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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAY DAlLy NEWS Wednesday, January loth, 1982 ; : BUB -GOOK IN THE TOILS i A: SR. SUREILL, Baten. paper scented with tooth powder and tied lt; PHONE: HONE: : Eaitorial, the package up with a pink striug. Toronto, Jen. 10- MBal Cook, tho END OF SEA Repertorhd, and Cirealation and Seventy-five cents, he said, setting it desperado, who, armed with two re TT pirate oarl Job Pepts' n the counter. volvers, ran emuck in Orangeville Published by the /Medicine, Hat News Con Lid, every : a ; Pandit Ay at tg amice, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Aita, The drug clerk wrapped the bottle of pungp EN LAMBTON CHARGED cough medicine carefully in a neat white wrpH SHEEP STEALING For Winter ,ORDER YOUR 2S BN S : The old man laid dow: ick: i two years ago, defying the police and 5 n a nickel, slipped 1) re is again in the tails. the bottle into-tis peeket and opened the y1. was captured carly yesterday in door. bouse west of Leuiliton Lewis 1 yas, delivered, .. 4.00. Hvered.. 2.00 6 months. by mi That s 75 cents, said the clerk, raising Drinkwater of this city is.also under his voice. arrest. ene Addresses changed aa often as desired, but both nsw and Well. I ve paid ye, grunted the old en and Drinkwater are jointly changed with stealing timee 51 AK old ad resses 7st be given. - man. . There s your five, from fammet living near Orary bea, This month brings you an op- * + aD WEEKLY NRWS. Seventy-five shouted the clerk, see- ooo : a ? k, - who, was recently liberated portunity to do some real fruvtime every Thiraday to etxteen or more parses ana iNg the old party about to escape. irom the penitentiary where be was eontaius a eumme-y of th news of the week I give ye five yelled: the man, as he sent for wounding a policeman at Or- local and district. made-a dash for the once-an-hour Bingville anzevitle, is protably the most wide: ly known jail Breaker in America, 6 months, in advance 75 3 months, in advance. .806 electric and boarded it. Six city detectives were detailed to : 2 - money saving. -: Remnant Snaps lees aiaaalae Ob, sell sighed the clerk ax he open Cea el gy : i e ie cas awer and flipped the 5-cent i Dress Goods Snaps JWeinebday, January Zon AB13, piece into it, we stand to make.2 cents fet ne pe take hm bch i S : anyhow. Ladies Home Journal. - to Orangeville, Blouse Snaps ATTRACTIVE INDUCEMENTS. 3 i a - . A bachel : 1 mclor is mann who comes nome DYNAMITES SWEETHEART) Seama stte sst ny S Costume Snap: late of.a cold, dark- night and gets a warm pe Sad Sn Underskirt Snaps cities. in general, Canadian: Finance d effusive *veldoitie trom the hat rack. , Rivseren 1ALUAN aureon . + nets eAT EEE S BIeS. particularizes as follows regarding When a man has arrived at: the age of BLOWS UF HOME NOT GIRL. Medicine Hat: thirty without evineing the slightest in- i - Notwithstanding the lossof the C.P.R. terest in the cost of living, at the increased Bargains all through the Store N a resume of the prospects of Western For upper sash of Windows. For aides of windows und doors. For bottom of doors. Width of moulding, 1 im. + Wool and. Felt combined, Positively rain, snow, cold and Montreal, Jan. 10. Becquse be. was, rejected as a suitor by 16-year-old Denise Sarrazin, who. said that. she. shops, Medicine Hat, with its cheap power, outrageousness of millinery, he thay prop- natural gas and free. sites for manufactur; erly be called a bachelor, says George Fitch ers, gives promise of becoming a thriving in the Kansas City Star. Bachelors are 3 es -Cavwune dotpetentreteetetreteete Wodnonday, January- 1 : JUST A LITTLE FUN Med Papeete et J ORANGEVILLE DESPETADO CAP- Get Read -- Part We are offering