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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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sare a larity nd-ua attain by hand. Specia? on this transplanter sion for upplying the. water and fertilizer as it Kround, - veer, president an generat the British North Amort nt that they are planting res of tobacco this year, shade tent for growing Next year this rappers. all probabilly be largely SEMENTS ON ADS 10 BE TAXED Imposes Prohibi- harge on Eyesores ; Landscape. he civilized world will indiluted joy of the de French Chamber with he hi advertise- which the railway routes 8 of nee are Hned. of land which fringes the oroughfares have lent o the destruction of the their-country, but the has now in Y, a prohibitive tax on a footing will be al ain it for three years, deration of the.people the contracts. Adver the walls of houses will mt escape destruction, om is approachini. The out the Hope that sqon s will also be taxed out ese actions are certain- blic good and few will the liberty of the ot more interfered with tisement than by its for. relling feel that they to see the beauty of mrestricted and that sts should be subordin- rood of the majority. new tax is being hail ht: Some apprehen- ssed because, according: ix, only advertisenients east six square yards and if a multitude of replace the present aps the last state will the first. Chamber, backed by e now, however, fairly ath and intend to ntry from this particu- sliness. oupons and get a free E. Trider s, Third Ave cEEPT ESET li ERERS EXCURSIONS. many 8 home seek- sion right here in ery day personal- ed, too, by readers ly News Want Ads, yj. have property for 8, houses, ct- rtments, pian a ekers excursion e Wants; bid pos- its. come. and look uu hav to offer. ts cost but 25 for on, 3 for B c, one 1.00, s, two rings. the oie oe ob oho oe oe hb eiineit PEERS EE EE EET her ant STR, LAKE CHAMLAIN. 00 That Th RQ U0 Manufacturers Say of the Western Farmers Others Disagree With Th em Say Test Shoul Winnipeg, Aug. 14 Emphatic de- nial fs given by the binder twine com- panies and distributors in Winnipeg today to the reports ourrent that an increase of due cent a pound in bin- der twine had been made or was in contemplation. The greatest handlers of twine in Western Canada and the United States, the International Har- vester Oo., and the Plymouth Cord- age. Co., are equally emphatic in ai TN THE-SAME POSITION AS Collision Occurred on Mon- day Afternoon Still Standing Where Struck Late Last Night. NG BY CORSILA Fog is Less Dense and Ships May Be Able to Pro- ceed Soon. 1 CW. A: P, Dispateh) Montreal Aug. 14 The Inst, report fssned by the signal service at 11 p. m, last evening states that the Allan, Mmer Corsican, which was injured in a cOllision with un iceberg yesterday afternoon at 4 p. m is in the Shortage and No (CW. AL P. Dispatch). Prices ey Can Meet Every Demand d Be Lifted. serting that they can meet the de- mand from every source for twine. They: assert today that there is not point in Western Canada that has shortage of a single pound and they further. assert that they have enough in view and in reserve to pro- vide for every contingency of the market, They express themselves confident that the demand and the (Continued ou page 3.) EN STRUCK BURG same position, 120 miles east of Belle Isle amd has mot proceeded at all since the accident. The Lake Cham- plain has not continued her Journey and s standing by. the injured, vessel. The fog is Jess dense than it has been in the vicinity of the vessel. A Marconigram was received by he Ailan Hine at noon today saying that the fog in the Straits of Belle Isle had cleared and that the vessel Ww Liverpool. All is well, is the con- clusion of the dispatch, signed by Captain Cook. U, 8. CONSUL KLLED Washington, Aug. 14. William Bruce McMaster, American Vice Con- Sul at: Cartagenid;. Columbia, has been shot and killed. Dispatches to the department today reporting his death do not say if it was an acci- dent or a murderous assault. Acting. Mayor R. I. Hood of Loses Life in . Watrous Lake. DETAILS-OF-TRAGEDY ARE RATHER MEAGRE Miss MeFarlane, Deceas- ed s Companion, Became Exhausted While Bath- ing, It Is Thought. Saskatoon, Aug. 14 Little Manitou lake, the popular resort near Watrous, was yesterday the scene of a pecu- Warly-sad and tragic drowning, when within view of a large crowd of Sun- day visitors, R. L. Hood ;the acting mayor of Lanigan, gave up his life to save that of his fiancee, who was to have become his bride on Wednes- day next. The lady, Miss McFarlane, herself had a very narrow escape, her life being saved at the sacrifice of ancther, while a third person who went to the rescue also came near to meeting a similar fate, As usual on Sunday there was big crowd at the beach, but for the most part, they: were unable to do any more than look on as the sad tragedy was enacted . Mr, Hood and Miss McFarlane had DEMOCRATS SCORE VICTORY ON THE WOOL TARIFF BIbh By Narrow Margin They Carried Revision Over Taft s Vote. Wasgington, Aug. 14. By the nar- row margin of five votes the House today passed the wool tariff revision bill over