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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ary. 13th, 1912 nd his wife asleep He was too tired rk and he did not ent to the office a news room. or yourself said esaw tim. The jo in ind see him, id-us-an-almighty peen done; you're 0 cursed him bit- 1 of Fleet street, handing him the s letter. Chappell ng that the bill has p myself, He was No san lets this against him; knew pan cast away on t have been as ald trust him after nd read the official leave no loophdle. eed, the home they be scattered. He the men there all Record. 1 e said. You can looked at Moran, d quickly: Moran been somebody in were laughing at 2. He could hear - t. He went along ard the same sort gers. In the tube lse report that nis It seemed such Record had a repa- d of other papers, Now that it bad red. its pride in its +t back to: Charing Ife yet. She was. Now he had to tell ogied. At Charing had a brandy, and him more cheerful on followed. He aughing at iim ss 0 back to the office p-a better defence. considered. But would do no good. he door by the por- He wondered If ry in lien of notice. as-waiting for him. vould have taken it me he had a bottle containing cyanide. dy and went home. jd bim that a friend ye to a matinee to- - et. The maid. was anything but sober. along the passage room with a news strips-on-a-sheet-of intimation that the the premature pub- itroduce the official the House of Com- The message ended ows. Ten minutes out, this: In the remier, after ques- wernment proposed ization bill to-mor on the conduct of a cer cheer, and hurried vindicated you our report was. ald? Ob, yest He qd not conmrm-our was utterly unwar- rstand how such , and that, so far as rewas no basis for, nent may ever have donment of any de- ave originally been 1ps he won't returp to hike him for many , thene But I must pph-done. 1 wish his due. in on the tape was kiiown a Ww one A-iaes 6f prussic acid wf se Is supposed to be 7 HAY DAILY NEWS. eo .- Page? FAREWELL ECZEMA e DEL BALM en Conjunction With BELL S P.S.o 4. Mete A comprehensive book on the treativent telogiat, sent ss tovall sufferers upon request. Wi QUARANTEED UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION. travel ler should Reet es tor securely packed, ti ent of Kerema, rite to-day. BELL S P.S. o use it in the: Bath Siterreanes, and Vigoraten clesnece nnd purt lVersal rkin tonic, should be tm every home and every it au a safeguard against con- Any address, i forma of Skin Beuptio a jacovery. eat FE Zo valter the tortu in your owe, home by ny suffer longer? Order t Dor written and compiled by derma- f A. wermicide FREE CONSULTATION BY Dermatologists THE BELL REMEDY COMPANY ORlete 110 te T13 Somerset Bleck, Adjacent to Eaton's. PORTAGE AVENUE, RE a or Dun's WINNIPEG, MAN, LOOK A CHANCE TO ot New House, -six ooms and bath, for 2, a GOooD BUYS 2200.00 5 Roomed Brick Cottage. Ensy Terms. 8400, 7 Roomed House, Braemar, Easy Terms, ssrece, 7 Roomed Fully Modern House, Baleaeee Street. Easy Terms. 2400 00, 6 Roomed House, Mill Street, Easy mete: 8000.00, 6 Roomed House, Braemar Street.: Easy Terms, These are only a few of our List Call Jook them Over SHOE MACHINERY HEARING (Special to News). Washington, D. C., Feb. 13 Of In- terest alike to shoe manufacturers and makers of shoe machinery throughout the country is the hearing begun befor the House Judiciary Committee today on the two bills in troduced by Representative Thayer of Be Massachusetts intended-to prevent dis- eriminations in the sale or lease of machinery used ip the manufacture of shoes. The bills are aimed directly against the United Shoe Machinery Company, commonly called the shoe machinery trust, against whose offi- vers criminal action is pending In the Federal courts. The bills make it a criminal offense for any firm or in- dividual to place any restrictions up- on the free purchase and use of any tools, appliances or machinery used in the manufacture of shoes. Mr. J. E, Howson s wholesale and retail Mquor store is now located at 312 South Railway Street, three doors east of the Bank of Montreal. 172d2w. DOMINION COVT. ARRANGEMENTS 10 DISTRIBUTE SEED Farmers or Homesteaders who want Seed should Apply to Winnipeg at Once. In order to make use of seed grain available in frosted districts and to provide s ed to the homesteader at lowest cost, distribution will be done as follows wherever practicable: Every homesteader retiring seod grain must make application to Mr. J. Bruce Walker, commissioner of immigration, Winnipeg, stating the kind and amount of grain required. Hf seod grain of the kind the home steader requires, of desirable quality, can be purchased in his ncighborhood, the mau who has this grain for sale will be supplied with a list of the orders he is to fill together with jeux form; The homesteader im that neighborhood will call on the tan who owns the grain, present a. duplicate order from Mr. Walker, sign the lien and get the grain. The seller will then send the