t ance of our. Fu Coats, Coon Skin Calf Skin - Coats Boots, Lined and Mitts and all Winter Underw men at 20 per coc piscoVU manufacturing city. Over six huwnidred of two kinds self-made and girl-made. dust proot. hands are now being given regular employ- The first kind is the man who is too foolish Ati weather. strips in 12 foot Gonsidet ve eR RRR REE EERE REE REPRE EE EEE EEE Err ment by a half a'dozen of the Hat s indu: to marry. The second kind is produced lengths. anne? lf o the ries. The transferring of the Lucky Jim by women who are too wise to marry. Ow- eee SN ae ta at from Nelson, B.C., to. Medicine Hat ing to the inconceivable tender heartedness : unity. ue 0 F d d is proving some consolation for the uss of; and headedness of women, the first variety 0 ur rien Ss an the shops. The-new-industry, when tom- is by far the most numerous, . B pleted) will alone employ over four hund- Bachelors live as a ate pur ate out ae ; rHE LUMBER PEOPLE . . Tu rp in red men. Great developments are loek- passable state of repair by their landlad- ere te Patr t a ed for in Medicine Hat during 1912. The ie . They are very handy, and will eat CANAD AY LUSTRATED Ag a P hone 57,- P. O. Box 29 Tae we Sybah a rons: city will spend 200,000 to 300,000 on a almost anything: If you are in doubt as : . new water works system, 170,000 on sew ge rnatee a2 man is oo pashelor or not in- ) That delightful siuseatee, magaz, extension, and a considerable amount onj ite to dinner. e accepts with a ne.the Canadian Pictos 2. wa cHnis . Go yg eae THANES TO ONE AND sidewalke It is expected that the hungry look in his eyes he is either a bache- oan ne eee pare eee and practically free gas facilities. will Jor-or a man with a peripatetic wife. Thet jana, continues to improve Wr a BASEBALL NO ALL FOR YOUR VALUED prove sufficiently attractive to jnduce ot- Set before him a piece of fried shoe upper. year of its existence. It is by all + Sor per iudusteies to locate in the city in the Bee eats it without remark and grabs-his a, the best printed magazine in WIL oth ebb eee i i near future, especially as these features coffee.cup about the waist instead of bythe Omnada While Canadian- plotures Yean Grege,the Ne will be giv ven regular Sublicity: The pre- handle. you can safely: bet that he is. pp bac: Smeal predominate, Jes inal L CONVINCE nnas gone back to-hie-t0 sent, poppiition ak the ts considered helor from the lightning lunch belt. scenes of the world. over, so as toy YOU that our PURE dak st united es well-over the mar though the po- - merit its claim to give News by , LIME FRUIT JUICE 3 pulation, according to the Dominion c n- Mrs. Knicker Has your boy stopped Merle iibart comnlets (eee ee A ea ae . sus, was-'5;572. The single tax system smoking for fear he won t get a Christmas to ie fntassat 38 a at anes ea falo has put in a bid : will be jntroduced in the near future by the present? aii Washington player. YOUR CONTINUED. CoN. pre: itiful, album of the highest work of 5 UED CON enactment of an amendment to the Medi-) Mrs, Bocker VYes and my husband has the ensravers, but it gives, much in- Sk Bers et a eae i a ent FIDENCE cine Hat charter. he amendment pro: stoppel smoking for fear he will eet on-set ay tae ineenton Pingle s Drag an Sea Si mene an tot gt; es for the total abolition .of business New York Sun. ate amare gl ig an See i tviile on, the a w.l Ae ee Book Store: : 2 Wl ina ter cao - isit MM - v H. rei an Ox 6 ) which the city s revenue is to be derived is THIS DATE IN HISTORY lime Aa vtetitar etme be faite mae Athteties continue to STEWART TWEED BLOOK, MAIN ST, CHONE to be'that of a tax on land alone. se eee pala you actually see it, scart Rena : ae January 10. mt to quote Lord Strathcona, it is undoubtedly