1. URE WITH YOU LACING YOUR OR A BUILDING TES FREE. to City Hall. ininininininininintat time to 360 OM YOU. ARE TO HAVE -. ered 156 and Rey- tewart wil be bring and show NEW 8PRING PER samples Gianapolis team says he tas gathered the choice erticle in Pitcher Lorea Hixoa. Loren formerly. shot em over for thie Newark Okio State league team. Taylor s nsfer leary Draying. tion to all orders. or Sale. LAIT. THEAL STREET son Co. ReePUATESL NNT OOS UE 3 trated book ot 24 colors and Photographs. da. renias : Waoeea: Pee been of Mail on and sddress control in connection with the case W for The Dally News. Manager Joe Kellky of the Toronto team wil, take his Maple Leafs to Macoa, Ga., for spring tnining. Mike Finn will probably gut several ants for kis Mobile Souther league team. Whether the Cantral league will play 182 or 166 games will be dpcided when the schedule coumnitter meets in Fort Wayns, Feb.-21, ted Ed. Walsh's number last, ecuson: ase pitch tone thoes agvinet Dig al Frenzied Fortune Hunters Join i in the Rush for Gold (backs. He will go with the Cubg: on the spring training trip and show the youngsters how to hit out the safe onta. all playees sant Galas ad the Fotiond tears Bas Geen appointed an umpire in the with Tea Million in the tfield Roger Bresnalan t s5 Bway Ton Million a3 easy as a sailor chucks away dime. thelt park-so that it will be possibls Mora Wome Tun to be Bit inside the Mining expert-from California and snclooure. Fime for the other. seven teammate the Teague. ica cream soda in jail. Both Chicago aud Pittsburg are willing to pay the limit for a player of the ca,ibre of a Chase, a Daubert ora Konetehy. anything over on the new Coliimbian Jeagua the Sherman anti-trust law wid come to bat according to John 1. Powers, president of the new organi- zation. wark. International league team are both booked to play- the Richmond, Va., team April 1. rit Fool stunt has been framed for some one. Red Sox, crould tnteret the fies aig tthe tres and four coushnd tans eam ont for the hockey games in Boston. wilt meet in Albeny, N.Y., Jan. 30. weight, who came to this country a tew weeks ago; has retumed bo a Merona ss The Man's Stone Where You Bullet says Speaker Jan, 27- Considerat BASEBALL NOTES Brtavoa, EEG EG Ee eb eG warring words marked this mora: ing s vession of the Manitoba Grain Growers Annual Convention. Re- solutions were passed demanding. free trade In food products and the ces, while the famous Ottawa piat- form which figured in the monster delegation of farmers. to tho capital was re-indorsed in its entirety. amid great enthusiasm. Reciprocity is not dead, said Mr. Knowles, speak- ing on the first named resolution; Yang the hand that wields the ballot rules the west. Now our redress 1s the ballot, iater it may be the bullet. Resolutions for sample markets also carried unanimously. Vice presi- dent J. Kennedy, illustrating the, un- ki Hal of the memiers) of the Wasb- , Vean Gregg, the Cleveland twirler, 4. and won all four games. + Pop'' Anson has joined the com Minitonis, Man., Jan.27 One bun- dred more prospectors arrived last the best iemorwa fon the Pacific Coast and If the Cardinals don t make good United States. Winnipeg wires that 300 more are leaving there today. Not. much pros- pecting is doing, only a wild desire to stake regardless of location. The private car of R. J, MacKenzie of the Canadian Northern ts here with his 1 Tite Boston Natfonals will several others. They left at day- Now our Redress is the Ballot, Later it inay be the Reciprocity is not Dead. ig satisfactory nature of grading neapolis millers pay thirteen and a half cents 2 bushel than Canadian millers, and both sold their flour in the Again, Minnesota number1 Northern ublic ownership of natural resour- -wheat and quite a numberof Canad Han number-3Northern grades con- tained that proportion of hard wheat. Not the gral Inspectors but the sys- tem was at fault. The sample mar- grain sold under competition: He pointed out that the value was in- trinsic in Minneapolis obs rvatiotial In -Witntpeg- A sam-y ple market for grain would make lo- cal clovators a break the monopoly of the vast