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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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wouth edge of ith our clothing s were burned. d we went buck top and covered nd then elimbed ledtik the rour re they created. of fire and the it turned te the ped the pratete, narrower, .tbey yantry which we e felt safe. Wo ming sea lay be- TRE KING OF OPIUM Whuredny, Fobroary sth, i912 SAAN Grapes cena Baked Flaky Biscuits Delicious Cake Healthful Food made with MM es i BIG 'SPIEL OPENS 1) WINNIPEG (Special to News) Winnipei 8. With the prelim- ( DAILY NEWS. Page? eT PPPOE LANL OAH LEHI NO Nee COG AOE LIGA, P POSSE OOOO e e oes me fos e inary pro being one of the greitest events of its kind in the bis- tory of the sport, the twenty-fourth annual bonsplel of the Manitoba Curl- ing Ashociation opened in this city today. The play will continye an en- tire week and will be conducted on 41 sheets of ice, all under cover. More than 200 rinks are entered. Prominent among the visitors are the Scottish curlers who have been making 9 tour of Canada and the northern States. Other contestants include representa- tives of the 2tanitoba, Queb e, Sas- katehewan, British Columbia and the Northwest associations. Numerous banquets, theatre parties and smokers have been arranged for the entertain- ment of the visitors, PLAYS AND PLAYERS, Jim the Penman was revived in New York, George Fawcett is to be a member of Visla Allen's company. Edith Decker will have the prima donna role in The Rose Maid. ' The Drama Players are to begin an engagement in Chicago in a Jew weeks. Thomas W. Rose is to begin a star ring engagement in Chicago in The Only Son. The stock companies are using A Gentleman of Leisure, in which Cy- ril Scott has been starring. A stock company in St. Louis has revived Oliver Doud Byron s fainous SMUGGLERS PINCHED be d opped in each ward. The nomination will take place on Monday next and. from present ap- pearances there will be no elections by acclamation. Despite the repeated rumors of op- jenghe came the. It was to Bee. Her real mame. look a bit lhe. curly hair and. her father, and. day. We never d when he came ky. er, too. H wes on about me name was Wi s just about her gether. All peor takes to water. vant her to be a ckard and Wil rd sit and gimre- peak. where with Sol f him. He was. . But he kept things to weer girl who wanted ky took bucket used to give ws that Sol Packard while she'd turn ket at me as it k like a tramper her. They house with sald so, for as trouble then. it for hours and and poverty e se to lose your estion Seal. use she'd gome. arm and bere fu. Tears and t. People whe ve time. Griev-: anning up amd ye veranda. wi is face twitened Paway again at beard shi Be next had seen big house. ay or two later n the prairie 1 me, and with i with my bare d dleeding, amd that when they dress. ; she was pretty dress ng, Jong ers who'd bean T bad a sister gat to find her. or us then.- We ee me, only she sried every time. hariged. 1 sup You. see,1 wae got out a little ar when I was she tried to. gt; way J used te look a bit naa. ee, she couldn't nsed-to,- She a Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 7 Federal secret service offiffcers were rew well after a long search for oplum smugglers, say that in the arrest of Skinny Martin at Fargo yesterday, they have the King of Opium. Smug- glors who, they say, has harasseq the government for years. The spec- fie crime for which Martin is char- ged is smuggling across the border at Pombina of 47 cans of opium which were found in possession of W. L. Har- ris, in Chicago and which Harris den- fed he had had a hand in making the haul. It is valued at 1,500. In deal with Harris, was a man said to have deen 8. C. R. Cockburn, who while admitting that he was in the deal, de- clared that he had not smuggled op- ium. QUEBEC MUNICIPAL - ELECTION position to Mayor for a second term, no candidate has declared himself yet and it would not be surprising if Mayor Drioun is el- ected by acclamation. LIVE STOCK MEN MEET (Special to the News.) Columbia, 8. C., Feb. 8. The annual meeting of the South Carolina Live Stock Association, which began a two days session in this city today, has attracted an- unusually large number of breeders from all parts of the State, The chief purpose of the meet- Ing 1s to consider ways and means of eradicating the cattle tick and in- creasing and bettering the live - stock industry in South Carolina. Splendid building corner on the otd piny; Across the Continent- oo riers ANNOUNCEMENT ro . . : RUMELY SCHOOL GAS ENGINEERING - eee foes me s FROM FEBRUARY 19th TO MARCH 1st INCLUSIVE re a Se oa ot ee z Calgary, Alberta. 