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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Vanities Young Suit ? Neckties, if the Young look belated. Four Dollars that s Fashion ger i in Shoe Expression, Knobs, Bulgers and Bluchers. away to fully translated into leather. Quiet Shapes, also Si ards, for Older Folks who Regal Shoe Factories. fied with a mere 5 Consumers. Shoe is stam responsible a-pair of these nifty REGAL SHOES gererrerte eters Imperial Bank of Canada for the Fancy Feet WHAT availeth tho- Smart What profiteth the Last Wor a ? in Collars and its Postscript in Hats or Man's Sloes Twenty-two different Ri styles for Young Men who like * inks, Swing Soles, Say that quickly and then-hie Regal Shoe store to see what these terms mean when-skill- money whose fect need Nursing, and whose Digestion needs Walking. Regal. Shoes. are made in four These Regal Shoe . Factories (through huge volume) are now sati Brot above actual cost giving the Surplus Value to Th value of each al stamps on the sole by lakers who alone Seiow what Service is under the finish. ; Young Man Get your feet into Prices 4.00, 4.50, - Barker Patten HIGH GRADE FURNISHINGS. gt;? Man s all for 1 Gin- -Stand- ve more 5.00, 5.60 6. TORONTO STREET MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS . Monday, February 20th, 1688 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Lively bas departed to Arm- strong, B. C., force trip: H cMullen, live stock agent of the . Co., was in the Hat 2S) terday. Mr, C. Purmal left for Vancouver last night, H. W. Beatty, rancher, from 30 Mile Sand Hills, is in town and leaves to- night for Walsh. He reports the snow very deep in the hills. W, Feeny of Mudhole Springs ranch 1s in town, after spending the winter on the prairie, He states that he has had to feed the whole of his bunch of cattle all winter. Mr. Donald Coons, Supt. C. P.sR. Telegraphs, left today for Calgary. Mr, and Mrs. G. Erickson, of Cran- brook, B.C, were in the city last night on their c Mr, W. Crockett of Walsh is in town yisiting friends-across the riv et, He ta to be congratulated on his appointment as Weed Inspector of the Grayburn district. W. R. Fulton of Walsh is in the clty visiting friends and taking aj H.C, King of Regina, is in town. G, Watt of Montreal, 18 in the city on business. 3 Mr, H. Armstrong of Qut., Is in the Hat. Mr, P. B. Jarvis is:in the city from Calgary. A regular communication of Medi- Marketdale, will be held inthe Masonic Hall, Mon- M. W. Bro. T. McNabb, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Atberta,-and R. W. Bro. J. T. Stephenson, D.D.G.M. will pay their official visit: Visiting brethren cordially Invited. 1951 A Special General Meeting of the Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room of the City Hall ed. 195d2 Mr. and Mrs, H. Baker, 708 Fourth javenue, last night very pleasantly ex- tertained a mumatier of friends. Twenty- to be suffering well-earned ' rest. J. J. Kissoeh fs in town on business. cine Hat Lodge No. 2 A. FP. A. M,) on Thursday night at 8 o'clock sharp. Important business to be transact- TORONTO TEACHERS HAVE TUBERCULOSIS Public Schools Investiga- tion will be Made and Some Teachers Likely will be Retired. Toronto, Feb, 27.-What appears to be a serious situation regarding the health of the tciching staff of the Torento public schools has just come to light. Althoug : the chief inspector when interviewed made light of the situation, others responsible fort the management ind Nealth of the schools victims of tuberculosis. Three teachers now daily conduet ing classes are suspected of having tuberculosis, and some of those on leave of absence are sald to be af- flieted with the disease. An investigation will probably be made Within a week and those found n it will be retired, Fach ease will be judged. on its mer- ite and the schoo board will make whatever provision for the future of those unfortunate teachers who have to retire. ST. RY. RIOTS IN KINGSTON. JAMAICA (real St. tonight at 20 o'clock sharp. Began on Friday last and continued Ever Since Troops called-Out. 1 CW. A P. Cable) Kingston, Feb. 91. Sir Sydney Ol- ver has taken a determined stand to put down the riots which have te- sulted from the increased fares on the street Tailways imposed by the rail- way commission which is Canadian corporation. The riting began on. Friday last and the disorder bas been continuous ever since. The governor has issued orders to Seepeeteeatregeetettgete Coat seceatte dod 11,993,800 Capitai and Rest - 5 : Total Assets .... 