sys- tem of line elevators . ne s sites and the stampede is on in full, and men lying floors like sardines, and crowds are increasing every hour. Long, forty years business man of the present mote for wheat same market. jemanded but fifty per cent hard et means a fair deal to all with and merely success and would Third Lanark 5, Renton 0. Gresnock Morton 2, Clyde: 2; Abercorno, iy Harlequins 8, Black Glasgow, Jan- 27. The first .round of the Scottish FB. A. Cup was played The scores are as follo Heart of Midlothian 0, Hibernians 0. Leith 3; Ayr United 0. Broxburn Athletic 6, Leith 0. Falkirk 2, Kings Park 2. Celtic 1, Dunfermline 0 Kilmarnick 1, Hamilton 0. Paisley St. Mirren 3, Aberdeen 3. Partick Thistle 2, Dundee 2. Bast Sterlingshire 3, Dumbarton 0. Armadele-Peterhead postponed. St. Johnstone 0, Motherwell 2. Lashnacuddin 0. Fs 7 Glasgow ei Bugby Leic ster 31, Moseley 3. Devonport Albion 20, Torquay. 1p. th Cambridge University 19, Richmond London Hospital 17, Old Allenians 0. Cumberland 6, Yorks 4. Cardife 3, London Welsh 0. Old Mercrant Tailors 11, North- Ht ge. E E fiat ayerk flit: thisafternoom, IaTge crowds attend- Phere s an old saying, Money makes Ing every match. Only one game was system, affirmed that Min Postponed... the mare go, Dat beodle's not ta fe penitentiaries and diploma dispensaries haven't cornered all the gray matter. The whole world's a free brary. There are books in the fields, the Cation. woods, everywherd. You need only open the volumes and learn. The ani- RaTtirovers:0, Auatemic tinited-0: / mat kingdom is-2- book. We are study- ng man, woman and roosters. Note the victim of our knife. We book. opened him Ike the leaves of a That black wart on his wing joint, his emaciation, were an index to nis contents. The interior showed dark isfaction with Govern- congested I i i k fungs and cheesy growth jooking for the residential and busi- all night on the. excitement Already the Americans, enterpris- ing as-usual; have joined the rush. The American vanguard-is. Robt. A. break ror the scene of action with the Mawager Jimmy Burke of the In- necessary equipment. Several are Real Fitst bascm n axe us scatce as If organized basdball tries to put. The New York Yankeos und the Ne- gate. Winnipeg, Jan, 26. It was a dirty case and a dirty uso has been-made. of such, as through it a dastardly at- tempt has been made to injure the tat charity and the Catholic Church and authorities. In the above strong language . W. Russell, -promtuent Roman Catholic characterises tn a letter addressed to the board of con- trol, the now famous Ne Temere Brewer case, in which it was alleged Catholic wife was prevented froin Seeing her husband in St Boniface hospital, when at the point of death because the parties had not been mar- ried by 4 Roman Catholic priest and were therefore held by the chunch to. be living in adultery. Mr. Russell supports his contention with an affidavitt. of Brewer who, jolsims she is lawfully the wife of Brewer and daughter of the woman Whe Santied tw Ne Brewers wife and Looks like ap Ap. McAleer -of the Boston Believes a hoskey league Presidint Sit 108 SEW slander the cHuKe o THE RING Prevkie Mandole and Tod Maloney Al Kaufman is back at bis home in Sam Francisco, Ha says he is sufer- ing from malaria. Bert Goughtom, the Irish tantam- FORAWALLS- AND. ceILINGS J. BRINGS INDIGHANT LETTER FROM PROMINENT CATHOLIC Tt was Dirty Cast, and Dastardly Attempt to Slander Church F. W. Russell Produces Marriage of Parties Soart of Control to Investi- contribution per CHS Affidavit of pealed to the civic supporters to stop on the grounds of this same case. It was explained that the city did not contribute other than the statutory ents in the hospital. The Orange- men then dropped the matter. Mr Russell -now comet forward to say that if they had pushed It this affi- davitewas ready for them. Lucy Fortier swears she was mar- ried to Brewer in October 1904 while her mother was tindergoing a six aionths term tn Brandon fall, her mother being Mr . Philip Fortier, aiid her father dying on the day senteace started. After the term expired her mother. returned to. Brewer whu put. away the attestant, his lawful wife. Mr. Russell says it was in knowtedge of these facts that admittance was. refused to Mra. Phillip Fortier who had never been marri d-to Brewer, and in fact had been Hiving with -hor daughter's husband. He implies that ity 0, mughy football games played todey follows: Blackburn R. 0, Tottenham H. 0. Bolton-W.