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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Orie reason why the farmers of the Page 6 MEDICINE HAT NEWS TWO THINGS NEEDED BY CANADIAN WEST Mixed Farming and Indus- trial Centers Essential, Says Sir W. Whyte. Western Canada is essentially an agricultural country, but it is a ques- tion worthy of discussion as to how far it should remain agricultural, writes Sir William Whyte im the Can- dian Courier. It is generally admit- ted. that a purelp agricultural coun- try may have its prosperity consid erably increased by concurrent de velopments of an entirely different na ture. In onder that the agriculturist or farmer map reap the fullest bene fit from the labor of his hands, itis necessary thaf he should be able to sell his products in the most * con- venient way and at the highest pos- sible price. It is absolutely essential prosperity of the western farmer that thera should be industrial centres throughout this portion of the Domi- nion. Export prices ere usually low- ex than domestic pricer, In onder to wet the higher prices of domestic market it is necessary to have towns unh cities of a considerable size. These can only te secured theongh indus- wiel and commercial developmen to the United Styces have always supported protection has been the good prices , they received for everything sold for Jocal consumption. To producp sie- flar feeling of contentment in the whres prairie provinces it s mecessary that industries should te established in many centers in order to give a tiroad-marvet for everything that can PIPPIP ISIS ISS LISP IOS SOS SSO SSS S SSS HS edicine Hat SALE STARTS THURSDAY AT 9 AM. AT PINGLES DRUG and BOOK STORE We py Coote Us. 18. 000 Solid Gold Gaaraateed Pens of the Famous J. Harris Co. Portage Avenu Adjacent to Eaton Manufacturers. New York. x : : a r be grown Or producsd oa a farm This implies also that a fair pro- portion of the farm rs shall follow tuixed farming so that they will be in position to suppl the domestic de- mend with milk, cream, butter; eggs, poultry, ponk and heef. Only limit- ed quantities of wheat, barley, oats sand flax cam be used locally. All the other articles mentioned must te grown in otder to develop and supply domestic consumption. Beef is al- anost the only article of whicks the west: produces sufficient to supply its own need.- It is an axporter of beef today, but it may not be maay years before it will be an. importer. The day of the large cattle ranch will soon be a thing of the past. Winter wheat and alfalia are now being produced where large cattle runs existed e few years ego, and unless the farmers go imore into the raising of cattle there is o Possibil ty of th esupply not be- ing equal to the demand. Industrial cantres will, not bring their greatest benefits to Western Canada -without this introduction of mixed farming. The two movements gist proceed side by side. Manitoba is already gaining in both-directions- Saskatchewan and Alberta must do the same in order,to bring the pro- sperity af the agricultural popula- tion to the highest possible point. With regard to the establishment of manufacturing in the West, I om of the opinion that there area large aumber of articles that could be pro- fitably, produced here. Without going into details would mention stoves, grain separators, certain kinds of fur- witure, office equipment, men s cloth- ing, and boots and shoes. The West i ee powers, and hydno-lectric euergy witt soda Be available at q number of used to great advantage in manufac- turing of certain kinds. As for mixed farming, there are large areas quite suitable for it. The ifficulty im persuading the farmers to go in for mixed farming is the ex- pense involved in providing suitable nildings to protect fowls, pigs and cows. The cold weather of the win- ter makes it necessary that these Tbuildiogs Le subktantially constructed. Then there is tha question of secur- ing: suitable help. This question is being rapidly solved, and during- the past two years there has been a large immigration from Great Britain of the class suitable for the kind of work to be done on farms where mix- ed far ing is followed. It is e well- known fact that the growing of wheat Foquires less labor on the farm: than does mixed farming. It bas other privileges also in that when the grain grower has. marketed his crop ha can and often does deave his farm and spend the winter elyewhere. While this may tbe plea- sant for the grain grower it is not advantageous to th country as it reduces the Jemand for clothing and farming, there would be a larger pop- Proportion of farmers followed mixed food. Ox