redit.,. to-Catiidian The declaration of 3 TRY SHORT COURSES. - 1645 Archbishop Laud beheaded. Born Journatism. The SGanadian Pie- - HOTSON Gram that Be Intends to ee: eee a eADen Sere pany, : eps should: se a 7F the boys who. are old enough to ap- ae than eae Soler ee the Ameri- peter street ( Witness Building), Decorating. Red Murray is to bee I can Revolution, born in Litchfield, sontseat,-wod-the-subseription CONTRACTORS AND Sacramento: has slene preciate and benefit by a short course ; tion: ste ie BUILDERS- ibly b Vt he:'fa: Conn. Died in Burlington, Vt., Feb. s1.00 a year. To NEW Subscribers a ae der named Kobner, a- gue can possibly S spares rom tl a mm 42, 1789. tor:1988;-on-IFial-only sixty-five cents. Us FIGURE WITH-yoU Clara Cotlese pitchers ; ie win ets 8 ey sl pe ye Bon q r OPS 1756 Stamp act passed by the: Bri itish wie ao ee CONTRACT FOR A. wet tm the portunity to take a vantage of the chance liament. MADE DEPUT ake ESTIMATES FREE. will be sent to the Bost CLERK AT ARCOLA Office City Hall. me Pittsburg Pirate to learn something that will be of lasting 1g49 British Penn y- Postage se uted. eipeoniit to een: thee ur life. The short tg49 gir Charles Bagot arrived at-King- y ser ats has tek tog, os Gis EEE PEELE EEE EEE ; course beats the pool hall. and the datice ston as second governor of the province customs stall foe sboat two years, hall-as an-educational medium. It is mo of Canada. ies oad fs be Be Ne eae + profitable than the barn dance-orthe-soi- sf B nile of di clerk oe : ree, though perhaps not-so poptlar. The tesa sre t Can : ow 1s file tee its ete anent governments of. Alberta aid Saskatche- 1893 Marriage of Princess Marie of Edin- '* GOING TO. ave good Ss Pri Ferdinan: GSIC-AND DRAMA: Se in the reach of practically every farmer s bunt e iy agi Ron ee 5 son. If farm sor is ee steful Sof 4911 Cincirinati Chamber of Commerce The. Thief was given a good re- young man, give him a short course and he building destroyed by fire. : i . A Bo e may view it from a different angle. If he 0: Shdlence way present and thoroushiy -P pleased wring and show -IN CEYLON TEA BROWN PEKOE regular 40 cents per pound, 4 pounds for one dollar. EXTRA CHOICE GOLD. 50 cents per pound, 3 pounds for one dollar. still revolts against the farm, then it is + H you their NEW SPRINI time to think of placmg him where he will THIS IS MY 50th BIRTHDAY. 7s pieteaaeriaraians nase WALL PAPER samplers be more contented. But give him a ly-to, further evidence th fact that on abe oi oo Uieitomkas otic chance to find out what farming really - see Reed Snot, ans. Unless he has studied, he- only Feel Smoot, United States senator ffom one. side of farming, the drudgery t7tah, was born in Salt Lake City, January FRENCH FOREIGN e.- Give him a glimpse of the other 49,4862, -He received hhis-preparatory MINISTER RESIGNS ET HE ROYAL BANK OF GANADA s,t0- uma ste il he ay shoncletictin ip mate aed omg AE wa neorpuro nded D t y a (W. A.B. Cove) Incorpuroted 1809 anyone, Sais worth trying The coc tended the Desere inivenite and the Brig: Part; Desaly Pu eee Capital and Surplus: 0; 2a O00: Spier ham Young Academy. In early manhood ter at foreign, alates ee ia - Total Assets Over 2: eas eed es hie located in the city of Provo, where he Premter, Caillaux, resigned today. Business Accounts carried. on favorable terms. made a jarge fortuneim the banking busi- aan nega aaa ne + , Savings Department in which Accounts may be be PUBLIC OPINION. ness wal Tumerous industrial enterpri- Poe nai ena racee i; R. B. Tayior s ; a Sa At-the same time he rose to high pro- PAZO OINTMENT, fails. to cure: any es opened with sums of 1.90 and upwards. - ses PYO- Case of Itching, Bild. BI de f + MEDICINE HAT BRANCH British News of Canada Ability