President Taft's vote. This vote, 174 to 80, was made possinle on the defection of twerity ome Re- publieans who voted with the Demo- GAVE LIFE TO SAVE --HIS FIANCEE FROM DROWNING IN LAKE of Five crats. The announcement of the De- motored over from Lanigan to spend jttie-day on-the beach like so. many others. They were in bathing at the time, Miss McFarlane being only twenty-five yards from the shore,but there were only meagre details received n the city as to how the tragedy occurred. It would appear that Miss McFar- lane, becoming exhausted, and get- ting into deep water, got into diffi- culty, and that Mr. Hood immediately: went to her-rescue. His efforts, how- ever were only partially successful, and another swimmer went-to their aid, He in turn also was overcome, and when further ald could be given all three had to be brought to shore in an unconscious state, Medical attention was soon at hand and first ald methods resulted in Miss McFarlane 1d the s cond man who went to the rescue being brought round, With Mr, Hood, however, it appear d that he had suffered stran- gulation, and although life was not extinct, all-efforts at. resuscitation failed to bring relief, and he died shortly after. Another version is that Mr. Hood was able to assist his fiancee until she could touch bottom, but that the, effort liad been too much for him, and that he turned over in the water, taking so much in his lungs that ef- forte at resuscitation failed. moeratic victory created a weleome scene in the House. and amid great confusion the Republican leaders pro- tested that Speaker Clatk must answered Present to their names, a ruling which would have defeated the Democratic programme by over- coming the five vote margin and making impossible the reeording of the necessary two-third vote of the House. This the Speaker declined friends in many parts of the world today on the occasion of his. 50th birthday anniversary, Prince Henry has been connected with the since boyhood and is retgerded as a ;etty form si parte of Wyoming, and Berlin, Aug. 14 Prince Henry of seis, only brother to the German peror, received a flood of congra- Eations from his relatives and navy high ai matt In 1902 he visited New ork to the launching of Emperor Willia yacht Meteor. Four years later the Emperor appointed him commander- in-Chief of the Imperial navy. NEW WESTMINSTER S ACTING CHIE OF POLICE DISAPPEARS Walked Out of Station On Thursday Last and Has Not Been Seen. Since. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 14 Police Sergt, William Stanton, of New West- minster, acting chief during the ab- sence of Bradshaw, who went to Los + Angelesafter-tho alleged bank rob- for evidence to sonvict the murder - bery .has disappeared. Last Thurs- day night he walked out of the sta-) tion and since then has not been seen. Stanton was a steady man and the officials can give no reason for his. disappegrance. FRONTIER CELEBRATION BEGINS. (Special to the News, Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 14. Throngs of visitors from Denver and the East arrived in Cheyenne today for the opening of the sixteenth annual Fron- tler celebration. -Fully 5,000 people are guedts of the city already and every train is crowded to its utmost capacity, Many cowboys are in the they, with the Indians in their red and yellow blankets, are attracting much attention from the visitors, The festivities will continue until the end of the week. Among the events on the programmat t -raping and Dusking contests 3 e world s championship, shooting competitions, cowboy races, exhibitions of fancy riding,- Indian races, branding con- tests and military manoitvres bY d detail of United States troops fdom Fort D. A. Russell. PARKER-LANKHORNE WEDDING. Sop SLE Sanfrancisco, Cal., Aug. 14 So- ci ty in the East as well as in San Francisco, displayed a lively interest in today s wedding of Miss Julia H. Langhorne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Langhorne, and Lieutenant James Parker of the United States in Virglinia and-is-a-first cousin of the famous beauties immortalized by Charles Dana Gibson, of whom one is the wife of the artist and another, Mrs, Waldorf Astor , of London. Ideutenant Parker, the bridegroom, is the. son of Col. James Parker of the BHleventh Infantry, now stationed at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and a nephew of foimer Congressman Rickard Wayne Parker, of New Jersey. lers and keepers of disorderly houses HGH PIC Th POW Investigation Into the New York Scandal Reveals System in all Its Hid- eousness. BANKERS. AID DISTRICT ATTORNEY IN PROBE Have Their Books To gpenea ree Money Police De- BECKER DEPOSITED 58,000 DURING THE PAST 8 MONTHS (W. A, PB. Dispatch.) New York, Aug. 14. In the search ers of the gambler Herman Rosen- than, the State's Attorney and the Grand Jury have unearthed a wealth of information showing that gamb - paid sums aggregating hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly for po- lice protection. Evidence tow be- fore the Grand Jury shows that every form of gambling and vice paid a prescribed toll and that these tariffs varied according to the location in the sity