the other hand if q fair ulation on the farm and a greater de- med for manufactured articles, such 5 tlothing, boots and shoes, house utensils and such Hke, It will timis be'scen that the future dayelopment of the West is tmsed om these two intimately related cs- pentials arixtd farming and imdus- trial development. It should te tha mim and ambition of this Western couitty, to give the fullest attention to these two csscitials exbseospersvanocivesetvorssetreetetoreeeFs600Es : ee Co teta cee Seepenteeioeto ates vo Me e oo Seeley Pate stacks soSoeteagoes e 2 o' ats - ,o-44 ee 0-0 2s oS sg Re * oes 2 es so e ss 2 Kestooreet DOP orotonstotes e 60 90068004 ACTUAL SIZE No. 4 Solid 14kt. Gold Pen; diamond pointed, for the school boy. ACTUAL SIZE Large No. 6 14kt, Gold- diamond pointed Pen, for the business man. Pearl with a gold mounted cap. Can be had in various. designs. ACTUAL SIZE WHEN CLOSED, No. 4 solid 14kt.-Gold Pen full gold filled, chased holder, a Beautiful Present, THE PETER PEN Inlaid with mother of pearl, adapted for the-tourist,ladies*bag,or gentleman s vest-pocket, non-leakable, cari be carried in any position without fear of leaking. Illustration actual size when open; when closed 334 inches. ACTUAL SIZE School Boy s Pen fitted with 14Kt. gold point. REMEMBER, MONEY REFUNDED IF SO DESIRED, OR PENS MAY BE EX- a CHANGED AT ANY TIME, 18,000 FOUNTAIN PENS Worth from 2.50 to 10.00 All Well Known Makes Well Known Makes Every Pen Guaranteed Guaranteed 1.50 EACH These Pens sold regularly from 2.50 to- 10.00 each and will be dis- posed of regardless of cost. There are 159 different styles to select from, many are Full Gold Filled Mounted, also inlaid Mother of Pearl Handle. Solid Sterling Silver Handles, ranging from plain pens to elaborate trim- mings of every description in fact a-pen suitable for every man, woman the Manufacturers. Pen in The 1 50 or child. The Gold Pens are made coarse, medium and fine, so that everyone can be suited. With each Pen we give a Printed Guarantee from A full size cut of some styles onsale. t Your Choice of Any See our large Window Display. Never Have Pens Been so Reduced in Price. Your chance of a House Remember the price is 1.50 each. No Higher. Don t de- lay. A limited sale for a few days only, See Our Win- dow Display. We will pay one hun- dred dollars reward to anyone proying that these pen points are not solid 14-kt gold. Mall orders promptly attended to with utmost care. Deseribe the pen Pens may be exchanged without charge as of- ten. as desired until you obtain one that satisfies you, you want. We repay postage. A Golden Opportunity for Everyone in Medicine Hat to Buy a High Grade Pen at Such a Low Cost. BETTER COME EARLY, While the S :lection is- good, OF THE HARRIS- FOUNTAIN PEN Every Worth-Fountain Pen is GUARANTEED TO GIVE ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION: IN EVERY PARTICULAR, Im event there is any dissatisfaction within one year from date of pur gt; chase on this certificate, you may rettrn this pen to us with your name, ddresa and description of the trouble, and we will repair the same free of charge, or give you-a new pen when necessary. We guarantee absolute satisfaction. Soh This one-year warrant does not apply to any part which is damaged or broken, or the gold-point which fs often injured by carelessness. When returning-the pen for repairs, the entire pen must be sent, and two cents enclosed for ordinary return postage, at owner's risk, or twelve cents for registered return postage, , Dated THE HARRIS FOUNTAIN -116 Nassau 8t., New York. PEN Pe Be a The Rexakk Store Node terterteste geese errr eo Secor eesereea Se Srertedeeetess re ofoetoets ONE YEAR GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE GLE S DRUG AND BOOK STORE: Re *e seepesioes o o- e so Me . oe) co Sait ? Perey soatoa' fe oo sate eo gt; Me a M Se . if - mesosgesfosteetreteateater es * Me a fs e of Re . o gt; iS so afoaseetoat Cock er er aM Pe - Soate-s Papeteteted es veers Soha eae: Seite Song eeeteg Leake oageage . 2 Soteetontes rt 2, fort co sos Sreoctestoots b Sesteegs sition SESOOEOTOESO CORED OOOO EEO iret Western Onta Many of to the Wi Toronto, Ontar Only a few years Quebec Province w enough, but just n troversy in the Mi tween rival claimea: fi having the firs of the gebson-in that there is alres filly ty Masterme Voter, and one b theTormer on the ish s youngster no As a metter of fac the Red Fox Gra ed at Messrs. Dy: on January 15, w ported in Canada The striking +t
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Image 252 (1912-02-14), from microfilm reel 252, (CU1738549). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.