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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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LITTLE FORT TD you ever eee a serven play Sou . which could be fokled op and sat ' Jaway In the corner when you didn't want it aad set up 2c Aeeperfect) order in . s thao udoute after you had decided that if would eseful for a while? The serena fe the very nicest ktndr aoe indoor, especially when jee large city, where play plage Mmited i that you canaot bave la intge permarent play boqee bullt r the of your nursery or playroom. Tree screen pl ectiy like the ordi except that the fs just like that of the ustial scree the loaves are binged together In the way. The one teaves fare the sided of of the house. The screens are covered with heavy buc The cote Jap or caovas, pie Yaties tu color se lanaacte Aeon cording to whether you want your play-laurk palit. are Alor house to be a real house oF a gfocery store, jof the hetise to represent 4 log Cabin or school. All of these bulld-lon.the front. wall, hile PLAYROOM ead M Swereen house s a, PLINY QUICK'S DOG-POWER AUTO. Sky-Powet Machine * e gt; few. WM YY Be7 BY ARTAURMORGAN LANGWORTHY oe - chickens meant week's living to them, in Front of Them Gave a Frightened Bound Sideways SLINY QUIOK crested a sensation driver and a round steering wheel; and at whea be mrsived: at -ohopl in hin the front waa built the connecting mech- 4M12 model Carle-Rover, as be with the aerial motors. This w: proudly catled: his wew doz power'a Tange reel or spool yet in x couple of up- wat, ; : Hight supports and furned by a crank at- lt;2 Moit boys sire familiar with some ia gt;ned to its axle. On this ree was wound formijpt dog driven v blele, but Pliny s ike heavy clothedline to which the two advance model was qulte difterest from giant box kites were attached. These kites the el 2s the drawing shows, Fer were enormous in site, so large they bad woder power canine engine from , pulling power equal to a pony,.and in a whith ir derived its fashionable double trish wind would pull the chariot along Was laced in the rear Instead offac y great clip, And it was a fine spec: tig on Tne eee sovetrectertacle to wateh them whise their driver 9 fine Newfoundlan pearly as fast as a hb ears rca ei eis posaunn item (be romper aa, Saat nga, bore ste bereents Tt was an id al day for the Terra-Aero's 's Carlo-Rover triumph didn't 2:1 trip, Theatfong wind held food all through the mordingand at recess Walter next morning he had to more than - ai) embarked. for home bebind his Givide honors with mew entry in the - rns merial steeds, the wind having kindly abift- field of freak auto construction. Piiny/*0 8, Oe eat ae ae toc tavbored around the Corie, That was the Terra-Acro's one drawback, Rover deserted it to weldome the grand Sbe had to go in the direction of the wind eatranc of Walter Armstrong's apectacn- if she wanted (o ret anywhere, see ToiSiewe chy power Terta-Aero, aa Pliny watched Walter launch his kites linto the air, amisted by admiring school- proudly ndmed it. Walter a eee oe mates. Then Walter climbe. into bis I's 4 1913 model because it's over a MAriot and took of the brakes. the aerial ahead round Oakdale soto: a ly set the wheels in motion, and see ee eine Seomatally at Pliny) Walter sailed for home, followed by the tad his eclipsed Caric-Roves, lta two- Hole school. He soon distanted bis rac- ky F because of the two box kites INE schoolmates, including Pliny, who had Which farah all the wind, And it'a 20 Used his Carlo-Rover to drive home called the Terra-Aero because it's a Mith to-day. Pliny bad a good reason for vrarra' thls: he knew that it was Walter's idea to and sky auto terra combination land sky: terra challeage him for a race. He was not afraid to race Walter, but first wished to get a line on Walter's new auto, If 3. The race shall be straightaway for files, the distunce to be measured Ly lly tested speedometers on each ma- The competitsr who completes th five miles in the leagt time wins the race. Then followed the aames of the race officials and signatures of the principals. Walter was given the choice of routes be- cause he had to depend on the wind. Thus be could take any one of four directions at Five Forks, as the roads left the tarn- pike in all directions at this point. Le next Saturday afternoon. was fixed for. the racf, and the two competitors spent the reat of the week grooming their strange jcbariots for the great test of dog power: veruus sky power. The start was most iniposing. A spark- ling day of crisp sunshine and a strong, steady wind of high-velocity made the con. ditions of travel ideal, especially for Wal- ter. A starting circle instend of line was drawn in the exact spot where the Sve roads intersected one another. Walter, whose kites were now. in the sir, solemp- iy inspected shem, teated all his mechan- iam and thea gave out the route, which the crowd anxiously waited to hear, The River road The two racera were faced about in. the circle and pointed down the River road, with the two official timers alongside jench, ready to mount their bicycles. The official starter raised bis pistol. Bang Pliny threw of his brakes and chirraped to his eagerly prancing canine meter; And it did look aa If