the inonthly tar- ifs paid to the police vary, first- class uptown gambling houses paid 3,000, middle-class gambling houses paid 500, east-side gambling houses paid anywhere from 100 to 400, high class pool rooms 6 Poker dice games pat 360uptown + disorderly houses paid 600, while east-ride resorts paid 100. Powerful banking interests, acting through the New ork clearing house commission, came to the ald of Dis- trict Attorney Whitiayin today. im his efforts to lay bare the alleged cor- rupt alliance between the police and the gambling fraternity, founded on graft, and blackmail. A virtual com- mand was given by the commission today to all banks in the clearing house to' furnish the District Attor- ney with a'record of d posits they have received from aty of the high police officials''whom the district at- torney suspects: of having been a orderly el ment of the city. As a result records,-showing that within the last eight-months Police Lieut, Charles Becker; charged with the murder of Herman Rosenthal and Navy. The -bride was-born-and-raised acensedof gambling graft, has made daybreak on Saturday morning, but bank deposits of 58045 in his own name or that of his wife, which were placed in the hands of the public prosecutor, pees tee Parties holding coupons for / two photographs, can haxe them extended till 1st September, but positively must: be in by then, Milne s Portrait Stu- aio, 30-8 collector of blackmail from the dis-) MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 14, 1912 INCE MENRY 60 TEARS OLD Vie PA ANOTHER ALLAN ON TRIAL, Wytheville, Va, Aug. 14 The case of Friel Allan, one of the gang of out- lawa alleged to have committed the Carroll County Court House murders, at Hillevilie, Iast March, Was called for trial today. The indictment upon which he is. to be tried charges him with the murder of Commonwealth's Attorney, William H, Foster, one of the five persons killed In the court yoom tragedy. Friel Allen is the third of the Alten clan to be tried for the murders. Fried Allen and his son Claude Allen have been tried and convicted of first, degree murder. REGINA FOREIGNER UNDER ARREST ON MURDER CHARGE Accused Was Using Club In Self-Defense When eee By Number of en. (W. AP, Dispsion) Regina, Sask.,. Aug. 14. Following the death today of a foreigner named Kackuk, the police placed Mofel Shi- tofeki under arrest on the charge-of murder, The dead man received his injuries in a fight last Sunday night outside the house of the accused who it Is added, was using a club in self defence when attacked by a number of men of whom the deceased is al- leged to have ben one. Apparntly a, woman was at the bottom of the. af- fair. FRICK S ALLADIN LAMP PARTY. Boston, Mass, Aug. 14 The bil- lion dollar lawn party which Henry . Frick, the steel magnate, is to give at his Pride's Crossing estate. on Fri- day night of this week, promises to establish a new high water mark for lavish entertainment among the North Shore Colony, whose summer residents include some of the wealth- JeSt and. most, prominent families in all sections of the country. Except- ing President Taft every inan present will be-a millionaire, and. the entire) affair willbe cohdac*-* ar mscale of Glass Company's: plant), the site of which is near the Poreslain Fac- tory.-Mr. W: Walsh,-who is: the con tractor, told the News representa- tive that the building is to be 190: by 120 fect, and ranging in height from ten to twenty feet. The build- vanised iron. He could not say when it would be completed, as there was some difficulty in getting the materialls shipped to Medicine Hat, It was, however, already pur- chased, and he expected it along at 70,000. 3 AUSTRALIA'S NAVAL POMGY FOR THE: FISCAL Ven IS 500 So Says Board Placed. By MAGNIFICENT TOTAL Thirteen Million Pounds to Weeks a large boarding: house has stood at the east end of the site: up- on Which the new Australian offices on Buildings to Cost About Work has started om the Alberta ing will be frame, covered with gal- Site of Commonwealth's New London Office. FOR THE THREE YEARS Be Total Expended In Pp o Defe mce (CW. A. P, Cable) London, Aug. 14. For several magnificence calculated to make the old New Englanders gasp with won- Mer benois sails A Nabant contracting firm has signed a contract which obliges th aire to be erected in Painted notification lank. e strand with a stralia's daily with fol- tween 60,000 and 70,000 W lWork Has Started. Glass Fac Will Be Located on Site Near Porcelain time. My Walah is well rad es not waste t lowing message: a in defense of the empire amounts to about This will make a total of 900,000 pounds expended in for active service, 50. Feet, block 7, Geatr below which yesterday a 1000 for quick. sale. H.C: Petter d Co. Washington, D. C., Au Admiral: Abrabam Y. Zane, who any of his Australia s 5,500,000 dent gt; of the board of inspectors shore stations, was placed on the theed list. of the navy. today om ac to lay a smooth and perfect dancing floor on the Frick lawn. at the hours of 7 and 9 on Friday evening and take it up again between the hours of 1 and 3 on the following morning, This contract is typical of all the arrange- ments that have