12... 72,000,006 + A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. 3 2 R. G WILKINSON, Manager. Od Mediclic Hat Branch. Recceceeessee QPEL O CIES THE STAR The Voyage, Scenes from Bosto ment and Boston Market. junt Hilda s Matchmaking? Sid Sew Cook, . fe. Jamex Ballworth render the latest music, ee Theatre Northern Forests a beautiful Canadian picture taken on Castner soll. The Short Sighted Chaperone will supply plenty of-fan and Portillo. Best: und Iatest miusie by 4 piece orchestra, An hour s steady enjoyment for, 15c. and 10c.; laughs. Song by Miss Bessie Matinees 10c. and be. AGAINST THE UNION CW. A.-P. Dispatch) . Lethbridge, Alta, Feb. 27 Church Union was voted on in the Methodist and Presbytert city yesterday, and while Tull details: of the vote are not known it is in ef- fect that in Knox Presbyterian and Wesley Methodist and Westminster Methodist it carried by substantial majorities, and the Standard Presby- . .terlan church was the only church t6 yote strongly against the union. Nero Fiddled while Rome Burned DON'T. YOU FIDDLE ANY LONGER BUT. GO TO CP-R. MEN'S STORE FOR THE BOOTS YOU NEED AND SAVE .50-OR 2.00 ON RIGHT WE'VE GOT TOO MANY. GLP. R. MEN'S STORE 1. S. IRELAND. North Railway Street. wil sing and our taree plece orchestra will nr THEATRE Programme for Monday and Tuesday Afternoon and Evening. Story of Old Canada cOharlestow a, including Bunker Hill Mowu- . Vitagraph Comedy , A Kalem Comedy A Special. General Meeting of the Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room of the City Hall Important business to SNAPS 1500 60 ft. Toronto St. N. 90050 ft. corner, Columbia gt; Ave, 1500 50' ft. on AI St. 8. (Easily worth 2500.) 8150 ft; bik 15, Yutlt Ss. 500 Patr, Lik. 27, Central Park 9750 Pair, bik. 14, Central Park 750 Pair, blk. 20, Central Park 700 Pair, bik. 21, Central Park 9600 Pair, bik. 31, Central Park 550 Palr, bik.-2 ,- Herald. 350 Pair, bik. 20, H. 3. Annex. 575 Palr, bik. 18, 1. S. Annex 700 Pair, bik. 28, 1) 8. Annex: 1050 Pair, lot 5, blk. 6, Brae- * mar-8t. 3000 New cottage, magern. 20 Houses for Sale B F, SOUCH Phm. By four is at progressive whist were played, the honors going to Mrs. H. D. R. Stewart and Mr, Crissal, and the consolations to-Miss Crissall and Mr. P. Ortuer. After a dainty lun. cheon there was qn imprompin pro- gramme of songs, music und elocution. Mrs. Baker Was assisted by Mrs. Wellsford. and Mrs. Simpson. Joe Forpter of Prince Rupert left for his home at Red Deer yesterday, after spending a couple of days here visiting his sister, Nurse: Forster. Ned Roman, of Iebanon, was in the city yesterday. Gun Men Meeting of Gun Club to-night at 8 o'clock, City Hall court room. Dui fue Time ARRESTED AS INSANE A. Wenander was brought in by his relatives yesterday from Chapples Lake apparently insane. He is re- manded until Thursday, however, to see if there is any improvement in his mental balance. 3 MEDICINE HAT GUN. CLUB the rbove club will be A meeting night (Tuesday) at 5 o'clock. Members and those interested are cordially Invited. OLYMPIC AGN Again Struck Submerged Big Lin Wreck. ss (W. A P. Cable) H llast, Feb. 27. The White Star Yiner Olympia which left New York Wednesday and was due in Southamp- ton today struck a submerged wreck in the Atlantic early this morning. The damage to ) was com fined to the propeller... She..will Tand Ler passengers at the usual points be- fore proceeding bere for repairs. The spice carried a passenger list of eerestle, Count 5 E. Corey and Ambassador Reid. RE-LET CONTRACT W. ADP, Dispatch) Moose Jaw, Sask: Feb. 2t- About a week ago the Saskatchewan College Board awarded the building of the boys evidence and principal's resi- dence to Clayden Bros., of Winnipeg. It appeared on the afternoon of the award, Claydon Bros. intimated to mistake of 12,000 in the computa- tion of the cost and thet they would cancel, their tender. The architect was too lata in informing the board Yefore a decision was come to. To- night-tbe building committee met and eccepited-the rescinding and awarded the contract to Hazelton and Walin, of Winnipeg. It is wnderteood that the contract price is in the neighbor- hood af 150,000. A ' GRAND UNION BURNED (W. A. B. Dispaten) Emo, Ont., Feb, 