-8,-Preston-N. E. 0. Bradford City 0, Oldham A.0 0, Bddleborough 2. Dayton, ND, he left his family to Join ct the rush. There are many note Randheater C- a, Sewrentie. L coming, he said. Whether NI is gold field or not, the rush f in earnest. - a any. clty..ald. to. 8t,. Boniface. Hospital Ns United Services 2, Oxtord Univers- London, Jan, 27. Association and First division resulted os Hverton 1,-Aston Xilla 1. Cumberland 5, Manchester U. 0 West Brom. Alb. 1, Liverpool 0. Woolwicl A. 3, Stefield U. wu. 1. Secood division Bireninghams 2,-Stockport-C.-0- Blackpool 8, Fullhem 1. Bristol C. 4, Leeds C. 1. Ch isea 2, Leicesver F. i. Hull C. 0, Barnsley 0 Clapton 0. 1, Wolverhampton W, 0. Glossop 0, Bradfard 0. a Grimsby-T. 1, Burnley 0. Huddersfield T. 0, Deby Southern league Notts F. 2, Gainsborough T. 0. Norwich C. 2, Brighton-Hove Alb. 0, Leyton 2, Stoke 0. Coventry C. 1, Luton 1. Crystal Palace 1, Reape 2 Soutliampton 1, Swindon I. 3. Plymouth A, 9, Bristol R. Ov Reading 3, West Ham U. 1. Metloed 1, Millwall AJ 1. jrompton 1, Queens Park 2. 2. COT, Braitiord 0. MTA BEATS U.S. CYCLONE Sydney, Australia, Jan, 26. Cy- clone Johnnie Thompson, American middleweight pusilist, was easily out- pointed here today by Smitp, the-Aus- tralian mfddlewelght, and former champion, in a twenty round contest. Boston, Mass, Jan. 27 Bos- ton s annual motor boat show, the place wher the boat builders, the en- gine makers, and the manufacturers of nautical fittings for power craft disclose to the public their latest pro- duct.for the coming season, opens In Mechanics Building tonight and will continue for one week. Every avall- able foot of space in the big exhibition some action may yet be taken against sundry parties. toTHE WESTERN PAIRS CO. etNiPeS HAN fs that recently local drangemen ap- hall is filled with exhfbits, some three fresh fowl is easy and not so dis- all ex- terior symptoms, then nail fowl to board, pluck feathers on breast and cut through to bone at junction of neck and breast. Break this bone right be- fore breastbone, cut down along sides, but not too deep, and draw down the breastbone so that: the upper organs peritoneum, or lining, of abdomen until you have observed the sam . Ai sprin- kle of weak carbolic solution will dis- Infect and destroy anf offensive odor: By a comparison of outside symptoms with interior conditions you may often secure knowledge that helps you to a cure or preventive to the disease and sure data for future diagnosis. DON'TS. Don t put off till tomorrow what you put off last year to du today. Put off your coat and do it now. Don't expect to butt right into a fall days. grub to raise a respectable Sock. day you wouldn't gladly serve to your mil- to you. won a: green FIbboT factence. For all k hundred manvfacturets having beon the News Office. * just- too cute for him for anything. this morning, Premier Sifton gave an are exposed, Dut do hot tear away the fair and make a clean sweep f-you sven t quality birds to burn these Don't wait to cull out the knock- kkneed crodkbacks and wrytall runts until after they have gobbled enough Don't forget in feeding pigeons that you must provide both for parents and squabs, and thero must. always be plenty to carry to the little ones all, Don't well anytbing at market that onaire mother-in-law who is about to write a will leaving all her spondulics Don t keep that off hen over another eason simply because years ago she 1f-you-ean't-cut ber encklor the preacber will siay her withont a single compunction Of com jnd of Job Printing try New York Society is Duke Mad Over Visit of Governor-General American Press Comments Enthusiastically over his Personality True, Popular Good Will. London, Jan. 26 The kowtowing of; the mouths of our political ranters the-American press to the Conn- has