signed lien duly executed and witnessed to Mr. Walker, whereupom he will receive his cheque for the amoumt covered for the Hen. It will be weadily seen that im order to avoid delay ghd disap pointment, it is very important that Use papers be absolutely: cortect in Farmers and grein deales having seed arain for sale, amd homestraders. who intend to apply for government seed should write Mr. Walker at once im order that the work may be com pleted ,belore seeding, time. - OHIO FURNITURE DAYTON (Special to the News) Dayton, 0., Feb, 13 An tnusually fine programme has been arranged for the eighth annual convention of the Furniture Dealers Assotiatiot of Ohio which opened here today for a three days session, The headquarters of the convention are atthe Phillips House, Practically every large city in the State is represented by some of ts leading furniture men. February Sale Se /MUST PAY HCH No coloring matter in this tea, la the seventy. five have oy teas, you packed in ages with all the Until uy it ever how ewe LEGACY DUTY Duty on Land or Property Outside of Country must be Paid says Court. (W. . P. Cable.) London, Feb. 12. Legacy duty am- ig to 300,000 must be paid on guntin: the estate of the late Consuelo Du cery Division of the High Court of / Justice. The suit was brought in connectioo with the fortuna inherited Fermando by the LOTTELOOOOOED GEOOESEESOE OD GET THE HABIT PAY CASH AND SAVE MONEY Special Prices for Pay Week. Your Money's Worth or your Money Back. : : : : : Tea In bulk, Finest Orange Pekoe. Reg. price 500. per Ib. - Pay week price 40 , or 3. Ib for 1.10. Tea in bulk, regular price 40c. per 1b, Pay week price 35c. or 8 Ib for 1.00. Tea, Lock Brand, 8 tb tins. 1.00 Coffee, Tetley s Finest Mocha and Java. Regular 50c. per Ib. Pay week price 40c. or 3 i for 1.10. Coffee, Amber Brand, Regular 40c. per tb. Pay week price 30 . per Ib or 3:1 for 85c. Coffee, English Breakfast. Regular 30c. per Ib. 250. per Tb. Coffee, Crescent. Brand,, finest Mocha and Java. Regular 50c. per Ib. Pay week price 40c. or 3 tb for 1.16. Peaches, Rosedale Brand, (sliced) Iarge 8 Ib tins. Regular price ae 35 , - Pay week price 25. per tin or 2.85 per dozen. Peaches, Rosedale Brand (sliced) 2 T tins, Regular 25 . per tin, Pay week price 2 for 35c. or 1.85 per dozen. tes, large 3 Unis. Regular 85c. Pay week price 26 2.85 per dozen. Tb tins. Regular 35c. 3.40 per dozen, Apricots, 3 Ib tins. Regular 35c. per dozei Lombard Plums, 2 tb tins-Regular 20c. per can. Pay week price Regular price 1.25. Pay week price Pay week price Pay week price 30c. oF Pay week prite 25c. or 2.85 late Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester, who was. the daughter of Antonio Ysnaga de Valle of Louisiana und Retha Fermando left 5,000,000 to the Duchess and although the money was never brought to England, the British revenue authorities claimed the legacy duty which demand was resisted by the executors of the Du- chess will. At the first hearing the attomey for the Crown argues that the Br tish goverment had the right to collect legacy duty on personal. property si- tuated abroad belonging to anyouo, who died having been dotmiciled in Great Britain. The Court held that view andigave judgment to that ef- fect. ILLINOIS LIVE STOCK BREEDERS MEET Bloomington, Tl, Feb, 13 With an attendance larger than usual, the IN inois Live Stock Breeders association opened its seventeenth annual meet- Ing at the Coliseum in this city today and everything indicates that the three days s ssion will be eminently sue cessful and profitable to the attend- ing farmers and stock breders. The program includes addresses by noted authorities on live stock topics, lec tures and demonstrations on cattle tuberculosis and hog cholera by Dr: its opportunities Limits of an advertisement do not permit of mentioning all Therefore Kindly Remember ee piece, of Pacnituee 1s reduaed by one-fifth, All Oilcloths. bd Lnslcume ateredectd bye Eh AME Carpets and Sq ares. are reduced by one-fifth, Some things one- ahird off former prices. And a lot of things are reduced to one-half. Those who buy now will aks good investments. Beveridge s sale prices are ona fide (guaranteed) That's why there is no gt; place like Beveridge Ss. na Here's advice. that is 1s worth money to you, : Don't buy -a dollars worth of Furniture, Carpets or Linoleum without - seeing what we have to- offer, Responsible pee ean buy at our February Sale Pisces a by, pay- ing one- -third cash, ie will be arranged. to suit purchaser. A, T, -Peters, superintendent-of the State biological laboratory and Dr. H. R. Schwarz; the annual banquet ae Wednestlay evening and the usual stock judging contests for ore prizes by persons competing for x- pert certificates, IOWA RETAIL CLOTHIERS hundred members of the Iowa Retail Clothiers association are in attend- ance at the annual meeting of the or- ganization which opened here. today for a session extending over three days; The-local-members-of-the-as- * sociation have arranged an. elaborate and