is one pe ner fone ce vag: in Frotryaing: Pit says: 600 ran S Qy ce HeDennevsh, eaeer of the prime essentials in the struggle for i, ing his election to - the United States aa lt;a ae any vy yi ing. re-ansehe-ste sioete-ets arenes wes Its fountain head is the brain. onate in 1903 a-vigorous effort was made Prompt Attentian to all orders. be natural or acquired by stern ap- Baled Hay for Std plication to study. What we call an able t?, unseat him beeause of his. connection Parcels Delivered. man is one whose mind is with Mormonism, The effort failed and PHONE NO. 349. pable of achie- ; q . pi ) in 1909 Senator Smoot was elected for an- vement, whether in. the: field of mantial) gthoy term, which will expire in 1915. ee labor, on the farm, in the workshop, in the store, or-in the more intellectual walks of +- life, such as the prof ous and the le CONGRATULATIONS TO: Estimates-turaiehed-on- of Painting Paperhanging 207 GEOL OOEO LOL eetotteesteronte Oe - SHAMROCK BOTTLING WORKS . Licensed House Mover All kinds of Aerated Waters, equal te any- e t o thing on the market. Delivered to any part lative halls. The of mentak abilit) Assessment Rolls SAND FOR SALE of the city. ean always get to the front 10 matter what Ramon Corral, former vice president of 4: Assessment Notices EXCAVATING his pe on in life is, and in Canada he has yfexieo, 58 years old to-day. Tax Notices all the area or the room to grow h , arvoll S. Page, U: nited States senator Es Reminders Se ae needb. from Vermont, 69 years old to-day. i R ceipt Books : Daniel Boy Je, an Trish membet of parlia- + Letter P Phone 260. Edmonton Bulletin Tie statisticans of ment and a prominent Home Rule.advo- apst the Department of Labor, calculate that the ea old to-day. 3 . Envelapes, etc., etc. J. J. L A q + I , S 16 MONTE US BT RENE Roberts, a feost of living has advanced one doliar in - C. B sittodn during the past year. The ex of the housewife will confirm the xim that the-figures do not lie. , does the farmer who produces the stuff get get sixteen dollars. for . liat br him fifteen last year? : femau for his animal stori era Mail Orders get prompt attention, 7 Benjamin Andrews, former president ? THR NEWS -Lof Brown University and later hancellor of the University of Nebraska, 68 years old' MEDICINE HAT, - ALBERTA to-day. imers od night. Monu onte Phcne Ton, apid LIGHT and HEAVY Rite DRAYING jiable 364 Toronto Street. for pitcher Marty O To tor pitcher Hendrix. T paid Trxallroad fare from Kansas to Pittsbt It is sald Charley Sel troit catcher, will con Smith, Ark., club, and the old Washington D Jim Magee, a brother ception at the opera house last night 156 and Rey. . 1B Siagee, the Quaker sh given a trial by the St. next spring. Young awest hitter In the New -gue last season. . With Falkenberg and on their pitching. staf club has: the fallest p 4m the American Asso Kenberg s six feet: fou ight, while -Higginboth shorter.. The Washington tea Charlottesville, Va. teams won chanfplonsh ing out at Thomas home which fact fact the Senators in the be 1to7 to2 -Mike Murphy wilt this year. Bes *es h lt;pletie tramnerat fire + Pennslyvania he will t * deiphia Nationals and rican team which will Olympic games in June. dence tedm, has done hot-tooting during bl baseball. Starting his diamond at Moncton, wick, in'1890, Fred Boston Nationals in quitting Boston he we kee and Prqvidence Barre, 1893-4; Toront Sty, 1896; Boston Syracuse, 1898; Ma Lowell,,1901; Nashua Little Rok, 1906; Bc 1908; Boston. Natios -Eouls Americans 1911 1912. FIGHTS SCHEDI 3e TO-NIGI Boh Moha vs, Jack at Pittsburg.
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Image 48 (1912-01-10), from microfilm reel 48, (CU1738200). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.