Walter's auto was he odds were not too great Pliny meant to eweller than Pliny s, particularly after ballenge him that afternoon. this Latin explanation. Poor Pliny felt And that afternoon Pliny challenged very mad and humiliated after Walter Walter Armstrong to race his Terra-Aero had chen gone the length of making all * tinet Pliny's Carlo-Rover. sorts of fun of Pliny s matt aut The whole school looked on while the snggested he might get tied a couple of tin cans to the canine this agreement w This was not ice at a recited the asual chi filed Pliny, who, bowever, managed to *alled for the following conditions : keep Lis temper and carefully examine 1 The race is to start from the point the rival machin : known aa Five orks. Tt was truly a ea 2 The challenged party (Walter Arm- a heas var cca a ee chariot: lstrong) shall have the cboice of route. 1 Wetallowed to choose any ove of ihe tive Auckboard, with a ralsed seat fo1 thejronds mectiog at Five Forks reduced to writing. It fore power if he tWo wrangled over the conditions. Fivally going was sery easy, as the road waa Walter threw off his brakes and looked up At bie aerial motor; the two timers mount, led thelr bikes ; the whole group began to move the race was on. The two -racers gradually. increased thelr speed. The dogs tugged nd bound ed along in their strap harness and the slightly down grade to the siver whieh it crossed at this point. First Walter land then Pliny led. and in the excitement fof the race at last threw off all brakes, The two rival spec the bottom of the hill going th ten minutes o section, of the screen, climbing roses and pacsere by. Thig window, which Is cat other vines, are painted to look as they in the upper corner of the front section WOUHT If chumbering over- the walle of-e jof the ecrem,-bas-vo glace in it, but there country cottage. There is square wim are two cross sections of wood to make dow large enough to look oot from at the lit look more lke s window. There is mM His 4912+Modet-Carlo-Rower Raced Walt y Armstrong's aloo front door, small, but large enough to go In and out, especially for a small person. The door is not of wood, but of wire screen, vo that the inhabitants of the cottage can get plenty of alr and ye eh POUT ol A Countsy Cottage Be be ond ther FASHIONABLE Baas wosid 2 RL they almost a fright- - pst managed e dropped We made Extna loce ber exclaimed Piiny to Walter. Puiny wae a great admirer of pretty Edna Farboah, and besides that, he knew she coulda't afford to love those chickens. Edna and her mother were very nice; people. They were very poor and those tor Bdna raleed and sold them to help her mother. Say, Walter, let's call off this race for We're both even up now jand we can get a save em for it's our fault What did she get in the way for? ing Walter. hang: ing on for jolted over the rough bridge roadway. It cost Pliny an effort to do it, but he put on the brakes. Walter shot-abead. laugh. ing derisively at him, There was no boat in sight on either shore, but Pliny had a better plan. He quickly unbarnessed Carlo and Rover, led them down the bank and pointed to: the Hoating basket. The two Newfoundlands. who were tine re- frievers, soon towed the basket ashore. where restored it to the grateful (Bupa. ft Office on K, NES. It seemed hopeless to trv to overtake rs Walter, but PUny refused to give up, al- or te though bis timer advised him to, The were apa dogs were reburuessed. The stera elise bars md continued over two miles by readings of wri fous the eyslometer attachuent, The of iti timer still urged retirement, but Pliny Of hat Something had hap-; What d. i hortly after th fourth mile the timer seco); A turo in the rowd-dis- i j losed Walter just aheud. barely moving. childre: Something's woue wrong cried the verwi ting bs Haven't:you caught eS Yes, you chump Haven't you on yet? idvghed: Pling. 2 ae Te was the breeze. The wind had diedj I Went out completely. Pliny couldo't help sni around. jering as bis 1912 model Cnrlo-Rover thing but dashed by becalmed but anything but cal Walter, Z You'd better change your engine he thing we. Ec ueren seas ike 1 took reliable power save land dusted ' and win races them side by side ald cuts LEEPING DOG. them whieh Was a8 inches wide, I them put the remaining bei aro Seas os e bax on toy of chese 00 as te make a gocond letory. Next I cut squares out of the The whole day through eides of the boxes to make window: Will Jump and trot My school Guished, I wondered where I Ase ca (09: Iwas going to get furaitare for it.: It was When night gets bere raining too hard to bay any, and even if And all is nog it hadn't boon thin people of Paperville He ecttles near J idn t ike 'the kind of paper and card- Me on the rag. ++ poaid fuirniture'the store bad, and woodeo T know he sleeps, . ifueniture would hare looked funny in Aad yet it ccens y town like (Paperville. Hila good time keeps I had hotited some long strips of card- Right on in dreacs, board in the waste paper basket so I ran. L hear bia tail land got them. T wanted to get the dormitory finished Thump in the dark; T hear a frail laret, 00 T started by making the beds. e Aad sleepy bark. . jas pining for INDERS four house Fo. of which ders will be 7p2 Ee boxes, he undersigne/ Shops our ee Gatuedey: 4 theatre