attractive program for this oc- casion, which includes a number of in- teresting addresses and th annual banquet to be held at the Wales Hotel GIFT OF A DYING TOT Savings of a Little Child Dying of Tubercular Trouble Goes to-Help the Consumptive Poor - * How true it is in many different walks of ifothat 1a littlechild shall lead them. We have beon shown copy of a letter written hy. lady of, St, John, N.B., who only inonth aga lont her Uttto child, a girl of nine years. of tuberoalar trouble. The mothor s own words tell the story better than it ext ho tokt-in-any-other way. She writes to the Secretary.of the Muskoke Free Hospi tor Consuinptives nt Urarenbarst in th words: * While my loved onie was ill, I iit opened sorpe literature from Nee - She asked me what it was e-askiig for sub jong to the Muskoks Frey Howpita or Conaumptives, and showed her th fictures in the pamphlet. She ax ho could not give what she had in itle savings bak. T'told her Yes to ive it to the doctor and be would send it ho wna too Rick when he came syain, exytesa order for the the bark, viz, 1.79 Subscription, bat trust you will vo We tn thewwpirit io which it war The letter is typical of many that ary constantly received at the head office the Muskoka Hospital, 3: st W., suroutn These cone from all parts of ruuda, for patients ure received from any- We the Dot 196 At the present time there sre iu residence in the Muskoka Free 198 of whom are unabie to pay a 4 gle cent, und: the ocher 28 only nominal ums much lees than actual cost of isioteWiance. - During the nine years that che Muskoka Free Hospital for Con- ve open, not a ningle races Bae Oe er coad slanees b per bottle. Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 13. Nearly five pationt has ever Pecauve unable to pay, - cans Yor 25c., or 1.40 per donen, Eougas, extra fine Peas in glass Uottles. Regular 85c. Pay week price'30c. per bottle. Fotigas, extra fine Mushrooms in glass bottles. Regular 75c. per bottle. Pay week price 50c. per bottle. Fougas. extra fine Asparagus in glass. -bottles. Regular 76e.-per , bottle, Pay week price 50c. per bottle: Olive Ol, finest in gallon cans, Regular -price 2.75. Pay week price 2.25 per gallon. : Olive Oil, large bottles. Regular 75c. per bottle. price 60c, per bottle. Maconochie s Pickles, large botiles, mixed and Chow. Regular price 35c. each. Pay week price 25c. each. Pickles, Dewar Watson Glasgow Pickles. Regular 35c. per bottle. Pay week:price 25c. per boottle. Pickles, Stephen s Mixed, large 40 oz. bottles. Regular price 40c: Pay week-price 30c, Sutton s Worcester Sauce. Regular 20c. per bottle, Price 2 bottles for 25c. Bracknell s Club Sauce. Regular price 35 . per bottle. week price 25c. per-bottle. rates 2 ss OPE errors drtetedes Pay week Pay week Pay Bromley s Coffee Essence. Large bottles. week price 80c.-per bottle. Sardines, Seabird Brand. Regular 15c. per can. 2 cans for 25c. Sardines, Crossed Fish. Regular 20c: percan. per can. or 7 for 1.00 Jelly Powders, MeLaren's Imperial, 3 packets for 25c. with glass dish given free or 85c. per dozen. Soap, Palit Naptha. Regular price 6 for 25c. 1 5 cartoons for 1.00, Soap, Santa Clans. Regular 4 squares. for 250. Pay week price Regular 35c. oe Pay s Pay week price seafood Pay week price i5 . 2 Soe ? Pay week price 6 for 250. Es Dustbane Sanitary Sweeping Compound. Large tind. Regular 4Sc. Pay week price 85 . per tin. shee Ponsa Shells and Grit. Regular 2.50 per 100 Ib. Pay week price 2.00 per wt. Velvet Gloss BootBlacking. Regular 25c. bottles. Pay week price 2 bottles for 35c. Jams,-Cairn s, large 7 Ib tins. Regular price 1.25. Pay week price 1.00 per can. Amonia Powder, large packages. Regular price 20c. 5 er packet: , Pay week price 16c. or 3 for 40 . de. Swifts, white Laundry Soap. Regular 5c. per cake. Pay wi price 6for 260. -Goods. Delivered to-Any-Part of the City, CoO TERMS CASH. - MORROW PHONE-477. NORTH RAILWAY ST. CONTRACTING CO. LTD. ffice and Factory, Esplanade. Phone 100 GEERAL BULDERS AND CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS SUP. PIES, PLANING MILL, HEAVY TEAMING. Spring will soon be here, If you anticipate erecting a house or dullding of any kind, let us give you a figure on the work. No matter how large or how small, we are here with the goods. We carry a full stock of builders supplies, Iumber, lime, sand, Gravel, Cement, wall plaster, window and door frames, sash and doors, all kinds of mouldings, etc,, etc. MILL WORK A SPECIALTY WE ALSO DO PAINTING, DECORATING AND SIGN PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, GET OUR PRICES Aves Your Wans No ne Ont Ns, ssa HP, Pickles. Regular price 5c. Pay week price 25c, 2. Dill. Pickles, large. Regular price c. per doz. Pay week price z 25 .. per doz. : ze *y intz Sweet Mixed and Sour. Regular 40. per quart. Pay-week price 0c. per quart. 4
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Image 245 (1912-02-13), from microfilm reel 245, (CU1738526). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.