27 The Grand Un- fon Hotel here was burned this morn- ing at 5.30, the Toss amounting to 3,000, partly covered by iesurance. The fire started from a stove There were some narrow ercapes. bat no fatalities, the architect that they bad made ols the police to have armed forse if me- cessary, He directs that the ample Protection begiven the company; Comsiderable damage has been done am many parts of the city and twelve tramears Have been burned or wreck- ed. Armed datachments of police are now patrolling the commercial sec- tion of Kingatgn and the West India troops are held in readiness at Up- Park Camp to reinforce them. NEW PEG SUB-DIVISION - CW. P. Cable) London, Feb. 27. F. W. Neubach, of Winnipeg, has arranged for Tuzedo Park to be taken over by the South- ern Winnipeg Company, with a capi: tal of 300,000. PORT ARTHUR FIRE (W. A. P. Dispat Port Arthur, Ont., Feb. Kaufman and Humpbre: store sad Campbell and cery. store did 10,000 damage forenoon. Laweence TOWN Ik Bosten, Mass., Feb. Oj. The federal government i to investigate the ac- tion of the municipal authorities at Lawrence in providing exportation of strikers children from the city. U. S. District Attorney. French led today that Attorney General Wic- kersham thas ordered him to determine whether the municipal authorities of Lawrence has violated the interstate lcommmerce act ty prevetiting the rail- road from carrying out its contract with those who had arranged. to send admit that number of. teachers are . PROVINCIAL SECRETARY POSTING HIMSELF ON PRISON REFORM Visits the East to Learn How they Handle Priso- ners on the Modern Plan IPROPOSES 16 GRADE ALL MEN DETAINED Reformation and Not Pun- ishment should be the Spirit-of Penal institut- ions of the Province. Edmonton, Feb. 27 Prison reforni and the adjustment of methods of pri- son administration in accordance with modern ideas has engaged the atten- tion of the provincial secretary since the Alberta government first opened the Jail in Lethbridge a year ago, and now another important serles of re- forms are'to be introduced, the idea being kept well in view that the ob- Ject of detention of offenders by the state should-be corrective rather than punitive, The latest innovation is the intro- duction of the grading system. This is to be carried into effect early in he spring and for the purpose of in- . quiring into the practice in other communities, Hon. Arch McLean has left the city for the east. He expects to be away for several weeks and on his return will superintend the re- forms. There will probably be three grades. In one will be the able bodied men, who are well able to take part in the work of the prison farm. Many of these will continue, to cultivate the land as they have done during the past year. Refractory prisoi Who call for more vigilant care by the au- thorities, will be a second-class, and in a third will be the physically un- fit who are unable to undertake the more ardous work of thie jall. Something a grading resembling system has of necessity already been adopted, but not upon any definite plan, The trustys are allowed con- siderable freedom. This year the extension of the jail is to becarried out. The present building -has accommodation in cells for 102 prisoners, while no fewer than 140 are to be provided-for. there... The oyer-crowding has been relieved by putting the wards intended for women prisoners temporarily to use for the men, The addition will provide some fifty additional cells, Since the fail was opened there have been twelve escapes from cus- tody, but of these all but five have been re-arrested and placed under penalty restraint, By an amendment to the prisons act passed at the recent session of the legislature, the provincial secretary is empowered to provide any prisoner discharged from the jail with trans- portation to his home and to give him Suitable outfit of clothes. Books may be purchased to use in the jails carrying on of classes for the struction of prisoners. in- McPHERSON BROS., children out of the state. Medicine Hat. occupied by Johnston . Medicine Hat Phone 490. P. 0, Box 83. THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO HEAVY TEAMING - MEDICINE HA? LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, WE FAVOR A PROGRESSIVE POLICY eee COME AND SEE US. Important business to be transact- 450.00 50 FEET ON THE CORNER OF BRAEMAR STREET EAST. 125.00 Down H. C. Pettet Co. 366 Toronto St. Phone 481. Real Estate Dealers. Loans and Insurance. ee eee THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE 0., LID. Wholesale and Retail. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Builders Supplies. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmitning a Specialty. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat eee A Special General Meeting of the Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room of the City Hall on Thursday night at 8 o'clock sharp. FOR CANADIAN ARMY es oT EP: Gable) London, Feb, 27 Major Waldrey of the Army Service Corps is to serve two years with the Canadian forces. ed. 19542 REAL ESTATE MONEY MAKERS LIST CHANGED DAILY TOWNSITE Lot 18, blk. -89, 1160, Terms. Lot 6, bik, 92, 1100, Terms. Lat 9, bik. 87, 1250 cash. Lot 8, blk D, Esplanade, 1300 Mother of Invention Frozen. Water Pipes Thawed quick and cheap. Orders will bo attended to promptly. Apply at the office of the City Mlee- cash. Lot 11, blk. 86, corner, 1150. Cash. 66 foot corner, bik. 89, 1800. . Terme, Straight Loans Lot 11, bik. 87, 1200, Terris. Lot 12, dik. 55, 5000. Terms. IN LINE FOR BUSINESS 100 feet on Main Street, 3150. Lot 27, blk. 82, 875, Terms. SOUTH -YUILL 50 foot corner, Columbia Av 3900. Terms. CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, blk, 6, 840. Terms. 2 lots, bik. 17, 550 cash. 2 lots, bik. 26, 625. Terms. 2 lots, bik. 28, 525. Terms. HIGH-SCHOOL ANNEX 2 lots, bik. 21, 850. Terms. 2 lots, bik. 26, 840, Terms. 2 lots, bik. 10, 700. Terms. Advanced on Modern Residences NO DELAY Give us Your. Application. 4 tots, bik. 8, (corner) Terms, Houses in all parts of the elty at all prices A, G. TROTMAN Imperial Bank Bldg., 4th Ave. ; PHONE 695, Real Estate, Insurance, Loans. Estate Snaps. DUGGAN DUGGAN Real Estate. Fourth Ave. i PHONE 527. The Marshall Hardware Co., Limited, hav- ing sold their business, all accounts are now payable to Messrs. Marshall Hunter, at their office in the Assiniboia Hotel Block, formerly Co. Real Estate. LIMITED LUSSIER CONSTRUCT ION CO., Ltd. GENERAL CONTRACTORS BUILDERS, Lethbridge Phone 565. P. 0. Box 1976. Keep in in Mind Our - RUA RY DiPARTINGA WHEN IN NEED OF DINNER SETTS TEA SETTS TOILET SETTS GLASSES. ODD PIECES OUPS, SAUCERS, 2 PLATES, PITCHERS, TEA-POTS Etc, H.W. Ireiand Co. STEWART TWBED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 64, . -See us for Real Veo copies daily, 90 2800 coptes Thureday. the benefit of the Week eaetra charge, Book VOL. 2, NO. Manit Was Given -to-Nel Sir W Ottawa, Feb. 28 voiindary resolutio of. by the common the bill based there given a first read was confined to th which bad practica ed in advance and boundaries. In connection wi mier Borden made nouneement that a1 been reached wher be given access to Bay. The bill as des that the bout eastward-along the longitude to Huds gives Churchill an Manitoba. It has been dec the event of the O desiring to extend vay to a port on t grant to that provi five miles: wide: fr Une to Nelson witt age along the Nel: bay. In the event: of ing made a termi Bay Railway, Onts a further right of River to Fort Chu feet wide. This will be su quirements of the jurisdiction of Ma to this in so far concerned. The only comme: rangement by the from-Sir Wilfrid that this was the proposal he hall- he doubted if it Shack on Expeditic Various 1 London, Feb, 28 2 * Shackleton gave. 5 Tormation reearatn early news from tl expeditions, TI five expeditions British, Australia man and Japanese pedition under Cai hear at any mom which I will expl .. surprised f Amuni hand first. In ylew of th certain that Scot base In McMurdo. lest possible mom about Feb. 10: He ara Island, New 7 later, as he has to to pick up some Amundson. wil Hobart from his / Bay of Whales. have a longer T Scott he has no prevailing winds SWEET SY London Paps the Can Advertis London, Feb. 25 says editorially great amount of ident Tatt has b Roosevelt's anno that he has been He was practica cept-his-present- so was assured man who is no him, Mr, Roosevelt to seek re-electic he presented: Mr as one whose p: with his own, w by methods loss ' ational than 1 Pct were get The Daily Nev Pyelt commenced
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Image 336 (1912-02-27), from microfilm reel 336, (CU1738521). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.