been made for the fete. It is Mr. Frick's intention that his lawn shall present its usually orderly and well-kept. appearance at dark on Friday. evening and again at for the four hours between 9 p. m. and 1 a. m. it will be transformed into fairyland. It is sald that the party will represent the largest gath- ering of millionaires ver assembled at one time in this or any other coun- 50 feet, block 7, Central Park, 1000 for quick sale. H.C. Pettet Subscribe now for the Dally Ne 27-tt tries. in the East on a visit: the Splendid Advantages wa ct Ne a pentane a oe ae CITY WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE - IN IMPORTANCE OVER ANY POINT BETWEEN WINNIPEG AND COAST 3o Says.A. J. N. Terrill, Editor of News, In Interview With Toronto Globe Outlines of the City 2nd Its Growing and Increasing Indus- Under the heading Grain Crops Which will Startle Whole World the Toronto Globe prints the following interivew with A. J. N. Terrill, editor of the News, who is A Plant Will Open Some Time October: a Mr. McIntyre Will be Busi- who My. A. J. N. Terrill, editor and manager of the Medicine Hat Daily News, a former Toronto newspaper man, is spending a week or two in the city after an ab- sence of anumber of years. Mr. Terrill, who is an officer of both the Alberta and British Columbia and the Western Canada Press Associations, has within the last couple of weeks attended the annual conventions of these organiations, which were held respectively at Nelson, B, C., and in the Twin Cities. He states that the prevail- ing opinion amongst the Western journalists is that the Prairie Provinces will this year produce a grain crop which will startle the world providing 0 untgward cir- cumstance occurs within the next couple of weeks to mar the present prospects. The winter rye and the barley have been harvested to a large extent and ten days of warm weather will carry the wheat past the danger point. ; Speaking of the prospects of Medicine Hat, Mr. Terrill claims that in the very near future his city will take precedence in importance over any point be- tween Winnipeg and the coast. He supports the statement by drawing attention to the facilities which Medicine Hat offers to industrial powers, viz., power which he tsays-is-the-cheapest-in Cariada,an-abundant supply of good water and competitive railway rates. The fact that the Ogilvies have under construction a half-million dol- lar mill with a capacity of six thousand bar of flour per day, that another big mill- ing company will instal an even larger plant and that the Canada Cement Company Near the Latter End of completed. Practically all.the- work is done, and in aout two weeks time, Mr. W. Walsh states, the place will be ready for the: installing of the machinery. Three ear loads of machinery have already arrived in the city and the remainder is expect- ed at any time. Mr. J. W. Molntyre will be the business manager, and W. E. Clarke, who is well, known as an expert hand at the work in Ohio, is to be in charge of the manufacturing end of the concern. 1 Mr, Clarke is already on the job; making mculds, ote. Speaking to the News yeiterday he ststed that the place would be opened late October. For their finer work they were going to ship clay for a time at any rate, from Spokane, Wash- ington, but he had every reason to believe that the clay they neetled in Assist. CAP. London, Aug. 14. F. E. Smith, K. G, Unionist M. P. for Liverpool Wal- ton, who is now on his way to Can- writes as follows: The maintenance of an adequate navy ought'to be outside the scope of will expend a million dollars in the ercetion of works at the Natural (ias City are in- dications, Mr. Terrill points-out, of what may be expected in the way of development to do. at Medicine Hat. party controversy; The Canadian na- tion s enormously, rich and if, ap- PORCELAIN FACTORY ALREADY PREPARING - MOULDS FOR W would eventually be found ighborhood, Already he ness W.E. stated that for som Clark to Look After it Om re ou. bat Manufacturing pe yroyaty camo ne start mam the. The Porcelain factory is almost, porcelain hrti les.. whatever BUILDING COMPLETED essere INACHINERY ARRIVING nc a DIETZ PARDON HE Madison, Wis, Aug. 14. McGovern has set tomorrow: day for hearing the applic pardon for John Diets , of Dam Farm, who barricad in his home two years ago the conflict a deputy sheriff Wa and Killed. Dietz was convicted of murder and sentenced t Iife. impri- sonment. The application for a par the 50 Feet, Block 7, Central Park, 1000 for quick sale. Hi C. Pettet 27-8 Save your coupons and get a free Cable) dinner fet at E, B, Trider s, Third Ave. GAMDA WOOL IVE ANY AMOUNT Ie the Opinion of Unionist Member in Regard to Canad- ian Naval Policy Pleased With Our Attitude To Pealed to with impressive truth will find any money, which a minister in whom it can confide, thinks right t ask The one bright spot is found ii the apparent fntentfon sof Canada to step into. the flel and help re duce the maritime. balance old. world, Oh. the
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Image 275 (1912-08-14), from microfilm reel 275, (CU1739343). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.