out e lt;ereetion Of . fashionable stone, public sqignt have city of Medicin educate their nd speciticationg? After von- e office of W.4 of the town f leet boarding only chuckled vow. gave a shor: ler must be check atte and looked sere wasa't any- 2 per cent ther there were Of Bood faltoses Just the the playroom IX took a piece Of cirdboard eight inches dng and three in les wide. I folded this over one-fourth of an inch on one jend and oce-balf of an inch.on the utber. fn this way I made twenty beds, which Upon my word He's dreaming that scarcely able to keep their chariote from Teapsiaing A sight curve approached the He caught a bird 2 pat 18 cre Tong rows aiong the wall. ' PAPER DOLL would muss their clothes -if they took told the artist when to mate any bureaus for their clothes. I then made the benches for the scbool- folded in the uilddle and placed in row iu the schooiroom, with a teacher's chai inch striy-exactly in thirds. fn the yame way sa the schoolroom benches, table the same as the teacher's and a bed ike those in the dormitory. T got some pink tidwue paper from A hat box and hung it up te the windows for window curtains. I took some: of this same paper and folded it t fit the beds for pillows and counterpaies.. On the floor 1 placed some brown easay paper which I found'in the house. The school being Gnished, it aid not take me loig to rect it on the corner of Paper street and Dell avenue. BURNS' WHISTLE OF WORTH. 3 VERY boy who has visited the Gias- gow exhibition, where many of the most interesting historical relicn of Scotland are shown. has wanted to see the Whistle of. Werth, about which Robert; Burns. wrote a poem. This whistle is ordinarily kept at Craigdar. rock, the residence of th Misses Pergu- son, whose, ancestor married Anvie Laurie, It was ove of the Fergusony Y paper dolle were ou aftuid that they place at * who won the whistle from the boasting Continental soldier: who-had never found anyone who could drink as much as be could. He tind never tried it before with Scotehisau, however, A context took Carse, and Ferguson room by measuring fifteen three inch by., four inch pieces of cardboard. These 1) made in the same way as the benches, jand a desk was made by folding a six by; keep out the m sqnitoes. The front sec tion of the cottage Inetead of being per- fectly equare, like the other sides. 0 up into a point. This effect Is pro by an ad itional strip of wood cut out iu peaks Along the upper side. The school house is made of the same sort ofa three aided screen, covered with red burlap. To make the structure look like bricks white paint or cray n is used to make the lines of mortar on the red Duriap, so that it looks as if made entire- ly of the red bricks. The middle section of this screen bas a woolen strip put across the front, and on this are erected two stripe of wood. so that with the base they form a triangle. From the peak of this triangle Is suspended the school house bell. This little red brick schoo house Ie Just as patriotic as the largest and han somest school house in the world. It has a little fagstaif fastened above the door. from which floats the American fing. The jechool house has blackboard inelde on Jone of the side walla. This screen house jean be fitted mp with a little deak or teacher's table and a bench for the pupils, The log cabin screen ia of gray canvas, with a streak of dull purple and dark brown paint to represent the varyi colors of wood on au old log cabin. The Jdoor is also of the canvas. The grocery store is the most elaborate ly furnished of all the screen housex. front of the store ix cut away au wooden counter whjeb ean be put direct- ly underthe opening, is x part of Joutfit of the store. The coumer line weighing scales and scoops f Inside th ages. Every one can get fr any mUMIbER OF pACLuK shapes aod sins, en in Whieu a 2 The x save screen is of brown canvas, ant vu front wall 4-2 vitated all surts of sd Uisements of, xruceries. she reproductious uf well kuow menis. The screens. that ba e seen des... fare very. carefully made ai are une the most attractive features uf 2 1: toy shop, but ingenious bors aul x who wish to make somethin ver: at- tractive for a Christmas gift for thyic younger brothers and sisters will find it very interesting indeed to try thei: skill at making the screen houses. Alth: canvas and burlap are used for those scribed it would be possible to mun frames for the screens of strips of A CARDBOARD- SCHOOL FOR THE jai cover thes with teary pape. of which comes already marked iv brick patterns, lattice patterns, .. Those jbo wish to. make the cover for the screen of plain inaterial and cannot paint or draw sufficiently well to decorate ihe wall produce very good results by using vines and Sowers cut from wall paper. e he drew them to stick their dresses on so tight that they woulda t come off. This was convenient for me, as I didnt have hee sutdrank gt;the whisth Fergu bout fauily. bo onted eh edhe Of ile et properly digest weak and inp insufficiently now assimitatio puritics an absolutely free fr ingredients are maay cures Wortd s Dispensa PATE
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Image 177 (1912-07-30), from microfilm reel 177, (CU1739311). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.