become a term. of opprobrium. aughts has caused the London papers The pride of mere dollars fades away to make merry. The Standard says before the novel sensation and the ex- The Duke bas excited the greatest citement being infectious, we are enthusiasm in New York, an enthus- confronted with scenve of which un- jasm created by his identity and fos- der similar circumstances our own tered by-Mis-porronmtity. Little back monarchy 8 n- The New York press roars at the capable. eS story of the Duke's collision with a Still atthe back of it all the sentk Messenger boy. Ho begged the poy's ment of struggling snobbery, there pardon. and everybody agreed it was popular good will and doubtless the first to appreciate and value that sentiment will be the man over whom all the fuss is made. -His-Royal Highness cama back. to New York yesterday morning from his visit to President Taft in Wash- ington. The Duke was delighted with his reception at: the national capital, being especially pleased with the democratic simplicity which marked the ceremonials at the White House and at the home of British Ambassador Bryce. In Bur pe, we hope we do not sound pharisaical we are tised to all man lt; ners, and the incident, even had a Heyat reporter- been. present; would have becn merely-mentioned, but then we are shabby courtiers. It is in the capitals of the Republics that Royal- ty is properly treated. The Evening News in an editorial says, New. York - society is Duke, Mad because it is not used to dukes, and its excitement was strange en- ough to us where the word Duke in mom, O, ae NISSATISFIED They were not Parties to nc, claimed to represent toad Disallowan: holder resident fn the city of/New the owance Appll- York, a man who had purchased one bond, at what time was not said. Neither was the name. of; this bond- DECIDED 10 STAY OUT OF THE marten Have not Expresed Dissat- Be was paid by the bank ad that the bank or some of the other known in- terested parties was really the soli- tary bond-holder in question: ment s Action. Erected ll the: bonds of the de- EXimonton, Jam 26. Intervikwed sitied Bedale stm hat Whether they wished to be represent We cetite k a oe ed or join in the application for dis- bonds allowance, and replied that they did had been parties to the application not unless it was necessary for them made at Ottawa for the veto of the to do so. As a result of the idgal ad- provincial Act dissolving the coni- vica given them they decided to stay pany. The bondholders wera not re- out and stayed out. presented in the argument; it was not Neither bave the bondholders ever Stee ie Sy Ween Destine 2 the represented to the provinsial goverm- euniog dizect inipcablllty ca tetelt of the province for the bomd-money and. interest. behalf of the application for disallow- This Newspaper And Your Store Would you consider that this News paper was well managed If it Issued according to the mood of its pub- lishere instead of at regular, stated and invariable in- tervals? Would you think it 2 geod newspaper if printed a 12-page issue at one time with a one-page, hundbill-size; Issne-at-another-timel -Weuld you feel that It was serving its constituency effectnally if, now and then, It suspended issue entirely to be resumed at some time when the publishers felt inclined? Your store serves your patrons with stere-1 through Its advertising. They assume that there is al- ways store news worth telling store news that Ic im- portant to them, Tt Is not as poor policy for a store, as it would be fora newspaper, to serve its patrons In a spasmodic, undepen- dable way? If your store 1s Important to the people of the elty, your advertising Js important to them all of the: time aot merely now and then. The size of your advertising space should not vary any more than the size of a newspaper varies, ance of your advertising should be as fr regular as the appearance of this newspaper. POA eee re Grate nte Sete ie eee HN The News for Job Printing
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Image 147 (1912-01-27), from microfilm reel 147, (CU1738315). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.