3 z : This school will open gratis to owners of Oil Pull, Tiger ; -Pull and Universal Farm Tractors, including all p urchasers of 3 any of the above makes of Tractors who have purchbsed for de- eo levers during the spring of 1912- The school-will also be-open. to any one interested in farm power, and who can obtain the endorsement and recommendation of any holder of the following commission contracts: M. RUMELY COMPANY, CANADIAN ADVANCE, oe Ms e 0 e oe ote Seeteete otto trtntetetoo ted AN Andrew Robson is appearing in vaudeville in tabloid version of The Royal Box called The -Denun- ciation. It is reported that Wiliam Faver- Sham and-his rige; Iulia Opp, are to make a long tour of tha South this spring. There. bas been a big demand for Wilstach's Thais in the stock boltses, and it is believed likely that it will be placed there. pear in the Empire Theatre, New of The Garden'of Allah. His place York, in Lady Patricia, a play by Rudolf Besier, author of Don. To coletirate Shakespeare's Lirthday, Myr. Sothern and Miss Marlowe have devided to give a free performance for GAAR-SCOTET- COMP : ; American-Abell Eine Thresher Co., De , Calgary, Alta., for Ba daicdt Blank. Enrollment ans? be Re- 3 3 ceived Prior to February 19th, 1912. This school will be held at Calg gary, Alta., in. the Sivek Show Building on the Fair Grounds. Seeereerartoes LOPE OOO SEMEL OOOO OOOO EEE OES the schoolchildren. Eben Plymton hes been forced on account of ill-health to leave the cast of The Ggrden of Allah. His place has been filled by Edwani Mawson. It ig reported from Europe thet Marc Klaw Erlanger has bought the American rights of Franz Lehat's 38,000 inhabitants, have touaht the eo Shuibert thes made afrangements efaet Weogwill has Gnally decided 1 is sald that New York is to have only playhouse im town and are going for the American rights to The Mi- to produce in America his latest play, permanent minst el theatre, which to run it on up-to-date ideas. i 4 iE i will be under the control of George the play bpeRachel Crothere in TU: Which is now Reing given at/ The Mert Religion, for which the 9 ose, Jemn a MeTutyre and) Thok: which Viele Allea is to eppeat is tha Olympia Theatre in London. He iq British censor refused a license. The truth, When the regular company i called The Hexfords. The heroine clso negotiating for Turandot, al censor s action was taken becanse ofon tour other minstrel companies like ee ? vo Quebec, Feb. 8, Great interest is . *liatest work, Eva the Factory Girl.' 9f the play is seulptor and thie) Chinese spectacular play now run- certain passages in the play which he those of George Evans, Lew Dock bene is fe one Ee ee cay nates See Titty, cleave citizens , of Story deals with ber love and am- the Deutsches Theatre in Sood im the light of religious cri- stader and Al G. Field will fll ex cally aa at this election, one seat will once. 178.24 Pittsfield, Mfass., a town of about bition. gegements there, sessessseees: sree ip eee eden e dete Sete eeetedegete eee eet re SSSesesess Seon oeetpsetosudetnecyestedeetoniedosiedeaetedgesetesfesrrergetesredl edocs ee Peet eee TP Oe oats Se oy 3 This year the WHEKLY NEWS is 3 3 : : et SSetses iss haste oe ooo eens Pee a stecfotesteay Peete osteo Sietoegeetestesy oy te aM geoeteted te fo 2 st tet * es segs PO Dee arenes Satactede ded Seafeato-efecgoate bet Sete ie foe in a position to offer its patrons some- thing abovethe ordinary in the way of a premium. For two dollars paid inad- vance you can secure the Weekly News for one year and a volume of 5S. tens Fe esos * iM featoe Seaieste were? oe te a Sos SSSEE23 oes Sresees e PEP detecreririrs ropes opeodes S335 SSSSSSS 333 : Seagesteie s *srher eet oes Re 3 pe epoitoetoie Seiidedes shooter svete she deorte ate tio etoete fo Roeieeioceeteeetoetetretestrtestedy rfestecitedioste oo eeteesie. s eeseeseessstseses: Re cibecrsgrer sede epee etpaeteeecodececrcecececececestnrc teers Compiled by J. S, Hodgins; V.S., honorary graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, and TH Baskett, secretaryof the Veterinary Science Company. : The-book contains-ever four hundred pages and deals exhaustively with the anatomy diseases and treatment of domestic animals, also containing a full description of medi- Ss cines and receipts. The book is now in its twentieth edition and is sold in the regular The supply is limited es Soafoeted 2 way for 1.50. No farmer or stockman should be without it. and -will doubtless be sold out early in the coming month. GET YOUR APPLICATION FOR A COPY IN EARLY REMEMBER 2.00 When Book is Ordered sent by mail, add 15c for postage. Se eos Se-aSo-ate ey So-eho-eks Ma aha aM Setoegostostocteetpetintertostostedtodte oespeegeatoatec eeeseee LEee ergo ooo oes Beeeeteooeles 2 dif es oo Seiten er so-4g Re e 2s oe feet Pe os lt;a gt; Seeeesssessssses Ree iontesss Sete eteehoeiotiestotiotios,
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Image 213 (1912-02-08), from microfilm reel 213, (CU1738547). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.